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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 13

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?WURIAY SEP. lth, 95!THE CM1AD1AIN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO PAOJC WTr BIJÂCKSTOCK. Mr. and Mrs.. C. P. Devitt, Bobwmanville, visited with Mr. b nd Mrs.- Cecil Hamilton for *~several days lait week.. The Dr. J.. McArthur farn- and Sudbury last week. Mr. and Mns. Alex Manson, Mon- treal, stayed at the house. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, 17oronto, with Mr. and Mns. C. r, Marlow, Mr. and Mns. Herb * ý wain on Saturday. Mr.. and Mrs. Percy- Phayre tnd Noel, Alderwood, with the Ronald Ginns.- b.Mns. Gordon Strong, Phyllis an -dBeth, took Mrs. Robert Bruce to Oillia last.Saturday where she wili stay with Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Curtiz for< a 4 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton, vis ted with Mr. and Mn. Ai- tan Booker, Oshawa, on Sun- day. Recent guets with Mr; and Mns., Or-r Venning, Mr. anxd Krn. Dean Hale, Mr. Mark Len- ïq on, Mr. Homer Coulter, To- ronto; Mrs. Mois and Linda, Unionvile; Mr. and Mn:. Ken Reeson , Mr. and Mrs. Evan Benson, Claremont;, Mr. Elias .reenway, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Scrivens and daughter, Seagrave, with the Elgin Grayslast week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray (for- merly- Joyce Scott) Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey YelIow- tees and family, Solina, with Mlr. and Mrs. I.loyd Wright on Eunday. Mr. ùndý Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. $ Johnston'with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston, Belleville, on Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount-- joy took Mri,71-Irry Gibson to visit friendi -at. Staynor on *Mn. àad Mns. Harry Me- Laughlin, Mrs.: Roy Taylor, Mrs. Joseph Fonder and Mrs. 1john Watson. went to St. Marys on 'Sundiy t.o attend the fun- era1 -of', Mr. Willard Eaton, bràthei,.in-law of Mrs. Forder and MM. Watson: Mr. md Mrs. Train, Weston; t ~:Mr. and Mrs. Archie Newton. Toronto, with Mrs. G. Craw(.- ford and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mer. Charles Smith is holi- r 4 Hours .-Losi in Minutes! IT takes man' aeb hour and many, a dollar to build an automobile . . . but, in one traglc moment, it can, be destroyed and worse stili, your savings may be lost toe In a lawgit. Lét us provlde you; wlth eomplete Automobile In- surance. STUART 3. JAMES Real Estate Residence, b14 3-5499 Bowmanville Insurance Office MA 3-5681 Rintg Street E. feWi Cairn of Peace and Golden 'Plough Unveiledi Hon. Paul Martin, Minister of National Health and Welfare and J. D. Thomas, President of the World Ploughing Association, inspect a Cairn of PEeace unveiled recently at Cobourg, Ontario, to commemorate the First World Ploughing Match hel, there in 1953. This year, it will be held in Sweden with more than 20 nations of the Western world taking part. The Cairn was constructed by local masons, and on its broad top, there is a large replica of the Golden Plough, which will soon have a permanent home in the Food and Ageicultural Building of the United Nations at Rome, Italy. The original Goldeà- Plough- travels from country to country where_. the annual. competition is held and'is symbolic of the great desire agriculturists of the world' have for peaceful co-operation among nations. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope daying in Haliburton with Rev. and Mrs. George Nichôlson at Cartwright Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shantz at Ridgeville on Sunday and brought back love- ly peaches. 'Mrs. Robt. Ford is accompan- ying Toronto friends on a trip to New York this week. Mrs. Carl McLaughlin was hostess to the September meet- ing of the O.N.O. Club last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey and Mns. Howard Bailey ne-ý turned home on Monday even- ing from an enjoyable trip to Winnipeg. 