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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 5

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T2Nt1MMDÂ, SEPT. 2Mt, 195b 7 er relations for the East-Cen-' Many Visitors Attend P.. as present at themeet- in.tra.Region texpOanetro t Rotary Meeting -Friday~;~ yr Asciation of Ontario and the' 0 0 Electric Service League in sbowing the film to service To V e w W iring FilmJ tions in Ontario I tese ogai: Nîn vîitig Rtar Inern- my snd he xrîg pan ta izations Jack a projector. Mr. Niri vi-itig RoaryIntena- maysen thewirng pan liggon said that Hydro will tryý ional members attended te the Red Seal offices for help- to povide one. regular meeting of the Bow- 'ful suggestions or cbang,_s. Fopr In redaC nianvîlle Rotarv Club held in 1 When a Red Seal is given ta a IFitInAtnac the Balmoral Hotel on Fridavj1 wiring job, he said, il meca H astaked forbiad and saw an interesting film'1 that it is ug ta a certain stand- dress and obtaining the film by procured by Rotarian Daver ard which is adequate for wbatî President Keith Jackson. Tlie; .iggon. it is called on ta do. Pýesident also announced that This colour mavie illustratedf Many wiring jobs are inade- d ith inwm an club h eplc % ýhe need for adequate wiring in quate, even in new bouses, due ditc in aust ttendance h the modern homne and was pre- ta the fact that wbile there!,dhirct nBAunustMiAtendane '1eded by a short address hv were only 20 electrical appli- Charnan BotrnoAI-Milerspo- Mr. Higgon. He explained thatr ances available 25 y'ears ag,' se nte Roaan AIWiteon- the film is made available by the number bas now grown toancw ian-e1pretatn- "the Electric Service League of over 100. Home owners expect an pn Canada wh' th is a non-profit ita get the samne resuits from i President Jackson made birth-; organizatiog witb rçpresenfa-I 25-vear-old wiring or from new day presentations of silver Ro- tives from O ntaric. Hydro, elec- wiring no heavier than was tary spoons ta Rotarians Wal- trical equipment manufactur-. used then. He pointed out thcîtr ter Rey nolds and R. R. Stevens. ers elctrcalsuplv istibu fthis is impossible. and as a re- He welcomed the fine visitors! tors and contractors. The league sult electric appliances do not who .ee Rotarians Fred Ad- sponsors Red Seal standardsr operate at top efficiency and sett, Belleville, and Lance, for wiring, he said. whicb en- fuses often blaw out., Beath, Jack Lowery, Syd Bal-: sure that wiring jobs bearing The movie showed that the lard, Jack Ovens, Wes Demp-! these seals have met the higti onîy way ta correct this situa- sey, Ted Shreive, Stan Loveilr requirements the Electric Ser- tion is ta re-wjre bouses with andà Percy Ex-eleigb of Oshawa1 'Vice League upholds. hairwrn n a ad Rotarian Tomn Rehder re- Offer Planning Service more circuits ta handle the new minded the members that Ro- Mr. Higgon stated that per- appîjances now in use. tary bowling bas started and sons building their own homes Fred Adsett, bead of consum- will continue eacb Thursday' ~~~-- -------- - night The sing sang was led bv 1 at the piano. ERASE your old bufis 1 Honor Local with 0un HFC loon Coupleon Theiri CLEAN UP ail those overdue bis at one time. You càn get $50 Up ta $1000 at Hausehold Finance without endorsers. Take up ta twe nty-four months ta repay. Start fresh with a loan from HF'C. Phone or came in today! MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT eIfUSEHOLD FINANCE 71 Walton St., second floor, phone TU 5.5050 PORT HOPE, ONT. OSHAWA BRANCHES t 64 King Street Eat, second floor, phone RA 5-6326 1IVl' Slmcoe Street South, second floor, phone RA 5-1139 Annive'rsary JMrs. W. A. Edger and 1 and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield e tertained at the latter's bonr ICarlisle Ave., at a surprise pa Ity on Wedinesday evenir Sept. 7, in bonor of Mr. ar Mrs. Ray Dillings 25th we ding anniversary. About 