qi~ I~WArAW UTATESUDA W BOWIAx - -NAP ~1 r.. *boys, Toronto, spent the week- 1 ROBIN HOOD WHITE and CHOCOLATE g - ~end with Mm. and Mrs. David i PPlC SL anywh.re un your home for... less thn Mlom.1n RIESL The Trustees of the school l' were sénry ta reccive Mr. CÀm l .hf,4 c l Workman's resignatian as musuc ~ r"dey' teacher of Haydan Schoolb RED & WHITE - 2-oz. jar N cause cf his health. Mn. and Mn.. Bert Ashton S and family have retunned ta INf NT O FIE.57 Toronto having spent the um~- KEEN'S 0o. 8oz mer holidays at their cottage.L Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm attended the Exhibition ouiR q S AR 9 1 Miss Margot Rankine hadaj PUFFY POP - New pop Up carton ThE CUcorn roat on Suinday eveninN 30 guests attended from u R skillen, Bowmanville. Hifmp- i PC U -39 ton, the aduits attqnding wene 4 ..i eXTNSOrN alloestme, m- fo W*ta grai. - If youhave tw or ammesDr. and Mrs. W.-*Corrigan andlnhalorDmuv eefflteIqpm sPot la yer Mr. and .Mrs rdAshton, Tor-us ~ y ETNINsoatmstops and enorgy; provide privacy. hm r _ onto. Srie ilCEAN ho20-oz. s ;;.in the basement Iaundry, workshop or piayroom- ir@ euIychorgod for » hak I rig Sr 25e For20oz EXTENSIONS ore coovenient, momimg, noon 'and nghtl 1 loim Cle..CORNUin 2 3c The enslavmentcf man la not lt' H Il'E ni.At. 20-oz. 2 For 937c Coi W TeIhne Iesla5 es fief« asUNlmmdiots lstallcatlen ilegitimate. It will cease when i 5.)tin u 'I N Col!,man enters into his heritage of> fre edom, his God-given,.domîn -_____________________j______ ionaver the materia. fl ras- _______________________ ba Baker Eddy, _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Instructor Expli s Why r tAlay upiseci BLACKSTOCK ENNISKJLLEN. Laaaldo eaie down or pushed and stunned Paul, and Carol Rahm hoi-! Mr. and Mrs. Ken LamPr Miss Joan Hobbs, for the past R ed C ross Sw ~'n C lasses in filled rubber waàding pools dayed last week with Mr. and Credit, '-isited Mr. and Mi. usoaBch n, Red Crss Sw m Clases hree sont eh Inthe saff ni and other areas can drown. Mrs. Arthurý Rahm, Tyrone. Lorne Lamb. hurst, is spending a week's holi- (Bill Bagneil, the instructar <e) Experience has .eIhown Playing on the shore of 'a Mrs. Joiýn McKee has return- Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton and day at home, before returning to Who trained the younig swim- that no pupil should attempt lalte where increàsed outboard ed fromn a visit in Fenelan Clarence, Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Toronto Teachers' College for mers from the Department of the final test unless they have boats are on the move is dan- Falls.* Miss Laverne Orchard, were the second year of the two year Recreation's playgroundq dur- attended a reasonaple number geraus. Waves can be. created ran Ms, evy Ga-iitsa r.nd r.Dol.cus. ~Ing theèir course at the Trai.ning of classes. One may be &. strang to wash a child framn a dock or Mar.a tndaymrs MrnnG -ith arbs.a r n r.Dnl ore School pool this summer, ex- swimmer and parents may feel1 upset him near shore and in a etMna orîgwtiLms Mr. and'Mrs. Ross Wright and1 plains the purposes of the Red thth rseshudb bi falling t*v cannat always re- Mt. a*1 Mrs. Richard Bawmer. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and famn- family, Newcastle, with Mr. and Cros ouse ad onme t nthaa e trse s buthe ese gain their 'feet. Fenelon- Falls, for a trip out ily spent' the weekend at Cor- Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt and Mr. the value of such training, and down by Red Cross experts are (2) Do not allow children in ct dv ins n Ms .1isn on the particular course which ta be done in orthodox fashion boats without proper life jac- Mrs, Dolly Gibson. Osham, Miss Teresa Boon, Coaksviîîc, Mr. and Mns. A. L. Wearn and9 he instructed during this sum- and unless thcy are seen, di.,- kets if they cannat swim. with Mr. and Mrs. Ceciu Ham- spent the weekend with Mr. and family wene Sunday visitors at mner.) , cussed and practiced, one can. (3) Do not overload a boat ilton for the weekend. Thev Mrs. F. W. Werýy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pannotts,1 (1) Attendance during _e; flot pass them. Further they or foo]ishly mave around wvhile ail attended a barbaque and Mr. Ken Kelly, Bowmanville; ChaIk Lake.1 weeks must be 85 per cent in stress safety first. last and ai. paddling. rowing or motoring*. corn roast at Birch Island, View Mn. Bert Werrv accampanied Mr. and Mrs. C. Mils, Port order to get a reasonable ways and what ta do in emer- 392 persans who drowned in Lake, on Saturday night. Mrs. H. Milis, Shirley, Chester Perry, spent a few days withj amaunt of details across to the genicies ta save a life, save their 1954 were aven 23 s'ears oId The Farmérs' Union held a. and Bruce, xvho visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. child.- own life etc.,,in a variety ci and 97 per cec.t could have conn raast 'at the President' and Mrs. Ed. Jennings and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Norman -Wilson <2 istfu wesar otsituations. beén avaided with correct Doug Mackie's farm last Fni- lly at Acton. and Kerny wcrc recent visitors (2morttfoulern exkact mot Parents should be encoura- knawledge. day evening. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfc, of George Wilsons and Jim imprtat't lern xac meh. t' (6) In aur tawn as in others Nearly everyone arudMpeGoe iBret fTrno ods for doing tests-and practrce cd ahead of thein children 0 t he Red Cm around Maple Grav qe r ecent callers ants fTrno therc in between. Last two know water safety rules and asParmi rd went to the Port Perny Fair at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick wces ae eviwig ad t3t ho t an wht a d i tuneually catching up an the ma- on Monday. Mr. Harold Spry, Roches'ter, were with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Peth- Ingof-ned.and press Autlets and last buit Last Wednesday cvening in N.Y., spent the weckend with ick, Barrie. (3) Imortanc of Rd Cros Ten fet frm safey is the Communityy acHallprgMr. aendoMr.itandllMrs.anE. MWriadht.sMr. Wandt.MM.sanAibentAber keOewere i>)Ipra mo e rs en editet romayes h p-articieanst b ctua prarantsMns. Jim Emertan (Ethel 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fengusan visitors of Mr. and Mns. W. Sàn- (a) ,To prevent an accident wherc people dnown. Mast acci- as time goes an. Many of aur Waad) were given a party in were -visitars with Mr. and Mns. dersan, Columbu§. occurringý by using common dents we, see every day and former pupils'are now manried hanor ~of their recent marriage. L. Wm-'kwarth, Lefrav. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Adair, sense. 1 1 numeraus weekend fatalities and have children And we feel Mr. Howard Saywell was chair- Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Taronto, with Mn. and Mis. H. <b) To be able ta hèlp a per- cauld no doubt have been av-. that Mr. and Mrs. Average Citi- man for, the interesting pro- Oshawa, were 'Sunday visitars Grubb. son in distress witbôtït delay erted by: zen are, becaming water safety gram. On behaîf of his Black- af Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters, and without gaing into ýthe wa* (1) Using cammon sense. conscious. stock friends Mr. Saywelî pre- Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickey Gail and Darlene, Bawmanville; ter unless qualified and as a (2) Knowing what ta do.via In clasing we summerize the sented the groom and his bride anid Johnnie McCallum spent the Miss Ruby Vintue. Toronto, laSt nesart. . Water Safety Knawlcdge. swimming program as fallows: with a cauch and mirnar. His weelçend with her parents, Mr. were with Mn. and Mrs. Ralph (c> Knowing what ta do ta (3)ýKncwing haw ta swxm. Tadpoles, Beginners. Juniarg, I fellow- workems at the Wallace and Airs. Moore. Virtue. prEvent tragedy when in a wa* (4) Knowing how ta rèscue Intermediates, Seniorý. Marlow Ca. Ltd. gave them a Miss Ethel Patter, Toronto,, Mr. and Mms. George Bradley tcr ernergency. au assist tired swimrners: (a) Numnber of pupils enrolled 425 1card table and table lamp. called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. and George, Burwash, have left (d) Awards gained are sec- Back ta shore or wharf. bv Number of successful test- Jimmie and Ethel ýwere ex- Moore on Sundav.1 aftcr holidi4ývs with Mn. and Mrs. ondamv. Knowledge of Water knawing vaniaus. articles of 3ýi ers. . -- 2261 tremnely delighted an d grateful Mr. and Ms M. J. Hlobbs and J. Griffin ta visit relatives in Safety and Artificial Respira- sistance and how ta use thema; L _____________________---_-_-----_-__1_for_____________and________ tion at Int. and Sm. levels are (b) Back ta a boat and stav 'sccssu tst267,--~ o their ifs vand the first. ith it till- help arrivés. 