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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 10

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.6 PA*GE TM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO'WMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, S!EPT.- 29th. 1958 Ir.LreTopo n music and hymn. Prayer was BLCSOK Jean. È nor H rc e a c said by Rev. Wrixon. For the EVRO Mr ilo Pyebote- roll cail, each Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn, in-law and brother off Mr. and reaygvthaeaeSu-PbiMein May, utt nd dinr guests Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, bias re- i > te day attendance since last Sep- Attention ail re-idents ad were Sna inrget turned to his woîk in Montreal,re el tember. Wesleyville came fiîst with Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. in head office of C.N.R. W ith arwihwnelelgePar8%,saies ratepayers of naîthein regionsi Mr. and Mis. Wilfred New- M.adMs ereDna, A 7 .> Sunday School won the banner ofuhmCuty1ihkn ton, Toronto, with Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergus / ,to Ye r for the third year in succession eishol ik on o! t teneson Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. J. anI.jc , Tornt, tRoyFer Afrj3 Y ar ervicMe and is now a permanent additin s h u liemtaing tt ento W. Pearce. gusons'arnoa oy eta thîs thriving Sunday Schoe. t he op ublc me eting ta Mrs. Harold Kyte also was on Mi.Wly cBin We offer aur congratulations ta Sept. 29, at Bcthany Towvn jury duty at-Cobourg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rooking, Tc-tbSueienntM. ura Hllnteinreso!mnI Soîry we missed hec namne. ronto; Mr. and Mis. Eric Cap- Payne, teacbers and scholars, for taining 7A Hîghway, as a High-I Re. rd aksno!Tcoestick, Lindsay, with Mc. and hsecletedaor way (i.e.) ta quaspi an effort preached a fine sein-on at the Mrs. Cecii Hamilton. Demonstrations of worthwbile b te oeflmtrsst United Church on Sunday Mr. and Mis. Frank Power. activities caîried out by several deprive this noithern region o! evening. Rev. C. W. Hutton was Keith and Donna, Lindsay, with Sunday Schools during the past oui only decent cross-country at Yelverton. the Harold Swains on Sunday. year were given. route east and west by band- Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron-I Mis. Cecil Hyde, Patsy and The devotional period was ing this road back ta the Coun- ta, with Mis. James Henry. Linda, Mr. Stan Paine, Toronto, rvînl îsne yGre is Miss Doris Hutton, nurse at with Mr. and Mis. Thos. Hodge r- Hi l unday Sc bool MantnaneennCtes.Rad Pcterb aogh ith he ev. o theundayMi Ira Afrgu A most interesting address was in these noîthein townships in Muttondfaml. wcnt tathe itywit hmfrigiven by Rev. Luffman, Balti- the past bas in oui opinion, Mc ndMs.WllFrdra visit. more. donc littie ta inspire any con- were Sunday tea guests witb jMr. and Mis. Beverley Veale, Teofrnsrcie uig iec n aymre m Mr. and Mis. Lewis Swain. Jackic and David, Gaspe, we tC is Rael erirce ill ed foc- proeentin the futre. Plase Mr. and Mis. G. Campbell with Mr. and Mis. Ste phcn Say I ti waRde a Mri.e. Hin efoas a mentn eftu bres ent. çnd son, Cae Hill, with the Roy well at their cottage, Lake Scu- e to sat.Hinhes aonaPicke upefotyouî eigbars Be Turneis. gesueo ypty i og P -pyu nihor.B Mi. and Mis. J. D. Hogarth, gag, on Sunday. and painful iîîness. preparcd ta voice saund opîn- - Hapoas r n r.jMrs. George Nesbitt, Orili IAmuialnmbrvsgie ions ta an open meeting and BlodWlo M.and ab sDanMardElmer lNcsbitt, Nesticton.I by msial viiiernd w a oll ta tjoin in a ca-operative effort Bly icxadbb o-aâMiss Ethel Thompson, werc yEiaetvleSnaySho o enefit of ail in pîcscntiiig aid John, Cobourg, with Mc. dinner guests on Monday ;vith - and xvas much appreciated. .iews ta those responsihie Pnd Mis. Russell Mount'a. Ms ilimVnCamp. Teisalaino ficr a urvie c,',,ins illad is.Thoan BoTha c ns ltion of Rev A. W ad-in repîcsenting &hs îiding. David ........ as returnecd îng fter.aasdaI officTsiansPresetatio Ryeîson Institute, Toronto, for cceiebratedRevbA.rW.78th bictbdayio hiîý second yeaî. - on Monday at their son W*il- ueîtnet ide hi A presentation for newiv- Conratulations ta Mr. ai'd, fied's at Enfield. allegiance ta their work in Sun- wcds Mi. and Mis. Glen Gib- Mpi. arld h~mion (Js- Miss Elfieda Hall, New Zea, day Schools. son inspirdb ,cmiteo epieBiomme) wh weeadisedngawk vth. the Balfour Moores and thej naried in St. John's Anglican Miand is. aîi Hall an<f1t The Rally closed with hymni David Wiisons, ;vas largely ia+- jhrho auca.M.adMs ar alad and benediction given by iRcv. i dd on TuesdyngtSe. Mr.ichan Msausseay. ount-Mr. nd Mrs. John Harnilie Wixn27 tYleo'sCuhHa. Mi. nd is. ussli Munt Mîs. Tîim, Detroit- Mi and Wiio.tnedy igtSp. joy is.ited finsa eeb-. An executive meeting was~ The eaîly part o! the evenîng ioY fmcnd at eterbr. ~îrs.Arthur Sawvei, M rs.MI2 at\îcio' huc a etigh and Noîwood. Sawyer, Mis. C. 'Carrol, Ti î -l held failowing the Rally. was passcd piaying progressive and Mla at Centraliiteonug M. cad Wrn, uchre, with Mis. McFayden Cberad eLt eantas iithesoiug M.aeildWrnIArnold Williams captuiia MisSCAF yHmitn a Toronto. wee vcekend guezI an Mis hrlyHailo bsat the John Hamiltons. ZIuN(H p Township) h*g points. gene back ta Rycîson Instituite ____________Malcolm (HspM.bC. fooilher îhiî-d eai. r WîthRap Mlclrea. C Rtalph Strong lias îetuîned 'à Immigration te Canada in tne Messrs. Fred Raby, Peter Kess- a short program .*,as enjoyed Vcoi nvriv l1oorlil-t --trOf155t1cldilr and Wiiber Ogdcn. motorcd ta jMca. Harold Stinson deion- Vitei Ui.-e- 1,Trn:a -stToront-ofI 9.î ts'aie Istî-ated ta satisfaction o! ev.eiv- foi bis second year. 17,627î people conpaicd te 2,22 G. Hecrschel Darch Tono Tedy nc heî' capabilities as raco'l- ir. and Mrs. Anson Tavler. in thie saine period o! 1954. Congratulations ta Mr. and tu;littie Miss Linda Giay Oshawa; Mr. aod Mis. Arnoid Mount Robson in B.C.. isý On bis retirernent in August, verses especîally cmoedfrMis. Cari udy nte itof!aeafie ila fhr ig ,ylr ndDianewih Ry sinuiging Mr. Daîch asn Sept. 19, at Part Hope gv but on t Loganst iino the ukonitain i th e'e G : ity Trsteorngie oec od s o Jsnw piling and tap-dancing abilitv. Tas'lors. buI on oai h uo. pn nic iy cret aj odueo i e optl Lloyd Wilson favoured witrn Mr. Wayne Wilson, Cold is ncarty a mile and a baifl Herschel Darch, a native of Bo\.v- leisura in bis hobbies of boating Congratulations ta Mr. and guitar and vocal solo. Mis. Lake, Alberta, with Mc. an'd highem'. manvilie, xvas bonoîcd b', his iqd rnotoîing, ignoiing the alarm Mrs. Brian Caswell (nee Mary Ralph Malcolm gave a raading ---__-associates witb the presentatian clàck, and watching other poor Hallawell) who became the in ber capable marneri, follow- o! a sterling silver bowl in Paul slaves dash for the cammuters' praud parents of a son, born ing wbich the local insucance Revere pattern. train. Sept. 19, at the Port Hope Ras- agent, in a manner somnewlat With the firm for 37 years, Mi. Thte verses wcre interspersed pital. reminiscent o! vaudeville days, ToyuDai-ch is known there as George, with colored cut-outs pastcd an, -Mr. and Mis. Charles Ander- entartained the gatbcîing witb Tc y uvhile bis Bownaîville friands, l!usti'atinglia verses, and bear-. son, Mr. and Mis. Arthur