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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 3

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THURSlDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1955 SWEATE R PlJM'P INaturalizer's open-toe version of your favorite pump Ail the foot-caressing coznfort features of Naturalizer's wel-known Sweater Punpp in a new design that features ani open toe. HeeI.hugging fit for complete eomfort. $15.95 ,Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St.W. - ---- '~.Phone MA 3-5941 J Conýgratlations.. ta the Brookda le 1'Roses Intermedjate "B" Basebail Team on winning the Ontario Championship for the first time ini Bowmanville's histarv. We offer aur sincere congratulations toa althe players and the management of this great team. Ken ps Men p s Wear 71A KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE gr M THE CANADIM*J STATESMAq, BOWMANVMlLE, ONTARIO PAO! THE ISeys Sisters Enjoy Reunion in Home Town A great many old friends called at t he home of MUisses Edith and Ida Weekes, Duke St., Bowmanville, last Thursday ta exchange reminiscences with the three, Keys sisters. It was the first time in ma ny years that ail three had been together in their home town for a visit at the sam e time. Pictured'lef t ta right are Mrs. E. IF. Weekes (Lena) Toronto; Mrs. W. A. B rewster (Aileen), Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. 0. E. Wood (Hattie), Winnipeg, Man. W. James produced some mer- riment when hie passed arouni Frie nds Honor Couple a snapshot taken 50 years agi of three members of The Statesman staff of that era whoO n I t n i e s r were ail present on Thursday.O 5t A n i e s r They were Mrs. Brewster, M.- Hbrbeirt L. Creeper, recentÏý On Wednesday evening, for niaking this anniversary retired manager of the BefÙ Sept. 21, a group of friends such a memorable occasion. JTelephone Co., at Chatham and made up of immediate neigî- 'For They Are Jolly Good Fol- the present editor. Somte wert' bors, club members, and rcI.-- lows" was sung with spirit, foi- kind cnough ta remark that tbe tives, gailered at the horn e <f owcd by a peppy singsong witil "rose beween the two thorns' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cawker Mrs. Colo at the piano. had eetained hier age and pleas- to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Au- A dainty lunch which xvas in ing personality better than ber brey Smith and heip celebratechreo s.FakJm- maie associates. Mr. E. F. their 25th wedding anniver- chnagd0 Mrs. Ra n Jamil- Weekes and Mr. Charles cary- lowed. As it was impossible for Weekes, Toronto, brothers of After a very humorous moc.1-ail the guests ta assemble in Miss Editih and Miss Ida wedding, in whioh the princi - the dining-room, the three-tier Weekes, were present. Another pals xvere Mrs. T. A. Morganlwdigck wsbogti brother, Harry, in the southern as the blushing bride, Mr. Rex- on the teawagon and eut in thm States, wvas too far away to Walters as the captured groom, rsneo l yM.adMs join in the happy gathering. Mr. Ray Diilingas the pom presSenciotahb Mr. angnprpsd Ma~ Mrs. Harold James, Toronto, minister, and Mr. Morgan a toast to the bride and groom, only daughter of Mr. and Mr--. the happy dad getting his dau- ihn hmtebs feey Charles Weekes, was present htrmaredofM- ndM thing fee and assisted in serving in the Smith were asked to take th n'i h uue tea room. George and Jack, two spotiight. Mr: and Mrs. Smith wero of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weekcs' Mrs. Albert Cole then read married 25 years ago on Sept. sans, were also present in 'lie page upon page of poetry 17 in Port Hope United Church. evening. which gave a îiveîy summarv The bride was tlue former Mil-! oif the events in the lives of Aiu- dred Massie of Port Hope. Mr. Mrs. H. C. Osborne and Mrs. brey and Mildred during thelradMs.Sihmoe oBow- S. M. "Scott poured tea, and I2 er'sjuni omn manville a few months after! Mrs. Harold James and Mrs. ville, not forgetting one oif the~ their ma rriage. Mr. Smith has' Alan Osborne assisted in serv- Mnost important of ail, the arn-_ been associated xitlî Mr. Ar- ing. Miss Apha Hodghns als.