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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 18

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PAGE. EIG~T NTHE CANADIAN S TATESMAII BOWMMq'VILLE, 0ONTARMc TmIRBDAY, SEPT._lUth, 1W mU bih Tirn Page for Articles Fore Sale Articles For Sale IAtce For Sale Want .ed To aent Real Estate fo SleRei sate For Sale jfelEtt o"Sl LADY'S figure skates, size 4 /j. KEYS cut automnatically, while INSULATION, blowing mehni OSi omnil rSAL4rombnaonwRDRA SAEFRSL Â dd ti na C as if ed Phone M A 3-3 5 .3 - 7 at t M s n & Dae H ~ . wt o k w o. W r m nh ipOd. shawa. Phone Oshawa RA 3- hot water tank, partial bath iniO TP o o te od e t d _______________________ ware. 3 King S.E, Bowman- guaranteed. re etmts 3264. 36 2* basement. Phone MA 3-3914. ONE Bell piano, china cabinet, ville. 46-tf Harry L.e. Phone Clarke BNAO nBwavlep 37-1 REL ESI1.LT BfRTHS pl A3-60 7j DeLAVAL Magnetic milking 2420. ~BNAO nBwavfep .M LIO 1,000 BALES hay.Phn4r3 machine, two-furrow Interna- _ _Ohw yNvmeIs.M NE fi-rodbugl, ABERNETHY-ýRae and Muriel Blackstock. 37-* tional tractor plough hn CORDWOOD, $3 a cord and ut 3-2403. 37-1 NE1ieroed bnao,$11 5000o, 125 acres, good Ra saeEoe Abernethy are happy to an- ARCNvoes oeynwClarke 2934. 3-1it yourself from trees down, hall lare ktchn alvgro. o am,- 2 soe rîin and mbose.P~e26 -Nwat. n u e th it of ter sn F I A viltlvl e371 dry, at Pontypool. Contact Sam t TWO rooms, furnished or un- For further partclr n ti efb~,8x0 o m hue w lcs nrh o rfi noun e th birh of thei son i f rnis ed, etwe n Ne caste ho e, P one on B ooks MA 2 snrey with hard ood lborni nal, Newc st9 Ronald Wayne, on September varieties. Stewart's Sejeds. 36-tf CLEAN swamp muck, suitable Manetta, Pontypool. 35-4*f and Newtonville. Phone New- 5602. 3- drilled el od em r 1t 6th at Memorial Hospital, Bow- WATER-Hard or sof.Rb for tobacco greenhouses, or ideal castle 2154. 36-2 range PedwdReal Estale manville, a brother for Douglas, H. Cale., MArket 3-54M. 29-t « for top dressing, at Pontypool. CONCRETE stave silos manu- LEASK REAL ESTATE $5,00.00 5ars xr ode Laurel and Alan. 37-1;:. Sam Manetta. Pontypool. 35-9* factured and erected by Camp-1 000,7acextago bellford Silos Ltd. Priced from FrRn 100 acre farm, extra good dlay land, nîcely drained, small bush, ONE GuneyoilraneoiTlMEIrasizdeospc Teaer,$4ForWlte Frn' ,lowmnm.___________92___acres_ oamsoi, 9 aresworabl, 8bankbanstnlrosteexl, $2oof,-150acrs iclui7 ___________ad_________________ acres cedarn MEDI M sbushilcreek h athro$4gh.ralter Fhouse needsacrsepairing.h cstockhrand rior plementssre8aiioo. (n e u ds achappy to an- Newcastle 2806. 37-1 Elyooy L ngmaîroHa pton.____ ___._____ ____ _____ _3 s re sytem2hardrnsfoors Mark Richard, at Memorial Hos- BOY' rmn's bicycle in good Phone MA 3-2339. 37-1 HEARING aid, service, testing PhnlA332.3- os om xelaenthouset, wts. rngd n o n c he b rt5f1he r so8 ." r aserv ice a n d co m p le te s o f P A T E N i V ct r M a n o r m Cl eose t e x c e le ntark et0sm -2i0 facreesit9atecaro n pital, Bowmanville, on Septem- condition. Phone MA 3-5378, FARMALL Cub tractor, equIP- batteries and cords at Higgon Apartments in Bowavie.mrest and city. $8,000.00 $13,500.Oao, 0 acres 0 crs Linda. 