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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 10

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- --- *.-. - - -- - .' r - PAGE TEN -- ~ _ - ~~~u w~ i w M < vIr~~~, O !U T A 3 &? R S A , E P . I d , N - r - . _ I I - I . m - Comtortable School Desks Made Here -i - _ ___ ___ The Grade 1 pupils of Miss Marjorie Cole at Central ment of birch plywood. The desk top is made of a plastic P:.Iblic Sctiool seem ver.r comfortable at their chairs and composition faced with arborite. The Board ordered 40 c<u'Sk,- whijch x.eirc manuiac'tured by the Paul H. Simpkin tables and 40 chairs and they are ail in use in this room Cabinet Conpany here for the Bowmanville Public School at Central Public School where they have prox'ed very 131arçi. The legs are moade cf maple and the book compart- satisfactory. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Ex-Orono Man Promoted by Rubber Firm The tateman oin wit bis eve a l NMa a w Fhr1 many fciends in bis native! I couny o! Drham l etn ig Children of the Orona coin- c o u t y f D r h a i n e x t n d i c r ,m u n i t y t u c n e d t h e i r a t t e n t i o n s i 1 cordial congratulations ta J. J. i fromn summer activities, on11 (Jir) Glfilancf onteallu, Tuesday, September 6, ta mare being pcornoted ta the position seriaus matters, 'back la the o! Manager, Branch Sales o red school bouse. There they the Footw-ear anc General Pro- found sonne new features ta duct Diisin, Dminon ub-fit-st catch their interest such1 ber Company Lirnited. Mr. 'sreeoato, ieesae Gilflla, famery Saes an-and other changes. The stay for 1 ager Qcîebec Division, wiil be the opening day w-as short,' lu char-go of Footw-ear Brnhowever many new students Sales for al of Canada. This'beaeacuiedwt thî annunemet lon wthj-ims classmateS and are now pre- photo appeared on the financial prdfrassino td' Page cf the Toronto Globe and Publie School jMail on Tuesdav. ! The Publie Scbooh attend-i i aTa give this announcenrt arce totaled 121lon openingi tioued Ihat Jim should be de-:r to hast year. These chiidren sîguated J. J. Gilfillan III, for xxill be accommodated inu tie bis grandfalher, J. J. Gilfillan,i three rooms. The beginners \vsPrincipal of Bawi-nanviilei room had an enrolment o! 38 JHigh Sebool arocud the tcrru as also bad the intermediae o! the cenucrv and bis father,. îoom, 45 ai-e enrolled in the J. J. Gilfillan. xvas a 1*21. senior room. known Ocono druggist untif lire This year the Orono scbools sold ouît ta Charlie Tyrreli. His -will accommodate only pupilsi moîber w-as a sister cf the late fi-cm section 12 as space is lim- C. Aver-y Johnston o! Boxx- ited. Pupils wbo attonded the' mnanville. ar-d bis acînt, Miss school fcorn bocdecing sections Viola Gilfillan. B.A., a retiredr last year have had ta retounta Ihigh school leacheî-. stihi ce- the scbools in tbeiî oxxn soc- side in Orana. We are alsa tion. procid ta miention that Jirn is Te tf of the pcublie scîrool a graduate cf B.H.S. I rcmaîued the samne as last \-ear Busnes with Miss K. Fosteî- as rni ]BusnessDirectory Pal and teachig grades six.i svon and oight. Mrs. R. Car- L leton bas the intermediato î-oom with gi-ados three, four Accounianc and five. To corplete the stant IVM. J H. COGGINS and two. isgae o Cbartered Accountant I Orono High School Orono Schools Opened. With Large Attendance (Above Garon- usStation J, hsdscito f h a-6,4 King Street E. Board Buys 40 New Desks icdw ieriptionof her lieJunior Farmers Phone MA 3-3612 observes that, "nature sure1 gave this country a crewv hairj  J. HUNTER AND COMPANY cut". And, when describing alD ovv et Ini Certified Public Accountants Blue Goose but in the sameOsaa512t general area. bie says. "you spot E ucsost .S ob tvo Snow Geese in the flock of UQaifloo 0 S Hbb Blues. They turn and move inf E u g nr Thev've dropped their flapz, Fifteen Durham Countv uno C h i r o p r a c t i c t and re i ther glde."Farmers attended Agricultura!