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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 10

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g - PAGE!m How Country Merchônts DidBusiness One Hundred Years'Ago In the Village of Enniskillen By Dr. L. B. Williams Ennlsklen Corner General ta meet your big 2-lb. order. myfther's (Charles Wili Sitore, now awned by John Sle- That hingu was the talk oairecord stdand found Mon, recently had a face-lifting the country-side - it rea hîy l neddh it by way of a real modern plate- workad. It was just one ofhefna onthhy draft-I glass sSow windew and oblong manyganius stunts of Black- axamplary for his son! at that-a real dash ai enter- sith Joýhn W. Virtua-an easy Ir reading the acceurt prise. I fear people will bu driv- way ta "roll eut the barrel". 1869, bottie ai ceai ail 20c ing right into itA-hinking it is Eventualy reached in the vailad, but in 1873, 1 gal. the side raad ta points east. rear of the store was the crack- ail 47c was in the ascendai In remavirg the old front, ar barraI or "Bum's Roost" and The young couples ceti pieces of paper tern oaf were Gherkin Piekia Keg. didn't turn down the laný raveaing by way of the print- On oe sida was the Dry- low as time went byo ed word. Scobia's Canadian Al- d ylaa toohe ia aphgtingr rai jt nianac af 1851 was advertîsîng i uods e omus e t hclasd te lass cf canlen t1e ar t for Martaîl & Co., its'pure Hol- Iastpoems ecasdteleso ade t1cprd land's Brandy and Old Jamalca ct f, the stock as wet goods. To Bed By Candis Rum, as though ary of aur re- In aviewing the Credît Day- In yeuth 1 always had Ic Vamed fomfathers would ba in- Books I notice sametimas thesa te bad by cardie-safar terested! ware wat goods. I notîcad by the books net Ir it aise, Petemboro was tooti' In those 1867-1873 days most ever bought more than Ing itsahf about its 800 pepula- retail business was charge ac- "lite glass' at a tirna thc tion. Simpson and Pearson, courts, through nacessity, sînce fraquantly they cacked. prpitr itéMmalpionear farmar raturns ,were I supposa whan a shoe Heousa, Tarante, announced very seasonai. brake thay put in a string they were apaning a branch in Teday, aven large city de- what's the sarse cf buying Bowmanvilleanad they wera partmentah stores have recent- other pair until the other 'the best and cheapest in Upper hy turred frarn strictly csh te breaks. Canada. Thay were as profli- ieudly proclaimad, "No doîvn No Chinese laundry w gate with adjectivas in those paymant". They ara now reaîhy Box man's paper colars days as radia advartisers af te J hending Finance Corporations and Surday white bosoms4 day. using marchandise as the draw- Aboyealal, I weuld eulo Taonae like mysahf, wbe has iing dard. Day Bock penmarshipv the disease, this bit af arciant Incentive To Save fine, steel pan-points, speri ian bard, looking ike steel histary just whet my appetite. I presumne the explanatian is graving and puts ta shama Earllest Recollectians that in the early days there vauntad education ai today. My earliast racelectiens cf was ircantive to save and fru- Imagine such artistry te that store front (date deleted) gality pravailad, but new with tam, hamp-wick 2c acceunt was a numbar ai panes of Incarne Taxas what tbey ara, canrercaîl saeing the acceu sbeltering a large sprea ding thare is ne incentiva, or Baby bock panmanship ai J. B.