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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 16

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P A E i T E NT H A N D I N 9 . r'1 - - tW1 ? T ~ . .l i x l àm' ? AT H U R .DJ..LL1.LJ.& BARBER-To Flt./Lt. Gardon and Patricia Barber (Clarke), in Oshawa General Hospital on October 3rd, 1955, a daughter (Martha), a sister for "Josh." 40-1 ROHRER-Norman and Doris Rohrer <nee Thompson); are happy ta annaunce the birth of a daughter Barbara Anne, on September 2lst, 1955, at the Community Hospital, Port Perry. A sister for Kenneth and Barry. 40-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Howard Gibson announce the engage-1 mient of their daughter, Ruth] Audrey, ta Mr. James Wren, sonj of Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Wren of Cobden, Ont. Marriage ta take place October 27 in Edmon- ton, Alta. 40-1 If you would like a prîvate %howing af aur extensive stock of diamond engagement and wedding rings Phone MA 3-5747. Hooper's Jewellery and Gif t Shop. 40-tf - DEATHS BENNETT, Lucy Jane-At New- castle on Tuesday, October 4th, 1955, Lucy Jane Bennett, belov- ed wife af the late - James Ben- nett and dear mather ai Flor- ence (Mrs. S. French), Moos- onee; Reta (Mrs. H. Nevins), Toronto, and Wilfred of New- castle, in ber 86th year. Rest- ing at Nortbcutt & Smnith Fun- eral Home. 53 Division Street, Bowmanville. Service on Fi- day, October 7th at 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bawmanville Cerne- tery. 40-1 BUTLER-At Memorial Ras- pital, Bowmanville, on Friday, September 30 , 1955,' Monica Butler, aged 29. years, beloved' Wvife ai Charles Butler, 25 West Beach. Mrs. Butler rested at tbe Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- mnanvile. Service was held in St. Joseph's R. C. Church on Monday, October 3rd at 9:30 a.rn. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 40-1 McHOLM, Robert-At Memorial H4ospital, Bowmanville, on Sun- day, October 2nd, 1955, Robert MdHolm, beloved busband af Ellen Jackson, dear father of Elsie (Mrs. C. Joncs), Orono; Hazel (Mms. Etben Joncs). Bow- manville; Muriel (Mrs. A. Ritchie), Orono; Donald A., New- castle, and the lats Jessie (Mrs. Richard McConnell). Funeral was held tramn the George Fun- eral Chapel, Port Hope, on Tuesday. Interment Welcome Church Cemetery. 40-1 NORMAN, James-Suddenly at Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, 1955, James Norman, belav- ed husband af Amelia Tyler, 423 Salem Ave.. Toronto. and dear father of Albert T., Toron- ta; grandfather af Barbara, iXenny and AI. brother ai Fannie (Mrs. H. J. Sheppard). Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.; John and Albert, Toronto. Mm. Norman rested at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bow- mnanville until Wednesday noon. Then at the Earle Elliatt Fun-1 eral Home, 715 Davercoumt Rd., for service on Fmîday at 2 p.m. Interment Prospect Cemetery. 40-1 STAPLEY-Suddenly at Mu- koska, Ont., Saturday, October Ist, 1955, John Stapley (Ponty- pool. Ont.), aged 52 years. Mr. Stapley rested at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held in Pontypool Uinited Church on Tuesday, October 4th at 2:30 p.m. Inter- mient Pontypool Cemetery, 40-1 WERRY, Arthur Benjamin-At his residence in Darlington Trownship on Tbursday, Septem- ber 29, 1955, Arthur Benjamin Werry in his 93rd, year, husband of the late Mary Alice Oke and father of Mrs. R. K. Bragg (Lois), Mrs. M. W. Termy (Vera) and one son Elton, and brother of Wesley G. Werry. Funeral was held fram Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, Bowman- ville on Saturday. October lst. Interment Betbesda Cemeterv. 40-1 For Rent TWO rooms, light housekeeping, heated. Phone MA 3-3522. 40-1 MODERN five-roomied apart- ment, centrally located. Cal MA 3-3077 after 7 p.n. 40-1 HEATED apartment, three ooms and bath. Apply 3 Durham St. or Phone MA 3-3197. 