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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 12

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TEE~~~~~THRDY CAADANSTT!SM@thANTr'. »51A~d member of Parliament. Hon. Beh n u li etn Major John otlv.h Beth ny P ibli Meein 9been valiantly working to save 7A. "We have had the fîrst of the bombshell n Cavan, for ai- Protets H ghwcy 7A ready a three mile stretch from Cavan railway to highway 281 Hand Over to Counties Caa onhp"(hsi Concerned oveh the status of 1 Thomas Harrls, a Port Perry constructed hizhway 115 meet-a 7TA highway, over 150 citizens, lawye r spoke briefly of their ing highway 28.) enadwomen, representing town's interest in developing Charles Stephenson, Port each of the townships, towns oe omrFeea .. and villages concerned. metmin 7A highway' and keeping it Hope, fcormer Fo ted roM-PC Bethany Town Hall on Thurs- maintained by the Provinces. verb, 'The wheel that squeaksc day evening on the instigation "We need more secondary the loudest gets the grease'.m of the Manvers township COUfl roads in the Province . * . not You have my best wishes ins cil. super highways such as 401. yaur quest for improvement of i Allan Beer, Reeve of Mali- The cost of one-haîf mile of 7.A." Later, Mr. Stephenson led vers and Wafden of the Unitedi highway 401 would pave 7A in a lively sing-song with Rob- Counties o! Northumberland fromn Port Perry 10 Peterbor- crt Sisson, piano accompanist.p and Durham was chairman for ough. Gravelling roads is a Harry Peel, Port Perry, War-n the meeting and briefly ex- waste of money with today's den o! Ontario County, ex-a pressed its purpose. "We feel traffic. It would be a tragedy pressed f hanks from the Westy that highwav 7A serves a vital to turn TA back to the Coun- end group to Manvers townshipp east-west cross link from Pe- tics concerned. It behooves in taaçing the initiative in cail- terborough to Port Perry", he everyone to sec that this high- ing a public meeting. -Everyd said. *It is almost 20 years way continues with provincial atier highway around is being bi since it was taken over from upkeep and in such a condition improved. This year there has fi the County and we have flOt as a Provincial highway should heen considerablé expenditure i. had the impravements we were be kcpt.' Mr. Harris was warm- an No. 35 which culs across TA. c« led to expect. Last Nvear vie ly applauded for his closing re- The road in question shoulid were promised that an approx- marks in offering his legal ser- certainlv be maintained ald bi imate $114,000 would be spent vices 10 help in any way POS- developed as a highway." and a similar amount over five sible. There were four representa- dl years, which sum would be de- Bruce Heaslip o! Nestieton tives fromn the City of Peter-w voted ta correctigg several 3e- vcntured the opinion that thc borough present. Alderman1 vere bends in the rpad. ricw highwavs department does flot Harold Rehili expresscd the st culverts where reedtrd and a realize -the traffir accommodat- regrets of Mayor John Dewart si new hard top surface. Now we ed by 7A. "Traffic recordings in not bcing present thraugh- are given to understand that were not accurate hecause the. -,,ather civic duties. "The City of there are rumours of the road were taken in late spring an-i Peterborough is always ready being turncd back to the Coun- fall scasons when the road. ini to lend a hclping hand ta any ty and this is far from desir- its present condition was avoid- adjacent communuty and speak- able." ed by matarists. Promises are ing for the Board of Control 1 w of no avail. This meeting mitist can assure you that we are W signif ' that we want action .iust as desirous as anyone in a and we will have to use pres- seeing highway TA kept up ana vw sure ta make our deci'siOn impraved. We will do arlything Li ' 4known to the Minister of High- in our power ta assist." Alder- le ways. Our gcographic situation man Gordon Powell stated he t. is ideal for tourists from cast to. was attending flot only repres- (ý west and north. There is n * ) cnting Peterborough but as an TI other , outlet. TA highway 1s observer for the newly formed at Osawa needed as a passable highway Planning and Developmcnt w to relieve congestion." Unit, who are rnaking a study ch Wesley Sweet, Reeve of Cart-1 of T6urist requirements etc.M blemoial Srvice wright township exprcssed hisl "This unit would be very glad jq Naturat atone monuments thanks to Warden Beer for or-J ta