37-1* ALLADIN heater, as new, $10, P.T.O., starter and lights. Phone Bowm7-vilf.PhonenMAe35438 , vilage.kTermn all enamelled. P onmortg3-39at' 6 7 -O12erBroorced balancellpasthre.MBank54b8.nmlotsgealong the lakeoradjoining ail e a m e l e d . h o n e MAa3 9 47A2 7t- 12u -B r o o li n .3 7 - 1 2 0 tf L I G H T h o u s e k e e p in g r o o m fo r to s e l o w in g to ill h e a lth . 3 x 0 c e , l r e f a e h u e i Ubeau erpye and Arcetheu 37-1* BOAT, Peterborough 12.oot car- two people. Apply MrÈ. Clarke. Food market in a thrivng g 30 acres, 10 acres market arrivai of* their daughter,1 ONE 16 gauge double barrel top boat, used one month, reas. COMBINATION Moffat eectric Phone MA 3-3093. 36-tf town (no chain stores); solid rden with small fruit, the very toaatins a1ros Deborah Marie, at Memorial! Stevens hammerless shotgun. onable. Phone MA 3-5839; after stove, automatic oven control, FOb-rimckcttaei d iarn wt, 3-moeern 6bat, drai a, 4,500 Sco clpi ne to rglre ba k bra1e HsiaBowmanvillc, on Sep- Phonle M -07 7l . MA 3-3174. 37-13 with annex (burns coal or iatradhdo.WieBx3bros, oem kte. years old, also several hundredrofselipmethes Ho p ta,__ _ __ _ __ _ I- __ _ __ _ __ _ _ ____ _ w ood , in good condition, m ust! 407, c/o n ad ian StaW tem B ox. Mabe o ughto er k t he . ready to ut. Ranch b g low te b r 7h. A sscr fr D ry . ADM IRAL radio-record player VENETIA Iq blinds-Newest col- b e sold. Phone MA 3-3847.1;13 - * ewim n . E q ith sottk a n w 1 3 e re to o 37 1 co m b in atio n , tab le m o d el, $30. o u rs w ith P lastic tap es. W e __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __---if yo-re in er s e d nau- w ith firep lace, oil h eat, th ree i f r a y n i h a s a l d w PhneNecatl 386 7- masrean is.11.Mori C.I FOUR-roomed house, three-pieceifyuaentrsdinab- bedrooms, electric hot water, pyet YOUNG - Art and Audreyi Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf PRINTS of photos of public bath, basement, centrally ocat- iness. ecol ½mlsfo o- 10ars ie rmNw Y o u n g ( n e e M a r t in ) w is h to a n - F I N D L A Y O v a l c o o k s t o v e , a ls o e v e n t s a p p e a r n n t h s p p r i e , a v i a b e O c .1t. P o n eeae h o s scbn g l w , m a n ll e . 1 ZT a k ie sa d v a n t a g o f a t e a y , o m r e k e l nounce the birth of their soni ash sifter. Phone MA 3-5898. DO your own floors - rent .a tkn b arsog n Stdio may e MA 3-2433. . blPh n W av oue, u gao sm nvle. T ke ava tko MihsalArthuravileo Augl --i ~*Sander or a floor polîshr froStudionedfor $1,0Aon38243i3ch'37-1 farms and businesses for sale. the huge market for fruit incthis 1twôbrs te tnhos Michael Athur, atMemoriali Consuitus befor buying. expanding community. Price~e wm oe,,ro Hoptl omnilo u.Lander Hardware, 7 King St..E., glossy prints. Carson Studio,; HEATED three-roomed apart' M. E. Leask, Broker $13,000 with good ternis. 1lPor os ihotfm 29th, 1955. 3j THREE hound pups, male, black Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. otp. 48-if Iment and bath. Apply 3 Dur- 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvile 1 omdhmhav iea$10 aî ah ldvd ____________ and tan. A eit RR ,ht Pr oe ainSt., Or Phone MA 3-3197.Phone MA 3-5919 10fumnac oe , isisavygoo d:y ln t$ui uchsr ENGAr~Tmc~49 DOLLAR specials, o ne rub- BUFTcpoard, with chrome 34 37-1 $5,000.00 down. ~- ",~ TWENTY-three acres of stand- ber-tîred wagon, 13-disc nril,3- p ls1fotwthdaes THREE-room apartment with VANe efcenl angd dn o n. P o e MA 3 2 72.eton d amcli n good