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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 8

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g. - - -- '..-..-...,,t,. ~ .---~---..;.-.-- ----a-' I T.UEKAD~~iLJ.N T LATEIK«A. BUWMANuVUILKOITARJ TheOrono Night Classes wilI be held at Bo wman ville High School Commencing early in October Se. next week's Statesman for full details Truck Bargains 1952 Chev. - 3 ton 15' body 1952 G.M.C. - 3, ton dump 1953 International pick-up Made Like-New Again! BODY and -FENDER REPA IRS First Class Workmanship REASONABLE PRICES FREE ESTIMATES Robson Motors Ltd. 166 King St. E. MA 3-5583 Tennis Club Many Prize: Wi'nners Ends Play-offs_ At Orono's Fou fair Last Weekenc Mr. and Mrs. Howamd Miller, Jamie, Newcastle; Miss Anne Kingsville; Mr. and Mmi. Mor- Barrabail, Whitby, visited Mr. ley Kellett and family, Janet- and Mrs. Chas. Wood. ville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Pri- Rev. John Kitchen leIt Tues- chard and family, Millbrook, day for New York City ta meet visited Mr. and Mrs. WIn. Mrs. Kitchen and son Olav Miller. who are returning from a visit Miss Grace Hayward, Bow- in Norway. mnanville, with Mr. and Mm. Mm. and Mrs. Junior West Raye West for the weekend. and children visited Mr. and Mr. and Mns. Ross Taylor, Mrs. Hugh Carter of Lindsay St. Catharines, visited Mr. and on Sunday. Mmi. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. Clifford Bradley, Stitti- Mrs. Ken Adams is the new ville, is vîsiting Mr. and Mmi. *opemator at Orono Telephone Don McGee. Office. Mm. and Mrs. John E. Arm- *Mr. Fater Ferguson etuned stmong eturned by plane on from Memorial Hospital, Bow- Sunday from Timmins where mnanville, and is confined ta they visited their son, Mr. and bed at his home. Mmi. Geo. Armstrong and Mrs. Geo. Crowther and childmen. Mr. and Mmi. Jack Davis and YOUR EYES and Suaiy wt r ndMs M. Myles. ision vii em e sisten, Mrs. Harvey Curtis. Re-written fmm Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- - Mm. and Mrs. Fraelick, Man- C. H. Tuck, chester. Optometrist Mn. Howell Rowlandid ilI at Disney Bldg. his home. b31 King E., Mns. Harry Mercer spent Opp. p.(. two days last week as guest OsHAwA phone RA 5-6143 of Mmi. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa. Clarke Township teachers 311. held theim Sept, meeting at Itnpépefdt muscle condition Sixth Line school on Monday where the two eyes fail to work afternoon. 3teroscopically, in othem words Mm. Douglas McGee, Toronto, the imhage- as seen by one eye with Mm. and Mms. G. L. McGee fails to co-ordinate with thie for the weekend. image of the other and true Mr. Geo. Mitchell, Taronto, fusion is lost and unlesi onîy visited Mns. Geo. Butters. one eye hs used the person ai- Mrs. James Ross, Port Col- flicted will see double, borne, is visiting Mm. and Mns. It is possible for certain Foster Ferguson. pliysical conditions to come to us Mri. Eldon L. Barries and and when we are se afflicted Linda of Coîbomne, visited Mr. certain nerves lose their contre land Mrs. Geo. Wilson. and a muscle condition of this Mms. Leland Bail, Bowman- nature i in evidence. ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. (Copyrighted) IDent on Monday. WEDDING FRY. - AGSHAW A setting et gladioli and fer decorated the home ef th bride'î parents on SaturdaAug. 