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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 10

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PAGE TEX TH CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'I'T.rTrDn AV ~l'~9~ i K41~ &êi.m A CA~.JCJfl A, hJ4A A. fl,.~ NOUS Central 'Public School, Teaching Staff Back row, left to right: -A. M. Thompson, supervis- and 6. Front row: Mrs. P. Cowan, grades 5 and 6; Miss S ing principal; T. Turner, principal, grade 8; Miss M. Cole, R. Morrow, grades 1 and 2; Miss A. Carruthers, grades grade 1; Miss L. Bragg, grade 4; Miss M. MeGregor, grades 2 and 3; Miss V. Bunner, grade 3; Miss G. Bartlett, Kinder- 4 and .5; P. Cowail, grades 7 and 8; D. Kennedy, grades 5 garten; Mrs. H. Philp, grade 7; Miss M. Hall, grade 2. -Photo by Carson Studio. Port Hope Vicet Massey Public School Teaching Staff Lef t to right: A. Merkley, principal, grades 5 and 6; Miss D. Mann, grades 3 a Miss J. Hodgkinsori, grade 3; Miss M. Pascoe, Kindergarten; Miss M. Cooper, grade 2. îBETHANY The school tenm opened in Bethany with ton beginners, xnaking a total of sixty pupils thi ear The new teachen in tejunior roomn is Miss Carol Hopkinson of Pictot), who grad- uated last ye ar from Peterbor- ough Normal. Mr'. and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds retureLi on Friday from a mo- tor trip tc Fredericton, N.B. Mr. and'Mrs. Cecil MeGilI of Tor(,L îu. woxe goests with Mr. and Mrs. James MeKinnon cuiriut he past week. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Eaile and thoir children. Judy and Shane of Islington, spent last week- end xith Wellington Fallis and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ahrcn and daughter Sandra, of To- ronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ry- ley. S The Bethany Commun ity Band presented a vcry fine concert. in the Athletic Park on Sinday afternoon, under the é -,tc o f Bandm aster Ernest Victors of Peterborough, . ý« v. euL Inonipson and Miss Lily Thoîopson were in Keene for several days this week vis- Iting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuthill. Mn. andi Mrs. R. Cann enjoy- cd a motor trip thnough Nonth- enn Ontario and thc Manitoulin Islandis last week. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel adminis- tereti the sacrameht of baptisen ta Margaret Anne White, in- fant daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Harold White of Ida at the ne- gulan Sunday monning service in the United Chunch. Miss Inene Trick of Millbnook is the baby's godmother and attended the ceremony. The members of the Wom- en's essociation of the Unitedý Church met at thc home of Mes. Clarence Roxvan for the'n September meeting with Mrs. Frank' Bigelow presiding. Fol- lowing.the opening theme sang, andi Lords prayen, the 23rd Psalm was repcatcd ib unison by the members in meniory of' thc late Mes. Wellington Fallis. ,who had been a most active member of the association. Tie scripture lesson was ncad by Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey. Mrs. M.É Ponteous gave the Lesson Thoughts. Mes. Walter Row- landi read the minutes of pre- viaus meeting and correspond- ence. It was decidedt ta old a fowl supper anti entetainment dur- ing tic latter part of Octbn and- a comrittee were appoint- June doing?. June Roche is checking some of the Blue Cross errolment cards through which 1,900,000 people in Ontario are pro- tected from the worry of un- *xpected hospital expense. SC.50l ed to look after program ar- rangements'. Mrs. 0. Johnston gave a talk "Do The Best You Can Wher- ever You Are With What You Have". Referring to the Bibli- cal story of David slaying Go- liath with stones from his shep- herd bag, Mrs. Johnston said David had faith, contidence, strong will and the desire ta serve. These characteristics are needed by al.* We must be dependable and trustworthy in hittle things as well as the greater things of life." Following a contest on "Counties' and the benediction, lunch w'as served by the host- ess and members of Group Two. MAKE VOUR OWNl PRIZE. PICKLES ALWAYS USE HEINZ VINEGAR' v., ~ and 4; Mrs. M. Symons, grade 1; -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope SOLINA In tie final .Sauina versus Courtice soccer -ame at Cour. tice, Saturday evening, Cour- tice tram became tic 1955 champions winning by a 2-O score. Mrs. D. Flett preparcd the missionany proýamn for Sunday School Sunday monning. It in- cluded a stoi'y read hy Pearl Leach and a vocal duet by Anne and Edigar Wenny. Communion Sunday will he on Sunday, Octoben 2.,xvhen Rev. Reeti will also conduet a baptismal service. The annual Thankoffenlng service will ho helti on October 9. Funther details later. Dr. and Mî'rs. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville; Miss Vera Stin. son, Toronto, visiteti at Mn. N. C. Wotten's. Mn. and Mns. Harvey Yel- lQwloes, Karen anti Brenda, wcre Sunday dinner g1uests at Mn. Lloyd Wrilght's, Blacl.;- stock. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Broome and sons, visiteti on Sunday at Mr. O. Lunnus, Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Thos Norton, Locust Hill, vîsited Saturday evening at Mn. Roy' Lang- maid's. Mn. Etisel Darby of New Kensingtân, Pennsylvania, vis- ited Mrs. Hazel 'Harris andi Miss Mabel Hanris. Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, is holidayîng with his parents, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Pascoe, xvho wenc aIl Sunday dinner gupsts at Mn. Harvey Cnossman*s, Taunton. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Mal- colm and family, Brougham, visiteti at Mn. John Knox's. Anne and Donna Glaver of Kedron, spent a day at th-- John Knox's. Once again wedtiing bl!s are ninging out in aur com- mun ity. Mn. and 'Mrs. Campbell Ham- en attcnded thc xvedding of the former's sister, Helen to Mn. Soc Southwcl ot Wiitby, in Brooklin United Chunch on Saturday afternoon. Mn. andi Mrs. Mel Smith of St. Thonmas vÀdat Mn. C. Plthe w . t 'hone. Miszez Ph' llS Annt& anii Joan Westlake attendeti theizi Ontario Street- Public School Teaching- Staff 'A. ii: Back rbw, left to right: M. Slute, principal, grade 8; .Parker, grades 1 and 2; Mrs. C. Read, grade 2; Miss J. R. Turner, grades 5 and 6; Miss M. Somerville, grades 2 Bragg, grade 4; Miss M. Couch, vice-principal, grade 7; and 3; Mrs. K. Hendry, grade 1; Miss E. Powell, Kinder- Miss A. Young, grades 3 and 4. garten; J. Lemon, grades 6 and 7. Front now: Miss P. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Fourteen Lei To Receive 2' Reports on the biennial con- vention of the Ontario Provin- cial Command of the Canadian Legion wero heard by memi- bers of the Bowmanville Le- gion Hall on Thunsday evening of last week. President Ross McKnight and lst. Vice-President Ah Mavin, who attended the convention in Windsor during the first week in August as delegates fnom the Brandi, outlined the business conducted during t1he convention. P res id e nt Mc- Knight stated that Comrade John Steen cf Cornwall had been elected Regional Vice- President for District , F', which includes Bowmanville, and District "G'". Profit On Carnival Treasurer'Jack Rice report- ed a profit of $1,438 on the cc'mbined Legion Carnival andti Car Draw aften expenses liad been paid. President McKnight thanked .ail the members whose hard work had macl e2 the carnival a success in spiteE of bad weather. Three new membens; Com- rades William A. Gcnry, Orono, Brenton Brannigan and Lesliet W. Luffman, Bowmanville,s xvere initiated into LegionT rnembenship by President Me-c- Knight, lst Vice Ab. Mavin, 2nd Vice Jim Firth and Com- rades Lloyd Preston andi Bob Bates. Comnade Thomnas C. Woolner of Bowmanville wa.s reinstateti. Comrade George Meadows reponted for his committee in- vestigating into membens eli.g-1 ible for 25-yeai- Legion service I pins. Theso will be presented E thîs fail in connection with thec cousin Susan Cook's birthday Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor party on Saturday afternoon in visied on Sunday at Mr. Ernie Bowmanville. Gilbank-s, Orono. hir. and Mrs. Sid Pediar. To- Miss Lena Ta.ylor, Bowm-ani- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahme, ville, visited at the 7alrs Union; Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice Misses Elma and Jen ry and sons, Zion; Mr. and Mis. derman. Messrs. Helmer and Tom Westlake and farnilv, Jack Freitag and George Bit- Bowmanville, visited at Mv. ner; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger and Frank Westlake's Sr'. Wayne; Mrs. Chas. Smith, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flett, awa; Mrs. Lewis Tru and An. Columbus, visited at Mr. D. ita, Hampton, ivere at Mr~. Fiett's. 1 Evcrett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett and and Dean visited at Mr. Ge orge daughters, Columbus, visited at Knox's and at Mr. Hilton Ross Cryderman's. Tink's, Ebenezer.1 Mrs. George Knox, Carol and Mrs. Ray Bernis, Oshawa, Marilyn, accompanie r n and Mrs. W. J. Spires, Mill- Mrs. Wm. Knox of Brougharn brook, spent several days at on a pleasant motor trip tb Mr. E. Spires'. Godcrich.i Mr. and Mrs. 0. Chapman, Quite a number from here Mr.. Stanley Chapman, Orono;. attended Orono Fair on Satur-! Mr. Milton Burch, Saskatche- day.i wan; Roy, Jimmie and Aflanl Mrs. Edith Johnston. Doyen,i Youngman, Tyrone, visited at New Hampshire; Mrs. Franki Mr. J. Kivell's: Short, Brampton; Mrs. Jacki Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder Shortt, Messrs. Walter and Lit- and Helen, visited at Mrs. Ar- ther, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs.1 thur Wray's, North Oshawa. Chas. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Bob; Miss Gladys Yellowlees is Smalcs, Mr. and Mrs. Nýoble visiting relatives in Toronto. Metealfe. Oshawa, were withi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor the Werrys at Roselandvale. and Walter attended the Osh- Schoo]s re-opened last week awa Presbytery Spiritual Re- with Mr. WÇ. Lycett at Solina, treat meeting at Camp Pretoria Mrs. W. Ashton at Baker's and on Su'nday and the church sen- Miss Shirley Quantrili at Brad- vice at Westmount United le,,, s. Church and were tea guests at 'Miss Nancy Hamîjon is tcachi- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ing for lier first year near the ery's. Drive-In Theatre at Oshawa.= gionnaires* 5- Year Pins vensany of the Bowmanville Legion Branch. As far as thej committee can decide, he said, the following members are eli- gible ta neceive the pins: George Crombie, George Hum- page, Bll Mitchell, George Meadows, Dr. V. H. Storev, Bill Fairhead, Reg Harding, Cliff Samis, Joe O'Neill, Perey Greenfield, John Living. Johni Cossar, Alex Mairs and John Humphries. Ententainment Chairman Jin- Firth reported that he plans ta arrange a dance for membersi and their wives eanly in Octo- ber. Renovations I)iscussed Installation of a terrazzo. floon in the downstairs portion of the Legion Hall and painting of the outside of the new a ddi- tion xvas discussed. President, McKnight felt that 'professionalj floor-laying and painting finms. should be hired for these jobs, and the secnetary was instruot- cd ta write a Toronto firm n i connection with the floor-lay- ing work. Prop3enty Chairmtin I Bob Finnigan asked for volun- teers ta complote the job of in- stalling the new and attractive.! plywood panelling on the walls ef the downstairs portion. It was also decided that a sign bearing the name of the Bowmanville Legion Bnanch would be placed on a post an the lawn iin front of the build- ing. Poppy Chairman Pete Bath- gate reported that Comrades Dick McKnight, Hampton; Nf-il Porter, Orono; and Art Brooks, Bowmanvillc; are iii and that cards and cigarettes would be PONTYPOOL' The Christmas Troc Auction held on the Budd Farms prox'- cd very successful on Labour. Day. Good prices prevailed as Amenican buyers from aIl over the U.S.A. and l4onder points in Canada bid on t he lovely prun- ed stock. American licence plates showed visitons from as far axay as Miami, Florida. At the conclusion it was announe- cd that this would be an an- 15 King St. W. MA 3-5 nual event. j, I Anniversary services were largely attended at Manvers Church on Sunday eVening. Wle are sorry to report the pas-Qing of Mr. George Strong in Bowmanville Hospital. TICKRE TS8 TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamsli Consuit S U R Y& LOV EL 3ivrnan ville dodo&*~ 91à,mM-lww LOW PRESSURE R-160 BURNE icre's the niost spectaculi~r r dcx eiainîen t ini home héatiîîg silice XXilliains întroducedie t r i low-prcssLlre ail hurmer back in 1918-a %vholly new concept of iliril tv, fuel- g"v ing dcsign at a S'iml)Ist bhum-er ever huil t-on1V lye ein- tcroal nvtating part. Self-cleaning nozzle is gtiiirantccc1 for life. I t's fuIIv"altornatic . . cxcii sef-lubricatitg. jîîsr set the t!îermostat for the tcxnperatore you xant, andi forget it. l1p ,M rl %MM MODEL R-160 For full information A crvrnplcte Une of Williams OJL'O0-M,4 TIC- donieqic Oil Burners and Furuace Burners. Canadian Manufacfurers MORCH MANUFACTURING LIMITED SollevIlle. Ont. see your Dealer N1 S. Blain Ellioft Plumbing - Heating - Tinsinithing 55 King St. W. BowvrnanviIte Phone MA 3-3348 * t. 4 ~4U g t I t TAL ASSOCIATION EASY ONV THE 'EYESÇ Mew Fui- Vue wrap -around wîndshîeld F G . buit to fit your job! SEEYU RSLER-LMUH-FRODAE WO TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILLLM ONTARIO Irmnir.nAv- ý 1 .qrPT- llqth- m

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