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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 12

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THE ANAUIAIq STATESqMJ. HOWMANVUIZ LONTMRO Social and Perýonal Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ber- D. M. Bernard and family o nard of Edmonton, Albert a, en Sunday. route to Prince Edward Island, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley sper 'visited for a few days las't week hast weck visifing witi fnienc with bis fatier, Mr. D. M. Ber- in Toronfto. niard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bnittoi Mr. Stanley Panier daugiter and daugiter, Mary Jane, lel Shirley of Hamilton and Mn. last weck to take up rcsidenc Charles Parker and son Donald in their new home in1 Belle of Grimsby were recent visit- ville. ors with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Master Bobby Brown sper Parker. fie weckend visiting wif ii Miss Grubb of Weston is vis- aunt, Mrs. Gordon Watson il ltigthis week wif h Mrs. P. F. Ooo Le esley. Weekend visitons witi Mr Mn. and Mrs. Donald Jose and Mrs. Gordon Agnew wcr( spent tic weekend witî Mr.Mn. and Mrs. Ian Heckendon andMrs J.R. loy atWing- Marilyn and Bruce of Burford ham and were Sunday cinner Mr. nd Mrs. H. C. Agnew oi gucsts o! Mn. and Mms. J. H. Havelock and Mn. L. Agncv Crawford. and Miss Susan Brook of Pe. Mn, nd ns. larnce er-terborough. Mr.andMrs Clrene Br- His many fnicnds will be nard of Edmonton, Alta., ac- plcascd fa learn tiat Mn. Perey cornpanied by Mn. and Mrs. Dr. H arc bas nccovened completcby M. Bernard spent last Wedncs- from uis recent accident anc day in Niagara Falls. has resumed ils duties at tie Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dent of C.N.R. Station. Todmorden, visitcd with Mn. Fnicnds of Mn. and Mrs. Carl and Mrs. Jesse Allen and Iso- Gould will be pleascd to learn bel on Sunday. tiat tic condition of their in- Mrs. Charles Tbackcry of fant son Bobbie bas improvec Toronto spent tie weckend tufficiently ta allow iim to ne- witb ber motier Mrs. Frank turn home from Memopial Hos. Parier and Mn. Parker. pifaI Mn. and Mrs. Hubert Car- M. and Mrs. Percy Hare bney and family of Peterbr spent Sunday visiting in Bnigh- ough visited witi Mn. and M I.ton. Memorial Arena BOWMANVILLE Public 'Skating Friday, September 23 Sahirday, September 24 Wednesdity, Septeiuber 28 8 - 10 p.mi. ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e -'t 15s on ?ft ite [s- nt Ir. ri, d, 3. )e .y St. Lawrence Seaw ay Subject af Lions Club Carnival Nefs $ 714,28 A mosEt iteresting and fin yilutratcd addness on the Lawrence River Project w delivcrcd to fie members tic Newcastle Lions Clubc Tiursday evening at fhiinr gulan dinner meeting in t] Queen's Hotel by Mr. Leo Mu lin, public relations offici witi fie Ontario Hydro Coi mission. Introduccd, by Lion Kcil Aiken, tic speaker told of ti work bcing donc on tis buý project including fthe cean:r of pnoperty wiici will 1 fhooded by tic deepened rive He explained tiat tic villag of Iroquois witi its 6,700 ir habitants is being movcd in i cntincty even f0 tic cemete: les. He said bouses ancreui movcd at the rate of two ec day and it is expqcted fie jo will lac complcted by car. w inter. Tic financing of tic gener: project, according to fthe speal en, will lac financed tiroug ordinary govcnnmcnt taxatibi rie new power bouses wii will supply Ontario witi a additional 1,100,000 borscpow er will lac financed firougi by lro rates. Since it is fie jol of hydro f0 supphy power fM thc people of Ontario, con struction bas begun on stear plants to taie cane of tic in creascd demands whici are ex cectcd after thc St. Lawrcncý projcct is completed. Ticsi