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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 4

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- - - - -- - - - - -- - e. ~,ea * ,.wm. n iW AUft VAGI rocTunu Ar<&uJ A TESLM.fl'.DLW UILILNVU£Ir. U, '.'S' Tiare.- Brothers Attend O.AC~ tSa cme Tie TYRONE Mrs. Mautie Harris is very grateful toalal hem friends who remembereti ber wben she spent six weeks in the Peter- borough Hospital. She is now with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton. The Women's Institute wihl meet Wetinesday evening, Sep- tember 21, at 8.15 in the Sun- day Schaal naom at which time the members ai Mapie Grave Wamen's Institute will be guests anti provide the pro- gram. Mrs. E. A. Virtue was dinnen guest ai Mrs. W. Crossey, Baw- manville. Mn. anti Mrs. James Reyenza anti famiiy have bought anti maoveti inta the home ai Mn. anti Mrs. H. Hogerterp. Mn. anti Mrs. J. Coambes anti Jerry, Mn. anti Mrs. F. Wismer, Mrs. J. Wismer, Miss Alice Rouke, Mn. John Wismem, To- ronto, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Karl Cohbary. Mn. anti Mrs. W. King, Osh-- awa, were Saturday evening callers ai Mn. anti Mns. Arthur Rahm. Congratulations ta the Wom- en's Institute an receiving sec- ond pnize on thein exhibit at Onono Faim. The East Goup ai the W.A. quilteti a qullt at the home ai Mrs. W. A. Rabm last Wetines- daTÀa. and Mrs. Evemett- Bow- '.Three well-knawn Durham ,,.county brothers; Earle, Ger- 'Id and Merrill Brown, sans cfMr. and Mrs. James T. Brown af Browview 'Farm, R. R. 2, Newcastle, wiIl be l,'eaving on Sunday' ta at- tend the smre plege, On- tario Agriculturdl College, -,,Guelph. The thrce brathers and .theiri lathcr are aUl wel andi favo- abiy known in this district; Mr. Brown for his active inter- est in mnany farm andi commun- -ity organizations andi for 1 is ( ynlize Hostein hierd, 'ýnd the baya for their excellent work lIn Durhamn Caunty 4-H andi Junior Fanmer clubs. Earle bas also been the Assistant ta Agri- cultural Represkentative Ed Summers. during the summer. Earle, 23, wiUl be eitering bhis second year in the four- .year course ieatiing ta the, de- grec ai Bachelor ai Science in Agriculture. He bas already completeti the Associate Dip- lama Course and last year won the Students Council Gald Me- dal for bcing the best ail- around student ln that course. Gerald, 21, will be' starting him second ycar ai the Associ- ste Dipioma course, anti shoulti continue the fine record he made iast year when he placed second in his ciass ai 89 stu- .dents. Merrii, 19, is entening the fstyear ai the four-year coreleatiing ta the B.S.A. de- gree. Active In 4-H Work The thtee brothers have been active in 4-H anti Junior Farm- or judging competitions as a.- presentatives af Durhami Coun- ty for sevenai years, anti Mer- ril anti Geralti won hona 'rs at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion only ast week. Mernili placeti first in the senior class fan judging grains anti raots at the C.N.FE. in competitian witb Junior Ettrmers iram ail aver Ontarjd on Wednestiay ai hast weeWK?- e also placeti l5th in ju~ing dairycattie. Genalti , e ringrains anti noats ~ 3utging ant lhth in clairy cat- In addition, Mcmriii was sin-, gleti out for a considenablei amount ai attention. Oven 200 Junior Farmers hati been tak-1 ing part' in the jutiging com- petitions tiuring the day anti ini the evening they were sitting ia a body in the grantistanti for the stage performance. The C. N.E. officiais decideti that ane i -,,;of the Junior Farmers shoulti b-e introduceti duning the1 grantistanti show, anti Mcmriii was singleti aut ion this honar. ,He was tiriven ln iront ai the grantistant inh a new convert- ible anti introducedt t the au- dience, neceiving a fine ova- tion. Aiso, be anti bis frienti Ken> Brooks, son ai Mn. anti -Mrs. Harvey Brooks, Maple Grave, wex'e guests in the press box during the show. Ken Brooks wilh also attend O.A.C. this fali as a iirst-year stutient in the degree course. Earie