a ~ I ' TUEE CAKADLMi STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLE, WTARIO -PESCOTT - MCLEAX turn, they will reside at 41ý Simcoe Street N., Oshawa. elackstock United Church Thg pa& the scene of the wedding Tegoom is a clerk in thi -f Herbent William' Prescott, tabulating office of the Part 3r1 son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.' and Service Depatment of Gen esctt f EnikilenoMer-' eral Motors, Oshawa. and thd ie Olive McLean, youngest, rd sagaut us,(ls augher o Mn andMn. a-of 1954, Oshawe Genenal Hos id J. McLean, Blackstock, Sat- ptl.RwedCobse raySeebet3det23 tended Bethesda Publie Schoc da, etm.e r, t2:0and Bowmanville High ScbooJ M.o gaioido- and 'Ailma Richards attendec A-buquet o ldoidcr Central Public School and Bow. âted the church. Rev. C. W. manville High School. ~utton perfonmed the cere- Mrs. Raymond Muirhead, FTe rie or a. lein former schoolmate of the bride gth bridewhire ea balneheld a miscellaneous showei ttand nylon tulle. and a with schooi friends et the homE iall white bat with shoulder of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L ength veil. She 'carried white W. Dippeil, Wellington Street. ~ladioli and carnations. Mrs. Carl Disney, Pickering, .The bridesmaid, Miss Marion was hostess et a miscellaneous Mn.,wore pale blue crystal-j shower with nurses from the *te and a small blie ba'i brides graduating class of Osha- *atching the dress. Her bou- wva General Hospital. uet was of Pink and rose Mrs. James Crombie. Simpsor adioli. Ave., held a kitchen and pantry. £Glenn Smith was bet1 n sheif showver with neighbors and At a reception in the bride's relatives. lore, lier mather wore e navy Mi!s. Pauh Chant entertained md white dress. with a corsage et a trousseau tee on Sept. 3rd peach coloured rases. The for her sister, assisted by the room's mother wore e navy graom's mother, Mrs. Leslie ress and red roses. Coombes.0 For a honeymoon trip to Ot- Fellow employees of the wa, the bride wore a char- groom at the Parts and Service ai gray suit, avocado green Office of General Motors pre- oes, bag and bat, and white sented him with a tri-light lamp oves. Thev will reside et R. R. and monev. Enniskillen. id by the office girls of the oist and Pnicing Depertment ED O General Motons, et the home jMarlon Tink, Hampton. The Kedron W.A. held the first field community held e lin- meeting of the Fehi on Wednes- teecup and saucer shower day evening et the home o! Mrs. the home of Mrs. George Percy Mountov *ilroy, Columbus. Enfield end Mrs. Grant Gloven, vice-pres.. * radley communities presented OPendtemeigadcie ~e couple with a hostess chair, on Mrs. James Pengelly to con- _______duct worship. Following a hymn, New Testament readings ZCOOMBES - RICHARDS were given by Mrs. J. Camp- * . bell, Mrs. Wm. Wenry and Mrs. Chnristopher Rowland Coombes, Wm. Snowden, with a study on of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie J. each passage conducted by the mnbes, R.R. 4, Bowmanville,! leader. Mrs. F. Snowden con- k as his bride, Wîlme Ruth i cluded with prayer. chards, daughter of the late Missîonary study was taken ."nd Mns. William J. Richards1 by Mrs. E. Mountjoy wbo had Eowrnanville, in Trinlty Unit- prepened a questionnaire on the Church, Septemben 10, et study book on India. p.m.j President Mns. H. Rose was White and mauve gladioli and in the chair for the business tlyte Rev. T. A. Morgan pen- Pescoe reading the previous ,.iied the ceremony. Mr A minutes. Corresponding Secre- Ilison played the Music for the i tary Mns. W. Werry readi many nvice, and Mns. Donald Stutt'1 expressions of gratitude ta the ng.