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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 9

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r ~: '~ ,,~ N THURSDAY, OCT. Ofli. 1958 'l'ra!e~AAni1 'l' WU.lA m m,.,alL,,'w NA 'Necarly 30( Have Bened V.L.A.Loan.q A total of $1,479,450 has beer laaned to 295 Durham County Veterans since the end of World 'War II ta estabiish themse1ves on farrns or smail holdings un- der the Veterans Land Act., Lior Xrnest Bradley, Veterans Land fý,'ct Officer for this county. Jtated in an address at the reg. ular meeting of the Bowman- ville Lians Club Monday night. An additianai $163,433 has been laaned them to purchase Iivestack and equipment and the veterans themselves have put $81,661 into their farms and amail holdings, he said. Lion Braly wha was giving his classfication talk, stated that there 'is no. ie liniit as to when a veteran can be estab- lished under V.L.A. and no ex- Piry date has been set an V.L.A. regtflatians. "I'm even iooking ý r business tonight," he de-, clared, "and I will be giad ta talk ta anyone who thinks he is qualified for a V.L.A. loan JACK EIGUGH PLUMBING and BEATINCk MA 3-5615 BOWMANVIELLE Division Street South AUTO INSU RANCE IN TWO SMALLI INSTALLMENTS Not one big yeurly bill i Imagine!1 Small, casy-to-meet premuiums paid every six monthsi. This is a feature pianeered by s sny Company ta, make your autos insurance cuzier to handle. My Company'& rates in mas t States a are made up on the ba3s o f its s awn "careful-drivee' lois expe- rience. Thtis also pernits quicker1 rate reductions whenever they f are possible. CaUl today and find 9 out mare about titis, budget insurancem I 1Puys le &uew Yserf L±STA!P FARM Agent'f Dirk Brinkman Opposite thec Co-op Cold Stora<e Neweaate Phsone 3671 0 Veterans fited From, s Lions ToId n ta set up farming." y 365 Days Service d Mr. Bradley pointed out that 'in order ta qualiiy for assistance under the V.L.A. the veteran must have had 365 days ai ser- nvice in the armedl forces, lue d must have 10 per cent in cash r, ai any amaunt be wants to bar- row, and if the loan is for the purpase ai establisbing a farm, the must bave at least twa years ai o farming experience. e As the amended act now esta nds, he said, a veteran can :1 borrow up ta $10,500 ta purebase d1 a iarm or up ta $8,100 ta set up na smali holding. Under a smal , holding arrangement the vet- 1eran usuaiiy bas a suppiement- ary job and is only a part-time farmer. The major portion ai these boans are paid back in mantbly payments small enough gfor the veteran ta bandie. The speaker also stated that under a new Part III ai the V. L.A. passed a year ago, the veteran can now build a home in tawry if he does the work himseif and provides a lot val- ued at $800. Courses are beld in borne construction in the various V.L.A. districts, and one ai these courses beld in Oshawa bast winter was attended by 91 veterans. In all ai Canada, Mr. Bradley said, 70,000 veterans bave been established an farms or small holdings under the Veterans Land Act. Proof ai the success af the Act is the fact tbat only 1/2 ai 1 per cent ai these veter- ans are in arrears an their payments. Born Near Ottawa Mr. Bradley was introduced by Lion Harry Cryderman who pointed out that be was born near Ottawa and aperated bis own farm. for several years ai- ter World War I. Wben the Veterans Land Act was set up during World War II be was employed as a V.L.A. aificer. Me came ta Bowmanville in 1950 and is now responsible for administerîng tbe act in Dur- hram County. Mr. Bradley was thanked for bis informative and humorous address by Lion Geo. White. President Waliy Braden wel- comed six guests ta the meet- ing. These were: Ernie Wes- sells, Bowmanville; President Sam Payne ai tbe Oshawa Li'%ns Club, Lion, Rufus Lambert, a past president ai the Oshawa club; Lion Jin Porter, New- castle; H. C. Ensor, Ottawa, and Ralpb Carruthers, New York. He also welcomed back Lion Bill Oliver wbo bas missed sev- erai meetings through iilness. Cbairmapn Ralph Ames ai the Lions Auction Sale ta be beld on October 29th at 1 p.m. an- nounced plans for a canvass ai the town ta obtain furniture and otber saleable -items on October 24 after the regular meeting. He stated that the town wili be split inta 14 sections and asked as many members as possible ta bring trucks ta assist in the collection. He stated that be also would need belp the day ai the auction. Letters of Thanks Secretary Norman O'Rourke read a letter ai thanks from the Bowmanville Citadel ai the Sal- vation Army thanking the club for a donation af $75 which bad allowed i tot send six boys ta summer camp. A letter was also received from St. Josepb's Church thanking the club for allowing the cburch ta bold a summer school for cbildren in the Lions Community Centre. Tbe