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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 17

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UIIUSDA, SET. Sth 195 TE CAADIA STTESAN. OWMNVILV! MJIN f COMING EVETS Reserve Saturday, November 26th for Christmas bazaar under auspices of St. Paul's Evening Junior W.A. 37-1 Plan to attend the annual turkey supper at St. John's Anglican Church, October 20th, 5, 6 and 6:30 p.m. sittings. 37-1 Trinity Fall Fair, Friday, Nov. 18th, 3-5, 7-9 p.m., et, Trinity Sunday School room. Sponsor- ed by Woman's Association. Afternoon tea served. 37-1 The Cartwright F ar me rs' Union euchre, Wednesday, Sept. 2lst, 8:30. Blackstock Township Hall. iGood prizes. Lunch. Ad- mission 35c each. 37.1* Danc, Frdaynight, Sept. 16, inKna Community Hall. Doug. Dasti's Northern Ramb- er.Everyone welcome. Ad- missi'on 50c. 37-1* Reserve Friday, September 23, 2p.rn., ior nome UHke sale at HOCKLEY-Ip loving memory Hydro Shop, under auspices of of a dear wife apd mother St. Paul's Evening Junior W.A. Loulsa Hockley, Who- passed 37-1 away Sept. l3th, 1954. Of a dear mother gone ta rest, Beehive Rebekal Lodge Penny And the ones who think ai Sale, afternoon tea, home bak- her todayj ing, ta be held in Lions Com- Are the ones who loved het> lest munity Centre, Friday, Sept. 23, -Ever remembered by husband a :0 pca orpie and family. 37-1 every hour. Draws made at 8 p.m. Prizes on display iTi IVES-Ilb lovîng memory of a Public Utilities window, from dear mother, Mary, Ann (Minnie) Friday, September 16. 37-1 who passed away September 15,i 1949.' Instruction course on films and *'Love's greatest gift- prajectors for anyone interested, Remembrance" ta be held in Lions Community --Sadly missed - The family. Centre, Bowmanville, on Satur- 37-1; day, Sept. 17, from 9 ta 12 noon i and 1 ta 5 p.m., under auspices PIPER-In loving memory af af Durhamn County Film Coun- our dear father and mother I cil. Joe Walker, Sec'y-Treas. Nelson and Elizabeth Piper, who 36-2 passed away September 9th, 1932, and September l9th, 1952. -The Family. 37-1l' THOMPSON-In loving memory of a dear father, James Tlamp- son, who passed away Sept. 8,1 .1937. -~-Ever remembered,-by his two daughters, Olive and Ferne. 37 -* 'VAN CAMP - Wm.-In loving memory of a dear "Husband"' & "Dad," who left us sa sudden- )y Sept. 17 - 1949, Untill - "The end of Time" Wife - "Mary" Daughters - Mabel, Helen, Wil- ina, Jessie. 37-1 Cards of Thcmnks Mrs. Walter Lawrence would, like to thanik her friends, neigh-1 bours, Farmers' Union and j "Blackstock W.A. and W.M.S. for ,. ,qtrdà, fruit and gifts, while in t. Miehael's Hospital, Toronto. 37-1 1 wish to express my thanks toalah my friends, neighbours and relatives, for the lovely floWers,l cards and fruit sent ta me while ign Toronto General Hospital and at hme.Mrs. Ray Brock. 37-1*! T wish ta thank my friends and neiglibours for their cards, flowers, gilts and help whlle I was i hospital and since I have been home. Special thanks ta my relatives, Dr. McKenzie and staff o! Memorial Hospital. (Mrs.) Trudy Sallows. 37-1 In the' midst o! aur sorrow, we would like ta thank aur friends, neîghbours, nurses, un- dertakers, for flowers and thoughtfulness in the loss of a dear brother, Thomas Milton Graham. The Graham Family. 37-1 We would like ta, thank our xnany frienda and neighbours who sent us cards and made telephone calis, on aur recent winniiýg of the Silver Cup frcqn thie Oshawa Horticultural So- ciety. Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Chapman, Hampton. 37-1 I wish ta, express my sincere tlianks ta Dr. K. W. Slemon, Dr. McKay, Dr. Miklos, the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, for care and kindness, also ;frienda, relatives and neighborsi for cards and flowers received w~hile in hospîtal. Mrs. Leona Farrow. Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. U5 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2.