3,0 friends gatberedi offer congratulations ta t] couple wbo were rnarried United Church. Mrs. Dilling tbe former Zetta Anderson. The Greenfield home preser ted a festive appearance for th happy occasion, the rooms hc ing decorated with pink an white asters. A very pleasa'i evening was spent in playin cards. A con ratulatory address t Mr. an'd Mrs. Dilling was rea( by Miss Margaret Allun, a cou sin of the groom. Mrs. Edgeý made the presentation of-1 lovely silver entree disb in meý Ion design, on bebaîf of thos, assembled. Bath bride anc graôom expressed their sincerE thanks for the kind tbought, and beautiful gift. The evening concluded with a deliclous lunch served by the bostesses, Mrs. Edger and Mrs. TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWXMvyjj O~M o PAGE F I Utizens of To-morrowI Nestlelon Stafion Ladies' Group Chrysier ta JMr, and Mrs. Jas. Harris e !Ire ~~~~~~tàrned home on Monday fo- fS.Pu's--s oe in kalaa~zooi H S. Pal's LseMor by hele ad r. Hear Reports Paper Ads Ma as accompanied them and remained for the week. j Mss orobyHarisTorn- St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the1 Addressing more than Zou to, visited bier parents who home of Mrs. Herbert Layman;Crseo!andfident spent a day in Madoc. Stirling Sept. 2tb. The president. Mrs. their annual conventien here, theR. T. Brown, advertising marn- and Belleville visiting Mr. Har- Harold Ferguson opened of the corporation dms. ris' sisters and a brother-in-îaw meeting with prayer for the cie esaesa tecr Iwho is quite ill. cie esaesa Iecr Mr D nad c eo. ornt, success o! all Christian Endea- nersto 1ne orf aur w bole cam-. As visiting bis parents and vars. Mrs. Ross Stevens gave a pin igadaets, Rev. and Mrs. A. splendid report on the meet- notlnn the companv*s advertising plans for 1956 Mr. S. McLean. ings at the School for Leaders Brw none htdrS. jMiss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, at Whitby stating Dr. Winni- 1er of Canada will expand ~ spent the weekend îvith ber fred Thomas said w budatetsn oeaedrn h 'V '4 ~ -,Mr Chrle VnnigBlak-budget aur time and taskan co ming x-ear, providing increcas- i M r C h a l e s V e n n n g , B l a c - s h a v e m a r e tim e fo r Bib le e d a s s is ta n c e ta its d e a le r s ' ~ ~ . ~ s"orth otmse, si charge studv. Mrs. Stevens concluded efot.icae are enjoy-,ipg a motor t rip to l go ta local newspapers." ha orh ay a d L v l o viqit h osi evc, " h.said, "for- it is at the local le- lowi daugter, Mrs. Jack Mar- C l t icpe hp w sa e vel prirarily that we must oD.Marlow, adJhne yMS. H. G. Sa.IIs .lme h buvifg public." goad many local folk it Whitmee assisted by replyiiig D.uring 195,5, lie added. tlis ended Lindsa y Exhibition and ' ta 1h ue to s rs. H. T ii . r po ai n' ula o go d fam er clsed the w r hi evie c r dr tin s inustha o eS report a go fi.wahpayr rshînttoervgcepape drtsn wa th Mr.Blanche Nesbîtt, Orillia,wth rae.MsOtoBgg gre atest in its bistory. Tremeis. is visiting Mrs. John proutt read a repart by Miss Je8nir dousl13 increased sales o! Clsrys. and Miss Ruth Proutt. Bragg, a delegate ta the Scbool! ler-built automobiles tbrough- fo edrs nteadrs fout the ,ear reflected the valuie i Preabyterlan Ladies Dr. Winnifred Thomas who af the p rogram and warranted The members af Nestleton stated we as Christians dq not net ,*ar's substaxitial increase. iPresbyterian Ladies' Aid were use aur Bibles as we shoîfld ta entertained at the home of Mrs. derive the blessings intended George Wolfe for tbe Septen- for- us . MrS. H. Turner spokeC9ET8 Laurie, aged 6, and ber brother, aged 3, are the ber meeting. Tbe President, on Mrs. J. McKillop, and men- 1TiCKETS chidrn o M. ad is.Larecc itie,24Pie S.,MrS. Wolfe was in the chair tioned the degrees of fearning j TO'EVERYWHERE ýchldrn o Mr ad Ms. awrnceLitle 24Flet S.,and the devotional program open toalal of us. B.A. bori 1 Air. Rail or Steamashlp 3o wma avilIe. xvas in charge