20, tor the mamniage c M'abel Joan, daughtem o! Mi and Mmi. Otto Bagshaw, Suri lerlarid, ta, Glen Robert F.r3 son o! Mr. and Mmi. Raymonî Fry, Bewmanville, Ont. Rev. E G. Halbent, Uxbridge, officiat ed at the cememony and Mis Ruth Brethour, Sunderlmnd ilayed the wedding music. The bride, ,given in mmmniag( by hem father, wone a ballerinw ength gown o! aqua net ovei taffet'a with matching head [mess, anid caried pink sweet. îeart roses on a white Bible Her' only attendant waî Mmi Faye Ferguson, Weston, whr vere pink crstalette ballerin, length gowri and carried r nasegay o! yellow and whitE nU mi. Mm. Stewart Ferguson, Wes« aon, acted as boit mari. Atter the wedding cememony a neception took place et thc home et the bride's parents 'ho bride's mother received iii Pale blue crepe trimmed witf lce, nmvy accessemies and cor- Fage et Pinik mumi. She wa., îsisted by the gromr's mother wearing dusty noie tafetta, white accessories and corsage if yellow mand white 'mumi. For the weddirig trip te Nom- Ieom Ontario anid Michigan, :e bride chose a charcoal gre.v ifois timmed ini white with lack anid pink accessemies anid 'are a corsage et pink rose adi. On their meturn they will 'side et 12 Gradstorie Avenue, îshawa. Guesti et the wedding were rom Suniderland,. Oshawa, lampbellford, Norwood Boa- 'anton, Little Britein, Tenante, Veston and Whitby. Bowmanvllle Tennis C] held the finals of its Teun ment Competition for b( Juniors and Seniors lait wet end. Arnold Lobb is the me singles champion by virtue a twe-stnaight set victory o,. 'Bud Maies. Bud Moses a Don Rundle temmed in t men's doubles to defeat B Stevens anid Roy Swindells. Three-Time Winner The ladies' singles was w by Mamg Dustari. She ai figumed in the ladies' doub' and mixed doubles, paini with Nona.Allun in the ladii doubles and Don Rundie in t mixed doubles. Junior Finals Bradley Yeurth - anid Pat Cheetham wore double winnE amongît the Juniors. Bradl Yourth defeated Hartley Lem in the boys' singles and coi binod with Fred Vanstone defeat John Dippeil and Alli Smith for the boys' doubles. Patsy Cheetham perform a like feat by winning t] girls' singles and aise figunia in the girls' doubles champie: ship with Julia Allun. 1956 Executive At the final social evenui held on Saturday lait, the fc lowing weme elected directes AI Stnike was re-elected Pre ident for the yeam 1956; Dire tons: Art Morgan, Jack~ Dun Audrey Hackîng, Ed. Fry, M and Mmi. Lou Rundie, Noi Allin and Dave Petons. Fred Vanstone -and Pat.ý Cheetham wore elected Junui mopresentatives on the exect tive. Mason & Dole- MA 3-5408 HARDWARE' Bowmanvflle 36 King St. E. a A c F i l t H to ta ti dI b 'o f Cb W( WEDPING AMBROSE - SNIDER The marriage cf Vivian Lor- jraine Snider, daughter of Mn. Iand Mrs. Walter Snider of ICourtice, to James Sutherland Ambrose, son of Mm. and Mmi. awbertook.acbe meNetlOsh- Robent E. ab re Nth sh- Ebenezer United Chumch. Rev. R. E. Dargan officiated. Mr. Donald Snider, brother of the bride, played the wedding music, and the soloist was Mmi. Fred Fox who sang "Because" and "O Perfect Love". The bride was given in mar- niage by hem father. Hem gown of nylon tulle and imponted chantilly lace was topped by a moulded jacket. The long- sleeved bodtce and ikint were embroidered with pearis anid sequins, matching the bandeau that secumed hem fingertip veil. She carried à colonial bouque~t of mauve ochids, stephanotis and white pompoms. Gowned alike in white tulle oven portrait pink weme Mn., Robent Attersley, matron 'of honrio, Mmi. James Robertson and Mmi. T. W. Barber. Thein waltz-length dresses had bouf- fant ikirts and pink taffeta fichus cossing te