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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 12

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'PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIANSTATESMAN._EOWMANVIL,_ONTARIO _______________THURSDAY EP.lth 9 Social an Mrs. R. D. Keith-Parkinson has left for her home in Mon- treal after a x-sit with her dati- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pickering. Mrs. Ronald Yardley of Buckingham, Quebec. is visi,- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Partridge and Carol. Congratulations to Mr. Stani- Iey Grahami. Chairman of the Newcastle Hydro Commission who was elected Vice President of the Eastern Ontario Munici- pal Electrical Association at the annual convention of theý Association held at Gilmar Lodge, Dunsford, last week. Mr. Grahami and Mr. H. S. Ëritton represented the New- cate Hydro Commission at the Con vention. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cowieson of Toronto, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil- lianms and family are moving to Perth on Friday. Mr. Williains has joined the Ontario Provin-1 cial Police Force. Miss Ardele Pickering enter- tained a few of her friends on Saturday evening on the occa- sion of her birthday. Masters Larry Pearce and Donald Rudman spent the weekend in Toronto with Lar- n-vs aunt. Miss Peggy Pearce and attended the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stone- burg of Wellington, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stoneburg, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Gorsline of Port Hope were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Megit and Wayne attended the C.N.E. on Friday and while in Toronto visited briefly with their dau- Lionettes Do To Hostital ,d Personal [Public School- Opens 1 ghter and son-in-law, Me. andîW ith Enrolment -u~of 21.5 jMr. and Mrs. Arthur amb After enjaying an extra Walton Grades V and VI, anc lyn of Lindsay spent Sunday wek'svatinpiso!teiM.Ehl Lycett the school eeitacMeionnd Mes.ofPercMrsTainhF bih r. adMs ee . Ta- Newvcastle Public School ap-j Principal will teach Grades VII Mcy . adMs rc ht peared for classes on Manday. and* VIII. Mr. ad Mr. Brce W it-1marning 215 steong, Sin increase . According ta the Principal, ncv spent Sunday' in Oshawa o! five ox'er the 210 enrolling the new modern washrooms visiting with their daughtcr. inSpebr15 nda n'wt hirsiynwfxue His many fricnds will epemer194 ad n n- wth thiriny ntobw feituc sorry ta lcarn that Mîr. H. C.! crease o! 18 avec the enrolîment Ilaentig'ab eie o! 197 at the end o! the terra There will be sanie incanven- Dennîs is a patient in Memar- in unl ence ta regular scbool routine ial Hospital, Bowmanville. There are six members o! the until the new -addition is com- Sundav visitars with Mr. and teching staff ti erwt ltdi opeo ots Mes. M£arshall Pickering. andtethsya wthIpte inaculafm tb family were Mr. and Mes. Clit- anc teacher for cach o! the first' time. The playground is unus- fard Hal, Miss Gail and Master th-ee grades. Mes. Hazel Cragi able due 'ta the fact it was ne- Douglas o! Millbrook, and Mr.i teaching thc Grade I pupils, cessary ta. dig. up practicahly the andMes S.LarinTomandMes. Helen Nesbitt la chargie whale lot ta provide drainage andMrs S.LarinTon an io! Grade Il and Miss Bauck .for the new washeoom waste John of Milliken.! the teacher for Grade III. Due:ý and the playground resembles With a good attendance of Fta a recent accident, Miss a ploughed field at the moment. the members, the Merry Mac-, Bouck will not be able ta take Untul the new addition is ried Couples' Club a! Newcas- up ber duties here until Octo- campleted, Grade II, under the the United Churcb had a most ber lst, but in the interveaing supervision o! Mes. Helen Nes- enjoy able evening on Wedncs- weeks. Mes. Marion Fisher 15 F bitt is meeting for classes ln day aFt when tbey hehd a corn in charge o! this grade. Mes. thc romr renovated by the anci xiener roast at the home Gertrude Stapleton is teaching Sehool Board twa ycars ago