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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 11

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- -. - p - ---.. - 4. -~ 44---'*'~~*~ .- - -~ ~..-----.---~.-~----w---- - - 4 . ~--. -~ ?WUBMAY, SURPT.- 22rid, 1953 THII t!AMAnTAN ~'rA'm~2A» ~t IA1ITVTY.?.W flM'U'A~T(~ Oshawa rama At Oror The drama cor ini connection w! Pair on the ever tomnber 9 and 10 an Oshawa dramia Performed the pl ed Through Sarn Groupu from 0 ~borough tied ,F .Oronô rt,"0n the Cai oebrugh perf BIshap's,Candiesi cator for the cor Vincte Mathewsor Dead Stock lutbest PFn S 24-HeurS MUEPHONE ICOBOUR NICK PE Business Or pleasure travclers know .. . nawhcre in the world does a dollar buy sa much fun, lururY, content.. ment. It'a Iuxury iving:arounti the dlock aboard a ti'anaatlantiec limer. You arrive vacation-refresheti! During Thfft Seanon (fromn August 1) you pay less aboard and abroad. Plan early ... sec us! Emm YUR TRIP-Go BY SUIP JURY & L@VELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE everyone reparted a lgaod time. 'Excellent music was supplied by Pat Mantie. Mm. anti Mrs. Bob Todd, Mrs. Walter Failis and Mr. St. Clair Darroch. The commit- tee are haping for a better cowd on September 3th when they are holding a similar event. Aiter two manths' holiday L.O.L. 82 held their regular meeting on Manday when scv- eral matters ai importance were discusseti. They are holding a special meeting on Monday, September 26th when they hope ta confer the Initiatory«Degre and transact genemal business. .Several from liere attendeti the presentation and dance li the L.O.L. Hall, Lotus, for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allan. This fine yaung couple were presentcd with a substantial purse by their many frientis. They wiil be making their home in Peterborough. ,The United Chumch Was wel filleti on Wednesday when friends and neighbours gathemeti ta pay their last respects ta Mr. George Stmong. To the bereav- cd we express aur sympathy. Intermenet was iry Pantypoal Cemetery.- We were sorry * ta learn that Mrs. James Mahiey was taken ta Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, with a heamt condition. Hem niany friends wish hem a speedy reçoyery. Also on thc sick Eist lu Mrs. Eph. Wright and Mms. Ambrose Fowler.. We understand that Mms. Fowler is going ta a Toron- ta Hospital for teatment. Mm. Hammy Neals is alsa con- fined ta his home through i11- ness and we are hopîng ta be able ta report some impravement in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Penwarden and family have maved ta Pick- ering where they purchaseti a home. j- SUITS and TO PCOAT*S by C60K and TIP-TOP, bath made-to-measure and rýeady-to-wear JACKETS and three-q ua rter OUTER COATS by OUTDOOR OUTFITS and KENSINGTON *Shirts, Pyjamas and Ties by TOOKE and VAN HEUSEN *Work Socks and Underwear by PENMAN'S SLACKS Iby TRAFALGAR and SUPREME in made-to-measure and ready-to-wear - Sweaters -and Cairdigans by GRAND'MERE 21 *HATS by STETSON *Fulllline of work clothes by KITCHEN-PEABODY and CARHARTT SOCKS hy MONARCH and CAULFIELD M TES by BRAE MAWR * BELTS and JEWELLERY by CAULFIELD and ARROW Introducing a complete Une of *Boys' Clothing for ages6 to 16 years *Boys' Clothes by HOLLYWOOD #JUNIOR and DICK and JANE *Boys'Shirts and Windbreakçers by BEAVER i423 W in Lae ShreClare I The Lake Shore School was VVins Lke Shor1Ctheke Adama. of a happy occasiun *Mrs, . Hoinies attended a when Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mar- &w a ra .E L. Tea at the home of tin weme presented with a chest' Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, of silver and a mirror by their SSatumday afternaon. many frient and neighbours. io rair~ Mrs. W. Clemence, Newcas- Mr, Bill Jaynes, as master of 1tlti, is spending a few days with' ceremonies, presented a pro- mpetition held Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mr.1gramme of musical selectians ith the Oona and Mrs. Ray Good and Susan, consisting of an accordian solo nings of Sep-. Oono, were Sundayvstr by Miss Doris Martin, a vocal D was on byat th homeo yvMr sandors trio by Misses Marilyn Basker., as ru wh o atte hm a r.nMr ville, Elaine