40-1* %.dcrci 1I LIUIIKMIC The family of the late David George Strong wish ta sincerely thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for their floral tributes and messages of sym- pathy in recent sad bereavement and loss of loving father. 40-1' At this time I would like ta thank Dr. McKenzie, nurses and staff, also friends and neighbours for fituit, cards and flowers sent me during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Tenchia Malley. 40-1 Mrs. Albert McMahon and family wish ta express their sincere gratitude ta relatives, friends, neighbours and Ponty- pool L.OL. 82 for their kind- ness, sympathy, floral tributes and cards received during their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father. 40-1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trimble, Park Raad, wish ta express their thanks toalal wha were espons- ible for armanging and assisting on the surprise parties given recently by neighbaurs and rela- tives on their ý5th wedding an- niversary, and ta invited guests unabie to be present, we extend tbanks for gifts received. 40-1 Mr. Leslie Thompson and farn- ily wish ta thank Dr. Austin, Northcutt & Smith, L.O.L. No. 764, L.O.B.A. No. 1244, R.B.P. No. 398, Toronto Board ai Edu- cation, and Quarter Century Club, Haydan W.A.. relatives and ficnds for kirndnesses and floral tributes during their e- cent bereavement in the loss of a laving wife and step-mother. 40-1 * IN MEMORIAM BROOKS-In proud and loving memory of a dear son and broth- er, PO Glenn Wesley Brooks, who was killed in action on October 7th, 1944, at Dortmund, Germany. 1 $ Too dearly loved ta ever be forgotten. -Mother, sister Gwendolyn and brother Grant. 40-1 CHAMBERS-In loving memory of dear Domothy Chambers who passed away October 13, 1953. No one knows how much we miss you, dear Dorothy, No one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost you, Lufe has neyer been the same. In aur heart youm memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a day dear Dorothy, We do flot think of you. -Ever remenbered by mother, dad, Mat and Perce and family. 1ý 40.1* PASCO-In loving memory ai a dear father, Arthur L. Pascoe wbo passed away, October Sth,ý .1954. Fond memories linger every da.y, Remembrance keeps him near. -Gertie and family. 40-1 WILKINS-In loving memor aif a dear busband and fat her, George Blake, who departed this lite at Bawmanvilie, October 10, 1934. Your presence is ever near us. Your lave remains with us yet, Yau were the kind af a father, Your lol.ed ones would neyer forget. -Ever remembered by famiiy. 40-1 WORDEN - To the beautiful memory ai my dear husband, Russell L. \Worden, who passed away October 4th. 1948. Sweet is the fragrance af remembra nce. -Lavingly emembered by bis wiie Ethel. 40-1* Reception Mr. and Mrs. J. Infantiife will be at home ta their friends on Saturday atternoon, October 15 fmom 2 o'clock ta 5 p.m., at their home, 30 Division St., on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary. 40-1 * Mr. and Mms. E. A. Werry will be at home ta their friends on Satumday evening, October 8, from 7 o'clock to 10 p.m., at their home, Swain Farm, Enniskillen, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. 39-2 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Graham will be at home ta their relatives and friends at the Memorial Park Club House, Liberty Street South, Saturday, October lSth, 1955, from 2 ta 4 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m., on the occasion of their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary. 40-2f 'THREE rooms an ground floor, heated, private entrance; im- Lost mediate possession. Phone MA 3-3306. 40-l1' BETWEEN Post Office wicket FIV-romedhoue wth araeand the Town Hall, $10. Re- FI-roomedbthbousedwîforagwamd. Finder please retumn ta 3-pec bahwird orstove. Police Department. 