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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 13

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le -.-- --" SDY CT t.-1«581 Tns -PANDL*VA STATESAN B * - - -ONTP Joli Rois, High Triple ln Ladies' Bowling Lge. Trhere were boots and bolIers Olive Patfieid - with every bal iDot Crqmbiýe As dOwn the alicys tbey rolled Norma Hooper them Anita Nckerscn - But aionf came a girl named Marie Yeo Doris Joî1 Mary Harrison - Bbc was thc top girl who scor- Hilda Brock ed 'emn. Sadie Bucknell On Monday night there were Norma Gay 4 nUMber of 200 games bowled. Dorc Mutton Here are some af the bigh Dot Virtue scorers: Jean Luxton 280, Nor- Kay Hendry nia Hooper 269, Doris Joli 246, Eleanor Larmer- NiNckerson 244. Vi Coole Alyce Hodgson "~,Onle Etcher 230, Lydia KaY Beauprie te 228, 1ernice Budai 228, Joan Enlcy ----___ Dot Virtue 225, Helen Piper Molly Badger - 224, Shirley Bîckic 223, Mary Mary Wilcox - ~rIcx 222, Alyce Modgson 221, Edna De Geer - deillca Brock c 217, Darc Mutton Fac Reynolds - 215, Eleanor Larmer 213, Vil Ada Richards O'Rourke 213, Bettie Stutt 213. Helen Vivian - 'There were eigbt otber girls Mcl McNulty - w1ýith over 200. Good bowling High Single- 5iris. kçpp it up! Witb the Jean Luxton t~achie scores' came the lem- High Triple - eons wlth Betty Westlake 99, Doris Joli --- Helen Dunn 98. Shirley .Bickie High Average - ' 6, Jean Luxton 92, Helen Vi- -Doris Jol ,Vian' 91,' Bqerley Disley 89, Team Standin ilCanna>, 87 Wilma Scott 84, Nm AÉnný White. 83, Jean Firth 81, am 185 184 -___183 183 182 --182 181 180 178 177 -___174 174 171 --169 168 ____167 166 --164 162 161 ____161 160 --280 656 --210 Ings Points Pins 1 'MIarlene -Fais-79, Ly;ndaGr- vSeemn - 2 59 is 25 years of agre and a good ner 72, Bettie Stutt 68, Edna Bernice Budai 10 5167 hockey as wellasaealpay ;De Geer 65, Marion Knox 36. Eleanor Larmer 9 5322 er. sbsbl ly 'Name Average Lydia Bates _ 9 4980 Lloyd "Hammy" Hamilton is , Doris JolI l -~ 210 Hilda Brock ---- 8 4928 another star of the strong Roses *Ev Swcetman 204 Lii Phillips ~ 7 5380 outfield, playing in centre field. Helen Piper------- 196 Joyce Major------ - 7 5109 Lloyd flot only cavers a lot of Lydia Bates . ~ 195 Onie Etcher------- 7 5078 territory extremely well but Onie Etcher 192 Doris Joli -- -- 4 5057 cornes through with a good 'Bernice Budai 189 Anita Nickerson - 4 4597 batting average, year after year. * Vi Coole- 189 Vi Coole---- -- -- 2 4934 Born in Bowmanville. hie is 26 Lii_Ho pe. 8 Ena Etcher --- 2 4501 years old and has played on the - teamn for the past five years. Hammy" was named to the PeronahtySkeche ofLakeshore Ahl-Star team a e $Icàsoncity .Sictch of seasons ago. Gerald "Tim"l Cox, with seven Broo dal Roes eam is one of the veterans ofth Eleven of the 17 regular play- joining the Roses this year. He Roses squad. kle is a very good ers n te Bomanill Brok- s te to riht-ande onthefielder and collects his share of Crs n te Bomanill Brok- s te to riht-ande onthehits as well. Tim is 27 years old dale Roses, Intermediate "B" team and bas a good won-lost and another "lhome-brew", bav- Champions of Ontario, werc born record this year. Twenty-four ing been born in Bowmanvillc. in the town and the six who yaso gh aslfGo tlt lyr wcrc born elsewhere in Ontario er fae ebt ef. * Go tlt lyr have