And- a number flot ta be enulated who've neyer remnenber hini as IHerschel. lie iîîg sprays of fai-g2t-me-nots,j erson and family, Orillia, speot served ired bot" in singul-ai is the son of the laie 1%1r. and faur-teaf clavers, and winding up Suoday with Mr. Fred and Miss "Ted Spencely"' style, Mr. and. h o cke a Mrs. David Damch. Thourih hie with, a raiîîbow. and a slap happy Hilda Raby. Mis. Jerry Bristow poi Â&P we Mle ay eri'a stin fffr oldy Miss Laura Hamilton is spend- sorne toe-tappers with piano f&,w ago,Mr Danch bias visited bis The poem is givan in fuît below. n hswe nTrnowtiadeeti utr invite ycu to home tow.n cach ycai and lbas jUnfoitunataly, the, ribbon me:-îng tis e ek nTrt ith Ad elecr uiars op continued ta ke'-p up on the 1rnento cannot be repcoduced. Ithec sistlcoBessie. news througli The Canadian lis unique, appropriate and Mr. and Mis. Chailie Rab;' cd by Mure ia sonatco ant -Statasman. prettv-, and wiil surely ba treas- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin fluthver read by Dave isnt h The beautifutl gift mnade by Mcr. ureal by Mr. and Mis. Daîch forj attended Lindsay Fair Satuiday neiyWtP ci-liaxedth even-1 cekEstate and Trust Depaitouent o! Tbol,îgh absent fîom Bowmn- ley, Miss Audrey T,,ý'd spentmazietbe nd ' Daichas co-workeis in the ycacs ta came. -jMr. and Mrs. Arthur 21éteil- 1magazinetable e ain o!a 1 the Guaraoty Trust ;vas a sin- ville for so long,,Mr. Darch and, Sundav with Mr ànd M .C. chair a la moderne.j ceca expression of the biglh re- bis wife, the f pme Jul!8.Tý.'. Ms Suitable replies ware v-diced I gad fit fr bm thre.Ha hrt ! Iby Glen and Audrey for giftsI 1 vrd fitbfrhi theesonat Trust iof Ney - - îùig Mr. and Mis. Norman Gecow, etc., wbich was followcd byj 51 W~1lMis. Ralph Gerow, Mr. and Mis, lunch and passing o! the wed- Dcpt. for 32 years, and for the ville 'if tA . suËlue Fed Tufford motoîed ta AI- ding Mke by the guests of honi- past f ive yaais bas been with the home. is the aniy gonquin Park Sunday foc' the aur. A social bouc folloWed Custody Dcpt. Mr. Darch i oi s ;iîg me iýr of his family, cavalcade of colours. and then home swcet home. o! the oidest employees o~t~te~ tert and "Pete", c'mpanyawhiv bas 4,Mission- annda93rd Anniversary was attended by aba u - C- IV;r. and Mrs. Darch have two of the Mission Band was held Cburcb Anniversaîy (with or- tatas and wasU7 gènÈ. Harold, aged 37, la crew Sept. 16 at Zion Scbool. ignlbidg ntc'onS- eer's Club. . hief of the Fligtît Lina Rapublic Minutes weie read, and the day, Sept. 25th. On the de aLhis depeiture,î Aiîciaft, Long Island, N.Y., and Tieasurer's report given. At' the morning service Rev. wlth~4> '.stock' in the City Bank, Novw York.sagttatennetild mon, "A Dynamie Church"' ta qr i ~e C.toyDPt. Bath boys aie musical. Haold "Brothers Ait". Mis. Bet Con- a walt-filied cbuîch. Spacial .,iqefèatuie o! the pie- studies the viol-rn, and Arthur ducted the warship service. music was suppiied by oui Ye!- ~,~i~a ix~bis honor, was a who plays the piano, also won a Scripture reading wvas read by vertan Choir. tin'ribbon five lochas scbolarsbip with the French Jean, Elaine, Patsy and Eliza- The ancient white church t p4nd,-a yard in length on H-orn froni the New York Phil- betb,' each taking a part, and was deco-ated witb the fruits PEACHES~ ~ - ~,.~ben careully tped, harmonic Orchestra. coigwthpae.of the barvest and bouquets of , ,- .';,,, !