Former Winner -~Lest year Earle won bath the zwine anti grain anti roots judg- competitians at the C.N.E., anti in 1952 he won the dainy cattle jutiging honons. Ail thmee brothers have been en champion Durhami County 4-H or Junior Fanmer jutiging tearns during the past few years, anti ail have been very active in the Junior Farmers anganizatian. In 1952 Earle was on the Durhami Caunty judging tearniat the Rayai Wintem Fair tiuneàsaving power to keep your farming on the move f - ~ ~The AIis-Chalmeil WD-45 Tractor with POWER-CRATER engine speaks a language évery power-wise fariner can understand. T ry it .. . work it hard. You'il find the new field capacity you want - to get your crops ini quickly, to beat weeds and weather during the growing sea- son, to harvest ail the crops you've grown. In addition, you'il find the Big Four Power Con. veniences to speed your work along: Two-Clutch Power Control, Power-Shift Wheels, SNAP- COUPLER Hitch, and Automatic Traction Booster. Cail us for a demonstration today. POWER.CRATER d SWAP-COUJPLISER «oAUIChoI.<s to&mwkL Neêw Price $2630 Stili two Ieft at old price of $139500o Palmer Motor Sales M0 Kioig st.E. lBwiniviue Phone MA 3-5487 Fie Generations at 96tFi Birthday I in Toronto wbere he had the higbest score in the Dominion competition in dairy cattie and swine judging, anti was also the high livestock judge for all Canada. Merrill Won st GuelPh Mcmrill teameti with Ken Brooks at the 4-H Inter-County competitions la Guelph in 1954 ta win the grain jutiging cham- pionship oai'Ontario for Dur- ham County, andi they placed very high in the Domhinion competition at the Royal Win- ter Fair. T7he third brother, Gerald, maintaineti the fine familY judging record that year by be- ing an the Durham teain that won the seeti judging camnpeti- tian at the Central Ontania Spring 'Sbow. He and Earie bave also ,taken judging bon- ors at the Peterborough Fair. AUl three boys attejideti Shaw's Public School andi Baw- manville High School. Earie and Merrill graduated frani B. H. S. and Geralti completeti fourth f orm. While ail the bro- thers hati very gooti scholastie records, Merrill received sev- eral awards inclutiing the De- vitt-Ferguson award as the autstanding maie student, in 1953-54 at B.H.S., the general proficiency prize, and the mathematics prize. Boys Ail Musical Merrill is a well-known sing- er and has appeared at a larg-e number ai meetings andi social events in. Durham tiuring thc last two years as a member af "TI-e Country Four" quartette. Merrill, Earie anti Geralt ail play the trumpet, and Merrili anti Earie aiten play with the Ruth Wilson orchestra. Merrili can also play the alto saxo- phone. Their many frientis in the 4- H and Junior Farmers organi- zatians wili be wishing the three boys every success with their stutiies this year at te Ontario Agricultural Coliege. HAMPTON Mr. anti Mrs. Stuart Daw anti family, Pont Credit; Mn. anti Mns. Hugh Grant anti iamily, Columbus; Mm. Kenneth Ache- son; Miss Gwea Hilîs, Miss Jac- queline His, Toronta, at Mn. anti Mns. John Hiils. Mn. anti Mns. J. C. Masnab attendeti the funeral ai a cous- in near Bannie, a Mm. Gusta, whase wife was se nice ta aur Institute busioadt when we went ta Mitihunst hast summen. She saw that we hati waten for aur tea anti showeti up the loy- ely flowem gardens. Mn. Pemmy, Toronto, spent the weekenti with Mm. anti Mns. Jas. Hogarth anti other iientis. M. anti Mms. Prescott, En- fieldi, have' movedtet Hampton ta Mr. Wrîght's iarm which they purchaseti some time ago. Welcomne te Hampton! Hooked Rug Wins $10 For Hampton' Institute Hampton Women's Institute meeting was belti with Mrs. T. M. Chant the president, in the chair. Word was receiveti by Mrs. M. Mountjoy that the hooketi rug sent up by Hamp- ton ta the Sahatia Tea contest beiti in Toronto bas been hon- oreti by a $10 prize for the west Durham district, ta be paiti at the convention ai Institutes in Toronto in Novemben. The rug was hooketi by Mms. J. W. Bal- son anti it is "two Swans" on