-tf HOOVER service man will bc. at our store every Thursday. Bring1 y.ours in or Phone Higgon Elec- trie Llmitcd. 38 King St. E.. Bow- manville, MA 3-5438. 52-f BREPAIRS to ail makes of refrig-' erators, doniestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Hlggon Electric Lixrdted. 42 King St. E. ]Phone MA 3-54MS 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W.. Phone MA 3-5463 BO WMAN VILE TAYLOR Repair Shop IAOSand REATERS AfflD and CLEANED KECORING General Solderlnt Repaire Queu St. W. Bowntanville Pe.MA 3-3t59 83-Uf Tenders Wanted STORM SEIVER, TILE BED AND CREEK DIVERSION , BOYS' TRAINING SCIIOOL, BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS will lie received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. on, Wednesday, September 21, 1955 for Storm Sewer, Tule Bed and Creek Diversion workc at the Boys' Training School, Bowman- ville, Ontario.' A Bld Bond made payable ta the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer. of Ontario in tle amount of $1,000.00 must ac- company the tender. A Performance Bond made aut by an appraved Guaranty Com- pany in thc amaut ai 1001% of the contract amaunt will be re- ctuired from the succesful ten- derawnsperiaioswt Drer. -peifcainswii tender form attadhcd and tender eflvel9pe may le abtained on ap- plication ta the Deparirnent ai Publie Works, Ontario, .'9om No. 6327, East Block, Pariament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A deposil o! $20.00 will be required for the set o! doc- uments taken out and thisi amount will le refunded when i the documents are returned in good condition. The lowest or any tender net necesarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister (Engineering)1 Department of Public Work-s, Ontario.1 Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. September 611, 1955. 36-21 Work Wanted SKATES sharpened. See Jam- ieson's Tire Shop, corner King 1and, Silver Streets. 36-tf Masonry Constru'ction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free E5timates ANGER BROS. MA 31-2273 or DIA 3-3375 12-tf Concrete and Masonry, Ail types of CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK WVORK L. TURNER Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 BOWMANVILLiý- 35-tf A. E. C-OLE PLUMBING At-T HEATING Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer 2e Ontario St. Bowmanvlle Phone Night or Day MA 3-3473 ________16-tf IlLE BEDS - TRENCHINGI SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE IVORK BARRY & LEE RA 3-3693 MAI 3-398 3 4-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fasi, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 1 23-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVÀTING TRENCHING . LGADINO DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and F111Jbbs FREE ESTMATES Tripp Construction PORT PEBRY 342W Ads Three Brothers to- Attend O.A.C. -NOTICES Dr. Storey's office will be closed Sept. Il to Sept. l8th- attending Medical Convention. 36-2* To ail Scouts of thé Second, Bbwmanville Troop: There will be a Scout meeting on Tuesday, September 2th at the Scouti Hall, at 7 p.m. Yours in Scout- ing, Scoutmaster Biggs. -2L7- We are now maiiufacturing cernent blocks, 'both interlocking and standard, and wouild be pleased to serve you with a good product at a reasonable prioe. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W,Î Port Perry. 4ù.:tf The newly formed Men's Rural League consisting of Blackstock, Enniskillen Srs., Enniskillen Jrs., Hampton, Maple Grave, Tyrqne teams to commence bowling on September 20 at 9 p.m., Mehrtyn's Bowling Acaciemy. 37-1 Lost BOWEN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Emma Theresu, who passed away Sep- tomber 11, 1943. 'Yearà of strlvlng, littie of play, Loving and giving the wliole ofthe way; A cherUshed &mille, a heart of gold; 'othe dearest mother, the world could hold. Happy memorles, fond and true, From us who thought the world of you." -Eý.er rernembered by husband and family. 