-- -~ - .- ~AND!N TAAN ÔWA~V!LU lTgrf - a E.ri7- Nurse'ry Modernizes- Storage and Shippint Erects New Buildings .A very ambitious, building PMrogrm whlch will give the Brookdalo - Klngsway Nurser- ieî; completely modemn stonage and shipplng facilities cavening 2 00suar feet o! ground- 1 OoZ space about a year's ime, tas bee stanted by Non- mian J. Scott, owner of the firm As part af hi& plans for ex- pantion and modernization, Mr. Scott alsa recently punchased a $12.000 machine which is s combination tractan - sprqyer - balllng machine and cultivaton. Thlirat huge Quonset-type buillng i connettion with the building prograni is almost campleted on Brookdale-Kings- 'way Pope at the corner o! the Base Lino and Duke St. Two more buildings almost as large will be constructed next yean ta put the storage, pack- Ing and shipping- facilities at the nursery on a highly-effici- ent assembly-line basis. Building Almost Roady The. firat building is now ne- ceiving the finishing touches and will be ready for use in a short tinie. It Is a huge build- Ing about as large as a skating rink; 150 feet long, 60 feeti ,wide, and 37 feet from the1 foundation ta the top af the1 ioof. The special arched raf- tens, or ribs, used i this Quon- set-type structure were pre- fabnicateti in Manitoba of Brit- ish Columbia fin and then ship- ped ta - owmanville. The ribs wcne spaced two feet apart atici shcete with 1 14 inch lumber. A layer a! aluminum foil was then applied as a maisture -bar- rie ta protect the nurserypo ducta which will be storcd and ji shipped from this building. Two layers af 40-pound as: roo!ing wene then appliei such a way that, there an expased nails eitiien on thi 9side or autside o! the buill .The job was completed by 5application ai two coats a: phaîtc emulsion ta seal joints and a covering ai a] #num sheeting ta reflect heat. When .-the building pnoi k I completed next yean a oënd sinmilar structure also feot long and 60 'feet wide, mot quit. so high, wilU b. structed immediately ta north af tue present bui Completing the three buil, unit will ha anothen 150- building runninf, east andi along the Base Line, and f< ing the bottom part ai the which the thnee buildings make. Build Loading Platiorni On, the west side o! building now being finishe spur line from the Cana( National Railways runs the Bookdale - Kingoway penty. A loading platfonm feet long and 8 feet wide bc built on the west side af structure so-that the nur! pnoducts can be loaded dire onto railway cars by canvE beit. When ail threc buildi are finishcd the present bu ing will be used almost eni ly for an assembly-line pacà and shipping operation. 1 holdinthvatnus' o! fv holdnthvais numbero! shrubs andi evengreens rai by the nursery will be pis around the walls.. Each o!f ù bins wiil carry a sentes o! c numbers and letters desigi ing the species, varicty; S"PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW!" S COMBEE ELAI PRIVET RED BARDERRY ýtormdir Mar.oon-red ai] %enjeu 9n ise 100 for "murenn." vrt- - 9-lu ch. 100 for $389; 12-ielh ie. 100 ety. medium ?12.93; 12-inch, 23 fer 84.50;: lnchomx. growth-the only for 15.98 or S23.oo 100 for $3.50; 18-Sncb sise. hardy klnd; 12 te per 100. 100 fer 1095: 2-ft. sise.. 18la.. 23 for PAEONY ROOTS 23 tir 0 98or $,]L.o0 S8.9sorSI5.00 0.;-ft. mie. 25for per 100 Rd ht rIn or18 0 00 per 100. 