condition. Asking price. aa e et d v ia l m aa e fii nl a a e , -ic ah ut-n c p o r s Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink ~gcr.PoeM -22 eto rgcliator, Fk $35ga00.e AppI T AvaTr'c"T' -profitable, work for three mnokforali odcniin anriunce- the engagement of 37-1 swing, 7x4 hay rack. $3500.Appy Mrs. Ronald Al- 1 mediately. Phone MA 3-3060. excluivN mplemnt aeny agoo it obegrg Hoskin, Blackstocank dred, 37 Jane Street, Bowman-' 37-1ieimlmntaeny their daughtcr Muriel Louise, to CORN on the cob by dozen or stc.3-1 ville, Ont. 37-1* 3- elEtf rkr*Ecpinllvn ures John Keith Shackelton, son Of bushel. just right for eating. PORTABLE record player, three - THREE rooms in Tyrone, no Several good gnocery and inecsl.Trs Mr. John Shackelton and the Dial MA 3-2341. 37-1 speed, self amplified, two tone TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- objection to one or two children, North Liberty St., modern general stores. If you are con- Nw5romcabrdhue late Mrs. Shackelton. The mar- leatherette case, excelent con- chines, new and used, for sale possession at once. Phone MA frame 5 room, with dinette, plus sidering the purchase of a bus- 3berosonMitetNw riage wilt take place on Satu- FIRST quality potatoes. G. Biss- dition, onily $22. Phone MA 3- or rent; also Cole steel filingI 3-2306. 71 rcetion roorn in basement. iness, see us. cas ,go el lmnmwn day, October 8th, 1955, at 2 p.m. chop, R.R. 2, Burketon. Phone 55377* cabinets, office furniture, cash 37 This bngalo a adod , g c uaw ah in Ebenezer United Church, MA 3-2016. 36-1*37-___Thisbungalow__as_________ $9 000-Rug brick bungldow s, lrg o, 500, h registers. Waltcr Frank, MA 3-1I NEW cottage to rent, near No. floons, natunal fineplace, $600 3 beoosbahhn SILVER greyLloyd baby ar- mat ithea, l f umago, .37-tf 1 adN.2 Highways, Bow- Thor kitchen unit, oil heat and tile floors, etectrjc hot water, a!i $20. ME e Loy Aby ai an caia ubgmanville,NOsýhawa area; reason- buiît to N.H.A, specifications. very complete home. Mr n r.Hrl opnage,0 PhoneMA3-2382. when Rumacaps will help you to abe. Write Box 46, c/o Te 4.ý2 %ortgge $,650-Stucco bungalow, toiees n Lindsay, annouince the engage- 3- welcome relief. Ask youn drug- Cars For Sale Canadian Statesman. 371 QenS. oo rc enosnc oain om37 ament of their daughter Shirley MAN'S tuxedo, size 36, in ex- gist. .37-1 spendid condition, o wne n e ve y.Trs 'oen oRnl arne147 DODGE sedan, good nunning FARM bouse, brick, 7 rooms, anxious to sell. Wilt take îow m vr a.Tns IO ELETT Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phone MA 3-5403. 36-tftkithen abine ss.o, 3piec Brock, Bowmanville. cThetonm181K- riag e w ill tak e p lace o c . î t I E a r s s a d n o , a s h s e f e d s i e $ 5 0 . A l i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 l v t n on co u nty road.sst n in Nr ,eil h st r ie d su te $ 5 . 0 A l in - O n e fo u r an d o n e fiv e- n o m bcrooms, o l e t, h n d o d h ey w n n3 pi c a h e 1955, at 3:30 p.m ., n Trinity one shotgun. Phone N ew castle good condition. Phone M A 3- '50 HEV. Piý_ p, '47 Stude- 66 r 4. 3 1 b i k un a o , 5 y rs o d ry andtu s,. re c eon n m a n i f n a e e utf l l t United Church, Bowmanville. 2106. 37-1 2943. 