37.* COYLS-Xn loving memnory of a dear wife, Elizabeth, who passed away Sept. 16, 1954. Her lovlng face 1 hope to see. again, Though thie days have passed away; Sleep on, dear wife, and tai<e your rest, They miss you most who loved you best. -Ever rewembered by husband James. 37.1* SMALL red leather wallet con- taining sum 0of money. around August 8, in Port Hope district. Liberal reward. Write Box 402, c/o Canadian Statesman. 35-3* WILL the man wha »got the Reglina wateh with H.C.G. on 1back fromn Mr. Crombie please return it ta him, it was a keep- sake. ,. 37-1': ONE boy's bicycle taken from yard on night Sept. 7, believed ta have been seen about four miles 'west of Hampton on 5th Concession. Please Phone MA 3-2489, Mrs. AUf Randie, Hamp- ton, Ont. 37-11c -Tenders Wanted For sale by tender, a quantityv of body and limb hardwood. Apply ta Fred Coueh, Property Committee, Newcastle. Phone 3611. 37-1 Prize - Jerseys Win Awards At Exhibition 1 Rudoipli Stenger and Son,' En- niskillen, entered some of their prize Jersey cattle in the live-ý stock competitions at the Canad-' ian National Exhibition andl walked away with some of the top -prizes in the show. Among the many prizes they won were the Senior Grand ,Champion Jersey bull, "Bramp- tan B. P. Servant", and the third prizè -aged dry cow, "Enniskil- len Royal Xenia". The long list of their prizes includes, besides the champions,' one fourth, two fifths, two sixths, twa sevenths, and two ninth place awvards.- Wee Folk To Invade Tlhe Statesman Starting this week, The Canadian Statesmail wii publish photos of Bowman- ville and district young folk, under the heading of "*Citizens of Tomorrow'. 1 This feature wiil run for The three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jamçs T. Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle, shown above, will al 6e leaving on Sunday for Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, to take up thair studies there. Lef t ta right they are: Merrili, 19; Gerald, 21, and Earle, 23. Ail thrée brothers are well known throughout Durham County through their work with the Durham County 4-H and Junior Farmer Clubs, and ail have been on ehampionship judging teams. During the past four months Earle has been Assistant Agricultural Representative for Durham County. Ch amber Urges Citizlen s Be at Garbage Meeting Tonight in Town Hall Mr. Edtor:- i'ta be comphetely neutral and The Chambet' ai Commierce, will welcomc discussions for rcalizing that the prosent con and aguinst municipal garbage tî'aversy regarding municipal collection. Any views present - garbage collection affeclpcd cd by members will be their evcî'yane in the town ai Bow- awn personal opinions. manvilie, leulI tat wc could It is hopcd lIat after this provide. a public service byi meeting town council will make sponsoring and conducting a a definite decision. If you do public meeting which \vould not attend this meeting wc will givê' cveryonie the appontunity lipiesume Ilat you will sanction ta expr'ess lIeu' views. and fiai- any decision made by towîî oui the lacis by asking que'.-,' council. Lions about the pr'escrit and the We weevci'v pleased ta lc proposcd sy stcmn of garba.ýc able ta announ ce lasi weck the collection and disposai. appointmcnt o! Ken Morris as W\e lape Iliat whether you ' ur future secnetary mana-cl. are ini favour or against muit- We realizcd from thc beginning cipal garbage collection yau i tlat wc would flot le able ta will attend this meeting. Mi affard a luge salary, compar-I are mast anxious that each side Il with larger cilles and o! thc question le wcll presenl- towns. We, tîcrefore, feel vcry cd, s0 that afier this meeting fotunale indeed, tIai Ken town council will know - just Morris witl lis ekprience and wliat action slould le taken. 