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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 3

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- ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WfTH E - A N A D IA N S T A T E SM m . B o w y A !N V L P . O q T AM O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A E 1 f n Couple Married in Milverton SAMELLS - GORDON RMTER.- -GIRNER '.On Saturday, Septemnber 3rd, Pink and white gladioli de- ~ueen Street United Church corated St. George's Anglican Irians, Linsay, ws thesceneOshawa, on Satunday Znane, indsy, as te senemorning, Sept. 17, for the mar- Oi a quiet weddlng when Dri age of Carole Rosemnany Gib- IB. Gardon, daughter ai Mrs.1 ner, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Gardon, o! Lindsay, and the 'Heniry Arthur Gibner, and Gor- late. Wm. F. Gardon becm don Louis Ritter, son oi Mn. eaeand Mrs. Louis Ritter, ail o! the bride of R. Melville Sam- Bowmanville. elîs, only son ai Mn. and Mrs. Rev. Warren Turner, nectar Renneth Samnells ai Nestleton. ofa St. Jude's Anglican Church, 'The Rev. Wm. Marcb perforrn- Toronto, fonmerly ai St. John's, ed te cremoy. he bideBowmanville, officiated. Mn. ed te cremny. Thebrie jJohn Sm art, Oshawa, presided laaked lovely dnessed in ice1 at the organ and wedding mu- blue nylon taffeta witb match- sic was sung by the Canterbury ng headdress and wearing a Choir, Oshawa, under the di- corsage ai pink nase buds. rection af Mrs. G. K. Drynan. Mns. George McArthur twin. The bride was given in man- sisteý of the bride was ber only rnage by bier father, and wone attendant, dnessed in pink ny- a floor lengtb gawn of white loni taffeta witb headdress ta lace and tulle aven slipper sa- match and she ware a corsa - tin. T he badice ieatured a bigb of yeliow and white muNse neckline witb small collar and Mn. George MeAthur af long sieeves. Her long veil was Greenbank, brothen-in-îaw af caught ta a caranet ai pearîsj the bride, acted as groomismaft. aA'd she caried a bouquet ai ned roses and white carnations. After the wedding a recep-! Mns. Joan Mains was hier sis- tion was held at the home ai ter's matron ai honor, and'Miss the bride's mothen for the irn-GetueRtr a bids Inedite faily. a, gowned respectively in For travelling on their wed- blue and pink chromespun -tai- dinig trip ta, Ottawa and- points feta witb matching bats. They east the bride chose a pod r carried bouquets ai white and blue linen dress with navybat, yeilow chrysanthemnums.r sb6es and bag. Mrs. Herb Ritter was best man, and usbering wer Mn On their neturn they wili ne- Gardon Heard and Mn. Walter i' àide in Oshawa. Hendricks ai Bawmanville. ;Anuie is tima ,for a, glass of MLI "When work piles high and the time drags At home, at work or play, at any hour of any day, niilk's the drink that's always right to keep folks feeling both fresh and bright. milk makes my fingers fly. No truer lines were ever penned; a milk break is a girl.'s best Glen Raie Dairy MA 3-5444 , Bowmanville H-IE ouhiâ wI Amozlng new-f ormula DURA-HIDE doos a whiter, longer lost- lng job in one coot thon two coats of mony ordlnary palntsl youi hardly believe your eycs when you see bow DJRA-HIDE's sensationai hiding power and brilijant wbiter white can beautify your home! Just onge coat of DURA-HIDE covers solid over any color - et'en blck. Hides ail small checks and cracks. Provides a tough, weather. resistant surface that Iasts season after season. In every way it does a better job than any white bouse paint you've ever used. .SeIf-cleansing, non-yellowing properties in DURA-HIDE help hààbyour home bright. It's easy to apply. Doesn't sag. Trv it! A&by the makers of fomous FIo-giaxe Colorizer painis in 1,322 coloms Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross Taylor cut their wedding l cake following the ceremony which took place in St. Paul's United