plants will lac operated b) uranhu:i wiich, it is cxpccted will be muci cheaper tian tic >ncsent Richard L. Hearn stear plant wiici consumes 20 ton! of coal per hour at a cost oi 8.00 per ton or a total of $3,- 40 a day for fuel alone. HE said fie first of fiese plants is xpected to be in operation by 958. Tic appreciation of tii nembcrs cf fie club was ex- ressed to Mn. Mullîn for hi: nost informative address, by Lion Fred Couci. Good Carniyal Report Duning tie business part of îe nmeeting, conductcd hy Lion resident, Rod Carveti, a mc- art from. tic Cannival commit- ce rcvcaled a net profit to fthe îub of $714.28, fie Most suc- ,ssful financially of any car- ival in tic history cf tic lula. Tiechcairman, Irwin 'lwill and bis commrittee me- eivcd tic congratulations of ITic Memonial Hospital Aux- iliary Drive for funds hehd in Newcastle on Mna vnn ICE RENTAL IIME was an avcnwhclming success acconding fa fie Newcast le Branch President, Mns. W. M. Ruddcii, who reports $66 cal- AVAILAB3LE shoud wputtcrobjiective of lccted putthepr objectiveicf a40 ven tic top. For information on times and prices Mrs. Ruddcll bas requesfed fiat we express tic apprecia- Phone Immediately to MA 3-5728 or fion cf tic local Branci ta tic canvassers and ahi wio contri- Roy Neads at MA 3-2852 buCéd ta fie fund. Following tic canvass on Monday evening flhc canvass- crs wcne senvcd refresiments by members aof the local Branci cf tic Auxiliary. Arts & Crufts DEMONSTRATION AND DISPLAY Sponsored by The Bowmanville Becreation Deparîment Various crafts will be on display including: SMOCKING - DRESSMAKING - STAMPS LEATHERCRAFT - PHOTOGRAPHy SILK SCREEN PRINTING - METALCRAFT MILLINERY AND ART The display will open the Fali season of Arts and Crafts and ail information pertamning to cost, instructors, Iocality and number of sessions will be avaijable during the display k to be held Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings September 27 & 28 - ai 8:00 p... in the Lions Comm unit y Cen tre~ Retrattions for the various classes wili be accepted during the evening St. Nas of on rc- he ml- cer )M- ti the ige ing be ,er. its r- n. ýh tk- gh m. an fihe members cf tic club. Tic Boys and Girls Commit- tee reported tic study of a con templated prajcct for tic production of a Lions sponsor- cd minstrel show' using teen- age talent and venc given thc go-aiead by tic members. Thc propcrty cammittee were au- fhorizcd fo look into fie possi- bilities of cnecting new Lioni aigns at tic iigbway approaci- es ta tic village and tic Club dccided ta bave tie trasi can ,s repaintcd using Lions colours for tic job tuis time. Lion John Rickard, immedi- ate past president of tic club, reccived his Past president's Pin from President Rod Car- veti. Tic f ollowing members rccivcd 100 per cent attend- ance pins; Lion Percy Hare, 8 yeans; Lions Brentan Riciard; Jim Porter and Ken Stepien- son, 7 years; and Lion Ciarlie Gilkes, 6 years. Lion Percy Hane bas been' appointcd Lions Club Repres- entative on tic Village Centen- niai Committce wbich is scied- uled ta bold ifs first meeting on October 12th. SPORTS ce Witi tice limination of tic seNewcastle Merciants by Wel- )ycorne last Tuesday cvcning, dNewcastle's only bopes foi a ie cbampionsiip basebaîl tcam in ln 1955 are pinned on tic local 15 Midgcts in their game icre oh -f Safurday aftcrnoon at 3:00 1,o'clock. Tic local kids journeyed ttè 's Atwood in western Ontario on 'y Saturday afternoon and, affer bcating out tic Graf ton teami iandly in two straigit games, iran up against a stone wall in yAtwood, by tic namne of Den- nis, tic ovcrgrown lad wbo put ,fpionship two years ago. Den- n ns pitches for fthe Atwood *squad, and bis cxceptianaliy fast