1 qualifications was willing ta We are ii-lerested in tle faci accept a salary af $3,600 per lIat several people feel that' annum sa that le could return anyane who attends Ihis meet t Bowm-anville and work for ing and advacates a change ici thc lown in whicl lic was municipal garbage collection in naised and ini whicî le hapeŽs th~e future may 1-ot.-have thecm 1ta spend tle resi af lis lufe. garbage picked up under îlef We trust lIai we can caunt prescrnt system. We feel sur#, on your support and you wl that this would nal lapperi, not anly le oui this Thursday since wc are sure that those la tle public meeting,'but ouý prcscnthy engagcd in this work will also join us ai augrbregula realize ilat if this did lappeni meeting the thirdMndyi it xvould le the vcî'y thing thc montl. which would make tle people Sincerelvyoyurs, of Bawmanville dcmandga-TcExuie bage collection as their rigît. h xctv During this meeting îhl Bowmanvilhe Cliamber af Clarnber o! Commerce will try Commerce. Dedîcate Peace Cairn At Impressive Gathering In- Cobourg on Monda y several months. Thiere is-no At an impressive cp-emony Plouglmen's Ass'n.; Alex Me. charge to have Your child's on Monday afternoan at Ca- Kinney from tle Canadiar photo taken. Carson's Mo- bourg, a beautiful Cairn o! Ploughing Councîl and severa bile Studio of Port Hope Peacc was univeiled and~ dedi- others. wlll have their 20-foot studio cated ta cammemorate thc Firý t Intî'oduced ta tle audienc( trailer in Bowmanville. Fri- Worhd Phoughing Matchlleld were Jim Eccles of Br'ampton day. Parents who have not there in 1953. winner o! \the 1953 match anc leen contacted by the As hundrcds of farmiers, Bob. Timbers ai Milliken. run- Studio representative and municipal, provincial and fed- lier-up, tle masons, the phaquE who wish to have their eral officiais gathered for thc maker, plougli maker, masteý child's photo taken may event and pracceded through af works and allers who con. bring the childien to the thc several addresses, tle hum- triluted their time and energy trailer any time Friday ble ploughshare \vas lied dloser ta coilstructing thie Phougli and from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. and dloser ta île cause o! peace Cairn. in tle world. Hon. Paul Martin, To furtler preserve the even, TIMinister a! National Heaith for posîeriîy, a glass jar con- HAMPTO1UN and Welfare, laok time Out taining pertinefit documentý from lis arduous duties on the was placed in tle interiai'oo Recent tea guesîs o! Mrs. E. Disarniament Committcc o! thc tle Cairn by District Dirceto: H. Cale iverc Mrs. Arhur United Nations at New York ta Howard Henry. As planeý Woodley, California, ai-d Mis6ble the guest speaker for the zoomed overlead, Mr. Marin Florence Gardiner, Bowman- occasion. His theme, "Thry unve]led the Cairn and Pleugh. ville, and on Sunday Mr. and shall bcat tieir bwords into Rev. Pliflip Hommersen, repre- Mrs. Gea. Oldfield and Miss ploughshares and their spears senting Cobourg United Churcl Ethel McDermont, Port Perry. intÔ pruning hooks" was tyPi- Pregeytery, pronounced fil cal o! the avertones runnling benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, through the gathering. FioigîecrmnC Wendy and Sandra. Port Credil, olwntecrmnyC- at the homes o! their parents, The Cairn o! Peace, as it is bourg Rotary Club entcrtaiiied Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daw and callcd, is topped by a large re- thc gtSsts aI a dinner in Co- Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs. plica ai thc Golden Plough. bourg Pavilion, presided ovcî Mr adMr. nusRedemblemalic o! the world by' Rotary President E. L. Rug- aMr.ldeOaa and Mrs. gs edphoughing charnpionshîp. "The gles. Mr. Martin also addrgess- a.nd In TalrnOh, were retoriginal, Golden PlotigI travels cd this gathering, following î'j: visitorsaToW.oW.towr's. ntannually from aneco cuntry ta lis tlought-provoking addreýs visiorsat . W.Hor's. anotllcr as a messenger ai of the afternoon wilh same de. Mrs. W. W. Horn visited peace and goodwvill and a liar- tails o! lis present work taward friends in Port Hope on Fri- binger o! lape and alundance Disarmament at the Unitcd Na. day. for ail mankind. Nathîng could tions. Mrs. A. C. Perry, Toronto, more appropriately symbolize Several Liram this district ai- spent thc weckcnd with friends man's drcam for peace than tne h ucin nldn here. ,i, tilîîng the sou. ro that bunger Rned e fuW.Ncos inCur-n Mrs. Maria Cale, Toronto, and want, tle twin evils o! tiev eeRoy W. Nichase,Cour. aguest of Mrs. E. H. Cale for %var, migît le banished irom catie; EReeve HryJase, cac. .a while. 