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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 17

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?RTIRSD T, OCT. Oth, 19 5 .DbJV mftIý VLJ...,ONTA RIO ýA i 1 Ckuassiàfied Ads Carn For Sale Real Estate for SaleI Real Estate For S-ad 1955 MERCURY sports coupe, EIGHT-roomed house. 45 Church REAL ESTATE FOR SALE dernonstrator, $650 off list; 19531I St. F. Williams. 40-le Chevrolet tWO-door with radio' -. % Properties Sold, Rented, and heater, low mileage, small THIRTY acres good land. Phone Manaed and Appralsed down payment. easy ternis, at MA 3-2668. 39-3* L. M. AL L I SON Farmn Equipnxent and Autorno- Real *Estate Broker tive, 134 King St. E.. Bowman- T VA Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Oz Ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 40-1 'A NEST Twvo blocks north of trafic TRUCKS- 1955 International R a sae Boe signal. Newcastle 3 $60off list; 1951 Chev-RelEt' Bo r 2 Ad qet U'%-ton, stake body, 1949 LEASK REAL ESTATE '%evrolet 12-ton, 1949 Dodge 2-1 Houses, businesses and fanas 7 roomed house, central, ton, stake body; 1949 G.M.C. 5- ton dunip, at Fani Equiprnent tuo ofer. piece bath, oil furnace, su] and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Listings wanted $8rc,000. Ter t. Fulpi jflowrnanvilîe. Phone MA 3-5689. $,Co.enis.bfr uig 40-1 Give us a call and talk it over have bo us eots, bunglo9 (RePossessed Vehicle for sale> 118 King St. E. farms. 1936CHE . CO CifBowmn'vlle- XM E. Leask, Broker 193 CH V. OAC B u65 Ontario St. Bownianvi] Serial No. 6129109436 omnl Phone MA 3-5919 4 1955 License Plates No. 817025 MA 3-32ÛO 4001 0 To be sold by Public auction to PAUL the hlghest bidder at the jDCTf STRTVATSDe With Real Esfie IIITLW REALTOF AUCTION RoOM 33 HALL ST., OSHAWA, ONT. 1 156 acre dairy farm, day- Property appraised freec beglnin l lani, 110 *acres, workable, 10 charge any time. We liai ~' 155 acres wood, creek, Wells, banki clients waiting for three-beé Octouer 13 barn with running water, - - roon homes in Bowmanvillq plement shed, lehe, ,ar e1 als(o income property. ARTS CAR MA KE Pilk house with eiectric cooler,,j o r otmltn e 175 ing t. . Bomanvllesilo; 8 roomed frame bouse with' 175 Kng S. W. owrnnvill harwoodfloors, hydro, close tol fvuaecnepaigsl We - Bui]d - Better - Customers igliway. Has mi]k quota.' îng vour propertv Please contac 40-* Price $13,500. Ternis arranged. us. and you are under no obliga _____________________tion. -I200 acre dairy fan, ¼ mile' Business Opportunity 1 froni highway. 140 acres work-1 -able, 40 acres wood, creek. wells.'- PHON~E B3IG profits - Distributors for 75'x34' loafing barrn witli rua- MA 331 food product. Reliable person i ning water, mlking mifachine,MA 3 51 only. No sefling invo1vpd. FullIlhen bouse, drive-in shed, milk. or part tume. $800 investme7nt bouse with electric cooler: 8- necessary, protected by merch- roomed frarne house (5 y'ears Af ter Hours andise. For interview. write to old with 4-piece bath. furnace, OWVEN NICHOLAS -M -9 British Iniporters, .159A Churcli running hot and cold water, -M -91 St., Toronto. 40-1* beavy wired. Price $14,000. ORME GIERRY - ORONo '119] Ternis. f107 acre fam, close to villî, ge, 37 Kinlg st. W. Bowmanvillt N E 30 acres workable, 50 acres __________________ S u P E R F 1 N !Wood, spning, well,' 65'x42, bank Wo , barn, 8-roomed fraie 'bouse Pew l eal Esfie Vigi Wolfrom schoo i e $4,20. Ternis. 