made their homes here for Relief Pitcher Clint Ferguson Utility outfielder Bob Williams a number of years. Short sketch. saw limitcd action this sumnmer has been witb the Roses for nine es o eah o thse layrswho nti th fial ameaganstyears and is one of those fellows es n e ch f t ese pla ers wh un il he ina ga ie gai st w ho can alw ays be depended on at re amateurs in the strictest the Listowel teamn, but became to turn in a good game. At *sense of the Word as tbcy have the hero of that game by going Listowel in the final game be not reccived a cent for playing to the mound in the ninth inning was called an as a pinch-bitter basebaîl here, are given below. and pitcbing two-bit bahl over and came tbrough by waiting out Playing-Manager and catcher six inninga to win the game. He the Legionnaires' hurler ta get Frank Hooper was bdrn in Bow- is 20 years of age, bas been two on base. Born in Port Perry, he * nanville and bis father, Frank years witb the teamn and bats bas made bis home in Bowman- Hooper, was a well-known local and tbrows rigbt. ville for many years. He is 29 hockey player. He is 24 ycars Johnny Stainton is anather and bats and tbrows right-hand. oId and bas played eigbt years good relief pitcber witb the cd. witb the Roses. He bats leit Roses and is a Bowmanville boy. Ted Dadson is a utility out- and throws rigbt. "Hoop" is a He is 22 years,0f age, bas been fielder who can - and does - tulrn star hockey player as well as be- witb tbe teamn for three years. in a very fine game whenevcr ing one of the best catchers ever He throws rigbt and bats left. needed. In tbe final game in produced bere. He deserves hcarticst congratulations in wîn- Bob Galîagber, big first-base- Listowel this year be was called nin a Onara tth inbi fistman of the team, was born in on as a pinch-hiter and went in year s Manger.Toronto but camne to Bowman. to spark the tbree-run rally * yarasMaagrville several years ago. He bas which tied ui the ganie by strok- Pitcher G e o r g e "General" been playing witb tbe team for ing a single. Ted is a Bowman- Joncs was born in Orono but bas five years and bas been one of ville boy, 22 years of age, and lived and worked in Bowman- its most consistent bitters over #ias been on the teamn for tbree Ville for the past tbrec years. thatperiod. He is 25 years old, years. He bas been witb the Roses tbree bats rigbt and tbrows rigbt. Utility infielder Dan Girardi yrs, during wbich timne he bas gives depth to tbe infield with bf the top winning pitcher for Second-baseman Don Gilhooly, bis fine fielding ability wben- tdje squad. George is a soutb- also known as "Scooter", bas ever called on. He can play first paw hurler witb lots o! "stuff"' been a top performer on tbe base or almost any. infield pas- on the bahl. He is 22, and bats team, at second base for fine ition. Danny was born in Wel-; ]ft-handed. ycaràs. An outstanding base- land but bas lived in Bowman- TOP~ Ritht-Hander runner wbo steals the opposition ville for several years. He is 24 .~ç. Topblind, Gil bas also produced bis years old and bats and tbrows Pitcher Gardon "Wiener" Sell- share of bits over the season's. right. ers f5 ;anotbcr Bowmanville boy lïe is 29 years o! age, bats right KnKlya 8i rmsn wbo 'piayed Durham Rural and throws rigbt. Don was also ncKerlto the1club. a play-i *League hall for Newcastle before a star hockey player until retir- ed some first base earîy in the season and was available as a utility infielder.