forn stream- ers at the back. They carriçd colonial bouquets ef p ink giad- ioli and white pompomis. The best mari was Mn. Wil- liam Barber, and the ushers weme Mr. Grant Butt and Mr. Peter Agg. A eception was held at the Lions' Club, Bowmanville. Wearing a mauve crepe and lace ensemble with white ac- cessories and a corsage of gar- denias, the bride's mother e- ceived the guesti. She was as- sisted by the bridegroom's .mothem in mint green crystal- ette with beige accessories and a corsage cf yellow roses.1 The couple left te sr>end their honeymoon in New York City. The bride chose a heavenly blue ensemble with matching duster coat, fawn accessonies and a corsage cf pink roses for travelling. Mr. and Mmi. Ambrose will make thein home in Zion. Out-of-town iguesti attended the wedding fromn Brantford, Woodvile - Toronto, Makhamn, Brougham,- Fort Rowan. Pro- ton, Sheiburne, West HlM and Seagrave. Ri p ,-Il >0 ýeJ Bil 1 vf Br ti 3c vc ile )h in ie th tg el le mi rr, 1 le le th in )n in lol m es 4r )ri ts2 [o] M APPLES Best collection, namned, It selI Osborne, L. A..Squair, ub K. Squair; Ducheis, 6-qt., Lii na- Snowden; Gravonstein, 6-qt., oth A. ,Squain, Lloyd Snowdi ek.. Melba, 6-qt., Lloyd Snowd J. H. Joie; Duchesi, LIc n's Sriowden, J. W.- Boyd & Si of Melba, CarIes Tamblyn, R. ver Squaim, R. Osborne; Aloxand ind L. Lajoie, CarIes Tamblyn, th A. Squaim; St. Lawrence, Ci lob les Tamblyn, L. A. Sque LodS.nowden; Gravenste L. A. rquim Loyd Snowdf ron Wealthy, R. K. Squaim, J.' Lie Boyd & Son, R. Osborne; Snc les Caries Tamblyn, Wellirigt mg Farrow, J. W. Boyd & Son; N~ es' Intosh, Caries Tamblyri, R. (: ,h borne, Wellinigton Farre, Scarlet Pippin, R. Osbor-ne, H. Jose, L. Lajoie; Baxt ýsY Lloyd Snowden, R. Oshorr mis Wolf River, L. A. Squaim, Llo ley Snowderi; Bleriheim Pipp] is Lloyd Snowden. Crab Appli Mi- J. W. Boyd & Son, Lloyd Snoi te den, W. Farrow; Spy, Carl en Tamblyn, L. A. Squair, R. C borne, Delicieus, Caries Ta: id blyri, R. K. Squair, J. H. Joe he Lasalle, L. Lajoie, Carlos Tar ng blyri, J. W. Boyd; Golden Ru ri- set, R. Osborne, J. H. Joie, A. Squair; Stark, R. Osbon E. J. Bown,' L. A. Squai ng Baldwins, W. Farrow, L. )- Squaim, Lloyd Snowden; Gree 's: ingi, R. K. Squaim, J. H. Jos s- W. Farrow: Taiman Sweet, c- K. Squaim., R. Osborne. ýn, r. PEARà ra Boit collection, named, L. Squair, Bartlett, R. Osbrn sy R. K. Squair, L. A. Squai iw Shelden, J. H. Joie; Flemiç U- Beauty, CarIes Tamblyn, J.1 Joýse, R. K. Squair;, Biýer. Bosc, R. K. Squain, L.j Squaim, J. H. Joie; Clappi F. venite, Caries Tamblyn, E. Brown, J. H. Joie. PLUMS 'n Best collection, named, Cai ie los Tamblyn; Bradshaw Carlc Y , S n o w d e n ; I m p e n l a g e l C a l sn T a m bn , J. H . J oiGa e ; L o rs bo a , R . K . . q u si;, LC a n Ta m b, y n. L . S n o w d e n ; R r Tamclaud, J . aeRL . Squm Rin Prcl u ne, J CariJes ,T m b. nK . lai -Joie. 1, GRAPES Red, Mmi. M. J. Tamblyr eGreen, Mmi. M. J. Tamblyr aBlack, Mmi. M. J. Tamblyn. r Commercil Feature - Apples Melba, J. H. Joie; Duchess Lloyd Snowderi; McIntosh,J H. Joie, W. Farrow, R. os borne, L. Snowden; Scarle GPippin, J. H. Joie, McIntosh i bus., W. Farrow. L. Snowden RSnow, i bus., W. Farrow, Lloyè eSnowden; Wolfe River or Alex. ander, i bus., L. Snowden Clappi, 6 qt., L. Snowden, J. Hl Jose; Bartlett, 6 qt., L. Snow. den, J. H. Joie., -VEGETABLES 1 Beets, L. Snowden, Dor -Hamnm; Carrets, L. Snowden -D. Hamnm; Cabbage, L. Snow. 3den, D. Hamm; Citrons, L rSnowden, Mangels, Garie Rickard; Oniens, W. Farrow, L