~WUUDAYSI". 1pth, 1io8 LOCKE - RLOGERS groom, were ushers. d- At a reception in the Le, Muiti-coloured gladioli Hall,11the bnide's mother w corated, St. John's Anglican- a navy blue street length di, Church, Bowmnanvilîe, on Sat- with white gladioli and wl urday, September 3, when Rev. accessonies. The groom's me A. C. Herbent united in mar- er wore a wine street 1er, riage Betty Lou Rogers, daugh- dress, with black accessor '~~ter of Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Rog- and a corsage of wvhite gladi ers, Bowmanviîîe, and Ronald For a honeymoon trip thnou William Locke. son of Mn. and Nothern Ontario, the b: Mn-s. William Locke, R. R. 4, chose a beige suit, with Wh ]Bowmanville. accessonies and a corsage The bride, given in marriage blue mums. They wilI resi by her fathen, wore a gown of at R. R. 4, Bowmanville. white tulle over satin with se- The groom is an employee quins and peanîs, and a match- General Motors, and the bri ing jacket. The collar was of is a kitchen helper at Memro lace with pearîs and sequins, Hospital. and a heart-shaped fingertip Out of town guests were Pr veil was set off by a bouquet sent at the wedding from Neý of mauve gladioli. market, Newcastle, -Uxbridi The bridesmaids, Mise Mary Toronto, Oshawa, and De' Snowden, and Miss Betty born, Michigan. Locke, both of Bowmanviîîe, Previous to the weddin wore light green and light sevenal showens were held f mauve net. Carol Rogers as the bride. A girl friend, MariL fiower girl wore yellow net Vanstone, presented the bric with dark mauve flowers. Thp with a corsage of white ros matron-of-honour, Mns. Wors- at a shower in ber home, L ley, sister of the bride, wore berty Street. Mrs. S. Clark mauve net and a heart-shaped Oshawa, an aunt of the bnhd hat. . heid a showen in the bride Frank Croxv of Bowman- home, Mrs. A. Wallker, of Li! 'ville, was best mac, and Wal- erty Street, Bowmanville, be ter Goode, brother of the bride, a shower in ber home, with b( end Ken Locke, brother of thc daughten as co-bostess. rin oe SAVE CONVENIENT TERMS $23.10 MARR'S -JeweIIeryiý Gcrton Coaich Lienes Lindsay Exhibition Specials g BUSES DAILY FROM September 20 to r4 p DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEV Lv. <Going) Arrive b Read Down Read Up Rtn. 0 A.M. P.M. Fare a. 10:30 BovmanvilJe 11:40 1.75 tI 10:45 Newcastle 11:30 1.65 10:55 Orono 11:20 1.45 Ji 11:05 Kirby 11:15 1.35 R 11:10 Enterprise 11:05 1.30 th 11:15 Pontypool 10:55 1.10 th' 11:25 Ballyduff 10:4t5 .85 u W 11:40 Janetville 10:35 .55 Bi 12:00 Lindsay 1015S Seplemijer 23rd and 241h only Lv. <Going) Arrivei Read Down Read Up Rtn. th( A.M.P.M. Fare j n 10:30 Boivmanville 11:40 1.75 M 10:40 Hampton 1130 1 5 10:50 Enniskjllen 11:20 1.:65 O 11:00 Burketon 11:10 1.35 san 11:10 Blackstock 11:05 1.30 W 11:20 Nestieton 10:55 1.10 11:30 Yelverton 10:45 .85 11:40 Janetville 10:35 .55 tha: 12:00 Lindsay 10:15 Fares do not include admission to Lindsay Exhibition CHILDREN - HALF FARE For Information Phone.. Bowmanivulle MArket 3-3811St Lindsay FAirview 4-5381 îg],Re Timbe, M anad nHilliar orrerovered suff.iciently-to- cx-lJj k"~ mpon J. ress thir thanks graciously t e l a n d W yd o g , a d H il a r da I p e s n t a n p e c ia lly to Teddn rp copliileest o e ' hn wo anj the hostesses for their tought- . fulness in arranging the pry Ouit-of-town iiguests included' the time dagsi edonin ndfee iebddngtnpwpies bc h andT grls o' in e Pant e rdsgrandparents, Mr. 1ag directions with Miss Polc-o Mrs Hary owa, o O- I bya gassofleaving for Peterborough to at- o, Ontario, Canada; Mr. and tdTecers' College,Mi -ides aint, rilk ake myptlr"IProwe goîng to St. Michael's ns.%vavilý RbtHery th ikmas vCollege in Toronto and Miss itario: MFs~ Dorothy Siinp- McGrrgor and -Miss Goddard i, Toronito. Ontario: and Mr. fingers fly. No attending Queen's University Camn uuytuhta ae r! Mrs. Edgar Dake, Lin- tueCuesweem ighxutoc htra l ____________________ wreinKigson Mrea elgh to use! Just touch youi ecd, Calif rnia to this m agie action dispenser, an'd t!i lonour is a harder master eesseatyherg rnu. n law.-Sam uel L. Clemens. milk break is a e aea xcty her hta o nt I Use Elizabeth Arden Jland Lotion free girl'sAbest MA3-3303 head to toe - .to smoo0th your skia frien!" rwiththe fresh, sweet enchanrerit of PfCHANGES WANT'AP boule . . . $1.25 iinday, September 25, 1955 FLI information R C CandP getsi Glen Rae Dair SEVIC JURY & L< aainPcfcMA 3-5444 BoWIvanville;1 PHONE MA 3-5778 M CANADUN STATESMAN. DOWMANVrLLE. ONTAMO Wed in 'Trinity,,Church Wed in St. John's Church ,NESTLETON Nestieton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Steele Sept. 7th in charge of Mrs. J. Hooy- er's group with 21 ladies and some children present. ;XM Mrs. K. Samel, Home Econi- omics and Health convenor was in charge of the