37-1 baker 2-ton. Phone MA 3-5756. iecndto.Asking $8,650 dytblnscpd m. Medaepseso,$.0 ah 37-4* 37saehaes go o-SEILEn fuecerne-1'FOUR-room apartment in States- and $9,000 with terms. manblck nt uiabe or Prospect St., 5 . rooms down, CIKig Em îcehrwo os The engagement is announed dition, reasonable. Phone New- of International silverplate flat- '52 PLYMOU'1H, 4 door, black. yung children. Available Oct on5uonnceltmoencpg bsSetoi.uraeW.av of Helen Jean Stacey, daughter castle 2376. 37-1 ware, regular 25c each, teaspoons one owner, low mileage. Lowe's' làth. Apply at The Canacian boards, 3-piece bath, forced air BWAVLEb special, 6 for 75c, salad fonks, Fina Station, Newcastle. 37-1:, Statesman, Bowmanville. 37-tff heat. Priced to sell. $7,500. BWAVLEwingatchd areo- of M s. Albert -Brdfondi f WHITE enamel oit stove with special, 6 for 75e at H oe's-- Ternis. MA 3-2453 Plee it may xt s, nl 2 Oshawa and the late ElJdon Johin .Hop28 S1938ODcueGo oo HE om n StcP.t useiJmsW ippes. Phone Newcastle 2108. Jewellery and Gift Shop,2 FR.oue. o oo, HE rom an sunroom, Winterizcd cottageWesty son ,. of R.unsselJa osrWitR. 37-1 King St. W., Bowmanville. Tele- hydnaulic brakes, sealed beam downstairs, unfurnished, neason- Beach, with two rooms up, water Alfter hours eall: yasod 90 snoMran r.NriR.1- phone MA 3-5747. 37-1 headlights. Cash, $50,00. Alan! able, (abstainers): mile and halfîf n skn 2.000 with $,riO jha . D. Rnie gooa el aae odlt o Whiteof Bodanvile. Te USD lumer, wndowsýandRichards, MA 3-2706. 37-lI f om Bowmanville. Phone MA' cash domwn.g1o mariage will take place on Sat- doos, timbers 8x8, 30 ft. Priced DRAPERIES and venetian blinds 3-2251. 37-1 Service station, smaîî village. taxeoo igwy 370 urday, October lst. at 3:30 p.m. to tIl. MA 3-2194. 37-1* customn made, or draperies sold 1952 G.M.C. i',40n panel, recon- on_______ t 5rom ivigP in St. Andrexv's United Church,bytear. unepsnaie ditioned motor. James Sedman, FOUR-roomed heated apant- quarters. Asking $6,800 with A Ne-27-2oor Oshawa, 37-1* DOUBLE barnel hammerless Our homreatime 1 mile case of Courtice on high- ment and bath, built-in cuP- ternis- n1M ____shotgun, four years old. Cliff with a37-lletboards.of xvasher, .jantrsevc, Far*s fmom $6,500 Vo $30.000.fu Shred, 157 Liberty St. S. 37-1* and ascomestenge thutof amles centnally iocatcd, private on- Calin and talk it over. If 37-1' fixtuesm lo ~eig DEATHS sugsin ihu biga- 1955 DODGE Crusader sedan, trance. Available Sept. l6th. selling, we would appreciate dis- som dos idw - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O N T A R O p o t a t os , 7 5 l ..g s.o. F a n c T w n 9 K n g t . h e a t e r , r a d i o , s i g n a s , u n d e r c o a t , A p p l y A p t . 1 , A r t h u r A p t s . , 9 0 c u s s i n g i t w i t h y o u . f~s n e s 1 5 0 d w . Ps e j STRONG, David George - At deiee nBwa ville. 48n4f hoeMA3Robs omn-1 00mie. l TdHar c/O Queen St reet, Bowmanville. J. Van Nest Real Estate De W h Rl EsLta ananed M em o ial H ospital, Bow m an ile MA 3 2 7 .1-fville. M A 3-2f3.Robsfon M to s, 166 K ing St. E , 34 4tf I1 8 K n a tM A 3 3 317a r f r h r o 0 ac e - o m f am o s , h d on Mo da, e te be lt, LADY'5 bicycle, in vey good M3A-L inN E r ' or P o nalM A 3-5 85. 3 7ol* az______ gai e e t ul-i u o n s 1955, David George Strong, b- condition; aso Italian cncer- A L UM IN UM D O O R S '38 CHEV. coach, in good ru - L ve t k Fo S le-3 in o ch ard hI f in cIt h ud adn, n mdae po son ioved husband of the late Effie tina. Phone MA 3-2011. 