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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1955, p. 6

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- PAGE si~ ME CA!iADLM< STATESMAN. BOWM&NVIL, ONTABIO ____ ______-TUSASP. thi'i Happy neu lest work which appears Happ Re nio ý eld o n several of the local church signs. This work waa begun Dy Mr. Needham as a side Ine but On 5O h An iversry praved a mainstay during de- Ori 0th nniersa y pession turnes. oeoday, at 84, hie sildoes a goo4 deal of this Honoring Local Couple f work Neda Honorng Lcal C upleRetfred at 810 & ~~~Off lciaUly,Mr edar- Many friendsansd neighbors Mrn. Needham'a sister, Miss t1red three years ago from his called on Mr. sud Mrs. J. H. Ellen Creasser, Toronto, who job wih the Simpkin Cabinet Needham on Saturday, Sept. was her bridesmaid. Miss -Don- Ca. on Church St. "After work- 10, as they celebrated their aida Creasser,- a niece, who, ing for 70 ýyears," hie says in 5th wedding anniversary in has made hier home with Mr. good Yorkshire, with a real the Green Boom of the Lions and- Mn,. Needham sinte 1928 twinkle in his eye, "'I thaught Community Centre. Gift bout. and been the daughter of the it was about time." quets af 'mums and gladioli farnily, welcomed guesta as Mr. Needharn was born in made a festive background for they arrlved and was in charge Sheffield, and his wife, the for- the happy occasion. af the Guest Book. mer Alice Creasser, in Drif- Receiving during the ,alter- -Telegrma» Received field flot far away, but they did noon and evening with their Also present for the occsin lot rneet until aà number af parents were their twa ofss or rnci1rn years later ini Brantford, Cari- Mr. anrMrsour Mr. anders. Cen, snsada. As an apprentice al the and their wives, r n r.o r n r.Cdi Need- age of 12 in the knife bustness Cedrio Needham Of Syracuse, haine the former Helen Hilli fof heied Mr Neha N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold FoJkestone, England, Bruce, fw efett cl r.Netedorm Needham of Quebec City, alsa John, Rager and Al-an. Harold, and worked afterpoons and ____________Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- aeîg o 7cawe.H ti'.>d Np-dham, was unable ta be also learned thescissor forging Iprebent but- sent his cangratu- trade with his father. 'lations by telegram. A telegram Ai the age of 28 lie decidcd #dE WV W A LL was also received from Prime ta came out ta the United Mnister Louis St. Laurent, States, ta Walden, N.Y., where and others from friends and be'had relatives. He landed iin B reati~es -eunable ta be presetit. New York the daý alter Teddy p B EA U TfAi tel bouquet was received Rooseveitwas elected governor fonteCorporation of the of New York State and the cel-w Town af Bowmanville. ebrating that was stili gaing on V jThe bride 'and groom. af fiftY delayed his jaurney. '- yrs ago received gifts from Opened Branch sitset iaI 1red-in Bowmanville, Brant- Atr wrig w er ford and Camillus, N.Y., as Weil At h er w York wo ear Co as from their family. AmongwthteNe YrkKieC the glfts was a îaveîy tri-lite at Walden, hé moved on to l]amp from the neighbors. Mr. Freemont, Ohilo, where he was Es and Mrs. Needham have lived in charge' of'the hardening de- at 49 Centre St. sinCte coming partment af the Jackson Knife ta Bowmanville from Brant_ and Shear Co. 'He was sent kfa ~ frdin 1919. from there with other repres. Brid's akeentatives,, ta start up a branch Bride' Cakeat Brantford, Ontario. Gracing the tea table at the While there he met his fu- reception was a lavely three ture bride who had came out L tier wedding cake made by ta Brantford wlth ber parents Ready-Mixed, 100% wasbable Mrs. Harold Needham, the for- and famlly when she was R fnish in gargeaus satîny colars mer Clara Gould of Clinton, three, ta join relatives, who andwhite. Dries quickly! Cavers an he-itr n cdb h were already established many mos uracs ncudng~deft fingers of Mr. Charles Car- years there ' in the Suddaby fa mos sufacs ncldin wai- ter Sr., of Bowmanville. A bau- Grocery and Meat Market. t paper. Heres yur favoritecolor quet of bronze 'munis also de- This business, aiter about 80 ni in a bea!z6'ful lasing finish. carated