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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 11

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- ~ ~N -p -~ *THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARUO Rot ary Dist, Governor Ouf fines Achievements Urges Grea fer Acfivity Rotarian Maurice Rector,1 throughout the district, w;11 District Governor of the new- j make" a very fine District Go'.' ]ý*-efied otay Dstrct 46.ernor', lhe declared. ma-def.tneRtry Deirsrictn24n Turning to the subject of the mnidb er ofinhe Bimsin ~Ib asic ideals and principles of ~otry lub"i'2hi Rotary' International, District ~nd inspirational address %vh'li- oenrRctrdcCe h 4ying his official vîsit totý the secret of satisfaction in Ru- 4cCýub Friday non tary membership is participa- tion. "One of the things which District Governor Rector, strikes me in connection wiai Who is a member and Past Pre- Rotary is how littie some mem- s dent of the Leaside Rotary bers ge' u fi ncmaio <iu, pintd ot tat cst~ctto what they could", hie stated. 247. which was created frorn "Thev miss much of the beni? what was formerly a much fit of Rotary membership bv larger district, is one of the failing to step up, front anc isinalett but also one of the centre, when asked to do some rnost populous districts in Ro- task or accept some responi- tary International. Because k) bilitv. We must flot forget that this there is much opportunitV Rotary owes its strength to tne for fôrming new clubs, and 16 fact it is composed of business new clubs have been started in and professional men who have the past few vears. *The Bow- this desire ta be of service to Tnanville Rotary Club is one of others". the oldest in the district and ais He pointed out that stand- *uch is looked to b 'v the new-ýrj ards of performance are higtï club-, to set an examnple". fie in Rotary International and'i, declared. "-From what I know is the conduct and example of of thIs club it fias lived up to individual members and local this obligation and set an ex- autonomous clubs which keep cellent example and standard it so. The general public judgeý cf performance for the newer Rotary International by. what it clubs to follow". knows of local memnbers and Convention In October local clubs. The District Governor also Vital Çornxnunlty Service paid tribute ta the singing uf The District Governor ther the club. sayîng it was one of outlined what individual mem- the best in this respect. He in- bers and local clubs can do in vited ail the niembers and Rotary's main avenues of ser- their ladies ta attend the Di.l-' vice t keep standards high. In trict 246 Convention in the community service, he said, the Royal York from October 2-4, fine work of helping cripplec and pointed out that they children and providing scholar- would probably be especially ships and recreational facilities interested in this event sinQe' for %vhich Rotai v International the Bowmanville Club, as te is known throughout the world homne club of District Gorerr- cati be kept up and extended. or Nominee Walter DeGeer. He expressed the tfiaught thal would be called on to stage this the Rotarian. by fis exampïe event Text year when hie :s of living up to the club's ideals. District Governor. "I know that cari set a high standard o! con- Walter DeGeer, who is known duct. This example will influ- as "Mr. Vocational Service" be- ence his family and the com- cause of the excellent t alks rie munity as a whole. has given on this subject In 'vocatianal service, Mr. I Bowman ville Boy Scoutsi PAPER DRIVE:I Starting ai 6 p.. «Friday, Sept. 161I 1 Citîzons are requested to have their old papers and a magazines tied in bundies and placed on the boulevard in front of their homes. Your co.operation is appreciated 44cF'~aWITH The. new ightwsight minerai cg gregate 1 Architects, Plasteres, Contractors and Haue cwrnrs who have tested MICAFIL cil Say it ist * *sler te handis - becouse weighs only 8 lbs. per cubic foot. *lests longer - doe. not abserb moisture, dries without worping or buckling, cloes net crack, dissolve, disintegrate or rot. * fferds greater protection- cygainst sub-zero eoid or intense heat, against fire hozards, favours low insurance rates. Replaces sand in modern gypsumn plastering construction. See your BISCO Dealer or contracter todlayi ANEr LER DEALER NOW siSHOPASPHAL MATERRIALD Plants ai PORNfl'STAIO , .* . - TRNO IO DO ,O T .0 . I I e e eTOie * s * e us s ndBi c * * ut-* Rector declared, each member should '*put Rotary to work %vhere we work". "If we firsti 1 improve our own conduct andi ethics we cannot help but im- prove the standards and ethics of our business or profession", fie asserted. There is no, better guide in vocational service than the Rotar-y Four-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to ail concerned? Will it build good will and better friend- -ships' Will it be beneficial to ail concerned? )f The speaker pointed out that SRotary International is intro- *ducîng this four-way test into high scfiools with very gratify- i ng results. la Also, in vocationai service, he ja suggested that more Rotary -Clubs should consider fILing n their labar classification with jpresiclents or other officers of labor union locals. 