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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 9

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1930 Paper Clip ping Discusses Bowman vil, Harbor lmprovements The Statesman's temporary are stili waiting for acticl Social Editor, while preparing h4 oniCabro the"I~m ad Dstat"columnl, merce, government, or las, came across an item in the flot leat, Our local fe Town Council news from Sep- memnber. We're still livin tember -11, 1930, which con- anticipation." ý,tains a good deal of historical Chamber Plans Actial anachronlayn. Chainber of Commercei Even if you don't understand dent, Elmer Banting, b Ilthe last few words.of the flrst reading the dateline, said: Paragraph, read on, and enjoy fair as; we're concerned, wt -'the commrents which follo%%. finitely want to try ta geti Most of them were miade be- action on harbour dev fore the speaker had learned ment. We (the Chambei that the clipping was from a Commerce) are plannini paper 25 years ago. meeting with members of The clipping reads: l'Har. Harbour Company to du bour. improvements were (also) developing the harbour discussed at some length. Here an eye ta industrial expan la a, situation which mnight jf That is one of the projecie delaylng cause a great deal af hope ta get under wayv property damage. The piers are aur Secretary- Manager, Ini a terrible condition, in fact Morris, takes his office." there is nct much of the wood After he was sliawn the -Work, remiaining. The cottages of the issue, he asserted: *are very close to the water on just hope it won't be as the west side and if the base hefore something is done! of the pier slowly decays thev C. E. Rehder. Presidenl will be flooded in a few years. the Bowmanville Four Further. if thé St. Lawrence Company, and a council]ci Waterways project is carried the year 1930, said: "You're out Bowmanville will need a ing to have a job getting Port suitable for ships to cali. government to move on thi The Council are requesting thec Somne Work Done. government to take action in After reading the date] the matter as an aid to unem- he recalled: "They put i ployment." wooden crib there after1 Statesman Editor and former about 50 or 75 feet long. mnayor, George W. James, rea d gone now. Relief help was ti the clipping, and stated: "We Fred Bowen was in 0tt. _"PLANT A HEDGE" - "OR DER NOW!" W CHINES! ELM PRIVET RED IAROERRY Isoiest aud Fastestoie ail oesson a in se, î100>fert Anuren.o" vert.- -1 Ia.e à.100 for pa8;12-fneb elle. 100 ety. mod i. - -93,; 2inoh.2 r 4.50; 15-loch$Èze, irowth-tho ouiyfer 1-98or $22.00 S100 for 51.50; 1U.inch nie, hrd"rn:12t W 00, S100 for @.e.95;2-t. Sine, hl&$il., 2S for PEN OT -~23 for 53.9a or SOYROT -X per 100; 3-1t. sine. $13-00 $3.98.1r$111.90 li hite or Fin 4r211»92 er pe1r 0SI.,. OERED SPIREA saluER FOR ZRYODS FUL O ALSO CANADA'S FINEIT C SBROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES ROWMANVILLE (Phon@ »B7 eorPfight, market 3-2345) ONTARIO 9 Viais+12Min, i in ONE daily tablet! to guard your famly's diet Newf3 S PLENAMINS / 1FamlBoule, cf 72 /Ir I(21/e menties' supply) AS:NLY $79 LIITLE i AS 6e' A.-DAY~ Bottie of 36 (5 weeks' supply) ONLY $2.59 1 Giant Bottle cf 144 (5 months' aupply) % ~ ONLY $7.%e SUPER PLENAMINS CONTAIN 9 VITA- MINS INCLUDING VITAMIN B12 PLUS liver, PLUS, 12 important minerais including calcium, pliosph'orus,'iraon and iodine. ONE TAR LET gives vou mare than 2 capsules povided before, the resuit of Rtexall's exclusive ncw process that maîntains the potency of these fond elements even ichen combîned in Z tablet. A SECRET PROCESS of coating the ingreients permits the blending of vitamins and miner airhich formerly- couula fit be combined successfully. Ingcredienîts are mîxcd, cuated. granulated and blended so iTit each ingredient ik fully protecîed from potency.robbing chemica1 reaction. le.esl:UNSURPASSEDrentô ( potenc- arnd siabiliît'. Positive potency protection.