S--- ~- .,--C.-~.-4 THE CNADIN STTE~MA ROWA NV? .5PAGE 31' DTe Post Office corner last year sich peddlers should be-a job would once agein be the cn for the.- nexv Secretary-1'ana- trel point of the decoratin, ger, Ken Morris, who xi sooh The large evergreen was eîect-1 be starting his dtities here. ed by the Town empioyees in a i _________ barrel of sand,,and xves strung li with muiticoiared lights. Sense shines with a double. It was suggested that ail mer- lustre when set in humility.- chants be requested to co-opter- William Penn. ate with the Merchants Coin- mittee and decorate their HIGHLY STYLED stores for at ieast a week prior ta Christmas. Trees xii prob- MODERATELY PRIC'ý*D ebly be pleced, either at the LADIES' WEAR other two main intersections of La Vogue the town, or at intervels along King Street. ders and travelling merchants q c u ln was suggested, ta avaid exploi-! tation o! local buyers. The corn- Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa mittee thought that checking Mis Anita Murphy, Regina, The cornerstone of the new Sask., has been visiting her United Church in Whitby is ta sister, Mrs.. Win. Prower. be laid next Sunday. We were Miss Hazel Webber le! t Sept. pleased ta notice that the archi- 7 to enter' the Schaal o! Nurs- tect for this structure is a native i at Pe.,erborough Civic Hos- Of Bowmanville, Herbert 'G. ptl. Cole of Whitby, son of Mr. and .Mr. and Mrs. Osmond J. Mrs. F. J. Cale; .;GSmith, Ottawa, spent lest weaîc Because of illness, Mrs. with Mr adMr.R.G Seward Dawson has returned H mly. ad Ms .-home to Bowmenville. Almost Hamly. - 1i months ega, she wes called ta Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Keliett, Kirkfieîd ta wait on hier sister, Millbrook, spent the weekend Miss Mabel Lytie who was with Mr. and Mrs. James Hey- seriously iii and who is still in inan and Carl James.. very poor health. Mr. and Mrs. G. Herschel James T. Brown, Newcastle, Darch, New York City, are presîdent of the Central Ontario guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spring Show, will be judge of (Abbie) Daruh, 38 Simpsan Ave. Peterborough County Black and *Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill and White (Hostein) Day at Lake- Arnold, Bawmnanville, motored field Fair on Saturday. He is a ta, Milverton on Seturdey and director o! the National Hol- attended the Taylor - Anderson stein Breeders' Association. wedding. Mr. Charles Carter Sr., who is Councillor John Regan has Vice-President o! the Ontario been elected as editor o! the Bekery Production Club, was Oshawa District Knights of Col- one o! the judges of the home umbus Bulletin at their meeting baking class entries et the Tuesday night. Canadien National Exhibition. Misses Florence and Le-La He stated that there were more Jackson 'have returned home entries than ever before this after spending a month with yeer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Recent visitors with Mr. and Brenda Jean et Marmore. Mrs. Neil G. McCullocli and Welcame de!eated Newcastle, family were Mr. and Mrs. D. 6-5 in South Durham Rural 1 Sackville, Port Hope; Mr. and Leegue basebaîl' finals Tuesday' Mrs. Nelson McKeller and son, in Newcastle and wiîî now meet1 Bandon, Man.; Mr. McKell9r, Coverdale in final playoffs. Toronto, also nieces and ne- Mrs. Mina Colwell is holiday- phews, Dr. and Mrs. S. Smith, ing with her sister, Mrs. Ani Brandon, Man., and daughter BradeyBon Hed. nd nieErme, Washington, D.C.: Dr. andj gether are visiting friends a et rserGulpRhd. lad o Welland Junction and Port Jfey ulh Colborne. Rev. T. E. Kennedy, BA., B.D., Warkworth, xvas elected Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burn-; Moderator of the Presbytery of aide, Montreel, visiting Mrs. Peterborough, of the Presbv- Paul Chant and ettended the terian Church, Tuesday, suc- weddîng