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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 13

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£ IMAT, SEUT. und, lm UTaEcMA!A.STATESMAN. EOWNL&NvffIlz ONTARIO *CObMNG EVENTS Annual DoUl Sale, Oct. 7 - 8. McNlulty's, 6 King Lrast, Bow- mnanville. 38-1 Dance, Saturday. Sept. 24 i Newtonville Community Hall. Deug Desti'. Northern Ramblers. Admission 50c. 38-1* rDane rdeSp.23. in ~çz'wriht ecretinelCentre, ~4Icktock.Deug a'sNorth- ern Rmbles. Amisson 50c. 38-1 Re s er ve Wednesdey and Thursday, December 7th and 8th for the Bowm;inville Choral Sciety's Winter Ptogram in the Town Hall. 38-1 The Guildettes, St. John7s Anglican Church, invite yau ta attend their Hellowe'en bezaar and tea, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2 te à p.m. 38-1 Came ta the first dance ai the 1'sll season at Sauina Community Hall on Friday. September 3th. ]Reed's Orchestra. Prizes and lucky drew. - 38-2 iCacrds of Thank The Kinsmen Club et Bowmnan- ville wls'ces te thank ell these who supported tbe recent tag day. The proceeds will 'ce uscd for the Artificiel Ice Fund. 38-1 Roy and Tnese Wenry wis'c ta bhank bbc people et Enniskillen community and bbc Enniakillen Athîctie Club fan the guits pre- sented aI bbc presentetien et En- niskillen, September 3rd. 38-1* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence, Nestlebon, wis'c te express their apprecietion ton lhe memorable evcning bendercd b'cem by fnienda and relatives, and for tbc beau tiful gifla received on bbc! occasion, ai thein bwenty-fiftbi wcclding enniverseny. 38-1* I wishMo express deep ap- preciation tan beauliful flowers, wards af sympathy, the belping bend beld out ta me in cvery way by triends fer and near on bbc occasion ai bbc Inagie deeth ai my beioved grandson. Bah., Editb L. Pearce. 38-1 Stay-eI-Home Bridge and 1 wauld like te tbank ai] Television Party on Tbumsdav, fricnds and neighbours who si Sept. 29. Enterbein yaur fiends kindly gave e sbowem in my and have bbc lunch delivered ta bonour, Septen)ber 16; ta my yaum door b v "Club 15" for anly brother and sister, Mr, and Mis. 50c per persan. 38-1* J. R. Nichols, e vemy speciel _______thank you. Haydon Thank-offering service Mrs. M. Cunningham, wîll 'ce held Ibis Sunday, Sept. Norh Shields, England. 251h. et 7:30 p.m., witb Rev. 38-1V Richard Bonsteel, Betbany, guest speaker. Speciel music by a. I would like ta extend my yeung ladies' quartette, Baw-, sincene Iban#cs la my iiends and meanvîlle. 38-1 neighbours, unitcd Steel Womk- ens 2375, Bawmanvilic L.O.L. S'caw's Hame and Sehool Club 2384 and Bowmanvilie Fife and sale ai home beking. candy, fruit, Drumn Band for thein meny acts vegetebles, swect eider, on Sel- oai kindness, fruit, tlowers and Uwdey, September 241h, sterling cerds, also e special tbanks te et 9 a.m. Top qualily praduce. Dr. Hubberd and D. Heller for To b. held et Shaw's Market, their help and care. ICurv Inn. 38-1 Baen Pingle." 38-le Beehive Rebckab Ladge Penny Sale, Aflemnoon tee and home The Womcn's Auxiliany ai baking sale. Friday, Septemben Memanial Hospital, Bawmen- 23rd in Lions Community Centre ville, wish ta sincerelv thank ehl et- 2:30. Specual door pruzes wbo helped un any way ta make every heur. Dnaws te 'ce made Monday nigbt's cçtnvass sucb an et 8 p.m. 38-1 outstending success, elso those wba gave so generoushy. Any- Remember, this year's Lions anc awey et the lime ai aur eall Commnunity Auction Sale will be and wisbing la donale, may held et bbc Community Centre leave their gift wiîb Mns. Gea. en Saturday, Octeber 29tb. Young. 214 King St. East, Baw- Wateh fer turther details re- manville. 38-1 gerding pick-up et items for the auction sale. 38-5 I wisb te express my sincene thenks ta Dr. Miklos, Dm. Rundle, Bowmanville Nurses' Associa- Dr. McKenzie. special nurses tion will hold a dance and card Mms. Rebder, Mrs. Dîlling, Mms. parly et bbc Lions Community1 Alldread and the nurses and Centre on F'riday. October 14th,j staff ai Memaniel Hospital, Bow- 9 p.m. ta 1 e.m. Bi-ysan Brown's menville, fam came and kindnesses; Orchestre. Informel. $ 1.00 per aima, my reletives, friends and persan. îLunch scrved. Tickéte neigbbors for tlowens, carda and evailable tram any mem'cee of kind enquiries wbilc in bospital thc Association. 