40-1 Write Box 423, c/o Canadian _____________ Statesman. 40-1w PAIR ai lady's white figure FOURroos, athoor, bt ad sates, size 6, in vicinity ai told water, hydra. heavy wiring, Aea, Phone RA 3-9750, Osha- Concession 10, Clarke. Milton wa.- 40-1 Tamblyn, Orono. 40-1*Vî te UPPER dupliex apartment, 3ý' ________________ rooms, separate entrance, four- ELDERLY lady for a campanion. piece bath, bat waterheating, Cail at 41 Church St. or Phone references. Caîl MA 3-2887.3-nMAmket 3-5861. 40-2* NEW green Ogilvie play money. APARTMENT, tour rooms and Mrs. Wesley Down, R.R. 4, bath, beated, private entrance.1 Oshawa. 39-2 Suitable for couple with smalI . baby or three aduits. Avaîlable COMPANION tor elderly warnan Nov. Ist. Write Box 421, c/o in comiortable borne. Write Canadian Statesmnan. 40-2* Box 422, c/o Canadian States- HEATED 3-roamn furnisbed or mai. 40-1e unfurnisbed apartment ground DEAD STOCK remnoved fom floor, separate entrance, bard- YOur farrn Promptly for sanitary ,wood floots, built-in cupboards. disposai. Telephone collect: Co- Apply 72 Temoperance St. Phone bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. X& 3_3843. .4 *0-1' Gardon Young Lin3ited. ..i-t Aticles rfor baIe DRY hardwood, stave length. Phone MA 3-2124. 40-2 16-FOOT camoe, canvas covered. Phone MA 3-2603. 40-1 BROWN nylon snow suit, size 2. Phone MA 3-3066. 40-1 GASOLINE engine, 15 h.p., cheap. F. J. Hall, Orono. 39-2* USED rangette, $25,. at Lander Hardware, 7 Kink St. E. 40-1 WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. H. Cale., MArket 3-54è6. 29-tf MAN'ýS tuxedo, size 36, in ex- cellent condition; will seU .cheap. Phone MA 3-5403. 36-tff ROASTING chickens, ready for the aven. Mrs. C. W. Woodley. Phone MA 3-2414. 40-1 LITTLE girl's three-piece winter outfit, size 4, teal blue. Phone Newcastle 2173. 40-1 DWCKS, alive or dressed, for Thanksgiving. E. Hockaday. 14A 3-2985. 40-1* QUEBEC heater and Quebec cook stove, good condition, cheap. MA 3-2902. 40-11 SMALL cedars for hedges, 10c delivered. Alle de Jager. Phone MA 3-2017.l 40-2* QUANTITY of used hardwood flooring. Phone MA 3-3311 be- tween 9 arn. and 5 p.m. 40-2 USED hot water or steamn rad- iators. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., Bowmanville. 40-1 DAFFODILS, narcissus, tulîps, hyacinths, crocus, etc. Top size. Stewart's Seeds. 40-tf DRY apple tree wood, and a No. 1 trailer with rack. Phone-MA 3-5496. 40-2* APPLES and pears, all varieties. L. A. Squair. Phone MA 3-2223. 40-1 iPIPELESS furnace, complete with ail burner, a bargain. Phone Blackstock 24 r Il. 40-1* GOLDEN and'silver pheasants. Apply Ted Bird. Phone MA 3ý- 5457. 40-1* WHITE enamel coal and wood stove, good condition, reasonable price. 136 Elgin St. 40-1* VIKING radio, good condition, and separate Viking record play- er. Phone MA 3-5952. 40-1* TURKEYS for Thanksgiving, fresh killed, 10 to 20 lbs. Allan Macklin, MA 3-2202. 40-1* FINDLAY Oval coal and wood stove. Apply 53 Duke St. Tele- phone MA 3-5490. 40-1 LARGE size Quaker space heater and fan, 3 ail drums, one 90-gal. Phone MA 3-3757. 40-1* 09OTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, Idelivered in Bowmanville. Phone jMA 3-2473. 31-tf COAL and woo d stove, also five- piece kitchen chrome set, like new. May be seen at 351 Liberty St. N. 40-1 SWEET cider. Bring your own containers. Space heater, willl seli reasonable. MA 3-2298. 40-1 DECORATING *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmnansbip S. G. Presion & Son Phones MA 3-591Z MA 3-3701 .44-tf THANKSGIVING-, TURKEYS GRADE "A" DRAWN, Ready for the Oven 18 lbs.. up 63C Lb. Light Birds 67C Lb. Boiling Fowl 52C Lb., (Ready te use> BONELESS ILEG 0P Veal Roasis 59C L. Whoie or Shank HIfaif Smoked Hams 53c Lb. COOKED Cannied Hams 79C Lb.1 OUR OWN HOME-CURED Breakfast Bacon 59c Lb. SILVERBRIGHT Salmon Steaks 49C Lb. Chicken Halibut Steaks WE HAVE A VARIETY 0F Fish Fillets - Oysiers and F R O Z E Nri Fruits and Vegetables BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 73 Kinx Street West 40-1 *Articles For Sale GARAGE, 24x12, wired, finishcd ta live in, on skids ta be moved. Terms. Phone MA 3-3321. 