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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 9

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- - *-. - ~ - ~ ,p17 -- - THURSDAY, SEPT. 29th. 1055 _____________________ *4d N LA SA.L. LT ±LSMA' B5WMANVILLP, ONTAB.1O Legion Wil Sponsor Juvenilie Hockey Team ln Lakeshore League The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion dccided at its regular meeting iast Thunsday night to sponsor a Juvenile hoNkey team in the Lakeshore Juvenile League during the coming wintcr. Sports Chairman Bill Bates reported that the team is bcing coached by Don Gilhooly and mnanaged by AI Clarke and that 27 boys are turning out in an effort to make the squad. lie stated that the Legion spon- sorship would involve buyîng sweaters, stoclunga and goal sticks for the club, paying for practice sessions at $6.00 an hour and probably helping considenably with transporta- tion expenses. President Ross McKnight pointed out that the Legion 1iad sponsored the Bantam Le- gionnaires basebaîl team dur- ing the past summer, that the team had had a very success- fuI season and had been proud and grateful that the branchi had taken such an interest i it. He, Comrades Ed Rundle, Lloyd Preston and other memn- bers feit that the branch should continue to help provide re- creation and sport for the young people of the town, and the sponsorship motion was passed unanimously. Banquet For Bantams A motion was also passcd that a banquet be heid for the Bantam Legionnaires at which time the two trophies they won 6 this summer wiIl be presented to themn. Entertainment Chairman Jim Firth reperted that a dance for members and their wives will be heid on Octoher 15 with the 1Command. 'lue president point- 1 d out that the meeting that t night was actualîy the 25th an- i iversary meeting, since the *first meeting in Bowmanville was held on September 19, 1930. Plan 25-Year Event An intercsting ceremony is planned for the 25th Anftivcr- sany celebration whcn those eligible will receive 25-year pins. A high-ranking officen of the Provincial Command wil attend to make the presenta- tien. Comrade Joe O'Neill report- ed that the Memorial Hospital would appreciate a donation to- ward purchasing new inen and a motion was passed that thei branch donate $25 to tfle re- cent campaign for funds car- ried out by the Women's Aux- iliary of the hospital. it was announced that a Zone Fl Rally will be held in Osh- awa on Friday, October 7, and sevenal members announced they vouid be attending. Twc new members; Comn-1 rades Arthur G. Leggett, Bow- manviie, a d Peter D. Turner, Toronto, wZre initiated into membçrship in the branch by Presideit McKnight, ist Vice-c Presideýt Jim Firth and Com- rades mýoyd Preston, Georgei Meados and Bill Mitchell. 1 Rev. .4. C. Herbert, Rector of! St. Johns Anglican Church and a former Padre of the Alliston1 Legion Mranch, was welcomcd1 to the rreeting. LONG SAULT O;tis Foote rhsr poiii (Inteniéd for hast week) ,the music. He stated that he Messrs. g4ac Martin and Ar- plans te hoid such dances once chie McMýUlen, Toronto, witni a month during the faîl, and Mn. and Ërs. G. B*~er and winter months. Mrs. May fohns, Sunday. It was decided that theL- Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith gion Remembrance Djay service and Bobby, BilIy Martin, Bow- and church parade will be held manville, v-te Sunday supper on Surîday, Nevember 7, and guests of AIr. and Mrs. F. G. the Armistice Supper on Sat- Smith and ýrace. urday, Novemher 12. The Se- Mrs. Haze' Ruttan, Hampton, cretary w,%as instructed to write spent the veekend with Mr. Town Council for permission and Mns. G. Baker. ta. hold a tag day on .Friday Mns. Kovits and Mn. Ga- evening, November 5 and Sat- bnilKayacs visited fricnds in urday, November 6. Hamiltonon ýunday afternoon-, President McKnight asked Congratulatrins to Mn.. rb Cornrade George 1Mcadows, Mrs. Paul Vieyý. Ora the an- chairman of the committee i nrival o!fa;'Et 'i son Satunday charge of the 25th Anniversany mornu-tg in Bowmanvile Mcm- celebration of the branch. tô oriai Hospital. get affidavits from 15 members Wc welcome Mn. and Mrs. that they had been Legion Wilkinsoli and famiîy into our members i r2.5 vears se these community, having rentcd Mrs. cao be forwarded