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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 18

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PAGE ffoNTEmI .1. ~~.Â~LW~.L DL&x~IUA, ~WMNVILE. ONAmO'T A. SEPT, 201L IL . W edd in g wedig o Stre y tTrn ?ieUnited Church, Bawman. Mrs. Florence Scott visiteÈ Sher sister, Mr. and Mrs. W SMacdonald, Bowmanvile. * Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Gibbs, Mrs. T. Gibbs, spent the week- end at Ottawa, and attendec the Berner- Mortlock wedding. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahm anc -~ *~, boys spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Burke- to.ichael Gibbs spent the weeken with Richard Perfect, ____ ~Bawmanville. SLauraine, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure, and visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills, Ingle.. wood, Mr. and Mrs. T. MeBride. SMr. and Mrs. Lorne Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mc- -1Clure, Brampton. , Mrs. Leslie Webb, Ottawa; Mrs. Arthur Wannamaker. Orono, spent the weekend with Mr. -end Mrs. Leon Moore. M r. and Mrs. W. Vivian and children visited Mr. and Mrs. *~Walter Ormiston, Oshawa. Miss Phyllis Maynard, Bow- mnil;Mr Kn Hamberl ain, ,, . J O she , withK e M r.h a ndb e rin ~ Oyhwwt M.adM RyMaynard. ard and Mrs. Frank Wilson adHector, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Wilson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and Allan. Mrs. Ace Abbo;tt. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James Lionel Tennant' are pictured following their wedding in Trinity United Church on Saturday, September 24. The bride is Shirley Eline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Moffatt of Bowmanviîîe, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tennant, Leskard. WERRY - BOON In a quiet ceemony et the parsonage of Enniskillen Unit- ed Churcb, on Saturday after- rioon, Sept. 10, Gertrude Chris- tina Boon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Boon of Cooksville, was united in marfiage with Roy Arthur Werry of Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, Enniskilen. Rev. R. B. Green officiated. 1 The bride chose a gawn of white nylon net over taffeta lu strapless style,. wamn with a lace baIera fashioned with long leeves which ended in- poinis over the hands. She wore a xcmall white hat and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and stephanotis. Miss Tieny Boon, Cooksville,l was her si&ter's attendant, wearing mauve nylon over tai- feta with matching mittens and small white feather hat. Her bouquet xvas af white and yel- low 'mums. Mr. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen. was best man. A reception followed at the home af the groom's parents, wben the bride's mother wore a dress ai navy sheer with mnatching accessaries. The groom's mother was in navv bengaline with navy accessor- jas, and botb wore corsages af pink carnations. The bride and groom left la- ter on a wedding trip ta West- ern Ontario, the bride travel- ling in a navy suit with light blue accessaries. Mr. and Mrs. Werry will reside in Ottawa. Prior to their marriage, a community presentation was held for the couple on Sept .4 at Enniskillen Hall when they were presented with an Ota- sional chair and Duncan Phyfe table. An address was,j>ad by5 Marie Ashton and the presen.r tation jvas made by Ralph Lamb and Ralph Virtue. On behaîf ai the Athietie Club, Joe McGill presented thej couple with a beautiful mirror.C The bride and groom fitting]yv tbanked ail for the enjoyable s evening and lovcly gifts. t On Tuesday, Sept. 6. Mr?. John Borrowdale, Oshawa, en- a tertained for the bride at a a miscellaneous shower. The I] bride apened the many lovelyA gifts and thanked everyane. Af' dainty lunch was served b y the JE hostess.A TURKEYS Choice Young Birds Ail Weights Dressed and Delivered Phil Finney MA 3-2309 Oshawa Nqeinorial Sérvice Natural saone monuments markers nul corner tones CITY IMNITS ,; Mal OSHAWA RA 5-6611 Lirne auj reverse chartes -Photo by Carson Studio, Port H .0] te U ' Mi na] thi aml e. VW ýes- esi ts le" lik as- tn e es. if- ROWE - PURDY Joyce Marie Purdy and Ra] Rowe i n marriage at St. Pai United Church Manse onS urday afternoon, Sept. 24. '1 bride is the daughter of I and Mrs. Jack Purdy, Jackm Road, Bowmanvilîe, and1 groom is the son of Mr. a