- Most readers will get a bang, Day at the Canadian National G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. out of his reasons why s0 many Exhibition on Wednesdlax of last Chiropractor romantica]ly i n cli n ed bull week and did very w el in both Office: moose lose their lives on our senior and junior judging coin- Seil aecrdut lg northland railways. petitions. 63 Temperance Street Appreciated, wilble the au- Merrîli Brown, R.R.2, New- Phone MA 3-5509 fhors views on wild life, and castie, placed first in the senior Office Hours: By Appointment forest conservation, as weIl as class for judging grin and mots his outspoken opinions of peo- and l5th in j.udging dairv cattie. D en al pIe who corne barging in, unin- His brother, Gerald, was third in j \itcd, on summer cottagers, grai jdig S(l hi di and eathte groceries, drinkcate Ra Bros Mpe DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 5 ail ',he bc' orages, uise the host'sf Grove, placed fifth in senior Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. iishing tackle. get into mis- swine judging. I4 igS.W omnil i cio, nd o opitoff dcie ln the junior classes Alan office Hours: 0 Sta sîay overnight. thus causing Dayes, Nestleton, was first in the 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily c 'iie poor, nerve ,vracked host swine judging and Ed Kowal, 9 a.rný. to 12 noon Saturday P I o sicep in the boat house be- Maple Grove, placed 17th in the Closed Sunday a cause hie gave up bis comfort- dairy cattie judging. Office Phone MA 3-5790 ti able bcd ta the interlopers. Altogether. ei g hl t Durham House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ci To me, onc Of the book's, CountY Junior Farmers took -________________ta delightful features is the1 part in the grain and roots judg- DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. el Forevvord by Greg Clark, be- in event ahd seven of them Ofieilbshm caue i tllsushow Pete al- placed among the first 20. 100 Liberty, St.N.-BwavleP ined bis present stature as The large number of Junior'OfceHus:N -BwaniU a man, bv describing bis ea_,- Farmers from ail over the prov-Ofi9eHar.ta: p..d0l Il,,, ile, ho', & s a boy b< ince were guests of the C.N.E. 9 a.m. to 12 noon Xednesday ' Nvorked haro, for smalî pay. ta management for the vening Closed Sunday I h~lelp his widowed mother raise grandstand show. PhnBM(-50 her brood, by carrying water d t g'0al pan* bridge building E E E E DR. 'C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. i gang plakingcanoes, packing E E E E fiea corufakes wor ing n a atch23 K ing St. E. - Bow m anville - 'aar, peddling papiers. O '4RBy the time Pete was twe - O Tuesday, Sept. 13 the re- Office Hours: ~xuc ad lsowored or hegular meeting of the afternoon 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv C h îtîe drdcn 5-varol GrdeI upl ty'C, een asp ,orswe for eAuxiliary of the W.M.S. xvas 9 arn. ta 12 naon Saturday S Uliisin -Mrsen 512'\rai-ol Gade1 ýtpi ý.lbee sors witr orheld in the Sundav Schoo] Close-1 Sunday Central Public School, is shown above using une of the 40, riedom twnpaper, and mar- roorn, with an attendnec eepoeyfie A355 desks and 40 chairs manufactoredi for the Bownanville During the depression. he eut twenty-two. The opening was Public Seliuol Board by the Pauil H. Simrpkin Cabinet wood for a dollar a cord, 'slug- in charge o! Citizenship Secre-Le g ai Co-i of e Bowinanville. Miss Mariorie Cole, teacher ged' pavement en a highway, tary, Mrs. Allan Dolwn, who L çif *thie cldss. is îristructing Christine in- heî- school xvorkr. became a fil tirne correspon- STRIKE and STRIKEce aus -Photo hv Carson Studio, Port Ho entHio a Toronto paper. 