3 for51.Wh 0"ON RED SPIRRA Sn UB FOR ALORES FREE LOCANA»'S FINESTCLUDGAENGI BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES 13 M;AVILL (Phoeno Day er Nigikt. Plarket 3-3345) ONTARlo - - - - - - - I"The Annual HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS for the .Bowman vile Hos pifai A uxiliqry wfil b. held in ltOWMNILLE, NEWCASTLE, ORN nddistricts belwesn & and 8 p.m.; .Sêp4iXulr 1l9th This wiIl be the only appeal for funds made by this organizatiodh this year to carry on their work at thse Memorial Hospital. Your co-operation will be appreciated Memorial Aren BOWMANVILLE Public Skacting Friday, September' 16 Saturday, Seplember 17 Wednesday, September 21 8 - 10 p.m. ADMISSION e- Aduits 35t, Children 20e ICE RENTAL TrIME AVAILABLE For informiation on times and prices Phone Immediately to MA 3-5728 or Roy Neadu at MA 3-2852 phait -din 7e no t I- Iding. e the 1 as- the ilum- the gram sec- 150 but con- the .ing. ding -foot West orm- wil the .d a tdian inta pro- 150 will tthe -sery ctly eyor lings uild- tire- king Bins dif- ers, kised aced hese ode ýnat- arfd ** il r( 'g M l M 4. s] ~i r E ci i cc Mr Ju( anc an' Bol at din Sui visi Eni .1 Abl Fni heli eve and Itai Iabc the vati iGl colon of each of the nursery products. The packers wrn Ixe able ta go directlar ta the. bin holding thc required nursery product without 'Iosing tlznî searching for what they want. Y-ach packer wlU hâve a wonk table, and a chute wiIl lead up ta -the second floor frais ,tis table. The boxes, waxei paper and other packlng mna- >teniais will be sent down these chutes ta the packer, and aLter the. onder has been fillcd far shlpmcnt a canveyor beit will chrry it ta Uic Ioadi.ng plat- form, and anotber conveoa beit will take it direetly into the railway car. WIU ffudy Mothods Befare setting up the assein- *bly lime packing operation, Mr. Scott, Andy Lurunemarin and Howard Bickle will visit a nur- sery in Shenandoah, Iowa, where such an apenation has been set up in a'large nursery ta study asl the details involv- cd. "W. are trying to bring ta agriculture and the nursery business the same efficient as- sembly-line niothods that wai-k sa well ini industry", Mr. Scott declared. "Wlhcj these three buildings are finished they will increase the efficiency af aur oprtians tremendously". The Brokdle- Kingsway, owner pointed out that thepurpase of the ncw asscmbly-line type of storage and sbiipping operation is flot designed ta Increase sales but rather ta increase efficiency by allowing the same aniaunt-or mare - work ta be pcnfanmed by fewen cm- ployees. Hie also stated that the streamlined openation wiil take a lot of the hard manual labour or "bull-work" out of the ship- ping tasks. Added ta the present large grading and storage facilities nt the nursery, the thrce new buildings wiil give a total af 20,000 square feet of space for the storage, gradl.ng, packing and shipping a! the hundreds o! Brookdale - Kingsway nur- sery products. The business donc by the nursery hàs in- creased every yean, and is still increasing, Mr. Scott stated. At the height af the last season the nursery was shipping a carload of nursery products cvery day plus several large refrigeratcd highway trans- ports. These products go ta practically every state in the United States and many caun- tries o! the world. On file at the nursery now are orders from Nassau in the Bahamas and Palestine, as well as fromn Europcan countries. Mails 212,000 Catalogues Mr. Scott niailed 212,000 smail catalogues anid 40,000 larger color catalogues this year, and anly a few da>ýs aga received a special catalogue for roses only containing 32 pages in color. These rose catalogues were printed in France, h. said, the only country which can pnint the new colon processes involved in pnoducin g them. Mn. Scott is also keepmng up- to-date in mechanical cquip- ment. He recently purchased a riew Minneapolis - Moline ma- chine which performs four dis- tinct functions - those of a tractor, spraying machine, bahl-9 