the table. years, is going strong today, jMrs. Earl Byam, Oshawa, a' one of the-largest af its klnd inJe »i $2.20 Qt. former neighbor of many years, Brantford. t and Mrs. Stuart R. James, also Mr. Needham did a little 10c $ 7.25 Gallon a neighbor, poured tea. Deli- more moving around. He went Pa clous refreshments were cater- back ta New York State for Of ed and served by members ai eîgbt years, taking bis bride be ET 'the Liberty Street Group ai St. with him in 1905. Returning ta Bc $ R E H S Pu' nie hrh rnfodi 92 ewswitîier Man, know Mr. Needham the Brantfoïd Scale and Slucer na Paint & Wvallpaper through bis work as a sign Co., lind came ta Bawmanivilleco Painter in Bowmanville, and in 1919 with the late George ex, Phone MA 3-5431 there are many signs in this Brown, the late Fred Calmer. the _______________________locality which bear bis excel- and others ta set up the factory tw lent and painstakîng. work. i here which occupied the build- 1 ing, a fomer chuirch, whore the: AUUUUUUUUMUUUMUEUUMmNMUUUUUUUUMUUUU~ he Simpkin Cabinet Ca. now Lic BRYCREM BRSH operate. ing Spcil RYCEE ad RUHSIgn Painting WC 1 $1.00 Gends- Brush When the Scale C. closed orý LADY PO ESHER 69e Brylcreemn tablished himself in sign paint- la 4 UROS REM ng which up ita that time bad Oe anly been a sideline. There are bul Now 83c 1301h for 1. 19 many ta attest that bie isth Ca best at the job in these parts; even at the age of 84. Cleaasil;fn;~.~ B.bî jMr. and Mrs. Needham have v aailBbilîved quietly but bappily in can Clears ais Pin Curl 'Bowmanville. In 1929 they had reg Pimpls 1.7 the pleasure of returning to ing Pimles *Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50( 1.5 Yorkshire ta visit relatives and Ev( friends. Tbey still take a num- clu Haliut 011 Capsules- ber oi English papers, and Mr. for 1.25 size , 75c, 1.29, 4.79 Noxzema Needham is a keen follower af atiE Veto 100 Nyal Multiple Special cricket and football in the OId yea Now 89e Vitamins ----- $3.00 98 Land, and hockey here in Can- 98caDy util ada. ty One-am ---- .4Mlt 50pl .9 Their son, Cedric, is a metal- saic Vitains 1.4, 2.0, .95lurgist with Halcomb Steel Co. vi 90e Value Scott's Emulsion Caps 1.65 Balil Point in Syracuse, N.Y., and thoir Hen Whmca ood Caps- Pens younger. son, Harold, Wha was ity We Ceia ood Caps- farmerly with the Goodyear t Creamf 69e 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 35c-49e-98e TieadRbe a nB w i manville, is with the Develop. the ment Department of that com- vat Dee Tee Davy Crookett Lunch pany's plant in Quebec City. eri Hot Water Bottie- 1.29 Kits ___ 3.79 The Needhamrs enjoy visj'.5 be Hot Water Botties-- with their children and grand- mer guaranteed, 1.79, 2.19, 2.59 Black Lunch Kits-- 1.25 cbildren and are particularly hir( fortunate in having with them or t Baby Hot Water Bottie 1.79 Thermos Bottles- 1.79, 1.98 Mrs. Needham's niece, Donalda or Creasser,,a daughter ai the late 7j Rubber Gloves - 39e 59c Vacuum Bottles - 79e Mr. and Mrs. John Creassdr af cou] Montreal, who is well knawn said and popular in Bowmanville be '1or Hay Fever where she5 bas made ber home. - Donalda i employed with the Pyrienzmin Tas. - 6e Pivie Dopsq5c Parts Dept. ai General Mators Pyi en a in a s. 6 e rvi e D ap - -- - -fe a Canada at Oshawa. M V Co Pyronal Tabs. - 2.25 Raz-Mah Caps. 7e 1.50 Their ifriends wish for Mr. and Mrs. Needham many more Lanige B ______6.0 Nyl NsalDr,ps 69e bealthy and happy years. 1/ In the iirst five montbs ai0( dm o% ILÀ&a aika m ' jthis year the andin utmo r The Bowman ville Chamber of Commerce condially invites the citizens of Bowmanville to Attend a Meeting to Discuss *Municipal Garbage Collection and Disposai i 8 P.Ea Thursday, September l5th li the Town Hall Auditorium L You are invited t.oome and express your views in this discussion .iwhere both sides of thie Munkipal Gerbage Problem wiII be aire4. Celebrate Golden- Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John H. Needham, Centre Street, Bowimanville, were redipients of many gifts, cards and personal visits from friends and neighbours on Saturday, vhen they célebrated their golden wedding anniversary vith a reception at the Lions Community