a pond witli water liles anti cat-tails anti blue water. A letter was reati fram Miss Smye, aur home economist, tendering ber resignation as she was recently marrieti. Let- ters anti cards ai thanks were rendi. We are ta take a busload ta the convention. Treasurer gave a satisfactary repart anti $50.00 will be paiti the park commission for repairs anti caretaking. We will holti aur bazaar on Nov. 9th anti coin- mittees were appointeti. The Institutes ai the district are holding a fowi dinner in Newcastle an Oct. i8th. Any menîber wishing ta go, please let Mrs. Chant know soon land senti your $1.25. Also, $2.00 15 ta ta be sent from here ta Mrs. Raiph Davis towarti dinner ex- penses. A question box was supposedti t be the roll cahl. Mrs. C. Dawv presitiet for the program, the motta being "Be patient at crossing anti avoiti being a patient," by Mrs. M. Mountjoy. The topic, "MentUl Heaith," was ably given by Mrs. H. Salter, wha gave a wonderf-ui paper.' Mrs. Keith Billett, Bawmanville, playeti twa piano numbens. Mrs. Cav- erley anti Mrs. J. Smalcs Jr. sang a duet, 'Came ta the Fair.' wbich roundeti out a nice pro- gram. The questions were reati anti leit on file ta tbink aven.. The West Graup, witb Mrs. Daw anti Miss Minnie Horn as convenons, senveti- a lovely lunch. A beautiful bouquet of glatiioli graceti the table frani Mrs. M. Mountjoy's gartien. We were gladti t welcomne Mns. Albert McMahon, a former member, as a visiton as welh as Mrs. Billett anti baby Stephen. Honor Local Co ùple On 35Sth Wedding Day ers, Belleville, hoidayeti with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp. Mr. anti Mrs. F. L. Byamn visiteti Mr. and Mrs. George j Wiliis, Caniiingtan. .Mn. anti Mrs. F. R. Schon who has just returneti tram Europe were tea guests ai Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Hall anti girls vislteti Mr. anti Mrs. S. Rahm, Biackstock. Quite a number from here cbarivaried Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, Bowmanviile, Satur- day night. Miss Joyce Hopkins, Oshawa, spent the weekend at the home ai Mr. anti Mrs. H. Philp. Mr. andi Mrs. K. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescatt, visiteti Mr. Richard Sandersan andi Miss Vera Santierson, Janet- ville. Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton anti girls, Sauina. visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitruk and chiltiren, Oshawa, visited Mr. anti Mrs. M. Dubyk anti Diane. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen anti cbildren. St. Catharines; Mr. anti Mrs. S. Walker anti Douglas, Bowmanville; Miss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa; Miss Verna Armstrong, Bethany; Ross Hall, Zion, with Mr. anti Mrs. H. Hall. Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Steele, Peterborough, with Mr. anti Mrs. W. Park, Jr. Mrs. A. Hawkey visiteti Mrs. G. Phare. Congratulations ta Grant Glaspeli on winning 5th prize on bis cali at the 4-H Club, Achievement Day at Orano Fair. Mr. anti Mns. Leslie Deianey anti iamily, Part Hope, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. James Delaney. Mr. anti Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Toranto; and Mrs. Cecil Rabm, Burketan; Miss Ada -Rabm, Bowmanviile, were dinner guests ai Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Rabm. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Wilson anti Hector, Mr. anti Mrs. Ever- ett Wilson, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. anti Mrs. N. Leach, Taun- ton, accompanieti Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Youngman anti attend- eti the golden wetiting celebra- tion of Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph Aluin, Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Yaungmnan, also visiteti bis grandmather, Mrs. A. Sparks. Mr. anti Mrs. R. A. Hutchin- son, Whitby, visiteti their sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Sr., at the home ai Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Cook, Jr. Allan James anti Roy