38-4 and bbc speciel Ineals reccîved since caming home. Mrs. W. A. Adams. I Repairs 38-1* RADIO 4nd television repeirs. Prompt service. Pick up and deivýery. Laine Dareen. 85 King Ph-one MA 3-5713. 2-tf %Mi. PAIRS te ail makes of refrig- etors, domestie and comnier- ciel: nilking codlers. iggcn Electrie Limited. 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING M ARR'S JEWELLERT 43 King St. W., Phene MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE 1-tf TAYLOR Repair.- Shop RADIATORS and BEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANED RECORING Generai Solderlng Repatrs Queen St. W. BowmanvillIe Phone MA 3-3459 32-tf I wish to express my sincere thanks ta Bowes' Ambulance Service and Dr. D. E. Mikel ai Cobourg, Dru. H. Fenguson and. C. Slemon, Bowmanville; Supër- intendent and supervisars, thel entire staff af nurses, who made my six weeks' stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmenville, a pleas- ent one; Rev. T. A. Morgan, the members af the Salvation Army Band, , the members ai the Wamen's Institute for their ex- ceeding kindness; my dean friends af the Card C lub qnd, Tee Club, my devoted famnily and triends, ail kind friendsaend neighbours who sent me tlowers, fruit, candies and lovely gif ts, get-well cards and kind en-, quiries. Thank you and Gad bless you ell. Ada Passent. 38-- 1 TICKETS TO EVERYWBERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JUR? & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MAS3-5778 iBoy Scout Apple Dayj * wiII'be held in Bowmanville.. on i Friday evening, Sept ember 301hi and I Saturday, Oct aber' 1sf BU AN APPLE Wo SOIl We Inst«M iW. Service!We Gucront..U fteomberi AIwys CeN This MASTER PLUMBIR I IIN MEMORIAM r CLARK-In leving memory of s dean busbend und fàther, Charles Menzo Clark, wbo pessed away September 2lst, 1953. In aur garden cf memnories 'ce lives with us yek -Ever remcmbered by wite. son and family. 38-1w CRAGO-In laving meman oof a dean husband and tathen, Wm, Eber Crego, whc pemed eway September 21sb, 1951. Notbing cen ever take awey The lave a heant balds dean, Fond mcm aies U, gn every day, ]Remembrance vceps'bim neer. -Ever remembered by wife and temily. 38-1 W ork Wanted MASONRY WORK Specializing in Fireplaces 1 aise manufacture and oeil ARTIFICIAL STONE OR NATURAL STONE Phene MA 3-281ê - Bowmanville 38-2* Concrete and Masonry Ail types of CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK IVORK L. TURNER Estimates Free.P.0. Bex 177 BOWMANVjLLE 35-tf A. E. COLE - PLUMBING Ar-r HEATING Authorlzed Mer-Sun and Lennoz Dealer 2e Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone Nlght or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf TILE BEDS TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE WORK BARRY & LEE RA 3-3693 MA 3-3828 34-tf Garbage Meeting s(Continued tramn Page One) ;demn methods", be asscmtcd. He 1suggested thet fon a trial per- ladofai eyer or bwo open trucks and a mechenicai load- cm migbt be adéquate for Bow- manvillc's needs. The next speaker, Dcputy- Reeve Cammuthens, declered that anyone studying the mal- ter ai garbage collection must came la lwa conclusions: first,1 thet tbc town wili bave ta adopt a muuniciplal system sooner on leter; and secondly, that unlil tbere is a municipal collection systcm the councîl cannaI adcquateiy contrai the disposaI af gerbage et the town dump. lb bas been tbe expérience ai tobwns and cibies across Canada that wben bbc population bas, reached 6,000 or 8,000 a munici-] pal s3'stem af collection and disposai ai garbege bas been a 1necessity, tb. Dcputy-Reeve 1 steted. He poiuUed out thet 1Coun. Higgon's survey ai 34 towný. bed disclosed Ibat Bow- manville wes bbc only. town Iwibh more than 6,000 popula- 1tion wbich did not bave a municipal collection. Sicai Tomm Dump Gate Town Council bad lnied locking bbc gabe ta tb. dump as anc metbod ai contnahiing disposai, Mm. Carruthers stabcd, and