-j val of their daughter Pat, 21 ley Northcutt in the firm of assisted at the door and in thza years ago. Northcutt and Smith, funeral tea room. Mrs. Cawker added ta -th;,dr. orfra ubro by way of a short address in years. ,Present on this anniver- Real thinkers forget about whîch she spoke of the wondel- sary occasion were the brides-ý themselves in thinking. -Max ful 'citizens Mr. and Mrs. Smith mnaid, Mrs. Archie Raye, and; Wertbeimer. had been and of their splendid best man, Mr. Arthur Smith, a contribution ta their church, brother -0f the groom. Tl'îe hospital and many other organ.- Smith's only daughter, Pat, was izations. Mr. Smith is a past present, also the bride's moth- president of Bov4p.anville Lions er, Mrs. Frank Prior, Toronto. Club. Mr. and Mrs. Raye were aL~o The couple were then pre- from Toronto. sented with a Sunibeam electrie Guests from Port Hope indui- frying pan and Mikado handled ded Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, silver dessert forks by Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smith, V. Hoar, on behaif of the as- Mrs. Reg. Porter, brothers and sembled companyv. Mr. Smith sister of Aubrey, and Mrs. fittingly xpresse their thanks Jack Haro. At Jack & ,Jill Meeting .The regular meeting of the tem and churobes of Hallandi Jack and Jili Club of Trinity fter which Rev. Mox-gan told United Church was beld recent- ofareuain1n itxyo hy in the Sunday Sohool rooni.of. u dcto adhsoyo The meeting was led in the the United Church.1 cievotional period by Lorraine Rev. S8haafsma expressed, and Lew Deweil w1th Jean Bi]- the thanks of the Christian Re-ý lett at the piano. The themec, formeci Church ta the Jack & ' "Friendship" was used with Jill Club for the opportunity of appropriate hymns, seripture discussing the tapios on thf- and-. poetry being incoxporated. paneh and meeting- with :tho In the absence of presidoot Jack & Jill Club. Dick Merk- rSam Black, vioe-president Dick iey suitably thanked the panel.ý Merkley opened the meetin., The meeting was then ad-i (.and welcomed aur guests for journed and a deliciaus lunchl the eveoing fx-am the Christian served. Reformed Chux-ch. New members Fritz and Bet-% ty Marti, AI and Martha Svl- MION vester and Arthur and Joan Leggett were introduced by M' n r.Jh oaa rRosemary Merkley.Mran s.JhMohn "Th Gadenof ourHeat"and family have returned fromin and "Somcwhere a Voice is arvisicarlake.1 c Caling' were suig by Rose-Brn'i. mary Merkley and Gv.'c Blaciz Miss Marie Killen, Hamilton; accampanied by Art Collison at Mr. Clare Brawn, Toronto. the pano.Rev. George Kihien and Mrs. the pano.Killen, Aiberton, Prince Ed.- rProgram for the evening was ward Island, at Robert Killen'sJ ithe fox-m of a panel discus-i for the weekend. sion conceroing Holiand and Canada. The members of the Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Yel-' panel were introduced by Alan ]awlees, Mr. and Mrs. Gerr,,y Strike who acted as ,"airman Glaspeli, took a trip ta Vine thrÔughout the discussion. Tuieiadt panel members \vere Mrs. Jas- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Samsoni pers Fayer. Mrs. Joan Manii, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Samsoi', Bill Dyýkstra, Rev. Morgan, El- Toronto, at Russell Perkins. t mer Baoting and Rev Schaaf- Miss Laurel Stainton spent' :nma. a couple of days with h"rr Bill Dykstra aod Elmer Bant- grandparents, Mr-. and Mrs. Hl.' ji ng discussed geographicai, F. Stephien, Oshawa. econamical and political candi- Miss Grace Stainton, Oshai-j tions. It was a note of ioterest \va: Mr. Roy Thomas, Scarboro: J*ta hear that Haliand is approx- at Russell Staintan's fox- tIii g mnately the same area as Lake weekend. no*ari.. It was stressed that Mx-. and Mrs. Jack Cameron; v ating ini Holland was carried and Diane, Osliwa, at Weý.' out strictly party poiicy. From Cameron's. Johony and Bren-' ths voted ino the lower da returned with them after: huethe leader wouid be spending a couple of weeks, chosen. Social and living con-' with their grandparents. ditions \vere discussed by Mis. *Fayer and Mrs. Mann . Mrs. Mx-. and Mrs. Charles Mitch- Fayer explainod ta us that e n erTroo tRs ciothes, home furnishings aod sel Perkin's. shpig wr iia atoe Mx-. Ronald Jackson, Miss, of Canada. They enjay sports, Pat Shaw, Oshawa, at Russell' with saccex- being the favour.