1 Sorry that Mrs. W. A. Van Camp suffered a stroke on Monday morning and is in veny poor health. Twenty-two ladies of the Blackstock Women's Institute went by Garton's Bus to Maple, Grove on Monday night to be guests of the Maple Grove In- stitute. Women's Institute -Mrs. C. W. Hutton was host- ess at her home last Wednes- day afternoon ta the Blackstock Women's Institute. Mrs. Lorne Thornpson, President, presided for the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and the busi-: .ness,'session. Plans were made to have a float at the local Fair in Octo- ber, and the committee in charge of the Institute exhibit asked for volunteers for the vanlous articles. A few minutes' silence was obsenved in memory of Mrs. Herman Hooey a valued mnem- ber who died one year aga. Plans were made ta go to Maple G-nove Institute on Mon- day nîght.1 Canadian Industries was thel theme and the roll caîl was answered by naming a Cana- dian industry and giving thé location. Mrs. W. Archer gave the Current Events. Mrs. W. Van Camp, Group leader led the gathering in a lively sing-song' and, sang a solo. Mrs. Percy Van' Camp read an interesting poem oin gan4ening, Mns. Jack RaWm prepared a contest on anc ent ýehicIes. The group senved a lovely lunch. . J . ATOMAWC OUL H'EATER LOW DW rEwiws As LOW AsQ de atul 1-wen me through new front lord dlrculsUon C.... h. uIJ... Vais Standard high-grade coleman durable ftinW-- won't buru off wondufui hfr Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3.5774 Dedicate Golden Plough, Durham .Bowlers Openi Season! Tomorrow Night DrhmBowling League willt open for. the, season on Fnîday, f were Sunday supp er guests tomorrow, at Martyn's Alle*y's, r r.FakMlo with 10 teanms in-the gl-oup. Mr.han r.FakMlci All new bowlens, who have not Ohwa. yet been advised of their teams, Mrs.. Walter Lawrence- would be well-advjsed to call at turned home frorn St. Michac the alleys as soon as possible to Hospital on Friday. Fnien obtain this information which also hope John Lawrence h is available. much more use of his hand fi Team No. 1-A & P, No. 2- lowîng. bone surgery in Tonc Bowmanville Cleaners, No. 3- to this week. C. O. F., No. 4-Bowmanville Sorry to reýport the unfortu: Foundiry, Ne. 5-H.E.P.C., No. 6 ate accWent ýsuffered by Mi -L.O.L. No. 1, No, 7-L.O.L. Fred Dayes. She caught No. 9-Palmer Motor Sales, No. the gasolmne washing machij 10-Dominion Store. and has a- very swollen ai g'irst Schedule painful hand. Alleys Date Time 1 Z 3 - 4 5- Mrs. NeilWerry was able Septenber- retunn home after spending 16-7:00 1- 2 9-10 5_ 6 lew days with her parents, IV 9:00 7- 8 3: 4 and Mrs. Grant Thompsonr *2ý-7:00 4- 7 6- 9 8- 1 covering from pleunitis. 9:00 10- 3 5- 2 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kuipei 30-7:00 3- 6 5- 8 7-10 Chicago, Ill., visited their co 9:00 2- 9 4- 1 sins, Mr. and Mrs. John I October- Vries. 7-7:00 10- 5 2- 7 9- 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ford, T 9:00 1- 6 3- 8 ronto, visited Mr. and Mi 14-7:00 6- 8 10- 1 3- 5 Marvin Nesbitt. 9:0f) 9- 7 2- 4 Mr. and Mns. George Bowe 21-7:00 5- 4 9- 3 1- 7 and Ralph were S aturdi 9:00 8- 2 10- 6 evening guests of Mr. and Mi 28-7:00 7- 3 1- 5 6- 2 Kennedy Gray, Lotus. 9:00 4-10 8- 9 November- 4-7:00 2-10 7- 6 4- 8 9:00 9- 5 1- 3 11-":00 9- 1 8-10 2-3 Safod'Bo 9:00 - 6- 4 7- 511 . mut Nestléton Station Mrs. Jos. Forder and Mr. an, Mrs. Harry McLaughlin wej:e in London attendin.g Mrs. For- de's bnother-în-law's fu>sera1,j Mr. Willard Eaton of St. Marys. Mnr. and Mrs. Grant Camp- bell, Karen and Richard, were Sundav guests cif Mrs. Wesley Elrirtit Cn<ncr ; \V e-tcn ani! aiteliG..d the Emhibition. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaship TffUU]iAY, ISICPT. 15th. 1935ý

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