37-1 $55,00 -. Instaiicd Fre ning condition, good tires, faimr___________________________ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ othr hî in Spis, Snows, etc.,! 38 0 S tr o n g , in bis 7 Oth y e a r . R e s te d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1i b c e k o e w o d 2 x 0 0 a r s i e c s l , s a l *at 'Northcutt & Smith Funeal FI D A oi sac be e, Cl r body, pice reasonable. Apply 1 1 PIGS, 10 weeks od. pl A uclion Sales bank barn" 48'x20' bn ouse, fut -o m isu rchdo Home, 53 Division St.. Bowman- medium sRzesgoodaonditon, alle,3 Elgin St., Pow- j0Rdod double garage; 8 noomed fnarn~bmsal, pmn.s ville. Service was hed at Ponty- reasonabl. Phono MA 3-5528. 71 King St. E. Bowmanvile mnil.3- o e -- Saturday, Sept. 17-Famm sold, ouse witb bathroom, runnng liard n otwtr poo UntedChuch n Wdns- 7.1 Phne A 3381 TUCK-Ne 195 IteN eastrdJersey heifer, auction sale of Farm Stock, bot and cold water, oit fumnace, cash.Pseso nagd pay, Untembehr 4h onat 2 p.m.3728-tfonional3-3801TRUKSNepick9p55Intera-just fresbened. Garnet Symons. Tractor and Tractor Ipeethardwood floons. Situated on Sovnrnvlyadsac Intermont Pontypool'Cemetery. CLEAN bushel hampens alNd $550__discount;_1949________ ox PhmneMements9.:de 37-1 covrs, quanity 0f fnce rail2* $55 isc /--ount; 1949 Dodge '-,toxhneM -25.37-l* Hay, Grain and Fumniture, tbe 1Highway No. 2. Price includesbanrihlvn ures o , 3i7h1stke bods,1949 .M.C. -oTWENY-fiveaurebme ewespropemty of Joseph Host, Lot 19,tracton, sprayor, 800 bens, etc. coldwtr er essoka _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b o d y;_ _1 9 4 9 f 0 bCre m-ve d , f o r f i r e w o o d S e w i n ç ! t o nC o n . 6 , D a l i n g t o n T w p ., o n e $ 2 5 0 0 0 , $ 8 0 0 0 d o w n . . n v i c e p i e e a t e Ponb e M 3-2403. 37-1oo Singer Sein Cenireto dump. easy finance ternis at 14 Leicesters and il Sussex. ierioth of Hampton. Terms 150 acre farm on highway, interot uth od re Help A anted !SAVE on lumben, direct from IalEupetan uoo EhnoBaktc 2 .31ml _ _ _ _ F o U se or N e w ive, 134 in g St. .. B W m an - - _E _ st ck 72- 3- 3 7 1 ash , sale at 1 p .m , T ed Ja ck - g o o d da y loa m lan d , 110 a cres ! t a d , i m d at o s s i a Se wi M IIvill . P h no M 3-5 89. 7-1 H R E E H oîs ein nd 3 .Jer ey Ison, A u ction er. 36-2 w ork ab le, 10 acres m ap l o b u sh ,; s m a o w pa m n . T m s RELIABLE girl for bousework, 1Mill Vo you. Phillips Lumber 1J ig Machines vheifersM ai68. 7- Hlsdein atwo3wereys. wll 95'x35' d 5largx30' L- Releep irn, state experienceein two eekI sle n tt xeineand 1Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone Rentais or Re95'x3osand 5'x0'L-storemdm efsnmg p wages. Write Box 40 1, c/ 117r 1. 15 M13-tf wt oe-Phn ewatl 16, 3- 13f Phn1950W 5543 eTEndrdoor1,e)witeo371 Vanted shaped bank barn with running to-dae qumntgodb. PhonnOSHWA 55443 drivsandradi361951M TEor gs,7--------- i ywatrimplement shed, hen tionlvn qutes7ros Canadian Statesmaxi. 36-2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ THREE pair of silk tapesty for Prompt Service Niagara demonstrator, only 1,300 TE pis 7 we k od. A pyx a . on 3-1 u , g r g; 10 o me3- ec C L E R K , m ale or fem ale, w it 1 drapes, tw o yards ; six lace , pan- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44-tf m iles, a t m t c t a s i s o t n b y M l s n n i k l e . R O E S ~ d P o i k1nwlege f tpin an bok- els, fruit canner and preserving- white wall tires and undercoat, Phone MA 3-2263. 