a! her sister Wilma ceeding Rev. A. G. Scott, Bow- Richards, ta Rowland Coambes manville. Induction services on Saturdayi. were held in Cobourg. The Miss Blanche Crowe and Pettyf Peterborough Presbytery is made Officer Vernon H. Joyce, St.j up of 28 congregatians in Dur- Louis. Missouri, spent a week! ham, Northumberland, Peter-: with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 borough, and part of Victoria F'. C. Crowe ind her grandmoth- Counties. er, Mrs. P. Hamilton, About 20 bus seats are aveu-_: Miss Mally Badger, Mrs. Geo. eble for spectetors wishing ta' Thrasher and Miss Colette accampany the Bowmenville Cardinal attended classes et the Bantamn Legionneires ta Lîstowel, Prince George Hatel on Monday for semi-finel playoffs Saturday ' at which the new Feul hair marning. Maney received from: styles were 4emnstrated. passengers will le used ta help Mr. and Mtrs. E. Fernlund,! repey the Canadien Legion Duke Strete, are spending three Branch 178, who are sponsoring, weeks' vacation in Part Allernie, the trip. Ahl those interested in Vancouver Island, B.C., with bis attending are asked ta telephone father and sister, elso with Mrs. Manager Murray McKnight as Pernbund's aunt in Ferndale, soon as possible. 'Wash. Mrs. Georgina Kiriakopoulos., Memoriel Park Association haslend son Ken returned lest Fni-; taken aver sponsarship of the; day ta their native Greece by 1 4th Cub Peck, Cubmistress Miss Ithe steamship Olympia from J. Hadgkinson ayinaunced. The New York. Mrs. Kiriakopoulos first meeting in the MemonialI will return ta Bowmenville in Park clubhouse xiii be Wednes- a yeer or two. Ken is ta be day, Sept. 21. marrieri in Greece and xiii Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter xvrk the family fenm et Kam- Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence min, Sparta. Mrs. Kiriakop-t Oke were in Kapuskasing visit- oulos has three othen sans, ing Mr. Carter's brother, Alfred George, Louis and John, and e --Carter. They hed an opportun- deughten, Helen (Mrs. Dino ity ta go through the Spruce Biadis>, in Bowmanville. Falls Paper Milîs plant. 1Mr. Frank J. Short, Brampton. Mr. Clayton Hutchinson, De- son of the late John O. Short oft trait, Micfi., visited Mr.> and Mrs. Courtice, gave the editor o! The R. Hutchinsan, Elgin Street, and Statesmen a fiendly cali while attended the graduation exercis- guest of bis cousin Mrs. R. E. es o! Civic Hospital Nursing Osborne. He wes accompenieri Ciess, Peterborough, where Miss ly bis sister, Mrs. Edith John-f Joan Hutchinson graduated. son o! Dover, New Hampshire.( It is hard ta believe Mr. Short t Mrs. Harry Rice, Mr. John is 84 yeers o! age as lie is keenE Rice, tawn, andi Miss Queenie o! mmnd and active of step. HeÈ Ramsey, Oshawa, spent the has iarmed in Wellington andv weekend with Mrs. Rice's daugli- Peel Counties until lie retired taC ter and son-in-lew, Mr. and Mrs. Brampton several years ega. Walter 0ell et ther'.ummer A Party o! five members o! horie at Grand Bendi 'oh Lake the Bowmenville Lions Club anda York lest weekend and saw tbe New York Yankees play three games. Jack Brough, Jack Cale, Mayor Nelson Osborne, Dave Preston and Herbert Goddard were the Lions meking the trip, leaving Fridey niglit and return- ing Monday morning. It was a speciai "package" trip which in- cluded transportation, hotel ac- commodation and tickets for the geme. Rev. F. K. Mlane o! St. Joseph's Cetholic Church, re-1 turned ta Bowmenville Septem- ber 9th fromn a 65-day tour o! Europe and a visit ta Rame. He conducted services et the churcli Sunday, Sept. 1l. The trip was nmade with 35 Canadien Catholic teachers from Montreal, and toak in France, Belgium, the INetherlands, Germany, Luxem- bourg, Switzerland, Italy, Eng- land, Scotland and Irelend. The graup .travelled almost 11,000 miles during the tour. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, Messrs Mark Roenîgk and Geo. W. James were in Oshawa Friday niglit as guests of Col. R. S. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Wed in Trinity Church M\r. ard Mrs. Christopher Rowland Coambes are shoxvn following their wedding Saturdav, September 10, in Trinix Uý Inited Chut-ch. The bride, the former Wilma Ruth 'Richards, is a diughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. !William J. Richards, and the groom is e son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Coombes, R.R. 4, Bowmanvil]e. -Photo lv Rehder Fifty Years Married Many frieids, neighbours and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Davy Brown at Orono on Tuesdav to honor them on their Golden Wedding annive- sary. Among the màny beautiful gifts, one of the most useful was presented by the family in the forrn of a lovely rug for their living-room. Both were in good health for the event and appeared ta enjoy themselves to the full. McLaughlin when he preset- ed a spécial showing of the: film "'Mining for Nickel." at uthAIee, tonium. The film was a color- INow in ed one and sbowed a mas-t inîpressive a n d entertaining wa 'y the history, from its 'Al rost ception, of the International'i Nickel Company whicb pro- Five generat duces approximately 85% of October 4th i ail the nickel in the warld. tree celebrates Five-yeer-ald John Geboers day. escaped seriaus injury Thurs- Mr. Attree, w day afternoon lest week whcn ada in 1913, hý be ran from behind a double (four o! whom panked car ino a car dniven ed hinît, 40 g by Roy Swindells o! Bowman- great-grandchil( ville. Mr. Swindells barely igreat-great-gra crawling througb the maze 0a. I He is naw lh traff ic everted .a mare seriaus Reuben, in Tc accident by lus quick applica- death of bis iv tion o! the brekes. The inci- lived in Mapi( dent occurred on Temperance yeans, and wý Street imniediately ou.side ofI Ebenezer Cery the Post Office. 'Dr. Howar d years. H-e is a Rundle exanîined the boy andi ganden' ataMap found him scared but in good gre tMp shape.Gibson is now <bepc. 'Attree's aid lu If local duck hunters wish ta Two a! Mr. A get an early start on their fav- in England,a orite sport they catn do so onl live in Tarant Saturday by travelling north I lives in Bowr to Lake Scugog. Rice Lake ori sons and a dauj lie Peterborough district. The i ed him, txvo son season opens in that area north!I of the Townshîips af Clarke1 and Darlington and east of Highways 12 and ý69 on Setur- Ba lay. September 17. The seasun1n j IEil, in Clarke, Darlington and th'r southero and western section,îl it including the Oshawa area, o Ls*c does not open until Octoler 1, hawever. In bath cases the eason ends an December 15. n u Bowmenville and Durham Listowel's Bet aounty gttests et the Found - bell team came Lengmaid wedding wbich took Tuesday evenir place in King St. United i the local Benta Churcb. Oshawa, on Sept. 3rd, the toughýest c rîcluded: Mr. and Mns. W. R.* bave 3-et seen. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. J. The Listowel Peax-ce, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. some excellent Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson and ani JFounri, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil of Bowmanville J Found. Mr. and Mrs. Williami the locals 5-1.1 ,l]in, Joan and Dean, Mn..e-id only two bits dt Vs. Waller Rundle, Mr. and Thé first, in thef VIrs. W. E. Lymer, Mrs. W I.. earried the rout !anm J.ý Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Bownianville rui nthur Found, Mn. and. Mnr, The second caEr loyd Down, Mn. and Mrs. ning with two nr lenn Pickell, Mr. Donald M. Bill Bates pitcl conton, Mr. Ronald Osborne, for Bowmanvilîî qr. and Mrs. Sidney Worden, bis third loss in 4r. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mnr The Legionnai id Mrs. Kenneth Caurtice and Listowel on Satu liss Lois Antil. menville wins th4 Att ree Toronto 96 tioris xill gather *vhrn Albert At- ýhis 96th birt- .'ho came toa Cn has nine children ýhave predeceas- grandchildren, 29 Idren, and o:îc inddaughter. ring with e son, oronto, since the vife in 1947. He e Grave for 24 jas caretaker ni' neteny for 15 agreet lover of lied a beautifu: Le Grave. Arthur rnesiding in M- I irne. - 1ttree's sons lire .ad two others, o. A deughtc'r rmanville. Three j ighter predeceas-! us in Wonld Wan sLose DweI %,sday intam. B" base- ta Bowmanville ng and sbowed am Legionnaires opposition they squad, aided by pitching by Jinu unusual number errons, defeeted Lawson gave up Juing the game.' fifth inning, was! ite for the onîV n of the game. ie in the lest in-, men out. cd ail tlîe way le, and suffered 22 gamnes. ires now play in, .irdav. If Bow- e finst, the meet e-header. e d s ti c LE P F J. A A LI G Vý m ar mV -bowmnvile euninatea lParis *' from plavdowns two straight,1 Memorial Hospital after winning the John Foole 1 ~Trophv and the Bantam -B" Nveeklv Report Championship of teLksoe I League. For the week of September; 4-11:ENNISKILLEN Admissions ------------ - 361 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wren Births, 4 maie, 6 female - 11 and Madeline. Mr. arid Mrs. Dischargez -- - 4- Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry, Operations-Mejor ___- - - 3 Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Operations-Minor - --- - -- _ il Devs ahd Lorraine, Bleckstock. Operations -Ernergency,- -1 with Mr. anid Mrý. Xalter Fer-' These lacis are publish.rd guzon. weeklv in an effort t0 acquain* -Lr. and Mrs. Walter Ferg- this communitv wvith the ser- son w]th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. viceî ci aur ilospital.Bowers, Nestleton. lMerchants l- 1 Phon MA -579 Comm ittee I Talks- on Closing Hours > A calender o! opening and braie the, hoiidayr an Monde. closing dates for Bowmanville It la expected thet Tuesda Menchents ivas drawn up b", the Merchants Committee 0,! will be proclaimed Boxing Deý the Chamber o! Commerzne The stores 'will remain close Mondey evening in the Cham- Tuesday, regardless, but xv ben's offices in the Town Hall, le open ail day Wednesday faý 1The Christmas seasan wa lowing the Christmas weekený the first holiday schedule 1 New Year's Day aiso felîs û drewn up. It was dccided thet Sundey, and the stores xiii b the committee would recom- closed on Monday. On Tucsda: ncnd that, mendiants remain they wili go beck ta the regii open -ecb Wcdncsday after- Ian routine, lcing closed Wed naon duning December before ncsday afternoon as usuel. Christnmas. There are tîînae Ail mendiants in Bowmar Wedncsdays inii he month le- ville are expected ta follow th- fore the 25th. pohicy as set up ly the coni They %#Ill le open cvenings ite- for one week before Christmas Christmas Decorations eve. stanting witb the regûlar Decorations for the mai Frîday niglit opening Decccm- street' o! town for tbe Chnis, ber 16. Stores will le open mes scason wene elso discusse, Cbnistmais eve until 9 oMcock. et some lengtb by thue commit Christnmas Day felîs an Sun- tee. It uves decided tiat a lanii day, and the stores willce-' trec suci as was erected eithl ay. ay. on jd- In- il- st-1 ed 'e Arthur Collison, Mus. Bac., L.R.S.M. Orgenist and Choirmaster Trinity United ChitrcIi Bowmanville Teacher of Piano, Orgen and the- Theo*qo--of Music TELEPHONE MArket 3-3900 ADC SALE ait IDA ÀRDRUS STfORE s ALL WEEK SALE Monday Sept. l2th to Sa turday Sept-.'li7tl Visit Your I.D.A. Drug'Store early this week while the selectio.nof tiiese speciel velues is et its best " Special on I.D.A. qeevy duty 12- neli 100 ft rail s ýn box gth metel cutting edge teguhar 29c rol 25c 2 For 49c I F I.D.A. Brand CDLD CREAN SOAl Special ! Finest quality toilet soap - high fat content Contains Lanolin A guaranteed I.DA. product 12 for $1.33 Bath size cakes WASH CLOTHS DA1 Special! MILK Real Quality wash cloths. A good 12-inch si7e in a variety of colors and very attractive Etsi*-;g] patterns A.B.C. Value---- 2 For 25c Floor Spenial! I.DA.1 L.D.A. "Utility" Etot Waler Bole , Wrii Save 50e on the regular price. 