assist in any way possible." n markers and corner stones ganizing the pratest meeting Dr. R. M. Dymond, M.P.P., w No. 2 HTGHWAY E. 0F and expressed \villingness t0 of Port Perry stated that the vi CITY LIMTS co-operate in any way. Provincial highway program is Diai OSHAWA RA 5-6611 Lloyd Hooten, Reeve o! Ca- so extensive that there are not D( an,_ time and reverse charges van township voiced his re- enough contractors available ie( f gret at the illness o! the local to complete their proposed ra -- plans and that causes delay. qu - We all know the tremendotis growth o! aur province an-1 W grant that good roads are a ba- Fe sic necessity for growth. Frorn M: remarks in this meeting you wj seem ta think that improve- gi ilment on 7A is long overdue... that il has been kicked arounî jj fiias sort o! a political football. I ed ldo not believe that. 1 can as- Bc sure you that any delegation from this meeting will be given S À& L Ean immediate hearing." In con- clusion Dr. Dymond expressed pleasure of the counicil at the gratifying response in attend- ance at the meeting and gave further geographical details as ta why TA was needed as a de- j.finite route from Peterbor- ristm as C ari augh ta Port Perry. He ex-! gplained the road system on the mapis and how this highway Beautiful Christmias Cards at Special Prices No.e9cntuhaly. link up with with a direct route from Kin- 50Cadsinbo 1291cardine la Ottawa. 50Cads~n ox -John Payne, deputy-reeve o! 21 Crds n bx - 1.1 l~Manvers township spoke brief- gog township, each re-iterating 20 ard inbox - - 1.2 j]much of what had gone before remains as a provincial high- Manyothr bxespricd fom T9cU~) A]e Carruthers of Port Hope brought a note of encourage-1 ment to the meeting stating that he had on this same even- iing been in tauch with the Hon. John Fonte, M.P.P. andi that he had tald him (via the I telephane) that he did not think there was any truth in the rumour that 7A was to beý turned back ta the counties,l that it would always remain as a highway and assured that a BIG 2V' 11long terni program of improve- lment was planned ta eliminate ~sorne b ad curves and resurface the entire highway. Clare Garton of Bowman- ville, owner of Garton Bus 4 ~ Lines Ltd., stated that he had - 'CH-AOII NY R0M rdmiAbeen opcrating buses on sched- AM JUST WET AND HANG . il twsi~ no Gr 4 raw. Scugog township: Wcsleyr * A sponge and scissors- that's ail you need SweCrwigttwsî: OF Allan Beer, Manvers township; * The papej is pasted and precision-trimmed i Lloyd Hooten, Cavan township; E * The surface is repeatedly washable WilrdÏaîran orhMo- il efaghan township; Mayor John Dewart o! the city of etrbr Now the fastest way to decorate is heoughand Ross Davidson ' Slrk b Pre-Pasted Wallpaper Way Àndta the p~oplecocrr 4are nnt going ta rely on any Ovr50 moder.n patterns from which to choose i' elephone promises or excuses 2 Ovr~for delav in the much needed T improvement o! ".A. -~We want ga highwav, nat a super-duper B je H - A e ne h *ra ne, just 'an ordinarv highwav C y xv1 ith a hard top surface as %&-' PAINT & WAL PAPERwere promised." Armed with j 85 King&St. W. Pe M 3331 a petit ion signed hb1%.evervone E 85 Kig St W. honeIMA -543 11,at Tuesdav's meeting request- t îng that the Proviuncial Govcrn- S ment give definîte assurance o that the road now known as TA highwa.v continue as such, y and a program of improvement be begun immediatel 'v and ca'- Ibn bried through in a reasanab!e lime, the comminttep appainted - > w:ll nvade Queen's Park a.-, onasthev can make arrange- 0&-ee ments f or a hearing. Deductions Will Apply on Ai Slaughter Cattie The deductions to be made en catlle and calves sold through public stockyards ur direct to packing plants will apply on dairy caille going for slaughtcn as well as those orig- inally raised for bec!. This statement cornes from Harald J. Huffman, President o! the Ontario Beef Producers Asso- ciation in answer 10 queries which have been received since the plan was announiced in mid-August. At that lime it was stated thut deductions o! 10c per head on caille and zic per head on calves would be mnade from the sale price o! animais sold on public stock- yards or direct bo packing plants in Ontario. The effective date for thc de- dudtions ta bc made is Septern- ber 26, 1955. The funds raised fnom. these deductians will be used ta initiale research, edii- cation and publicitv which will hclp the bec! indu'stry improve aotb production and sales. Dealing with the malter o! deductions on dairy catlle wihich came in for slaughter, Mr Hu!!man points out that :uch animais provide a vei-v substantial part af the bee! and ENNISKILLE N Last Sunday, in comman vitb churches evemywhcrc, Vorld Communion Sunday w-as bserved at Enniskillcn Churcli, wilh tbc Sucrament o! the Lord's Supper being adminis- tered. This coming Sundav (Oc- aber 9tb) the annual TÈhank- )ffering service wili be be!d. 