in of Mr. and Mes. Bill Allia, on Grades IV and V; Mrs. Audrcyi the St. George*s Paeish Hall. the third line. A real good tirne was rcparted by all peesent. Dr. F. J. Sowdcn, wbo basO Ij been recuperating from the ce- Orono CoI1ul C lbr t sults of bis accident in Junc.ait the home o! bis parents. Mr. F £U and Mrs. T. G. Sowden bas re- it Y e r M o i d turned ta bis home in, Ottawa. Mes. Harry McGuice Ca:- Friends and relatives gather-. were in excellent hcalth for bourg, xlsited bei- sister-in-lav,! d from mai»' Ontario points,* the occasion and able ta recal Mr.ron ay. an ariY usday afternoon and ex-en- that cveatful day, 50 ycars ago), on Suday. ng. ta honor Me. and Mes. whca Rev. W. H. Monteer jain- Hospital Canvass John Dav'y Brown, Orono, celc- cd thcmn in matcimony. The Canvass at uns brtn their homen e.dn Numeraus gifts were pees- for the Hospital Auxiliary anniversary a hi oe ne;crsadfoesfle %ill iei he hld ln Newcastle . The happy *kouple wbo have eted;ivicarsoamd hers filed Manday îght, Sptember sipnt their entire married îif~e lvn-om wee tc ,Monay nght Sepembe 1 n th Oroo-Krby isti1 welcomed not only their many 19 from 6 ta 8 p.m. You arce n te OooKib'dsrc friends, but relatives as well, asked ta meet the canvs including their five children sers at the door with a * James T., Newcastle, Everctt smile and Your donation. R1rrz ~ y f E., Orono, LeRoy G., Lindsa.y, B pize Sé, Marion, of Oshawa, and Olive (Mes. Ed. Milîsan), Orono, as mate $10 At Service in wel as hifales Aux. Fund United Church M MW - Mffl E--la M ---- ------------------------ The eptmbe metingo! ardpar3' t bebel asthe The Sacrament o! Baptistn The ept Lion etsnClubficrst prjeto! thelubasthecwas dispeased la the Newcastle the Newcastle inte lbfrtpoeto h bt e United Churcb by the Minister, was held on Monday evcning! held on October l8th. In addi- the Rev. M. C. Fisher at the at the home of Lionette. Mes. i tion ta the prizes for the Wifl ex'ening Service on Sunday, Elsie Koropatwa, north o! Or-!i ners o! the variaus card games,! September 4th and at the ana, with 13 members in at-i Euchre, five buadred, canasta, morning service on Suaday, tendance. etc., the members decided toi Sept ember lltb. During the business portion hax'e dace prîzes, Iucky chbair, Th eiensa tefrt o! the meeting conducted by lucky cup etc. Lionettes Mes. Threiets ttefrs jY Dora Kelsex' and Mes. Aresta service were, Leslie John, in- Lionetto President, Mes. Helen Wiliams were appointed hast- fant son of Dr. L. S.« and Mes. Carvetb, the members voted tae sses for the October meeting. Miklos and Antony Mark Bene- rnake a donation o! $10 ta the At the close o! the business dic, son o! Me. and Mes. Joh-n Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Dienext week. A repar tF meeting, an enjoyable social DeVai of Chatham, Ont. At the riv e Cri time was spent xvben the bast- second service on Sunday fronile the taenlComtter esses for the cveaing, Lionettes mrig lstercpet rcxeacdth Lontts'booth *Mes. Pauline Stocks and Mr.. F were Mary Jane, infant daug, had netted the club $108.65. Sbhirle,' McKinley, scrvcd dcli- tee o! Mr. and Mes. NeilBe- There was a lengthy discttý- clous 'refreshments ta the mcm- ton and Mary Marion; Reginald sien an plans for a monstere er.Gardon; Arcbibald and Dennis bers. Wayne, childeen o! Me. and, Mrc Ponabo ie on &lev Saint George's Evening Branch Holds Meeting The Evcning Brancb a! the Woman's Auxiliarv o! St. George's Cburch bhd the op- ening meeting of the faîl and winter season la the Parisb Hall on Wednesday, September 7th. Follawing the opening prav- ers, the minutes o! the June 22nd meeting were eead. The treasurer's report consisted of a summing up o! the Strawber- i-y Tea and a general repart, folhowed by the reports o! the Dorcas ana Floxver secrectaries. 