-- ONLY RF\ AII s,(ieiitists proice the new, o ne- tablet SupLqer lI>lciinis. Onlv Rexali Diru- Stores sel Super i>eiiamins. - NO (>TIIER VIT AMIN PRODUCI KNOW'iN,- GIV'ES YO-U MORE FOR YOUR MIONEY- THÂN NEW SUPER PLENAMINS: THE CMiADIAN STATESMA#. ROWMANVILLE. ONIrAIO then (M.P.). He's/ dead li S Thal made work for the fai ers 100. in the wlnter. r' I cated stne don there at much a load" le . r edrrealdt had once surveyed Bawn S ville harbour while planniq crass-the-lake ferry. Somneti happened, however. and :)eby. ferry was run ta Cobourg,i Com-1 large cement piérs built. " il ut nity years, that ferry ni st uti Cborg," he said. 'lThat% 'ederal !abou 1918 or 20,' he stated nig in Tom Rehder, son af Mr. E. Rehder, and a present me in ber ai Town Council, reali, presi- liaI lie cllpping was nal tal before from the September, 19 1"As meeting, and asked wien 'e de- was written. He admit'i some *"That cauld have been wril velop- j lest week!" r afi]Industries Firet îg a W f the "e won't gel anything l iscuss that in he-e until we get ni: with inutr"he aid, If e d nsian. te l ie"fw a ts wethere, tiensil mugit be a go whe raw eing card ta get an ndi Mi Town Clèrk Alick Lyle,t daefirslta be asked for a comme daeon tie clipping, asked lie da Wiwhen it was written. He sa' le;Og-They (government) wcl it aifTspend the money. It's 100 cIo idyta Oshawa, 1 guess"" Dryn Federal n-ember of ps e go- liament, John M. James, w gtic aisked wiether the governme at would do anytiing about "In lime I believe thcy wi 'At least I've been workingt dline, ward liat end for some yeai in a But, liey won'l go ahea tiat, spending several millions on 1'8 gaod harbor until they kno tscd. the re is a, definite nced for awa here." AMayor Nelson Osborne d k* clined ta comment on lie clil *ping, explaining thal he c' *not knaw whetier the lan - along tic harbour belonged1 *the Port Darlington Harboi S*pCa. or ta the gavernmcnl, fI S*sure. 'I'd better keep my nc. 0 out of il," he staled. * Once Safest Port ;,*Apparenlly luc improv( *ments which wcre made ta th harbour -aitcr lie malter wE >I * discussed at the SeptcmbE *meeting af Town Councili *1930 wcre very minor and di * fot last too long. Other mino Simprovemenîs, such as tl - tone breakwatcrs which wcr put in a few years ago, ha' been miade, but Part Bowman ville bas neyer regained it once proud slatus as the bes and safest port on lie nort side of Lake 'Ontario. The' Chambcr ai Commeri * semÉ atkious la do somethirj about tie situation, and ai( 'iving cvery Indication liaI ac tian is ticir policy. Pexihaps th( citizens of Bowmanville ma3 soon be able la say liat a mot tfer thal was discussed l)y Towi Council 'way back in f930 wîj carried out in 1955 or 1956, ci even 1960. No malter iow soor acin istaken, or ta what de- grec il is successful, lie periaè of time afler the first 25 year5 siould flot seem loo long. Support C. of F. iBbwmanville wants industry, Tic Chamber of Commerce and Town Council are doing licir utmost ta obtain indus- tries. Perhaps lie development of Bowmanville's harbaur may be a means or a result. bel's give the Ciamber ai Commerce andcl their new Secrctary-Man- ager, Ken Marris, tic support they deserve for the, work they are gaing ta try ta accamplish. What are your comments on tic situation at Bowmanville Beach? Are yau going ta iclp tic Ciamber ai Commerce and tic alier progressive bodies in Bowmanville? Assure them of your support! 0Tic Prôngiorn, or Rocky Iiuntain anlelope. Canada's fastest running wild -animal, p once oulnumbcred even the bufialo an tlie western prairies. 1847 ROGERS BROS, MA RR JURY L@VLL .