- He is another O))) .~*.Y'PHONE TO-DAY local boy, and throws left and bats rigbt. We will b pleased to John Ford was the only LET S S THAKFU suply ou ith"foreigner" on the club, being an LET S BETHA4KPU suply ~ou lthOshawa boy who saw some ac- AL I AF R E E tion as a utîhity outfielder. A large, lanky type, John is 25 COZ'I'OE N ES TIMATES years old and bats left and TOD)AN".'on your Heatlnt or Plumbing Joe Kne is theefficient R_ Young bat-boy of the Roses and ~ ~ , bas donc a good job tbis sum- - ( IANer in looking after equipment. He is 15 years old and a Bow- «09 M -31 anville boy. Tbe Bowmanville Brookdale PLUM ING osesBasebaîl Club was also utive. President Ted Bagnell ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ is an ad basebal star himself and this is tbe first season in which he bas not got inta at least a few games. Secretary-Treas- urer Murray Tigbe bas been a valuable member o! tbe Club Executive, looking after the financial end and many ather details o! operation. Vice-Pres. ident was Paul Chant, and How- l ard Cowle acted as Business Manager. General Manager Jim Ticker" Crombie's many years zm r =of experience in Lakeshore aague affairs and the knowl- edge he gainied as manager of the club last year were very useful to the Roses. Publicity was capably bandled by AI Osborne, a Iong-time. supporter and booster o! basebaîl. in Bow- mianville. - ~~Congratulations ta every mîm- br of the Intermediate B"' - championship winners and ta ~ f everyone who helped bring the B R N Htitle ta Bowmanvilîe, including Just Off Gueeu Elizbaeth Way and not have bad an intermediate Highway 27 - em WEST 0F Ted Williams i TrORONTO '1:13 P.M. Sept, 28 Admission (ine. Tax) $1.15 m Oct. 21 NoChildren under 16 I Ample Parking Space I I First -Clisst ]Restaurant FuIl Course 31eals from 75c Rolis High 242 I Rural League T. Wlliame rolled the high single a! 242 in the Rural Bowling League on Tuesdav night and Gea. Blytb came thraugb with the bigh triple of 633. Fo)lowing ia the Icague standing. Blackstock 1 Enniskillen Sr. 10 Tyrone 9 Maple Grave 9 Enniskillen Jr. 2 Hampton 0 The larger the island ofl know!edge. ,:h. longer th e o~ocLef woalcicr. - Ralpii W. boclnian.j Twoà Days Needed - To Finish B.H.S. Meet Record Number Enfries ing from the game a couple of years ago. Consistent Maxie Yourth Captain Maxic Yourth, who plays short-stop, is the veteran ai the tcam at 35 and anc of thc most consistent performers on the Rases aver tbe past 10 years. He plays a steady game at short- stop and collects a good share af base bits. Maxie was barn in Oshawa, but bas livcd in Bow- inanville since World War II. L ik e Gilbooly and "Buck" Cowle, be bas also playcd hockey several years for Bowmanvilce ntermediate hockey teami. Roy Falls, third-basemnan of the team also bad a stint of play- ing bebind the plate thik, ycar. Third is his natural position bowever, and be fields bis -bot corner" spot well. Roy also con- tributed same timely hitting during the playaffs. A Bow- manville boy, be bas been on the team for four years. Roy is 22 and throws right wbile batting left. Le! t fielder Fred "Buck" Cowlc was a star performer for the Roses this year bath defens- ively and affensively. He