1îte face o! tle carth for ever," Newcastle; Reeve Sid Little, Mr. J. B-. Horn and daugh- Mr. Martin declared. Dr. L. B. Williams, Worid ters. Dutton,' wbo have spent J. A. Carrol. Assistant De- Ploughing Ass'n. Vice -Pr's. the lest ten days with relatives puty Minister af Agriculture in Gea. W. James anid John M. here and at Peterboroughi have i Ontario and Chairman o! tle James, M.P., Bowmanville. returncd lame. . 1953 Plaughing Match, wasi Photos o! the eveni appear Miss Annabellp Adcock spentI Chairman- for this impressive, on page 15. a few days last week witli Mr. ecremony. He ntroduced the, and Mrs. -J. R. Reynolds and Cobourg Ordnance Band whicih family at Landon. play cd prior ta tle addresses., ln Canada ritics of. 4,000 pop- Sorry ta lear o! the illniess Speakers who brought greet- ulation and aver there werc 64 in Tarant of Mrs. John WilILs, ings includcd lion. W. A. Good- miurders known ta police i.1 who las spent thc pa!st fcw fcllow, Minister o! Municipal 1953, and 51 af tle cases were months at lier summer home Aflair-., Ontario, Percy Good. cleared by arresi. here. Her many friends w1sl ing, Pres. Durham and North- for her a speedy recovery. umberiand Ploughmen's Ass'n.;i Sympathy is extended ta the Warden Allen Beer o! the DedSokRmvd Gay family, formerly of Hamp- United Countîees J. D. Thomas, ed iok- m vd ton, in the sudden death in . Pres. o! the World Ploughing Hlghest Prices'Pai Toronto of th'eir sister Effie IAss'n.;, Harry Campbll, Ex- 24-Hour Service (Mrs. Tillotson). 1 Warden and Pres. o! thc 1953 TELE.PHONE COLLECT Mrs, Dan Adcock is again Ploughing Match: John ' M. COBOURG 1787 under care at Memnoriai Hos- James, M.P., Durham: H. I_' NICK PECONT. pital. Bowmanville. We"'truA -tMa g 'c of Iniperial Oil Co. Ltd.: rrRoOG Z~ àkie may' âoon be impnoved. <Fl oýd La:ihley of the Ontario _______________ in il1 B.T.S. -Staff Entertai ned At Corn Roast The B.T.S. staff held a very fine corn raast at the Superin- tendent's residencc, Saturday evening, Sept. 3rd. The weath- erman had handed out a deliglit- ful autumn evening with a Ibrigît full moon. Thc grounds lad been special- 'ly wired by Mr. Glen Martyn with beautiful coloured liglits which added greatly ta the party. In fact, many of the staff were involved in making the event such a success. A large number of the staff witl theii' families seated on comfortable chairs, gatlered around the open fireplace which was the centre of attraction, and cnjoyed social dit-chats with one another. M'. Werry and Mir. Pollock attended ta the preparation ai the corn treat which was soon in action. Aiter everyone lad done ample justice ta the deliciaus corn whicli was in abundance and ai excellent quality, also ta the coffee whidh lad been pre- pared by Mrs. Werry and Mrs. Pollock, the staff enjoyed a hearty sing-sang. Mr. Ross Met- calfe, Director ai Music -for South Darlington Schools, led the singing in his pleasant, cap- able manner. Hidden talent was displayed in the quartettes and larmony-part singing mucli ta thc surprise and deliglit af tle listeners. At the close o! thc sing-song. Mr. Don Williams, on behaîf o! the staff tîanked Mr. Metcalfe for lis kindness ini caming ta lead the singing; ta Mr. and Mrs. Weî'ry for tîcir part and kind- ness, and ta all wlo helped in any way ta promote sud ia pleasant cvening. He lad nated a vcry fine family spirit tîrougl,- out and hoped many atler sudh gatherings and goad