- JEWELLERY PHONE MA 3-5778 13OWMAN VU.L 'E 43 King W. MA 3-546ý m.a.d I1always USE THE Wh« efl uamn'? shp in pormn - u»t@- o d o » rm- i-iey it $0 Sthe ways nan- ag a hilng the and For ade was ýd. . C ized àken 955, 1il ted: tten like o0re 'But 1 it oad us- the ient late aid, Dn' t [ose )ar- .as ent it. fil]. ta- rs. 1ia- lid d- tor e- he ras er ,ni lid mej The warm brigit day brougit won lie Master Fceds Trophy n-a particularly inlercstcd ring- for lic second cansecutive year. its side ta watch lie judging ai tice Tic Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion was lst prize ýs Holstein classes at lic Durham tirec-year-oîd in milk, Eldemslie 'th County Black and White Day Progressor Camai, wia gave full icld in cannection witi Orano value for her award, being well ce Fair an September 10. Arch developed for her age, Wilh greal 1g Muir & Sans, Courtice, won tic angularity and with autstanding ce Premier Exhibitor award, and udder. C- J, H. Jase & Sons, Newcastle, Junior Champion FcmaIL- was Ie' was Premier Breeder. This was Gladibrae Pabst Judy, siownj Y a good show, wili lie top an- by J. H. Jase & Sons. Sic was t- imals about tic same as lasI first Senior Yearling Heifer, and fin year, but witi tie qualily going altiaugi a trie smallcr tien H. as furtier down tie line, partic- Bruce Tink's Glennariff's Elean: r ularly 'in lie Junior classes. 'or Supreme, tie Reserve Junior )n Twcnty-onc exhibitors siowed Champion wia staod second in e109 animals. lic same class, Judy was mare; )d Tic bull classes wcre keen. smooth and bQtter filled at tic, rs Pabst Walkcr Ollie repeatcd hus shoulder. Bot i made very ac-, win af lasI year as winner ai tic ceptable winners.1 Senior and Grand Champion Tic 4-H Club braugil slrongi 5r award; ' he is showrr by the campeli tion ta lie two heifer j ýeCentral Durham Bull Club. Ollie cal! classes, winning first and g s showing a lot of scale and fourth in lie Junior hiier claqrs, -smaothness, and is maving on and first, Ihird and fourti in lie' jt gaod legs. His pragcny prvaid- Senior icifers. First prize cy d slrong competitian tirougi- Junior heifer was Tamlane 'S out lie show, winning six ai tic Pietie Bob Dawn, shawn hyJ eindividual. classes, including tic Carias Tamblyn, Orono, while1 kJunior Champion bull and the tic winner ai tic Senior- heifer .Juniar' Champion female. Tic class Was Willow Stream Mon- Reserve Senior Champion was 0-War Belle. siown by John Honcyvale Lochinvar, 2nd in tic Knox, Hampton. *class for bulîs tirce years aid In lie group classes, Arci' aand aver. He us owned by J. G. Muir & Sans iad lie first prîze e Trcwin & Son, Burkelon. Tic Senior Get-of-Sire on get ai P Junior Champion and Reserve Elderslie Trîunc Sir Heilo, andi dGrand - was Browview Pabst lie first prize Graded Herd. J. 1lWalketý Lad, awned by James T. H. Jase & Sans woan tic Juhiiar 'f Brown, Newcastle. Lad was Gel on gel ai Pabst Walker Olle.f Reserve Junior lest year, and He alsa iad lie first prize Junior* -Judgc J. -M. -Fraser, Streclsville, Herd and tic first Junior Year-; reierred ta him as an outstand- lîng Heifer, as well as first prize! sing bull, well-grown for uis age, Two-ycar-old ini Milk. Firsl wilh a strong level top and prize Pragcnv ai Dam wvas bv rump, great capecity, a-nd with Glennarifi Lauma General. shown -goad legs and icat.. Mr. Brown by H. Bruce Tink, wvho also iad also ied tic first prize Junior the firsl prize Dry Two-year-old.J Bull Cali. Tie Reserve Junior J. G. Trewin & Son siowcd tie Champion was Tamlanc Pabst fîirst prîze Dry faur-vear-ald and Walker Prince, owncd by Carias first in a large class for dam and~ Tamblyn, Orono, who also had daugiter. thle first prize Senior Bull caîf, and lhe first Dry three-year-old Cow. .