-M garanium that had its continu- Bonus, Pension Furds, Unern- trAayJhsa ing moods cf bloom and leaf- pîcyment Insurance, Health 1n Mills af like character. falling through my yeuthful surance etc., is suppased te ease As te variety of stock, B] dlays. - the irdividual's future-lt. May d $ 1.00 par batthe, Gin 90c Ranking next, in order ta the be later than you think - 30, chaîice ai hair ail or castor wirdaw was the pigeon-hale "Wbat the heck!".20.1wntem yubM front af the Post Office Dept. Whan 1 began ta tbink cf 2e.Ioniw or' e pyub and thirdly, the brown-sugar whe tha varieus propriators et Pork at 61/c, cadar telagrz barrl rlle outlfrm uderthis pepular Enniskillen store pls2c ea ot 0,d the 'counter on a swivel hirge had been, are bas aîmost te apes 29, cear 1ests 1 wbiie the scoap in supply tilt- ask whe the present local mer- weod par cord $3.00, ail ed 'the waigh scahes up and chant is as mammath interna- credît sida cf books. down 'With the ast thimble-fulI tional, interlocking trade ceom- Fathar bought a pair ci si binas take the limehight. pars 85e but same returr "Thus tirnes do change next day. Mether must hE IEacb thing its turn doth held. thougbt ha was thinking ai New things arisa as tiing or samathing! Fermer thirgs grew aid.' WM. Bartan was credil Pravious te the prasent mer- with "I caw baught of, him1 chant J. H. Slemon, was bis fa- in 1873. 'Kr h aeTeo .Seo, TeDa okawy n S who took er onthe death of tiers bath, purchaser and1 Fred W. Lee wha fallowed bise whom, as Mrs. Wm. Mihîs, stap-iathem, Fraderick Rogers, Icew chain 45c". I prasume hr wbo succeedad bis brother-mn- by a littie urruly and Wou . law, Daniel MclJe(fd, an May be tetbered! Ist, 1879. I got this far into the Miles meant sametbing the past onmy own. a yet Inoticed, Wm. Mar ConutdQl Timers bank ratas ta the craditofai able sarate authorities of En- cent. ' )niskillar (arng theni reach- Doctor Makes Purchase irg ta aver 90 years ai aga), as Dr. James McLaughlin, lat Will Moore, rasidant, Wm . M.P.P. whar residant in Bev Milîs, ("Billy", son af harnessa- manville,, must have reacht maker Mîhîs and naw cf St. Enniskillan by 1872 for 1Isi Marys), Robert Scott af Salira,lan item agaîrst him, 1 ( The roarofa airerait engine son ai Jacob. Scott, who so!d Craam Tartar 4c. If that wi during grourd test car ratle his stoe business an the north ront paid in full the Liens Clu sida ta Robert Hutchisan and,' ai Bawmanvila wha purchasE windows and nerves for blocks for 32 yas was than,-with the 1, as their Cemmunity Centrec araund. Sa we're glad te repart McLeod store, Mrs. McChusky Beach Ave., the Dm. McLaugi that aiuminum bas turned up cf New York City, as Charlotte, lih fine prapemty, should fe, daughter of the latte Fradamick i hanr bourd ta settla same as a naise-absorbimg "boney- Rogers and Mr. George Riggs, Stephen Cotton bought 1 cemb" in an aircraft camnpany's naw ai Bowmanvile-no oe hamvast gloves 35c. Ha sold th test-celi. Hundreds of alumninum bas ary knewhedge previaus ta saw-mill an the Padurk Cree McLeod's accupancy. bard ai Con. 7, wast ai th tubes cf differing diameters and Should wa ai aur geeration Guideard t a mari rami Iengths, filled with absorbent, chasten aursalvas or blame aur Tam Smith.aH producad th sound-baffiing mqteriaI, make parents fer sucb cvarsight? aak timbar for McLaughli This is a esson for homes cf Carrnage Works ai Enniskillar up thuerd walls. And wa are today. Mr. Scott rathar thinks Smith latar was sent ta bui told that by the time the giant a McClung precedad McLeod. saw milîs in Chili, South An roar bas bounced around in I note in the aboya Day Books anica, by a firm ini Brartford anumaratad 1 and K, and with- Ont. these aluminum mnazes il cames eut preface ai propriator's I will be referr ing ta suc] out the other end tberoughly rama, that in manthhy statc- more fully, picturas an thi "baffled" and weakened ta a ments, charge accounts always sereer this faîl whertl praduci axceeded cash, in fadt at times the liia-stcry picturas pragrai hum. Wc cxject there are lots doubled it. In ameunt such ac- of the Scugag Road fram laki cf alumiinuin boosters arourdd cunts rarely exceaded $25 and te laka. éhafatoy!the merchant's whalasale ac- Having just mentianed Guidg ohat fatory 1ceunts rarely aver $100. The, Board I notad an item, Chas ,number ai such local accounts JRagera, par David: 1/ lb. umbei ALU!MhNUM COMPANY uaried frorn 30 ta 60 and rames 10c, putty 5e, sandpaper 7c, 1P, OF CANADA. LTD. reprasented a fair crass-section gaI. bailad ail, of May 23, 1873 (ALCAN) lîst of the local cammunity. The yaurg lad, te becoma la- I xvas ifltarested ta see haw tam Rev. David Ragers, origin. ~------.