135 acres on No. 2 Highway 110acr fam, layloan rll-100 acres workable, balance i: ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 11a hcreefa , ca -o m ri-pasture with running water * nglan wit crekwells, large large brick bouse, 10 roonis arn J . U -sae bank barn. cernent bath, oak floors,'oil heated; baniî ceil;7r P rice $8000. eni barn (36'xlOO') with moderr cellr. ric $8000 Tems. equipment, stable, 40 cows 150 acre fanm on paved road, cernent barnyard, new steel im. 110 acres workable, creek, wells, plement shed 24'x50', large bei 95'x36' and 50'x30' bank barn, house just conipleted. $30,000 implement shed, lien houses, Reasonable ternis. See Tip Top's garage; 10 roomed solid brick 30 acres garden land on No.2 house with running water, hdro Highway with 6 / room brick Gold Star througbout. Running water in bouse, $ 12,500. f barn. Price $15,000. Ternis. 40 acres garden land, 7 miles selection 5 roomed (3 bedroonis) ranch froni Oshawa. Bank barn, im. for all.sty le bungalow at Maple Grove plenient sbed and chicken pen, for ait.witli bathroom, running hot and 8-rooni brick bouse with new cold water, 60'x250' lot, paved modemn bathroom, hydro, lots Pic 'n pics- road. Close to school. Pnice of watcr, $10.000. Half cash. flanes-arranged. 5 roomed new bungalow in fiannels-Snack- bar 'and service station Bowmanvllle, ranch style, 3 bied- (Supertest) with-very good turn- roonis with oak and tile floors, fancy yarns over. Living quarters with 4_ bathroomn, bot and cold watem, -pefeclypiece bathnoom, snack-bar with full basement, oill funnace, kit- -perfectly torerooni, -washroom, garage. chen cupboards an4 many extras, 290'x300' lot. Pnice including $9,000. Reasonable ternis. tailo4pi for . ah iniplements $20,000. Ternis 5 roonis with 3 bedrooms on %à. rraned.Beaver St., Newcastle, large lot, real comfor: aranedhydro and well.,, $5,000 witl 9roonied solid brick bouse $ 1,000 down. .4d handsorne witli 3-piece bathroom. fireplace, 5 roonis, 2 bedroonis in New- hydro, gv.rage and 3 acres of tonville, situated on 3 lots on çfearance. lndin village. Asking price No. 2 Highway. Bathmoom. -~ens kitchen cupboards, pressure sys- 4 roonied insul-brick bouse teni, alurninuni windows and with lieavy dutywiring, garage. door. $4,500 with $1,000 cash. extra lot, well. Price $3.500. 5 acres in Newcastle with good Made-o-mosur. Ternis, bungalow, bathnoom and all con- 6 roomed ranch style bungalow veniences. $9,500 witb reason- E*M with 3-piece bathroom, 3 bed- able ternis. $ qî.y 5 roonis, utility rooni, heavy duty Money to boan, in any amounts, $É4 wired, bot and cold nunning at regular rates; quick action. 2-pc. Suit wae.Pice $5.500. Ternis ar- Mr. Leonard Bail of Taunton Other Ranges 59-50 and 69.50 irangei. lias joined our sales staff- and .Besides above mentioned we 1 will -be bandling the business in See them ant are able to show approxiniately t bat district. 95 more fanms and homes in the! C Pd elBoe B RUCE M IN NS'adrto isrc.Cbor Newcastle Phone 3856 29 authorized dealer forJon F DeW h For Rent DF3-52 REALTOR Ë_____ Newcastle Phone 3341 APARTMENT. Telephone MA Slse:3-3573. 4- Donald Mountjoy. Bowmanville For Sale or Rent Ti opTilrsMA 3-3950- Paul Diamond, Port Ferry CORNER lot and shop, liglit, Phone 246 R water,' sewage. Apply J. Ma- 40-1 guire Sr., 28 Brown St. 40-11 The Bowman*ville Skating'CIub's 1955 5 56 Season Opens FAMILY SKATING SUNDAY, OCTODER 91b - 3 Io 5 p.m.