40-1 KEYS cut autamatically, while* you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf COMBINATION stove, wood, coal and gas. Good condition. 87 King St. W., after 5 p.m.. 40-1* BOY'S C.C.M. figure skates and guards, size 1; Findlay coal #tove, electric rangette, curtain stretch- ers. Phone MA 3-3566. 40-1 KINDLING waad, fence rails, $10 cord, dclivemed. Ivan Mount- joy, Bumketon. Phone Black- stock 87 r 4. 38-tf POTATOES - Came and get them for $1.10. John Hooyer R.R. 1, Nestleton. Phone Bl1ack- stock 31 r 13. 40-11I PICK your own apples (Spys) at 50c a bushel (Saturdays only). C. W. Stewart, Kendal, Ont. CLEAN swarnp ruck, suitable for tobacco greenhouses, or ideal for top dressing, at Pontypool. Sam Manetta, Pontypool. 35-9* SAVE on lumber, direct from mil ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rIl. 13-tf VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Morris Ca. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf PAIN of heumatism,' sciatica, lumbago, can be helped byt1 ing Rumacaps. Recommede by thousands of thankful users. Ask your druggîst. 40-1 BOY'S navy blue suit, good as new, size 14X; also navy station wagon coat, ur collar, size 14X; Faîl jacket, brown check, size 14X. Phone MA 3-2724. 40-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Womkmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harmy L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf 1955 FERGUSON tractor. Will take older tractor in trade; com- bine, manure spreader, plow and cultivator. Write Box 416, c/o Canadian Statesman. 39-2 LARGE size ail space heater with circulating fan, good con- dition. Can be seen at Courtice United Church. Phone Oshawa RA 8-8937. 39-2 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmnanvýi1le. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf PRINTS of photos of public events aPpearîng in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.010 on 8x10 inch glassy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or ent; also Cale steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 2403. 37-tf PLOWSHARES ta fit most makes of plows, plastic and steel pipe, roofing, eavestroughs, wheelbarmows, Corona s p a c e heaters, $66.50 up, fixtures, deep and shallow well pumps, water1 bowls and stable equipment. Call Partner, MA 3-2240. 38-3 ONE International H tracter,( miotor recently completely me- cond.jtioned. WilI accept stock as part payment, or terms; also, 3-row corn scuffler for above tractor. May be boùght separ- ately. Gardon Strong, Black- stock 80 R 2. 40-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold hy the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any tim with a complete range ai saYml ees and suggestions wîthaut obliga- Articlee For Sale YOUNG TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING front 10 to 20 lbs. BEST QUALITY Competilively Priced Phone MA 3-2936 or cail C. BOREK, Hampton X2mile East of new school 40-t' DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 7yo each and up -Ail kinda Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 28-tf TURKEYS CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS Ail Weighis DRESSED and DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MA 3-2309 MAPLE GROVE SHOES-The following brand- name shoes are now in stock: children's Savage shoes, Brouw- er Research shoes, Sisman work boots, Sisman Svampers, Scott- McHale shoes, Dack shoes, Grebb arch support work boots, Foam Tread slippers, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logrollers, Dr. Scholl's foot remedies 'and shoe supports, plus many other lines; Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- wood Sani-white and Properts shoe polishes, modern shoe me- pair service in the rear of store. Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3- 5941. 26-tf COMING EVENTS Reserve November 2nd for hot turkey supper at Courtice Unit- ed Church. 40-2 Turkey supper at Yelverton Church Hall, Monday, October lOth, commencîng at 4:30. Adults $1.50, children 75c. 40-1 Note change of date-Reserve Saturday, Nov. 12 for Christmas bazaar of St. Paul's Evening W.A. 40-1 Reserve Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, November 29, 30, Dec. 1, 2, for the High Schoal Operetta. 39-10 Dance, Bowmanville Canadian Legian Hall,' Friday, October 7. Modemn and old time music by Northern î Oshawa. Admission 75e and 50c. 39-2* Season's first bingo, in the UniopHail, Tbursday, October 6th,8îp.m -, under the auspices ai St. Joseph's Cburch. Good priz- es. Admission 50c. 40-1 Dance In Newtonville Com- munity Hall, Saturday night, October 8. Round and square. Doug Dasti's Nortbern Ramblers. Admission 50c. 40-1* The annual sale of articles made by blind people in this area M~ll be held on Friday and Saturday. November 25th and 26th. Watch for details later. 40-1 Everyone weicome at Shiloh Church for a turkey supper on Wcdnesday, Oct. 1Oth at 6 p.m. until ail are served. Pictures will be shown. Admissions; $1.25, 75e and 35c. 40-2* Rem,-ember, this yeam's Lions Community Auction Sale will be ibeid at the Community Centre on Saturday, October 29th. Watch for further detaîls re- gamding pick-up af items for the tion. Fabmric Town, 59 King Stij____ - Signed, W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman-' Solina W. I. bazaar wiîî be C. W. SWEET, Reeve. LýIVEChinese geese for Tbanks- ville. 48-tf held in the Community Hall an Signed, giving, $2.50 eacb. Mrs. Chester ,Wednesday. October l9th, at HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk. McGratb. Phone MA 3-2713. Singr Swin Ceirg2:30 p.m. The usual boths and R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 392. SADGT Egis omsirs Singer ewing enfr# fternoon tea. Everyone wel- 1SNGT nls okhrs Fe Ue o Nwcamne. FORM 4 purebred boars and giits, service Sewing Machines____ 40-2(Scin2 age, available. P. H. Hinton, Rentais or Repafr Childmen's Hour at the Public NOTICEOrn.Pne1r12 383 Phone OSHWA 5-5443 Library will start again on Sat- CROAINO H fPhmtOS evice urday, Oct. 15 and wiîî continue ORNHPRON 0F TIH PETS FOR SALE for Prmpt Srvice each Saturday tram 10 ta il. ît TWSI FCRWIH ____________ ___________________44-tf is for cbildren from five ta eîght Take notice that the above is'MALE Collie, three manths old. USED tractoms-Fordson Major years aId. 40-1 a true copy of a By-Law passedPhn Osa eudBck 3-loghtrctrMcoric W Te olenMie aret Sowby the Council of the Township stock 72 r 3. 40-1 34lu rco, M cCormick WTheGolde Mil Varity S o f Cartwright on the lSth day of ENGLISH Spinger S p a n i e 1 4, cCrmck -6Orhar md-presented once again by the September, 1955, and ail persans pup, registered, ready for train- el, Farmaîl "R" with scuffler, Bowmanville Kinsmen Club on are required ta take notice tbat ing. Will seil reasonable. Tele- $475; John Deere 2-plaugh trac- Friday and Saturday, November anyone who desires ta apply ta phone MA 3-2410. 40-1 tar, International 15-30. Make 4th and 5th at 8:30 p.m. at tbe have the By-Law or any part us an offer at Famm Equipment Town Hall. Tickets, 75c each. thereof quashed must serve V atdT u and Automotive. 134 King St. E., No reserved seats. 