ing. machine and cultivator. This huge tracton, which is se tig i1~r i a6-footý clearance' under the axles, is according ta MIr. Scott, the first ta ha used on any nursery in Canada. It 'an spray nursery stock 10 ta 2 feet high or four inches nom. the ground and does 10 ows at a time. Special attach- ments ini front of the rean wheels cultivate four rows at th. same turne that 10 rows are being sprayed. Balling Machine Attachniont The same machine alsa has 1 ttachmcnts that allow it ta be 1 sed as a balling machine. A t, round cutting unit is lowered ver the shrub and the blades r -ut out thie ground anound itY .ke. a large coakie cutter. Art- b :ther blade undercuts the ,hrub so that when the unit is o sised the shrub is liftcd out of a mie ground with a "bail" of t: arth around it. A burlap sack r sthen slipped over the shrub h Arhich is ready for shipment in h £t OWrn eanth. The machine, o mimplete with attachments,f Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson andl nily, Port Hope; Mrs. M. An- rson, Bowmanville. at Mr. and [rs Arthur Trewin's. M'r. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and .dith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn1 id family, Bowmanviile, at Mr. id Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mfr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin, bbie and Lynda, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. M4r. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb were mner guests of Mr. and Mrn. urray Tabb, Bowmanville, an inday. M<r. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, iniskillen. Messrs. Roy Graham and H. bott motored ta London on iday. WJ.A. September meeting was d in the church on Thursday ening. Enrnskillen. Tyrone Id Salem W.A.'s were enter- Ied, with an attendance of îtIt 80. Mrs. J. Potts opened emeeting with, a hymn. De- tonal was presented by Mrs. 4s5MU and Mrs. Percy Werry, o0J pq fi ti' Ti N v of w. th a partment of Agricultue. Tyran.. Program consisted girls' quartette, EnniskllE vocal solo by Jane McClui Tyrone. Guest speaker was M: Marie, Ferguson, Bowmanvl who spoke on hen trip ta Ott wa. 1 Vocal duet by Mrs.- Twist and Mrs. Shacklet< ,Salem. Lunch was servcd ai a social time enjoyeci. Octal meeting will b. at Mrs. C. S: xnan's, Hampton. Farmers are busy filling thE silos and Zall thncshing is prel well finished. Small frui, plums, peas, etc., arc ve: plentiful this year and thene a large apple cnop. af nre, liss le, la- E. .n;, knc ber le- fty its, ýry; is ZION (Hope Township) liv Mn. and Mns. Norman Gemow and family and Mrs. -Ralph Gerow attended the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mms. Edwin Ruthven attended the Ruthven reunion at Erin. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley, John, and Mrs. Audrey Tuffordj mimd dinnen Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. A. Meneilley, Pont Hope. Guests ai Mn. and Mrs. E. Ruthven wene Mrs. Don Symons and Barbara, Clinton; Mns. M. Dunbar and Ehllott, and Miss M. Breslin, Part Hope; Mrs. F. R~ussell and Robin, Cobourg. Misses May and Jessie Haw- Lhmn took in Toronto Exhibition. Mr. Robent McHolm was ad- mitted ta Peterboro Civic lias- pital wheme he underwent an >peration. Reports ane that he Is pnogmssing favourably. Mn. Chas. Mencilley was home nom Washaga aven the week- nd. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Ough and !aiiy, Dale, with Mn. Fred and [Ilda Raby. (Intcnded for last week) Mrs. Charles Raby speànt hursday, guest a! Mms. Arthur Aalken, Pont Hope. Mrs. Roy Dunn, wha has been ni Toronto, visited hen daugh- en, Mr. and Mns. Normani erow before going ta her home ýt Wellington. Mn. Fred, Miss Hilda Raby and eorge, Mr. and Mns. Peter :essîen and Johnny and Mms. leter Mozur and daughtems at- nded Toronto Exhibition. Mn. 