1Otofteoiinl45.267Ethen d fn ccn vrl uch. qbtRdainn ws is fine but (5) Parents who have îost a' uto th ogal 425,.8 pleasant evening. teRdCosAssociation dmes chtld bN, assumin-that the hoeiy erUanieiteugd , C8vey riishi Wpie iAnn flot hold a child back the fol- df water or area. in which the-, were hit and miss types. Britied Cm irech W.A. ]~wng ear ifsay aJr.teser re laingcoud nt hrm The latter figure wvas pnabab- Mrs. Carl McLaughlin was. failed. he or she can ànd shou&d them are ual entirely ta blamne. n-lv ldtayseve ralmhîng , uc'<- h stess ttesdUnite hrch try the next step. namnelv Int. We Red Cross Instructars have 1ness. al iidavs aayand towon bu A. ast uesday afls ector Failing this the Jr. award mav flot reached far enough, ahead ca18 s arwi msand saabt xvihrthie, presidn.Ms.Htr be given automatically if the in aur program. Parents who in 5 sfrtomaya o~ hrtigpeiig examiner feels that a reasan- past years have not had thc ends. The Red Cross Programn The 'devotianal was W-Il'; e ably good attempt was mad,. privilege of the excellent ap- could use the very valuabie given by Mrs. Clarence Marlow for the Int. test and the stu- portunity that this town and ti me spent on pupils whose par- using as her theme 'Mottoes.* dent appeared ta have given thousands of others are giving ensye-te would flot re The roll call was answered by same indication of having ab- their chiîdren must be reach., bl acopee h rann the 23 members present. adbe tested. The small fry of h aisdcddt bvaO e oe 1t sorbed instructions. somehow ta avert furth prilsixuî ealoedtTttn eeradesecied acuum aCopSh e and these ai-e very important GnrlEeti aumcen .1iittle people ta get water saft"- mfrtecucadanw - cnscaus Thn 10 mredust mop has alreadv bepn, Ç e t4 Je tm could b s en toan more bought. Several thank you m EC et est . umbers in the Beginners, Jun- ntsfrfutwr ed jrs and Intermediates ani1 The Bay of Quinte W.A. wvith Senior groups who were in, Conference is ta be heîd atST R E tending ta complete the course Quin-Mo-Lac Camp, Madac, on ipass or fail. Sept. 26th and a motion wis passed ta pay travelling ex-SE Roge s M iestc ipenses of two delegates. Rogers Majestic BURKETON Conveners names were drawn PAST SH P TRE &SUPER M TELE VISIO N TeVariety Concert on Sept. Fallinacharge f r.Mgrahn. r- 1Itwas very weil attended with A. W. Wright ead "My Moth- I PA S T SH À RE & V Chosefrm! Rev. R. B. Green as chaimman. er' written bv a boy. Mri. Chooe frm aMn. M. McCoy rendered twa Wesley Beacoc'k read "When large selection of acordion solos, Miss Dianne1 You Get ,ta Know a' Feller."eii Jones sang three solos, Mr. M. Mrc. Carl' McLaughlin had a sizes and models j acov vocal sala; reading by contest 'Le:ters ,of the Alpha- Mrs. Davey, Mrs. J. Rogers, bet." Mrs. Fred Trewin a Ohwtwa sacred solos; Mr.m adn Go anr. r. Aluminized Tubes Rogers played twa accondion M. Graham a reading "The: selections, Mrs.. Montgomery, Faim." There were thirty ladies Brooklin, sang anud played sev- and ten children present and NEW EXCITING ea ubr:Rnl ue c a social timne xas enjoyed after cordion selections; Alan., Bailey' the meeting. LIVE PERFORMANCE and Miss Jean Thompson, duet ________ an mouth argan and guitar: Miss Most Popular for Juice and Eating -252's- Doz. Lois Ashton, Enniskillen, piano solo; Enniskillen Maie Quartet HAYDONI- rendemed two Hnoalenm Sunkist O.ranaes 36c« Buy Rogers MaJestio bers with Mms. Edgar Wright at Mrs. J. Martyti and family, piano. Lynch was served ta