Powell and Bar- sUc gaup ho jbara-Ann A]ldred, accompan- lay, "He Pass- Congratulations to Mr. and led by Miss Veida Fisher af ýaria"I. Mrs. Russell Powell an theirI Newcastle, and a piano solo lSy Dron andPe-marriage at Newcastle United1 Miss Elaine Powell, ai ter )roo nd e-Church, Saturday, September which an address was read by 1for second 17th. Miss Dorene Powel n h arpetsendte Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred presentation was made. Alec irpt"andPc jand family visited Mrs. Pear-I and Marilyn then expressed forrned 'The Linton and Don, Raglan, onl their thanks ta the canimunity. ticks". Adjudi- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alldmed Lunch was served and dancing )mpetîtion was and family spent Tbursday, i ended an enjayable evening. aof Bowman- Toronto. The committee in charge con- Mrs. Don Couiter and îamiîy, sisted of Messrs. Bill Jaynes, Downsview, spent thé week- Ross Admans and Bob Steph- end wth M. an Mrs Samenson and Misses Marlene Bcd- D J vd oenllt. M. n Ms Smwin, Lois Alidred and Dorene ices PaId Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin Powell. ServieC and Freddie and Mrs. Chas. ýCOLLECT Bedwin spent Sunday with Mr. "Q 1787 and Mrs. Earle Giibank, Lotus. O T P L ECONI, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, IGH 2-2080 Newcastle, were Sunday visxt- Local Farmers' Union sponsor- ors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. cd a dance at Carscadden's School on Fridav pvening and- Nestîcton W.A. anti W.M.S. met in the basement oi the chumch Sept. l5th, in charge ai Mrs. K. Samelîs' gmoup with 21 ladies, Rev. Hutton anticorne chiltimen present. Meeting op- eneti with the theme sang anti Mrs. L. Malcolm at the pianj. Scripture was reati by Mrs. K. Samelîs. "The Truth" was reati by Mrs. A. Wilson. Rail cali, 'How I spenti my Suntiays", was answered by ail. Study Book "Face ta Face With India", was reati by Mrs. W. Jackson. Rev. Hutton put on slidcs ai India anti explain- cd it ail. Mrs. Johns moveti a vote ai thanks ta Rev. Hutton for his trouble. Mmc. Samelis anti hem gmoup serveti a dainty lunch anti cup ai tea. Ail were given a vote ai thanke for another pleasant af- temnoan spent. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. Atielbert ,Bea- cock's gmaup October 2th. Mm. anti Mme. Wm. Smith, Lindsay, visiteti Mr. anti Mme. Kcnneth Samelis on Sunday. Mm. anti Mme. Daviti Johns f anti Mm. anti Mrs. George Johns visiteti IMr. anti Mrs. I Lamne Hudson, Millbrook. .Mrs. M. Emerscin entertain- ti sorne ai their family toaia supper on Sept. lSth in honour of Mr. merson'È anti Mrs. Don Stutt's birtidays. Mrs. Victor Malcolrn anti Mr and Mme. L. Joblin spent an evening with Mrs. Wrn. Vanl Camp, Blackstack. Mm. anti Mmc. George Johns anti Mr. anti Mrc. L. Jablin visiteti Mm. -anti Mms, Dan Black, Courtice. Mrs. George Ncsbitt, Orillia, visiteti Mrs. Wm. Steele 'andi other irientis around Nestieton. Miss Margaret 9teele, R. N.,I Toronto, spent a few days with hem parents., Fiend.s and neighbaurs gath- ereti 4t Mr. anti Mm.. Kcnneth Samnelis' homne on Friday night anti presenteti Mr. anti Mrs. Melville Samells with a mits-' cellaneous shawem. They e-! ceiveti many lovely anti useijl! gifts. Mr. anti MmE. Wilfreti Vinue, visiteti Mr. and Mms. Rcg Miii- i dieton. Maltosi. on Friday. L SOINA Mr. and . Cecil Disney an hilrr , Mt. Zion, were Sunda, st' a M. Lloyd Broome5. M~Pearl Leach with her 1aretsMr. anti Mrs. Norman Leach, Tauntan. Miss Myrtle Fawcett, Ham- ilton; Mrs. Muriel Cowan, Bur- lington, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanville: Mm. and Mrs. Joe Snowden at Mr. Charles Langmaid's. Mm. anti Mms. Thomas Flett, Columbus; Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Westlake,. Peterborough, at Mr. Doug Flett's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires anti family at Millbraok. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen. Omono: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Whitby; Mm. andi Mrs. ]Russell Balson and family, Courtice, at Mr. A. J. Balsan's. Mr. and Mms. D. Parrinder and Helen with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bray who weme on halitiays at their famm, Enfielti. . Mms. Chas. Smiith, Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Smith and chiltiren, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith anti Damothy, Oshawa, at Mr. Har- olti Pascoe 's. Mr. and Mrs' Ralph -Davis andi Patsy wcme Sunday even- inig callers at Mm. J. E. H. Davis', Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. Rac Pascoe and Beverley with Mm. -and Mrs. Dyem anti Mr. and Mrs. Art Beevor, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy andi Stanley with Mr. anti Mms. Joe Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wermy, Oshawa; Mr. andi Mrs. George Skinner andi sans, Mrs. Harrv Grooms, Toronto, at Mr. Eti. Werry's. Mm. anti Mrs. Wes. Werrv with Mr. anti Mrs. Noble Mét- calfe, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. C. Hamer and family, Mr. and Mms. M. Bird HAYDON Mm. and Mms. John Ross anti family, Toronto, with relatives li the village on Sunday. Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salemn, spent. Thursday with Mm. and Mrs. W. Blackburn anti family. Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Tabb and family, Bowmanville; AC L. H. Tabb, Trenton, New Jersey, were ecent visitors at Mm. and Mrs. W. Biackburn's. . Mr. and Mme. Herb Scott, Orona; Misses Mary and Grace Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. Stanley Robinson. Ronald anti Douglas, Part Ferry, at Mr. anti Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Wright, Blackstoek,- calicti on Mm. anti Mme Lloyd Slemon. Congratulations ta Mrs. Arth- ur Reati who answered the Jumble-Zoa Puzzle in a Toronto paper anti,won a $50.00 cheque for the W.A. Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Slemon anti Mr. M. Slemon visiteti Mm. anti Mms. Bob Johnson, Dan Mihis, Toronto, on Sunday, anti calleti on Mr. Charlie Briggs. Somry ta hear ai the passing ai Mrs. Charlie Briggs (Stella Slemnon) on Fiday. Funeral service was helti on Monday. Sympathy is extendedto ta lx relatives in their beeavement. Mm. anti Mme. T. Tabb calleti an Mr. and Mme. Murray Tabb, Bowmanville, on Saturtiay even- ing. p. j 100KM. i An ounce of prevention today.. ..saves dollairs tomorrowl That's why you should get bus; right away *ta patch up thic worn spots on your home. Bisco Asphaît Shingles and Sidings are avoUlable in a wide range of colours and patterns so thora is nio trouble in maîching your present roof and sidewolls. Also you'll find BISCO Caulking Compounds and Roof Coatings are the ideal moterials for quick, effective home repairs. See Your BISCO dealer fodayl BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LIMITED Plants of: Portneuf Station, P.0., Toronto und London, Ont. Warehouses und Branches: Quebec & Montreal, P.Q., Toronto, Ont., Saint John, NA. lnnw YOUR BISCO DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE McGregor Hardware Limited KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 New FORDJ'L ut CHAP ANS New Models Mosi Powerful ILLBROOK Treictors GARAGE 0 9 1 New Series Ford Tractors Ever Full 3-Plow Power-nearly a third more powerful, two models available, also 2-Plow Tractor-Aniple Power for most farm jobs-Economical, toc! Three Models available. Pick the model you need! liandy contrais, easy Io operaf e, and more ai 'en t han any other tractor ai any price IF MANPOWER IS A PROBLEM and you wauld like to get more work done with less hircd labour, then you'l want to consider the "800" Ford Tractors. By pulling three plows instcad of two, yau can do six days' plowing in four. Time on the other heavy jobs çan lic reduced accord- ingly. In à year's time you'11 eut labour costs substantially with a faster womking "800" FORD TRACTOR. We ais. have a number of GOOD USED TRACTORS FOR SALE AT THE PRESENT TIME. IF IN NEED 0F ONE 0F THESE GOOD BUYS CALL A.ND SEE IHElM AT' Phone Garage Millbrookzl Oint. Announcement.. We a re pleased' to' ann'ounce that we Carry the following famous brand name men and boys' clofhing in stock . .gol BRUCE MINNS' Men's and -Boys' Wear (Formerly Bresin's Men's *Wer) GARRY VENNING, Manager King St. E. BOWMANVILLE* Phone MA 3-5À Chaipman's 78rl Bla ckstock WlI. Guests of Mapfle Grove Institute Monday evening, Sept. 12, standngaiweliare