the hock had been bro- ken. "Finaliy lhey even stoie the gate, which proves that we, can't do mucb about the dispo- sai end until wc bave e muni- cipal collection", hé declared. The bumning ai gerbage in beck yards is enothen prablem which ha bard ta contrai unden the présent system. In financing e municipal sys- term, bbc Dcputy-Reeve assent- ed, considération musb be giv- en ta fermera witbin bbc tawn limits, and industries whicti dispose of Ibeir garbage tbem- selves. If bbc financing is donc by edding the' cost ta the miii rate, exemptions would bave ta be made in Ihese two in- stances. He toit that e better method of iinencing would be ta mnake a change ta each- bouschold. possibly bhraugh the Public Utihities Commission. There arc 1,893 bydro bihlings la bousehoids, lic said, and about 200 commercial biliings. AI tbe rate ai 75 cents per montb per houseboid, and a slightiy bigben rate fan com- mnercial establishments, about $17,500 couhd be raised ycariy for gerbage collection and dis- posai purposes. He icît tb.s should be sufficient ta pay ail costa ai aperaling bbe service. Coun. Dave Higgon's survev, which 'ce reed fallowing Mr. Cemrutbcr's remarks, showcd that in bbc 34 tawns contacted bbc avernage cost was $1.43 per capita, whicb in Bowmenville's case wouid b. $8,806. Haweven bbe highcst figure ai $3.00 p2r capita would cost in Bowman- ville's case $18,600. Mr. Hig- gon's figures for setting up al municipally - opcrated syste:,n, peying ftonebcocst ai cquip- ment an e ld-yeer debentune basis, workcd out ta an annuel cosb oi $10,500 whîch wouid ae $1.70 per capiba. Mis survey else poinîed out thal if lh. system were operabcd by a pri- vale individuel unden contract tram bbc town, tbbcoceaIwouldt be dependent on bbc amounfs of bbc tenders submnitted. Found Solid Support L.A.I' K lE ~*Coun. Hggon reported ta WMNG- * MUTNG * Ot URNU icipal system ai garbage co!- lection eaniy last yeam 'ce bad 47 JNG ST. e. BOWMANVILLE M A 3.5651 been stopped by man 'v people 1 wba tcid bine thci- werc in fa- I ------ vor of that type et system. He. ClessiiédAds, with their present collectons, but the problem. ai sanitation. 'Its aIl rigbt fan people ta 3a77 tbey have gaad garbage collcc- tors but they don't sec what heppens on Scugog St. wbere gerbage iS blown onto the Street inom. bbc truck", he de- clened., He poinled out thet 17 years egoalamast ail the citizens lied iougbt against tbc instal- lation ai dial telephones, but tbcy certainiy wauîdn't want ta go back ta tbc old operalor syStem now. "You can't stand stili in Ibis world", be asscnted. 1'you bave ta go iarward. and a municipal geïrbege collectioni system is a step in the right direction". Ivan Habbs askcd Coun. Hîggon baW meny requests council bad received for bbc establishment ai a municipal system, ta which he replied thet il had nat received eny. Ils there any. thought cf pu, - ting in the municipal system a'ithout taking iltatebbcepeo- ple"', Mr. Hobbs then askcd. Coun. fflason. replied that 1W j ice than an ondinary bouse- h older under e municipal sye- te1m. Chairman Banting rcplied that the business firms wauîd probably he cbarged e higber rate. He also telt thet. e muni- cipal collection service would be a good point in Bawman- viile's favon in tryîng ta attract new industries. Also, people nat usingi a garbage collectioni servicea present wauid bave to make use ai e municipal ser- vice were il set up. He tbenked bbc citizens ,and J caunicîl members ton attendîngj the meeting and for taking part in bbc discussion. He also exprcssed thc gratitude ef [Bowmanville citizens to, Mayor Burnctt and Mr. Waters for giving ai their ime te attend the meeting. He stated thet bbc meeting 'ced given counicilI members e betten idea af bew bbc ciizens teed on bbc subjeet of municipal garbage collection and tbis knawlcdge should be ni benefit ta bhemn in decidîng wbat action ta taIre. MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE gxpert Repairs teAlil Maires 3 lilver St. MA 3-3492 BOWMANVILLE also stated thet he hed 'cee without collection service eve mince he broeehed the mette te council. He