- FIGURE -SKATING STARTING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 111h Tois-Tuesdays 4 Io 5p.m. Thursdays 4:30 Io 5:30 p.. Juniors-Tuesdays 4 Io 6:30 p... Thursdays 4:30 la 7 p... Soniors-Tuosdays 7 Io 10 p...j Salurdays 1 Io 3 p.. Aduit Dance Tuosdays - 9 Io 10 pont. Registrations will be open at McNuIty's Sports and Cycle Sbop on Friday, October 7tb, from 9 a.în. to 9 p.m. A meetinig to organize a women's branch as an auxiliary of the Club wilI be beld in the Town Hall, Council Room, Tuesday evening, October I 11h ai 8 0 clock Mothers of Tots, Juniors, Seniors and ail women members of the Bownianville Skating Club are requested to attend. RE' era ciaE Ele 1wi BU WMANVILLE -It i TAYLOR j Repair Shop 1i RADIATORS and REATERS 1REPAIIED and CLEANED i enrlECORING 1Queen St. W. Bowmanviile S Phone MA 3-3459 32-tf SMAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mms Ed Mill and 4;daughtem Marilyn, Oshawa, Mr. Sjand Mrs. Roy Topping, Jini, John and Glen, Bowmanville, 4wene supper guesta with Mrs. HAAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Harland Trul ere gueats at the Mason-Hos- kmn wedding at Marmony Un- 1 itd Churclî, Oshawa. j Th C.G.I.T. girls were en- 4tertained at supper at Mrs. A. L. Blanchard'& cottage, Wil- liam's Point, gn Friday evening when a very enjoyable tinie wa pet t et j 1 EPAIRS to allniakes of refrig- .ators, domestic and conimer- al; milking coolers. Higgon lectric Limited, 42 King St. E. hone MA 3-5438. 25-tf IATCH REPAIRING MARR'S JEWELLERY --.maam if 'I/f These clear pine combination doors are ideal for your home. This door includes bronze ivire screening which guarantees long life and absohîte satisfaction. The sash for these doors are primed ready for paint and completely glazed. PRICED COMPLETE FOR $17.90 Stop Fuel0 8i11 Worry There is still tirne to insulaie your home and cut fuel bilts this winter. You wiil save nîoney and have added comfort with these easy to use batts. Corne in and sec us for a free estimate. WALL BATTS 2" 4c per sq. ft. - CEILINGS 3" Batts 5/2c per sq. fi. SEE -US AT COU RTICE OR PHONE Oshawa Wood OSHAWA RA 5-4443 or. RA 3-4661 ProductsL Ltd3213 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 TRUPiMAT, OCT. M, 1955 THE P%%,vmAig. ý -1, r WantedrTo Rent ptL.ESKNTml BUNG LO W in own anvile r A w a r A t e n a n c p iclub. It w as su ges ed lia t A R C this branch could elIect its own L SK R Oshawa. Phone MA 3-2103. officers and ight bercnto, 40-2*1 the Winter Club. A dlegael Miss Hilda LukTrno bed~~byT T ir een I ler b rsof this branch could sitini on with her parents, Mm. and 1L3 iepermnanent! y employed office ex-T h r ee e b r the Bowmanville Skating Clubl Mr. and 'Mfrs. Art Young, To. Leecutive. Phone MA 3-3406. and could present ideas froni ronto, wîth Mn. and Mns. Clar- _____________ 0___ 1_ the wonien, or complaints, fi ence Martin. Km W i sm en V iew M o vies aj Ind î s aa h %e Ytomen Margaret .Everett, TE. to frwnesbltigprefer- fluence and also be k-ept i n ihM.4i r.E rc red, housekeeping considered. The Bowmanville Kinsmen Brown, Chuck Cattran, Murray forn-fèd of the problem nis and family.1 Phone MA 3-5445. 