'bis wrill take place, as usual, t 7.30 p.m. and special music will be provided by aur ow,%n baoir, together witb a duet by Mrs. Gardon Beecb and Mn;. K.en. Stimersford. Our- owil uinister, Rev. R. B. Green, will be the speaker at the ser- ice. Mr. and Mrs. Eurl -Trewin, >areen and Donald accompan- 'd Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn on àmator trip tbrough Algon- uin Park on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. Donald Le, Wane and Tcrry, Mr. Hart-v Fengusan, Oshawa, Mr.. and \rs. Otto Bragg, Bowmanvilie, '11h Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fer- euson. Mr.' and Mrs. Gea. Irwin, Donna Guil, and Rodney, visit- ?d Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Irwi'n, 3obcaygeon. Congratulations ta Mr. andi veal coming ta market. Tndeed, sales o! bec! and veal by On- taria Dairy farpers last year, provîded lbcmn with about crie- quarter as much income as lhey rcceived from their milk sales;. Thus any program designed Io maintain o~ improve the mar- ket for bee and veal is very de!initely la Ibeir advantage. Some duirymen have also askcd what voice they will have in the affuirs o! the As- sociation. Mr. Hu!fman points oitt that, since they praduce and seli catle which go for bec!, lhey are considered mem- bers o! the Association. They wvill have evcry opporlunity through their County Beef Pro- ducers' Association to make their lhoughts and wishes known-just as they dô lhrough the local or county groups af tbe associations conccrned witb bbc sale o! milk or cream. In- deed, the Bec! Producers' As- sociation Executive are anxious thal ahl farmers who seli catîle sbould take an inlenesl in the affairs o! their Association. Only by sa dding is it possible ta achieve the goal o! improv- ing the production and sale o! beef caIlle. Mms. Ralpb Lamb, who were married at the bmîdc's home at Restoule. Mr. and Mrs. Lorna Lamb. Miss Ruth Lamb, and Mr. Stuart Lamb attended the wedding an Satiti-da. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Virt!ue were visilors at Mr. Garnet Sanderson's at Orangeyiilc, and werc visitons at Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson's, Columbus. Mrs. Walter Oke, bas had the pleasure of a veny nice treal, ai picking four quart boxes, a! ripe naspherries last w'eek and two boxes Ibis week from. ber garden. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston and Master Ronald Forsytb ai- tended Billy Gnaham's services on Sun day and called ta visÂt Mms. Verna Fomsyth una Ms Emma Werr', Toronto. Mm. an-d Mrs. Bob Perry and son, Whitbx-, wene Saturday evening visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. E. MeNair's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms ai- tcnded Markbam. fair on Sut- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shano were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto. Miss Shirley Milîs, nurse-mn- brai ning, Peterboro. spent bbc STORE HOURS foir Bowman ville Stores on the THANKSGIVi-NG WEEKEND CLOSED ALL DAY Monday, October 10 Closed as usual Wed. aflernoon, Oct. 12 Your co-operation is appreciated Issued by the Relail Merchanîs Commitfee of the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce "Be Alive in SEE THE '5 5,,' Big Norwood Thanksgiving WEEK-END FAIR ($10,000 in Prize Money) Tops Among Ontario Agricultural Exhibitions TWG 81,G HGLIDAYS Saturday, Ociober 8 Fair officially opened by Mr. J. A. Carrol Ail Light Horses (except ponies) judged, Harness Racing, Inter-County Teani Drawing Contest ($100), Ail Dairy Cattie (including 4-H and Boys' and Girls' Club Heifers), Sheep and Swine judged on Saturday, the 1955 Ontario Champion Dairymaid and Dairy- nman ivili demonstrate mechanical milking on cows at grandstand at 3 p.m. Grain, ais ok t. in Main Building. .LaisWoket, Monday, October 10 Big Opening Parade, Ail Heavy Horses and Ponies, iudged in Horse Oval, Harness and Running Races, Ontario Hereford Championship Show. See the bestof the breed1($1,470 in prize money). Outstand- ing Dual Purpose and Scotch Shorthorn Regional Shows, Baby Show, Publie