---aily in 1865 as a bay an his own initiative built and 'paini. ed the fameus Guide Board Anytimne is Time for awitph bis tlatem renetingj ard ah ati tem bas tag i a, Glass of MILK b r yu lmn n chais ai Darlington Township. "Time eut!" is the eall. "Milk Village Handy Man for ona and al vili heip keepYoung David Rogers must ?ee p' bava been the local handy us con the bail!" man fer I se im creditec with "By work on clack $1.00". Jams Phlok,- Bile 1,0 L no isiiries. Play's the thing f or an active boy; Milk's - McLauthlln Cutter $4 the drink týi give. himn joy. It's a treat that's' The Enniskillen marchant sure te score. And keep him coming back cradits Robert McLaughlin, for more. For flavor, nutrition, and (McLaughlin Carniage Works), Caun an ilk o prvideailDec. 1872 by 1 cutter $49. economy. Cuto ikt rvd l I notice in those f ive yeams af three!' day-bocks quite a change in fchaacter and quantity, pur- I,chase-Less whip hashas (wives 0J butter behavad) - huas castor Gien Rue ally shoes-Mora tea (pnice leçss-- Glen Rae airy More dres: goods, especial:y MA 3.5444 ' Bownianv'iIIe 'ihbons, etc. Jessop, 1 room lack 50c. That lams) 1that er an fairly It in cpre- 1coai ncy. arting ip se more the [az. ta go and )body one eugh THE CANADIANKST4TESMMq EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO John Siemon s Store at Enniskillen "istatf", lncluding thirty-seven camplet.ed, it is expected ta be doctor; and twelve rehabilita- as good or bte tan al tion officers for placement cf dw ornawn in th ntireP men needing new jobs: None nwrld Itwnin beecompiref vants th uadar ii e-fourteen units, such as hospital vAt lnhtie.v h u and clinic wards, kitcben, diii. At unc tie. ventheau-ing 'rooms, therapy pool, thea. gust personnel of the Board et he, workshops, gymnasium, or. the samne food as the floor fics, nurses residence, main. sweeper, and have to line UP tenance building, library, etc., cafeteria style and carry their ail for the rehabilitation ai On. own trays. tario's injured working men, When the new Rehabilitation and provided,* by law, by tl<e Centre, an H.ighway No. 400, is employers oi Ontario. ýelace 2 g for lace. . when weuld be Enfield school with* 17C Dr. Jessop, teacher. _________________________________ 45c. Mrs. (name deleted) - 1 set ogize hoops 75c. (not for croquet). , J , 1 1WAI4-- with Fred Rogers, who ewned h l u ,ci u l ..O U n"ARl6 FYu NYCL ETN ce-store in my bqyhood, is credit- d Y u g an sC l m 1en- 1a fg "DAREG I OD C FL. »HAIGCNRC0t ed with "I e of o s frorn TeSttsmnsGrs RSsURunitE ECOULD urOUR FELBILLS/ our station $2.00. That would mean Theays Cali a R.Grass Contractor foi en- theand Trunk, Bewmanville for ______________a_______________________________for t! Burh date is previous ta C.P.R. -Expert Workmanship-Quoity Maiterlali Try >unt- Buketon existence. A surprising 'number 0f pa- charged from the Centre, and Miar- Wm. Henry (self> teacher, tients at Malton Rehabilitation the injury proves recurrent, lie W.m. Paper and stanips 23e. (postage Centre, and belonging to labouri has great difficulty obtaining stamps dn credit). i wener unions, were as ignorant of the further consideration: none cf ranc what ws issaa and who' Wor k me n's Compensation the staff knew their busines.Le A, PARKER & SONS andwer th trstes n hs dy-Board's composition, and func- particularly doctors, occupa- PLUMBING * EATINO - OIL BURNERS .cil where was the school for the tions as 1I; which prompts the tional and physio therapisis, repace bythe present one, top brass make a point cf wis- Let's try and get a few as47KN STE. BW AVL M 356 aph donation of the late Mr. George ing their members up?" Heaven straight!