'Thank You' cards bad been * received froni Mes. Helen Bn w- en and froni the family o! thej late Me. Herbert Brereton. During the remainder o! th, business meeting, plans werc * ivis. egge iniy. made for the meetings for the Next Sunday the services will remainder of the year, ad b odie ot onn n cookboos wich ad eenor- evening by the Rex'. A. W. Os- dered in the spring were distri- borne of Cambirne, while thel buted among the mnembers Rev. Mr. Fisher is conducting A report on the Homefr Anniversary services at the Mentally Retarded Children in Camborne United Church. Port Hope, which is operated ___________ by the Sisters o! St. John the Divine, was read by Mrs.EN IL Dewdney. E FIL A farewell address to Mr.3. Lena Thomas. who is maving1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson, ta Bowmanville, was made bs', Altamont, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dewdney. A devoted L. Barrabeil, Orono, wKere visit- member for 19 years and hav- ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis ing held a number of offices in and Miss Elsie. the Branch, of w,%hich she is Mrs. Julia Otis, Rochester, presently Assistant Dorcas Sec., 1 stayed a week recently with her she will be ver much missed aunt, Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Other by the group. Following the ad- visitors with Mrs. Orniston dress a presentation was made were: Mrs. J. Stark, Columbus- and Mrs. Thomas spoke briefly Miss Irene Bray, Toronto;. Mr' thanking the group for the gift and Mrs. G. Bray, Raglan; Mr. and the kind words expressed.- and Mrs. J. Ormiston, Brooklin. The meeting came to a con- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and clusion with the serving of re- family visited with Mr. and Mrs. freshments, and it was an- F Abernethy, Manilla. nounced the next meeting! *Mr. and Mrs. T. Peters, Osha- would be held on September wa; Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Green 21. and daughters, Enniskillen, were visitors at G. Bowman's. Our school has opened with 10 pupils and Miss Louise Hart- man of Napanee as teacher. Wei welcome her ta aur community. Bernice Cochrane. Bruce Bow-j man and the Pecalla twins are Y attending Bowmanville Highj School. Congratulations and best wish- es to Mr. Herb Prescott and bis, bride, formerly Miss Marjorie1 jMcLean of Blackstock. Farewell to Prescott' 8 Alrecrowd gathered at the A.WP-escott home (now the M i'U s Herbert Prescott home) ta savi farewell to the parents and fam -1 11v and offer good wishes ta the U EEN son and bride. We are very UEE g lad to welcome Marjorie taauri 1 communitx-. Mr. Wilfred Bowman called * the meeting ta order and Mrs. Godfrey Bowman read the ad- vegetdress to Herb and Mar.iorie. fol- re gotlowdb.v the presentatian of a * iostess chair by Glen Smith o! Hampton. This -as followed by ~tha a thank yaou" from the yaung tàe couple. *Mrs. WAill Ashton read the ad- dress to the family and each one received a gift. Mes. Prescott ireceived a chenille bedspread. -Messrs. A. W. and Avlmer Pres- cott each received a sweater. Misses Ruth and Marie were Presented witb bedroom lamps and a trilîght lamp was given ta the family. ice for back-to-schoo! Those presenting the Rifts ývereý Mrs. Morley' Gilroy. Mrs. uality. speed. depend- Fred Samis. Mrs. Lloyd Smith, year's wardrohe to us. Miss Ev-elvn Pascae. Messrs, i-yer apearnceHarold Ormiston and Russell ng bright Hepburn. The guests visited ig brght.and had a big lunch. 1The Prescott family wilI be 3-5520greatly missed f rom aour corni- mnunity'. Thev were good neigh. i bars and active in church and an am Delivery cmuiYafis Miss Marion Pascae is teacb- fing a kindergarten class in invilleBowmanville. invilleMiss Laura Bowman enter- tained her girl friends ta a birth- D yers Ltd. dav partv , Monday. pece and E. Lesie %onderf il temperance sermon an E. esieSuncoav morning. Those %vho, mînssed ît ddnt hear anythng better on the radio.- 1~ I I I r-" I <1/e /e cde 9061ln Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone CA] wu. i Our dry cleaning serviý belles rings the bell for q ability. Bring that last1 We'll give it a new.this.. dlean, fresh and sparklir Phone IV k or Free Pick-up Bowmci Cleaners & e Operated by Carl mmý 1 ai UAIeII f l f l and books. On the writer'sKRB last visit - a few months before ]IB How Mvany vvuî IxecalIher death, sanne "Nonsense Verses" by the English poet, A. . The W.M.S. and W.A. held L ie o iE. Housman ere quated and' their September meetings i h 1-lelena ~ ~~~~~how Miss Calewman enjoyed the;cuc nWdesa viig Lite ofHelena olemian, nonsense! A treasured en hrho Wdedyeeig ory of the paet's courage whichi September 7th. Mrs. Wm. Allin. blenided with her fine sense of! president. opet)ed the WM.S. Onoved L ocalr 7. 