1 inhler remarks. TIEadSRK ent fs otoo column in, rsident Mrs. Elton Werry Barristers, Solicitors _________________________________e___Tol r onoelerm en- conducted the business period. Notaries Public Là __________________________________ or nto tlegand o Our std for this year is on W. R. Strike, Q.C. c Jý "oe Missions" aud our uew A. A. H. Strike, B.A. S 7 ' rlevoted fans, as is bis regular 3rcam I rdi boadass.He asspk-study book, "Comiug Our Way' 40 King St. W. Bowrnanville chi XIiII11<r/l(r-z41I (~jIl4i'radi/~ou. iradins. HeBrian. Aus was capably intraduced by Mrs. Telephone MA 3-5791 abi Ed Y u g a '.-'tJI14e,1iaraio tin As-R. C. Pearce, whoalope IYd '-i'~~ tralia, New Zealand, on biis pet edafn-tr c nîcii LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. A Th1ttsmnsGas otClîns subject, and o! which he is an dafnstrofnIdi. TheSttesia's ras Rot Couiiiistacknowledged authority - the Assisting in the study period Barrister, Solicitor1 ___________________________________________ CnaianOudoos. e s tuî Mrs. Lloyd Down who gave Notary Public w Ca cnseva to .evageis tu information on aur mission King St. W. - Bowmanville sbt Untîlinow 1 have neyer re-1 On page twelve is a carefully 'Outdoors With Pete McGil- awor in trjigo nd enlvre Poes: Offce MA 3-5688 mc '%c, .ed <la îîvv pbih worked out table of the respec- ]en" should be in every library A R er estin tor y ettieidneNA3o530 bu' k, z-o CP(t'i mSRC a mess! tîve weights cf irout,' by school, rod and gun club, anic'h ed A Rd LetterviD ay".JHNRGNBA (I :he I -i t B~t. Bt know- 1 leugth. Thus. if a trout mca- conservation club. Tt is easily hre orsipServices n JOHN RisEAN, n ';i 'h1or' ni 'Outdoors 1 sui-es nine inche_ý. its approxi- the best cf ils kind. cag !Ms .Vno h Notary Publicea WI'î '(4 li-i lî .'~ do imaeieght xiii he one. quar-- brought us a beautiful message 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville b'.r "I i g w Il ovcr- ter poLud: a Prool meazurin à Our Saviaur and how tbey werePhnMA329 1'"~e - so zlkz i -foetv-uir ani a haItix icire. 1 firAt ist .'I' i lo'OitîfCb. tv:e t mY 1,; gJj, ~used ln the ministry o His MISSAPHA 1. HODGNS fi Il ir oi (flivcon- wiil 4, *CFevnpoulids. 7'r ~yiauW<(people." BbeLson was read Barrister, Solicitor 17, Db- e iieir ta O by Mrs. K. E. Courtice and the Notary Public n rîrIk r :îteî tcr îîrirg, in- d,-orýs Wîth iPcu SI cGillen" mM *-.m solo, "Hîs Hands" was sung by Temperance St. - Bowmanville i "'rrr - e.Ia t 1 1 Mrs. Vinson closed the meet- Mgs - v : 1 t ,i n a i m c cs l i x a c o î c f t tM s . nis. P r a y e r b y1Mr t g a g e s * . ." ieii1)iS.O H d' tr off bv tceliiug aboutiW ing.o g 4,i(iifl it. " ' '- .n ix oe xbtteh Pianist was Mrs, Charles xx ~ ~ ~ ~ w .I rx'--ita o ' v a, 1 ie wi hr c' - - I¶ Found and the m eeting w-s L R Y H M TO - O ON iii.rin i'inîx--di Cxatnu, ot ongbe-Mrs. S. Vinson and Mrs. L. ___________i________ prepaiedlonR. C.R, irest orgaeFands il-s oro Pete lbas vongbln pI -.Dowfl. 4 Rsdne - Frm o u g b b li g u p 1 4 B u s in e s s P r o p e r tie s 'i i o i' :vxvniaticý i ir hureanc Lip the Don Vaihexl* Il,.riiiJ\'ilîn-rfI rI ~anid more Icars a-o, an icilany Die 'vitiîfOpfr etr r \ <'0ci i-!