meeting. The motto, "Thoughts, fot thins cause worry", was well givL'n by Mrs. A. Mackie. Roll call, How to Relax". Program - "Comfortable" given by Mrs. ýgionR. Davison; Reading, "Dare to Believe" by Mrs. L. Malcolm; vore Ra din, "W hy Are W e So wreseau" givnbyMsK.a- ells. hite Ladies decided to visit Port. loth - Perry W.I. in the near future ngth also have a speaker Oct. 4th ies, . and invite our neighboring In- ughd in a sing-song. Mrs. Steeele ,hi' teand group in charge served a of dainty lunch and cup of teq. Al were given a vote of thank3 side for another enjqyable meeting of in Mrs. Steeie's home. Next ride meeting nt Mrs. W. G. Bowles, rial .ge, 'w--e . BOWMANVILLE RREATION un. E iun 1DEPARTMENT ked Russell Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gard nei,DA CN L S 1e'S Winn ipeg, Manitoba, and his bride, the former Elisabeth Rgsrto BCare shown folloxving their wedding recently in Trinity WensaSp.2 United Church, Bowmanville. They will liv inept.- 21 -manville. The groom is employed at Specialty Paper < 6.i ~Produ cts, and the bride works at the Bank of Commerce I -Photo by Rudi Gerber Lions Commnunity Centre 111 VVeds ports nnounc r ti~ r. andMrs. Ronald W. Locke are shown following Cassi Set~be rd i S.John's Anglican BALLET - TAP Church, Bowmanville. The bride, the former Betty Lou I JRogers, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rogers, and BATON T ILN the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Locke. They will reside at R.R. 4, Bowmanville. -Photo by Carson Studio WEDDINGtulle misted over rayon acetate W taffeta with a strapless shirred___________________ bodice and miatching stole. They TAYLOR - ANDERSON woe elvet hcaid bands with seuned-voeu s and imatching jBaskets of gladoi n 1fr gloves and carried nosegays of il formed the setting for the mar-1 snapdragons and roses. Nora riage of Isobel Irene, daughter Jean Anderson, sister of the of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. An- bride, as junior bridesmaid, derson, Milverton, to Charles dressed in blue, and Jane Pick- Ross Taylor, of St. Catharines,1 ard, niece of the bride, as flow- youngest son of Mn. and M. egildressed in pink, woré Charles E. Taylor, Onono, in St. identicai dresses of nylon xx îW Paul United Church, Milver- velvet trirn. The bodice of gos ton, Saturday, Septemnber lOth samer n fyl1on tulle rose from a a3:30 o'clock. Dr. H. E. Wightfrtyoa of ruffles worked 4 performed the double-ring in seallops anoundtesk cnny. Given in mariage Their headdesses were velvtt hy lier fathen, the bride looked head band i t seund v I * lovely in a demure waltz-lengmh and they woreeinatching gioves. strapless bridai gown of floatý They carried nosegays of pirk ing nylon tulle, heightened by and blue feathered carnations. accents of lovely Venise lace Gordon Lowery Orono, was j.f ç on the vast tiered skirt, under- gnoomsmnan and the ushens ~ I~ (~ sconedbytherutlecfacea- were the bride's cousin, Dalton tafftayith a shirred elongab- Shine of Walkerton, and the ed bodice. Her bodice of Chan- groomns cousin, Gerald Rainey,.0 tiliy lace featuned a Peter Pan of Onono. Receiving the guests colÏar and lily point sleeves.inthe church hall, the bride's Her fingertip veil ofnyoj mother wore a wintrwhe tulle, appliqued with velvet hammered satin dress with butterfiies feIl fromi a haif ju- conai and black accessories and liet bat witb sequined and peari a corsage of deep pink roses. cade of sweetheart roses. Mrs. chose a dusky rose crepe dress Cari Holman A.T.C.M.l, of with na-,y accessories and a Monkion, played the Bridai corsage of white carnations. Choru from Lohengrin and For a wedding trip to eastern Mendelssobn's Wedding March. Ontario and the United States Mr. Cari Stief of London, sang the bride chose a tweed suit "The Lond's Prayer" befoneth ti gold accessonies andei ireremony and 'Because" dur-mae orchid corsage. On thei ing the signing of the register. i return h couple 1il reside SI jMrs. Pat Piekard, Monkton, at 8~ Bond Street, St. Cathar- Mis Anett Getrue Cydrma, dugher f Ms.sister of the bride as matron of imes, Ontario. MissAnnttaGerrud Crdermn, augterof rs.honour, wore a lemon yellow John Lawrence Cryderman of Boxvmanville and the late1 gown of filmy nylon net magl- Mr. Cryderman, recently became the bride of William Alan nificentlv flared over rustlySu prs Pa y ton. The ceremony took place in Trinity United Church, bode ad irt asiately Bowanill. r. mih i aspotsannuner it raiofloiie cd a thi v a to i n r Four station CKLB, Oshawa. His bride is a teacher at Ritson Miss Joan Denstedt, Milverton Road Public School. They will live in Oshawa. as bnid eaid wa gowndS G ad ae -Photo by Ineland Studio, Oshawa dress of embroidered ny lon BHS Graduaanee ____-A surprise party in the form i 0f winerroat ws hld t