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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 12

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P.LGB WELVE TEECANADLI< STATESMAN. BOWMNVELLE. ONTARIO TEURSbY. SEP. eu-..113'. Happy Crowd Congratulates Ontario Champs ROSES WIN Balil Team Celebrates i A portion uf the crowd of several hunddîed persons tvho gaiherci in front of the Post Office Saturdav night to welcome home the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses after thev won the Intermediate "B" Basebali Championship of Ontario is shown above. Playing-Manager Frank ,Hooper, who won a provincial titie with the team in his first year at the helm, is shoxvn at lower right introducing the pIaverd ta the gathering. Representatives of Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce, the Roses Executive, the Lakeshore Basebail League, Leagîie and Sponsor Norman J. Scott all cxiended hearty congcratuLilat ions. A point made by several speakers xvas that the the Roses team is made up entirely of local players xvho received no money what- soever for playing. Durham IM.P. John M. James added his congratulations and acted as master of ceremonies for the "\velcome home" celebration. Three "M r. Bigsç" in Roses Victory ONTARIO TITLE Roses played gooti bail in outhit-, the Listowel batters with a, Hooper, c: Cox, Dadson (9) rf; tîng Listowel 14-11 and outiast- triple, double and single ... Ah I Sellers, Ferguson (9) P: Williams ing them for the win . . . Clint m nail it xvas a championship per- (batted for Sellers in 9th). formance by a good team Off local Listowel-Dubrick, ss;, Men- Ferguson's pitchixg off two-hit 1 boys who refused to be beatexiî açx, c; Mayes, 3b; Skelding. Ift relief ball over six innings was 1 . .. Every lady at the game re- Arlein, 2b; McDowell, cf: Gries. a highlight, but Gord Sellersi ceived a rose, compliments off the 1 bach. rf: Bender, 1 f; Tanner, had pitched well during the first Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries.1 Weese (9) Benjamin (14) P. eight frames, gix'ing tmp onlk R H E- Umpires-Arris, plate, Watson, nine hits... Bob Galiagher's- Bowmanvile- - bases. soliti four hits in six trips wvas 002 000 003 000 0J2 7 14 6- a feature, as was the base-rua- Listowel-i ning off Gilhooly ... Buck Cowle 112 100 000 000 00 5 11l i One today - is worth tv-o to- rnade several nice running catch- BIIavle-Glolv 2; mrwzwatImt bI es n he ied, s id lod Hm'Hamnilton, cf: Cow-ie. if: Gal- iamn nov, becomîng.- eai ilton ... Maxie Yourth and Gil- lagher, lb: Yourth, ss: Falls, 3b; Franklin.-Beai hooly both were standouts de- - __________ fensively in the înfield and Playing-Manager Frank Hooper eaught and handleti the team in excellent fashion .. Gallagheri New Fal Sweaters stroked a double and three pb singles, Hooper a double andi two by singles, andi Buck Cowle a' double ..-. Giihoolv, and Yourth GRANDMERE both had two singles and Tîm Cox anti Ted Datison hit safelx and' once ... Redi Dubrick again led i\ W R E _B O .Ld The Statesman SoId Ar Following Stores ISEVLS Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethanv y From ---- -- 4.95 Johason's Drug Store. New'castle' -~* T. Enwrigbî, Newcastle ~ U L V K S. Brown. Newtonville U L V R C. Pethick, Eaniskillen T. M. Slemon. Enniskillen From ---------79 G. A. Barron. Hampton - Trull's Store. CourticeCA D G N A. E. Ribey, Bumketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock From Keith Bradley. Poatypool 7.95__________________________ C. B. Tyrreill Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Bî>~ Y ~ ~ Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook BO YS' ScWÀIEA TERS Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa * * e I We carry a complete fine of Boys' and Youths' -Bowrnanville - Sweaters and Cardigans R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry BU E M N S .Tack's Smoke ShopB R C I N Rite's Smoke Shop MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Jury & Loveli Garry Venning, Manager Goheen's Handy Store 29 King St. E. Bowmanville The Statesman Office _______________________________ Three members of t'hoB aiie Brookdale Rosrs who pla ed important parts in the 7-5 win over Listowel ou Sat urdax- which gave the team the Provincial Intermediate "B" Basebali Charnpionship are shown as'thev were snapped at the cele- bration victorY held on the Post Office steps when the Roses arrived home. Left to ~.right are: pitcher Clint Ferguson, who allowed onily two hits in six innings of relief pitching tri win the gamre, Plav ing-7Manager and catcher Frank Hooper, wrho handled ~the team in excellent fashion'and lashed out a double and tx14 singles, and second- basemnan Don GCilhool-y. \Vho piveci a standout game on defence. collected two hits and .