feit that the residents c Scugog Roed and Jeckma Road suifer meut fron t t present collection and disposi system. as gairbege is blown -c a baunces off tbe present trucl as nto these streets. Aise the ysuifer iromn the odor of burr ing garbage in tbc dump.' ehave no intention of trying t railroad e municipal collectia nthrougb council, but I feel thý we should have a system. whic would cost tbc town less an gîve counicil contrai af tih Ldump", he esserted. "If. Ywould ccst more money I woul cerbainly teed that il should g ta a vole of the people." Cour Higgan suggested thet perhep: Il should be put befare tb people for a vole in eny even' Cheirmen Banting thenke Mn. Higgan and the member ai bis cammitlee for devotin s0 much of their time ta ah taining needed information. H elso quoted figures using tb 1.893 hauscholds in Bowmen ville, rether then the total pop uletion, as the basis ai pey ment. A charge ai $7 per bouse bold, as companed ta the $1 which most pay et presen' would yîeid $13,251 in revenu and tItis would be adequale t pay for a municipal system, hn said. At Ibis point in the mectin, citizens begen asking question fnom the floon and Roly Bale asked Coun. Higgon wby th. pnivete collecton who bad beei servicing bis store bad stappec Coun. Higgon slaled that tb collector bad neyer told bin wby he bed stopped, and Mi Bates suggestcd that the rea son was that Mm. Higgan ha, been expecling the collector t take excessive loeds ai canton and other refuse fnam his store an even la make two trip witbout additîanai peymenl gMr. Higgon denied that bis de mends on bbc collector bai been unreasonabie. Must Define Garbage Stuant Candler asked th, question, Wbat is garbege Chairmen Banting asked May on Bumnett ta answcr this ques tian and be stated that wbex a municipal collection is set ul a by-law is passed la defini what the collectai will accelp as gerbage. In London and Kit chenter, he seid, the municipa syslems eccept èvenything bu builder's waste sucb as plastz-n used lumber, aid bricks, etc Kingston will take ail types o: garbege and refuse with no ex ception whatsaevcr, be said. "Most by-laws specify ondin amy houscbold waste and elsc thet cantons must be broker down and put intoe bundle n- langer than cen be hendildb) onc man', Mayor Bumnett sta. ted. "Veny tew tawns , xill ec* cept builder's waste on sudý things as aId furneces or stave. pipes.' Mn. Candler then painteÉ out Ihat the tbree prix-ate col. lectors in Bowmenville wil, take anv kind of refuse "Whcre xvill we gel e truck tc take eway the things that s municipal sý,stem wan't bauý away?" lie said. Mayor Bunneti stated thal in Cobourg tbey faund the independent trucker.s had remained in business anc were just as husy as ever. Chairman Banting also steted be bad expcmienced no difficul- ty in biring a truck when hE needed ane. Ted Clarke stated that be be- lieved tbe present garbege col- lection system is Ai. "Tbe men who are doing the wark now will pick up papers irom tht, driveweS', but under a munici- pal system they won'I take ,anylhing thet isn't put in a cen", be decîared. "I sey, leave the system as il is". Frank Bottrell also spalke strangly in favor ai metaining tbe present system. "'Thorny Barrett bas teken my garbage for years", be said. "ýHe cames ta the beck of the bouse for il and be will teke garden weste in the feul." Mr. Bottrell's ne- marks drcw applause from the gethering. Fean Hlgher Changes He also neised thepoint tiat a Tires m 'ced suggested in counocil that r the matter should go te a vote r et the ratepayers. "'One reasai ion tbis meeting ip te, leern :oi whet the people do want". he tn declared. e Puoaic to Lose Contri al )r Mr. Hobbs poInted ouI thet r-, even if the vote werc beld and ýywere in fevor ai e municipal ~collection bbc publie would ,-J have lutIle cantrol aven bbc type tofe system Ithat would be set up, on or over bbc by-lew wbicl at wauld define whiat would be ýh teken as ganhage and how the id collection wauld b. hendied. le H. steted that under tbc pres- it cnt sysbem the people receive ýd courteous trealment, but un. ro dem e municipal systeni they rI. might net. At present tbc col. )s lectors *111 even go down ccl- ie 1er for the garbage if the t. householder is awey or ill. ýd Chàirman Benting stated s that bbc municipal sysbem must ýg have many advanteges or prec- b_ icaliy every tcwn bbc size of [e Bowmenvîlle * on langer woul< le not have set such systems up. - He also seid that if a municipal -system were instituted he would like ta se bbc saine men still collecting garbage. 