- W.A. for remembrances. ~The bride wore a faonr length The outstanding item of bus- Jbw'n of white crystalette o-ver mness deait with was the de- i»ffeta, with chapel train, long cision ta have aur annuel turkey 9é e 3 ndn in points aven the dinnen, as usuel, with the date nbuttned ta the elbow. chosen, Oct. 19, Wednesday ev-' ýalop d neckline, buttoned ening. An executive meeting isl îwn the back to the waistline, ta be held to arrange details. V-front waistline, and tvery1 Hostesses for the meeting were I Ill skirt. She had a Juliet ca Mrs. John Glover, Mrs. G. Glav- ,W4th encrusted seed Peenîs, andi er and Mrs. Vaiihancourt. »m fingentip veil of white tulle1 An invitation was extended bv inusion. Her bouquet was made; Mrs. Ross Lee to hold the nex * o! mauve onchids with white meeting in ber home, and wes Qephanotis end white streamers. gratefully accepted. i a nurse's white Bible. Reguler service was conducted MThe matran-of-honor, Mrs. by Rev. R. H. Rickard whose Ckni Disnev, Pickering, wore a sermon theme was "Expanding *o«length gawn of meuve Horizons". Mrs. F. Snowden estalette aven taffeta, wtha w'as soloist, and she sang "Teach rso waistline, and lae Me ta Pnay". j ~ound the neckline. She wore1 Duning the service banns of 1 Ctiny mauve caronet and car- marniage were pronounced for *d yellow and white 'mums lne Marilyn Booth and Douglas ~large nosegay. Lave. .jMr, John Coombes, Campbell-1 In the Sundey School hour, & d, a brother of the groom, I'Mns. E. Mountjoy told e true. ,s best man. Anather brother,i storv as a tempenance lesson. 1%bert, Bowmanville, was an i Next Sunday the Sacrament' Ser, alang with Mn. Ronald of Infant Baptism is ta ha ad- bhards. brother of tha bride. ministered during the Rally Day "he bride was given in mer-' service et 9:45. and the Junior r16ge by hanr eldest brother, Ed- Congregation are ta provideae wmnd, Bowmanville. lpraise number. The special pro- j ;ZAt a raception in the church jgramme committea for the Sun- ~ naur, he nie'ssitar Mrs day School is preparingfote 5ul Chant. neceived, wearing Chunch School Rally at Il a.m sty rose crystalette with pink Mn. and Mrs. Grant Gloverý n'cessories and a corsage o! pale entertained Columbus - Kedroni-, &nk rases. The groom's mother Doubles Club on Fridav aven- Wocre nevy crepe with red acces-! ing, and they conducted the ËItris and a corsage ot ned roses. recreatian. Presidents Mn. and, -Fore wedding tnip througli the!i Mns. W. Davis led in worship.1 Estern United States, the hnide*s I A wiener noast completed the tpavellîng costume xvas of blue evenings fellowship and fun. 0 1]. tweight wool with navy and; Mn. R. J. Luke was honouned u3iite accessonies and pink on Sundey on the occasion of bis, sweathaart roses. On their ne- 8- birthdey, with a famil.Vî _______________________ inner perty et his home. With g the local members af t he family we'e the Bert Lukes and John, N Misses Olive Luke and Inene 'Bray, Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Gib-j son, alI of Toronto, -and the- Everson Nortons of Brouegbam.' Many ncighbouns drnpped in. during the day ta express host wishes. Friends from a disance;N W xho called were the Ali ib - ij 3eived With the bride edhr ouePhoae MA 3-36 mother. Miss Jeannine Wernv! was In charge of the trousseau, - 'room and Mrs. Harold Werry OUR OFFICEwa :rnoeg the ladies who pour- B.SD SATURDAYS f Mim ]Rosemany Bohaker i5t #-OSarnong the senior studeets ne- * DURING [ttUrning to Oshawa Callegiatej JLY ANI) AUGUST, eafttr e holiday spent in M1usko- - £guglu ar anda1. and Claire ià U.S. Bridai of Interest Miss Sheila J. Simpson, daughter of Mr. and 1'*rs.1 LHilliard Simpson, Red Lodge, Montana, became the bride1 of Richard D. Dell of Worland, Wyoming, in a double-ring ( ceremony in Red Lodge recently. The bride is the grand-1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan, Orono, Ontario, and niece of Mrs. Robert Hendry, Bowvmanville. Brown of Raglan are enjoying Ormiston assisted the hostess a motor trip to Chicago and and daughter Jeanine, in serv- points enroute.i ing the guests. Grandmothers Mrs. Frank Crossman has of the bride-to-be, Mrs. Wesley been spending a week in Toron- Hoskin and Mrs. Everett Lovef to, with friends. poured tea. The dining tablet Mr. and Mrs. Everson Norton was centred with an arrange- and Craig, Brougham, were din- ment of a bride and groom coin- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. ing from a church to a waiting, Mountjoy on Sunday. decorated car, and was lightedc Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe by taîl pink candies. