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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 7

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THURDAY, SEPT. Sth, 1955 [SociaI & f[Personal Phone fMA 3-3303J Mrs. J. Flett has returned Dr.'-and Mrs. J. C. Bryce, troum a month's vacation at Susan, Sylvia and Jamie, Brant- Penelon Falls. ford, were holiday guests of her Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rundie and parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dean are holidaying on a motor Bower. trip tcd Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fitchett Mr. and Mrs. George Vice left and famiiy, Montreal, were for Virginia andi other U.S. weekend visitors with their Pointa on their annul vacation. aunts, Misses' Elizabeth and Miss Heather Bisonette of Carrne Painton. Cobourg is visiting her grand- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Mrs. Donald Rundie and Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myers, Mr.* and Mrs. Lorne Doreen Bowmanviile, were guests at and Lyhn spent the holida the Munn - Lees wedding in weekend with Mr. and Myrs. aF.TOha Doreen at Lake 'Placid, New Congratulations ta Mrs. Edith York. Ormiston, Bowmanville, who Mr.-and Mrs. Murray Grant will celebrate her 89th birth- have left for a trip to Wash- day on Sept. 8th. She is liv- ington, D.C., and New York ing with Mrs. Smythe O'Brien City, N.Y. on Queen St. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Papineau, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel G. Detroit, spent the weekend Darch, New York City, are with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton makmng their annual visit ta Papineau. his native-town and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke at Rev. Canon Robt. Allen, Oak- Port Bowmanville. ville, has been visiting his cous- ure ossigo rc "n, iss Mraret F. Allen, Colwelli Bowmanville; George "Dnurall", Bech ve. Blyth, Adrian Hayes and Dal- Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Alex- tan Fisher, Caesarea, sang at aider, Ottawa, were recent the morning service in Caes- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan area Church Sunday. Smith and Mrs. M. M. Gerry. Mrs. Everett Winacott, 95 On- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smale and tario Street, would like her tons Richard and Michael, City- friends and acquaintances ta view, spent the wveekend with know that she was not involved their mother, Mns. C. J. Smale. in a recent accideint in, whic.ha ST» JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 141h Aller Trinity 8:00 a.n.- HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH SOHOOL 10:00 a.m.-Seniors 11:00 a.m.-Juniors 11:00 am,- MORNING PRAYER 7:00 p.m.- EVENING FRAYER car collided witb a cbild. Scout Mothens' Auxiliany will meet an Wednesday, Sept. l4th at the Lions Centre at 2:30 p.m. Mothens interested in Scouts on Cubs please accept thîs as an invitation toa ttend the meeting. Lynda Monison, Bowman*. ville; Kcîth Hensley and Arth- un Yammer, Hampton, wene guests of Bruce and Linda Col- well Labour Dày weekend at their cottage, Hilltap House, at Cacsanea. Mn. and' Mns. R. Moffatt, Vincent and Gaîl, Wexford; Mn. and Mns. R. G. Natness, Keith and Susan, Mn. and Mrs. R. Allen, Peterborpugh, wene week- end visitons wftb Mn. and Mns. A. E. Motfatt. fMn. Ganry Humphneys, fonm- erly of Bowmanvillc, bas ne- turned tram Western Canada, whene he bas wonked as a sales- man. He is staying with bis ;St. PauI's United Church' Minister - Rev. 1-H A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. 'Reta Dudley,j A.T.C.M., L C C M. 9.50 am Ail Classes of fhe Sunday School meei Divine Worship and Dedicaiion of New Choir Chairs '7p.m. -% Divine Worship A WELCOME TO ALL Pentecostal Church. 21 Ontario Street North Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Sunday September llth 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.m REV. H. ADAMS a converted monk, founder and director of the Stouffville Evangelical Mission for convertéd monks and priests. 