-.MORRISHi James T. Brown showed the Senior and Grand Champion Sunday, Sept. 18ti was an- female, Alice Mallie Dutchland, oirmdlte a ntcbs rcpeating ber win ai last yer. tory ai aur churci, it was the! iAltiaugh miiking very heavilv annuel Tiankaiiering and An-' Iand down in condition, sicnvrsreuda.Tc ele ishows a wealti of cepacity .and f was perfect for suici a service deimy temperament. Mr. Brown.- and tic churci was well MilI1 _____________________witi wosiippers bath marri- - ing and cvening. tanu ovl faîl - flowcms -grac- To Pay Pa-td the front af churci, pulpitj Du Bisi An innovation aItichemorn- iîng ser-vice wasa junior chair, f boys and girl's af aur public! O ýTo Consoiidalb ~seliool lrained bi'v- 70rs. E. W i 1- son 'aid ?-is. llelr-n McHo] nii, Monthly - îie- guezî prçorlîer. cangratu- lated yaung singer-s fot onlv of Payrnnts ,ticir swcet vaices but iîpnn - R scence ai siuffing feet so of- ten ;audible and warrying toaa For Home congregation. Uhers aI' Il ar. Repairs - were Mr. F. McConnell and Mr. H. Beckett.1 Suitabie iymns werc sung1 ,includling a special anc by tic mi - choir. "Praise Tic Lord Witi 1 .For New JDeligiU' alýo a ,horuj,- when PurhaesJoan Marvin and Elaînp n aurcasesderson -ang.tic szolo partF. S Thc gures,tprr'acier. Rev, G A. Wiiteiorn of Cp iefl 1forci. rcacied a vcrx- earnes. se:- j For Any mon from Ezekiel 37:.3,' 'Son i man can these boneF liv-?, Emergency hiwn how tic dry bancs of tic indifierence ofi tus gencra-' lion cao beconie living mcmi- Corne In Today bers of lie churci by a quick- The BilyneWay ning or revival in tic lufe ai TrYTeBveWy its members, responsibilitv ai on1 a ministers and laymnen, tic nced Pay fom Inome Pa ofutwarking, prî.ying arnd prai- pay romIncoe Pln 1ing God together, coiistantl - . Only tien will lite flow- again tira ugi i he dead bancs o aihs Bellvue present ogc. S Tiere vasa a horf star-v ~ for '-hilrc I a ou no ongue - ~~ .mugu~~~w ; neýs ani~c1 i ~ lO ('OlP.arb\ ie;>,c,'s G.R.IILSO.N, Mgr. Yfir-(f r.r- 291, si$mcoe S. fiai 5-1121 Thp ,eic-u' (c'a - w'-1 OSAA dObon tii gT.J'o' ------ e be Munici pal Bd. 0f ficers Praise Plan.ning Board At By-Law Hearing Officers of the Ontario Mun- he may get a special hearing icipal Planning Board had greu t with the Municipal Board. It pr'aise for the work done b: was believed that the amend- the Bowmanville Planning1 ment would be made by the Board. on the Town Planning Planning Board as requested. By-law No. 1587 which has A very smail number af per- been drawn up, and which re- sons attended the hearing. The ceived its final hearing bdtore1Municipal Board officiais coin the, Municipal Board last plimented the Plann ing Board Thursday mornlng. -officials present, chairman L. .R. Howard Yeates said, "The C. Mason, and secretary-îreas- preliminary work done in this urer Albert Cole, for the man- job has been particularly fine." fier in which the by-law was A. J. Shoniker, the other mem- handled. Public meetings, sud' ber of the representation from as were held earlier this year, the Municipal Board added, "If to clear up ail details of the ail by-laws were as thorouglv by-law, were a great asset ta prepared as this one, our work Municipal Board officiais ini would be very much easier." the final hearings, thcy stated. One Objection Towvn officials present were Only one objection was heard clerk Alick Lyle and assessor aI the meeting in the- Council Clarence Oke. chambers of the Town Hall. Controls Expaio Mr. R. E. Dadson, 151 Liberty W.. Ross Stevens enquired if' Slýt South, asked that a lot there was any restriction in thc W çh he awns at the forth- by-law prohibiling subdividing we t corner of Liberty Street in rural areas within the muni- and the Base Line be exempt- cipality. M». A. Cole înformed cd so that he might erect a gos him that no rural area could