Centre. International 0f ficer Gives lnspiring Speech At Lions Club Meeting An inspiratianal address by Lions International Councillor Reg Everett ai the Part Credit lub gave the Bowmanville Lions Club a good start an their fal programme of activities at ,eir regular meeting Monday igbt. Before starting on bis sub- ect, "What a Lion is Expectod ,oBe," International Council. or Everett expressed his sym- )atby ta the club on the death dJ. J. Brown, a charter mem- )er and past president ai the aowmanville Lions and a form- x District Governor and Inter- iatianal Councillor. He alsa ýmplimented the club on the xcellent banquet hall added ta heir Lions Community Centre wo and a bah ',years ago. The speaker declared that he. qualities expected ai a ion could be outlined by us- ýg the individual letters. in the ord Lions. The 'IL" in the rganization's name stands for :yalty, he asserted, which is ne ai the dominant attribut es fLionism. This loyalty should ýgiven not only ta the club, ut ta the home, community, !nada and God. Attendance Important "One af the best ways we an show aur loyalty is through ýgular attendance at meet-- igs," International Cauncillor 'erett said. III know that this îb does well in this respect ) the records show that your :endance percentage over the ars bas been very high." Another way in which loyal- can be demonstrated, he Âd. is by voting at civic, pro- icial and federal elections. esuggested that the commun- Ybetterment committee might '11 undertake as a projeet the iportance ai impressing on le public the importance ai ting at elections. The speak- also stated that loyalty can shown by the individual ember in getting solidly be- id everyv club project wheth- he thinks it is a gaod project flot. The "1" in the Lions name uld stand for industry, ho d, and every member should industnious. "'A service club t ýanager of É ýominiont ib t oes to Orillia Ron Moring, 24, bas taken -r as manager af the Domin- iStore in Bowmanvîlle, re- tîing John Robb, who bas c n promoted ta manager oai1: SOnillia store. n Ir. Moring, a native ci -P leville, cames here from lE lingwood. He is married ta former Ruby Rankine aif * a Cn i V Bell Col] the John Robb 24- Belleville, 'and they have two ig children, Jacqueline, 3, and Brc Brian, 5 months. i The new manager bas been F with Dominion Stores for five mIn years, starting in Peterborough. up He was manager af the Allis- the ton store before moving t o Collingwood. fiaeR -~The Morings are looking for afi a home in Bowmanville, and B are at present boarding on Scu- by gag Street. Cry John Robb was guest of T hanor at a surprise party Mon- Lie day night at the home ai ;ubn wo] Kîriakopaulos, Wellington St. Members ai the staff of the Dominion Store andi many S] friensis of Mr. Robb were pre- for sent. He was presented with harý a glass scrv'ig beL. , Pull is nt a social club and I say, d -with ail deference ta atherj clubs, 'that the Lions club are1r famous for being workors. The prajdécts'which Lions clubs havep campleted in tawns and cities acrass the country such as swimming pools, cammunityg centres and pîsygrounds are prajects- wbich the Lions bave built themselves. Lions are flot cheque writers."1 Continuing witb bis autline h ai characteristics suggested for t] Lions by the club's name, In- a ternational Councillor Everett p statod that the "0" cauld stand ti for aptimistic. The Lions are si aptimists and this is born out ti in the eighth abject, which rr states that a member should be careful with bis criticism, lav- b ish with bis praise, and always sl try ta build up, rather than tao 0 destroy. c; "N" for Neighborliness The "N" can be interpretedV ta mean neighborliness or na- tional-minded, the speaker de- clared. Neighboriiness involves loving thy neiglibor as thyseli, and this implies helping him with his tasks rather than a- dopting a "let George do it" attitude. He suggeste dthatD Lions can show neighborliness Mby belping the New Canadians st arriving weekly in Canada ta feel at home in the commun te "I believe that the only wa1Ç h we can bring about wrdJ peace is by shawing true negn 4eîgn borliness, lave and kindness ta ahI," Mr. Everett stated. A Ir( step in