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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 16

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- .- - FA= a UXTEE THE CAIfADIAN STATESMMi. EOWMANvHLE.I. -ONTARXO ~' ~ McLaughlin Estate WiII Be Le ft to -Oshawa Hospital I Pictured above is "Parkwood", the beautiful 10-acre estate of of the hospital. The property was purchased by Col. McLaughlin in Col. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin on Simcoe St. N. in Oshawa, which the 1915 and a start was made on the stately mansion which now stands on ,,ioneer automobile manufacturer announced on Wednesday of last week it. Several additions have been made since that time, and it now contains will be lef t to the Oshawa General Hospital after their death. Col. 50 rooms. Col. McLaughlin has-made many gifts to hîs home city of McLaughlin was speaking at the ceremonies of laying the cornerstone of Oshawa. Only last year the beautiful McLaughlin Memorial Public Lhe new $2,500,000 wing of the Oshawa General Hospital when he made Library was opened on Centre Street in the downtown portion of the city. thie announcement. Parkwood is situated only a short distance south, Y.. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie and Susan, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Riddell and attended Orono Fair. Corngratulatio'ns to Mr. John ]B. Moat, 'Ouxville, (formerly pf Orono).ç on bis 97th birth- clay, Sr c. 16th. Mirs: Earl Grady, Hamilton, is vJsting Mrs. Thornton Wil-' sorn. Mrs. John Morris visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones and at- Ftended Port Hope Fair. J .Miss Alma Cutteil spent jSunday in Toronto. "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan and Mrs. Evans visited their brother, W. A. Waddell and Mrs. Waddell recently at Ven- çsta on the Lake in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. James Bal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Ennisilen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, e r. and Mrs.- Lloyd Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, Mr. Çerald Rainey, Mr. Gordon "Lowery, Miss Marjorie White of Orono; Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Bowmanville, attended the Taylor - Anderson wedding at Milverton on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Valerie and Bruce spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton, Bowmanville. Mrs. R. W.. Gardiner, Garden Hill, was a weekend guest of Mrs. John Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simpson who were weekend guest o Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barraballi have returned home to Alta-1 mont, Man., after a month'sI visit in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders andý Mrs. W. Reid, Bowmanývillc;j Mr. arnd Mrs. H. Bowen visited Mrs. Geo. Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Kedron, visited Mrs. W. G. McCulloch.- Mrs. S. Payne passed away at Western Hospital, Toronto. Funeral was on Monday from Orono United Churcb. Inter- ment in Orono Cemetery. Mrs. M. Sherwin has pur- chased Mr. C. V. Wilson's house "MiId Maxie" 'Tossed Umps ObjectIob Protes! As.Pic ton Downs Roses iIt was the umpiring as much as the Picton team which ac- counted for that squad's 10-7 win over the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses in Picton on Wednesday of 'last week. The victory tiedi the best-of-tbree O.B.A. Inter- mediate "B" series between the two clubs at a game apiece and set the stage for the final game here on Saturday. In addition to several question- able calis, the "bome-town" um- pire threw shortstop Maxie Yourth out' of the game in the second inning for protesting too botly on a safe caîl on a Picton steal at second base. Since catcher-manager Frank Hooper was not playing, the loss of Yourth was especially costly. Roses' Pitching Off Bowmanville's pitching was not up to standard, however, and the Picton batters collected Il bits off the combined de- liveries of Gord Sellers, Clint Ferguson and Johnny Stainton. Sellers ran into trouble in the third frame and Ferguson went in to relievý with two out. Hé' failed to put out the fire and on Main Street. Mrs. Chas. Brown, Mr. Gea. Brown and Jim, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. J. E. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas. Awde. Miss Gîpria Pigott bas joie~- ed the stàff of Orono Branch of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Mr. Wm. Robinson, Kendal, bas purchased Mr. Fred Ly- cett's bouse on Mill Street. Congratulations to Mrs. Geo. , Dunlop on winning a $172.56 cheque for the Jumbo Zoo puz- zle in a Toronto paper. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Miss Dianne Phasey, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Rev. Dr. W. D. Goodger. B.A.,.of Cobourg, was the gùest speaker Rally Sunday at Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, Enfield, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bar- rabail and attended Orono Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- ton and daughter are staying with Mr. and Mrs. M. Chatter- ton. Eleven Win Money Prizes In Contest .Three residents of the Bow- manville district won prizes of $172.56 in the Jumble Zoo con- test sponsored by the Toronto Daily Star and eight others picked up prizes of $8.74. Tie prize list in the lengthy con- test, which ended about twvo months ago, was published on Saturday. Winners of $172.56 prizes were Herbert Calmer and Mrs. William Corden of Bowman- ville and Mrs. George Dunlop, Orono. Wînners of $8.74 prizes were: Mrs. F. Butler, Newcastle; Ger- ald Cox, 23 Carlisle St.:, 'Ken- neth Cox, 119 King St.; Mrs. J. J. Cuddahee, 47 Prospect St.; L. Glasford, 31 King St. W.; Bert Johnston, 79 Scugog St.; J. T. Krawchuk, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, and Mrs. B. Lyle, Bowmanville East Beach. Johnny Stainton went to the mound to finish the game. Pic-'i ton scored four runs on f ive bits and three wild pitches by thc Roses hurlers in this damaging third inning. Picton had notched two runs in the first inning and wrapped up the game with four more in the sixth scored on two bits, two, bases on balîs and a Bowman- ville error. Fitzpatrick started on the hý for Picton but was relieved by Miller in the second when the Roses staged a two-run uprising. Between them they held the Roses to only six bits. Buck Cowle and Tim Cox each rapped out two singles and Roy Falls and Lloyd Hamilton had one apiece. Llayd Hamilton started in lef t field and moved in to third base, with Cowle moving to 'short, when Maxie Yourth was given the heave. Bob Williams re- placed Hamilton in the outfield. R H El Bowmanville 120 101 Il 7 6 2 Picton 204 004 0x 10 il,31 MION The September meeting of the W.A. was held in the Sun- day School room with 19 mem- bers> two visitors and threc children present. Mrs. Henry Dart, president, opened the meeting \vith a short reading4, "Be The Best You Can," fol- lowed by prayer. Mrs. Stanley Ogle had charge of the devotional period. Mrs. R. C. Stainton read the scrip-7 ture. Roll caîl was answered by something on "Harvest*.» The Conference at Quinn Mo- Lac Camp, Madoc, on Septem- ber 26th was discussed and several ladies hope to attend. Mrs. Gerry Glaspeil gave a reading on Citizenship. Program was a reading by Mrs. Alex McMaster and a reading by Mrs. Ray Cameron. The group, Mrs. Percy David- son, Mrs. Stanley Ogie, Mrs. Robert Killen and Mrs. R. C. Stainton served delicious re- freshments and Mrs. Harold Bennett thanked the group on behaîf of the ladies for a nice afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and David at Douglas Skim- ner's, Oshawa. Mrs. Clarke Moore, Misses Beth and Marie Moore and friends, Oshawa, at Keith Stainton 's. Mr. and Mrs. George Me- aughey and family, Oshawa, aYRussell Perkins'. Johnny and Brenda Camer- on, Oshawa, are staying witbi their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Camneron while their mother is in the hospital with their new baby sister. Miss Marie Killen, Hamilton, at Robert Killen's for the weekend. Mr. Roy Thomas, Scarboro; Mr. Ronald Jackson, Misses Grace Stainton znd Pat Shawv, Oshawa, at Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger at T. Sturzenegger's, Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. N. Potter, To- ronto, atb Henry Dart's. Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cover- ly, Kenneth and Karen. Eben- ezer, Donald Coverly, Oshawa, at Wes. Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stepben, War wil end when nations Bruce and Diane, Peterbor- are ripe for progress.-Mary ough, at R. C. Stainton's. Baker Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence fTo be prepared for war is one Henry, Hamilton, at Ray Cam-. ofthe most effectual means of eron's. preserving peace.-George Wash- Mr. -and Mrs. Douglas Skin- zngfton. nier and faniilyi, Oshawa. at Pr eýsý-"'-eiuits & Vegetable.,s -f» - -1

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