3-*353 71bikhuewt unn ae. 37~~l* 35933 ~~P ick bouse00wtbrun i g w tr.J m s N xo,.o e keepnwg-We ftping an arbo kettle. Phono MA 3-2622. 37-1 PLOWSHARES for most makes $500 discount; 1955 Mercry ISIX young Yorkshire sows, due A IMDDL geldy-oacrn 10arefm ihbkbr,10 kept. Wi te sta t ing4 8 co Th Opar-n u d brc s,$ 5 0 f plows, rubbe -tied wheel- Sports Coupe, demonstrator, j in two f0 four weeks, T. W ood- panion. Cal at 41 Church St. silo, garage, c eek, 60 acres 3-1 tic las o ox 40, /o Th GO D ea u ed brck, 2500ba rows, $17 and $29; steel Stone- white wall tires, diectional Sig- 1 1ok R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Tele- or Phon o MA 3-5861. 36-21: workable, some wood, 8 roomed Canadian Statcsman. 7-1 thousand, delivered; used doons, boats $20 and $25, Massey nais, $600 discount, easy finiance ph 'e MA 3-2721. 37-1 r m hos. Pie $ ,0 1PA HOSKEIGadcr f2xl2, 2x6, 2x4. Phono Black- spreadèr $99, dual wbeel dump terms, at Famm Equipment and - DEAD STOCK removed from Terras. smal cildenmoterlss ome stck 7 r23..1711,____ e with truck platform and Automotive, 134 King St. East, THE Grey-Bruce Live Stock Co- your farm promptly for sanitany 50 acre farm, Darlington, ex. i Oshawa, char provided, prefer PIK ouoJVpe7 racks, 6.50x16 tires, $149; John Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5689. peaive are holding their disposal. Telephone colleet: Co- relient for aspberries and straw- middlc-agcd lady. Please write j hushei Apply Lah~ce Beath netn rct$2. rn1Hs thcpe Deere tractor $595, '47 Mercunýy 37-11 Fourth Annuat Sale of Feeder bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. hernies, new fonces, pond, 58'x Box_05____ Cattie Sttes at Wiartonshwa,4onlesTesuonsdantrukGo25.donk HYoung Limited.on n Turs0yGor30'oungLankedba0tfn0'witkbarrunningnin m a n . l o f_ _ _ _ _ s k ille n . 3 7 2 * k n l a kfc . 7 1P L M E e teT 12 n d , 0 h afs left r w t r b w l , i p e m n MARRIED1 ________,,,_ UJYLfcmeiices at 10 a.m. Ai cattie tWaed B yShed, garage; 7 roomed frame1 souital o obcoo n MARE inI ogeneral i FRAME building, 48'x8', buiît THREE-piece bodroomn suite $89, MSA E sorted, gaded and divided into batdT u ouse with runnîng water, heavy iups;1 crsgo uh farrn vork. Beef cattiel.Se-ifor14sctnswhsds two-piece bed chestorfield $129, OTORSA E truck and car Joad lots. Mankod pr cll-1infurequeseton it id duty wired, Price $7.000. Terms. Year-odcne;8rmhm, arate house v\,ith modern co- and r'oof bolted fogether; easilv space hoater $69, chromo kitchen ceu or cash required. 12 WOOD 2165. 37unac . oe165ro acre am 10/ venene~ ApivR.T.Cu-:moved, cove siding, roll asphalt set $69, floor covering 95c sq. UE Shorthomn bulîs will be sold Newcast le 26.3-*fo four corners, Oshawa. 90 No. 2 Hgwy rppoe ad relly. R.R. 3, Port lhope. Phone' oo;aiso acres worabbe lando30eacresThis can e boughttore$20.00 Cak of anyccknbueyd. Trade-ins: coal range, As- U E A SBuece okal ad 0arsTi Clarke6 293i4.late a7ost1ow rai refrigorator, 3 yoan guaran- 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Shorthomn Breeders. T. Stew- SIX orsvnmoe rc alubefmesna,7"wt odtrs - 6'x6, insuatedalmostnew. r seve roomafbrec theuasaleibby, thoa Grey-Bruceit START çotir oun business with: 6t r opr ertrGe-hue omnil Fred Lycett, Orono 3 -t tee; kitchen cabinet, kitchon 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN atCoe, ectay Gey- osBwmniî r New- bank barn witb waten bowls, a pemanet. yar rund va 'table, radios, rangettes. Easy Bruce Live Stock Co-operativ, caste. C ntraly located. Phonoe straw barn, steel drive-in shed, 11i e s îht ocek n a pemannt S. *Ourroqundlity ç O IT Y U SL ternis. No finance company. 