times wouhd continue. Mr. Werry rcplied' ta îhl words spoken by Mr. Williams, adding lis thanks and apprecia- tion,- ta the staff foi' coming out in such large numbers and all their kitid services given. The Superintendent was algo glad ta hlave present, Miss Blue, a form- .er B.T.S. staff member present, who enjoycd meeting aid iriends. Slortly after the singing, tle Party broke up, everyone de- lighted and grateful for the time pent ogetîer. lgod Shaw's HoId 'Welcome for Newcomers A c*n roast was held for the. commuaîty of Shaw's ai, thc home o! thc president ai thc Home and Sclool Associp- lion, Mr.' K. Wcrry, Concession Si., E., on Thursday eveniî>g. The yard was gaily lit with coldred liglits and while cor'n steamed in kettles on the out- * door fireplace thc president spoke words o! welcome la al present and newcamers, partic- ularly among 11cm bcing Mr. Fritz Marti who has settied ini aur cammunity and mare re- cently returned from Jamaica witli lis bride, tle formerý Betty King. TIc young couplej ivere prescnted wvilh a wall mior and though taken byi surpr'ise bail madc vcry fitting, replies of thanks. A short business peripd was1 hcld-and il was decided bo c- cepi Mr. Werry's kind affer of' tle use o! Shaw's Produce Mar- ket on Saturday, Sept. 24, tai whiel we bring aur danations o! fruit and vegetables and j praceeds will le tunned over ta tle Home and Sebool As- sociation. While great quantities o!fliot luttered carna, donuts and cof- fce xverecansumed Mr. 1. Woollcy Ic'd the childrcn- in"a lively siag-saag. Mrs. K. Squair expreàsrd Ihc thanks ai ail present ta Mn.ý aad Mrs. Werry for tle use oi; I 11cm lovely grounds fol' aur annual September gel-logeýther and a hearty clap was given. The singing o! "Good Nigît Ladies" brought a pleasant cvening ta a close. Ccllutoid, the firsi plastic, iwas developed in 1869 on a wood pulp baîi. Ed itor of Trhe States-man IN 14EXORIAMi sense of rhythm and addîng, ti the enjoyment of games, dancet anid happy times. Sending a child ta Nurser.y ,School can also have a -ver! worthwhile effect on life as home. It gives free time týl mother when she can get necesq sary duties accomplished. Theia the time with the child is mour beneficial ta both. If yau arc interested we sugý gest you contact Mrs. Charlel Wight, Elgin Street. Nursery School opens next-Monday. WANr À%" Naw tlat the older children are back at school the yaunger folk may find things a litt]c lonely. They would like ta le hlike the bigger boys and girls and go ta selool, 100! They can! Nursery Schools provide the answer. At Nurser.ý Selool a dhild lias the opparlunity o! playing witl other chihdrcn af lis own age. He learns ta share toys and ideas, and ta play liappily in a group. Activities are supervisedi bY a tramner teadher sa that play is free, within prescribed limils. Music also plays a very impor- tant raie, helpîng ta develop ai For Good Television WE RECOMMEND Ufaiwa rt/la -By Electrohome 22 Tubes Heavy Transformer Chassis ALL the Latest Features $339oo We guaranlee this sel fully for One Full Yea.- IN WRITIN(G, Protection Television Servicec... MA 3-3883 Expert Television Service *-* Have you sending your ever considercd child ta Nurser'y1 Ckussifimed' ONE large black and tan hound in vicinity of Tyronc. Phone MA 3-2226. 37-1* WALKER fox hound, V '.ý years aid, (white, black and tan). Re- ward. Phone RA 5-5379, Osha- wa. 3-1 School for Tots Opens Monday 33 King St. West From. The Cobourg Sen- newspapei 10 impress up<rn tinel-Star Golden Plough United Nations and govern- ,Cairn Special Edition. ment officials that The Golden 1Plough as a fitting symbol of Dr. George W. James, Edito:r, peace should be- enslirined iof The Canadian Statesman, i within the walls of the United Bowmanville, was named aiNations organization. Vice-Pre.sident of the W orld Terpiao h'Gle Ploughing Organization at the Piough lias been donated to the Dublin Conference of the body1 World Plowing