40-lw Club observed Membership Night Lainer and Keith Lathdngue. achievements o! the execu tive. 1G:ad to see that Mhrs. Grace -at their regular meeting at the Dmutribute Concert Tickets It was also pointed out thati r Miller is cl enough to teach ý. Tenders WTated Balmnoral Htl Tuesday even- o!Kin larke Wilso>n, Chairman! the Winten Cliib could be of' school again. ing wh n 1 pefec atend nce of he olen Mile Vaiety Con-. assistance in raising funds fori Sorry to hear that Lorraine Tenders wiil be received by the pins weme presented and seven~ cert to be staged at the Town te Skating Club. It was pro- r Martin is on the sick list. -tf Clerk of the United Counties of guests weme weîcomed f Hall on November 4 and 5, dis-, posed by Mrs. Jack McNulty, Ernest and Alex Green have -Northumberlandt and Durham Guesta were Eric McCracken, tributed tickets to each member seconded by Mms. Victor jeff- also been on the sick list. for the construction of a Coun- Jim Allin, Rosa Jacknian, Don to seIl. Kin Harvey Rowe out- rey, that Mnis. Glen Hughesî We are pleased to sec that Stics Building, Cobourg, Ontario. Stutt, Ivan Woolley and Recrea- lined plans for the Cbni.stmnas undemtake the preliniinany Or-: Mr. Roy Thoîpson bas the in Drawings and specifications by tion Director Doug. Rigg of Bow- .drgw for an * electric train. ganization o! such a bnanch. A: saw miii going full blast again. ice Barnett & Rieder, architects, manville and Bill Emmerson of Two veny înteresting films: meeting will be held in the l Leskard W.A. was beld at the wile ite' Prt Hoe antO ronto Toronto. "This Jet Age" and "Fishing in Town Hall at 8 on Tues- horne of Mms. E. Green. Pre-. .offices, The Toronto Buildens' President Lionel Parker pre- South America", were screened dy cobrlt.Mr. A. Loucks was in the 4,Exchange, Belleville Bikiîders' sented the /perfect attendance for the membens by Kin Gar~yj Plans for club crests were chair. Devotional period wls Excang ad te Cer's ffiepins. Kin J ck Lander, Charter Venning. The first sbowed, many approved and W. W. Bagniell in Charge of Mrs. D. Eadel. oxn ge iand Othe erk's Offi55 President of the Club, received new jet figliters and jet com will order a su!ffîcient nunîber Reading was given br M. handero thal e lAcie'Pon dating back to the organization first tume at the famous Air by Mrs. Victor Jeffrey that the Life" and Bible reading by Mrs. le Tnd oers s halbdiex db fieyarprfc ttdncPiomriatpansuncld o teimediately. it a uggEsted e Aen on Resligi4 o a2d 4 Hope or Toronto office not later of the Club. Past Presidents Show at Farnborough, England. omnsbacmgltpyorEGrepeas 41 2 - than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, October Stan Dunn and Art Hoopem ne- Birtliday roses were presented crests to be given to ail Tot, A donation wasmnade tp Bow- ceived four-year pins and Past to Kinsnien John~ "Sniokev" Junior and Senior iiembers. manville hospital. Meeting clos- 25th, 1955, and addmessed to: President Ken Nicks received a Hayes, Chuck Cattran, John The resignation of Clarence cd with the Benediction anîd a Uled unie the-year pin. Two-ycar per- Grahami and Ray Lathangue. Goodmian froni the board Of delicious lunch was served by nitedhu ensn ubn fect attendance pins were pre- The sing song was led by Kins- directors was, accepted with me- Mrs. Tennant. NfcortBam bettandRiederur h tsemdt i a i n J h m hr, m n e o hn a d J h r- ge. Ae n ni b k w s a - A i n w s c ag d a b a t e~~~~~ 9 6 E g i t o v e ., T r o t , a L t h aK n g u e , LJ o h n e G r aP a m k er b a i , aen d oK in I r a n ed BJ oh n G wa s p o i t e t o i h v sac a . TA t n m a hn o is w h r e a t i n g b i ve 9 Egintn Ae. ., orotoHowvard Sturrock and Clarke critic o! the meeting. Atten- other members o! the board of golfing partner to death on the d, j 01BdeBd.Port oe Wilson. One-ycam pins were ne- dance draw was won by Kmn directors are as follows: G len- cus fe nagmn l, 31BdeBd.PotHp. ceived by Kinsmen Irviîîe Graham. boînie Hughes, president; W. ., afte1 