7 p.m. - The service will be held at St. Andrew's Church Corner Temperance and Church Streets under auspices of Bowmanville Pentecostal Church Rev. Adams has a wonderful story to, tel1 Don't fail to hear him Sunday, September 181h 7 p.m. - The pastor will speak on a very timely subject - "What the Bible Says About Strong Drink" Trinity Un ited Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - "A Living Church" 7 P.M. - "AÀ Boy and a, King" Saiday School Re-Opening il A.M. Nursery, Klndergarten and Primary Departments 12:15 P.M. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departmnents Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Iuncle, Mn. and, Mrs. Roy Can- nons, Maple Grave. Miss Nellie Burk, who has *been enjoying a manth's vaca- tion with her mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate, and sistei-, Miss Sybil Burk, has returned ta her duties as dietitian at Orillia Memonial Hospital. Holiday wcekend visitonswith Mn. and Mns. Pete Bradley wce Mn. Lloyd Bradley, Toronto; Mn. Clifford Punnett, Rochester, N.Y.; Mn. and Mrs. Wm..Chesten, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Arth- ur Redknap, Newtonvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Badgen and Mollieattcnded graduation exercises at the 'Peterboroughi Civic Hospital on Friday at whicb their niece, Miss Patti Badgen of Oillia, received hen diploma as a graduate nurse. Holiday visitons with Mr. and Mns. Henb Calmer were: Mn, and Mns. Jack Sargent, Mn. John Sargent, Bnockviile; Mns. H. Wilson, Edinbungh, Scatland. While hene they vis- iied the C.N.E. and Niagara Falls. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Invine and Shirley and Mrs. MeSad- yen wene in New Liskeard last week attending the funeral af Mrs. McSadyen's great- gnandchild, Barry Fielder, who was accidentally killed in an clevaton. Congratulations ta Janet Mc- Gregar and Elizabeth Prower, who led the graduàting class at Bowmanville High School this yean. Thein marks in the final exams are cetainly indicative of their ability and interest in their wonk. Miss McGregon had fine finsts and one second in her exams. Miss Prawen had eight firsts, one second and a credit. Two local boys were among the class of four who success- fully passed thein bronze med- allion (A Royal Life-Saving Awand) at Camp Samac, Osh- awa, lat Wednesday. Bruce Colwell of Bowmanville and Arthur Yammen of Hampton, have been attending classes twicc a week for the past twa months ini preparation for these tests.1 Mns. K. A. Cavenly and Mns. J. A. Cale have netunned fnom an extended trip ta the west coast where they visited the formen's daughten, Mrs. W. B. Sanvis, husband and family at Evenett, Washington; Dr. and Mns. Ewant Sarvis and Mns. L. Marshall, Bellingham, Wash. On the neturn trip they spent a day, with Dr. Gardon T. Souch and Mn. and Mns. M. H. Sauch and tamulies, Edmonton, Alta. Police Chief and Mns. Sydney Venton and son Donald have ne- tunned from holidays on Big Bob Lake in Halibunton. They hàd as thein guest fan the Labour Day weekend, Geoffney Rickard of Green St., Green, Kent, England. Mn. Rickand is the son of Mn. Venton's youngest sister and anived in Canada ne- cently via New York and Bos- ton and will be an exchange teachen this tenm in Long Bnanch. Mns. William J. Henry, Court- ice, was hostess recently at an evening panty hononing Miss Bennice Langmaid and Mn. Ralph Found wbase manniage took place Satunday. Guests includ- cd membens of the Junior Cham- ber of Commence and Jaycettes. During the evening a presenta- tion of a coffee warmen was made and congratulations and best wishes extended ta the pop- ulan pair. Over $10,000 Received By Town Council A cheque for $10,277.75 was received tramn the provincial government by Bowmanville Town Council at the negular meeting Tuesday night. This sum n epresents 'the town's per capita grant for 1955 based on a population of 5,873. The letter accompanying the cheque painted out that if Bowmanville's population had incneased by 7 pen cent aven 1953 figures, the town could appeal for a highen grant. Town Clenk Alick Lyle stated howeven, that the present pop- ulation for assessment purposes is 6,101, wbich is under the 7 per cent increase nequired fan a higher grant. He pnophesied that by next yean the popula- tion wauld have incneased ta the point where a higher grant can be