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Campbell enjoyed al Chas. Roberts, Downsview, on week's holiday at Lake Simcoe.a Saturday evening. Master John Rose had the mis-s Miss Shirley Hoskin, October fortune to cut bis leg in an ac- T bride-eleet, was guest of honour cident at home on Wodnesclay,a at tbe home of ber aunt, Mrs. H. wlich necessitated a trip to thea Werry. wben some 50 relatives hosPital an'd several stitches. and friends gatbered to shower Sorry, John, hope it gets better Shirley with good wishes and very quickly. gifts for ber kitchen. Follow- Miss Doreen Trevail is on a ing a humorous rehearsal cere- conducted tour of England and mony, Mrs. J. Glover gave read- the Continent. and is en.ioying i ings wbich led to the presenta- a wonderful vacation trip to the tion of the gifts. Five littie full., girls. the Misses Jili and Sharon The two delegates from On-ç Ormiston, Donna and Joanne tario County, Hon Werry, Ked-v Hoskin, and Joy Hoskin, Hamp- non, ai-d Audrey Striver_ Ux-d ton, made the presentation. Mrs. bridge. returned on Mondayo Grant Ormiston and Mrs. Walter from Junior Farmers' ProvincialC Double Ring Ceremony Kenneth Jack Hartley, and his bride, Virgina Irenei Hopkins, wilI reside in Kirkland Lake. They were mer- 1 ried in a double ring ceremony at Ebenezer Church, Courtice, Ontario, September 3rd. The brid is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Hopkins, R.R . 2,j Bowmanviile, anid the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I Lloyd Hartley, Englehart, Ontario. Camp held et Lake Couchicbingi KN A durng hispast week. They KN A ruinnrt ci ifie proga , excellent leaders and an especially won- derful group of young people from ail over Ontario in at- tendance. Particularly enjoy- ed were the two visiting Junior Farmers fromn New Zeaiand wbo have been on tour of many countries during the past year. Local members of the Countyl Junior Farmers' Choir are in attendance at the first practice -in preparation for the special service to be heid in Port Perry United Church on September 18, at 7 p.m. Mrs. E. Dobson is again conducting this fine choir. Everyone welcomne at the serv- ice.1 In the first quarter of 1955 immigration to Canada totalled 17,627, 37 per cent less thani in the first quarter of 1954. AI- most haif the 17,627 entries were wives, children and el-j deriy dependents of immigrants]' or of persons already settied in Canada. Announcement.a90 We- are pleased to announce the appointment of ED. as our Service Supervisor Ed. cornes to Robson Motors Liniited with vast experience in managing Service Departnxents, being associated with Pontiac-Bujck Dealerships for a good many years. This experience, plus the extensive factory training by the General Motors Service Sehools, means you just couldn't do any better for your automotive requirements. Corne in and meet our new Service Manager "- Let hini prove to you that you can be assured of the most dependable and economical service in town. JUST A REMINDER! about an offer.to you TO CHECK FREE THE COMPLE FRONT END 0F YOUR CAR* Take advantage of Robson 166 eI~NC. ImZTP £Uuff£Nt : Motors A. K. - DUWMANVILLE MA 3-5583 Pontiac - G.DIX. Truck Dealer The weatherman pnovîded R grand afternoon for Orono Fair oni Saturday and mgn-,- from here spent a pleasant; time renewing aid acquaint-I ances and viewing the exhibits. i Bert Bostock, Toronto, wasi down fishing Saturday and' looked up some of bis aid acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin-; ell, Miss G. Stapleton and Dick 1 Martineli enjoyed a weekend trip north to Algonquin Park,: goingbyway of Tory Hill and __ neturnnng by Huntsville seeing many intenesting animnals and places. Mis. N. McKay, who bas been with ber .daughten. Mns. Roy Mencer, is visiting Mr. and Mns. Ross McKay, Pont Hope, and also friands in Toronto. We are pleasedMns. R. Mencer continues ta iprove. Mn. and Mrs. Orley Mercer and Bobbie, Elizabethville, and Mn. and Mns. Ted Coathamn and family, Orono, visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer Sunday ev- ening. - Mn. and Mrs. Orval Zealand, Campbelhcnoft, wene iSunday Visitons wîth Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Thar- tell and family wera dinnen guests with Mn. and Mrs. Ga-- don Martinel and Kenny Sun- day. The enrolment at Kendal school la much higher this year -36 et present. Seven are be- ginniers, namely, Bobby Geacb, Brien Stevens, Cheryl Vernon, Darothy er'd Shirley Mercan, Tommy and Raid Foster. Two are also ettending fnom North Bailey's and two fnom Mr. McAughey's. Visiting Mns. E. Thompson and Arthur for the past eonth wvas ber daugbter, Mrs. Earh Smith of North Hollywood, California. On Sept. lat Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cetbcant, Mrs. Smith and Arthur attend- ed the C.N.E. by Burley's bues. On Wednesday lest Mns. Smith left on ber return trip going by bus ta Chicago then by pln ta California arrîving home Thun'sday evening. The tabacco bervest bas been speeded up by ineny extra hands this weekend due ta the !I!U ES D Y., SEP 1 th, lm 5 broadcasted threat of frost for Sunday and Monday' nights. This is one time we were glal! the forecaut ws nfot too cor- recý. Some .o, the tobace., farms suffered frost damage in spots lest Wed. and Thum3 nights. Ned Foster was lucky as he finished - priming -his crop on Tuesday.. Mr. and Mns. Milton Lowes a nd Ronnie, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Patton and tooli in Orono Fair. Harvey MacInnis, Trenton-, Roy Afercer and Donnie Mer- cer attended the C.N.E. Friday. David Roughley aà Fred Anderson spent last %Wekend with their great grandmother, Mrs. Thorne, while Mrs. Swar- brick and Mrs. W. Roughley attended the C.N.E. and on" Sunday, et 4th, celebrated Osawa.oughley's birthday t Mrs. Alva Swarbrick and Mrs. Thorne visited Mr. and Mrs. John Patton, Opono, Tues- da3o. Mrs. Thorne 'has secured a new 'hearing aid which she finds a wonderful convenienca. Murray Aldread, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Len Aldread, Enter. prise, had the misortune to be thrown from his motorcycle near Roy Little's corner on the Seventh and was taken to Memnorial Hospital, Bowmari- ille, where we understand lie is improving from concussion. The difference between per- severance and- obstinacy is, that one often cornes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.-Henry Ward Beecher. NURSERY SCHOOL PRE-SCHOOL CHILD Classes will siarf Monday, Sept. l9th Any interested parents with pre-school children are asked to contact ;Elgin f M1A 3-2222 CARS WEEK'S BARGAINS 1949 Ford Coupe Good looking and $147 runs well, only in SedanYl $395r 1951 NASH SEDAN, excellent shape 1950 DODGE COUPE,3a heauty 1949 OLDSNO BILE, torpedo back, gond mechanically 1948 CHEVROLET, needs body wr 1948 FORDr good solld car 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN, a fine car 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDANgive us an fe Robson Motors Limited J166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5585 BUICK- PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER h 4 ~ i~.~-,--- Mrs. Ruth- Wight St. Bowmanville Phone Iý a Goodwifll Guaranteed BISC-H 1953 International ½i-Ion Pick-up A real good truck $ 9 USED THIS 1950 Hilima Two Io chose from TAKE YOUR PICK this offer - for the balai1ce of September. mýý for the $7.00 per month s395 Ltde