Speaking, Singing, etc. 2 Big Days Packed Wilh Thrilling Interest The Shell Puppets will be there - Birass and 'Pipe Bands - Peter March new Rides and Midway - Crowd-pleasing entertainment at Stand - Tommy M4ason, MWaster-of-Ceremonies. "Somcthing for Everybody, Sometbing Doing Every Minute" - Ask he man that's been there. Ample parking. Free eating. Children admitted free. The last big fair of the Ontario Faîl Fair Season. YOU'VE SEEN THE REST - NOW SEE NORWOOD Norwood atNo. 7 at 4i G. A. BRETHEN, D. A. McNEIL, President. Seci-etal*N. NB. - Movies will be taken weekend with her mother, Mrs. Harold Milîs, Mr. and Mr* Russell Spinks, Oshawa, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Misses Donna and Bérvl Ratz, Huntsville, Mis >phe reenr were Saturday visînors o! Miýss- es Doris and Betty Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. Laviolette, Joan and Anrirtte, Part Perry, Mrs. Raymnd Hottreil, Mrs. Earl Bottrtel, Mrs. Edwin San- dercock antri fnmily, Orono, w-cre vimiti)rs a! Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguison'. Mr. anid Mrs. Lawrence Schell, Tloronto, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. F. MeNiir's. Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Grills and famiY, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrq. G. Yeo. Congra tu lat ions ix extendei bo Mr. Fred Ellis, who cie- brates his 8Oth hlrthday on Oc- taher 5th. Mrs. Gardon Vea, attendedi the Bay o! Quinte Conference Woman's Association, at Ma- doc. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Veale and family have relurned to their home at Murdochville. Mrs. - Harold Milîs and !am- ils' vîsited with Mr. and Mrs.ý Cecil Milîs, Maple Grave. Sarry ta report Miss Dori s Stainton, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton's is still in the Sick Shildren's- Hos- pitl. We wisb her a speedy re- M.adMrs. O. C. Ashton,, Lois and Charles, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Becb's, Maple Grave. C.G.I.T. will be in the Suri- day Schoal roomn on Saturday, Oc'tober 8. 2.30 o'c1ock. Mr, and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Burd, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Pcthick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. visited Mr, and Mrs. Alberti Oke. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bucamont, and Jimmy, Toron- ta, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lcad- beater. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pcthick and Ruth, were v's- itors o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulli- gan. Courtice. Miss Reva McGill spent Sun- day with Miss Gloria Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wcarn, Susan and Lamna, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Western, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, wcre Sunday visit- ors o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Bruce Riley's, Betbany. HAMPTON - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, SToronto, former residents of Hampton, and Mn. Hurry Gib- 4son o! Didsbury, Alla., Mrs. 017 tarl Dorrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. SJohnsion, Nestîcbon, bave bee-n Srecent visitons ut Bruce Fergtî- son's. 4Mr. and Mrs. Everett ElliolI Sand Barbara, Oshawa, wcîre Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jue' SChupman. S Mr. and Mrs. E. Strong and; Fay, Bowmanville, visitêd at Merwin Mountjay's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanna and Rosellen, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson. visiled Mr. and Mrs. 4W. Ferguson, Osbawa, on Sun- 4day. Mrs. Arthur Lcigbton and 4son Jim, Niagara Falls, NY, Sand Mrs. Donald Rccd and daughter, Carolyn, Scarboro, 4spent a few days with Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gilberl j spent a few days last weeki with Mr, and M17s, Dennis Mar- shall, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Me! McCune,l 4rCheryl and Kalhy, Varco*s! SRoad, ut S. Kerseys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon Johnnie and Judy, visited re: latives in Tononto on Sunday.! Miss Betty Knox, Toronto,i Swith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs., Roy Knox. an. and Mrs. Percy Carroli adMr. Ed. Wilkinson, Port Hope, at the home o! Mrs. W. G. Doidge.1 r. and Mrs. Chas. Hiowsam,, PotPerry, Mns. W. J. Leask, j bBowmanivillc; Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Purrinder and Helen,i Mn. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Sr)-! lina, visibed at Sam Dewei1's on Satunday. Visitons at A. W. Prescott's were Mr. and Mrs. John Mal- i lette, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. r Eanl Prescott and Mrs. Ken-, ncth Hardy, Tyrane; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prescotl, Mn. and. Mrs. Edgar Prescoti, Mrs. Don- ald Prescoît, Marion, Marvin and Janice, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton and daughlen, Salem, vis iied ut the home o! bis parenýs, Mr. and Mns. R. Shackleton on; Sunday. Mn. Roy Ferguson and Mn. Percy Pbilp, Penticton, B.C., visited the formem's uncle, Mr. Bruce Ferguson an Mondav. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Pearce, Oakville, and Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmnanvil,le. weme visitons on Salurday with Mr. and Mrs, Theron Mountjoy. Mm. a nd Mms. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, ut W. W. Horns. Communion Service was hcld on Suindav mornîng in charve a! aur pastor. The choir sele;!- jtion, "O Lard Correct Me", was ra !itting selection, Mns. J. Smales taking the solo parts. Rally Day programn was fol- lowed in the afternoon by a' Sunday School sessiDn, tWý theme being "Lord o! the Lands, Make Canada Thine Own". The supenintendent. IHanold -Balson, led in the spe- cial pmînted arder af servico. nrs. D. Hall presented an im- pressive s;tor-"A boY and hiý Alle\," which wvas o! interest ta the 'youjngen ones and ahl, anîd Mns. B. Killen another suggest- cd stamy, "Kellv of the Crosby," which contained an inspiri.-g message. Bath m ene ably pr- sented. Apprapniate hymns and Scriptune reading were in- cluded in the service. Mns. Reed gave a splendid re- port o! the Vacation Bible School beld the finst lwu, w-ecks in Jul',-whîchwa wonth w bile acîtiit foi-TN I -unger members o! th, Sun-L Jy School. there being abott '60 boys and girl5 who uttendeçI'- Mr. and Mr--M.-Mo-n--o An Àdjusio Shower for Your Bathrooni Ttlut the greatest dlseovery in a shower fixture. Spray can be directedl to any part of the body Just as you would- like to have it. No need te, get your hair wet. ' [deal' for showering the children or for shampooing. Where installedl it is cons- tantly ianuse by the w bote family. The Adjusto ks guaranteed for 10 years and.......... its cpst is surprisingly low. tait us for a helpful suggestion as t how to make your hathroom up-to-date. If building a new homne specify an ADJLUSTO SHOWER and Tub Filler, a fixture mwhich the whole family will enjoy uslng. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS PHONE S, Blain Elott Plumhing - Heating - Tinsmithing 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 A&P la we s Mincemeut McLaren'a Manza!milIa Olives Johnson's (!/a~ More Free Demi) Poste Wax Campbell's Tomato Soup Jane Parker Mince Pie Jane Parker Orange Chiffon Coke Jane Parker Caramel Pecan Rolis Jan* Parker JeIIy Donuts were among those who attend- ed Markham Fair. Women's Institute meeting this Thursday. Program ini charge o! Centre Group. Topie, Art-Mrs. Jackson, Tyrone. 13UY YOUR JHANI(SGIVINII FOODS NQW GRADE '-A??OVENi-READY TURKEYS Broîler Type, 5 to 7-lb ave. Young Hens, 8 to 12-lb ave. Grade "A" 4 to 5-1b. Average Oven-Reudy Ducks .5 9r b53c 2 SAVE 2o 228-oz tins 31c SAVE 2o 0 28-oz tin 3 7c SAVE 2. B-oz jar 3 7c SAVE 4o 1-lb tin 5 5 c SAVE Se 4 tins 45c SAVE 80 each 49c SAVE Se sadi 49C SAVE 4o each3,5 c SAVE 4o pkg of6 25 c Produce IWS»il5. Cape Cod No 1, Early BJ.cks - lest for JeIfy and Sauce CRANBERRIES -bclopk dalifornia No. 1, Fres-, Fierm, Green and Tender Brussels Spirouts-l No. 1 Jersey, Washed and Wasxed Sweet Potatoes 3 l. 19 C bl9c pri19c Effective U nt il o d% oe Saturday, 8tIi, 1955. M. d li Gaw ?àlt^MàF jq aCOPM& p p D.epoCut Specials! Baker>, peolpals! and a number of enthusiaslic helpers. A promotion service for sev- eral o! the Sunday School class members was a part o! the Rally Day activiîy the begin- ners each receivîng a Bible as a promotion gift.-, Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. McMahon, Bowmanville, and !anuily in the death o! Mr. McMahon, a former resident o! Hampton. who was highly re- spected by Hampton friends. A number from here attended the funeral in Bowmanville on- Tbursday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb H. Acheson (nec Gwendolv n Hilîs) wbo uwere married In the cburch on Sut- urday. m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO IMI Tue"A" 041. qý» PAGE TWELVZ_ Iffl ...

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