of Mrs. L. Fitze. again, M.A. more abundantlyf Cansult Several business items were D.D. dispel doubts f j3 U R y & L O VE L L discussed. The manse painting H. Ferguson - is completed and further rsnsmetn with cose d he 1Rig S t. W. MA 3-57 hallw m ade ta have upstairs m ei gp a '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ qustonoandig h garage T YT IS ft cj*5a*SMP. wodwork ta be left with theTR Ti u - -g rL ma qse board. A committee was T M OA P C -~ ~no nýinated to, view silver forVr sale and purchase if suitable. Boys IProgram cansisted of a read-Mme comm, ing by Mrs. Ceeil Wilson.,'"Just t)issolve one package of termon-flavored jelly powder in Ue.Eoo, th e L ittle T h in g s in L ife "; b a - I u o Y M R u j i e o a o u c .S a monîca bymns by Mrs. Charles 1 cup o AYLMER T'ru %oh ne Tomthonice. hoseadi Gist. "Adventures With God" salcppcol dd Y jlMER Tmitue ,,hil iordiuon. hos. l as wvritten by Mrs. Jane Scott, sapep .Ad 0jlymxreC Ilnndiu!mud. uth PMr.o son and Miss 0YLM SUNSHINE TOMATO JUICE fout roUtgread '"The Prograrn M -PURELY Cmadio., Goraceti Women's Work in '55 r . W olfe and M rs. M c - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lauglin served a delicious ice crLaugho!andwiche s ak oe-,nd An A si hower for Y Balhroom r lunch of s n w c e ,c k an A of tbanks was tendered. Mrs. AJSOY u Klaas Viieger invited the la- Sdies to hold qa meeting at her - 4f thome this fail wbicb was ac- !t la the greatest discovery ..ii cepted with pleasure. The in, a shower fixture. Spray ' imeeting closed with a hymn cari be directed to any part --and the Mizpab Benediction. o f the body Just as yok a,,, - -se, ricl le d it g a :> I BROWN'S The September meeting of1 Brown's Home and Scbool Club1 was held at the scbool on tbe evening of Tuesday, Septem - ber l3tb. Following the com- pletion of regular business,, Mrs. T. Wilson was appainted chairman for the evening, in charge of conducting' the elec- tion of officers for the 1955-56 season. New officers for this year are -as follows: - President. Mrs. Jas. Curson: Vice Presidents, IMrs. H. Sinclair, Mrs. E, Mc- I Illroy, Mrs. R. Watson, Mrs. R. jSimpson: Secretary, Mrs. J. -Baxter; Treasurer, Mrs. T.' Wil- son; Correspondence Secretary, r Mrs.W. Caîl: Auditors. Mi*ss fJean Peýrrn Mr. W. Morley. It assuggested tat ail in the scbool section ta auir' imeetings. Lunch was served. Iand the meeting closed -%vithî the singing of 'God Save the IQueen'. Man learned how ta make: paper from wood by watching; the xwasp. TIan't be surprised ir ane or these days Yeu see a coal truck go by loaded wth shining stuif that ccrtainly doesn't look like coal. One big coal company naw sprays its anthracite with ai uminum paint. Not only makes it cleaner to bandle; it burns better, too. W'e note, taa. that aluminum is in%~ olved in another fuel opera- tian-this time in capîurnngiieat from the sun. An aîrcraft com- pany operates a solar t'urnace thai foctises the sun's raýs hy mecans of a l20-inch aluminum reflector taecrate temperatures UP ta 8,500 F. It is uscd ta test materials under extreme heat. ALUMINUM COMPANy 0F ÇANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) .e ,Presented to h I Goodyea rites Two long-service employees of the Goodyear plant here re- ceived pins at ceremnonies hed in the factory recently. Mike Vesna ws presented with a 30- year pin and George M. Hart receix ed is 25-year pin. iMr. Vesna receved his pin from Vice-President A. W. Wally" Denny of New To- ronto, and Personnel Superin-, tendent Jim Presson gave the highlights of is career. He was Carnadn Russia and came tok Caaaat the age of 17 efter 1 bokn is way across on a Donal, 4 yars, freighter. He worked in Cam, - Donad, yers, s te sn ofMr.andMrs.C. hit bellford, Ont, and Nova Scotia, 18 Prince Street. 