2 Mayor Bunnett reprted that , Cobourg bas bad no trouble in ce respect ta courtesy under it amunicipal sysîem or from the econtractai refusing ta teke gai- bage. He tekes paper and car- 9 Ions if these are bundled, and os does not refuse eany type of ýsj garbage which the average e j persan xvould wanb nemnoved. ri The mayar aiso painted out .1 thet Cobourg's cosîs unden the ýe contact systcm are lcss Iban nu in Pont Hope wbcre the towr r.apenales bbc collection itscii. "I 1- believe Ibat there is gaing ta d be Iemendous expansion along ,0 Ibis lakeshore and those towns Ls wbich will benefit anc those wbicb pravide tbe services the' )s induslny expects", he declared. IA resident ai Jeckmen Roec -slated that bis chief abjection ta 'the present systemn is bbc tact that garbage feils off the present open trucks on bbc sides ai Scu- gag Street and Jackman Road. e Wally Breclen pointed ouI that ? Ibis elso heppens with e muni- cipal system such as Ibal ir -North York when open trucks i are used. P Ab-. Slurrock pointcd ouI that e the worst fault ai bbc pesent tsystemn is thel it gives council -no control ai bbc dump. He stat- i d that be bad seen as many as it 15 cens taking garbege Ibere or Sundey morning and anoîbci five or six men going aven the ,f dump laaking for selvage. Pro- -per handiing ai bbc dump couic give greater fly contrai and rai -cantaol be seid. Mn. Sturrac4 0alsco pointed ouI that the smell i afi burning garbage is very ai- fensive ta residenîs near the dump.. - Anythlng Goes et Dump He went mbt vivid delail about malIen meat and deed an- imals end cbickcns being left ai tbe dump. This makes for brceding oi files and spreading ai diseese, he said, and be ask- cd Mr. Waters, bbc United Count- lies Sanilary Inspectan, ta com- tment on these conditions. Mn. tWaters pointed ouI that the spil- îing af gambege on bbc streets tcould silîl occam under a muni- * 1 cipal sysbem if open trucks wcre s used. Fnom the point ai view ýI ai pubhiic hcaltb. be said, the pil- .ing ai gerbage ip back yards by 1people Iacking a collectionu - service could iead ta incrcased beeding af flics and rats. A municipal collection sys- tem would eliminete bbc beck *yard piling and burning oi rubbage with flhc attendent beaitb menace and nuisance from smokc. Howevcr, the col- jlecction systemn would bave ta *be supplemented by a gaod by- law contnolling tie dump, he seid. Ex-Mayor Morlcy Vanstone asked Mn. Burnett bow maniy tenders fan a gerbage coller- tion contrect bad bccn rcceived in Cobourg and how long bbe contracts mu. The Cobou rgI mayorý replicd that competitivel bids were receivcd until 19.511 wben tbe business hed gnawn so large thet some ai the smali- cm aperatars bad ta drap ouI ai the bidding. This ycan, lie seid, in arder ta enable the Waverley Rd. t ~Bowmnanville, Ont. 1 Dear Sir_ I As one of the citizen& who I turined out te th~e meeting, re a"Garbage", on last Thursday 4 evening at the Town Hall. co- i sponsored by the Jrowft Coun- e cil and Chamber of Commerce, e'it seemu to me that quite a number of citizens are "matis- fied wlth the ceurteaus gar- e bage collecter". It seemas incredible to me, ithat ini the town of 4flowmnan- .ville, court1sy should 'ce more .hlghly valued thaft sanitation. Under the present system only a fraction of the population has 1 regular gfrbag. collection. tEven this collection 'j, not - made incovered -trucks and no fmatter howv careful the collec- 1tor, some of this garbage is .lost upon the streets of Bow- 1manville while on its way to *the town dump. Moreover, our iTown Council cannot exercise any effective contrai over the tcondition of the dump. Consid- ering the above