obtained. Sidewalks (Cantinued tram Page One) the United Counties in thein ap- peal against the use of thein 1954 assessments fon this year's taxes ton counties purposes. Mn. Honey asked that the Bowman- ville Assessor be present at the hearing in Port Hope on Sep- tember 26 and bring the 1954 tax roll for Bowmanville. A caunty judge will hean the appeals. Deputy-Reevc Wilfrid Car- ruthens repôrted that the f in- ance committee of cauncil had met witb Mn. Stnike regarding the heaning o! the appeals. Mn, ,Stnike will nepresent thç9 town at the hearing and will-Vnrepare a holding bnief, the Deputy- Reeve said. Assessar Clarence Oke will also attend. Bowman- ville is not appealing the use of its 1954 assessment for Counties' tax rate, purposes but only' the $ 178,000 difference betwecn the Counties' figures of $6,535,000 and the tawn's own assessment figures of $6,357,000. Receive Letter of Thanks A letter o! thanks was rcceiv- cd tram W. G. Powell o!f, the Lake Ontario Regian Develap- ment Association fan the $400 mcmbcnship tee receivcd tram Bowmanville. Council accepted the resigna- tion of Lionel Parker as Kins- men Club representative on the Anena Managenent Committe and appnoved the appointment o! Kin Jack Landen in bis place. eThe K *insmen Club wvas grant- da miso hold a tag day on Fndyee=g and Saturday o " aweekL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA4NVILLE. ONTARIO Keeping the Town Cleaon During Past. Eight Years One of the -most farniliar sights on Bowxnanville's main streets during the past eight years has been the Ican figura of Charlie Burgess wielding his long-handled broom on pushing the two-whecled cant in which be depasits thc debris be has wept up tram the tawn's thoroughfares. The 76-year-old street sweep- en of the Roads & Streets De- partment is knawn ta evcry- anc, arnd it is due mainly ta bis efforts that Bowmanville bas the reputation of being anc of the cleanest towns alang the lakeshone. Evcny wcek-day marning finds.Chanlie bard at work by 6:30 a'c]ock on his job af manicuring bath sides of King St., the town's "main stem!' He cleans King St. eveny day and covers ail the central residential streets such as Chunch, Qucen, Silven, Tem- penance and Division, once a week. At 3:30 p.m. his day's work is finisbed unlcss be' is working witlu the other mem- bers of the Roads & Streets crew, in which case be puts ini an extra half-hour of wark. Parked Cars Give Trouble The veteran street sweepen begins at the èarly houn of 6:301 a.m. in onden ta getý the main street swept befone thne are many cars parked on it. if thene arc cans parked on sec-' Ground Observer Job Open for Volunteers' Council is Informed Two owners of pnivate pro- perties were deeded parts of unused road allowances by Town Council on Tuesday night subject ta the approval of the Bawman- ville Planning and Development Board. Mrs. Evaline Hynds, formerly of Bolton, but who now wishes 1to accupy hen bouse at il Chapel St., asked that she be deeded the unopened rpad 'allowance 'of Colemnan St. east of Chapel St., which would extend Coleman St. into the Vanstone Creek ravine if it were opened. Her son-in-law, Robent Kent, ex- plained that Mrs. Hynlds' house is built partly on this road ai- lowance and she does not feel like making the needed extens- ive nepairs ta the hause withaut owning the land on which it stands. Mayor Nelson Osborne stated there xvas littie likelihoad that the Coleman St. roàd allawance wauld ever be opened. A mo- tion by Caunt. Jack Bnaugh was passed that a deed for the pro- perty be turned aven ta Mns. Hynds by the tawn for, $1,00, subject ta the appraval of the Planning and Development Board. »iscips Orchardview. Blvd. A request was neceived from J. J. Flett that one foot of the raad allawance at the south end of Onchandview Boulevard be conveyed back ta him at no cast ta the town. It was paintcd out that thene is no need for Orch- ardview ta be extended funther south as the area is served adequately by Flett St. * and Simpson Avenue, and that an extensian of Orchandview wauld cut between William Lycett's house and barn. This request xvas gnanted subject ta the ap- praval of the Planning Board. Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- ruthers neported that the finance committee had met with the P. UC. çoncerning the rèquest of, the Northumberland and Dur- ham H-ealth Unit that caunicil recansider its decisian nat ta put in a sewen along Liberty St. N. (Manvers Road). He stated that the finance cammittee and P.U.C. stili find it econamically unfeasable ta build such a sewen at the present time. "If the septic tanks on Meadowview Boulevard are nat aperating pnaperly At is up ta the Health Unit ta sce that they do," he assented. His motion that na action be taken on installing a sewer an Liberty Street N. was. passed by council. Invest Cemetery Surplus He also nepanted that there is aven $3.000 in the Bawmanville Cemetery fund %which the Town Clerk felt shauld be invested. A motian was passed that the fin- ance comnmittec and clerk be empowened ta invest this money in gavernment bonds ta the best advantage. Chairman Jack Bnough of the Fine Comroittee said that the Bell Telephone Company have flot yet sent a representative ta discuss the matter of placing fire alarn boxes on telephone poles with the fine cammittee. He asked that since the fireman who had agneed sanie months aga ta construct a sign for the Fine Hall bas flot yet donc so, he be given permission ta have the sign buiît elsewhere. This permission was granted. Hait of the $50 received fnom calîs ta fines autside the municipality during August was tunned aven ta the Fine Department,. DeputY-Reeve Canruthers cam- mendcd the 13alicie committcc fon getting new stneet signs crected. Chairman Tom Rehder stated that aW few more may be ordened if the present supp]y is a little short. Chairman Glen Landen of the Civic and Relief Cammittec ne- ponted that -he is having dit- ficulty getting someone ta take the place of Bob Stocker as Chief Gnound Observer in Bow- manville's civil defence set-up, and the job is open for volun- teers. tions of the street wliich he bas not yet cleaned, howeyer, he has otten been known té go in the nestâurants and stores and bning out the oWners 1 move thcm 50 hle can finish 'bis job. Chanlie is tha'nkful fan two tJiings - finst, that lie bas not had an accident an becun stnuck by a car in the, eight years sine be has been on the job,; and second;- that the car had rcplaced the hanse by the time bie taQk the job aven. Mr. Burgess was hired for his' present job by Turney A. "Tim" Ganton, who was for. miany yeans Chainman of the Roads & Streets Committee of Town Council. He necalîs that Mn. Ganton passed away short- ly afte hiring hlm and thgt an bis first day at wonk he at- tended the vetenan councillor's funeral. Mn. Burgess' prede- cessor in the street clcaning job was Dave McKnigbt, and before that it was, held fan many yeans by George Wright- man who was a well known "characten" ta the older rcsid- ents of the town. Son of Toîl Gate Keeper Mn. Burgess is a son of anc of the old pioneering couples of Durham; William Burgess and his wife, who was the former Kathenine " Cassie " Hooey of Blackstock. His par- ents lived at "the toll-gate PAGE ED Faithful Town- Employee bouse" on the hili two and'a hait miles north of Bowman- ville on the Scugog Road whene the refonestation proWet was started in 1922. "The toîl- gate bouse" dcniv'd its name tram a toil-gate acnoss this road which was tcnded by Wîl- liam Burgess. Here buggoies, cutters, wagons and bob-' sleighs using the road between Bowmanville a n d , Çaesarea were stopped and the drivers Iwere chargcd about 10 cents. for the privilege of using the road. .William Burgess was the last keeper of the taîl-gate. He passed away when Charlie was in his early teens and his mother then mavcd ta Hamp- ton. Charlie was the young- est of four boys born to Mn. and Mns. William Burgess. The oldcst boy was Will, the ;sec- ond brother was Lew, and the third was Herb. The boys went ta scbaol at Salem, and Charlie recalis the bis teacher thene was A. J. H. Strike, father of W. Ross Stnike, Q.C., who Inter became a Methodist minister. As a young man Chanlie went ta work às .