'and Mns. Arthur Gem. aond, Oshawa; Mn. and Mms. mced Lalondresse, Orillia, visited [r. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley. A sure sign summen is well ni its way out,, as littie folks, Il sizes and looking sa neat and Idy, scamper down tue duty mad. The little red schoal ouse became a vemitable bec ive this mamning as the nine dock bell pealed forth signi- ing schoal days wene hem. gain. Plenty o! excitement the rst day, new clothes, new faces, ew books, changing seats, etc., nd wandering how they willl indie the littie responsibilities îch anc is assigned, and which 111l fit them-ta meet the langer îes that are baund ta came as mec manches an. Sympathy is extended ta Mn. id Mns. John Sundmy and fam- y in the deth ai thein infant Rughtem Brenda at Part Hope ,ospital. Interment was at Zion emetery. - Deepest sympathy is also cx- ýnded ta the samowing rela- ves a! Mn. Bob Peance o! New- ýnvilIe, who was the victim ai iautomobile accident at Mon- h, Mondmy morning. !OUR. EYES and Vision " ~previous copyrights SC. B. Tuck,I Optometrist FDisney Bldg,. 31 King E.,. op.p.P. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 310.1 Wben we considen that ail see- ing hs mental, with the eyes as the medium through which thc images, ai abjects ta which wc turn are transmitted ta the brain, you will remdily under- stand that unles les. images are clear there cannot bha dean vision. Some ai the elemnents ta ha considered that mày be con-I trlbutory ta indistinct images o!' the abjects tawand which wc, appear ta ha looking are-Dis- tance af lie abJects from us- Imperfect vision ta such extent that at any distance vision will appean blurmed mnd abjectsi- CCopyrighted) 'i .Spirit, Blended or Cider 12-or. 24-oz. 0 lc 19C 2q %if gai., plus 15c deposit i gai., plus 20c deposit __ e M near you -oz. 15C 33C 53c1 FIVE ROSES CAKE MIXES 8c Off White 19C Chocolate 21 C GOLDEN HOUR CELLO CANDIES 29C I FRE*q AR Lb. 49 C 1 Fresh - 3-lb. average - Tenderloin End SPork Lois Roasi Lb. 59C ý Lean - Rolled Pýlate - Bonelessu POT RGAST Lb. 33C~ i.b. Sc I 59C ite e'ee Sweet, Juicy, Rich in Vitamins GRAPEFRUIT Honduras, 7large1 4 forZ270 SVine-1ipefed, Red, Juicy - Large size WATERMqEL0N So Finm and Ful afi lavour No. 1 Ontario - 6 quart basket MqaclINiUOIIAPPLES Ba. 89C 59c f'resh - Tender LOUISIANA TANS 3,Lb. 25C Niagarals Finest - 6 quart PRUNE PLUNS 59C FROZEN FOODS Bindseye Green Peau, 12 oz. ______ 2 for 49e Blrdseye Raspbem'1ies, 15 oz. ________45C MAPLE Mae Co rnih M GROVE - ~ Z M~ Field Manager EýNNISXLN, -Mn. Gardon Beckett, Osh- aw4visited Mr. and Mms Fyd Beckett Mr. and Mts. Wmn. Lamib, Cassai',., wene wlth Mr. and Mn.. Lor»e Lamb. Mn.an Mn. red Fuson, Bowmnvllvisitcd M.and Mrs. Carl F'erguson. - 0Mr. and Mns. Gea. A. :5cot Oshawa, Misses Louise n Maijorie McIntosh, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. John Henry, Run- tingdan, que., visited Mr. and lMrs. Gco. Irwln. .Enniskillen Farmer'. Union held Sept. 6th at Tyran. Hall. Pantypool Local' Waeetheir gueos. Aften the. business ses- sion, ,they gave a very gond prograin faflowed by a social Miss Florence Van Neat, To- ronto, spent an atternoon with .. ......Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A. Wenry. Sam Blaek Mn. and Mrs. Albent Wright, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tncwln, d Bowmanville, has been aP- Lloyd and Earle, Blackstock, >ointed Field Manager for Ca- Mr. and Mns. Edgar Horn, Osh- eperators Insurance Association awa, with Mn. and Mns. Eanl ollowing intensive training at Trewln. me campany's head office, Master Ronald Forsyth, ac- 'on6nto. Hc will handle'edaims companied Mn. and Mrs. R. J. vrnk and promotion in Durham, ritnonavs whM. Tocthuela mdthe terbpraugh,1 and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Hay- rictorla and the uhrn part dn ,f -Ontario County. Mn. Black dn ras fonnierly an Inspector wlth M1'5. E. Strutt, Mr-. and Mrs. he Daii-y Branch,' Ontario De- Clifford Fethîclc and- Ruth, STOKELY'S FANiCYZ. 48-oz. Tomato Juice25 CAMPBELL'S - lO-oz. Tomato Soup 3 for 3 5C. AYLMER - 9-oz. Chili Sauce 21 4 'I t-A. 't DIXIE BRAND NYLONS Finest Quallty 9 8cPr. CANgAD'A VInEGAR _________ tR d &Wh UYS> RED & WHITE-- 13-oz. Tomato Caf chu p Supreme Brand - 3-or. Walnui Pieces 18c Painiolive - Reg. size ToietSoap 3 Fr 25c Keilogg's Variety Pack - 12's Cereal ,39c Jelu-O - Lemon Pie Filling 3 For 29c Liptons Chicken Noodle SiupMix 2 For 25c Delsey - (Coloured) Toilet Tissue 2 For 37c SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLY ,PQWDERS FAB DETERGENT 3 forl27c Giant Size 7 5 c SHOP RED & WHITE TODAY and EVERY DAYl, Extra Special ! A Dellcious Roast - Boneles Lamb Front Roils Swift's Premium - By the Piece DOLOGNA Swift's Premium - Sliced LUNiCHEON NEAT There's a Red & Whi P BOWMANVILIE Yeo's Marketeria Grove--Groceteria ORON0 M a rk e te r a »r- with Mr. and Mn. J. H. -Wilson, Port Hope. Mr. and Mn. R. McLaughlin, Mn. and Mms Earl Masters - ad girls, Bouinanvile, vlsitcd Mn. and Mrn. A. Sharp. q Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Coates, of Shirley, were tea gyeists of Mn. and Mrn. F. Toms. Mns. K. V. Svanaefelt and Mfs. Nonnian-Wilson, attended. a shawen fan Miss Canal Hen~' derson af Toronta. - Miss Heathen Gniffin Was guest of. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Mnr. E. M. Slemon visited hon cousin, Mrs. Eva Tyers, To- robta. Mr. and Mus. John Siemon, Kathryrj and Robent, vlslted friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Siemon retunned haone wlth thein misa Mns. Eva Tyens, for a visit. 'Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Roy Werry who wene mânnied on Satunday at the parsonage. Service Club ladies met at thc home a! Mrs. H. Ashton, wlth eight 'ladies present. Lunch was senved by Mns. L,. Wbarn, Mrs. W. Howell, Mrs. A. Werry and hostess, Next meeting at Mrm. E. McNair's, Sept. 20. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Slack and daughter, Bawmanville, were Sunday ovening visitons af Mn. J Courteous, Friendly Service for 14 Yemrs ý it, and Un. E. McNafr's., Mn. and Mns. R. MeNeil, vis- Ited frlends in Oshawa and misa cmlled on friends in Brook- Mr'. mnd Mm& .0. C. Ashton. Lois and Charles, wene at Mns. Irv(in Braggs, Providence. Mn. and Mrs. F. Cowling, Blackstock, Mr. and Mms. R. Vanstone, Whitby, lins. Les. Graham, Haydon, were visitons of Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mns. Roy Metcalfe and Ross, Maple Grave, Mns. D. Cale, Lillian, Helen and Allen, Bow- rnanville, were visitons witht Mr. and Mn,. A. Wenry. C.G.I.T. wil meet at Mns. Ci. C. Ashton's on Saturday, Sept. Storé TM CANADMS STATMOUR. BOWMAInn= ONTAMO 17 at 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. FreemaiR nard, Mr. and Mns. D. Yeoý, a Lamna, Oshawa, were Sund"y visitons af Mrn.md Mns. p don Yeo. 1Mn. and Mrs. B. IMfcNéuilt Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb, H~n Mr-. and Mrn. Cameron ke Oshawa, ,with Mn. and Albert Oke. Mn. and Mns. Jim Bafl, 0r. ana, Mr. and Mrs. RussellWin- tue, Tyrane, Mn. and Mrs.$'AI. Ian Martin and Grant, manville, visited Mrn.md Çs Ralph VU-tue. Mns. E. . Walker anýdgil spent the weekend wlth Mn. and Mns. Russel~ Gulffln. M r 21ç