Church, Milverton. The bride is the former Isobel! Irene Anderson, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J.i Anderson,. Milverton. The groom, now of St. Catharines, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, Orono. The couple will reside in St. Catharines. -Photo by The Russell Studio, Listowel, Ont. For the weddlng reception, SANDERSON - DAIKER held at the home of the bride's parents, her mother received A recent wedding of interest wearing navy blue nylon with to many in this communityj matching bat. The groom's took place in North Parkdaler mother wag loi nv le United Church, Toronto, wheni and bath wore corsages of pink May Baker, daughter of Mrs. roses. Baker and the late R. . Ba- The young couple eft later ker, was united in marige on a wedding trip through with Stanley Roy Sanderson, Maine, the bride wearing for son of Rev. M. R. Sandersan, travel a gray flannel suit with and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto. black velvet hat and black ac- Rev. and Mrs. Sanderson. cessorjes with corsage of red were formerly of the Sauina - roses. They wiIl reside at R. Blackstock area and have many R. 1, Bowmanvjfle. friends and relatives there. Bath bride and groom are Mr. Sanderson officiated at the graduates of Salem and Bow- wedding ceremony for bis son. manville schools. The bride is Given ini marriage by ber employed as a secretary xitb uncle, O. Colby, tbe bride Durham Wood Products, New- chose a waltz-lengtb gown of castle, and is a member of the Chantilly lace and net aver sa- Canterbury S i n g e r s, tin. Her Iace-edged fingertip known Oshawa singing group. veil was caught ta a small The groom is employed with cown of brilliants and se'ed the Bell Telephone Co., Osh- persadhecridaa- awa. cade of crimson roses with Out-of-town guests attended white baby mums. the wedding fromn Newcastlo, Mto fhnrwsMý Oshawa. Rochester, N.Y.. and Maro Dnophonriwasm. Monteal.were Jean Mackav and Beth Sanderson the junior brides- KITSON - LeMARQUAND maid being Ann Sharon Co]by. They ware waltz-length gawns In St. Peter's Anglican of nylon tricot over tafetta in Church, Town of Mount Raya], shrimp, apple green and yel- the marriage took place on low respect ively and carried Wednesday afternoon, of Sheryl crêscents of matcbing gladioli. Enid, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sanderson, brother of Harold LeMarquand of Ville St. the groom, was best man and Laurent, ta Lieut. William uhrn eeMra hrp John Kitson, P.P.C.L.I., son aofusonind Clwere Mumay Tamp Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kitson, af sn ndCpiff Grs ewadAr Dunnville, Ontario, the Rev. reptowahedtA- Lieut.-Col. James Burnett ofti- madale hall atter which the, ciating. Dr. Harrison Jones couple left on a weddingtn played the wedding music and east. Miss Mary Whitelaw sang dur-________________ ing the signing of the register. White and yellow gladioli wereT1CKET8 uscu 1.0 ecorate.I The bride, who was given I a away by her father, was in a gawn Of white poult de soie, 3 the fitted badice having a tulle yake banded with Alencon lace, 15I and long sleeves, and the bouf- fant skirt, fashioned with ap- pliqued bands Of lace, sprink- led with sequîins. Her finger- tiP-length veil af tulle illusion was held by a bandeau of seed pearîs and sequins and she car- ried a bouquet af white carna- tions and baby chrysanthe-j mu ms.1 Mrs. Pbilip Beaudette, as1 and Miss Valenie Elvidge, as bridesmaid, were gawned alike ln frocks af aid gold brocaded,àý taffèfa, with bodices having draped necklines and crinoline skirts. They wore headdressesý of gald feathers. and camied bouquets of yellow glad"i blossoms and bronze pompoms. jý Lieut. Christopher B. Snider,.fU M.C., of Oakville, Ontaria, act- ed as hest man for Lieut. Kit- son and the ushers were Lieut. Robert McDaniel af Ottawa, and Capt. Roy Webb.Ir- Mrs. LeMarquand, the