- Stainton's. ite. Recreation ;n the home - M r s. Clar-ke Moore. Mizý', Most popullar.' Marie Moore~, Miss Beth Moor, *They cnjoyed the explana saw, Mr. Kenneth Bur-î tion of Halloween aond Valen- ridge, Scarbaro, at Keith tine's Da.v. Stainton's. Education and religion ,%ee Congratulations ta Mr. an-I discuzseci b'.' le'.-. Schaat'si-Mrs. NeIl Gifford <Dorecri and Rev. Mox-gan. Rev. Schaaf- Dervent> on their recent mar-~ &ma exphained the schooh sy-i- riag- _ il"', le dos - . a- . 1 1 I<enew Acquainfances ~ At Enjoyable Reception For Three Keys Sisters A, very pleasant social event pleasant cause for the recep- took place lasi Thursday, Sept. tien held by the Misses Weekes 22. at the home et Misses Edith' on, Thursday afternoon and and Ida Weekes, Duke St., evening, Mrs. Wood has been when they received maoy aid gone from Bowmanville 'or friends who called ta renew ac- over 50 years, and Mrs. Bre w-J quaintance with the three Keys ster for 48, with only brie rý~kiters, Mrs. O. E. Wood, Win- visits during that time. Theyl -ýiNhII peg; Mrs. E. F. Weekes, Ta- found many changes in the d'ronto, and Mrs. W. A. Brew- towo. but there were still manv ster, Detroit. They were better friends whom tbev had known,1 known ta aId Bowmanviîîiaos and chiîdren of those friends when they lived here as Hattie, whom they were very happy ta Lena and Aileen Keys, daugiî- sce. Mrs. Weekes, who bas lîved ters of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. in Bowmanville, Ottawa and L. Keys who operated a bak- Toronto, being dloser by, has ex-v here befare the turn of the been more in Bowmanvîlle, and century. was able ta greet aIi l d friends It was many years since ail by first names. three sisters had been together Reminisceoces flew thick and in Bowmanville at one time, fast as famiiy and friends en- and the occasion was a most 1joyed this reunion. Editor Gp.o. i - An Open Letter' Thé Voters'of the Town of Bowmanville Dear Feiiow-Voters:- Wednesday, October 26t,4, you will have the opportunity ta vote on three questions regarding the establishment of further autiets for the sale of alcoholic beverages fof this' area, in the Town of Bowmanville. There are bound to be some heated discussions over these questions. There will be many appeais ta prejudice and ta emotional argument. There will be same who wili vote on an emotianal basis, but this letter is ta the reasonable peaple& of the town, drinkers or non-drinkers. Why are there regulations govening the sale and consumptiori of alcoholic beverages ? Every country has them, and in this pr9?vince, where 65% of the peaple use beverage aicohol, they certainly aren't the resuit of pressure by any minority group. There are regulatians because reasanable people, bath drinkers and nan-drinkers, recagnize that the consump- tion af alcohoiic beverages has in it certain inherent da ngers. For instance, in Ontario, 4,000 new alcohalics are created each year ta add to aur existing 50,000, flot ta mention many other problems. Is the limitation of the number outets a crood way ta regulate the consumption of alcohal? Many people, drinkers and non-drinkers, think it is. The record shows there is a definite relationship between the amount of beverage alcohol cansumed and the number of outiets. That is why aur Ontaria Govern- ment has limited the number af outiets in those areas where it had the power ta open as many as it wishecL That is why this year every cammunity, that has faced a vote on this question, has voted against the establish- ment of new outiets. With drinkers in the majarity, further autiets have been voted dawn everywhere. The