this direction taken bv the Lions Food for Europe drive had been circumvented,la he said, by the fact the Federal t gavernment insisted the club t- pay the full price for wheat it intended ta ship there. The "S" stands for the mast important ofai ahqualifications for a Lion-service. "With ser- vice is linked sacrifice, mastly sacrifice ai time for Lions work," he asserted. Mr. Ever- ett stated that there is great opportunity in the field of international service towards world peace. '-I believe the peace of the world lies with service club members, and ta he largest extent with the Lions club, since it is the great- est service club af all," he, concluded. International Councillar Ev- erett was intraduced by Lion Gilen Martyn, who painted out that he is a past president af he Credit Valley Club and a aormer district gavernar. He vas thanked by Lion Roni Ietherington. Congratulates Members President Wally Braden wel- amed Bawmanvulle Recreation Director Daug Rigg ta the meeting and congratulated Lion Andy Thompson for bis excel- mt speech on education to the Rotary Club and Lion Ray Dilling on bis 25th wedding anniversary. He also campli- mented Lion Lloyd Ayre an winning many prizes at the .N.E. with bis sheep. Secretary Norrn' O'Rourke ead a request from the Dur- iam Trustees and Ratepayers ssociatian that the club again )rovide cups for the publice, peaking contest it will sponsor i November 7 at Orono. This natter was turned over ta, 'hairman Sam Black ai the lys and Girls Cammittec. A letter was received irom Rotary Club member regard- g the ppssibility ai the Lions nd Rotary Clubs getting ta- ether on a project of putting wooden floor in the Memorial ,réna. A Lions Club commit- ýe under Lion Fred Cale bas een set up ta study the pro- osed praject. Lion Ralph Ames reported, at the Chateau Wemblev ,ekend is planned for Sept. - 25, and about 20 members gnified they planned ,to take 1the event. Lion George rown reported an arrange-1 ýnts for visiting another club.i President Braden asked the ter-Club Committee ta take iwith the other service clubs te possibility af hiring the; Dyal Theatre ta show a trai-1 csafety mavie ta thc pupils, the# Bawmanville achools. Birthdays were celebrated rLions Dave Preston, Harry rderman and Bruce Semple. T'he- sing-song was led by Spruce and Balsam account r84 percent af the WooJ 'vested by the Canadian p andi Paper Indus try. ti Il9 si d t] ti fi ti d ti il 1 d a: v si li n DO UTAT A&P AND GETA.. Deep.f-C.ut Specials!1 A&P Choie. New Pack TOMATOES 228,oztins 3 5C PECHENewa28-oz fn 29C A%&P Fancy 3 1.zis9 Sultana1 PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz jar 279 C Autumn eating habit& end Fali houa" - eleaning o«Il for à pantry and kitohen cabinet oheckl Restook et À&P and count on a aer- load of .mvingal Inte Editor's Ma SSeptember 12, 1955. r4n. Editor. I wander wbet bas been donc in the wyoa puttinig a stop tthe speed maniocs running loose around town since Mi- Corden's letter.. ai lest week;7 I know thet moat of the Êaple on Concession Street, astagee wlth Mr. Cordon, and wauld b. rclleved ta sec some action taken for the safe- ty of ail. There bas been et least five dog, kllled this muni- mer down this speedway, and on Saturday ej.ening aur cet wala hit and Itillq#; and ta make mattens worse, the wani- denfulpersan didn't even stop. Hesa te cet fficause lie siemmfed bis braises Bn. Sure, it was oniy a cat, but it cauld quite easlly have bec» a child, and -1 don't doubt'the person would have kept gblng just the samèe. Wbat gets into saw'ne people when they get. behind the wheel ai a car? Thcy seem ta hase ail sense of' decency andi respect. It isn't sucb a great thing ta drive a car, <I've scen maniscys do that), but the ctamman sense we use wbile driving that eounts. In the meantime wbat are the police doing about it? Arej they gaing ta sit back andi wait till a preciaus littie lufe is taken by anc af these speed demons? Came ta thinis of it, they're not even sitting back. in the office that is, because 1 tried for aver an hour anc iay ta get in touch with them, and gave it up. as hopeless. When you tell tbem af t1he speeding, they ask for the license number. V'II