rrL~~ ~3L4W W"~a--t, ,. r '~,w~' ' ~'- r TrHULrSDAVY. OCT. 6th, 19.553__________________ THE CANMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN. niunis. Little Miss Bai'erly Tennant.' niece of the groom, made a, charming flower igirl, attired in' a pale yellow dress of taffeta! and tiered net with matching 1 W eddi gs 1gaunletsand head-dress of net! and flowers. She carried a basket of white and yellow munis. Mr. George Jones was best man and the ushers were Mr'. Donald Tennant, brother of the! groom, and Mr. Leon Moffatt, brother of the bride. Mr. Arthur Collison played the w-edding music and acconi- FINNY. ~ WHIESIE TENANT- MOFA 1 panied the soloist, Mrs. Ray Vi-lIÇY- HITSID TENAN MOFAT 1Lathangue, who sang "The Aquiet ceremony took place Standards of pink and whitej Lord's Prayer" before the cere- heparsonage of the United gladioli formed the setting for! monv and -Because" during the àurch at Omemee on Saturdav. the marriage o>f hirlev Elaine signing of the register. A receto olwdith October 1 st, when Rev. V. E. R.' daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Allen eption foll.oT e d'sn the Ztifelt united in rnarriagc Myra' E. Moffatt, and James Lionelcuchhllihebid' mte Josephine Wbitesidc. daugbter of! son of Mr. and Mrs. - Arthur: rece ved wearing navy sheer. AU. and Mrs. Joseph Whiteside,' Tennant. Leskard, in Trinitv: with pale blue and navy acces- Bethany, to Gordon W. J. Fin- t United Church, Bowmanx-ille, on sories; ber corsage was pink. ney, son of Mrs. Finnex' and the i Saturda'.', Septemnber 24th at' roses. She was assisted by the' làte William Finney of R.R. 1, 2:30 p.m. Rex'. T. A. Morgan:rouom's mother whose dress was Ida. officiated at the double-ring' navv' bIne cord with black - 'Â~h brde as iiamingin ceemo.v.cessories and corsage of pink cocktaiegt h ress ofiteal b ere ýroses. cpunktaff ent mdesswifthe le- The bride, given in marriage. After the reception the bride heart neckline trimmed with by ber father, wore a floor, and groom left on a motor tripi sequns ad mtchig boerolengtb go wn of lace and nylon'to Niagara Falls and points in' jaceket. 1-er bandeau hat was of with a buttoned long-sleeved U'nited States. The bride*s going-i aimilar material and she carried lace jacket and Peter Pan col- away costume was a navy blue &É nosega'i of white chrx'santhe- lai'. The skirt wa e 1'vfl box-style suit witb navy and,ý Mznms and red roses. with an overskirt of pointedý white accessories and corsage ofi 1Mrs. Gordon Staples was beri tulle in an apron effect. Her' pink roses. sister's bridesmaid and was veil was finger-tip length tullei On their return they will re-1 wearng uskyros tafetawit illusion enhanced with a hand-1 side in Bowmanville. matching bat and corsage ofý rolled edge and caugh t o al Guests xxere present f romi white 'munis. ý Juliet head-di'ess of nimi tchinx ' Ottawxa, Dnndallk. Toronto. Wex-1 .The groom xvas attended bylflace adorned vtl a contourý ford, Picton. Wellington, Peter-ý Cordon Staples of Janetviîîe. wing at each side and dotted 'borough, Osbawa, Tvrone. Orono. Following the ceremony a re- ilitb tiny sequins. She carried' Newtonville and Bowxmanvile. ception xvas held at the home of a cascade of pink deligbt roses. ____ the bride's parents in Betbany,1 and Ïll-of-the-x'alley.AC SO -HLS attended bY' about 50 guests. Re-i Mrs.. William Ellis. mnatron of CEO -HIL ceiving, Mrs. Whiteside was honour. wore a ballerina length Autunin flovers decorte wearing a goxvn of navy blue, gown o! coral nxlon tulle in Hanipton United Cburcb, Hai-1 crepe with matching bat and' ac- strapless style xith a domed pton, Ontario, for a wedding at' cessories. The groom's mother,' stole. The front o! the s1cirt was 