39-6 notice of his application upon ___________________ Bowmnvile. ho40MA 1.569.I the Head or Clerk of this Munic- TRI upri odcn 401 Eldad Thank-offering services, ipality within 20 days after the ATTENTION, apple growers. Sunday, October 9. Rev. S. J. date af the last publication aodtof Poe A323.4- For immediate delivery, wire- Hillier, Brooklin, Ont., at 2:30 this notice, and must make bis HIGHEST prices paid for live bound apple crates 1.113 bushel in tbç afternoon, and Miss application ta the Suprmepouliuy, goose feathers, feather eapacity. 45c; excellentt for star- Beatrice MacLean,4 Greenwood., Court of Onaiawthnae tcsesrp irn ag1n age and shipping; stmong and Ont., at 7:30 in the evening. mornth after the said date. This metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- easy ta handie, will pack fiat Special music by the choir. 40-1 notice was first publisbed an the wa, colect. 26-tf when nat in use. Contact Canad- 1 22nd day of September, 1955,1 ian Wood Products Ltd., Grims- The Bawmanville Chamber af and the last publication w-Il be; ALL kinds af live poultry want- by, Ont. Phone 321 or their Commerce ar*iual Thanksgivîng on the 6th day of October, 1955.1I d. Top Toronto prices paiçi at agent. 401 turkey dinner wiil be held on yu orfrlreo ml Thursday, October l3th at 6:30 ~Signed, yurdoor for l age or smal 1956 PHILIPS 21 inch television p.m. in the Lions Community Henry Thompson, Clerk., uankities. aW , e tha oR own consolette model with record Centre. Ladies welcome. Special 1.arkeet. . lt t Bethany R player, only $310; Philips 21 inch speaker and etranet R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 392, 1 eepoecllc a ehn table model $275, Motorola 21, 40.21_Section_2.38-__7_r__3._____ inch television $199, Internation- ____ 02cion2.3-3 3 ai 8.2 cu. ft. refrigerator, regifflar Bowmanv'ilea Nurses' Associa- Personcil Hardwood Logs $339 for $229; International 9.6 tion will holda dance and card cu. ft. efrigerator. regular $369 party at the Lions Community HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber- and Timber for $274, Thor washer with pump Centre on Friday, October l4tb, goods) mailed postpaid in plain1 $129; Clame Jewel deluxe range 9 p.m. ta 1 Bryson Brawn's sealed envelope with price 1jst.EIm, Beecb, Hard and Soft Mapie $229 at Farm Equiprnent and Orchestra. Informai. $1.00 per Six samples 25c, 24 samplesj Basswoed and Ash Automotive, 134 King St. E.,1 persan. Lunch served. Tickets $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, T ET Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689.1 available *fromn any member af Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- H. Mv. rKyie, Blacksiocki 40-11 the Association. 38-41 ilton. Ont. 15'3-0 NOTICES Notices We are now maîîufacturing i PUBLIC NOTICE cernent blocks. bath interlocking TAKE NOTICE that an ap- and standard, and would bej plication has been made for the pleased ta serve you with a good. re-zoning af part af Lot 2, Block product at a reasonable price. 12, at Northwesterly angle of Tipp Construction. Phone 392W. Albert and Liberty Streets, Bow- Port Perry. 40-tf mariville. 125 feet on Albert S treet by 150 feet on Liberty Parkview Snack Bar wiil close Street, and that these lands Monday, October lOth for the shall be re-zoned "Commercial" winter. We wish ta tbank our instead of "'Residentia-" as at many friends and customers who present. have been sa generous with their Ail persans interested in op- patronage during the summer. posing or supporting such ap- Grace and Jim Crombie._ plication wilî be heard at a meet- 40-1 ing afi Ibis Board, Town Hall, Mr. Milton S. McLeod, Court- Bowmanville, October l8th, 1955, i, nsk *e apintecatY8 p.m. representative for the following area: Burketon Station, Courtice, Enniskillen, Hampton, Kendal, Orono and Tyrone. Write or telephone for catalogues and price lists. Credit is also avail- able. Your patronage would be appreciated. 40-1* Some plain facts about tele- vision, service and guarantee. lst-TV. We seil the finest television sets on the Canadian market in Philips, Admirai and Motorola. 