1951 FORD COACH Markdale, Ont. 36-2 Cl arke 2421. 37-112 garage, lien bouse; 8 roomed emgbt ro tn os n ofcts incluS$. Our îîy eceitierosD j OU SE F Murphy Co., King St. W . 37-1-1 1950 CHEVROLET COACH lJ' - d t tbt hrdoo brn ausre ui cail sale:. Fuitid 1'147 T TSEANE'-ORGAN, foot pumnped. Must be floors, beavy duty wired. Prîce posts a os noac nw as nre qu ,t alp ,ulltd- soNEtte mods2el. euaf$3 o r 194 DODEHSEAN -crins.______ NE1hlis2 olvso, con- 197DDESDNBs o eii good condition. Apply A. $15.000. Tens _______ ing area. WoualdIL Esoete ode, eg mak39eor 196idealSDA tion C. Monfrcal.3-I7!,_,eceach and up - AIl kinds I$290; new Thor waâher with nTrrTe OMDTTOIV for e VdnnBelPhoeOrono lR6.R 3Noth. room o bunga0lotwat3Mae $10,500 B O K K E E n I cm i q 11 e ect nic p uim p reu- - 1 79 f rUS-o k H ig h ays tmactum's at large discountsIai So, ar quipment, Maple i eV aly odaraSau- --_________________ dan so emnine e Trnoovohauled, ropainted and guar-j rve owmanville. 37-1 da, fom eight a.m. until six COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS esidsowaomntoed tyuartikn a e oron±o C rm ck MI4,F'P.m. Custom cleaning and treat- Incudles att adverising for o y u i64 l 1lS pr" "wt yru-1ng af seed will eceive prompt PETrSgadFO R SALEs 1pianBow manville, Cobourg and Tren - _____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ideas or nd f rany elnscriptieoTnO A m r r p nis i t e O h w , wt au bi ai n ___ __ __ __ 3 1- a l EH , S pe " " ith h y ra l'atten tio n . E nqti nries at M A rk et - 3c Per W ord; r inim um chargeS R N E pa i t p p . tenle-tr c t act 3-5053 and Blackstock 102J. ccreirt e. otqin hn Ooo127 7l __ __ eception ad mo e, ase*ta d rd1 For the Latest Paper, _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ma' ersr payabie monthy. P o eOoh 09. 71ntF. Det:t M isses Wec es 8 Duke St.W ' , '. Intrnlational 1.5-3f, %vith I For the Fnest Paints Pe so a,.- JC l it osried at sio pe on*G STE!D co c C iJA t r o W2b1 eeie ('11Th1irsd9 . ftl'e900d Po'cr unit; Farmali C-ub!' ropû1inchAd i naiinsertmuions of Neweastle Phone 3341 old. 22tx1 Of Septr'rbei-. for MIr. . wth Pough, culivator, suffler. For the Best Workmanshp tesm rtspt'HrYiden alO on E L F. Weekes of To'ront, dMr,1ane fr6n-oftu a e NPeeW.C So'god) Ziedpstti i pam' ha fPcehone f3311nSaesse:I WOWECNLA W.A.Brwfe',Dto, a(dfors.-ractd ons a Frmouiphentand- sealed envelope with ocpir 1 'î~no.Wenaa.unfo oadMutjy omnW Six samples 25c, .24- samples i1 f Sed »cash, tampa or Monay i Tur Page f r» n ÏI 3-3950 ORME G E ? - O O O 19 tiy Haite. Lena and Aieen, Auto iotve. 134 King St. E.. Phones $1.00. M ail Order Dept. 'È-28, * der and gave mon ,. P u i ni n , P r rIy 37 ]K n g t . Bo m n î Keys). frý.m) oni 5 and 7 Bowmhan%,iîe. Tclcplione MA IMA 3~-5912 Met 3-3701 Nov.-lu bber Co., Box 91, IHam jCE~P tis ouifor bandy rcefe J Adduîonal ClaSSified 24PortP 37-1 3- à -WOU" u seba âLi e ni un 0 PACM rrGgrzm 910V Mai& AI%? AI& ý e - TffuRU)AT, BICPT. leth, lm

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