-(uivonder boter ocir, -o O 0 O Jîr'ro '. orî *îii grat cari d cîvilization xvas verY a f P rhs a' leur e rati-'r-r. vofme Pote h: ilii I;do- -ir etclit' z afior aIl. tIrexxav aur KEITH A. BUMLETT ual animal cîtuzens cf air 0TlîeseM 325 piox uni c. t~~\~4-~ Many death dlaims will be Teehn MA325 ai r i l~'i'J iirîi-. fîed i Ca adaOhisice Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m.r l.iliio rir4liii e' hd ti'n: xiii have a frilin' fld nCaad yi ear Lunder Monday ta Saturday '1lriri .iu ci chiglî (If nu tiîgjaia a, hr- aci n f lîfe înscrrarce policies iess than exceptW .ednesday, 9 - 12 \'alc\ , î i .h aîiz, :udx le irealCdiOpeni orc f h.Lîfe Insurance Officers Asso- b ponmn bel'N ni- ild ru lni ia h tie id , hiraspri-cainestîmates that about JOHN A. OVENS betthinig: iii lite tare frc. Nx er ofhize'ce, An Engh Shpotst ca.r uhat has 2,000 of these will be under or-Otoers Achiltz, cai .ue it ;os a vah,- Evervone xiii irie rire stor y $et 10 oldrcrs o t dinary and industrial policies, Jury & Loveli Bowmanvlje r ahI- , fere-eIbini v u Il ' chv1wa'occoara oîdrcdsori sosmeaof them anly a few days Phone MA 3-5778 i-potbi-l. t011 r't nrthe a f I dotî e ru h r r'- h b-cl, s ue a. mii t bd old. In. addition, many new Pr~g ae '",emh'l'ori- oldtbri .ocI torh", orannprt fhcas group insurance certifîcates. P c t h .h lli olie-ci ol i xxhi- pr'x , ri eruIos0-- 'or n npatIfte hsi, which have been lu force iessq i a o T n lg Pin'. __ tec irt' .Rae>x î r. ... And a French conlpany is 'than ayawl eoedah _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ __ d ims. year, will heco e dethji Professinal Piano Tuning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f or_ _ - d r U u g h t h o r s e s . h i s i n d i c a t e d i n a s u r v e y A R T H U R C O L L I S O N 'ade ythe Association cov Ahn Are -30 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~Just goes tel show that in thu erin manmot'detdamhu Mret390 ofGîumnumz la dring vWhich paynients under Z '- g po idces in Canada amounted ta fnce\%es marves that make useof aîmost $10 million,J aiumrnum but sorti of man's "h xetl hc er ,~ e r 4 * ~ ~ c r d e s t l u v n î l O s , o o . h j c i~s t r k e s w i t h o u t w a r n i n g . b o t 1 1 -~ ~ I an cf he rason ;xh we ave fro m accident and sickness. A -3 0 oneof hereaon %Ny c hve shown by this tol cf lives M 33 aiready started work on cxpand aogpros h nyafor Iing the ingot capacity of ou ne short timne before were regard- __ i ed as being in good heath" deelpmn~atKtiia tohIe Association said. "An aver- S SEIits present 91,500 tons a year to age of six first-x-ear deathSEVCJ R.FR I*S O ROMO I331.500 ton. daims are fi]ed ex-ery day." EM I The or-dinars' and industria! ALI-. \IINLM>, CONIPANY fifst-year death cdaims alan- OFCAAALT.will probabîx- represent 30fJ Courteotis, Friendl3' Service for 74 Years0FC AD.L . 000 cf benefît p;eî~t - - rv a- Wwu E%9 %tt xvill be lu charge o! the boys' pbvsicah edcîcation as Miss Barr will be for the girls. Mr. W. W. Watt is teaching t TERCR.CANADIAN G OVERNMENT NIIS DEPARTMENT 0F LABOURN, OTTAWA,(POSTAGE rREE) PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING MOW A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT1 IANNUITY CAN BRING ME RETIREMENT INCOME AT [.0W COSI. I I MY NAME IS.__._.....__._..... . _ __ _ _ __ _ I Yr,K'rs. Mis) PL.EASE FRiNT 1 LIVE A . . .. .......................... . ........ I .DATE 0F BIRTH .. -.... . .... AGE WHEN ANNUITY TO START ... .....TELEPHONE,..