70Scholarships Awarded d Turning to the field of Inter- ýe national service in Rotary, fie pointed out the tremendous KEN MORRIS, center, prominent figure in Canadian success o! the Rotary Founda- spoï'ting circles, admires a gold watch presented ta him by etion whicha in the past eight his assaciates an his retirement fromn the ammunîtion S y ears has enabled over 700 stu. 1 dents to take a year of po' division of Canadian Industries (1954) Limited. Mr. Morris 0graduate university study in a is a director of the Canadian Sports Advisory Counicil and -foreign country'. Robert Char-- a member of the executive of the Canadian Oiympic .ette, a Timmins student who 's Association. He plans ta take up residence in his 'birth- to address the Bowmanville Club, is a typical Rotary Foun-1 place, Bowmanville, next month, where he has been d ation student, he said. A brul-, appointed Secretary-Manager of the Chamber of Com- liant student and a fine athe- merce. At left is A. G. Eliiott, sales manager of the C-I-L Plete. Mr. Charette was proposei m uiindvso.Fak comceeuiedrc as a Foundation stude nt by the tor of te iiin rakMCrik eeuiedr 1 T immins Rotary Club and spen t tro Canadian .Civilian Assôciation of Marksmen, is dl year studying electronics in at the right. I witzerland on funds provided -Photn b CI.L. by Rotary International. " "He told me that the Rotary piano music and the highiight1I the 50 people present. -jFoundation scfiolarship is the of the program was a talk -by finest scholarship o! any kind",Meigcosd wt o IMr. Rector stated. "The broad Mrs. C. Warren, Hampton, --iMSae tine cloed with Godie i j exptrience fie gained in Swit- E fer trip ta Flonida followed b.Sv heQcn ccmair zerland and eight Eurapean coloured moving pictures o!f on the piano by Mrs. Murray- Iand North African countriestistpb Mr.TdCa, Vice. *tfirough Rotary contacts wasi Hampton. She also sfiowed us sinvaluable t ahima". other reels of beauty spots in~ Patience is sym.bolized by I The district governor also and araund Ontario. These the tireless worm, cpin' Ipointed ont that individual were very much enjoyed by ail. over lofty summits. persever- *clubs or Rotary districts often arrng diec ecfings o su- The group in charesrc ing in its intent.-Mary Baker dents. He urged the Bowman-a at-adbuanlnc taEd. ville club ta consider as a pro- ject the inviting of foreign stu- -dents studying at the Univer- *sity o! Toronto ta visit the town and some of its homes. "Many o! these students live in dormitories and do flot have 1 a chance ta find out what the shome life of Canada is really Ilike". he pointed out. 1 In closing, fie urged the local! sclub members ta put Rotary :principles into Rotary practic',_ Inot ta be discouraged at not be- ing able ta achieve perfection, since the stnîving and perser- Iverance itself will help ta bring excellence of performance. i Cuitivate the habit of being Ifriendly and heipful, and giving some o! your time ta your fel- ilowman", he urged. Thanked B? President IDistrict Goverhor Rector was introduced and thanked by President Keith Jackson who expressed the hope that he had t obtained as much pleasure from b is visit as the Bowmanville Rotarians bad obtained from it ~ 9 in helpful and inspirationai TLihl . The President also made a birthday presentation ta Rotar- ian L. W. Dippeli and welcom- ed guest William Steven, the successor ta late President 0. F. "Oddy" Robson as owner of Robsan Motars, ta the meeting. Secretarv Jimn Stutt an- nounced that the Friendship Day of the Oshawa Rotary Club wiil be held on September 19. Most members signified their intentions of nttending this event. I Mrs. C.,Warren Teils of Trip At Solina W.I. Solina's September Institute meeting was held in the base- ment o! Eldad Church on Sept. 8 at 2 p.m. with Mrs. W. Yel- lowlees, president in the chair. Meeting opened in the usual mariner and during the busi- ness period it was decided ta charter a bus for the Institute Conventio& Nov. 3. Those wishing ta go please leave their names with either Mrs. C. Langmaid or Mrs. Ross Cry- dermari. Mrs. E. R. Taylor was appainted delegate ta attend the convention. A cammittee o! Mrs. R. Da- vis anid Mrs. G. Leask was ap- pointed ta see about ptîrchas- ing extra tables for the Hall. The date o! aur annual ha- zaan was set for Oct. 19 w*hh the groups havîng their same departments as in former y ea ns. Mrs. Heal, leader of Group 4 presided for the pragram. Ms R. Langmaid commented an the motta: -Rest nat beneath the tree o! knowledge. climb it." The rail cal. '"A bad habit I should oveircome". was well re- spanded ta. Same o! thase who did not respond said tfiev had taa many bad habits even ta ment ion. 1Mns. C. Langmaid supplied elONCE YOUVE FOUN D O A~BOUT THE EXCLLENT I NPESCRIPITION SERVCE AT 1URY 19 LOVELLS OULNEVER SE 9ffA LOSS FO1R RELIABIE - PRESCRIPTIO 1 O i L/ i G Mor on ision rie aThere neyer was a gondvr M orm n M ision ries or abad peace.