Young- man spent Suntiay with their aunt, Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina. Mrs. H. Runtile, Hampton; Mrs. H. Smithsan, Caletionj were tea guests ai Mrs. Aima Yellowlees. Kathyrn anti Judith Ann Rahm spent a few days with their grantiparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. anti Mrs. C. W. Rahm, Weston; Mr. anti Mms. S. J. Pediar, Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. A. Grace, Miss Ada Rabm, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone; Mr. James Smith, Bowman- ville, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Ce- 'I Rahm, Burketon. SALEM Thene was a gooti attendance at church on Sunday. Miss Jane McClure sang a vocal solo. Sun- day schaol began on Sunday for the fali seasan. Next Sun- day a Rally Day service will be helti at Sunday school. Salem W.A. wilh meet this Thursday evening Sept. 15 at the church when Tynane W.M. will be aur guests. Mms. W. C. Ives, Bowmanville, will be guest speaker. Membens af Salem W.A. were guests ai Haydon W.A. at Haydon chunch last Tburstiay evening wben an enjoyable anti profitable evening was bati by ail those present. Scboai openeti hast week with Mn. Douglas Tbompsan, Iroquais, in charge ai the Sen- ior noora anti Miss Juanita Young, Napanee, in charge ai the Junior room. We welcome these new teachens ta aur com- munity. Mn. E. Twist wha bas been visiting bis nephcw, Mr. anti Mns. E. Twist anti family, ne- turned ta bhis home ia Montreal last week. Miss Beatnice Craig attendeti Junior Fammer's Camp et Lake Couchiching hast week. Miss Beatrice Cnaig is ut- tending Normal Sçhool in To- ronto. Mm. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- tan antiiamily. Mr., anti Mrs. G. Shackleton anti famiiy, Mn. anti Mme. R. Shackleton, Master Fred Shackleton, attendeti the Martin-Jones wedding in Ail Saints anti Ail Angeis Anglican Church, Toronto, anti the ne- teption afterwards at Wych- woati Hall. A.pumbem fnom the commun- ity attendeti Onano Fair on Sat- urday. Ia the present yeam Canad- ans will pay ta Ottawa in the ionm ai indirect taxes about $1.5 billion. the couple w ith a set of attrac- tive tumblers bearing the fig- ure ai a kiited piper. Mrs. was' dressed in a navy blue satih ' dresà 'with accordian, pleated skirt and rhinestone accessories, includ- ning a rhinestane bracelet which was a git ai her husband. Amang the many guests were a large number ai rela- tives on bath sides including Mr. Mairs' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs, Nestieton, and iamily; three nephews; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs, Part Perry, and their families. Among other. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc- Lennan and daughter Susan and Mr. andMrs. Richard Bickerton, Buffalo; Miss Irene Pearson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Suggett, Nestieton. Alsa present were Mr. and Mrs. Mairs' sans, with the ex- ception ai Bruce who is pres- entiy on a cruise ta Narway with the Royal Canadian Navy. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Frank Webster, Cam- bmay, who bas been visiting hem cousin, Mns. J. D. Stevens, bas netumneti home. Mns. Donald Camr anti fam- ily, Hampton, Misses Janice anti Bannie Beecb, weme Sun- day visitons with the former's mother. Mrs. A. Beecb. Miss Ruth Snowden, Westan; Mn. Bihl Davitisan, Bancmoft; Miss Peggy Fulton, Oshawa; Mr. Sami Snowtien, were Sat- urday visitons with the for- mer's parents. Mr. anti Mrs. AI- lan Snowden. Mrs. 3. D. Stevens, cousin,! Mns. Frank Webster, necentiy visiteti the fonmem's daughtem, Mns. C. White, Oshawa. Mn. anti Mms. C. G. Kerr were guests on Saturday at the Mc- Clamen - Sçhultz wedtiing at Gaît, the groom being a nephew. Mr. anti Mrs. H. G. Freernan accompanieti by Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Town, were Suntiay visitons with Rev. Dt. anti Mms. H. W. Pointen anti family at Woodviile. Mrs. H. Honton. Mr. and Mre. Paul Martin, Paul, Kathy Mar- tin, Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Marri- son, son