tacts, munici- pally controlled garbage collec- puic a bviously essential, for pulchealth reasons. The present rate for callec-; 1tien- is one dollar per hause- fhold per month. The Town Cauncil estimates the cost of *the. suggested systemn for each chousehold at seventy-five cents !per manth. If as suggested, this iwere billcd through the P.U.C. iand included an the hydro bill, 1each household would be )charged only for Its own col- t lection. This system Neould give the P.U.C. and the Town Coun- cil authority ta deal with ahl complaints and insure a more efficient service. Therefore, 1municipally controlled garbage collection is desirable for econ- omnic reasons. I At the meeting Mayor Bur-. nett af Cobourg stated that a Isystemn of municipally control- led garbage collection was be- gun ten years ega and has proven very successful. In an- swer ta questionaires sent out by the Town Council garbage Lcommittee in thirty-four tawns twith population ranging from 3,500 ta 13,000, it wem found that municipally controlled garbege collection was the môst il satisfectory method. Judgirig from the basic requirements of industry (as reported by the Chember of Commerce), the new industries. that Bowman- ville is se earnestly seeking, will by-pess this town for its more progressive neighbours. Today ail Ontario is mo'ving ahead but some citizens af, Bowrnanville prefer ta stand still and watch athers pass by. The Chamber af Commerce and the Town Ca0uncil are of- fering us, a fine progressive plan ta improve aur town. Ne- ver could there be sa much benefit ta so many for se litIle. Yours truly, John H. Meachin HAMPTON Mrs. J. Hewson bas returned from Highland Creek where she spent a couple of weeks with Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Empey and daughters. Miss Mary Peters was Et Sun- day visitor with the Salters. Miss Bertha Armour, Reg. N., iormer]y of Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend at home. She has recently beenj appainted one ai the supervisars in the Brantford Hospital. Mr. Arthur Perkin and Miss Muriel Perkin, Toronto, were Sunday guests af Miss L. Reyn- olds. Mrs. A. W. Laver and Mise~ Helen Gray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 'Allyn Taylor, Bawmen- ville, were weekend guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Mr. anid Mis. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, with Mrs. W. G. Doidge and T. Wrays. Mr. and Mrs. Reymond Clapp, Tymone, visited Mr. and Mrs. R.f J. Hodgsan on Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trul 1, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Metcalf.' Maple Grave, were weekendi PHONE TO-DAY WVe will be pleased to supply you with F RE E E S T I'M A T E S on your Heating er Plumhing The Imperial Qi! Service Station at corner of King and Scugo; Streets Is now being operated by Harold "Red" Webber For your needs 1i1 Greasing Batteries -Washing . Tire Repairs and Gasoline WILL YOU GIVE ME A TRY? 'Your business wili be greetly eppreciated Cal MA 3-5011 and we wiIl pick up your car for servtice S*-~.- I the States ef Ohio, West Wr.! ginia and Pennsylvanle, Visiting many places of lnterest. Mrs. .M. Mountjoy enjoyed'-a bus trip te Lstewel, Seturday. Miss Lorrenne Werrack ef Toronto spent the weekend et home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trulli enjoyed e mater trip down the St. Lawrence Seewey and int the Eastern States, where they visited veriaus places af interest. including Lake Placid and Lake Sarenac and ather lovely spots. Courtice Bride, Feted Prior To Marriage Mrs. James Sutherland Arn- brase, the former Vivien Lor- raine Snider, whose wedding wes salemnized recently in Ebenezer United Church, Caur- tice, was feted et severel pie- nuptial events. Miss Betty Taylor was hast- I essaet a kitchen shower when triendsaend neighbours gether- cd et hem cottage et West Beach, Bowmanville. A corsage cf pmnk carnations was present- ed te the bride, and game's werc played. Assîsting with the refreshments were Mis. George Pidduck and Mis. Frank Taylor. Mrs. Robert Attensley 'was hostessaet a miscellaneous shawem at hem