the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, -talent and friends. A'vote ofi Bowmian-ville; Mn. and Mrs. California's Finest - Red Malagas ~ I thanks was moved bv Rex'. iArthur Smith, Raglan, visited M a s o OL uareen toalal thos*who had heîp- 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. e ed make the concert a success. Mr. .AdesnBo a- 1Jnaep , et.4h, Paulit ville at Mn. and Mms, Arthur r i e b.I 5 H ARD'W ARE Mos e h eehnan ason ch risten- rýi'.BafrdF o ag cd. rdSehnwscrse1 Miss *Jean Betim spent aBrfrd insNoI-Lag MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King st. E. . Mn. and Mrs. Sheehàn and1 week with Mm. and Mrs. George c~m Mn. arVd Mrs. Hanthorn, grand- Bertrim. Oshawa. Birdie Ben,- Cooking -' ons Ibs. 17fc parents, attended the service. rim sperit Thursday with themi Mr. and Mrs. W.'-Blackburn and familyý Mms. T. Cawling, im and Fresh - Holland Marsh Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton, 1 Salem; Mns. M. Blackburn at-, t 20-oz. tended a picnic at Oshaw a LI1EL/I Bag9Co Park.4 W.A. September meeting will Ontario Firmn and Crisp- Firm Heads W hy run fo thebe held in the church an Thurs .. f»~day evening. Salem, Tyron L and Enniskillen W.A.'s are un-c uo~ ea.l c vited. M~iss Mamie Ferguson, Bowmanville, will give a talk___________________________ ~ .> Jon hem trip ta Ottawa. Mr. and Mms. H. VanHeuvel- FROZEN F 00D S * en and family have maved into - roams at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Dmnsel e Beef ies, 8 oz. size ~ 29C Mrs. Delbert Myles, Oro:no Foi a Breakfast Treat Serve * rs. Henry Smith and BarxSmuith's Grape Juice, 6 oz. tin 2 for 39c -Gravenhurt, visited Mrs.' W_____________________________ Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J Rumack, Seigel & Company Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Mns. Verna Wood, Toronto; Mn. Joe Switzer, Cleve- land, Ohio, were -guests cf Mn. and Mrs. »S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Virtue visited Mn. and Mrs. Jim Bail, Onono. Mr. -and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Grant and Betty Jane wene dîn- nen guests cf Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Werry's. - Mr. and Mns. C. B. Wagg, Ux- bridge, wcne Labor Day vWstons of Mn. and Mns. A. L. weann. Miss- Linda Stainton and brother David* spent a week's holidays in Torqnto. .Mn. and Mrs. Jess Morgan and familv, Brantford, Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, were Labor- Day visitons at Mn. and Mrs. John 'E. Griffin's. -Mrs. Bennett bas remained for a few 147 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ontario RESIDENT PARTNERS:' J. Rumack, C.A. W. L. Seigel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. A. Mandel, C.A. MONGOL (H.B. Lead) EIEAD PENCILS' 'ONETTE (For Children) HaePrmet 1.75 7ICK'S VAPRG RUB J "HILLIPS -12-oz. ;OXZEMA KIN CREAN isierine Anliseptic Chartered Accountants EMpire 6-4643-4 Liceased Trustes ini Binkruptey J. Rumack ,rware 5a.c ar 53c 2,2-OZ. Jar 1 r are s a Red & White Store near you 55C 65C r7 - RE BOWMÀNVI LLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteriaý ORONO Cornish Marketeria - - - - - .- - - -. - ,". .- .., --- - .- PAGE EIGMT, Libety will flot descend. to a- people; a people must raise themselves to lit)erty. It is a blessing that must be earned be- fore it can be enjoyed.-An- onymous. Oshawa Neomorial Service Natural atone monuments markers and corner atones No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 mNILU VAU L 52.50 l WITH IVERY $3.00 MIJUCIAS r7ke9Yt#tv vVHITE TO-DAY & EVERY DAY Swift's Branded Beef - Boneless Round SteakIb459 or Roast Pork Butt Roaist lb. 5 9c Boneless Swift's Brookfield - 1-lb. -Cello Pure, Pork Sausaige, 45 c Swift's Premium- Rindless - Sliced Side -Bacon 2-35 Swift's Premium FRANKS Cello 3 7c Back to.School Needs (12 Cray~ons Coloured) CRA 'YOLA CRAYONS 1lOc (Grip Spread Applier) LePAGE'S MUCILAGE i c W.ATERMAN'S INKBottîe 2 5 c Box of 100 - Linen EIEINFORCEMENTS 2forl,5c emowàii 1 - t, TM r-4NAnTAw otorà"-euàv làmungAmqy VU - e 3-oz. - i --dAp -1