makes tbe bard catches look easy and bas corne thraugb with needed bits cansistently. He bas play- cd tbree years with the team. mediate boys' cÊampion witb 27 points and C. Trim was runncr-up with 19'. W. Lemon toak the Junior boys' cham- pionsbip with 25 points and D. Welsh was runncr-up witb 13. Pat Conway capturcd the Senior girls' championsimp witb 27 points and Joan Smith was runner-up with 18. Interniedi- ate girls' champion was Sha- ron Kilpatrick witb 26 points and Karen Bragg came second with 24. Peggy Simpson cop- ped the Junior girls' cbam- pionship with 12 points and Beverley Wraigbt was runner- up Witb 6. Senior Bloys' Winners Foliowing are the winners in the Senior Boys' events: 100 Yard dasb-M. Panas, B. Brunt, D. Woodlock. 220-B. Brunt, Il Woodlock, M. Panas. 440-B. Colwell, F. Quantrel, B. Dow. 880-B. Colwell, F. Quantrel, P. Lycett. Hop, Step and Jump- D. Woadlock, B . Brunt, G. Richards. Running Broad Jump -D. Woodîock, P. Lycett. B. Brunt. Migh Jump-D. Wood- Iock, G. Richards, P. Lycett. Shot put-M. Panas, P. Lycett, G. Richards. Open Mile Run-B. Colwell 15 Krng St. W. MA 3.5778 100 Yard Dash-P. Reynoîds, (5:4-4/10) J. Fowler, J. Webb, G. Pickering. Senior Girls' Events Higb Jump---C. Smith, E. Os- borne, J. Smith. Running Broad Jump-P. Conway, B. Cowlihg, C. Smith. Standing Broad Jump -June Mutton, Joan Mutton, E. Osborne. 220 Relay-P. Con- way, B. Cowling, J. Smith, E. Osborne. Bahl Throw for Dis- tance-D. Ogden, I.- Conway, C. Charit. 75-Yard Dash - P. Conway, J. Smith, B. Cowling. 100 Yard Dash-P. Conway, B. Cowling, J. Smith. Intermediste Boys' Eventu 100 Yard Dash-C. Trim, J. Fowler, J. Osborne. 220 - .. Fowler, C. Trim, J. Osborne. 440-C. Trim, E. Kowal, P. Dykstra. 880-C. Trim, E. Kow- a, R. Biggs. Hop, Step and Jump-J. Fower, T. Fairey, G. Crassey. Running Broad Jump -J. Fowlcr, R. Kerr, G. Cros- sey. High Jump-J. Fowler, K. Purdy, B. Jackson. Shot Put- D. Hnnah, K. Williamson, J. Fowler. Intermedlate Girls' Events Mýigb Jump-S. Kilpatrick,.B; Smith, K. Bragg. Running Brad Jump-S. Kilpatrick, B. Bathgate, B. Smith. Standing Broad Jump-S. Kilpatrick, B. Smith, K. Bragg. 220 Reay-B. Bathgate, S. Kilpatrick, K. Bragg, B. Smith. Bal Trw for Distance-L. Bradley, But- tery, C. Courtce. 75 Yard Dash - B. Bathgate, Buttery, Mc- Donald. 100 Yard Dash - B. Batbgate, K. Bragg, Buttery. Junior Boys' Events The greatest number of stu- dents ever to take part in the Bowinanville 'District High Scbool track meet competed in the annual event held last week at the track at the Books Train- ing School. The meet bad to be sbifted to the B.T.S. track due to construction work at the high scbool, and because of thie record number of entries it was impossible to finish the meet in one day an Wednesday. The events were wound up an Thursday. The top winners at this meet represcnted B.H.S. at the Tri-Schgol Track Meet in Cobourg yesterday (Wednes- day). One -record was shattered duringuthe two-day meet here as Bruce Colwell, outstanding young miler at the school, ran the open mile in 5:4.4/10 min- utes, bettering Frank Haoper's old record of 5:7. Grade 13 topped the class standings with 338 points, Grade 12B was se- cond with 234 points and Grade lOB came third with 201. Grade 9A posted 185 points for fourth spot, Grade 9C came fifth with 184 points and Grade l1A came sixth with 