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Who also received, wore a gown enhanced with a full band at October lst, wben Gwendolyn of steel grey with rose colored the waist in an apron effect. Jean Hilîs, daughter of Mr. ands bat and black accessorles. The bridesmaids. Miss Joan Mrs. John Hilis o! R. R. 1,] Leaving later for their honey- Tennant, sister of the groom, and Bowmanville. was united in rnoon motor trip. the bride trax'- Miss Mauneen Webb of Ottawva, marriage with Kenneth Harold elled in a grey tweed suit with cousin of the bride, wore sum- Acheson, son of Mr. and M'ns.1 navV bat and accessories and ilarly styled goxvns in Nile green. Wendell Acheson of Torring-t carried a navy topcoat. On their The attendants wore feather toconUSA return they will live at the bandeaux and ruffled gauntlets tn onUSA grooin's fanm home, R. R. 1, of matchîng colour and carried Reverend F. J. Reed per-.1 Ida. nosegays o! white and yellow formed the double ring cere-c mony. Mrs. Keith Billett of Bownianville played the wed- ding music and accompanied Mr, Roland Coomb,, o! Osh- 0 A awa who sang "Recause", and "The Lord's Prayer" during M emo ial rena the signing of the iegister. B O W NVILGiven in marriage by her inl o ! ofCarnation white Catlylace and net over sa- tin.Th slim basque bodice of the lace featured a heart shap- ed necklace and long lily point sleeves. The skirt was fashion- ed of alternate panels o! lace Publi Slic ting and net and swept into a Ca- Pu lc S a i g thedral tramn cetuledwt Friay. Oclber 71hdered with pearls held her fin- Saturday, Ocloher 81h and she carried a. white Bible with white roses and ribbon Wedneuday, October 12 streamers. Mrs. Hugh Grant was rmatron 8 -10 .m.of honor for her sister. The 8 - 1 P.M.other attendants were Miss Jac- ADMISION - * * Adits35eChidren20e queline Hilîs of Toronto, sister ADMSION . . Adlts 5cChilren20e o! the bride, Mrs. Wendell Acheson Jr., o! Torringtqn, Conn., Miss Marie Taylor of~ Tyrone, Ontario. The cocktai~ ~ E Clength gowns worn by ail the 3IP C1AL attendants were identically styled of red velveteen on prin- cess lines, with partial neck- lines and bracelet length sleeves, with which they wore Publc Sk tsng matching velvet bats, satin shoes and short white gloves. MO D Y NG TTorrington, Conn.,prfre October 101h ushers were Mr. Stuart Daw of Port Credit, Mr. Webber Ache- 8 - 10p.m. 'son o! Toronto, and Mr. Louis 8-0 ..Phillip of Tyrone. ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e The reception was held at ~ the Lions Conimunity Centre, ~ 1 &m1 gg at Bowmanville. To receive the guests the bride's mother wore i * '~ a gown o! old rose crepe inset with lace, navy velvet bat, and . matching accessories. The sisted chose turquoise acetate taffeta, triimmed with black dHRITMA$velvet complementing her hat and accessories. They both wore corsages of white carnations. i cHooper'ys Jewellery & C4 hr S 14 RADIO STARS From Wheeling, stVa. leaturingn iDUSTYIW' SOWENS15 Ma THE RODFO BOYS ~for 'Jthrough their course.1 Findlav and children of Union- Mrs. Manders. Mirs. Luxon ville also v sited Mns,,. Virtue. O ttawa e d n of It r s 1 and MrS. Couiroux, hostesses, MnI. and Mn'1s. E. De:lje" 'îsited' W ed în o ite es for the evening, provided a Mr. and Mrs. M. MCCLiSh O tastylunc and plesantso- iCoson cial chat was enjoyed with the Mr1 n ns .Prfect and niios. For the meeting Med- ,Richard, Boxx-nianx :11e. were diin- nesdax-, Oct. 12, the WlI. is ner guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. invited to tbe home of Mrs. !Gibbs. Eddie Couroux. Mr'. and M:-s. T . Sc ou and childnen attended a failv e- union at ber parents, Mn. and TY O EMrs. A. V. Edwards. elad Miss .Phyllis Maynard, M\rs. Ofilcers and teache-s for 1956 Snitb, Ms.A. MWalkei~ and at Tyrone Sundav Scbool are as1 Debbie, Mn. and Mrs. Ra'r. follows: Supt.