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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOTJRTEEW T CANANA2i STÂTEIXAX. EOWMAXVIZLU. ONTAlTO THT3MDAY, COT, SUm. lUS Social and Mr. Arthur F. Allin wba bas been visiting with bis brother, Mm. George Allia and family, leit on Tbursday for bis home in Allhambra, Calilomnia. Mr. and Mrs. L. McSwairr and Marîe af Acton, Mm. and Mrs. Graham McSwain and Valerie and Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeish and Barbara of Osh-1 awa and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Astîca ai Peterborough were weekend visitars with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth and family. Mm. and Mrs. A. R. Randail and family visited with ber mother, Mrs. Brock, in Bell- fountain on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar en- joyed a motor trip througli eastemn Ontario, Quebcc and New York State last week. Mrs. Thos. Enwright spent last week visi ling witb ber mother, Mrs. McCandless in Stmathroy. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvetb were in Toronto on Fiday at- tending the funeral ai Mi. Car- veth's aunt, Mrs. Walter Cor- nisb. Mm. and Mrs. Milton Biette ai Victoria, B.C., Mms. George Nicholson ai Shawinigan Fails and M. and Mrs. Roy Short ai Toronto weme recent visitars with Mm. and Mrs. George Ah- lin. Mm. and Mms. Earl Weathemilt and son Larmy and Mm. William Powlcm ai Betbany and Mm. and Mms. Ivan Matthcws and lam- ily ai Trenton, weme Sunday gucats with Mm. and Mms. D. M. Bernard and family. SPORTS BRIEFS 'Witb ideal basebaîl weathcr end a large crowd ai fans on band, the Welcome Basebali- Club took the Durhamn County Championship, and its reward, Trhe "Johnny James Traphy" in the second game ai thc best twa i n three series at Welcome an Satumday aZte rnoon. Aiter baving whipped the Millbrook Club, winners ai the North Durham League by a score ai 8 ta 5 la Millbrook the previaus week, the Welcome squad cleaned up on Milhbraok (or should wc say the North Durham Ail-stars) in tbe sec- ond gaine by a scare ai lil ta6 ST. GEORGE'S Anglican Church Harvest Thanksgiving Services 8:00 arn. - HOLY COMMUNIO?j 11:00 a.r.- MATINS and SERMON 7:00 p.m.- EVENSONG 1Personal Mr. and Mr.. Stanley Brown, Bobby and Brenda, attended the Sbiners' Circus in Tarantei last Tuesday evoning.1 The annual Harvest Thanks-, wîll be held in St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday with services at eight and eleven in the moma- ing and seven in the evening. Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Brown and family spent thc weekend vîsiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Laumie Sm., in Part Elgin. Mrs.- W. Toplili and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Chessel ai Belleville, visited with Mr. and Mis. Per- cy Hare on Priday. Mr. Percy Hare attended a telegrapher's meeting in Belle- ville on Sunday. Mission Rand The Golden Rule Mission Band beld its fimst meeting ai the fliscason in the Board Room ai the United Cburch with 24 members in attend- ance. The president, Douglas Jase opened the meeting with a reading and the minutes ai the last meeting were read by Susan Gray and the roll caîl by Wayne Megit in the absence ai the secretamy. The bymn "Birds are Sing- ing" was sung by the members followed by the Members' Pur- pose, repe ated in unison. Susan Gray gave a reading entitled "They Came Prom Every- where" and the meeting clos- ed witb the repeating af the 1Mission Band Prayer in unison. with Johnny Choinier gging the route for the homesters on the mound. We mention North Durham Ail-Stars, because there seem- I cd ta be some doubt as ta, the eligibility cf same ai the Mill- brook phayers, wbo, it seems, played with Omemee during the regular season. .However, Millbrook, or Ah-Stars the Wehcame boys came thraugh with a win whicb will keep the championship and the silver- ware in South Durham. Speaking ai the South Dur- ham League, we are told the Annual windup banquet ai the League is ta be- held at the St. Lawrence Hotel in Port Hope on Saturday evening, Oc- tober 8th. and sa endetb an- other season af the local rural league. Whiie the Wehcome