of others. Blackstock .W.I. were guests af Knolde andi preparation is Maple Grave Institute. when hal h job. 3-Demnocratic Mrs. Milîs, president, opened the values andi goals 1- just living meeting by use o! Ode and means continuous Problem solv- Lord's Prayer, then conducted ing. "-elf.'discipline. resPonsi- business. It was decided ta have bility andi freedom shoulti be a bus trip ta Area Conven1tion. graduai. - Discipline makes for The supper in Newcastle on Oct, later freetiom. s--Constructive 18 ta celebrate 55 years Of attitudes taward change. In Women's Institute work in this ciosing she quotcd: "Goti grant district was announceti andi $2 that 1 may accept the things 1 votedti t District S*cretairy for cannat change, changethe thinga expenses. I éan anti have the wisdom ta President said a meeting had know the dufferee. been held ta discuss a Commun- A quartette, Mme. Thonipsan, ity Hall for Maple Grave and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Bailey anti.. that a Bloard ai Directors had Miss j. Thampsan. sang twa been set up. It was decided ta selections "A'sparkin' Peggy entertain the Boys' andi Girls' Jane" and "Let Me Call You Clubs at aur Noveniber meetingt. Sweetheart" in old-fashioned Our two Vice-Presidents are ta dress, two as womnen, two as tmy ta get leaders for this men. winter's girls' work, "The Milky Mrs. Larmer gave two read- Way"'. Our October meeting ings "The Schôolmamm's Court- is ta be on Oct. 3rd, that it May in"' and "Man's Devotion." npat conflict with Thanksgiving. Mms. Walfe reati a paper an Mms. G. Bennett spoke an the citizensh n We shaulti be big motta:* in heart ora big county. Cit- "A littie word ini kindnes§ izenship is the rights and priv- spoken ileges ai a citizen - are we ac- A motion or a tear cepting responsibility in ex- Has often healeti a heart that's change for ours. Do wc show broken respect for Uhc ights ai others Andi madle a friend sincere". and are we fit for children ta Wriendship is a great force, so copy. We should take an inter- why do we wait until same heart est in politics andi stand up for is braken before we extcnd aur what we knaw is ight. We must love - lit us forget self, andi do give and take or perish and e- nat put off kindnesses - caunt member that citizenship, likie trne in heart-throbs. He lives charity, b.egins at home. most who thinks mast, feels Mm.. Thompson maveti a vote nobiest and acts best. She clos- ofthanks ta Maple Grave, which cd with a story afiJenny Lind was espanded ta by Mrs. H. seeing God li a sunset. : Bradley. Mms. Rahmc aif Blackstock Mrs. Milîs expressed hem took charge, and aiter express- thanks and asked Mrs. L. C. ing hem pleasure at being with Snwdn a ie urrepos us, she cailed'on Mms. Thomp,%on at the banquet in Newcastle. who ang Eiiabet ai ng-Meeting closeti with Mary Stew-1 ih an Eizbtho.Eg art Cailect. Lunch wasc1 njayed. land.. f l. I I i4j* - --- -1 1 - - -.- -- -. -- -- - ý j Urs D Drrell inen readaa paper on a psychology course which was taken by Biackstock ladies. Five points stressed were: 1-Feeling of security and adequacy for pre-school, school age and teen-agers. 2-Under- LESKARD1 Mr. and Mrs. Dan ?r hall and sons, Bowmanville, Mar- garet Everett, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Mrs. A. Brown of Birming- ham, England, has returned home atter spending a three month holiday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prust. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher, Norman Junior, Linda and Kathie, af Guelph, have return- ed home after spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton. Mr. V. McMullen ha* started the construction of the new modern bungalow of Mr. ànd Mrs. Raymond Chapman. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were Mr. Fred Burrows of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vamplem, and Mrs. Vamplew senior, of Toronto-. A smail community often re- volves around the village store, you do your shopping and chat and visit ail at the same Urne. In future you wili be able to do it -among the modern im- provements that Mr. and Mrs. Earl Durali are putting in their Leskard store. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins and Gail, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robbins. Mr. an~d Mrs. Keith Fee andý family are visiting with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Norman Fee. Just west of Kurv Inn is a large sign, Slow, Construction Ahead. As if we needed telling. We know it's slow. INESTLETON and famiily with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charlie Garrard visited! Hope, is spending a few days Ted Graham, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mauntjov-, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ç. M. Jane.. Mr. Rex Baker, Mr. and Hampton. ý Mr. uaid M:. iýnk M-ý:M1 Mrs. Maclntosh and Caroi, To- Thank-affering service wiil be iln nd la!,' ix. eo.os- ronto, at 'Mr. Cea. Hamlyn's. held an Sunday evening at 7:31 ., ýtmdaN- V. A.lh Mr. zýn Mrs. z 'iî Mrs. Wight, Bowmanvilie; Guest speaker, Rev. R. R. Bon- Lancaster.% Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray steel, Bethany. Ladies' Quar- '£%r. and MIrs. B. Liib'e:.ý3 and daughters, Oshawa, at tette, Bowmanville. and family who have bo'-n Ross Cryderman's. Mri. T. Cawling, Mr. and Mrs.' rentire part of thc Dî_k-y Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson W. Blackburn and iaimiy visited' homse re nnoving &0 a fa-. xi and sans at Mm. Ian Smith's, Mrs. Cale and Miss Blackburn, east of Peterbarough l ùi Scarbaro.1 Bowmanvilie. thej? have houglht. Mr. and Mrs. E. Acton and Mm. and Mrs, Dudley Jn Benny, Brooklin, with Mrs. kins, Mr. and Mrs. James M:l- Hazel arriMs. B.Crderman NEWTONVILLE loy and Miss Mona Dafôe. Biý- and r. and Mr. E.rc Mnt croft, spent the wee!:end w hiý god m. s BreSudy euceMot- r onMCe n iM.adMs -tro(,1ro gornry erc undy te~gusts r. ohn cCra an 1 M. and Ms. Caymad lec. with Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor daughter, Miss Jessie McCrea M.adMm.CcjadLn and family. Toronto, spent a fcw days with 1 went ta Hainilton on 'Sdndav Mr. and Mrs. T. Westlake iMiss Annie Ncsbitt. .aking, Mrs. Thos. Burkeil home. and familr m and Mrs. Mrs. George Stapleton IS Thcy sày that liightning nevcr PereyW=àkeand family en- teaching at Newcastle schoôl s4rke wc intesm joye a peasnt mtor ripto tis But it dAd last Wecinez.- Fenclon Falls.- Mrs. John Pearce spent Sun-1 day night when,..4r. Sid 1-an- Severai boy friends O! M-*- day wlth Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy caster*s porch was struck for Ewart Leask gathered at the Rowe, Vie* Lake. i the second týme home.. o Mr. Harvey Yellow - Mm. and Mrs. Fred Hughes, J Mrs. Win. .McHoln i o Mor- lees on. Thursday, Sept. 15th, 'Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. rish is spending a few days3 for a isocial evening with hirn Sid Hughes, Dundas, were cal- ith Mrs. Wmi. Uglow. prort his Octaber wedding. ing on aId friends in the village Mr. Cieland L.ane is in Cr)- Last Heim and Scrabble were an Saturday. hourg, this week seriving'on the played and lunch was served Mrs. Harriet Medcaif, Port Crpn.ii ry by the hast, Ewart was pre- sented with a zippered moracco leather photograph album. The samne evenîng Miss Eunice ,Leask and Mrs. Gardon Leask entertained in honour af Miss Clara Mamlow, the October bride elect. About 14 ladies i inciudiig Mrs. Wallace Mar- low, mother o! the bride-to-be, enjoyed a pleasant evening ai Court Whist. To conclude the evening a ioveiy buffet lunch- con was scrved by the hostess and herm mother. Raliy. Day and Baptismal........... service at the church on Sun- day, Sept. 25th, at 2:30 p.m. Standard Tîme. Mr. and Mrs. Rarph Larmer and family, Mi-. Glenn Lammer, Blackstock; Miss Joyce Morley, Pickering, at Harvey Yellow- lces'. Mrs. Annie Fitzerald, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fitzeraid and family, Yoronto; Mm. and Mrs. Ken MéMinn, Lynda, Mr. and WT Ma. LJ. Legeer and Wayne, CMNawa, with Mr. andi Mrs. E. Cryderman -J g Dr. and Mms. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville; Mrs. Sam Dew- '[L ell, Hampton; Mr. and Mms. Frank Gilbert weme Sunda';111II T n A < N. C. Wotten and ceiebrated- Ms. Wtten's birthday with TUE CAMADIAN STATESMAN ROWILANVMIýr. omTAyan wlrti.rè r.1.1tveràl $5.10 MA 3-3386

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