hall was just fao muci' for fi te local youngstcrs. Tic local *coàcbes arc taking this inta *consideratian and putfing fie elocals througb a strenuous- ser- les of batting practices fis wcek in prepara-tion for tic fSaturday game. A win for fie bahmesters on Satunday will force anofier game for fie -Provincial Championship bere ,the following weck, 50 let's give tic boys lots of fan sup- port on Saturday and tiey migit surprise us and taie the' game. Fresi from thii vicfory over Newcastle in a long drawn out series, tic Welcome feam of fthe South Durham Rural Base- bahi League tnavcllcd fa Caver- dale on Tiursday cvening of hast week and ianded fthe cast- cmn feami a decisive 14 ta 4 de- feaf, but Coverdale furned tic tables on Satunday wicn fbey foak Welcomc 6 fa 1 at Weh- came. By mutual agreement f us senies bas been rcduced fa a best tirce in five games witi future games as follows: Wel- came at Coverdale Tuesday, Sept. 21, Coverdale at Wcl- corne tonigif (Tiursday) and thbe fifti game if necessany at Coverdale an Saturday. Tic winner of tis serres wihh meet Millbrook, champions of tic Nanth Durham League for fie county ciampionship and tic Joinny James Tropiy. Tic Onono Pce Wee team z wbo have been idle fan a cou- f pIe af weeks waiting for a T chance at tic western Ontario Champions to taie fthe Provin- S ciai Pce Wee "D'" Champion- r, ship, were schedulcd fa bave 3 thii wish gnanfcd on Wednes- day (yestcrday) in Brantford wicne tiey werc scieduled ta p meet tic Bothwell tcam in aJ sudden deati game ta decided tic alI-Ontanlo ciampionship. * * *ci Sa-o-o-o unlcss fthe local Mid- il gets came across and win us a f game jmn Saturday, if looks luke A basebaîl in this immediate area tE bas iad it for anotien year. ai ik Mi NSIMPMLY hn CANNOT BUY A toi SETTER GASOLINEI vil 11 lm- - m - «- -w Woe-a MM WANTED 20 Aduit Hockey Coaches and Managers are needed for the Pee Wee and Bantam Town League Hockey Teams Contact ]Recreation Dinector MArks! 3-5761 Cordon. Àgnew, Edifor Phone 3621 Sunday visitors with M.1 and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin,1 Donna and Dennis, wene: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Murphy and family, Toronto; Mrs. Edith vurphy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Munphy and Margo, Long Sault; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mur- phy and family, Mr. Albert ffurphy, Bowmanville. Rev. Kemp, Port Whitby, preached a fine sermon at St. John's Anglican Church Sun- Jay morning. Sincere sympathy of the mmmunity is extended to the nembens of the Van Camp1 imily on the death of Mrs. W., ýVan Camp on Saturday af- ,rnoon. Mrs. L. Mountjoy, Oshawa, rid ber sister, Mrs. H. Haw- ns, Vancouver, and daughter, sited Mr. and Mrs. Harold ;wain and famîly. Congratulations to Mr. andi Irs. Walter Lawrence on cele- their 25th weddling an- versary on Sept. 16. Mr. Swain Van Camp, Lis-, wel, who is teaching at De- tt's Public School spent the! ieekend with Mr. and Mrs. lrcy Van Camp. ti ei a t' t] c til a: Ti TI mV D' I& wl an Bah fams'Ouf of Race Defeafed by Lis fowel 'HoÀors Coupl Wed 25 Years A veny enjoyable evenir was spent ln Cartwright~ Cor munity Hall on Saturday, Sep 17 when Mr. and Mrs. WaltE Lawrence witi their famil, relatives and friends, celebrai cd their 25ti wedding annivei sary. Miss Muriel Fowler, Toron to, and Mr. Walter Lawrencî Weston,. were miarried in S Mark's Anglican Church, Tc ronto, by tic Rev. Vaughan o Sept. 16, 1930. Mrs. George Prosser as chair lady of the happy occasion, ini vited the bride and groom t take the decorated seats o Ihonor at the front of fie hall Mre. Lawrence was lovely ii navy blue crepe trimmed witl white and a white cannatioi