183 points. Senior boys' champion was D. Woodlock with 24 points and B. Brunt was second with 16. J. Fowler emnerged as Inter - New T56 the now beauty with a groat neW idea-tifegquard deÉiqo! MévIM, a new mastorpiscie of long, low beauafy with brilliant new V-S performance! ~Vt) nu4~ TO SEE AND DRIVE &M on 0 W moI.d&. miU#8M EV FORDL !t's here--the new Ford for '56-bringing you new, lowr, longer-laoking styling, inspired by the famous Thunderbird; new deep-block Y-8 power (up to 202-Hp.); and a new concept of safety pIanning-Lifguard designI Corne in now-see the new '56 Ford, inspect it, drive, it . . .find out why Ford continues to be worth more when ,you buy j:, worth more when you seil ii onarclu One eye-fflng glance wil tellyou that-Monarch for '56 has truly new big-car beauty . . . a new, longer, lower, slimmer look! Under tbe hood of the new '56 Monarcb is a great new V-8 engine (up to 225-Hp.) to bring you even more responsive power in the driving ranges you use most. And Monarch's safety-planned design brings you a new measure of saf'ety, for that feeling of extra confidence wherever you drive i '56 FORD AND MONARCH AT YOUR FORD.MONARCH DEALERS '1 Ford Dealer For Bowmanvile 'and- District, Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcast[e 325 lFred Llew inIIbL -P. Reynolds, G. McGill. W. Lenion. 440-G. McGill, R. Westhewser, W. Lemon. Hop, Step and Jump-D. Welsh, W. Lemon, D. Cattran. Running Broad Jumîp - W. Lemon, R. Pollard, D. Welsh.' High Jump -D. Welsh, W. Lemon, R. Pol- lard. Shot Put-D. Cattran, B. Bates, B. Osborne. Junior Girls' Events High Jup- E. Hicks, E. Piekard . H. Maughn. Running Broad Jump-P. Simpson, B. raght. J. MeLean. Standing Brioad Jump - L. Mutton, L. Miller, P. Simpson. 220 leelay -B3. Stephenson, P. Simpson, P. Cheetham, B. Phillips. Ball Throw for Distance-M. _Walsh, P. Bartels, K. Fowler. 50 Yard Dash - B. Stephenson, K. Thompson, R M. Morrill, 73 Yard Dash- B. Phillips, P. Simpson, P. Cheetham. In addition to B.H.S. Athie- tic Director Jack Ross, Mrs. Di- anna Hochmann, the Girls Phy- sical Education teacher, and Track Coaches AI Witherspoon and Bob Sheridan are handling the track teams. Several other teachers also helped as scorers and judges at the meet last Wednesday and Thursday. TI1C K ETS9 TO EVERYWBERE Air. Rail or Steamsblp Consuit JURY & LOVELL À4kN NOCDU N GI1N. mGI-' CARVETH MO-TOR'S PAGE THMTEZII Bowls 32â For 'High- Single F. Lewins came, up with ii nïce high sing]4 game of 328 ini Durham Bowli.'ig League play last Friday night and also turn- ed in the high triple of 757. The Bowmanville Foundrýy team op- ened a five-point Iead over the rest of the teams. Bow'ville Ftundry 9454 21 Bow'ville Cleaners 9071 16 Palmer Motor Sales 9114 15 McNulty's Sports- 8850 14 'C. 0. F.-. 8680 il L.O.L. No. 1 --- 8537 10 Dominion Stores- 8154 1I -. E. P.C.......8389 6 A. & P. 8593 . L.0. L. No. 2..6747 C Top ten averages are: F. Lewins, 228; B. Polley, 2221 G, Ellio t, 221; C. Trewin,* 208; D, Parks-, 207; N. Cowle, 206; E. Leslie, 205. P. Luxton, 205; J. Levitt, 204; and B. Coôombes. 203. POWERFUL 3owmanvfll 1 1 1 NE56 ý I&TRtms')AY, OCT. @th, 1953 1 W. Lernon; R. Westhewser. 2201 ---------- .. ........ ----------- -111"",- - ,-, MONARCH RICHELIEU coup§ -qýj 11#v. É-AVÀLnràv moràqnm",L» 1

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