2nd-Service. We have one of the best servicemen in Canada in the person of Mr. Leroy Myles. 3rd-Guarantee. We are the only' ones that we know of in Ontario that give you a two-year guarantee on the picture tube, ninety days free service and small tubes and one year on parts. Our prices on guaranteed aerial installation for one yeai. are the lowest. We bring these facts ta pros- pective TV buyers because of rumours we hear and they are being brought ta aur attention. Unless these falsehoods- are stopped immediately by the guilty parties we will have no recourse except ta bring them into court. Lunn's Hardware, Orono. 40-1 THE CORPORATION of the TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT BY-LAW No. 1005 A By-Law to raise $20,00.00 to -aid in the construction cf The Council ai the Township of Crtwriht, pursuant ta the Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows. 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subjcct ta the provisions af this By- Law, borrow on the credit ai the Corporation ai the Munic- ipalit'y such sum flot exceed- ing in the whole $20.000.00, as may be determip-ed by the Cauncil, and may in manner hereafter provided. issue de- bentures ai tbe Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem praper for the amaunt s0 borrowed, with Coupons attached as provid- cd in Section 4 af the said Act. 2. That, subject ta Section 10 ai THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, when -- the Coundil is ai opinion that the Application ai any persan ta borrow money for the purpose ai constructing a file. stone or timber drain shouid be grant- cd in* wbolc or in part, the Council may, by resolution direct the Reeve ta issue Debentures as aforesaid and f0 borrow a sum flot exceed- ing the amount applied for, and may lend the same ta the Applicant on the completian 3. A special annual rate shall bc imposed, levied and cal- lectcd over and above al other rates upon the land in respect af which the money is barrowed, suificient for the payment ai the principal and intcrest as pravidcd by the Act. Rèad a fîrst and second time on the lSth day af August, 1955. Passed the lSth day af Sep- tember, 1955. CORPORATE SEAL J. ALBERT COLE, Secretary-Treasurer, Bowmanville Planning Board. 40-2 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE 0F BY-LAW Take notice that the Municipal Council will consider passing a By-Law ta close that part of Coleman Street lying easterly from the easterly limit of Chapel Street in the Town of Bowman- ville at any time after the 28th day of October, 1955. A. J. LYLE, Oct. 3rd, 1955. Town Clerk. 40-4 THE CHANGE 0F NAME ACT, 1950 TAKE NOTICE that the ap- plication of H6rry Litovchik, R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville, On- tario, to change bis name ta Harry Locke, and that of his wife, Elizabeth Emma Litovchik and their daughter, Kathy Elizabeth Litovchik ta Elizabeth Emma Locke and Kathy Elizabeth Locke respectively, will be heard by Ris Honour Judge Moore Ammstrong Miller of the County Court of the United Counties of Narthumberland and Durham, in Chambers at the Court House in Cobourg, Ontario, on Monday, the 7th day of November, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon. -DAE at Bowmanville, this 6th day of October, A.D., 1955. STRIKE & STRIKE. 40 King Street West. Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitors for the Applicant. 40-3 Aucfion Sales sale of farm stock, tractor and implements, hay, grain and quantity of fumniture, the pro-j perty of Royal Wbitfield, Lot 15,1 Con. 2, Cartwright. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 40-1* HEREFORD SALE Seventh Annual Sale cf J. R. Nokes & Son on Saturday, October 2Z at their fam, One mile East cf Manilla comprising 55 lots and 60 head Wrte for catalogues Wric available 40-2 Auction sale of far m stock and implements, including 35 head of egistered and grade Scotch Shorthorn cattle, hay, grain, ful line of machinery, Saturday, Oct. 15, at 12:30 p.m. sharp, the pro- perty of Ross Davidson, Lot 8, Con. 13, Township of Manvers, 1 mile East of Janetville. No reserve, giving up farming. Terms cash. R. J. Payne, auc- tioneer. 39-3 Livestock For Sal CALVES for vealing. Austin Wood. Phone MA 3-2388. 40-1 CAPONS for sale, alive. George Skelding. Phone 2106 Newcastle. 40-1 100 PLYMOUTH Rock pullets, 5 months, starting ta ýay. Phone Blackstock 76 r il. 40-1 * REGISTERED Beagles, field- trial stock. E. R. IKnowlton. TILE BEDS - TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE WORK BARRY & LEE RA 3-3693 MA 3-3828 34-tf A. E. COLE PLUMBING A?.- HEATING Authorized Mer-San and Lennox Dealer 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone Nlght or Day MA 3-3471 16-tf SAVE MONERY AT DAVE'S SHOE REP-IR Fast, Prompt SerVice 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (i tar> DON'T WAIT FOR jI YOUR CHIMNE!ý HAVE IT REBUILT PROMPTLY Cail MA 3-2810 BOWMANVILLE 40-1 BULLD OZING TRENCHIING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WoRKC Trucks and Leader fer Gravel and F111 Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Consiruciion PORT FERRY 392W 32tf Help Wanted MEN wanted. Brookdale-Kings. SUPERVISOR of boys required immediately for Ontario Train- ing School for Boys. Apply in persan ta Superintendent. 40-1 WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only meliable bustier considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. J-140-131. Montreal, P.Q. 40-1 The Canadian Stateslman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE FOR lIENT - RILP WAUTD CARS FOR SALE LOIT - FOUND - ETC. CashRate - .-le per word with a minimum of soc Muast b. pajd by date of Insertion Uf chorged, an additianal 25C will b. added. A charqe ai 25c will b. mode toi DU repliez direct.d ta ibis office. INOTICES - commaO EVEMT AND CARDS 0F THAIOK 3c a word wlth a minimum $1.00 for 33 words or Ions. DIAITRIAG- ENGAGEMNT MARRAGES- DEATHI $1.00 par insertion ni MENORIAMS 11.00 plus ioc a ine foi r»r COMMERCIAL CLA8IID8 Includes ail advertislnq for portans or i-ma selline services. idoas ar qaads ai any dlescription -3c par word; minimum charge 75c cash wlth arder. Te o reulà advertiser. payable montbly. 'NelayClasifed rt11.50 Pei fný? ith aminimm ofone inch. Additianaî inartLo,&eý ut the mre rates J AU1 Classili.d Aasmust b. te thi5 office bot Inter thon 12 o'cloec noon. Wedaesday. Bond cash. atamps or mon.7 order and sayv. money. CiIb is out for handy raezepas. 21 RTPTT4-cz 0 (,ryrrý 0 r%; Tl,% 0V." Ue- 1 ir-- c-i- 1 Work Wamte PLUMBING, heating, eaves. troughing, free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. 38-tf RESPONSIBLE woman will lin children, give them good de Apply 33 Beech Ave. 40-1 PLOUGH your garden befare winter. Cali Aile de Jagé-, MA 3-2017. 40-20 SKATES sharpened. See Jam. ieson's Tire Shop, corner King and Silver Streets. 36-tf DEPENDABLE ni a n desires part-time work, after schaal and Saturdays. Phone MA 3-5253. 40-2' CARPENTRY and cernent worlc Have your repairs donc now. storm windows, doors, chimneys, cernent steps and sidewalks, etc. With aur customers' per- mission we are now able ta show you aur jobs. Free estimates. Phone MA 3-3694. 401 Masonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETEC Free Estimates ANGER. BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 12-tf Côncrete and Masonry Ail types of CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCIC WORK L. TURNER Estimates Free P-0. Box 177 BOWMANVIELLE THE CANADIM STATESIL4N. BOV;IJANVILLt. ONTAIlln #%~ M16. tobea li 1 -PAGE SIXT=N

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