maintenance of adeqýate contrais 15 the concern f bth the rinker and the nn-drinker. A reasonable man doesn't have ta be a non-drinker ta recognize the need for contrai over the sale of alcoholic *beverages. A reasonable man recognizes that contrai over their sale is alsa. contrai over their consumptian. A reasonable man recagnizes that a vote against the relaxing of these contrais is not a reflectian on his awn ability ta handie beverage alcahol, or a moral judgement on his personal habits. The Citizens Committee feels there are suf- ficient outets in thi area ta serve those who wish ta purchase beverage alcohol. We -f eel that the con- venience having outets in Bowmanville is f ar out- weighed by the dangers ta this area in relaxing contrais. MIL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff, ders or Mrs. N. Kennedy, con- KENDAL nee Theressa Coiuroux. The ad- vener: for th:e nw:;frmr Mrs. Alva Swarbrick and dress expressin g the well wis-1Ahei.Asoatn. Mrs. Thorne accompanied Mr. es of the carnrunity. ý,,as read he Me ao t Gorney for te and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt ta, by Alec Little, The happy cou- weekend. their home in Oshawa for a pie were recipients of manv- Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer few days' visit, Wednesday. Iovely, useful gifts. Kendal'id aiy eei oo M r. and M rs. Vernon Pea- ba l team , in w hich C ri p a- nd am iaod we n o a O ak- cock were guests of Mrs. Ella ed an active part last summer, Ivle t ii at~ oto Thompson and Arthur, Sunday. prese ted them xitiî a beauti-1 ia tNortv i e, CSana da.oy a M r. and M rs. W m. Jackson fu i tri-light table tam p. Carli M r N do r s. AilSCensat. were in North Bay Saturday and Thereissa expressed their j her. an gs ASn, vWan e, ou p attend ng the funera i of M rs. appreciation in a few w el- t the y u gSik sChil Wre n eHo pa Jackso's brtherchose n words. After lunch oteScChlrnsHpia JRcsns romthr . Frank dnigwsrsmd' u where he undex-goes an opeta- ed ta them. yi xed supplied by M-s. John Lower,l tin on Wednesday. We al Ted Coatamn, Stan Hoy and; wish the wee chap a succe&sfl Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Hnk Wethaserý witb L. operation and rapid recover. and Mx-. and Mrs. Cari Lang- Clydesdale and D. Wilson caîl- Mrs. Stoker left for Toron to sta;ff left Tuesday on a holiday ing the squares. A gaod time Suoday for a few days and at Cache Bay and North Bay. was enjoyed by ail. while there wîi go ta Sunny- Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Alva Miss Anne Grdon spent a brook Hospital for a check-ui. Swarbrick were Sunday guests fewv days visiting fxiends in Congratulations ta Mr. and with Miss Katie Stewart. Whitby last week. Mrs. Elmer Munford, nee Juiwx 1\r. and Mrs. Chas. Roacb Mr. .and Mrs. Earl Burlev Grdon on the rrivah of their and family, Bolton,ý and Mr. visited Jimn Simpson's on Mo'*- son in the west. and Mrs. Vance AllenLdskarddyn We were sorry ta loarn of visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mer- h crday.n o o Dn ceSunda-. Attention ladies! About $200 tecracdn aTmDn ceh as been raised toward a rink hu on Friday erSmo Sunday guests' with Mr. and for Kendal young folks. To and trust is condition is fot Mr.Pery Burley were Mr. raise mre money a bakîn" Sa'ý serius as first reported. and Mrs. Douglas Anger, Fran- sale is being beld'ho the Hydro ______________ cis and Tom, Mrs. D. VannaLto Office, Bawmanviile, Fridi and Cecil, John Bird and Boo and Saturday, Oct. 7 and 8. Ail 1CKI Vanoatto, Mrs. Vanatto and ladies of the community r TO EVERYWHEJRE Cecil have just returned from asked ta belp out generoasly-e Air, Rail or Steam'ship a two weeks' visit with rela- with baking. The -baking may Consuit tives at Victoria Harbour. be left in the Sunday Sohool J UR Y & L OV EI.L A dance and shower werco room from wbere it will be 3owmanville beld in the Orange Hall, Friday coliected. For fuxther informa- 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 M

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