Snowden; Panînipi, L. Sriow. den; Pumpkin, Field, L. Snow- Sden; Pumpkhn, Pie, L. Snow. deni, D. Hamm; Squash. sum. mer, E. Brown, D. Hamm; Squash, winter D. Hamm, E. 1Brown, Tomatees, D. Hamm; Turnips Swede, D. Hamm, Tur- nipi, table, D. Hamm; Water- melon, L. Snowderi, Carlos Tamblyri; Muskmelon, R. K. Squaim, E. Brown; Potatoes, ealy, L. Snowderi; Potatees, lato, L. Sriowden; Potatees, collection, L. Snowden, D. Hamm; 1 Bale Mhxed Hay (it cutting), E. Brown, Carlos Tamblyn: Hay, (2nd cutting) Caries Tamblyn. GRAIN AND SEED Faîl Wheat, John Cnuich- shariki, Gamnet Rickard, Han- old Swain; Spring Wheat, John Cuickshanks, J. W. Boyd & Son, Gamnet Rhckamd; Barley, Harold Swain, John Cruick- shanki, Gariet Rickard; Early White Oats, J. W. Boyd & Son, Harold Swain, John Cruick- shariki; Hybrid Cern, E. J. Brown; Cern, (staîki) Gannet Rickard, E. J. Brown.« FLOWERS, AND PLANTS j',. n 1 a MARCONI TV MODEL 2551 See this beautiful 21" console and. many other models on disp[ay at Protection Company 4A 3-3883 duY, Rose, Mn. L., Guy,' Mrs us. Lawr;ence Hooey, Mrs. Chas R. Warren; Rase (single blomr oyd hlm.. Archie Glenney, Mrs. E ,L. Sanford, Mrs. L. Guy. Zinnia [en; POMPom, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs en, Chas. Warren; Zinnia, large oyd Mrn. G. Watson, Mrs. Var onIlme Mrs. Chas. Warren K. ZuA, 9., Mrs. G. Watson, er, M (jL GyMrs. Van Horne; L. Dahlias, collection, Mrs. Van ýar: }Éorne; bouquet air, Mri. A. Glenney, Mmi. Sanforc, fin: Mmi. S. Burns; Living-room [en; bouquet, Mns. L. Guy, Mrs. S. ,W. Burns, Mrs. Chas. Warren; w, Gladiioli, Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. on Chas.- Warren, Mrs. Van Horne; Je- Miniature bouquets, Mmi. E. os. Sanford, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. )w; Chas. Warren:. Hýh Basket j. (best arranged). Mmi. Van ýer, Horne, Mrs. Chas. Warren; ne; Low-Basket, Walter Verhoeven, )yd Mns. L. Hooey; Boutonniere, in, Mrs. Chas.' Warren, Mrs. E. les, Sanford, W. Verhoeven; Dish ýw- Garden, Mrs. E. Sanford, Mmi. ,s M. Coates, Mrs. S. Moom; Cor- :)s. sage, Mns. Chas. Warren, Mmi. mn- E. Sarnford, Mrs. S. Burns; As- se; ters, coll., Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. m- Chas. Warren, Mrs. L. Guy; us- Mns. Les Guy; Asters, shell L. pink, Mns. S. Burns; Asters, ne, rose, Mmi. Van Homne, Mmi. ir; Chas. Warren; Asters, red, Mrs. A. S. Burns, .Mrs. C. Warren; A... n- ters, Mrs. C. Warren, Mrs. Vani se, HQrne; Asters, purpie, Ms. L. R. Guy, Mrs. Chas. Warren; Mari. gold, African, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs. E. Sanford; Mari- gold, French, Mns. M. Coates, A. Mms. L. Hooey; Nasturtium, te, Mrs. S. Moore; Scabiosa, Mms. r; Chas. Warren, Mrs. S. Moore; sh Petunia, single, Mrs. Gordon H-. Watson, Mrs. L. Guy; Petunia, re single fincy, Mrs. S. Burnis, A. Mrs. S. Moore; Petunia, double, a- Mrs. J. Bowman; Verbena, Mrs. J. Chas. Warren, Mrs. G. Watson; Salvia, Mrs. Archie Glenney; Snapdmagons, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. G. H. Dean; Phlox, Mrs. L. Guy, r- Mrs. M. Coates; Cosmos, IMrs. os Chas. Warren, Mrs. S. Moore; d Dahlia,- Cactus, Mrs. L. Guy. r- Mrs. Van Horne: Dahlia, Show,1 n- Mrs. Van Horne, Mrs. Chas. s Warren; Dahlia. Decomative, a- Mms. Chas. Warren, Mrs. Van r;- Homne; Dahlia, pom-pom, Mms. 1. L. Guy, Mrs. Van Horne; Dah- lia, best bloom, Mrs. Chas. Warren, Mrs. Van Horne; Glad- ioli, best bloom, Mrs. M. J. ; Tamblyn, Mmi. Archie Glenney; a; Gladioli, white, Mrs. R. Van