ý- A stary from the study bookftoweîs hamn orting ait i Mîtohell's Fortîfed -'tFe i averv oneslf "The Boy witb the Busy Walk"gTansingDy ýenaltestorrn and strife, was read by Mrs. N. Gerow. Joy SudyYeern expen- APPLE JUICE 3 ~~o.oz~ns Pazu Kocvaachuck ad Daid !Cva ath .E.Rbn AP L UI E32-o is dra o! service, having given youi hast. auercieteofrn.ined a rash o! visitors: The f hotein 'f the berna s and bave a gond rest. Paelro cribat d Dvidh Rev. Fergusan and Bet Vices FLUFFO , lb 2,5 c Don'tt t hearrm henat nigbt yoIi retire,dabothsmn. sons; Ernest Staccys off Bath- ~-~6Election o! offîcers took place an'i ta the Fred Staccys; How.- Heuna Your body a ld su i o longer for hira; and the following were elected toa aià Trewins of Blackstock at W FNo dash frterain 11e cbawing youî toast- office: Pres.-George Raby; Vice- Bert Giison's; Earl Kannedys WA F4ja27 Pres.-Mike Szalaviga; Sec'y- and Rolland McGilis of Lind- Krft16azîa 2 cTake your foot off the gas and just learn ta caast. Elaine Casweil; Treas-Hans say, at Gerald McGilt's; Robat,, K raftStcikeweîda; Press Sec'y-Zosia Wrights of Janetville, at John CHIEZ 16-oz jar 5 3c When you waka in the morning, just sit back and srile- Lesnik; Peace and TemperanceWrhts Nil Mcom ! Then break out the rod and go fish for a wbiie; Sec'y - Elizabeth Strikewecda; Blackstock, at Howard Mai- Jane Parker SAVE c Go dow'nta the station anîd watch ait the trains- World Friends Se'y-Julia Kas- colm's; Preston Neals of Bath- Se h olrsg aigwhl o et orban.pazak. anv at Clarence Pages; Rae .SlrRÀ&W BEltkY RaIl eauh. cRolcl next montb witl be IMalcoirns, Donald Lewis, Bath- S Tm Prker I ai 9 e h oli g ai g w ic y u et~oi ban.foc Senios-"Books of the Iany, at Ralpb Macolr's; Ray JaePakrSAVE 10e Foi many long ycars you bave battlad youc way Bible"; for Juniars-Weeds"'. MeGilis, Blackstock, at Huey acTbrough subwvays and trains ta caîn your week's pay- Magazine "Woilds Friands" wsa McGilt's: Gea. Pages of Lifforî Now;a cn itbPIEad .vtci te laesru distributed and meeting closed with Floyd Stinson's; Ted Now yoitcapiaset.bSpkncedys witbhRayeRslavesnru Jane Parker Giant SAVE 10e Wile you play at youî hobbies and have lots of fl.anrae.Secly ihRyRoi,;n; JELL ROL eac-i 4 c 'You cao go for a boat ride or out for a drive- New Crop, No. 1 California F lame TOKAY GRAPES California No. 1 Vine Ripared, Jumnbo Size 41ý's CANTALOUPES 1ancy Mclntosk Applesý SAVE 4c pkg 25 c 8-oz ctnr 29C 2- bs 19c 2for29c 6-qt. basket 49Ç SUPER-RIGHT MEATS! PORK SHOULDER ROAST bs3lc PORK BUTT ROAST lb 41c PORK BUTT CHOPS b4,5c Oven Rcady. 2 ta 3-lb. Average - For Fryimg or Broiling GRADE 'A" CHICKENS ' lb 45c ib 29c b35c1 I VIGOROUS & WINEY - CUSTOM GROUND I BOKAR COFFIE lb 99c 3-lb bag .91 Octo ber 1 1955. rc&Pý,f uCMAYLD Do ail the things that moka you gtad you're alive; The toughast job now. that youî woiking tirne ends Is the knowledgc tiiot you wilt miss ahl youc friands. If you ever gat wonderiiîg wbat we're daing ail day You can corne back and watch us alit aîn oui pay; Well ba glad ta stop work and chat foc a speli And bear ail the tonies that you bave ta tell. You wont sec us each (.a ', as you have in the past- But the friends \ ouI have made are the kind that will last; Our"~ se are ail for a heaIllhfi, long life To bc enjoy cd to the fuil by GEORGE DARCH and bis Wife. M R IHMrs. M. J. Obre MORRSH 1Forthe program arranged by Mis. F. McConnell we were Regular monthly meeting of pleused ta welconie Mrs. E. the W.A. \vas heid at 8 on' MNartyn of Welcome. Her sub- Wednesday, Sept. 2lst in the ject was on Christianity, during home of! Mrs. Fred weoui.xhich she spoke briefly from, 1Thirteen miembers and tvo personal expcrieîce on the work viSitors were presel.t. off missionaries in Trinidad The Prsident, Miýls. Harrv where for several years shel Beckett condiicted the meeting. served as a missionarv. She re- Roll was called byv the Seciretiir.