-Ben.jainin Franklin. ÊA Canadiens paid S17 millita Visit M oiny To n om s ta the federal gov.zniictt'i ipersonai incarne lax in 11.1:4 Two yaung ministers or "El-, which were tranzlated by the S1.278- million in 1954. ders" o! the Churcîî o! Jesus power of Cod in*to the Book of Christ o! Latter-dayN Saints. Mormon. The-, class this Boux more familiarly known as the o! Mormon as scrîpture anîd Mormon churcfi, have been do- give it equal, but flot greater, ing missionary work for their importance than the Bible. church in Bowmanville and They aso believe that addt To Pay Past Oshawa during the past month. tianal revelations have beec Due Bis ards of Lethbridge, Alberta. leaders o! their church, mwho and Eider Rex B. Hayes o! Mo- are known as "Prophets', and To Consolidâte ab, Utahi, U.S.A. These twa ma\, stili be made ta their young ministers have called at p resent Prophet, David O. M.- a large number o! homes in K ay o! Sait Lake City, Utahi. Paynients this district trying ta give local One o! the best-knowri Pro- people an idea o! the beliefs phets of the Mormon Cfiurcln ofthircurch. Eider Richards was brigham Young, who led i estated that ail new ministers of the sect from Illinois ta Utan A the Mormon church must de- in the lat ter paît of the last Foir Homne jvote _two years ta this type a! Century. par Imissionary work before taking Brigham Young practiced ear a church o! their own. During polvgamvy but the Church of this period they rèceive no sal- Jesus Christ o! Latter-day ary or aliowance for expenses. Saints abalished this practice None o! the ministers o! the in 1890. An-, member practic- For New sect are paid, and onl> a few ing polygamny since that time!rhae church officers receive a nîod- from the churcfi. est subsistence allowance. The Mormon Cfiurch dlaims Meetings Ini Oshawa the majanity o! its adherents in Eider Richards reported thati Ufteid at estensatada For 'Any a Church o! Jesus Christ of ito! the Ungited Sitate.I andahe ___s Emergency iLatter '-day Saints bas been ' it is tog itAheta ard the formed in Oshawa wvith somemebrofteatiaetr 50 members and an attendance ing ta extend it into ather' at meetings-which are heldidn rvnesa e Corne In Today the Orange Hall-af up ta 100. Try The Belivue Way The two ministers repart that thev are getting a fairly good on a reception in Bowmanvilie . B MUE PyfrmIc ePa The Mormon church believes that Christianity fell away M yb w rln from the true teachings of yb W a nn Christ after the death of the flackache is Oten causd by lazykidneyUU U 1last o! His 12 aposties, and re- action. When kidneys get out of order, mained that way until it excesa acids and waates romain in the Irestored thnough Joseph Smith syatem. Thon backacbe, disturbed' rest 1in Elmira, New York, in 1830. or that tired-out and heay-headd feeling j OP Followers of this cfiurcfi be- may soon follow. That'à the time ta take co1 lieve that a heavenly messen- Dodd'à Kidney Pills. Dodd's stirnulate G. 13. WILSON, X«i. ger came ta Joseph Smith and the kidneys to normal action. Thon you 29% Simefe 8. Dial 5-1121 revealed to film a set a! golden feed better-aleep better-work better. E'OBW plates on wvfich,were inscnibed Get Dodd'a Kidney Pi now. a information anid revelations i W lrn August, 1954, enly 31~ years after ground was broken, the Kitimat smclter commenced production of aluminum with an annual capacity of 91,500 tons. Almost irnmediately a 60,000-ton extension was started. And in the spring of 1955 the decision was made to proceed with a flexible programn to add a further 180,000 tons ta ingot capacity. ... A progressive increase ta 331,500 tons, more than three times the size of the original installation, and wcll on the way ta aur ultîrnate Kitimat goal of 550,000 tons a year. "This continuing expansion of Kitiniat in succes- sive stages"', stated Aluminium Lîrn:îed president Naîhanael V. Davis, -should, we believe, hclp to keep pace with the growing free worid demand for aluminum and particularlv the denîand ini aur major export markets, the United Kingdomn and the United States." The new facilities will go inta production btep hy step, with the first unit starting Up in the ll of 19i6. It is expected that the presenit building progrrn will be completed in 1959. ALUMINUM COMPANY 0F CANADA,, LTD. I511 MALIGNi sIAUNAINOIS KITIMAI e Y. OUE BISCO DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE r cGregor Hardware KING ST. W. Lmid MA 3-3386 SMELTERS ATt SHAWINIGAN FALLS ARVIDA fAcit altZIVM

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