bet that uine out af ten that go Up and down this road every day. areI going way aver the speed limit. Anyway, getting the license numbers is the job for the police. I know aofa .case wbere the police were asked for help ini ocating a hast chilsi, and they gave the bright answer: "Let's wait an hour or two, and see wrhat happens." What if the fire dcpartment irorked an this principle? At least we knaw wben we hear the fire siren, that thase men are on the way ta help and protect us, no niatter what tme af day or night, and we houlsi have the same protec- ion from the police depart- nent. Now the young chilsiren are back ta school surely they bhould be protected from the 'id children that think they an drive cars. Came on Police Department wake up, before it is too late: I Mrs. Roy Hooper. YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson. Dle andi Pain, with Mr. and Wrs. Walter Wright, Black- ~ itock. Several Yelvertonians et tendesi the respective showersi ield in honour af Mr. and Mi*. Fas. Emmerton ai Nestieton, Ur. and Mrs. Norman Camp- cl nee Dawne Black o! To- >nto, at Devitt's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson isited Mr. Josh Evans at Rag- an. Miss Emma Henclers was at week at the Francis Werry's at Enniskillen oW Sept. 9. Mr. und1 Mi; Françis' Werry celeec.ted their 29th wading anniversary -on Sept. 9, Mr. end Mrs. Bv Veale (nec Jean Werry) cele- brated their 5th wedding anni-. versary ionSepst. IR 1wedding pi-Mn. and Mr. koy Werry. future tht, week in Septemb mlght readily be" designetedl the- Weary Werry Wedding Week! Super.-Right Meats! PORK SHOULDER ROASTI b35c PORK BUT! ROAST ib45c GRADE 'A' CHICKEN 6b51C Extra Lean - Excellent for Hamburgers or Meat Loaf MINCED,'BEEF ib,29c Essex or Maple Leaf BEEF BOLOGItA 2-lb c6ib 49c Lake Erie, Fresli Caught PERCH FILLETS i 49c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! Calfornia No. 1 Red Lating GRAPES IlbsI3c2I Californie Ne. 1 New Croo - Hand Selocted Quality TOMATOIS colla pkg 19c Californie Fancy Valencia, Now et thlr Boat ORANGES 5-1b calla plcg 5 9c California No. 1 Vin* Rip*"'d HONEYDEW MELONS each25s Prie..s affective Until B.4urday, F o t r Sept. l7th, - ¶885. 1840 ~uIA? A g' Il New Gif t Items for Faîl and Winter are here ROYAL NORFOLK POTTERY FROM ENGLAND, A gnoup of Vases and Bowls in beautiful colours .and moderate in price. Smart items for the kitchen. waUj ... gay and colour- fui but useful as iveli - a Ceramic Holden with Fork and Spoon at $1.49 the set, also . - An amusing Popcorn and Potato Chip Server, in polished n'atural wood. New Linens from the Canany Islands. *Hndworked cloths with matching napkins. Rotuxd and Oval Doilies and Ru71lers. Printed Tablecloths in sizes up to 52x70, lovely colours and designs. Complete Your gift with Our a pretty Jlow and a Coutts or - at - 09%&30m» Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilsqn visfted the Bos Hals t Whit- by. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa, Hamilton, Markham, vsted the Maurit~ Nesbitts. Mr..and Mr. G. E. Robin- son accompanied >4r. and Mrs. Ray Robinson. Judy and tiare to Hamilton ta 'vislt Etta's bro- ther, Mr. and Mr*. Norman Le- May.1 Miss Noreen Greening and Mr. Gardon Heaslip visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbltt and Mr. and Mns. Oea. Heasllp; ailo et Gea. Heasllp's, Mrm W. Fleming and Gardon o! HiII-ý head. Mrs. Walter Moore, Taranto. with- her son, the Balfour Moores. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Heasllp wlth the Ken HeaslpsaEt Lind- say. Visitors et the Heaslips li- cluded thePrc Prestons. rMr. and Ï9s David Wilson were in Cobourg and Brighton et the Dlck and Cecil Archers. Amaong thase visiting this weekend at Mr.",and Mr&. Har- v ey Malcolm's and Mitzj and attending the, Werry-Eoon nup. tialsaet Enniskillen, even as innocent bystanders, were Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Boon Sr.,' Miss Teeny Boon, Mr. Hen- drick (Hank) Boan Jr., ai Cooksville, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Litster and Susan, New Toron- ta. It was rather an auspiciaus m --------- -------------- TE . - 1 lý

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