-a farm band for Squire JameE Brown on the aId Màrvii, Bunkc farm on the Base Line. i was -employed at farm wark most of his lite and stili keeps his hand in by naising pigs a n his place at Westmaunt, nonth of the C.P.R. tracks in back, of the home, of Fred C. yanstone. A LITTLE TE DEUM My joy is in the simple things, The things I understand; The crystal melady of minth A friendly outstretched hand. A flaming lily in the woods, The daisies white and sweet, Blue violets hidden in the grass, And claver at my feet. I find my joy in common things Our home so snug ançi small, The cups and plates and fur- nishings, And pictures on the wall. Good tasting food, the smell ot wood,4 An houn ta dneam or nod, And at the end of twilight's calm A quiet time witb God. "Effie Butler" Stankville, Ont. A million Canadians depend in wholç or in part on the pro- duction of pulp and paper fer thein livelihood. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ad..ndn'SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEKà I E VE10P E I school Time Specials and other Needs W& ~ W1 ZIPPER BINDERF' DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSU q.*2-inch Rings SPECIÀL 1 C OS T N O M OR E! * Heavy Zipper Two regular 29c nylon49 *Trigger Closure rebuhsfrol Wide Tapes,* 2 Pockets 329 alu.2.98ECLIPSE FOUNTAIN PENS 4/ 1.00 to 1.95 value «IVacmaster" Special --------------------59e ....... VACUUM BOTTLES __________ Canadian make, 15-oz. bottleSPCA i 98 wih ra pse ape CLEANOR TOOTH BRUSH .4.2611 . 98cvalue -Special -----79e ......Ro.... tyewith nylon Special on I.D.A. Brand Bristles --- ---- 2 for 23e . ......SPOT REMOVER ...... ý 4 oz., regular 40ec-------- 33e IDABRN PNCL ... ... 10 oz., regular 75e -- - 59e ASFLSav3'. LUNCH.1 KITS6Bronchida Cough Syrup 75e fi ave15e$111 $126For HAY FEVER take Wýax Paper, 100 f t. roll 29e KODAK FILMS Idaphedrin NASAL SPRAY Shave Cream--------------- 49e 42c 47c etc. 2Occ squeeze bottle ----95e Tooth Faste ----- 32, 57c (.ocoanui Oit Shampoo - 39c 8 oz. -Regulan 49e JOHSO'sCold Cream (EVELYN HOWARD) 69c For i Oc otpit o 1 pouind jar Regular 89e aane Rubber Goods Vitamins oNfRUft âAU Ji OH NSO0N'S WATERPROOF LDA.ese ad Ftn es T Brand ' essenI.A. BinraandFtns AD H IVET 'Utility Vitamins, 100's --------4.50 0 STICKS SETTER "WATE1I Cod Liver Oil Capsules PESN * LATS LNGERBOT LS 100's ------ - - 11 Sf ZE FOR Reg.1.79 -- - 1.29- -- Cod Liver01 B.P. Standard TCIG ---~- EVERY ________________ 16 oz.--- ------ ---------..89clTSTN EVRYNED.I.D.A. Dependable" Idamait - Extract of Malt Hot Water Bottie 2.19 and Cod Liver Oil- Baby Hot Water 75c, 1.29, 2.29 Botties 1.69, 1.75, 1.89 up Halibut Liver Capsules- Combînation Attachment 1.15, 2.29, 4.-29 L EX Sets - ------- 59c, 1.05 up Geritol-Tablets andK 'Your I.D.A. Druggist Liquid _ ý-__ 3.29, 5.49 c an Also Supply"- Mead's Mulin- De Viblss Atamizens 4 oz. 1.50. 8 oz. 2.7 ......Breast Puunps Meàd's Poly-VI-Sol- Crib Sneeting j 0N g4SON M'S Ice Bags, Caps and Colla Rubber Gloves ~4y/o/i2nIiivalid Rings iolo Feminine Syringes Fountain Syringes /W/y/0,Infant and Aduit IN A NUEW Rectal Syringes UNIREAKAIBLJ Rubber Tubing JM-AS17CEar and Ulcer Syringes 'QI"EZE*OmE1 Heafing Pads - 5ETAIL 0 PR E Face-Elle - - In th voids - - - lar le Pink One-A-Day Multiplate Vitamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 One-A-Day A & D1 Tablets - -- 1.35, 2.50: Scott's Emufsioni 1.00, 2.00 Scott's Emulsion Caps -- .----- - 1.65, 3.001 Wampole's Ced Liver ' Extract -- --------------- 1.351I 50FTER STRONGERt WIIITERt 4.95, 6.95, 7.95 up IM II k 23c, 2 Fa? 45c 01.C"KASUop box mOOhsms6o/"zYft - 25c, 1.25, 2.75: 11111 rv Cfliorophyl Tablets 20c 35c PRESCRIMTIONS A SPECIALTY Aile x. We Deliver Ml'cGr egr YourLocal I.DA Drug, Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792, -1, 'w bà' -------------------- Pictured abave with the tools of his trade as strèet sweeper of the Tawn of Bowmanville is Chanlie Burgess, wvho * has held the job for the past eight years. The 76- year-old employee of .the'Roads and Streets Department is a familiar sight on the main street of Bowmanville, which he sweeps every monning. Mr. Burgess also sweeps the residential streets in the central portion of the town once a week, and the fine job he does has given Bowman-ý ville the reputatian of being anc of the cleanest towns on the Lakeshore.. -Photo by Unr. L. B. WilliamS el b

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