home in Oshawa. Thle bride was seeted et a de- conated chair ta open ber gifts. Assistîng with the buffet lunchean were Mrs. E. G. Evans, Mrs. James Rabertban and Miss Muriel Devolin. The staff and supervisons of the' Industrial Relations De- panîment in Genenal Matons presented the bride with a Kenwood blanket. Othem ca- warkems presented an electric tee kettle and a Bride's Book made by Mns. Robent Atrly Fniends tram thé Fiee Meth odist Church gathened at the! home ai Mr. and Mrs. James Aldous wben a drop-leai table was presented to the aiiianced pair. Assisting with the re- ireshments were Mrs. Ver Hartford, and Mms. W. L.' Smith. Mrs. Hubert Wiley and I Miss Manjomy Pollard U.eme co-1 hastesses at a miscellaneotus showen. A wishing well held the guifs, and tbe bride was seeted et a decarated chair. Mrs. Stan Pollard and Mrs.ý Keith Pollard assisled with the reireshments. A party was held in honaur 1 of the groom et the Genosha Hotel, Osbawa, when tniends and ca- Ijrkers presenled him with a auI step-table and a smoke stan d. Mns. Walter Snider was hast- ess at a trousseau tee et hem home in honaur of hem daugh- ter. Mis. Robent È. Ambrose. the groom's mothen, assisted j Mns. Snider In receiving the guests. Mms. T. W. Barber, sis- ter ai the groom welcomed guests nt the dloor and was als- f in change ai the guest register. Mis. John Montgomery and Mrs. H. H. NichaIs. aunts of the bride. pouned tee, and semving the guests were MiF.' Robent Attemsley, Mis. James Robertson. Miss Muriel Devo- lin and Miss Betty Taylor. Dis- playing tbe bride's persoae trousseau, the sbowem guifs and wedding gifts were Miss Don- othy Beuchler and Mns. Peter Agg. The bride wes also assi st- ed by Miss Ann Hait and Mrs. Vera Lymer. The parents of the 'bride en- tentained the bridai party aitPr the rehearsal et Ibeir home in, Counlice. The boliest ai ail holidavs are those kept by ourselves in silence and apant, the secret anniversanies af the heart, wben the full tîde ai feeling- overf lows.-Longfellow. a ii Changing FAUS TAUKTJM I INSTAILMENTS iNot one big yeurly bill i IImagine! Snai!, pnemiums paid every six monthi, 'This is a feature pionecred by I my company ta make yaur eut o. insurance casier ta handle. My Icarnpany's rates in most stetes are mnade up on the ba ' is af its IowÈs "caneful-driver" lass expe. rience. This elsa permits quicke; Irate reductions whenever they are possible. Caîl today and find eut mare about thiseasy-te. Ibudget insurance. $ TATE FARM Agent Dirk Brinkman Oppesîte the Co-op Cold Sterage Newcastle Phone 3671 SALEM Salem W.A. held their Sep- tember -meeting at thie church with Tyrone W.M.S. as aur guests. Mrs. S. Buttery wel- comed the gquestsaend opened the meeting. Mrs. Art Hemilton end Mns. J. Cook gave the Bilâl reading and devotional. Miss Jane McClure favoured with a vocal solo, Mrs. G. Sheckleton gave a reading, Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. K. Shackleton favaoir- ed with a vocal duel. We were very pleased ta have as our guest speaker, Mrs. W. C. Ives af Bawmanville who gave a ve1iv interesting andi informative talk on W.A. work. Miss Jane Mc- Clure closed the mneeting with a solo "May The Good Lord Blesa and Keep You,' Lunch was served and a social turne enjçW- ed.% Rally Day service wes held at Sunday School on Sunday with a fair attendance. Miss Donna Moon had the mis- fortune ta tai off a horse and break her arm. Mr. George Honey, Fenélon Falls, is spending same time with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and assisting with the apple picking. Mr. and Mrs. George -Sellers and family spent Sundey nt Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houck, town, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mns. E. Twist. Miss Juanita Young spent the weekend in Toranta and attend- cd the wedding csia friend. Mrs. Ken Shackleton attendedi the funeral af hem aunt. Mrs. Wm. Loweny, Richmond Hill, on Monday. Miss Bealmice Cnaig, Taronte Normal Schaol, spent the weck- end at home. il ;0 y iy y d d bs d S e n e - eAelle qqrmT,21m. a

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