secretary also read a letter iran the District Governor con- gratulating bulletin editor Don Williams on one ai bis recent Birthdays were celebrated by Lions Sam Black and Don Wil- liams. The sing-song was led by Lion Walter Rundie with W. E. C. Workman at the piano. OBITTJARY AITHUR 13. WEIKRY 1 A lifelong resident ai the dis- »trict, Arthur B. Werry, passed away suddenly at the family residence, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, September 29, in bis 93rd year. A son ai the late Benjamin Werry and Lais Davis, the de- ceased was born at Clarke Un- ion an January 13, 1863. As a young man be lived in the Bowmanville vicinity and at- tended Bowmanviile High Scbool. A farmer al bis lufe, Mr. Werry had iLived and iarmed an the property where he died, for 70 years. He was an active member of Ebenezer Unitedý Church, serving for many years as an eider ai the church and as a teacher in the Sunclay School. Predeceased by his wife, the former Mary A. Oke, in May, 1952, he leaves fb mourn his passing two, daughters, Mrs. Russell Bragg (Lois), wha lives east af Bowmanville and Mrs. IMelburn Terry, Westmariand avenue, Oshawa, and one son, Elton A. Werry, on the home- stead. Also surviving is a brother, 'Wesley George Werry, who lives north oi Bowmanville. The funeral was beld irom the Northcutt and Smith Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Octaber 1. Rev. L. M. Somerville.'pastor of Eben- ezer United Cburch, conducted the services. Interment was in the family plot in Bethesda Cemetery. To have daubted one's own first principies, is the mark of a civilized man. -Justice-Oli- ver Wendell Holmes. When men and wvomen agrce, it is only mn their conclusioný; their reasans are always diifer. &UL«eGaM S;nan& 1 OBITUARY MES. WILLIAM G. STEPENS Mrs. William G. Stephens, a resident ai Hamptan, well known and highly regarded by a wide circle of friends, passed away suddenly on September 21 at the home af ber daughter, Mrs. Richard Gibbs. She was in lMer 83rd year. The deceased was born Char- lotte Griffin, a daughter af the late Mr. and Mrs.TPrederick Grif- f in, in Dariington ,Tawnship. Her husband, William G. Steph- ens, predeceaseçl ber in 1911. Mother ai a ~large family, Mrs. Stephens was unselfîshly devot- ed ta their care and upbringing. She was a member of Hampton United Church and was active in ail phases ai church activities. She was a lufe member, af the W.M.S. Her kindly disposition, wise counsel and good sense af humor endeared her ta a wide circle ai friends. Having taught school in her yauth, Mrs. Stephens remained intenseiy in- terested in young people al ber lufe. She retained ail her facul- ties and enjoyed following world events. Funeral service was held at the Northcutt & Smith Funera Home' Bawmanville, on F ridayý, September 23, with Rev. F. J. Reed conducting the service. Many floral tributes spoke ai the esteern in which she was held. Relatives, neighbors and friendsl attended the funeral iran Buf- falo, Toronto, Oshawa, Brook- Jin, Bawmanville and surround- ing district. Palibearers were Messrs. Carl Ferguson, Fred Griffin, Gardon Beech, Donald Stephens, Michael Stephens and William Stephens. Interment was in Hampton Pemetery. Leit ta mourn her lass are fouri After ail, it really lsn't considered good form to toot one's horn too loudly ... HOWEVER... since the early months of this ypar, an unparalleled situation has existed and we can't contain ourselves any longer. Pontiac-we've got to say lt-fs now up inl the TOP 2 in automotive sales in Canada ... second only to another General Motors producti This isn't just a claim ... it's a fact. Against the toughest competition, Pontiac has plain outsold every other manufacturer's cars. It 's more thana trend in Oshawa. He worked as an insurance underwriter in Ta- ronto and was an adher- cnt ai the United Cburch. r. Hezzelwood made many friends sons: Robert, Bowmanvllle; Roy, Church, Sarnia. Wbile at Sarnia Oshawa; Colin, Edwardsburg, he was music director ai the R c n rd Mih. vaToronto; alsa t:re Narthern Navigation CompanyRentBrd Faersn, LMaan(Mrs. Gardnd ncharge af arganizing G Ferusn),Maian(Ms. oronorchestras and obtainlng singers G est of o o Van Camp), Ethel <Mrs. Richard for all its ships, inciuding the IH Gibbs). A son, Upton, and two well-known Huronic and Nor-f daughters, Rgwena and Iva, pre- onic. He was alsa piano sooist At flowVe I deceased her. There ae3 with the Apollo Concert Oce- grandhblîdren and 37 great- tra ai Part Huron, Michigan. Prior ta bier marriage ta Mr. grandcblîdren. A brothet-, Rich- Mr. Workman holds the degree Cecil Aibin on Sept. 17, Miss ard Griffin, Burketon, aiso sur- ai L.T.C.M. fron the Royal Con- Muriel Wiiiatts was guest ai vives. servafory ai Music.Toronto, and honor at a miscellaneous shower hoids a specialist's certificate