Homne; Gladioli, red, Mrs. R. 9Van Horne; Gladioli, yellow, s, Mrs. Van Horne. Gladioli, A.O. J. C., Mrs. Van Horne; Cushion ;- Mumi, Mms. L. Hooey, Mrs. t Chas. Warren; Pansies, Mmi. A. iGlenney, Mmi. S. Moore; Tuber- e; us Begonia, Mmi. J. Bowman; d Bouquet, suitable for child in -hospital, Mms. E. Sanford, Mrs. iL. Guy; Bouquet, modernistic, . Mmi. Van Borne, Mrs. L. Guy. - Lionettes Special, Mrs. S. Moore. I HOUSEHOLD LINEN n Luncheon Set, cutwork, Mrs. , G. H. Dean, Mmi., Ed. -Young- -man; Buffet Set, crocheted, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Murray ,t Coatés, Mrs. J. Bowman; Buf- fet Set, tatted, Mrs. F. Duncan, -Mrs. G. H. Dean: Bridge Set, -cnocheted trim, Mrs. G. H. -Dean; Pillow Cases, hemstitch- -ed, Mmi. G. H. Dean; Pillow iCases, embroidered, Mrs. Reg :.McCool, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs., îG. H. Dean, Mrs. Ed. Young- - man; Pillow Cases, cut work, - Mmi. S. Moore, Mrs. R. McCoo, sMrs. G. H. Dean; Pillow Cases, tatted work, Mrs. Reg McCool, Mrs. G. H. Dean; Pillow Cases, *crocheted trim, Mrs. F. Munro, Mrs. Murray Coates, Mmi. F. Duncan; Pillow Cases, cross tstitch em., Mrs. F. Munro, Mrs. G. H. Dean; Pillow Cases, knitted trim, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. F. Munro, Mmi. E. Brown-, Set, em., Top sheet and cases, Mns. G. H. Dean, Mrs. S. Moore; Set cut work, top sheet and cases, Mmi. Murray Coates; iGuest towels, Mrs. E. Brown, Mmi. Murray Coates, Mns. S. Moore,, Bath towels, crocheted trim, Mrs. G. H. Dean, Mrs. F. Duncan, Mrs. J. Bowman; Bath tewel, tatted, Mmi. G. H. Dean, Mrs. E. Brown; Tea towels, embroidered, Mrs. G. H. Dean,1 Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. F. M un-1 ro, Mrs. S. Moore; Individual place mats, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. F. Munro; t df éishmats+ ra RB ia rs re ar. ýn m, ýe; an ni 9. n; 'S. e; et in 1; h S. S. 3. n n L i' Those- wishing ta con tribute financially to the worl of the committee may do so by forwarding thei contribution to Mmi. M. E. Leask, 65 Ontario Streei Bowmanville ik 4, A PAGEX EE râb q- i Mmm. Ir. Munro, Mm&. S. Moore, Mr.. Murray Coate-s; Centre plece, tatted, Mmi. E. Brown, Mmi. F. Duncan; Fancy Hand- kerchiefs, Mmi. F. Munro, Mmi. G. H. Dean, Mri. J. Bowman. 3. QULT8 & BEDSPREADS Quilt, sppliqued and erm., r Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. S. 1, Moome,' Mm. Oscar Adams; i.Qit, appliqued, Mmi. F. Mun- , o, Mri. S. Moore, Mmi. N. Mal- n colm; Quilt, pieced, Mm,. M. 1Coates, Mmi. J. Bowmani Mmi. 1,N. Malcolm; Quilt, fancy quilt- ýing, Mmi. F. Munro, Mi. S. ri Moore; Quilt Blocks, Mmi. N. tMalcolm; Bedspmead, crocheted, 1Mmi. M. Coates, Bedspread, em- 1 bnoidered, Mmi. E. Brown; *Quilt, old' fashioned, Mmi. C. W. Downey, Mmi. F. Mure; Afghan, cocheted, Mmi.' J. Bowman, Mmi. Murray Coates; Afghan, knitteci, Mmi. S. Moore, -Mri. Murray Coates. LADIES! WEAR Housedreis, Mmi. F. Munro, Mmi. M. Coates, Mmi. S. Moore; Kitchen Apron, Mmi. M. Coates, Mmi. E. Brown, Mmi. N. Mal- colm; Kitchen Apron, haîf style, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. Ed. Youngman, Mmi. M. Coates; Apron, fancy, Mmi. M. Coates, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. E. Brown; Ladies' Blouse, tailor- ed, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. Mur- ray Coates: Ladies' Sun Dreis, M rs. M. Coates, Mmi. S. Moore; Nightgown, smocked, Mmi. M. Coates; Atten Ski Socks, Mns. N. Malcolm, Mmi. M. Coates;l