2 Year Guarantee Re.. ice - - ------- 1.29 Linen o Pre-Season Special .D.A. " Heating Pads Envelc A 3-speed sw itch heating pari xw:th doxxnv oft blanket cover I.DA. B in green or rose. Fxceptional value at this xery îoxv price. .B 3.98 Speciel! .D.A. Brand TOILET TISSUE *Top Quality *Large Quantity' 750 Sheets Reg. 2 fo-r 25o 2 For 23c Check This for Value 3-Ring ZIPPER BINDER *2 inch Rings " Heevy Zipper " Water- Resistant " Trigger'Clesure " Wide Tapes " Two Pockets .1.29 2 Beek to School Favourite by THERMOS ga" l0's reg. $1.15 89v 3.49 I.D.A. Brand Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Stock up now on this excellent source o! Vite- muin A and D. Just the tbing for gnowing chil- dren througb the winter months. 500'3 reg. $4.29 I.D.A. Brand Special MINERAL OIL Heavy Grade - Medicinal Quality 16 oz., reg. 55e 43c, 40 oz., reg. 1.10 87c VITA DIET 7 Essential Vitamins, Minerais 100 capsules - ------------- 4.50, Don't be Tired Out Teke IVAKE UPS As Harmless as Tee 12's 49c 36's 1.25 Brand 16 oz., 32 oz. regular 35c, 60c [oss Wax Top quality wax39 Wax 1i lb. regular 53c39 Economy Note size reg. 10e ng Pads Ladies'8c 2/15c or Letter reg. 15c or Vellum 13c, 2/23c 'Economy" 20 Envelopes c o lopes regular ]Oc 8c,2 F,15C To-night Tablets or Coffee 100's 2.75 Special on I.DA. TOURH PASTE *Cleans the teeth *Freshens the breath *Makes your mouth feel really clean Regular 57e 3 A.B.C. Sale Price --------------- 3 SHAVING A hneto buy this guiaraii'wed-to-satjst quality shax'ing creani et a substantial saving Regular 3 49e tube ---------- ----------- 9 Brand Pencils Speciel ! A.S.. A. tS.AL.4 Reg. 5c 5 For 19C 3ILLFOLD Special! Here is Rn excellent velue f( the men. An Englisb Maroc leather billfold et a bengai price. Flat al] around zipper - Foi celluloid swings - registratio card, ticket andi stamp hoîlers snap button pouch sty le L'oi purse. Eacb in a gift bo: S2.50 Value17 for ---- Special on Dr. West's Tooth Brushes 7. Reg. 29e Nylon Dr. Niests Brushes for only 49 A. TALETSSpecial! On I. A. TALETSPAPER M 5 Grains Acetylsalicylic Acid 70, whitc, embosscd, A~~~~~~1 reloprunt 01~large size napkins in this popular pain nelieven et! dispenser tyNpe box. the lowest prices. 1-- 11- 0 1 100's 19C 300's 49C SACCHARIN TABLETS % Grain ' 4',Grain ,l00's ------------ 20e i10', ------ 23c, 500's -55e 1 500,s 65c! Eclipse FOUNTAIN PN Models ..98 1.00( ta 1.95 Special - 59C .I.A. Brand LAPKCINS Rt. 17c, 2 boxes3e 15c, 2 For 29c Enite Lite Flashlight Canadien Made Black and chrome moetal 3-wav switch - Guaranted Spevial 49v 'Vac master" VAàCUUM BOTTLE Canadien made - iS-ounce bottle with red plastic cap SAVE 32c on HALO SHAMPGO Save 15e on Lady Esther Buy Special Pack of two 65c bottles Face Cream Regular $1.30 Value ------98C BU, the special of fer on the 98c size for only --- 83c I VETO Evelyn Howard -____ Deodorant Special j Hand and Body LOTIONî ShOP &t V0O7R DRUG STORE, Save8c n liite tim ofer wth reethe safe, logical and dependable Sv con rlaîtd ie offer ispener place to buy drugs, medîcines and on rgula siz - ump ispeser other products for hcalth and. Reguler 33c - - - 25e 12 oz. bottle q Bc.i beauty care. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregr We Deliver Your Local I.DA.,Drug Store Drugsi b I S.ft white Holtemp Davy Crockett Vacuum Bottle $1.98 Matching Lunch Kits $1.85 Kit and Bottle $ 3.79 Alex, fflirm 'i lc Ic fy r Co r )n X. THt CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIM Inq f. I. -i 491 49c 29c, 49c -Special -