\, lated inteîesting stories and Mis. Harold Oýborne. It '.. some of the hard and unselfishý answered b'. a conitr!hlition'tî wor.k encounitered in the life of the fishing 'ponid ut the annual a nnsionary and others connect- bazaar. cd %with this service. At the conclusion MTrs. McCon- During the business session, oeil thaoked the guest speaker manv plans and ideas wecre for this most interesting talk. brought up for discussion .Some A piano duet by Mrs. E. Wil- were decided upon, others -were son and Mrs. Helen McHolm was i eft open for discussion at the much appreciated. next meeting. Praver '.y the President con- It %vas moved and seconded cluded the meeting. that al buils be paid. Enivelopes The social bal! bouc as usual for the W.MS. Thank-offcriing brought with it the alwa.ys wei- 1 were handed out and ordiers corne cup o! tea, accompaoied b;' taken foi' Missionar;- Monthl '-. cake and sandwiches servdh Atter rnuch discussion it %vas the hostess and lunch commit-I d ccided to hold the bazaar in ite. Mrs. Haîîy Beckctt and Mrs. the evening instead o! aftc-rnoon H. Osborne. as plenncd, on October 26th. A A vote of thaoks ta these progranm %vil bc arranged and ladies was proposed bv Mis. Fred presented during the cvening.' Corniishi, also a special thank you Lunch will ha served at tic con-, ta Mcrs. McConnell for the use clusion. More about this event of her home, and carricd unan- will be publishied later on. imouisly. Mrs. Dawson Beebe kindi ' -- On Fciday. September 23rd at offered lier homie for the nc-xt 7:3o p.rn.. the annual Sundav :neeînc Oc. i 1* l ' m. School Fail Rallv was held at St. Devotiorial Iiitda BhePai i's AniiLtinChurch, Perrv-ý readîng ox l:s 1). Becbe and. to wnr. "LeSon Thougln' w ithl prayer by The meeting opened with cawetl the Jack Elliotts, Lincisay, ae sheer optimism and, laminess io Dave Wilsons; Mrs. Mable FRI- have the orgaîniýt play,--"llc3r lis and Lloyd Faflis, Ballyduif.thPens rpigasroÀ Mr.Jack Clarke, Bethany. h, eneropn'a ru with G. E. Wilsons; the Lloyd ses roopd sohing halp-st 1McGahey, Raeboro. at Ed Law- pr hn afnat sons; Elwyn DickeysBowman-1 Congratulations tbo Mr. ai ville, at Don Johnson's. Mrs. Gordon Heaslip (nce Nor- Evenig sevice as ýeen Greening, whose marriage charge of Rev. Hutton of Blacr_ took place in Toronto on Saz- stock as guest preacher withl urday. Cavan cboir ar maie quartet My apologies for error in re- providing special music. Seat- porting the birth of a daugh*,ier ing capacity for both services (not a son) to Mr. and Mrs. wvas taxed to limit-a healthy Leslie Johnson of Cadmus. sign. Rev. HuttQn spoke on Glad ta report the wee infant subject "Striving For Perfec- bas been releascd from Sienc tion". Lovcly bouquets of flov- Children's Hospital to parents. ers on Communion table were Sorry to report the illness of placed there in rnemory of Mr. Mr. Douglas Hickson of JÏnetsll and Mrs. Jas. Lawson by their ville, necessitating bis removal daughter Lillian. Rev. Fergu- to a Toronto hospital. son preached iin adjoining cir- Ms a acl a c cuit here 1910-13. iturned borne after a stint at Also visiting at Anniversary baby-sitting at the Harveyà Services wcre Mr. and - 1 M ~alcolm to be rcplaced by Op'u Bruce Arthur off Yorkt\n ono okvleGrdp. Sask.; Mrs. Arthur (nee Henr.y ono Cosil. rnpr used to live on the farm knownlý ents sure corne ;nl handy! locally as the Capstick plce_________________ previously owned by her fath- ci, Mr. Henry. J T1CKRE TS9 Your scribe experienced a TO EVERYWêHERE bad moment when pressed ino Air. Rail or Stearnship service on short notice Sunday Consult wveith tosifs suspcde tion J U wRaVv&LOYLe L eving troslift then(Olletoli, J U R V & l