Organization by held in Ireland ini October Of! împex'igl Ou Limited, jointly last year. This signal honour witîi Esso Campanies in ofher was awarded Dr. Japaes for his countries? It wil be handed valuable assistance ta the a ver ta the Secretary-General of Worid Ploughing Organizatiou the United Nations, or some ini publicizing- its activities and other high-placed representative, i endeavoring ta have The at the Plougli Banquet in the Golden Plougli, emblematic of Palace of the Kings of-Sweden world supremacy in the art af at Uppsala, Sweden, following ploughing,- installed in the the World Plaughing Contest to United Nations building in New, be held in Sweden on October York. 7th and Sth. To this end lie was in contact Dr'. James' newcst honour in with the Hon. Lester B. Pear- added ta many lie has received son, then President of the Gei- in his haîf century of service as eral Assembly af the United a weekly newspaper editor. In Nations, and other highl of fic- 1938 he wvas miace President of ils. Althougli this was nat the Canadian Weekly News- possible, it lias since been de- papers Association and he has cided that a replica of The also served a3 a Director e! the Golden Plaugli will bc pla ced Association for 10 years. Dur- in the headquarters of the F'oud ing these years le was Chair- and Agricultural Organîzation, maj of the Advertising Com- of the United Nations in Romr, nmitte and in 1947 le was Itàly. It was due in na smali recognized for the outstanding part ta the efforts af Dr. JamQs1 work he performed in this ca- that this decision was mnade ;n pacity by being presented with co-operation with Hon. i\lr. the Annual Advertisir.g Award Pearson. His original editorial of the Association of Canadian urging that the trophy be plac- Advertisers Incorparated. Pr. ed in-UN headquarters in New Jme is the only weekly news- York wvas reprinted in nany paper editor ta ever receive this newspapers and other publicki- award. tians in Canada, and was also 1 In June of this year a further reprinted by the World Plough- high honor was conferred on Dr. ing Organization and distrb- James when he was awarded an cd in ahl countries ai the 1oi honorary Doctor of Laws de- belongîng ta the arganization. gree, by Queen's University.. 1 Kingston, in recognition of hie Dr. James admits that the outstanding service in the week-L honor of being made a Vice- ly newspaper profession. President ai the W.P.O. did not He lias served his home com- resuit from. lis ploughing af a munity as Mayor and Reeve oe straight furrow in the fertle the Town of Bowmanville and fields o! his native Durham as a councillor, in ail for ten County,- but rather from th( I years. He lias also devoted a. energeticuc se af is editoriall great deal of bis time to many, pen in the columns of his worthwhile cormmunity prajectse, 'Cartwright Council Buys First Union Jck At a recent meeting o! Cart- was instructed ta prepare'a by, ~vrilt ounil te TeasrerJaw appointing an inspector, for wasist orucd tae scnd J knext meeting. wasinsruced a snd ack Clerk was instructed ta pur- Marlaw a cheque for $250.00 f or chase a ncw Union Jack as the land expropriated for roadwav Township lias neyer owned one. at Williams' Point, being 41 icetl Communication from Dept. Pt off eastèrly side af lots 74 and Highways was read, making it 75, Plan 137. known thdt anyone erecting-a Communication was read from building or' sign adjacent to Dept. o! Labor re Trench Exca- King's Highways, Controlled Ac- vators' Protection Act, whicl cess Highways and Seec ida-r came into farce on July l5th, Roads, must get a permit from making it necessary for every the Department. The Divisiom municipality ta appoint Ihn in- Office for this district is at 131 spector under the Act. Clerk Hope Street N., Port Hope. im -M 'ýRMDAT, SEPT. isth, ioss 'ME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO 15, A eq-1p 9 1 r7h é

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