bridp's n mother. xvas gawned in pink silk crvystalette and wore a dus-I ty pink bat and a corsage bau- WH quet of pink feathered camna- o tions. I Mrq. Kitson, step-mother of Th the bridegnooni, ware a gown h of heliotrope blue taffeta , with igna a black bat and a corsage of tion Ipink feathered carnations. os The receptian was held in t the Town Hall of the Town of Mount Royal. Later Lieut. and Don Mrs. Kitsan leit hy motor for youS the Muskoka Lakes, the bride our travelling in a dressmaker suîit af charcoal brown wool and weanih , ng 9inger bat. trimmedj wxt hrwnfeathers and brown accessonie.s. Following their j LU wedding trip Lieut. and Mrs. j Kitson will leave to spend two Insur. years in Gerrnanv.Of Amone the out-oi-town guesîs MA 3. w n Mn ad Ms.Thomas .1. K Malone, of Waterloo, Que. and ng MzThurston Hýant, of Edmion- j [EN FIR] ube sellin, or ½ ! 12 f acan ha iing msi n.' Finei sel at cut n't let thaý ir insuran, hands N( YART rance Iice .5681 Street E. E stnikes. »011 ýg Your place for 'hat it is wont.h? ppen if youIrc ;urance prêter- may force you -rate prices. tt happen! Put ce Protection in EOW. EJAMES Real Estate Residene NIA 3-5493! Bowmanville su ch a d e lig h tfu l p o g ra m . at e n e t eP-we d n g a ENNIS ILLENMr. and Mns. Clarence Brad- niversary celebration of Mi On Spt. 4, rs. . M ley, and Maurice, Bowmanville,1 and Mrs. W. A. Brown, Orono, On Spt.14, rs.H. cGill Mn. and Mrs. Lane Butson, jon Thursday evening. was the pleasarit h6stess ta the' were visitons of Mn. and Mrs.1 F/O and Mrs. S. IR. Kersev, W.M.S. Mrs. E. Werry presid- LoadBaly Ronnie and Rickey, Donsviev'., ing, welcomed the visitos. Mr. and Mrs. AI. Foster, and wee visitos oi Mi. and Mrs, Rollcal wa anwerd b aifamily, Scarboro, Miss Joan Harold Ashton. Rai cîlwa anweedbya1Grawbarger, Restoule, were at Mr. and Mns. Lawrence Beattitude. Mrs. J. McLaugh- Mn. and Mrs. Lonne Lamb's. Scbell, Toronto, Mr. Melville lin p esented a splendid devo- M . a d M s t w r c e el r c b i g , M s a tional, stressing many lessons MrGi r.Stwr r chlBaerigMs a on ivig. embrs ere ne Hatley, Manitoba MI-S. Laing, Toronto, were Sunday Iminded of the Pesbyterial Allen McGill and M. Lloyd visitort o! Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- meetng a Hapton OctberMeGill Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Nair. meeting at amto ctb er edKeith McGill, Bowmanville;, Miss Shirley Milîs Nurse-mn- 25, and alot a leae usd Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, training, Peterbono, spent the R. Ormiston's. Vey fine re- Haydon, were visitors of Mr. Weekend with er mother, ponts from Sehool for Leaders and Mrs. Roy MGills. i Mrs. H. Mils, and brothers, were given by Misses Gloria Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston, Chester and Bruce. Wright, Ruth Lamnb, and Reva and Master Ronald Forsyth. Mrs. K. Hardy, Mrs. E. Pres- McGill, C.G.I.T. girls wbo were were Sunday callers at Mn. cott, Tynone: Mn. and Mrs. sent as' delegates by aur W.A., Edwin ormiston, Ebenezer. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, were C.G.I.T. and W.M.S. Much cre- Mns. D. B. Kay, Mn. Bill visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Me- dit is due their leader. Mrs. O: Kay, Toronto, wene visitons of Neil. C. Ashton for bier untiring ef- Mr. and'Mrs. Adam Sharp's. Mn. and Mrs. Dean Parrott, forts. Mrs. F. Griffin favoured Sympathy as extejided ta Mr. Onillia, were Sunday visitons witb piano solos. Mrs. O. C. and Mrs. -F. W. Werry and of Mn. and Mns. A. L. Wearn. Ashton in ber usual capable family on the passing af ber Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto. mannen intnaduced the new mother, Mrs. W. A. Van Camp. Mrs. Earl Masters and girls study books and pragnam one Mr. and Mrs. Win. Steele, Bowmanville, with Mn. and from the Guide. Mrs.' M. J. Nestieton, Mns. Blanche Nes- Mrsi Ralph Virtue. Hobbs presented a brief re- bitt, Oillia, were recent teai port on Canada as shown in guests of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Mn. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley I the Soviet Encyclopedia and Toms. Bowmanville, Mrs. Vernaà explained by refenences how a Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt and Wood, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. speech by Mn. L. Pearson was Mrs. N. Wilson, and Kenry, at- Fred Hughes, California. Mn. misrepresented by the press. tended a trousseau tea in To- and Mrs. Syd Hughes, Dundas, Mrs. E. Trewin very aptly ex-1 ronta n Satuday afternoon were visitos of M. and Mrs. pnessed thanks to 'the hostess! for Miss Carrai Hendersan. S. R. Petbick. and ta those taking part fan 1Mr. and Mrs. AIlan Werrv Mn. and Mrs. K. V. Svane- the church. Meeting ci.oscd with Taps. il DOLLAR DAY VALUES RELD & WHITE SWEET TREAT CRUSHED - 20-or. Pineap pie 4 for $100 CLARK'S - 15-oz. Pork & Beans 7 for $1.00 CULVERHOUSE - 20-oz. Cream Corn_6 for $1.00 CULVERHOU R. - 20-oz. Choice Peas 6 for $1.00 OLD SOUTH - 48-6z., Grapefruit Juice 4 for $100 AYLMER -Zlî-o. Tomato Caf sup 5 for $100 LIBBY'S - Tomato Sauce - 15-or. ICAMPBELL'S - 10-oz. 9 for $1001 Tomato Souo Spaghetti 8 for $100 SPIC & SPAN 10e Off Giant ,Pkg. 65C Kleenex Tissues 6 for $100 I TIDE DETERGENT 15c Off Giant Pkg. 62c lG-oz. 39c 1/a's 45c ½-Ib. 65c WHITE VINEGAR l6½/-oz. jar 16C 66-or. Jar 45C Mazola SALAD OJL BONELESS - NO WASTE Prem. Veal Roll lb. 39c FRESHLY GROUND LEAN Minced Beef EXTRA SPECIAL - YOUNG Beef Liver SWIPT'S SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Sliced, Rindless - %1hI. Cello Side Bacon pkg. 35c There's a Red & White' 3 lb. 89c -Sliced lb. 25c 1-lb. Cello. Pkg. Store near you BOWMANVI LLE Yeo's Marketeria ]BRUNSWICK - Y½'s tin Sardines 12 for $100 Cake Mixes 5 for $1.00 JelIy Puddings OR 1 o .ielly Powdersilfr$0 GENERAL ELECTRIC - 25-40-60 Light Bulbs 6for$1.00. LITTLE NATIONAL - Pkg. of 12 Pocket Matches 6 for $100 REGULAR OR CHUBBY Swift's CLEANSER Paramount Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Pard DGG FOOD 2 For 25c Brown Label SALADA TEA i~AEf i_________ 99VIrLêcrgd SUNKIST VALENCIA HOLLAND MARSH NEW CROP - 24-oz. poly bags Parsnips 2d4c HOLLAND MARSH - Tender - Crisp - 2 celle bags Celer y Hearts 2.3C -288 size CLe Fon -1s iz U.S. EARLY BLACKS - 1-1h. cello hag 4forl19C FROZEN ITEMS Birdseye Beef Pies 8 oz. pkg. ____29c CHEESE ITEMS Ingersoll Cheese Spread, 8 oz. jar . - --- 33c Maple Grove Groceteria C or ONOMaktei Cornish arBoum"i I'IURDAY, SisT 22nd, 1053 w I I I mýý r/Ieuoo*, E D H ITE IPOOD STORE le e y ûk- icît, Mr. and Mrs. I14. Wilson and Kerry, were guests et Mn. and Mns. C. Nicholson, Toron. to. Mn. and Mns. Allan Werry and Sandra, ,with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metealfe, Maple Grovb. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, and Mrs. Fred toms, attehded the funeral o! the late Mns. W. A. Van Camp. Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp visited Mr. and Mrs. W. San- derson, Columbus. Sympatbv is extended te re- latives of the late Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens, Hampton, ,were visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Regular C.G.I.T. was at Mrs. O. C. Asbton's witlh 12 mnemn- bers present and one gueýt. President Ruth Lamb was ini charge. During the worshiin service Nancy Wood, Ruth Lamb and Reva McGilI tonk part. Gloria Wright gave t1le first chapten o! the Mission Study -The Turquoise Hanse*", Linda Stainton favouned ,Nith a piano solo, Nancy Wood and Carrai Wrnight directed a cr;a- test. Plans for a booth at the bazaar ivere made and the Chevrons for 1955 wene neceiv- ed. Next meeting October 8 it; 1 - - --ff- for $1.00 Spaghetti, for $1.00 1 , 23C MAPLE GROVE

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