_______________________________ ried McLaughlin, would hardly be knows, they shed enough c0- The W.C.B. is flot identified 1()c, built or then required. pieus crocodile tears over the ihaydprmn of n. on The first entry of the inter- abuse meted eut ta their be- wîth ny ep tartmntof aney esting and even historical Day loved dupes, by the horrible autonomous agency, eperating ;Up- Books was Mrs. Elford, 1 bottie employers. by virtue of the Workmen's -ned yellow cil 25c. and the clesing Every patient yeur scribe in- Compensation Act cf Ontario iave entry, Rebt. Hanr)eh, Cr. Bal. tervlewed presumed that, the which became law on January s Y u a o re- on Timothy seed 68c. W.C.B. was run by either the st, 1915. 1 ( $34 te boMr. siemn , ail mem a ep lt i aofL a our itr e tre fore an ae ssme thosch em t h e l pi d o ted ing more than they first seld. Health; averyone on staff was ers cf Ontario contribute, via W tV u cries cf Enniskillen wish yoir a civil servant; every emplcyee Fund, net oe penny cernes i h O r 01ýIII ien- well, congratulate you an youir in the Province cf Ontario for- from any ether source. for enterprise and if you celebrate cibly centributes te the W.C. Tefnlatoiy I l "1 a century lufe of your stdJre 'B. Fund; if a patient is dis- Tha fina authorty In a ýu-which I weuld think ought te cases, including those of re- iib view, and appeal, is the Boacd3 ýuld be most anytime new, I hope te itd Mrs. Haines during the fteWCB hc scmo be areoundhefor.Banwiiceicreains en c on or n heu e". ra past waek. Mrs. M. J. Osborne ed cf a Chairman, vice-Chair- in P.S-"onaoin the b arrei.aise called on Wednasday, Sep- man and a Commissioner. t e m b e r 2 t h . E v eyaa tt e n t onin t h e V ANrS .00, ramoved frem the cld corner tme 8h vr teto Ninety-sevan per cent of all hotel t h is given Mrs. Haines but hier dlaims are rutine-eny three SPT 3NS saw opetwofpaMr. stay in East Genaral will con- per cent are appealed.a IiA!I3 gi rdTmL a w atdtinue inte the new year. We are Nteaijrdmr iO-"' ac- posters, ana dated Sept. 12 peges oars tarie asto roehisaigbOn- ILDR O T per 1882, and the other April, 1871, taorry tea say, R oligbil advartising the merchandise cf rcvr svr lw ity for compensation througni L IR U R. Ijutchison. Mr. William Fishlie! of Re- the Courts; but in New Yorki ter The smaller ana, 6 x 7 inches gina, Sask., is spending a few Stata, avery claimant has ta ie- while the top heading in fine bore. Mr. Fishla lived in Mer- *ewn atnsN E 0K R TRD spancerian hand type says - rish for many yaars before go- Ninety-two cents of every se"Stop and Read". ing west and was calling upon dollar collected. in Ontario, is OZ. This merchant carried every- his rnany friends during the used fer the benefit of injured vab thing from Castor oil ta Reap. -past weak: claimants. Il 'S GUARANTEED) edb ing machines and Turnip Cut- Mrs. Frank Anderson visited Politics play ne part in the P on ter, ls local foundry Sylves- with friands at Newlonville WConeranztin.. hter ploughs. Thursday. An injured man recaived1 ~ Everything was best af quai- MsM son pn cmesto n ~95 AIES OUTî PERSPIRATION ity, iargest quantity, and day or two with hier daughter icaewsriwderyii e. leapest and sold by R. Hut-Mr.BokCo ncfrn. September 1955, when hae was chison. Ahi these faatures were granted additional compensa- ek rapeated in print over again for Thl e chrch cf Mt terish wastien, thus preving that an M- O D RES VRYTM lie eaeh and evary product men- wI arsne ttelvl jured workman's file is kept DRESEEYTM tiened, at least over a dozan service cf prayar, praise and "open" indafiniteîy, bath mn times. Apparently, the publice omuin- d atWseatary and for any further treat- . ie wrcnsdrdville Uie hrhi epn in ecosdee suekers away Uie hrhi epn ment deemad necessary. e Unback whçn just as radio whams with the World's Communion The entire staff, inh «dng MTERPRS LASTS Commercials teday. Sunday. The church was filled the much maligned doctors, c- id Two of this marchant's fam- te capacity. Welcome and Zion cupational