1953, Hel- readings were given by Mrs. ! ohumour! ;Wm ha a tandisiplsh.SBile We are. indebted ta Mrs. L.o teRackies. The poet re-1 home an lHuron Street, andi Chapman and Mes. Hf. Lowery. C. Snowden of Maple Grový, ceived inost of hier educationi with her death was broken thý> Discussion speriods led by the for bringing to aur attention at the Ontario Ladies' College, 1 last link with Canada's lirst president folloxved each scrip- an article of local unterest in Whitby, which she entered in1 school of * writers, the aId turc. The theme for the meet- aSun sueoyOnad, 1880; and upon graduation was Group o! the '60's. To ber ing %vas "Our High Calling." Sehol ubicaio th gld edalit o br yarmany friends were left rich Our Autunin Thankaffering wiII printed by the United Church in musi. She then accepted;memres af a wonderful wam- be held at ur next M et'i~ o! Canada. a position an the staff as Head, emeL. I af heDearmet ! uscan; to posterity her Sangs and Oct. .5til at 9 Ai l ad'DO )1 The article gives a glowingOfteDprmn ofMsci Sonnets. are asked Iao'nake a si.q11I tribute ta the literary life of a position she contunued ta hohd Probably no finer example: effort ta attend. Miss Helena Coleman, a native until 1892, exccpt for a year 1 af ber poetrv could be quoted Mes. Wm. Wannan presided for o! Newcastle, xi'ho was born of loost-graduate study the yeasi there on April 28. 1860. As in Germany. During afe muas thari "More Lavely Graws The the W.A. meeting. Mrs. H. S he Sttetht oloed ceaiv witn Earth." a sonnet which Cosmno- Lowcrv bad charge of the de. e ars thssman through thej htfloe.cetv rtn politan bought in Navember. votional period. giving an inter- veas, asmade a feature o! took first place in ber life; 1904, and published undet the esting paper on "Indifference. ' publishin gthe careers of sîlus- music, ta wbich she remained pen-namne. Helen Saxon. isndfencthtkl nr etrous soif and daughters ofj devoted, became a secondarv ti nifrneta il n Duram ouny w ar hapy nteest jMore lavcly grows the eartb as.ý organization. If you want your ta add Miss Caheman's name Meanwbilc the poet became we grow aid,chrhadisrgnzinst -ta this ever-growing list' and an inveterate traveller. Fcw More tenderness fg in. the, die. just ncglect it entirely. The are pleased ta publish the wamen o! ber generation be- Mdawnirnzespinteblc- les deoide aenSawa. earticle as it appeared as fol- came so intimately acquainted Mae rnz ua t.blck ooln or blnet aSet elows in The Onward, wrîttenj with life lai Eurapean and bird's burnished wing, Oh nocineetdpes aby Elsie Pameroy: American centres. But ini teav- And richer is the autunin clatb contact ane of the committee: Readers of literary American elling, Miss Coleman exempli- A o! gold: Mgto te ers. Gs lo, M es. in Henn. magazines, fifty years ago or ified thie greatest courage. Wbea eee maig oBh e rn, o rs. W re Wanan smare, were impressed by the anly eleven, she bad suifered vears unfold,Besralwolesre ea fine paems of a certain Helen an attack cf polio, and there- 1 ntl a aiig eatseab and fe ro, et Saxo. Lyer o!poetv b- aterwalked with the aid o! living tbingigspacet. gan watching cagerly for new txvo crutches - ber 'helpers" l'r1r'lveisbut poemns by the poel. They won,- slie always callcd tbem. In her seems to bring, *dered w\ho she was. Where did* early seventies, she was forced iI ntrcating us xvith beauty ta she live? They hoped that i t discard the ý'helpers' and ibhh.Bg niLti sometime they might meet hec.j become resigned ta a whcel. 