corsage. Mr. Dalton Dorreli made thg presentation of a set of disie from the neigibours. There were many other love. ly gifts from the family an( friends on tie gift table. The evening was spent Ir chatting and dancing to ti( music of tic Bristow Orchestra Yelverton. After a bountiful lunch, th( bride and groom cut theiz Wedding cake as they had done 25 years before. Aýmong their guests werE their attendants of 25 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wal- ton, Klinburg and Mrs. Gerald Black <Editi Fowler). Otier guests were: Mrs. A. Fowler, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. George Hardsand, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black and family, Lotus; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fowler and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Frank Lawrence, Wcston; Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence and family, Scarbor- ough: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Law- rence, Toronto; Miss Irma Hos- kmn and Mr. Jim Wallis, Osh- awa, and local friends., We ail wish tiem many more years of happy rnarricd life. 1BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Pugsley, of Devon Acres, Aurora, werc Sunday guests wlth Mrs. S. A. )evitt and Mrs. David Hill. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Noble, Dr. and Mrs. Allan Noble and Mr. A. Noble, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor were Sunday guests with Mn. and VIns. Arnold Taylor and Diane. Mr. Harold Martyn and Mr. W'ilfrid Jackson, Nestleton, were on jury duty at Cobourg VIonday and Tuesday. Mrs. John Scott and ber fa- bher, Mr. Campbell, entertain- ed Mn. and Mrs. Allex Joinston at their newly built home in Toronto for tie weekend. Mr,. and Mrs. Gerald Hill of North Bay are visiting Mr. and tIrs. Cecil Hill. Miss Jessie McArthur and MIr. Norman Dysant returncd ao Toronto on Monday wiere Ley boti entéred thc Medical ourse at the University. Miss Betty McArthur retunns ýO Western University on rhursday to start ber third ýean in Business Administra- Jon and Secretanial Science. Mr. Roy Ferguson, Sandra rid Bill, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and chlldren were in oronto on Monday evening. bhey attended the marniage of [ona Ferguson to George unbar in the chapel of Don- .nds United Churci. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Er. and Mrs. Blake Gunfen* cere at Coe Hl Fniday nigbt id Saturday to attend ticir 'andmotier's 90th birtiday rrty. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Say- ili spent the weekend in Buf- Extra Lean MINCED BEEF Pure, Esaex Brand, SmâiI Link or Counh,.y Styte PORK SAUSAGE By the Pioce BEEF BOLOGNA Super-Right, Smoked Rindiesa SIDE BACON Pr*"$u Saturday, September 24th, 1965. ~ :I-Bowmanville Bantam Le- rgionnaires bowed out of tic provincial Bantam "B" play- offs in Listowel on Saturday by dropping a 6-0 decsion to the Listowel Bantams in tic second game of their bcst-of- tirce semi-final senies. Tiey lost tic first game in Bowman- ville by 9 5-1 count tic pre- vious Tuesday. The Legionnaires sfarted strong on Saturday with Bill Bates pitciing one bit bail for tic first four innings. He weakcned in fie fifti, ioxv- ever, and' Listowel plated five runs in this inning and one more in fie sixti for their winning margin. Bowmanville could garner only two bits offj Listowei's southpaw hurler. Tic local Bantams have noa need to eel asamed of their. siowing against fthe strong Lis- towel squad wiose members bave played togetier for sev- eral ycars, coming up as a~ team i trough Pee Wec ranks. On tic oter and, tic Legion- naies lost practically all tiir 1954 players and iad only four holdovers from last