~came home with the wxinning rmn orp a passed bail. -Photo byv Carson Studio, Fort Hope , Roses Win OntarioSB" Tîtie r ,De fea! Listowel Team 7 -5 In 4 Inings on Saturday 4, The Bo\vmanviile Brookdaic L:ý;towel tr'ok an earlv lead in, allowcrl him ta take -second, and; Roses brought thef Intermediate :he ganie and uerc 1earting 2-0O a single by Mayes, the Listoawel *B Baebal Chapxonhîp i l B i max ile :ed ijr ,P irnpor7t fromt London Majors,' Ontirio home 'for the first Unei vlh orurs m:n be top off thex ihcse x.Te de Sin histor-v on Saiturcia., -bv taking hrl The Leï',ïnnaiî'es forged' vihcse i.Te de a suspense-packedf, 4-inning ahead 1-2 n the bottomn of 'ihe another run i the second on al zgaine fromi Listoweiele1.010n-! tlîitH iand mdded a fifth run in; double by Bender and a single nairs li Lstoet.Saird 0, t the fourii ramie to lead 5-2 until bl, the Listowel hurler, Bob Tan- sweep the best-of-threc series 111theninih iî~~ The Rosesne* îw*o stramght gaines. t ihree-unn ai Iv SThe Rases hiad edgýed Uiztovei On thil: iaýt cac in Iihe op, The Roses came bac-k in the1 here 6-5 the Wednesdav -heforc ()f Ilhe ni h lu ,'- il "P. Froni t*op off the third to lie it up 2-2.1 gin regulation lime, and hart ibm iclomn'i Ibhe top of !lie I141Wî Don Gilheoix- walked and stale I .previousiv eliminated Pîcton and i îmLîiiiig t.,\%i5su-onefîld second base. and Lloyd-c Hamil ~AvIimer in the quarter anxd semi- _core1e,-s ball'iii bbc R(, osestaias aec.BkCoi ,~finals. >taged anolher iwo-un , ralv to bit a grouunder and war safe on; ~~~~~~~~~g h .a hilngfns aa à heatl 7-5 and 'hinnhalà off jtý e fielders <oce u-hen the' seres n wxc th Bomani e oLegionnaires in ibeir haiftWow et 10 second ta farcel seie inquad.hmae poff haletowotawin thc game and the cham.: Hamilton. DnGilhooiv ad- andsticiyamter laer hd-pionship. vanced ta f hird on the play. and- beenriataud aers ta te List4n-ei Take Lead Thp Roser worked a good play' Li.gtowei team consisting largelUr 1In the first nning Listowel ft rng Gîtboolv home whth i-of imports whnoanix- live in thr zcorec .a c-in5gle run nia eondstm. Cnd he ran osard town while playing bail duringMnm, a passed bail b)v Ro:ýes ed ppra si en roule ta draw a throw to .~'the summer. pitcher Gorfî Sellers wvhich; second b-: the Listowel catcher.! jGilhoolv 'vas poised at third * waiting for the thraw and hel streaked hom-e in time ta beat the retu oss ta the plate bvy r Rumack, Seigel & Company the , 1n~s scn sce 147 Spadina Ave. Chartered Accouutants haci a good day xith t he w:lw Torôto, ntaio Epir 6.443- scored Cowle w 11h the second i To'rnto Onari EMpre -463-4run. The Listowel squad came rightl RESIDENT PARTNERS: Licensed Trustee back in the botiomi haîf off thel tlhird ta flou h t wo runs on twvo J. Rurnaek, C.A. In Bankruptey %vwal-s, a Ïier's ch ain b.v1 e W. L. Seigel, C.A. J. Rumark Nlaxcz. a -no bx George Ar-' H.r I Temple, C.A. loin and an errtor ta Gallagbem.' A. Mandl, C.A.The,-- nenl ahead .5-2 in the' A. Mndel C.A fourlh on a single run scored on a triple by Red Dubrick andi a ?e-ieîsof the Bovmanville Brookdje. Roses were given a victory parade up the main street of the town in a truck of the Bowmanville Fire Depariment following! their win over Listowel last Saturday which gave themný the OBA. Intermediate "B" basebail tille. Victors in two' straight games in the best-of-three series, several of the, victorious players are seen with thec Dominion Life Assur- ance Trophy as they r-ode in the parade, headed by the Legion Pipe Band. Bottom, left to right are: Ted Dadson and Lloyd Hamilton, and top, pitcher Gord Sellers; Play- ing-Manager Frank Hooper with the trophy and pitcher Clint Ferguson. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope bad throw bvBRoy Falls on i base on the f ielder's choice \vas Menary*s grounder. tao late ta cut off Clint Fer- PiayTtgh Bai j ISOI],ri inng for Wfilliams. For foui- innings. fi-rn thc e gmostty idU fifth ta the ninth, ocither teaingmeaa scared as Gord Setiers for Boilv- Bol) Gmllagber ,vas ne-xt Up manvilte and Bob Tanner- for; and one off Xeeses pitches to Listowel bath pitched siearîv him xvent loto the nlir and gel bail. In the do-or-dlie nîth. awca- from Lyle Menarx-. the fPlaying Manager Frank Hoope-r Listoxs-el catch'rr. Don Gilhooly led off lvith a single. Ted Dadi-, streakcd home fromn third, but, son clame in to pinch-hit for Tirn Mnavhartgono in the screen1 ICox and also singlect. Bob Xil- af'ler the PP sced halli and thmew liarns came in ta bat for Sellers perfcctty ta Wecse cox'ering the, adworked Tanner for a "'al plate. nho tagged Gilhiooly-, ta load the bases. Withth bai^ -h timie. Gallagher fanned, pressure on, Don Gilhooix' came a f -er axing hit safely in four thrughwih asigle ta cah pexous trips and the game wcotp Hooper and Dadéson and make into extra innings. the score 5-4 for Listowel. Ferguson Goes In That was ail for pitcher Tan-p Clint Ferguson -,ent in ta re-1 ner and George Wcese, lhe fast- place Gord Sellers and Ted Da d- j baller who pitched the first ý son replaccd Cux in rmigot fieid.! garne in Bowmanx-iIle came out;P Fel-gc pm;tchiee goori steady bail! 1 in relief. Ho got Hamilton on-, lxi spur .off concertoît cliapping, a grounider to second. Buck borlu ,lwn and shoutine byl Cowie knocked a gxounder dovn file L.oc fans in ani effort te Ia the pivot spot and was safe atie him. He gave u!p only- at first when the throw ta home îxvo hits in the six innings ne worked.1 T 1he top of Bowmanville'sl batting ordor camne to bat ta' start off the l4th innixîg and Don1 G ihool dre v a xvatk and stole! second base for the second time, n the aftcrnoon. Lloyd Htam-i clon te frstbase line ta ad-1 -ane imto hid.When Buck Co-vlefol xwd ith a walk,. Litwe rogi in their third hurlr oftheaftcrnoon, Benja- min. W hile pitching ta Gal- iagher, lie uncorked a wild pitch r iatn illa- ped erfce bun came hromie this time with the E z winning mun. Galiagher was out Son a foui pop but Maxie Yourth ~~""~singled ta send Coxvle home .vith an insurance un ta make the counit 7-5. Falls flied out ta end tire inning. A DURO PUMP The Ruses sîl iîad Ia get three, Listowel outs. hoxxever, and Means Bte Living!! Fex-guson shiowýed signs off weak- coing b.v walking Skeiding and! OUR DUROWater Sys- Arîcin aftcr Mav,,es hiad grouinded' i Oterigvsu fresh, pure out. . lie igb'meied i p ta get Mc-' water when and where we Don-lloito an infield fly. The need it .. . adds ta aur con- end of the gaine camne suddlenly veineand cornfort of daity xvhen Frank Hooper pegged a life. perfect pickoff throw ta Gai- DURO Pumps are a,-aiî- laghcr at first and Big Bob nail- ablein il ize tamee cr Arlien, who hadi taken too, dividiial needs. See your bii odof h ak Plumber or DURO dealer- Roses Mob Ferguson for fu inhormation or write The Rosaes burst from the dug- for FREI& folder, "Running out onto the field ba hoist Clint Water, the Farni Necessity". Fergmmson on thoeir shoulders. Sox-emal of the Legonxaires came oxor !0 cungratulate the Bow- .~ ,-rmanille ptayeî s on winning the -il, Inicrnmediate' B' titie. In the ouow as 10incharge off the 'B' pla «v- i .~~ i r-ff arneet, pmesented à l:n-Mngm Frank Hooper i ih ici hanriomie Dominion Lifp Assurance Con-pan 'v Tmophy embienmalic of the cbamp-Àonshîp. It iadi been mn Listoxvei for lhe' pasti wo cýars anxd the adx-ertis-- ri fr ho gamie in Listowei statert lb-il had the Legionnaires I .rnit for tbe third lime _,this, iiiex'Y in retain perman- P UM S & OFTE ER~ent i~~ir Thp posters urg- LIU,',TED PF 82 theo ,meac -'o:ib1y uwtness. :ýONDON - CA NAD r:. re'i-d-tin~e presefita- lIonr, i' .,the B1cx-,manx-iIie win CK n R u H ip-ýct this crmox.Listowei JACKvon the lrophv first in 19,53 bv hcating e-ut Box.-moainxille in the PLUMBING andi IIEATING -~~n c.ndi atva '%A 3-.3615 BOIV31ANVILLF 'Touching Att Ba-ses Division Street South It o1iî be Lunfair Io pick eut . stars in this gaine as ail the il_. For the s harpes! pictures ever shown gel Cana-as fines! TV new 1956. Simcoe *Heavier than ever chassis *Larger than ever 21" aluminized picture tube *Steadier than ever picture with razor-sharp selecto-matic detail *Field-tested in Bowmanville area before production *Finest quality sound in TV " Two large hi-fi speakers " Tone control " Phono plug " Convenience outiet " Handsome genuine "Dielcraft" designed cabinet Tleeison Sevie u Protection Teleisio serice Company 33 King St. W. - -- - -- -, - -~ - Phone MA 3-3883 P-,à,Gz TW.ELVE TRURSIDAY, SEPT. 29th. 1938

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