VEL out benefit of belt or suspen- 15 King St. %V. NIA 3-5778 ders due to a cornbinatio n o! i. jl'lé - ONTAPIO ' VOTE UNDER LIQUOR LUCENSE ACT, STown of Bowman ville SNOTICE 0F REVISION OF V/OTERS' LISTS t PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gîven, pursuant t SSec. 4l, of th# Voters' Lists Act, 1951, of the revision Sof the Výoter,' Lists for the ToWn .of Bownanville. AND FfRTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings î wll be held 1)y the Revising Officer at the tinies and ~ Splace set forth iin the schedule hereinafter set out. SAny persor qualified to vote at the pending -vote 4à >~under the liquor License Act to be hcld on the i 2.6tIi Day of October, the ~ 19 5 5 0inth Town of Bown*iille, and whosc name has ' Sbeen omitted from, or incorrectly enkcrcd in, the Senumerators' list of voters, is called attend at the times and place hereunder mentioned for the Spurpose of having his name enrolled upon the Vohich List ta be used at. the said vote. Complaints wihhave been properly filed with reference ta Inaines \vrongfully entered upon the enum'erators' ". ~lists will be heard at these sittings. Voters' Lists for the Town of Bowmanville have been posted at various places within the said town v~ and will also be open for-/public inspection at the4 4office of the Town Clerk/,pt Bowrnanvil]e during .g Soffice hours from this date until the l3th day of October, 1955. kll SCHEDULE. SittYngs wiIl be held for ail Polling Sub-divisions > Sin the Town of Bownianville betiveen the hours of 11i a.rn. and 12:30 parn. on SATURDAY, THE 8th so SDAY 0F OCTOBER, 1955, and betwecn the hours of SIl a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on THURSDAY. THE l3th 4DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1955, in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall in the Towvn of Bownianville. Registration and Revising Offices, JUDGE M. A MILLER 1?4 Clcrk to Rcvising Officer, Ton A. J. LYLE, TonClerk's Office, Bowmanville. Moneyacross the' miles A chartered bank makes it a simple matter for you to send rnoney almost anywhere, inside or outside Canada. You may want to get money to a certain city as a gift on somnebody's birthday; or tû settle a business account; or to set up a fund which can be drawn upon by 'a company salesman, branch office or supplier. It works the other way, too. If you are far from home and short of cash, you can advise your "home" branch to telegraph your money to a point where you can pick it up. Many situations and-needs can arise - and a chartered bank has many ways of taking care of them, including the sale of travellers cheques. This service is one of the many advantages you enjoy as a customer of a chartered bank. Your local branch is an all.round banking service-centre thar can be helpful to you in many ways. Only a chartered hank ofers a full range of banking services, indluding.: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe; pay you steady interest; encour- age the habit of thrift. COMMERCIAL LOANS For business or industrial firms, large and simal: producers, proccssors. cetailers-every type of enrcrrrise. SAPETY DEPOSIT BOXES Keep your important papers and other valuables safe, yet readily accessible. TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Protect yaa against îbeft or Aoss of cash. They are readiîy negotiable anywhere. THE CHARTEREJI BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNIT'Y 4-. Jane Parker Cnnamon BREAKFAST ROLLS Clover Valley CREAM CHEESE FRUITS a VEGETABLES Extra Lean B E Essex Pure - SmaiI Link or Country Style PORK SAUSAGE 1 ,

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