Mss. Victor Rowe, Port Hopý The bride wore a dark broi suit with beige hat and acc( sories and a corsage o! yellc roses. Mrs. Douglas Fallis w ber attendant, wearing a na, suit with white hat and acc. sanies and red rose corsage. Mr. DoV~glas Fallis was bE ma n. A reception was held aRt t] home of the bride's paren Jackman Road, the brid. mother wearing a dress of pit orlon wool with corsage of bli 'mums. The 'groom's mother a sisted in receiving the guesl wearing a drss af gray sat: wlth matching bat and acce sories and corsage o! pink rosé Tbe young couple left lati on a wedding trip ta Northex Ontarlo points, the bride wea ing a navy suit with beige aq cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Rov wiîl reside on Liberty Stre( North, Bowmanville. Prior ta ber marriage th bride was tbe recipient o! mar lovely gifts at a miscellaneat, sbower held at the home ( Mrs. Wanda Clarke, Kir Street East, on Sept. 7. TYRONE tt1sen h weed ihe lur Le". Among other vr a pn lygcrs 1- sisters, Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. M o l G oI st t t E. recot.m. -*G r ve In tiu e good avcesesuggested we lcoslunch W S~ an aiy iie r n ime to the very bçst atvntg ~~~~te t i e 1. aiy iie r ad.. datg NeXt meeting tM.mol Cree. -cit . uyro e e day. She ended very Allin's On Oct. 24. Note chan Mr. N akey ihadnicelywith the Prayer of St. inTdate.nxHoeadSh Mr. and Mrs. A. Huis recent- Tyrone Women's institute needed by October 10, ta their Frcs. J.hLaiedrHome andlb Schce el ]yvisited Mr. and Mrs.* Gardon met laq their S. S. room Wednes- secretary. Each bran ch is to Mrs. J.pairedroaCu iJ ehl tteah d Hilîs, Hannon. day evening with Maple Grove give a shor*-outline of the veypao al IL Honor Newlyweds W. 1. as guests. highlights of their organization. mnelody of ad sngs.Play ng caet.eomphitionhwpll be hsel 1 Last Friday evening about 75 After apening the meeting $2 was voted ta the district The ladies of Maple Grave' is hoped the parents wil» tu, aduits and children met at Ty- with .inging "O Canada" and secretary ta help caver ex- then presented a very camical out and give the children au rone Community Hall in spite th e "institute Ode", Mrs. E. penses for the banquet. skit in old-fashioned costumstetahrterspot of rain ta honr Mr. and Mrs. White, president, welcmed Our President was pleased 1a entitled, "A Regu urnmeting M.and r es upsportC. Alln Tylo (ne atheenaurguets Ral cîl asan- announce Mrs. A. Yellowlees of theWme' Institute". beilfard, with Mr. and M Smith) who are now living in swered with "My pet supersti- and Miss Marie Taylor as lead- Mrs. Lamne Annis of Tyrane Chas. Fisk on the weekend. Bowmanville.% tion". ers for our Homemnaking lb xpressed the appreciation of Miss Claramae Fisk i8 atl 1 Keith Davey and Louis Phil- The banquet ta celebrate the "The Milky Way". gClb the fine program and Mrs. Ce- ing Shaw'a Business Sch 1 lp escorted the happy couple 55th Anniversary of Womnen's Mrs. L. Annis gave the re- raveil, pvoicdtenthofks for Toronto. 1to the platfarm, when a poem Institute in aur district was an- pr cil MoFaran lnsGoviJipedtenthanfor MrMndapler Hn was read by M rs. W . Mur hy unced; it is ta be held at p r r m O o o Fi n ln the hospitality of Ty mne. M.a d M s.t! e nig ewcste omunîy al roeB being made ta show at * After singing the Institute spent Manday with Mr. an frrn tegit ooiZie wsNecatl omuntyHllonBackstock Fair, October 8-9. GaelucanasoalineMme. W. Gibson. Lp.resented ta the bride- and Oct. 8. Group leaders are. asked Several ýbusiness items were racelnche. r and arssoChislBarcha groom along with a lovely china ta contact their groups and re- tabedtil ex metng. _______Mr.___ and ha ron tSnday wiî cabinet. Each expressed their port how many tickets are How ta be Happy was the his mather, Mrs. A. Fisk. appreciation for the gift, Mrs. - motta chosen by Mrs N. Woad- SSN . , Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwelî vLq Donald Davey, Messrs. Wallace versary, September 23. Frîday ley. She gave us th4e mules ' . .N .9.Cak r.Lly Paýcoe and Stuart Hooey, pro- evening they were taken by follow: Memorize something ted Mm and fMrs. Llooydto. vided music for dancing. Re- surprise. Their family present- every day, good deed every The Ladies' Club met et the Mer. and familA. Turnrto freshments were served. ed themn with a wedding cake 'day, and zee the beauty around