1 But they, did not meet her. chair. Yet resigncd is flot the Or is it that with years we Sit r Lh e They neyer leaened wherc shei correct word. The v4sitor in- grow more wise lived. And onl'v two people in variably left with a feeling of Andrevernt t te ysei S steries the United States knew whn) admiration for the occupant,' pfud-b SV G Heln Sxonw'a. Pul cy-neyr pty.Withbeld from careless or HeagentaxFronisthatuchair, whichrseety- indifferent eyes- nolds, a leading literary gn, Fo htcar hc em That braads in simple things and Mrs. Reynolds alone knew; cd ta the visitor, a sort of the world around- that Helen Saxon was the pen- spiritual throne, the poet would Mr osiu !teLv rame o! the Canadian poei,1 tell interesting stories o! hiec that glorifies Helena Coleman of T oronto. trax-els, staries o! the people The common wavs and makes, They alone knew that ber high- she met in variaus countries te.> F rond ly successful staries were ap- - hier paet's imagination temblgrud pearing at the same time under 1 clothing ail places and all stîli another pen-namne. p eople with unustial interest. B R E O Tbanks ta the poet's Toronto 1 Never could the writer forget B R E O 7friends, - hec poetry became hearing Miss Coleman tell of 1known in Canada as the work the evening ber -Aunt Mary"' September meeting o! the W. i f Helena Coleman. Undet- the - Mary Electa Adams, the A. was beld at Mes. Haro!d Iauspices o! the Tennyson Club i Lady Principal o! the College-i Larmer's home Wednesday of Toronto, ta which manx' of caught hec sliding dowa the evcaung, when Mr. M. McCox', them belonged, ber poems were bannisters and then of the was the guest speaker. scollected and published in severe reproof which followed. jMr. and Mrs. Bill Petersan 1906 under the ile. "Sangs and As the story ended, she shrugg- and boys. Oshawa, moved into L P T L Sonnets"; and. although much cd hec shoulders. smiled a bit, the home formerly occupied by L I> T L against hiec own xishes, under and in rather baughty tanes Me. H. Strutt wha bas maved, hec own name. Within a year said: "In future I was mare ta Oshawa. (as illustrated) the editian w-as sold out and a careful." Miss Jean Davey, Toront, I lakelrell second edition appeared the Aunt Mary alsa warned her recenthy spent a few days with 1I lc lrdek folhowing year. The quality o! against horseback-eiding, al- Mr-. and Mrs. R. Davey., brown elk and ber work bas neyer been thaugb for a different reasan. Miss Lais Davcy was in To-i black patent challenged. The narne of Hel- and the poet continiîed: .'At ronto, witb friends. î-t 2 ena Coleman lives and will con- the time there was no ather Many from bere attended the Sizes 84~ o1 tinue ta live in the annals o!' wav ta reach the ranch. The C.N.E.i Canadian literature. 1 bridge was not erectcd for Mi-. Leslie Taylor was judg- $ 4 9 4 There may still be Canad- several vears.» I had ta ride ing in the swinc department $ . ians xvho would ask: "Who is horseback." Quite truc. there j during the two wecks o! the: Helena Coleman?" The poetry- xvas no ather way ta reach her C.N.E. Sizes 121/2 to 3 reading public o! aur ' ouni brother Lucius' home during Mr. and Mes. A. E. Rîbey! nation remains, alas. woefuhiv i those early years in Alberta; spent the holiday at Baltimore, small. Helena Coleman bclong-s but she was under no obligation .w'ith bis sister, Miss F. Ribey. $ 45. M5 0 ta Canada's first schôol ofF ta inspect evcry corner of his Mes. Bernice Walker, Janet writcrs. the grand old Group large ranch - which she did, ville; Me. and Mrs. Grant Wil l of the '60's. She was bora on on hocscback!1 son, Oshawa, witb Mr. anxd IC V "i 1I April 28, 1860, at Newcastle, The hast years brought SOc - Mes. George Allison. LL YD EL I Ontario, the only daughter o!f row and suffering but also. as Mr. and Mes. A. Byam. Osh- [ t he Rex'. Francis Coleman. Her the poet would gladly testify, awa. with Mr. and Mes. B. S H U/E brother, Dr. A. P. Coleman, the loving care o! a wonderf'îl Hubbard and family. - 1 49 Kin W. MA 3-5941 became -a -world-famnous goal- nurse. And the poet nover lost Mes. W. Avis and Jini, Tod- ogist and bis name lives in onc 1 ber interest in life - in people niorden, cahled on friends.M : mi

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