therapists, physioE dn ily, bath daceasad in Winnipag, congregatiens wére also pres- therapists, and remadial gymi- dbecame well -known lacally. ant in large numbars. The Rev. nasts, are the best precurable. CONOMICAL, TOO rhWilbur who headed the Mani- A. W. Harding had charge cf They've get te be geod ta suc- ctoba Wheat Exchangeanad don- this service, Wesleyvilla choir cessfully handle the eight hun- âe atad the rehabîlitatien of the and arganist Mrs. H. Reeves, dred new dlaims that roll in ce village church, and Doctor presented the service cf sang, aach day, and the three theu- Yan'l bc amazed at how mucb cleaner tn Jim" who was guest speaker and the eiders from aach sand patients that raceive treat- rgt adfeh yuco wl :ae for Durham Old Beys Re-union church assisted Mr. Harding in ment at the Malton Rehab. bibe n rse orca ilh lef a few years back. servng the Sacrament. The Centr, annually. when dry cleaned ur miracle Sanitone Mr. Hutchison, a piliar cf beautiful October waathar coim- At W.C.B. headquartars, 90 way. Patterns, colers and textura, look tthe Episcopal M e tho di~st bined te maka this Sunday a Harbeur Street, Toronto, thare *'like-new" again! Try us today and let erI Church, was aIso, the able auc- memorable cne for Wesleyville. are tour million files cf imur- ,tioneer that preceded the late Alquit was marked on Tues- ed workingmen's claims that us prove it te yoiil 3Levi Tala, but hae doasn't men- day and will sean ba raady for have accruad sinca January 1, tien that hae aise trained "Dri- quilting at the home cf Mrs. 1915. isver colts" ta buggy driving- M. J. Osborne's, se ladies keep During 1954, the W.C.B.'s ex- t- (herse-tramner). your thimble and needie ready penditure was thirty million .d.In conclusion,,the pester wiil -this quit is for sale at the dollars. W.C.B. funds are aften [pay the highast price for 5,000 Bazaar on tha 26th. arroneeusly réfarred te as "sur- idozen eggs." plus", when in reality they are This last item smacks of my A h ieo h 91cnu funds kept in reserva fer car- aearly days whan Jim Mann, A h iae h 91cnu tain purposas. -Bowrnanvilla, dreve a wagon 88 per cent cf Canadian housa- The Fund is kapt at proper taarn cellecting aggs from the holds had alactrie iigh-tîng, 75 operating levels by assessirg varieus grocers fer a whoe- par cent had rurning watar, 74 the employers an avery hun- sale -Montreal fi-m. par cent had a pewered washing dred dollars paid eut by thent, ;t Well, after ahl, l'in nly bis- machine, and 93 par cent had a as wages. Thus, an employer in y torically interested in the post- radio, a low injury industry might d ers and instead will ordar three The great standard cf litera- hava te pay thirty cents par chien legs for the wife and tura, as te purity, and exact- hundrad dollars cf payrell; Ifor te-morrow-tha third in nesscfsye sheBbe -wilan blnigteaih DAILY PICK-.UP AND DELIVERY i'casa you drop in.-L.B.W. Hughi Blair. irjury group might pay theaoa tn: OPRSLDE'WA Thara is ne expadient ta maximum cf nina dollars parLolAen:HOP 'S AIE'W E which a man wiil net resort te hundred dollars cf pay rail. PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Thae M RRIH void the real labeur cf think- There are approximately one MO RS ng.-Sir Joshua Reynolds. thousand men and woen on- Teewas a very good num- . . . .. . . . .......... . ber presant at Sunday School which was held at 9:45 a.m. in- staad cf the usual hl arn. Tha p change in time was taenaable > anycria wishing to jein in World Communion Sarý4ce held this- year at Wasleyville ta ba pres- art. Mrs. Fred MeCenneli con- LOOK-WE CAMBUY ducted the session. The Adult Bible Class was in charge ai Mrs. J. Brimacombe.CA A AS VN S O DFR The Birthday Box is reallyCA DAS VN B DFO appreciated-in fact mary cf the childran weuld ba dalight- - d te hv- it d y a a s J1S ~ U O D W .. T M A I em, T953 FPEMMnAv- r)eTý Afl-q «Ote'

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