- ....... t I underatand that miormation given ahove wiil ha h.Id confidienticl.1 L ----------------- --- t 029 th Ch# L W PRSSUR S* out No toDrille CouplinÇi 01L 0 M AIC ta Gel t4oisy *u'ctcr 1 R-160 BURNER and Physical Education; Miss King, Latin and typmng and Mr. S. B. Ruth-erford mathematics, science and physical Education. Industrial Arts is taught every Monday and Wednesday in the sehool by Mr. L. G. Johnston of the Bowrnanvilhe High Sehool ta boys lu grade 9 and 10 Music is being taught this year by Mrs. M. H. Westheuser of Crooked Creek. At present Mrs. R. Chater is teaching at the school in the absence o! Miss Barr wbao is INinocy-one students enleeî-dI the dooî-s cf the Oronli High Scbocl on opeuiug day and th1z, umber is oxpected ta to at least 99 for the 1955-,56i term. Grades 9 ta 12 are hinc at the Orono scbooi and pupils takiug grade 13 subjeets trax"li eacb day by bus ta the Boxv- i manville Higb School. The en-> roiment at the Orono Scho-il, this yoar was bigher than ex- poctod by oitbor the Board or the staff. The staff at the Oro-o Higir Sebool is this yabodcd by Mr. W. W. Watt B.A., as prin-r ripai and completed by Miss R. J. Barr, B.A., Miss Irene K ing, B.A., and Mr. S. B. Rutherford.' Mr. Rutherford is the onlv teacher cf the present staifr who was instructing at the! schoo1 during the torm o! 1954- 55. An extension lu the commer- cial option course is Ibis year open foc students witb au in- :îease in the number cf typing )eriods in grades 10 and Il and aiso by inciuding business prac- tice lu grade 9. The regular curricular subjects are bein,, taugbt lu eveî-y grade and lu- iluded for eacb grade wili be a Pbysical edcîcation and athletice rrogram. For the athhetic pro- gram the school is usiug lthe )rono Commuuity Building wbere lockers have been lu-1 talled by the Higb Sebol Board, Iu this building the stu- ents wiil compete in the va- ius games sucb as basketbali and other types of athietiec e- St. Andrew'fs Aies' Aid lears -Reports St. Andrew's Presbyterian ,adies' Aid met in the Sunday :hoo] roomn on Tuesday, Sept.. *d. Mrs. M. Ferguson took harge of the meeting in thej bsence of the President. Mrs. LJ. Scott read the 39th Psalm. Reports from, committee, ýere read and cards sent to the hut-i. Arrangements were iade for a rummage sale on ct. 4th and for the bazaar on rv. l8th. A dainty lunch was 'served ,d a social half hour enjoyed. Immigration ta Canada in the rt quarter of 1955 totalled 627 people compared to 28,223 VIGOR OIL Co* announces the opening of its New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Fuee GlaIsswave given away with the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline , j VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TEST STOVE OIL.-for your convenience, in small quantiti,u available at the station Open Eveaingsanad Sundays j81 For full informat;oni Tax Ine. Gal. Herr's tire nrost spectacular dovelopîrreut iribhrne heating sirrce Wiilliams inrîducenl the trrst iaw-prossure <iii hurnrr back in 1918-a w'lolly rîew concept cf thrifty, fucl- saviug desigu at a draîîratic uew lov' cost.- Sinplest bcîrucr ex or huilt-ouly one irr- tomnai rotating part. Seif-cleanîng uo.szio ta guarauteed for lift. lt's fully autoratic . ex-en self-]iulrica ti ng. jucst met the lthermnostat fer cire terpracure you w'aut, and forget it. Williams OL-0-MATIC' domes1l".OÙ Brurnerx and Furnace Burne-f Conadian 'Manufacturer, MORCH MANUFqCTURING LIMITED Belleville, Ont. S. Blain EIIioh' Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 Ï4

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