te Provincial M. Tambiyn's house. Roger ""PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW!" -4C CHINESE ELM PRIVET RED BARBERRY Easie:s aod Fastest Grownf muena" a-roon-res aIl ..ason î - 9-loch site. 100 for - 9 - I nch, 100 fo i4 589 1-Inch 'site, 100 et , medium 51295: ,10for 2 '~ tor S.O; !lr ie growth-the only for 13.98 or $22.6ô S00for 55.50; 18-loch mize, hardy kind: 12 teo per 100. Ce 10for $6,95: 2-lt. site, si.25or PENROS E25 for $1.98 or 515.0018in, 3 er Il N OODT. -le per 100: 3-ft. site. 25 for S3.98or513.00 Re - W -_5.9 r 525.00 'per 100. »er 100 3 for 5 r-.98. ~ FR EE ONE RED SPIItEA SIERUB FOR LPARLY ORDERS, FREE ALSO CANADA'S FINEST COLOURED GARDEN GUIDE BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES BOWIMA-N11LLE Phone Day or Night, Market 3«3345) ONTARIO Simplest burner ever built-onlv one in- ternai rotating part. Self-cleaning nozzle is guananteed for life. It's fully automatic . . even self-lubricatng. Just set the thermiostat for the temperature y-ou want, and forget it. q. 4- E- E- E- E- E- (Intended for last week) E- Rally Day services, observed E-at Kedron on Sunday mo1rning E-were well attended. Rev. R. H. Rickard performed the rites of E-Christian baptism for baby E-Laura May Villancourt robed E-in a long white. heirloom chris- Etening gown, daughter of Mr. E-and Mrs. Nelson Vaillancourt. Members of the junior congre- -gation sang a praise number, in addition to the regular choir anthem. Mr. Rickard's sermon theme was "Making Your Life fCount". It was a pleasure to havea group of Girl Guides wîth their leader, from Toron- to, uni te with us in worship. The leaflet prepared by the Board of Christian Education 'for the United Church, wt Eleanor Mountjoy presiding at the piano. Brian Lee read the scripture and Mrs. William SWerry told the story, "A Boy fand His Alley", most effective- 1Next Sunday morning the Rev. Alex Cowan of Oshawa, will conduet the service, and will speak on "The National Evangelistic Mission". Columbus - Kedron Couples' Club announce the presenta- tion of the film, "Welcome the Queen", at Kedron on Friday evening, October 7, at 8.15 p.m. They wish to invite everyone from both congregations to en- joy this fine picture. Refresh- ments will be served and a sul- ver collection received. Any- one interested will be welcome. Maxwell's Neighbourhood As- sociation held their first fali meeting on Monday, Septemn- ber 12, with a good attendance. Plans were made for a wei- coming tea and sale of baking to be held at the school on Sat- urday, October 1. at 2 o'clock- an opportunity for folk to serve some deliclous home baking without the usuai effort involv- ed. The executive of the Kedron W.A. were guests of president, Mrs. Harry Rose on Thursday evening. Plans were made ior the annual turkey dinner at Kedron, to be held Wednesday evening, October 19. A pleas- ant social hour xvas enjoyed at the conclusion of the business session. The date has been changcdi for the next W.A. meeting to accomrnodate a speaker whom we aIl enjoy, in the person of Miss Ella Miller, B.A., who is to. give a Travelogue on her summer'sOtour of the British Isles and the Continent. The meeting is to he held on Fni- day evening. September 30, at the home of Mrs. Ross Lee. .Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- joy, William and Roni Werry, were members of the County choi whasang at the Junior FamrService in Port Perry United Church on Sunday evening. Several Kedron folk enjoyed the service, featuning as their very fine speaker, Ro- land Moddle of Aurora. Mrs. Harvey Pascoe enter- tained a few friends most piea- santly at a supper party on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Grands-. of Gait, %vas a recent wveek-end gueFt ai the Harve 'v Cro35ý'man home. LMrs. J. Elliott, Norma aand IM À complWa Unen.of Wsliam.01OL.O.MA TIC domie t~OÙ Burrters H. and Furiiace Bwrner8a Conadiait Manfchuwg MCDEI R-)60 MORCH M JWCIL R)60MANUFACTURING LIMITID For flliiinf«omioeyour DuoIer S. Blain Elliott Plumhing - Heating - Tinsmithing 55 King St. IV. Bovmanville Phone MA 3-3348 wili b. starting school nexti week in Grade 1. Mr. Bruce Haifyard, Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Mill. er. M1r. and Mrs. Bill Brady, Whitby, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. %Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mîison Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Murphy and famnily, Toronto, were weekend /uests at the Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and.Raymond, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fowler, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pen- warden. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson with Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Beek, Millbrook, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Van- eyk. Miss Io-na Dubeau, Ottawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLaggan on Tuesday. Sunday visîtors at the R. Gib- son home were, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bentley, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibson and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and farnily and Mr. Morley Wright, Janetvîile, Mr. Frank Peterson and Ron- ny, Oshawa, called on the Gîb- sons last Thursday. The opeiling meeting of the year of the Busy Bec Junior Red Cross was held in the school Friday afternoon. The newiy-eiectcd president Joyce Davey and Secretany Jan Baker, were in their pla- ces. It was decidcd to pay the membership fee of $5.00 and keep the balance of our funds until a later date. John Baker and his group had charge of the program, Harry Baker read the story, "Paul Bunyan digs the St. Lawrence"; Linda Davey and Betty Moore, Norma Davey and Bruce BAker sang "The Man in the Moon", John Baker read a poem, Ailyn 'Youngman read "Notchtaii the Beaver", Jean Baker a piano solo, "Bury Me Net on the Lone Prairie" and Lyle Milîson a poem, 'Just to Be a Boy". A guess4hg game was cnclosed by ail and the meeting closed with sing- ing "God Save the Queen". Mrs. McLennon and Miss He- len Partner, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Middieton, Orono, Sun- lay, visitors o! Mr. and Mns. i'red Partner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Danielson were Tuesdavy r tr~ Mr.. ;nd Mr,"s.'Bert Johnson. .. SèÉveral attended Orono Fair op Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra pttended the C. N. E. on Saturday and visited Mn. and Mrs. Herb Williams, AI- derwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, Mur- iel and Bobby, Janetvilie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkinson and family, Fenelia, visited at the Gibson home. KEDRON' To wn Hall, Renovation 'By Three Contracf ors Now Going Full Swing Puslinch. visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey. Miss Rosemary Alyea and Mrs. T. McGuirk, Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Guirk. Mr. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, spent Friday evening wvith his mother-in-law, Mrs. L. C. Snow- den.1 Miss Marion Snowden, Toron- Muriel, attended a shower hon- AD ouring Miss Irene Elliott who A L GR V iu to.become the bride of Mr. (Intended for last week) W. Williams on September 24. Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, Mrs. Harold 1tuc1stuhl was vîsited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snow- hostess. den last Thursday. Guests fromn Kedron at the Don't forget Sunday School Booth-Love wedding and ne- and Church at the regular time ception in King Streçt chunch, next Sunday, 1:30 and 2:40 p.m. Oshawa, on Saturday after- EST. noon, fromn this community, in- Mnr: and Mrs. Fred Bailey, ciuded Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden, Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Love Mr. and Mrs. E. Love, Mrs. F. vey Crossnian. Werry, and'the Harold Werrys n duhtr, Kingston, visit- Sevenai Kedron fnîends attend' ed at home hene with the ed the wedding ceremony. Twa Everett Loves on Sunday, and of the Kedron guests were at- ami wekn get o r tendants in the bridai party-an Mrs. Lorne Knapp, Osh- Jeanine Werry as one of the awa. bridesmaids and Bill Snowde'i Wedding belîs sf111l a-ringing.1 as bes man.with bride-to-be Phyllis Me- as bes man.Cormack receiving the honours Mrs. Lester Love. Joliet, 111 this wveek. inois, and Mr. and Mrs. George The fine new house beingi Staes, Chicago, were weekend erected and now nearing co- guests of Mr. and Mns. E. Love pletion on the Foster Snowden. and with them attended the farm, i, to be the home of Mr.c wedding. and Mns. Elmer Stewart andr Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe their two children, Oshawa. f and Gordon were recent din- May we say a warmn welcomer ner guests of Mr. ý%nd Mrs. Ha-- from Kedron folk. arents, Mn. and Mrs. C.H. The Bowmanvilic Town Hall sheet metai where neededl nowden. . which has been renovated and around the tower. Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates, r. deconated inside over the past Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid \ Car- ýanny Coates, Miss Connie three years us nowneceivingruhsvowaChiane .nton, Brantford, spent the some much-needed nepair anartes h a himnn ,eekend with Mrs. L. C. Snow- painting on its extenior. the Public Property Commit- n. Mildred and Bob. The firm o! S. G. Preston &, tee in 1952 and 1954,, and Coun. Son is painting the outside Dave Higgon, who heads that doors, windows and trim an cemmittee this year, are to be Literary commencialismn is attractive sandstone shade, and commended on their efforts ýwering the intellectual stand- while the scaffolding is in which have greatly improved d tac omdate the purse place on the north and sou'h the appearance and usefulness id to meet a frivolous dcmand sides of the building, nepa'rs o! the 50-year-old building. r amusement instead of for wii be carried out. Anger Bros. Town Council aise received fi- provement. - Mary Baker wili repair the chimney and nancial assistance from four Idy. , build new cencrete stairs local onganizations: the Busi- Libraries are the wardnobes with hand rails at the Polire ness and Professionai Womcn'.ç literature, whence men, pro- Department entrance and the Club, the Rotary Club, the rly informed, may bning north entrance te the building. Lions Club and the Women'â rth something for ornament, L. A. Parker & Sons are ncý- Institute in the renovation uch for cuniosity, and more pairing or replacing the eaves-1 work carriled out on the audi. ýr use-William Dyer. troughing aind wili add nevv toriiim last sumnier. - A DREAM FROM THE FIRSI Fromi the first moment you stcp *aboard, you'Il find Chevrohet is a : reai drean in every way - in : ecenomvy, in power, in ride, in :stability and iin luxury, too. This :is the car you've always wanted. EASY ON THE GAS Ultra-high compressions, valve- :in-head design, short stroke pis- :tons -these and many more pro- :duce a wonderfui fuel efficiency :that saves you money with every thrilling mile you travel. *SURPRISING HOW IT 611% AROUND *Chcvrolct's nlmbheness and man- *oeuvrabulity ailows you to make *time, with out specding, In ail traf- 4c conditioff, Bail Raice Steenin *brings-newegse o! coptnol and the, né,éorter turnii1g4mdius',gets, 6afely. s. AMAZINGLY FIRM AND STIADY Unmatched roadabilitý le the brightest of Chevrolet-highlights. The new suspension keeps you on the level.unider anly kit3d o! road cond1tione 4xMd just * lt 'til you tny ts crncring àbffllty. A WONDER IN.,,TS WEIGHT CLASS The all-new, trc'mcndously com- pact Chevrolet V8 is the lightest engine in its class, yet it powers a Performance that outdoes themn al]. Try the high power-to-weight ratio ef Chevrolet today. You'Ul be amazed! A REAL DARLING FOR LOOKS Looks are a matter o! personal taste, but this year Chevrolet il the fastest selling car in automo- tîve history. And -%,cre sure that most people gave full considcra- tien te beauty and style when thcy chose a Chevrolet. ~iIII~l Iii ~ t. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE C-37MS Duy by day, Chevrolet grows in popularity and sales! ROy Chevrolet COURTICE w. NICHOLS m Oldsmobile Cars -Chevrolet Trucks DO WNAN VILLE p.' f t Mr'. ancli4rs. John Smith are happy to announce the ïtiik. of a beautiful Chevrolet Bel Air, TworTone Hardtop-é, A wonderful sur«prise for Jirn nd Caroline, and Mother and Dad are just too 5eited for words. .~ *~ Bumper to bumper it's a real bë ty - easy to handie, yet full of pep and raring to go.' You should see the admiring glances it receilves. An addition to the famnily we are very proud of, and we know we are in for a great deal of fun and joy together. Why not add a Chevrolet to your family? PAGE 1 Sn Lit we dei ard an( for Eci for à . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 -JL34 1 e,.Lu um à

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