Gloyes, knitted, Mmi. M. Coat- es, Mmi. E. Brown; Cardigan, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. E. Bmown; Pullover, Mmi. Ed. Youngman, Mmi. Murray Coat- es. MEN'S WEAR Sport Shirt, Mmi. Murray Coatos; Work Socks, knit, Mri. N. Malcolm, Mmi. S. Moore, Mmi. Mumray Coates; Fine Socks, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. S. Moore, Mmi. E. Browni; Sockî, diamond knit, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. E. Brown; Py- jamas, cotton, Mmi. N. Malcolm, Mmi. Murray Comtes; Pyjamas, flannelette, Mmi. N. Malcolm' Mmi. Murray Coates; Mitti, knit, Mmi. N.ý Malcolm, Mrsi. M ur ra y Comtes: Sieeveless Sweater, Mri. E. Brown, Mrs. The niew 1956- MARCONI1 TELE VISION At the Iowest prices for top quality TV Television Service 33 King St. W. Phone M -- @MW. ÉNAWAITàle Ed. Youngman. J' m 1 . Mm. and Mmi. Varice Allen, KENDAL Mm. and Mmi. George Clark an~d Mmi. Norman Thentell, To- ronto, spent a few days at their summer homes heme. Mm. and Mns. Garland Cath- cant visited Sunday with Mns. T. J. Cascadden. We are sorry to learri Mmi. Carscadden had the misfontune te slip and fal and is net se well. Mr. and Mmi. Ray Hughes and Gloria and Orval Zealand were Sunday guests with Mmi. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mmi. Ray Mooreeand family and Willia~m Couroux, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mmi. Eddie Cour- oux and Mr. and Mmi. Carl, Langstafý. 1M. and Mmi. Bert Thompion spent Sunday with Mrs. Elia Thompion and Arthur. Kendal United Church anni- versary i being held Oct. 23. Rev. D. M. Smith ef Campbell- fond will preach in the morn- îng and Rev. Kitchen ef Orono assisted by Kirby choir will take the evening service. 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 MMmmý 1 MMJRDAY, SEPT. 22nd, lUS Linda and Termy visited Sun- day with M. and Mms. Wm. Mercer. 'The first dance of the se4son / held by the Ora agemen in_ý their hall Friday evenin a výry successful.gwa Rally service hs being held in Kendal church Sanday, Sept. 25. when the service hs iii charge of the Sunday School. Mr. Sielski, of Niagara Falls, who had been vistng his sis- ter, Mrs.'Danchuck, had the misforturie to have his car leave the road and crash through Garland Cathcart'a fence, ding considemable dam-m age to car and fence. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LippIN~ and daughter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Pery Hawthorne and daughter, called on old ac- quaintances in the village Sun4ý day. 1 # TICKETS TO EVERYWHEE Air. Rail or SteamshtP Consuit JURY & LOVBLL .3owmanville 1 mm SPECIAL MEETING of the Bowman ville Citizen s Committee will be held I8 p.m. THURSDAY, SEPT, 22 in'the Lions Community Centre Ail those interested in the work of the comniittee ini opposing the introduction of liquor outiets in Bowman'ville are cordially invited to attend. M-- M lE Y, ri- 'Y' ss ka m S. ýo ýa a ýe n h r 1, e 1, ýr ri Uf You're TI RED ALLITHE lIME ,Ever7y gets a bit rn-down nov and thon, tired-ou, eavy-beadd e d m botered by ack ch ea P sh paj = hm seenouslywrnuta temporary toxic condition cad y xcess acidsanmd wastes. Taateime 10 take Dod4~ Kidney Pilla. Dodd'a atimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of renwmnexcesa acida and vastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, vork better. Get Dedd'à Kidriey Pilla nov. Look for the blue box vith the red band at al druggiats. Yeu can depend on Dodd'à.5 j m 1 1 . ý - .1 Il

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