nwagu emen The lowest or any tender not Bagneil, vice-president; Mr- Nya ofIkng ow btteyma necessarily accepted. Adele Finnigan, secretary; Mrs. ___________ Il- ,$25.00 deposit cheque required 1 ia m 1 Mel McNulty, treasuner: Mrs.' Total spending of the govern- efor dawings and specifications1 To w n fl l d SIJi Peggy Mulhlland, Don Herne1 mentis o! Canîada on social secur- All an B eer . Smos Co dfrnpaene (Colitmued froni Page One) and Frank Blunt. ity and welfare will average W a r d~ n. C le rk . C a mt i u e a b o t $ 0 0 p raf miey inn9 5 5 _______________40)-l that an estimnate of $200 had. autornatically belong to the ______$400_per_________in_1955. --been reccived on installing Adult Dance gmoup without th s Of Canada's 3.8 million square! Tend rs ianed buleardcurbing onf ouh. will be a amaîl payment per bas been brouglit under develop- l j .way Drive and the wonk will person each session for adult ment up to the present tume. Ol i, ,50,60?i" He stated that the Ryder iount depending on the ntm- year osruto was started on Mn rz Construction Comîpany had un- for a 15 minute besson -a class crease o! 25 per cent over the Treigetyu a idTb osrepepp aist 70. 2 oaded two cars o! crushed of twenty would onîy pay ten sanie peiod of 1954. for Weak, rundwn feeling due îolely ta SEALED TENDERS addressedj stone which the fin lîad not cents apicce. At June, 1954, there were bodys Iack of ion whîch rmfny men andi to the undersigned and endorsed needed and the -town could buy Frn 2,136,157 familles eciving fani i 111 Cal i od.' Try Ostrox Tonie Tablets l"TENDER FOR FEDERAL PUB- the atone for $280. Me felt that Frn Blunt, director in iîy aîîowance payments and the fo CQYulnte ed"se 0i, t160c. r asiNew îLIC BUILDING, BOWMAN- it would be a good buy in that chiarge o! Faîily Skating, spoke amount o! the average monthly drug &tares everywblerc. -VILLE, ONTARIO," wilI be re- the town would save the time o! sonie changes in rules. Now cheque was $14.11. ceived in the office o! the Secre- o! unloading, but be did not membership will not be con- tary, until 3:00 (E.S.T.), wish to pay fer it fmom this fincd to familles with cbild- Wednesday, October 26, 1955. year's estiniates. His motion ren. Marriéd couples without n Plans and specification can1 that the town purchase the children, $ 10.00; Fees will be rbe scen and forma of tender ob- stone and pay for it next Jan- S10.00 per niarried couple in- j 1j A e il tained at the offices of the Chie! ian' VJOs passed by council.: cluding ail their chiîdren under T i .We " k Architect, Departinent o! Public Reeve Little xvas authorized t eighteen. o hlrnoe niWrs taa naitepurchase 50 tons o! rock saitcglteen o! member fanilicaes'--- SDistrict Anchitect, 36 Adelaido for use on streets and sideë- there will be an additional ~- t- Street East, Toronto 1, Ont.; the walks during the coniing win- seasonal fee o! $2.00 ecd. Tiche! . ~ 1 ~ . n~ Post Office at Oshawa, Ont., the ter at a coat o! $21 per ton. Per- fec for each person ovcr 351 w w w T R U C K Post Office at Peterboroughi, mission was also given for the- joinig as an individual will Ont., and the Post Office o! Bow- purchase o! new blades and al be $8.00 1 2 manville, Ont. ne oefrteso luh k To be considered ecd tender e oefrteso luh Canadian Figure Skating As-iM must be accompanjed by a secur- A request froni Herînan Fi'ce sociation tests this season will - A LI ýs ity in the fonni o! a cetified that street lighting be extend-! be ild twice, Don Herne, r E *cheque or bonds as specificd in cd funther souti on Wavenlyj tests chaimman, announced. The tic forma o! tender and niade on Road was referred to the pub- dates will be Deceniber 27th or according to tiese forma and lic property coniuittee withl and Marci 24ti. This will'be sin accordance witi the con- power to act. . an advantage as any failing i n i1 5. H V O E ditonssetforh teren.Flre Prevention Week . Deceniber will stihi have a TeDepartmnît, through the A letter was received from chyag t aiî. iAbso thos paing -T n a od Chie! Architect's Office, or ithe Provincial Fine Marsbai's, out waiting anotber season tu flo an B d itirough the 'undersigned, or Office proclaiming Octiaber 9 to in Deceanîber w ho would likeAnusadngmnymkrwt tirougi the office o! tie District 15 as Fine Prevention Week and 1 to take a higlier test as well th ousand of tobey fre m ilft Architect, 36 Adelaide Street asking couziils co-operation in huad ftobliremlslf East, Toronto 1, Ont.. will sup- bsrigi.inthsaeesoculdoo ply blue-prînts and specification o1nvn i.* in lac snesesncul o o! tic work on deposit o! a u The Bown'ýdav:lIc Busi.ýs:JonS dwyth lbs A REAL SNAP AT ONLY ~Q~ L of $125.00 ini the fomn * of a and Professional Wonien's Club1JohnfigrS. odath poessiou-b$8 4 Lcheque or money-order payableI vsgaî.. . u uuaI, spoke on various aspects o f to the order o! the Minister o! a tag day for tie United Na- teaching figure and free skat- j , Public Works. Tic deposit wîll tiOns International Childreii's ing. Also o! the benefits an 1 be released on return o! tic Ernergency Fund on the even- advantages. He also reminded 19 52 G .M .C. blue-pnints and specification in ing o! Octoben 28 and ai day ticeniembership that while the p good condition within a month October 29- ability o! caci skater is an im-97 0 S re froni the date o! reception o! A letter o! thanks was receiv- portant factor in Carnival cast-97 0 er s tenders. If not returned within ed frorn' Mr. and Mrs. John H. ing, otier considerations such A real good dump body and hoist that period the deposit will be Needham for fhowers sent theni -as height, are o! importance ini fofeited. on the occasion o! their golden placing aci part. The Carn-$ Tie lowest or any terder flot wedding anniversany. ival this season will be held AN OUTSTANDING VALUE AT $i()9 5 necessarily accepted. A total of $15,662 expenses on Friday and Saturday, March Che!OBdmnTrtierve, for the îonth o! Septem-ber 2nd and 3rd. Mr. Rodway was. CifoAdiitaniv Sercea, was passed for paynent. This mot co-operative and interet- LAi i Departmcn o!nPublc Wrks, inludd a bill for $8724 froin ing in answering a number o!o s n i i r r W Ottawa, September 20, 1955. ti yder Construction Coin.- questions froni the floor. 40-1 panly for paving and duat lay- The question o! a women'sAIl er, $1.198 from Anger Brothers auxiliary to the Bowmanville SALES AND<m~ SERVICE Repairs for building sidewalks under Skating Club was discussed. local iniprovements, and $879 Meîbership in this branch to Pontiac - Buick Cars G.M.C. Trucks RADIO and televîsion repairs. for enumerators' expenses in be comprised o! the motiers o! 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5585 adconnection with the forthconi- tots, juniors and seniors and Prompt service. Pick Upan ing vote on the liquor question., ail women members o! the, delivery. Lorne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf 1431 See These Doors Products LtdU

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