Harry, Oshawa, wcre Sunday visitons with Mrs. L. C. Snowdefl, Miss Miltimet, Mn. Bob Snowden. Mr. anti Mms. Allan Snowden werc Satunday aupper guests with Mme. Sam Snowden, Osh-, awa. Mrs. Bessie Rankin, .Toronto,! spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. C. G. Kcrr. She alla was a guest at the McClaren- Schultz wedtiing in Gaît. Miss Etina Snowden, Kitch- ener, Miss Jean,' Mr. Howard Hagadamn, Petensbemg. spent the weekend with the fommen's par- ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Snaw- dien. Miss Margaret Snowtien who bas been spending hem bol- Itisys here, rçturned to Kltch- LQNG SAULT Messrs. Robent Rutherford, Carl Byens anti Stuart Curran, Hawksbury, were Fritiay cal- 1ers with the latter's uncle, Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, ai Toronto spent the weekenti with bhis parents,. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna anti Denis, Black- Stock, were Sunday visitos at the Murphy ,antiSmith homes. Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Baker, .Jean anti Ann, with Mr. anti Mns. 'Uemman Webb, Ponty- pool. Mr. anti Mrs. F. E. Alexan- der, BowmanviUle, were Sun- day guests ai Mr. Robt. Sinri;-- Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Stewart, Pontypool, were Sunday caîl- ers at the Sîm borne. Miss Gloria Smith, Bowman- vill,e spent a iew days with ber grantiparents, Mr. anti Mrs. F. G. Smith. WESLEY VILLE (Intended for last week) With an extra f eW boiidays this yrear, schoi started an Tuesday with 27 pupils and Mr, Donald Maclean af London in charge. Three littie folk started out for the first time: Vaierie Avstin, Gail Huggins and Paul- ne Priebe. Donna Ougbtred and Bill Barrowclough start their high school years with the new schooi and Glenda Parnell is returning. With allfarm crops about two weeks ahead ai the usuai etinie silo filling bas begun, and toma- ae picking is slowing up. Congratulations ta the schaoi chi1dren ai this section for win- ing the cup for si ,ing- at the Part Hope *afr tfor, hthé'flirdt successive year.1 Sunday School and cburch service were held as usuai on Sunday with Rev. Harding's sermon having the theme af schgol days for adults as well as children. Lovely white glads. and zinnias added theirbeauty te the service. Helene Barrawclough arrived hoame eariy Sunday morning aiter landing at Quebec on Sat- .arday tram the Homeric. She returned to Scarborough an M1onday for school and Jane Iteeve returned ta ber duties in the higb scbooi at Niagara. The Harold Austin and Best families bath enjoyed holiday car trips around the province and acrass the barder last week. Harald's family were away ta miss ail the excitement ai the f ire in the straw stack on bis father's farm. Recent visitors in the neigb- bourhood have been: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Broaking ai Tory Hill with friends here: John Robb and family af Osgoade with Bar- rowciough's; Grenville Fiett and family of Fenelon Falls with Thorndyke's. Wesleyville Sunday Schaol is fartunaté in having se many ai the young mien ai the church taking an active part in ita work ti T D ci Ir i ti Mms T. McGulrk, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Metsger, ep~hildren £lmira- Mr. and "', Arthur Woadroffe *Mrs. Jack Woodroffe, Joaxi, 1ancy, Fastes Bay, Ont, Mr..amd Mrs. Arthur Scothorn Pamela, Ot- tawa, were visikors with the Jb.T cGuirk.Mrad Scimoal opened lait week wlth aovei 200 enrolled and Mr. 110w-, ard Rowèn. laeianyï as princi- Îal. Other teAches are Mrs. ~&tffat, Mri. Cole, Mn. Down, Miss Graham. .The Sept. meeting ai the W. M.S. was held on Wedneoday, Sept. .th with Mra. C,. Green- ham,,,prealdent, ln thé chair, copuùctlig the business period. ,It %vqà approved that we senci a 111.00 pareel ta Iorea lot chil- dren. Mrs. Rosa Stevena gave a report on the school far leadl- ers held at Whitby Ladies' Col- lage, Whitby, lni August. Mirs. Laird gave a reaclmg. Worship wâs li charge ai Mrs. H. J. flrodks.