'stesno r adMs .Wie and served in World War I: being wounded in action. Af ter the war hie worked in the mine. inr. thern 'Ontario beforej coming to Goodyear in 1925. r. Vesna was employed for- many ears in the mil] roomn until illness forced him ta transfer 'ta the porter service in 1946. IHe is married and has t.hree boys and two girls. Mr. Hart Receives Pin V~tnetBbWtt n i oe 1*Mr. Hart received his 25-year pin fromn Production Superin-, man Cliff Samis, gave hi1 pr sonai history. Born in ToonI jMr. Hart came ta Goodyear in; January, 1930 and worked' trimming heels unil 1936 when he transferred ta mechanical goods. His service at Goodvear was interrupted by World \Var II~ in which he served overseas lery. Mr. Royal Canadi:n Ar:iI- lr.M.Hart returned ta bis \var and during thie past few y ears has filled in on supervi- rSion an d fina) inspection dur-; ing vacation periods. He is married and as one * son, and is chief hobby is his t Mwood-working sbop. Other service pin awards made reccntly' v were: Jack ?.la il v , 1 r n o t h s a n R o z n n e w h o x vii b e 4 I F a u lk n e r, 20 y e a rs ; B o b W a tt, 1%lril' vi,14 nonhsan Roann, wo illb e4 n,Jack Bird, George Dadson, Decci+ber, are the daughters of Mr. and Mýrs. Art1 Kenneth Hopkins, 15 years; Stac-aru-, in,- St.Mr.James Fraser, Roliert Wright, Stacaru Kin St W.David Park, Robert Purdv, Fred Smith, 10 ears; Brur.e MacDonald, Douglas Battams,r 5 years. p à !Sheep Winner From This Area i iNot Oshawa l In, last week's Statesmàn: b we inadvertently made an error 1of location. Under sbeep win- ners at C.N.E. Ralph B. Glas- P pell was listed as liing in S rOsbawa. His many friends may: have been wondering when hie' movdsowe asentopro-, Wi '~~.perly situate him near Bethes fui da a, R. R. 4, Bowmanvil]e. In- ag ~:~ *~~ icidentally Mr. Glaspellfs sheep' a <Y- won the coveted E. J. Freysong ~~t rophy for the second time-a 4 notable achievement. LitleLvdaRowe, aged 4 mrontiis, N the claugliter of:i \ICK PECONI,r iUr. and .L1rs. Keîth -Rowe, 3,3 Jane St, PETERBOROUGH 2-2090 wouud like tw have it. No need ta get your hair wet. ' Ideal for showering the chlldren or for shampooing. Where installed it is cons- tantly in use' by the whoIe family. The Adjusto lu guarantced for 10 Years and its cost is surprisjngly low. Cali us for a helpful suggestion as ta how to make You1r bathroom up-to-date. If building a new home speclfy an ADJUSTO SHOWER and Tub Filler, a fixture whlch, the whole family wil enjoy uslng. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS PHONEl se. Bictin Ellioît Plumibing H eating - Tinsmnithing 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3.148 Payte\-x Baby Ponts Ja mboree.' Wnderfiv4 products to kcep bab) nmat, .rweet, cornifortable and I., m ý,Wý , -socallyacceptable" - 4û, PLAYTEX EAcY PANTS Smooth liquid latex. Water. Proof. Ventjlated. Stretchable. Wash and pat dry. Pink, white and blue. In beautiful lvery box. .89J ILAYTIX TRANSPARENT IABY PANTS -ighr, cool, durable, stretchi ,ble. Wash and pat dry. In ýautiful stlvery tube. .98e LAYTEX SNAP.ON IA.8y pANTS oft, smooth, stretchable' quid latex. Cross ventilated. ash and pat dry. In beauti- [silvery nurseUy block pack. Il Playtex Baby Pants Accurately Sized by Baby's Weight "PicYtex.; Cormde's Known Saby Lmne 1'! Mark ,JURY & -1OVELIL PLAYTEX ORESS-IEZ5 EASy pANTS Pastel checks on light, soft plastic. Waterproof. Wash and pat dry. Pink, blue and white. In beautiful silvery box. .980 PLAYTEX PARTy.PANTS* Jacquard.weave nylon lined with waterproof plastic. Tait. ored for boys, wîrh lace fo girls. Pastel blue, white, pnl and maize. Slvery box faf boys, golden box for girls. $1.69 & $1.89 PLAYTEX SILK PANTY 0f Pure hand-boomed silk. Washable by hand or machine. PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE ~- DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Local Agent:- ROOPEPI LADIES' WEAIR P130NE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 PHONE MA 3.5778 ,Service Pins ý F% . 1 - BOWNIANVILLE

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