in given for ber by Mrs. George music from the Ontario Depart- Forsey and Mrs. J. Casweli at Lio s Pa'nst ment ai Education. He taught the sUnion 'Hall. Many friends Lion ' Pinist music in the Bowmanvilie Pub- and neighbars gatbered ta honor lic Scbools for eight years. At the bride-elect and shower her Receves oostthe present time he has many with rnany lovely «gifts. Re ev s~ o r He is a Pt Grand Steward ai presented with a beautiful At M eetin gth aoi Order and a Knight hostess chair by the Salvation t ITempiar. Mr. Workman is.mar- Army, ai which bath are mem- ried and bas two daughters and, bers. About 50 were present for W. E. C. Workman, pianist at two grandchildren. Mis wife is the occasion when many pleasant the Bowmanville Lions Club also àrn accompîisbed musician. things were read and said about meeing fo th pat 1 yers Lion McGregor stated that the the bride and groom. and weli-known lôcal music Bow-monville Lions, Club is teacher. received a "boost> from known asthe best singing club i Lion' Alex McGregor at then tegular meeting ai the Bawman- i h district and owes a great O IU R ville Lions Club Monday ngt for beiping it attain this reputa- AYE .HZEWO He stated thaV Mr. Workman to.AYE .HZEWO was barn in Ottawa and educat -__________ ed there. His father was a pro- The death occurred very su&- fessor of music and musical di-lg denly at bis home, 12 Burling- rector af Ottawa schools. Fram reaK X f ton Crescent, Toronto, on Sep- th ae i evn nwrd is, tember 24, ai Alymer Clayton father insistç d on bis practicing l{ezzelwood, beloved husband the piano froin 5 arn. ta 6:30 a .m. i-eof athe former Inas Pearce, in and irarn 7 arn. ta 8:30 a .r.W i e bis 74th year. This strenuous reginien kept up, A freak apple within an ap- A son af the late William through public school and most! pie grown in the orchard ai A. Hezzlewood and Elmira Foster, of high sehool, Mr. MeGregor, O. Parker, on No. 2 Highway the deceased was born at Rag- said. near Newcastle bas been lan, Ontario, in 1882, attendeci Organist Many Years brougbt into the office ai The public school in Raglan and After leavîng schooi Mr. Work- Canadian Statesman. High School in Oshawa. He man became organist ai the West This unusual Snow apple was married at Courtice in End Methodist Church ai Otta- looks ta be actually two apples, 1913, ta Inas Pearce, daugbter wva. He has helq~ the positions of with the auter apple growing of the late George Pearce cf organist and 'choir director at aroiind a Emaller partly-devel- South Dariington. churches in Ridgetown, Chatharn oped apple inside. Two leavcs Prior ta noving ta Toronto and St. Marys, and for 19 er are growing fron the top 42 years ago, Mr. Hezzeiwood was arganist and choir diru o where the two apples merge worked in*the office af the Mc- ai St. Andrew's Presbyterian into one. Laughlin Carrnage CompanyI On a per capita basis Canada imparted mare than any other . nation in 1954; in that year im- ports were valued at $323 for every man, woman and child in LOANS 1 on your promise to repay eCar or home repaira " Shopping expenses " Doctor bills $50 tel $1000 Fast, ane-day service S impie requiremnents. Up ta 24 maonths ta repay. Phone or camnein today for fast, frieÀdly service! @HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 111/2 Simce St. South, second floor, phone R A 5-1 139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCI 71 Watn St., 2nd fie..', phone TU 5.5030 z '4 I i r i i I i -j i I It's a hats-off tribut. to Canadian motorlsts, too, for their Instant recognition of Pontiac's sterling worth. No doubt about it, they buy shrewdly and weII where value counti. .Well, there it is! Pity, we had to be the ones to tell the story but that's the automotive industry for you. Anyway ... now everybody knows what more Canadians'than ever before have found out thîs year ... dollar for dollar you just can't beat Pontiaci a ait's a torrent to P-33 33C ROBSON MOTORS. Ltd. Bow manvil le Phone MA 3-5585 mil We blush .odestiy.. Se . . . .<. . . . . . I <'v 'I I I I i i I I I I I t, j I Le TPay Fast Due BUis OTo Consodate Monthly P'ayments For New s Ior Amy Cerne la Todoy Try The Belivu. Way ona Pay from Incouse Piam Beilvim IFine.,. 0. H3. WILSON, Mgr. 29%j Slmce S. Dial 5-11!1 OSHAWA 166 King St. E. s i t kînd and gracious personaiity. Besides his wife he leaves ta mourn his passing one sister, Mrs. Rowena Kitts af Califor- nia. M4A3-3303, The memorial service wvas held at the Gerrow Funeral fer Chapel, Oshawa, September 26. Rev. L. Somervilie, minister WANTAD canducted the service. In- SERVICE terment was in Ebenezer Cern- etery. The palîbearers were W. Windeyer, R. Milburn, N. Hez- zeiwood, G. Pearce, J. Pearce and E. Werry. ei- M CANADIAN STATrAMAM itmmàtm".T.v mmortieTt%

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