hc station or commercial building. divided mbt lots of less than The land is now defincd. as re- two acres. He explained thatý sidential area. It was suggcsled1 the purpose of thc Planning that Mr. Dadson mccl the' Board hy-law was ta have. re- Planning. Board, who ware gîv- sidential areas grow where en permission la make thc ne- they arc of best advantage 1 cessary amendmcnt without the town. and least cost to the furîher application to the Mun- municipality. icipal Board. If the Planning i Mr. Stevens was inquiring in Board does flot sec fit to make the interest of a ncighbour who the amendment, -Mr. Dadson dicl not attend in persan.* He has the right to go to Town çaid thee man had already start- Cauncîl for action on ticemt- d selling buildinglosfor ter. If it siould bc the ca-,oc land along thc Base Line whic tiat Town Council docs flot xvas not strictlv rural farmlainid. make tie requested provision, Mr. Stevens did flot know if' Mr. Dadson wvas informcd tiat the lots wvere of proper size. Black &Whbite Judging Real Feature at Orono arganist, Mrs. H. Reeves arc! ta be congratulated upon toI very fine service ai song and C u ties W praise presented. This choir i always ready ta give their be t wiencver callcd upan. '.In LCOobourg Anoîher elarnest and thaught- fui sermon wvas given b"' tic guest preacier during which he commanedmenls pialythete-IF or O ne M slredmlenkeeialie te-n gimem bering ta keep God's day Caunlies Council will remain :Ihl.A Christian is identifiocl as tenants ai tic Town of Co- -by tie lufe he leads. We are bourg for at least anotier 3-car epart of a marciing army going .dcsp ite their avawed intention farward ta victary, auir life's o f b uilding a new home on Wil- *work wcll donc. liam Street. Tic Caunties, haw- S Tic Benedictian -was given1 ever. have *nat cianged ticir -by tic Rev. Gardener ai Cari- collective minds en moving out. à tan, lic bcautiful flawers werc It is a malter af convenience sent ta tic sick and shut-in at for hem ta remain antier the close of the evcning ser- NYear, Warden Alan Bcer bold vice. Cobaurg Council at Monday s Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Williams nigit's nýeeting Sept. 12. ýi ai Port Hope. werc Sunday Tic Wardcn and Reeve Si,- 1guesîs ai Mrs. M. J. Osborne. ney Little ai c Tic Rev. G. A. Wiitcharn tended Counicil Sept.. 12 ani )and Mrs. E. Wilson xverc guests i Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebe siowcrs, ail tic same evening. an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glati Gibson were We are sorry ta report tiaI honoured in Devitîs Hall, Mr. rMr. Hcrb McCanneil is still a! and Mrs. Oweni Walker (Shirley patient in Port Hope hospital1 Ellis), Jai-icville Hall, 'and Mýr. wherc he xvas laken following' and Mrs. Melville Samelîs allihe a faîl in tichemarcsulling in home afi us par-ents, Mr. and severe culs ta face and head. Mrs. Kenneti Samnell;s, when miscellaneous siowers werc len- dcx cd these local newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camp- N estlefon S1afixo bell ai Bailiebaro werc Sunday visitars wilh Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snell, Port Heaslip and Mrs. J. W. Irvine. Hope, visiled Sunday wvth Mi-. and Mrs. Wallace Trick Davisons and Gests. Iand Axlene, Lindsay, and Mr. Recent visîtars with Mrs. Alice ai-i irs. Henry Trick, Burkelan, Farder were Mr. ai-d Mrs. Sand- visiteci Sunday witi Mr. and, field Staples, Mr. Bruce Sharpe, Mrs. George Bawers. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Siarpe, Mr. anti Mrs. Alex McbeocU Laura and Bruce, all ai Cavan. Toronto, are iolidaying with hrà0 Mr. Grant Tiampsan spent parents, Rev. and Mrs, A .S. Wednesday with uis matier, McLean. Mrs. Jas. Tiompson, Beavertan. Il is a pleasure ta report Mr. Arthur Hulbcrt was in Margaret Jean, baby daugiter ai Peterborough aver thc weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bawlcs, is Friends will be plcased ta ki-ow haine again following an extcnd- Mrs. Bruce Freclove ig recover- ed stay in Hospital for Sick, ing nîcciy following hem recent Children, Toronto. Friends hope 1 aperatian. siecocntinues in good icalti. 1 Weckend visitars witi Mr. and Svmpatiy ai tiecocmmunity1 Mrs. Walter Lawrcnce xvere: Mr. is exlended ta Mrs. Lorenzo and Mrs. Tios. Clarke, Mr. and Mountjov and otic-r membe;-s ai Mrs. George Lawvrence, Pal, lie familv in lie loss a e Pam and Georgie, Toronto: Mr. sister, Mms. Charles Brgs and Mrs. Frank Lawrence, Wes- Toronto. Funeral services werc' ton, Mr. Jas. Wallace, Oshawa: ield in Toronto on Mondas' wili Miss Irma Hoskin and Mr. and interment in St. James Ceme- Mrs. Bud Lawrence, Toronto. téry. 1 Several local folks attendcd Friends jain also in sympathyv the Silver Wedding« celebration ta tie f.amily ai lie laIe Mrs. >of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Law- Arthur Van Camp, anatier rence in Blackstock Hall n Sat- Cartwright pioncer wiasc fun- urdav cvening. Congratulations, cral was held from «Norticuitt &- Fridav cvcning xvas a bus ' Smitli Funeral Homne, Bowman- one for tie Nestieton folk wio ville, ta Union Cemetemy, Cad- had ta divide altendance aItirec mus, on Monda.v. Announcing the appoiniment of Mr. WB (Diii) Stovofi as Direclor and General Manager of ROBSON MOTORS A uthorized Dealership for P-OVTIAC 4DUICK and GMC TRUCKS lIN DOWMA1VVILLE e Witb a real sense of pride and pleasure, General Motors announces the appointment of W. (Bill) Steven as General Manager of Robson Motors Ltd. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the niotorists of Bowmanville and district to corne in and meet Mr. Steven and bis friendlv staff. Mr. Steven bas had considerable and varied expérience in the automotive field. Under bis capable management, Robson Motors Ltd. wvill continue to feature first-class service facili. tics for ail rnakes of cars an-d trucks. A wel-stocked Parts Department is also maintained, carrying a wide range of genuine, Factory-Approved GM Parts and Accessories for your convenience and prompt service. Corne in at any time and inspect the 1955 Pontiacs, Buicks and GMC Trucks. Mr. Steven and his staff will be pleased to meet you, and to take care of ail your motoring needs qwckly and efficiently. CENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS 0F CANADA, 111ME OSHAWA - ONTARIO - qi riLuiro niai eiliRemain STown Hall 'ore Year asked a renewal ai the exlatlng lease unlil "at least ant more year." Tic leus. normally would expire Januar 1, 1986. Tic request was granted by unanimous vote and à bylaw will be prepared drawini up tic extra year's conditions wiici wlll be the saine as those naw in vogue. Mayor Burnet,'in explalning lite situation, declared: 6"We couldn'l offer you anything suilable la you to remnaln here but wc are wllling ta enter bIta negotialions ta have you con- tinue in the building as long as Possible, there la no anlmosity, il is slrictly business. I amn sure Counciu feels lie saine way.1" Cauncillar Ed. Woods.:--I lhink it's best on a yeariy ba- sis. The lease should be renew- ed on that basis and we would have liree or four months no- lice under Ihat arrangement." Warden Beer: "I thlnk a year would be enough. Thé site ha% been ciosen and work wîll starl there as soon as arrange- ments are made. I don't thlrxk w-e'd need more thana, year."1 Councillor Woods:" would move that tie extension be granled." RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANCES Efl'civ. S UN DAY SEPT. 25th, 1955 e _ý Pul l af.nffnui, fr.m 0 5mw PA(M mmm la LTDU

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