home of Mrs. C. Tucker on Mr. and Mrs. A. Dooley, Tor=~ Sympathy ta Mr. Leslie and 25 silver dollars. Other us. Monday evening with 15 pres. ta for the weekend. Thompson of Haydon on the lovely gifts and cards were Mrs. H. Bradley of Maple ent. After the minutes, the __________ sudden passing af Mrs. Thomp- also received by thje happy Grave, took charge and pre- treasurer gave the financial re- son Sunday evening. couple. sented the following program: port wbich amounted ta $52.37. To hlm whose elastic and Mr. and Mrs. G. Plancke, Mrs. A. Huil- accompanied A duet by Mrs. Sumerford and The president asked for sug,,- vigorous thought keeps pacq Oshawa, visited - t Mr. and, Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowv- Mrs. G. Beech, "Melody of gestions of projects and work witb the sun, the day is a per. Iffrs. H. Philp. manville, and Mrs. Margaret Love" and "Yellow Rose of ta be done at the meetings for petual morning.-Henry David Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue Woodley, Santa Monica, ta visit Texas", was very much enjoy- the coming seasan. Nothing Thoreau, visited Mr. and Mrs. Theo Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, ed by ail. Mrs. 1. Munday gave defînîte was decided and w;Il A democracy can anly bc Down. Lakefield. Oakwood. a short humorous recitation, be discussed et the Octobcr strong if ail the citizens are Congratulations ta Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Narval Wotten. "6 x 9".-imeeting. The ladies were ask- properly educated and careers Mrs. Leslie Coombes wbo cele- Solina, were Sunday callers of1 Mrs. W. H. Brown gave thej1 cd to donate tea towels for the are freely open toalal the tal. brated their 25th wedding anni- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. 1 topic speaking on 6"Today is sehool. The rest of the evening ented.--James B. Canant. Hooper s PRESENTS A MAGNIFICENT NIEW PDATTERNI )pe 1ý t.- Ir. n àe d rn s rM Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Long Sault; Miss Helen'Part- ner and friend, Osbawa, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble. Mrs., A. Richards, Mrs. G. Alldread, accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and Mn. James Travis on Wednesday ta Chase City, Virginia. Mr. Tra- vis retunedta his home afterý spending several ýreeks at WVal- ter Vaneyk's curing tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rideh- algb and thein daugliter Anne ire spending a few weeks with VIns. and Miss Aked at Quaint Aicres on their way ta England. frorm Hong Kong on six manths' ceave. Mr. Ridebaîgli Q.C., is Attorney General o! Hong Kong and bas been there three years. Mrs. Ridebalgh is Mrs. Aiked's cousin. Wauld, the W.M.S. ladies kindly remember ta bring theïn fruit for the Hospital Thurs- Lay, October 6, at their regular meeting. Mm. and Mrc. John eoombes nd Randy, Campbellford,I spent the weekend witb Mr.1 nd Mrs. Leslie Coombes. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wonnacott, 'aronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. E. A. Virtue. Sympatby is cxtended ta urs. Richard Gibbs and Mrs. gcFerguson on the sudden ainga their mother, Mrs. 'rlotte Stephens. Hampton. Mm. and Mms. Wilfred GilIi3 id boys, Mîllbrook, with M-,. id Mrs. Walter Murphy. Baby Debbie Robbins, Bow- nanville. spent the weekend ith Randy Naris. Mrs. Annie Hatht'nlv wi*.h r. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. uiniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjo" iss Rose Mountjoy, Nestleton, I r. and Mme. W. Willims, îwmanviie; Mr. and Mrs. IN. llct, visited Mrs. G. hare. 4ýLe Mr. and Mr~s en Modre at- fi d r a] SI ai Ti Fi pe ar ar m Mi M mi 1847ý Matching Holloware lngeniously fashioned fo complement the balanced becauty of the' ftware * e ech piece superbty crafted fo perform more thon one service. 3-PC, HOT DEVERAE SIRVICI & TRAY $8210 OWN VOUR FLAIR SERVICE P40W ...* CONVENIENT TERMS ARFRANGED' JOIN '-OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW SmaIl Deposit and low regular payments on any article in the store solves Congratulations to the Brookdale Roses Basebali Team on winning the Ontario Intermediate "B" Championship on Saturday Ka opZR'SorJewellery4 and GftShop MIÇII(fJrb 1r'K E MnMUJNE MA ~-'4 .. 99". MAMA"TAW - 1 m m -ý) 0 . 1 nurNk ir àà À -% E.-Y A-7

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