yar's squad. Fine Season Record The Bowmanville Bantam Legionnaires compiled a fine sason record of 19 wins and only four losses in 23 games.I Tey captured tic Lakesoe Bantam League title for the second consecutive yar and also won tic John Foote Tro- py. In the first round of tic provincial Bantam "B" payoffs fby liminated Paris iin two straight games. Many local citizens deserve 129C Mb35c 1-lb pis 6,5< 1 1 Saturday evening. This Week- at the Royal Saturday Matinee Prices- Get a head stort on day-long energy - shopet A &P for BET'TER BREAKFASTS other meois tool1 TOMATO JUICE A&P Fancy 248-ot ns49c IGNA PEACHES 220ozns35c HOT CHOCOLATE Borden's instant l"~z 49c HEINZ KETCHUP 2 li-oz btls AQc Fancy ORANGE IMiE K(eIIogg's CORN FLAKES QUAKER OATS Fry's SIIPER-RIGHT MEATS RED OR BLUE BRAND BEE.F lUMP RoA"ST Ion"s ROUND STEAK ROAST sol VA5 9 c 2 20-oztes 33c t2-oz pkg25c [arc 1 M - - -,»,~ Nestl.'s QUIK Jona Orange end Grapefruit MARMALADE ICLIK !-ztin 3 9C I4-lb ja5 7c ge pkgàl I1C BUNA JAM 24-oz jar 39c Nab isco 1-lb tin 8,C 51fREDDED WREAT 2 pkgs 33c in iclage * ICartwright ' 1 1 oýý F - m m --nu 1 Foundry Leads Durham League Palmers Second Fou ----- 3262 7 Palmer Motor Sales 3096 7 Mcut's Sports - 3035 7 Bow'vUIle Cleaners- 2918 7 L.O.L. No. 1 2969 5 H.E.P.C. -2704 2 C.OF.___ 2779 0 Dominion Stores 2646 0 A. &P ---------- 2619 O L.O.L. No. 2------ - 2341 0 200 Averages F. Lewins 243 N. Henning 242 K. Kelly ---- -227 E. McQuade 226 D. Parks __- 225 G. Elliott -_____220 J. Thorpson -213 B. Vivian 211 H. Potter - ____209 B. Leaman 207' B. Polley 205 G. Potter ____-2011 M. Harrison ___201, Lemon League A. Cameron on____ B. Stapleton 97 G. j'oulas -93 1. Munday ---- ----65 Higi Triple, F. Lewins 730 l High Single, D. Parks 297. 'q km) re5 LDIII assistance tbey have given tic feam this year. Murray Mc- nigit and George Piper have devoted a great deal of time! to the Bantams as manager and1 coach respectively, and are! responsible for the team's finel showing. Bud Perfect umpired several games and many of the fatiers and otier local citizens deserve credit for driving tMe team to' thein out-o f-town games. Tie Bowmanvillc Legion Branci sponsorcd tic feam, j purchased ifs uniforms and 1 helped pay the cost of buses duning fthe piayoffs. Local fansI also gave tic Bantams good support, the best of any town1 1 THURSDAY, SEPT. 22nd, UgU STARK VILLE Mrs. John Stark spent s daý ~ Ii Peterborough. Messrs. Hugh Westheuser and Maurice Hallowell left Monday znorning on an Cxtended trip through Western Canada. Mrs. Howard Farrow visited friends in Oshawva recently. Miss Marilyn Falls visited Mrs. McCulloch, Orono. 1Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswel, Port Hope, have taken up residence on the farm of Mrs. E.Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worrall and family, Newtonville; Rev.,f and Mrs. S. J. Pike wer ecnV supper guests with Mr.anMr.F Fred Todd. Mr. ancd Ms,. Moore and fain. ily, Castieton, visited at Mr. Jiml Stark's. Mr. A. J. Souch visited at Mr. W. A. Adains', Lakeshore, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell were dinner guests with Mr. atd Mrs. Alec Martin, Newcastle,. JAMES MMWAR-dJUNE ALLYSON 'StrategicAir Conmad Thursday-7 and 9:10 p.m. Friday-7 and 9:25 p.m. Saturday-Feature at 6 p.m., 8:10 and 10.20 Ev'g Prices-Aduits 65c, Students 45c, Children 25e NON.-TUES.-WED. - SEPT. 26 -27 -28 "This Is My Love" (Technicolor) Aduit Entertairiment starring LINDA DARNELL - DAN DURYEA "Passion~ (Techni color) Story of early California, starring CORNELL WILDE and YVONNE de CARLO Time - 7 and 8:30 P-M ýà;WZLY OMTW OWA11YAIMV.JLILV --- - Adults, 50e 1 HOCKEY . C

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