- Questions were asked and -answered b yscripture reading by Mrs. C,, . Snow- den; reading, Mrs. H. J. Brooks; prayer, Mro. Ross Stevens., Mrs. Rosa Stevens took chargp afprogram with the foi- iowing helipers: Mrs. C. Green- hani outlining progrm, Guide; Mrs. Fred Stevens, Coming Our Way- No Vanishing Race, Mrs. S. iÀorton; Post Office in the cliureh af ail nations at Toron- to, Mm., H. Freernan. KIL* . IK' VJIY wwn COMNG. upply ou wth ~ w~rE~. on jur Heatlng or Plumblng -WEA on * * LOCL TAfI$2LO. hi #rOrVf1 OO Hoop." SGift Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-574714 1 ., '... .. - but for nmre reason ail of the'AI men teaclaors and officers wereNYeU ..ouits- imable to be presnt on Sundayi m'ornng. In. sp1ie af thRt there l wmre 44 xpresent. Asters, a surel rostpn slan oif ail, were the floral-p n decoration for church service and the congregation apreclat-.Ieflfis Een ed the special number "Sodiert i of Christ" by the choir. Bowinanvile Tennis Club Mr. Harding's sermon- was a finals, postpo*ièd last weeic&nç4 tlx»ely one for these days of ex- because of wet courts, wif%0 ajggerated values for the wro~ held Saturd é venmgý, at r tbi.ngs with his message, basedclub courtsalbehind the LiOMi on the parables of the Kingdomn Cornmunity Centre. of Heaven. A meeting of the Junior final& will 'start at Session was held following the 5.00 P.M. as scheduled for laat service, ta deal with speciai ,Monday, ànd Seniors wili start church activities during the com- at 7:00 p.m. A social evening, ing weeks. The service on including presgntatiari of World Communion Sunday will awards to bath Junior and Sen- be held in Wesleyville for the ior winners, and election 0't whole charge. There wm 1>be 1956 executive wll follaw. no service next Sunday so that- this church. may worship with Carro» Nichols and fa Morrish at their anniversary. took a trip tlirough Eastern* Wesleyville la looklng forward tario and acrs the border t&' to celebrating the Gth anniver- way af Lake Champlain and sary of this church building on Lake Placid during the week. Thanksgiving Sunday. end.- There is much tulk of con- Mrs. George Laxier of Orillia, ferences to discuas a pipeline ta and bler brother-in-law, 'Mr. bring gas from Western Canada John Beatty ai Roseneath spqnt ta Ontario but thia wouldaeem most af last week visiting ber> a waste of time with thia district wlth ber son, Roy. being canvassed by a company Mr. and Mrs. Wes Barrow- which desires leases on -the clough, Oshawse visited et thie farrfis it considers ta have possi- Barrowciough homhestead Sua- billties of gas and ail. day afternoon. h Entertainment Set yours nowg'.g.$7.25 S V 2 -l 46 pc. service for 8.0 0 08 9 . 1 A great-g reat-grand-cliaughter will heip Albert Attree celebrate his 96th birth- day October 4th. Shown here are five generations of Mr. Attree's family. Left ta right: John Eishop,' Jr. and daughter Shelly, Division Street; Mm~ John. Bishop (Freda), Duke. Street; Mrs. Charles Rowe, Centre Street; Albert Attree, Toronto, formerly of Maple Grove. [M PHONE TO-DAY , Farty-six guests attendeti a dinner anti social evening belti in the Bawmanville Legion Hall Saturtiay nigbt on the oc- casion ai the 35th wetiding anniversany ai Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Mains. The wel-known Bowman- ville couple were mamnieti in Toronto ln 1920. Mrs. Mains is the former Emihy Towner. The larlâe gatbering enjoyeti a deliciaus tunkey dinner, serveti by the Ladies' Auxil- iary ai the Bowmanville Leg- ion Bancb, anti the dancing wbîch followed. The Legion Pipe Band was present anti their bighiand music was much enjoyeti. Mrs., Claire Nesbitt provideti music for dancing. Pbresentationa Made Mn. anti Mms. Mains were seateti on the-platiorm anti a number ai beautiful gits inani bath families wene presenteti ta tbem, wîth thein daughter, Frieda Maynamti anti nieces Bernice Sellers anti Joyce Vin- tue, making the presentatians. IThe Pipe Banti also presenteti

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