boys were triinming Mllbrook on Saturday aftemnoon, the Part Hope Juveniles,. the hast hope for an O.B.A. title in the Lake- shore M inar Loop, were taking a 5 tao0 trimming in Stratbray in the first gamne af the best of, three Juvenihe "B" series. Bruce Balett went ail the way on the mound for the Ports giving up only, 7 hits, but slappy fielding by bis team- mates was responsible for most ai the runs. The Port Hope lads were able ta garner in I8 scattered bits but iailed in the pinches. The Stathroy battemy put In a good performance and their pitcher seemed ta ho able ta Hole-in-Wa«lI ýAgai.n Scene 10f Accident L The now famous *ewcastle Hale-In-The-Wall, the C.P.R. overpass on King street east, was the scene of yet another Ltruck-car accident about 2.15 Monday morning. The accident occurred when a iToronto-Pe- terborough Transport, driven by Russell Herringtan of Tren- ton, proceeding west, slowed ta allow east bound traffic to pass through -the subway. Norman Riddall of Nelson, B.C. was driving the car fol- lowing the transport and failed to notice the change of pace of the large vehîcle in time to avoid a crash. The right front ifender of the car hitting the left.rear corner of the truck. The' driver 'of the Transport truck was unhurt and the dam- age ta bis vehicle was neglig- ible. The driver of the lighter vehicle received mmnor injur- ies ta his right arma in the ac- cident. Damage ta hîs car is estimated at approximately $500. Police Chief A. R. Randal af Newcastle in vestigated the ac- cident. Fire Fighters Queill.Blaze In Transport The local Volunteer Fire De- partment was called out on Thur;sday afternoon ta extin- guish a lire which threatened to demolish a large transport loaded with Caustîc Soda, just north af the junction af North, Manvers and Munro streets. The vehicle, owned by the Tank Truck Transport of Ta- ronta was being driven north on highway 35 by Gerald A. Herrow when the engine back- fired and he sighted flames. The driver then stopped the motor and emerged safely from the cab which was a mass of flames when firemen arrived ta extinguish the blaze. The tractor was badly dam- aged, the cab especially, but the traîler and load were un- hurt except by smoke. Another tractor was sent out by the company from Toronto to con- tinue on with the load. Traffic from al directions was held up for approxlmately one hall hour by the lire. baffle the Port Hope batters whenever they happened ta threaten. There was a very poor crowd at the game (approximately 50) for an O.B.A. Championship series, and it is hoped that Dur- hamites wîll make a much bet- ter showing at Port Hope on Saturday afternoon for the sec- ond game ta cheer the boys ta victory. Gamne time on Satur- day is two-thirty and should the Ports win it, a third and deciding game will be played in Oakville the fallowing week.1 YOUR EYES and Scopyrights C. LTuck, Optometrist Disney flldg,. 31 King E., OW. P.o. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 313. Il for no reason than for the convenience of havîng proper vision it ta have this con- dition-tempararily corrected un- tii nature with the proper med- ical attention' bas properly cor- rected matters ta their proper1 condition ta take up their tasks again. Many reflex dîsorders are due ta uncorrected eyes. The physical conditions that may attribute ta this condition are many and variaus but it is net mny intention ta reler ta them. ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1Il(Copyrighted) GOOD GOING Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, October 18 - 19 - 20 RETURN LIrMT - 15 Days Return Fares from TORONTO To YOU SAVE Winnipeg $38.25 $24.30 Regina 47.60 30.25 Saskatoon______ ____ 53.60 34.05 Calar-Edonon64.39 40.90 * rom points outaide Toronto, add local regular round trip coach lare ta Toronto. SChildren under 5 travel free, 5 and under 12 balf fane. *Regular 150 lbs. baggage.allowance. Watcb for Bargain Coach Fanes again Nov. 22-23-24 Station - Seugot st. Phone MA 3-5644 -u Lione ttes Plan Big Card Party For Next Week The,,Oc tober meeting af the Newcastle LionMttes Club was held on Monday evening at the rhome of Lionette Mrs. Jean 