-ivr. S. E. White; Walker. Bownianx-ille wvt n Asst.-Tom, Pleasance; Bible and Mrs. Roy Maynard. Class-Mrs. H. Philp; Asst.-Mi'. and Mns. C. W. Rahm. iMr'. H. Macklin: Young People's Weston; Mr,. and Mnrs. Cecil Ralp GlspeI; sst Rabni, Bunketon. xvere Satur- ' Mrs. J. Broorne and Rex-. F day callers of M.adMs Jackson: Win One Class-.-Mrs.: Walter Rahni. L. Moore: Asst.-Miss Bessie1 Missionl Band met Sunda- Hilîs; King's Guard - Toml morning w'ithl 27 childril Pleasance: Asst.-Ralph Hills; present. President Lauraine Helping Hand-Rae Johnston; Cook presided. Shirley Coomibes Asst.-Beth Miller, l'Il Tny- and Patsy Gibbs gave Tbanks- Frances Johnston: Asst.-Mrs. j g:ving reading. Robert Hamil- M ~~A. Rosevear: PrimarNv-Mlrs. H*! ton and Gxx-,eii Glaspell plaved ~, ~ Stainton; Asst.-Mî-s. D. Stain- piano solOs; .Mrs. W. Rahbm gaxve ton; Beginnens-Mrs. . kine:the stony. The Mission1 Band Asst.-Mrs. Arthur Hamilton; Secretary-Bob Coonbes: Asst. i -John Cook; Treasurer-Mn. H. S o tte Philp; Music Directon Mrs. Lane Annis. The Nominating, Coninittee xvish to thank every- oefor their co-operation. urhani Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable i n yo h n w . and boys visited Mn. and Mrs. CCecil Heal, Embro. Mr. M. N. Cunings. Mns. COnil * Maud Strachan, Mns. A. Cbap-Cr inan, Mrs. Keys, Ottawa, recent- ok ]y spent the weekend with Mr * and Mns. L. F. Hoopen. I1 When Mrs. C. Grant, Miss Hilda S-.e.'SIPI Anespn heween ttheir// îhe former Joan Alice -Mortlock is shown as shecae at Haxvk Lake. age signs 'the register following her marriage to Mr. Jim Cnratulations to Mr'. and " .age 3urner. The edn okpaeiStMatisAgia r.enehAhsnGw -1nwN Church, Ottawa, on Saturday, September 24. The bride dolyn Hilîs) who xvere mannied ý. ore is the eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Montlock and,' atededt e weding. n hr the groom i h o fDr. adMs .0 teddtewdig Stillwater,Okaoa Mr otokwswl nw invstdM.adMsF.LHop Bowmanville when he was a reporter on The Canadian er. ilyvistedMr.andMrs. John Ohio. Mrs. V. Milîson with hem Mrs.J. Wlsonattended a shoer or issLorraine Tom- Coupe We inToroto hery Roan sentthe week- endwit CaolDonna and Marilyn Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tennant Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ten- nant. Orillia-, Mr. P. Tennant, Ottawa, who, is an aunt of Mrs. W. Miller hene, is 97 years old and visited her on Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. S. Walker, Mrs. W. Hall and Wendy, Bowman- ville; Miss Gladys Maynard,A Oshawa; Ross Hall, Zion, with Mrn. Mrs. H. Hall. wood, visited Mn. and Mi'.. N. $s12 -95 Collacott. Mr. and Mns. A. Geisberger In Red Caif and Lynda, Zion; n.adan.sd Briawood L. Skinner and children with BonC. Mr. and Mns. W. Park Sr. BonCl Mrs. W. Miller and Douglas Miller visited Mn. and Mrs. Clin- ton English, Peterborough. !I 1 The Ground Observer Corps 5 I post in Tyrone was alerted this boys participating in reporting 4 igS.W aircraft. There in an urgentl 9KngS.W need for more aduit members: in Ground Observer Corps. If ____ ______ you are interested please contact--______ Chie! Observer Stan Norris for ~ any information. You are under no obligation. Marie and Velma Taylor, Mns. A. Hilîs and Miss Bessie Huis.ý Mrs. Aldin Hoar, Mns. S. T. Hoar ]Newv! r zali attended a kitchen showen at the1 home o! Miss Marion Belîman,Î y Bowmanville, in honor of bride-' to-be Gwendolyn Hilîs who wasl' married Saturday lait. Mn. and Mrs. F. Wilson anid' Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Everett * Wilson, Oshawa, visited Mn. and1 Mrs. J. Wilson. Mns. L. Foster. Port Credit: ' Mr. Lloyd Lillicrapp. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Na-! kina; Mr. and Mrs. J. Skinner,' Port Credit, called on Mr. and, Mrs. F. L. Byani. Synipathy is extended ta Mrs. od hari E. Deeley on the sudden passing H lsh i o! er brother, Mi'. Richard Field, Stourbridge, England. a gossame attendedtoe 25th eddîomn ee! lednesday evening wîth Mrs. aote1twa otdtItl-_________-U_________ f Tomkle-uiwv bhv ennedy presiding. The Opei1aop-.I wsnte tte T aeeevwv ei gOde was sung xvith Mis% Wl. banquet is being held t inrilyn Quantnill at tbe piano. cerae the 55th annivrr' "" day-Lliahetlh Arden createý )me wxothwhile suggestions' O! the organization o! oui'Dis- nonstirky bain spray that ci the Cbrîstmnas meeting tnict in Ntwcastlce, on Tuesday, i SiVIN roll caîl. those xisbîng ta attend are to i i DO\A ARLNE~]et us kno w by Oct. 12. A tur- BI DDY SPICKES h wsapes e ahv h ey dirîner with ail the tnim- Sgirls 4-H lu,'thl Sixth Line; mings for $1.25. LA Y isters' present thein skit "AnI Thank you notes were read' - LA ZY ~ Informai Wedditug" froom theirn from i Mrs. Roy Meicer and tne' IEAA D A Y l'prieet 'What Shah I Wear."': Momen's Auxilianvo Mroj- V In t*he firSt cene. Miss Amie l Hospital. The convention i '& SJ mStapleton and Miss Doneen being beld at the Royal Yo< z I -OTD ITRE1 O ÀND OTHERS Copping wene in search o! a, on Nov. 2, 3 and 4. Pampble:sA ITPEPlTEISN AND THFR iOsu't :uitable for a wedding. on spot emoval wene distribu-' BEW~AWIFUI FOR. LET U5 SSHOW AND DANCE Mizs Valena Copping niodelled ted to aIl present. A penny co1-1 5the -uit. adding x'arious match-ý lection for cards. etc., for th -' j ~ ct sene.N'li~. MnilnQuannill We vene x'eny pleazed ta have M on., Oiecto. b1mn0bt5n'il l.a u' u st A IQ v SR swas the efficient :aleslady Who a number of ladies froni Ne\.- j8:30 he. o' 1 occasion. Niss Eli7'- - enjo"- the skit put on b:" t-h - ,hReid then ýhowed !h(i gr.1bîelu-h-: eig Expert Repars to Ail R~ -po ,er iand eommeu:,i'ed on x .'prepéirci the booký made Dl'. Sih-er St. MA - ~Cd')cmv. t.i0e the girls .xer'e ua'-ed aioLiiri.O MAI[L ~ p.e thLe ta~~of the W.' dua ciworth whiie tn;:r.ý !earn ' FIX IT! 'VICE Makes 3-34811i noxx- have their Christmna cards for ga!e. Mr. and Mn'. W. Vivian attend- ed the W\ ilson - Hoskîin weddin.g on Saturday. A prc.-enta*tîon was hield at thc hiowc cf Mr. and Ms.Lesl-e Coombe:. Fridav c,, e n i ig. i i Lonor of Mr'. and Mrs. Rowlandl Coonibes v.'ho %vere inarried re- cently. Tom Pleasanre %vas master of ceremonies. Miss Janie McClure sang a solo. Mrs. JIohn Broomne gave a reading and Mr. Gci'don Brent sangi Bca:'" Mr. S. E. Whiît made the presen- tation spjechI and thcy vwe-e presented willh a coffee tab'e. StLep table and table iaînp. Fit- ting replies xxere mnade by bride and groom. Lunch xvas served and a ~ uiltirne xas ,jpent. 170 EVEflI'%%HFRE Air. Rail or SteamsitP Consuit J 1 R V & L 0 V E L L 30w nu nville là King St. IV. 51A 3 57 yfold easily c-.ushior.ed heel to t-ce 1you're on your fect a lo, you'ii appreciate the com.ort of the!e N4aturalizer platform style-, Zmtý le corF cushions your ever/ step. 1y styled to look good from any .No slip, no gap, no pinch. Thest qatura!izers art hore now, and in exact size. lis Shoes Phone MA 3-5941 >ýeth Arden -9 a piace with er touclh! e-dax' aftier da.v after es a new supecn.hne, combines w-ýamr Just a gentle tap of the pre-ýurizcd container and thepines!. lhg/te.st -pray lholds every siran I in place!' our haïr sîax's sel, soit and lovelv for daxs on end. And, Elizabeth Arden Hair --rvhas thm delighîfitl fragrance of 5 lIii iî, îasv. ialn-ing yotir liair ex'cry mroinen it. ii. 200 JURY & L@VELL PHONE MA 3.5778 80 WMAN VILLE A )h 1 '4 M