5Lewis with the Lionette Presi- tdent, Mrs. Helen Carveth pro- siding. A good part af the evening was spent making plans and ~repartions for- next week's gamoth Card Party. On re- quest af the village Centennial committee, Mrs. Dunreath Wal- ton and Mrs. Dora Kelsey were 1chosen as Lionette representa- Etives on the committee. Plans )were discussed for the annual Lparty af the club ta be held 1later this month. Lionettes Mrs. Elsie Koro- Lpatwa and Mrs. Jean Lewis were appainted hostesses for the November meeting of the club wbich wilx be beld on the second Monday at the home af Lionette Mrs. Verna Agnew. At the close af the meeting refreshments were served by Lionettes Mrs. Dora Kelsey and 1Mrs. Aresta Williams, bostesses for the evening. The refresh- ment period taking the form af a birthday greeting ta one ai thec members, Mrs. Dunreath Walton, with a beautiful cakei brigbt with candles and the members singing the birtbday sang. BURKETON Recent visitors with Mrs. E. Caugbill were Mrs. M. Hewitt, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. By- low and Mrs. M. Manigold, Or- illia. Mr. Chester and William Hos- kins with friends at Niagara- on-the-Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tompkins were in Toronto and attended the golden anniversary af Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter. Mrs. Sandyý Van Dam was ini Bowmanville Hospital for an operatian. Mr. Alden Hubbard is in To- ronto Western Hospital where he underwent an aperatian Sat- urday. We wish all a speedy recovery. Sympathy is extended to Mr. G. Goff and family in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mre. Cyrus Ashton visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Taylor, Sunday. Mr. Norman Spraule and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood and famlly, Mrs. Florence Greenwood, Kendal, with Mrs. W. Bryan. Mrs. Greenwood re- Im.aining with ber sister a few days. Leslie Taylor won tbree firsts and four seconds and some other prizes on bis Tam- worth Swine at Lindsay Fair last week. He alsa won six firsts, four seconds, three thirds and one f ifth at Peterborough andmany awards at Belleville, Port Hope and Orona Pairs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie enter- tàined a number ta a tea party in bon or ai Mrs; 'Newton Tay- lor's birthday Sept. 24th, when Mr. and Mrs. B. Powers of- Cookstown and several other relatives attended. Mrs. C. W. Coates, Uxbridge, with Mrs. Carter a few days and visited relatives in Toron- ta and London. Mrs. Hubbard and lamily entertained a number af neigh- bars before Alden leit for Ta- ronto Priday. Mr. Raymond Davey was very pleasantly surprised by bis family an the occasion of bis birtbday. Among thase who were gatbered were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bowman- ville; Mrs. Newton Hackney, Higbland Creek, Jean Davey, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Don Da- vey, Tyrone; Lais Davey and friend, Alex Oakley, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Da- vey, Bowmanville. Mr. Davey was prescnted with a smoking stand and sweater aiter wbicb the bostess served a dainty lunch at their home. Spirit of '76 Î976 THAT 18! Il you've been Ignorlng rislng pro- perty values,.7011? Inaurauce May notive 70e1 the help you'Il need te rebuild. Tt rnay take 70en 7ears te as- eover from a Pire! Retter se n.for adequate Insurance NOW! STUART E. JAMES Iin c Ree Ial Estate Omeie Redsaee a 3-5681 MA 3-5493 RKInt Street . Rewmanvile One of. the Rare Fights Where Everybody.. Against Everybodylse Gordon Àgn.w, Editor ]Phone 3621 Mr. and Mis. Egerton Han- cock and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hancock, spent Thursday in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Cowan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dunn at Niagara Falls and Mm. and Mrs. E. Stephens at Hespeler. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schauf- fier, Toronto, moved ta Orono hast week ta the bouse- thcy purcbased 'from. Mr. Dane Pound. Mrs. Matihda A. Camnish, wi- dow ai John Walter Cornish, passed away at ber residence in Toronto. Funemal was an Fmi- day, Sept. 30, with interment in the lamily plot, Orono cem- etery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin and family visited Mr. and Mis. E. G. Hoy, Islington. Mmi. Lauma Cooper is visit- ing Mr. and Mms. Morley Brooks, Picton. Mr. and Mms. Harold Awdce, Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas.' Awdc. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R.ý Young and iamily, Peterbor- ough, on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Jack Mercer and Stene and Mr. and Mms. R. Sutclifie, Leskard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutcliffe, Port Permy. Mr. and Mms. Carl Tennant visited Mr. and Mms. Roht. Cooper, London. Mms. Albert Morton in Osh- awa Hospital, Mrs. T. Spencer, Mrs. Gea. Crowtbem and Jamie, Newcas- tlc, visited Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Churcb Anniversary and Harvest Festival will be oh- served on Sunday, Octaber 16th at Orono United Chumch when the gucat preacher will be the Rev. S. Littlewood, a former minister ai this church and naw ai Dunidahk, Ontario. The church will be suitably decar- ated and there will be special muei by the chair. Mes È~arry Davy, Toronto, visited Miss Mabel Davy. Mr. and Mms. R. E. Logan vis- itcd in Nomwood an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Turlcy, Ottawa, vîsited hem mother, Mrs. James Dickson and was1 overnight guest 'ai Mm. andi SALEM Misses Dove and Smith of Cobourg were visitors last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. Mrs. M. Blackburn bas been spending a few days with Mr. and Mis. E. Twist. Mr. Lawrence Squair was a' Sunday visitar with Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat, Orono. Sîncere sympatby is extend- ed ta Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Werry and family in the loss ai bis brother, Mr. Arthur Werry, Ebenezer. Also ta Mrs. Fred Ferguson in the recent loss af ber mother, Mrs. Char- lotte Stephens, Hampton. Larry Welsb is a patient in Memorial Hospital iollawing an operation for appendicitis on Sunday. The National film board pic- tures will be shown in the scbool on Friday evening. World Day Communion ser- -vice was observed at cburch on Sunday. Two lovely baskets ai flowers were placed mn the church in memary of Mr. Artbur Werry. Salemn Harvest Home ser- vides will be beld on Sunday, October 23. Rev. Ted Kersey Dubbed by Judge M. A.l Miller, «"a ns ai those rare fights where everybody is againat everybady cIsc," the assessment appeals launcbed against the United Counties by Port Hope, Cobourg a n d Campbellford, dragged through a duli and dreary- day ai tedtous evidence last week at Cobourg. It was evident that no quarter would be given and the appeals might develap inta an expensive inquiry dragging an for weeks. Judge Miller spoke bluntly ta legal counsels: follawing recess. He pointed out that 24 centres in the United Caunties were ai- fected by the result ai tbe in- quiry. If the three towns could not settle their differences, a complote evaluatian througbout the caunties migbt be called- "an expensive and lengthy pro- ceduro for someone," ho empha- sized. Not Complet. The Judge pointed out that the assessment was neyer completed in Hamilton Township, and that Cobourg bad cngaged expert as- sessors for a complete re-assess- ment ai the town, using the Counties' manual as a basis for evahuation. "Wbat I'm afraid ai," be said, ta spend some weeks this year . . . finally get judg- ment and do it over next year." Judge Miller feît the new assessinent would "iran things out." He expressed bis opinion that it was desirable "appeals in general be dropped this ycar." However, ho said it was up ta counsel ta arrive at this de- cisian. T. G. Shield, counties assess- or, took the stand and outlined the basis for equalization assess- ment ho bad used in the caun- tics. D. P. MacLaren, Q.C., caunties solicitor, noted the as- sessment under consideration was not applicable ta the 1955 assessment "as the -Caunties Council iaund ta its sorrow." Ia speaking ai Cobaurg's asÉessment Mr. Shield said he "couldn't accept the local assess- or's valuation." He said he bas- cd bis decision on an estimate with Port Hope which was ai a IMrs. O. Rolpb. Mis. Fred Duncan who bas been ill at her home is naw feeling much better. Mr. Robert McHolm, father af Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mrs. A. Ritchie, Orono, passed away an Sunday at Bowmanville Hospital. Interment in Part Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Annie Hoskin, Part Hope, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ivason Tamblyn. Mr. Foster Ferguson passed away on Monday at bis resi- dence. Funeral was on Wed- nesday. Interment in Cart- wright United Church Ceme- tery. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Perc. Cooper. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephens and Denise î'isited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Jones, Bowmanville. BLÂCKSTOCK Mr. aiid Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs. John Scott attended tbe Oshawa-Peterborough, Re- gional meeting ai the Home Economjcs and Industrial Arts Sections oi OEA. at North Hastings High School at Ban- croit on Saturday. After the sessions tbey visit- ed the Faraday Uranium Mines and tbe Sodalite Mine. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Harris and Verna visited friends in Brampton on Saturday and1 Sunday.1\1 Mr. Norman Hemn, Thessa- Ion and Mr. Fred Wilan, Bow- manville, called on Mrs. Ed, wamd Darcy. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, with ber parents for the week- end. Mms. M. Fmanks, Mr. and Mis. Lamne Reynolds, Peterbor- ough, spent last Thumsday withý Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. Mm. and Mrs. Allan Rahm moved ta Port Perry on Satur- day as Allan is employed at Sweetman's Garage. Mr. and Mis. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, with Mrs. E .Dfamcy on Sunday. Mr. Joseph Thompson and Mr. Wm. Thampson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Ven- ning. Miss Doreen Van Camp Is1 attending Victoria College, Ta-, onta, taking a Genemal Arts! Course, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman IEddyA Newcastle, witb Mr. and Mrs.' RuneU Mountjoy. .Sincere sympatby ai the corn- munity Is extended ta Mr. and Mra. Rupert Werry and lamily an the sudden passing of Mm. Harold Wemry, Toronto. Mr. and Mns..Cecil Hamillton and Mr. and Mns. Eric Cap- stick attended Markham Fair last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Galdwin Faint and family, TomontO, taok ad- vantage af the fine weatber and spent the weekend at their cottage on Famnwright Acres. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask (Clara So- phia Marlow) who were mar- ried at the United Cburch last Saturday by the Rev. C. W. Hutton. Last Tbursday evening this community honared Mr. and Mrs. Herbert-Preston (Marjorie McLean) on their recent mar- riage. Mr. Harvey Graham was chairman for the program and made tbe presentation af a hostess chair and cushion from the L.O.B.A. and a caffee table and step table lrom the com- munity. There were several other gifts. Tbe bride and. groom were very pleased and grateful. Mrs. R. Parr, Allan Bailey and, Mr. D. McLean played for the dancing which brougbt a pleasant evening ta a close. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low are the happy. grandpar- ents af a new gand-daughter born ta Dm. Jack Marlow and Mrs. Marlow at Lively on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and baby daughtem spent the week- end with her parents, Mm. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed ta Mrs. Foster Ferguson and family and the other members of thc Ferguson family, on the death ai Mr. Foster Ferguson. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Farder, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn and lamily at the Fred Bx'hd- burns, Janetville, an St'nday. The sale cif garage equip- ment af Ray Snacks and the late Amas Clarke, was largely attended on Tuesday. ENFIELD Mrs. Norman Stinion is stay. ing a few days witb ber motb- er, Mrs. J. Stark, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hutche. son and family, Dryden, Mrjý Alex Abemnethy, Manilla; M Joyce Abernetby, Peterb6Wl ougb; Mrs. M. Van Blarcom and Sandy, Wilmot, Nova Sco. tia, were visitors with Mr. an&~ Mrs. Milton Samis and MissI Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray are visiting with friends in Toron- ta. Mr. and Mms. G. Bowman and Roland. bad tea with Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, Sun- day. Mrs. H. Stinson is visiting witb ber chidren in Toronto. Our W.A. bazaar bas been postponed until Oct. l4tb. It will be beld in tbe evening. The Thanksgiving service has been changed and will be an evening service on Oct. 23rd. There will be no aftemnoon services here for tbree Sun- days. Sacrament ai the Lord's Supper was administered at the close af the service, Sunday. Rev. Green reminded us that as a day ai womld communion, the sacrament wvas being ob- served in large and smali churches all over the world, similar size. Mr. Shieid said ho laund a $40,000 difierence in residentiai assessmont but 1,198 more population in Cobourg than in Part Hope. He felt the assess- ment was not a proper picttsre af the commercial and apartment units. The appeals buit up rapidly ta trials witbin trials as it be- came evident that Port Hope 'was bent on proving that Ca- bourg was under assessed an its esidential property. "We are under heavy attack bore by the Town ai Part Hope," remarked A. R. Willmatt, Q.C., solicitor for the Town ai Ca- bourg., Part Hope's spokesmen main- tainod that they were willing ta pay their faim share but they wanted irrefutable proof. Ca- bourg was appealing a quarter ai a million dollars addition by the Counties on its assessment, and Campbellford was also pro- testing the increase on its rails.1 The "touchy subject" ai ex- empt quarters at the Omdnance Depot was included ta prove that population figures ai Ca- bourg did nat necessarily have a bearing on the assessment. Mm. MacLamen called the assess- ment figures produced by Mr. Willmatt covering the yeams be- fore 1955 "the golden days ai assessment when the sun shone ahl day on the towns." When court adjourned at near- ly 6 p.m. Port Hope solicitor R. C. Honey was stil cross exam- ining V. Hewson, Cobourg assess- or, who had spent gruehhing boums in the- witness box. Mm. Honey was procceding with a camparisan oof the twa assessars' manuals, the Chamberlain, used in Cobourg and the Counties manual, based an the Depart- ment ai Municipal Aifairs man- ual. Specific properties were subjected ta close scrutiny, and evaluation by each system for comparative assessment. Earliem in evidence Mr. Will- mnott had established that the manuals were mercly guides and there was no compulsory muling outside the Municipal Act whicb. established basic system ai eval-' uation for assessors. I MIv.I. h.vIsc, W~.nle b.Scr«n yMolvil. Sb.léoIao nd Jack bu - also - "Visfa Vision Visits Mexico" Thurs., Fr1., 7 and 9:10 Sat.,.6:30 Last Show 9:19j, SUNDAT NID-NITE - OCT. 9, 12:05 "The Mad Magician' starring VINCENT PRICE, the "House of Wax" Killer in another tremendous chiller-diller Added - Cartoon Comedy, "Goof on the Roof* MONDAY, OCT. 10 - 2 p.m. only Special Childreït's Matin.. "Golden Stallion" (Color) starring ROY ROGERS and TRIGGER Added Color Cartoons MONRAY - TUESDAY - OCT. 10 il1 "Nearer To Heaven" (Technicolor) starring ROBERT DONAT and KAYE WALSH In keeping with the Tbanksgiving tradition we present a story of a simple country parson who faces life on earth with a faith that touches eternity. Show Turne - 7 and 9: 10 WEDNESDAY - THURS. - OCT. 12 -13 "Ring of Fear" (Çolor) Circus Draina, starring CLYDE BEATTY and PAT O'BRIEN Aduit Entertainment Time - 7 and 9:10 ao 147 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ontario RESIDENT PARTNERS: J. Rumack, C.A. W. L. Selgel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. A. Mindel, C.A. Chartered Accountants EMpire 6-4643-4 Licensci Trnmies ln Bankruptcy J. Rumack This Week at the Royal THEURS. -FR.- SAT. -OCT. 6 -7 -8 IRumack, Seigel & Company m Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years "Doti l h asy way !à" ýPAGES '~'Wh.'n Yeu canNs$hop lnp?» ~~ uéteikeEUOW P*ESf Yimt4.poneboosk 1 ;ý PAGE POURTEM ý "M cAmADUN STATIBXM, mowMA"U..,tx ONTAMO THO MAT, OCT. M lm ww

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