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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 18

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PAGÉ EXGHTEEN O the strikeout route. Champions of Durham osbigrlee.bjtp soG-nthe startd o fi jit thygave up eleven bits, walk- Welome Wis T op y ight. Welcome got away to a ed ng thr, it three an taed first and four in the second. By D'efe'ating Mili kMlbrook fought hard to catch ,up with a singleton li the sec- The championship of Dur-. of Durham's Rural Basebal onnd four in the third. ham County Rural League rests League. ~ It was 6-5 efltering the fourtti in the South for the third It was Johnny Choniere on; bt'choe orehad thi Btraight year. Welcome beat the mound for AI VWhite's Wel-1 snea nd -ont e fourtheand ifth the visiting Milbrook fine by corne team and he went ail the staizashodne ithe sîxth an 11-6 count Saturday before way to keep the visitors weîî' Wige, holdi n irooktoa a very large crowd in Weicome in hek xiep for a four run Foidgie, evenath e î nning rn to take the best of three series third and three successive hits loadt eer w as thrle rwnning in two tag. They beat Mili- to open the seventh, but he goti bca thepwt forhe Cawosr bokat home a week ago Sat- out . f it with oniy one rufl Donnie Lord was top mani fors urday by an 8-5 score. scoring. thI ecm in (t he Welcome now nqualjiies for. ith Wicoe inewih tr. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 *1 4 4 *9 4 4 #~ t, f. 4 4 #4, A 4, 4 t, 4. 4 - ~ .IBOW L ? ý va.a.i O rcr iu KU S AT CT . Sets New Mile- Recordc.-- I .AUJe wsnce or hits and a walk in four trips,~'~t* amerophy emn- eghhts whiie waiking three, one a double. blematjc of the championship hitting one and ciaiming six via FodBbehdtrefr~t~î ~. four, Bill Douglas lit two sin-_ gles, walked once and got hit 04 '~ t.~ once in five tries and Big Bar- ney Milis doubled and singled.* t *1 *4 Again it was left fielder Wright . ~- to the fore for the losers. with a triple, double and single in * ~t* ~tthree trips. Among those from the village attending the annual conference o!-the Woman's Auxiliarýy o! the ~ Church of England in Canada 4 "Here8 thegreaest wtch ver milnethe Durham-.Northumnberland t h e - i t t a t h e v r ey, J 3 T. Ga u lt, M rs. a u iS t r. J . ' foi __ !veyLi Church, Bowmanville, were Rev. T. Coburn, Mri. H. F. Rayson and Mrs. Williami Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman spent the weekend with relatives ..* in Watertown,- N.Y. = 8 Ma" "ttmofMr. and Mrs. Robert Doak, 13JWW OUid au- .f Orillia, were recent guesta with wVliq * tId te 8 Miss Winnifred Nesbitt. rscsla disbeas ackMrs. 0. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. rfo 2~0ICWalter Rowland. Mrs. C. Pom- Bruce Colwell, shown above, set a new recordfo "ig auua eroy and Paul Pomeroy were in Bowmanville High School in th -pe-ie -n i h d.. .wameas*sw Toronto on Friday attending the school trapk meet held at the Boys Training School last Evangelistie services conducted we.Buernteeeti iemnts441 eod by Rev. Billy Graham. we.Buernteeeti iemnts441 eod Durng hepas theemonhstojeat the mark of 5 minutes, 7 seconds set by Frank a Red-Cross Home Nursing Class Hooper in 1947. He also won the open mile event at the bas been heid in the Village of Junior Police Games and the two-mile event at the Oshawa Cavan, with Mrs. Edgar Beer, Shamrock Athletic Club meet. Both these events were Reg. N., Bethany, as instructor. edi h attrewes n ei itrdwt h On Monday evening the cîass hl ntels he ek n ei itrdwt h members received their pins and trophies he received for winning them. certificates and members o! the -Photo by Rehder Bethany Nursing Class were pdièhmodes éW i-preent at the social evening to oeoaltxoffer congratulations. B r n Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGlynn B rn to Start Practices and son Paul, Peterborough, hweekend M. InPamerfe th wee witM. Invitefo Players to Try Out Mr. and Mrs. James McKjnnon with their guests Mr. and Mrs. .~ ~LrrvIngram, Cleveland, Ohio The Bowmanviile Barons, fin- be definitelv known, however andther dugher rs.Vinentalists in the Lakeshore Hockey until a league meeting later on Jackson motored Io Montreal on League iast year begin practice this month. The Orono Orphans Friday visiting with Miss Evelyn for the coming season under are stili negotiating with the Fo a okMcKinnon. Playing-Coach Ernie Dickens management of the Peter Camp- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Muiligan next Monday evening, October bell Memorial Arena xi Port and daughter Sharilyn o! Toron- 10. Hope to try and obtain the use to visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ail hockey players in Bow- o! that arena for home games, Gervin Mulligan during the manville and district are invited but Manager Bill Carmen stated weekend. to try out for the team as ail that they have not yet received Mrs. Gladys Cordeil and Miss positions are open and everyone a defînite answer as to whether with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr for of making the squad. Manager Orphans. Port Hope, Cobourg the weekend. Frank Jamieson reports that ail and Lindsa y are ail expected tog Mrs. Harry Muckle, the players who perforred for be in the Lakeshore League Uxbridge, visited with Mviss the Barons last winter are again again. See ROSALMN RUSSELL co-Starfing ln THE GIRL RUSH Annie Sisson on Sunday. expected to turn out. He bas Practice Schedule A orm.,,tPcfr *S~VfaIsc *Cle b ecnoorjIn honor o! their recent mar- also had calîs or interviews with Frtpatc fteBrn la %tcVsie Coor y Tchncolr nage, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Craw- nterested players in Oshawa, irst patieldo o! ythe Brn ford, Fleetwood, were presented Whitby, Port Perry and the 10 from 6 to 7 p.m. and the oth- with a Westminster chime dlock Ajax-Pickering district, a n d er practices will be heid as prospects for another strong foiiows during the month of Bowmanvilie squad are very October. - good. Application Made Wed.. 12- 6.30 to 8:00 Vm Mr. Jamieson states that Bow- ThUr., 14- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. E A A manvile as already sent its Mon., 17- 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. A MI YY T U R D RIV ER cheque and application to join Wed., 19- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. the Lakeshore League to thej Thur., '20-10.00 to 11:00 p.m. O.H.A. There are rumnors that Fni., 21- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Lakefieid may drop out of the Mon., 24- 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. I rnatyor evie o ic u ou cotesan loop this year and one or two Wed., 26- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. new towns may seek entry. The Thur., 27- 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. and bring them 'back to you fresh and spotless. make-up o the' league wil not Fni.,' 28- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Town League Hockey FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Starts Tonight ut Arena Bowma nvi lie Cleaners& Dyers Ltd. Em. raggOperated by Carl and Ed. Leslie 77 KING STREET WEST Ail Roads Lead t10 BLA&CKSTOCK IFAI1R ON Saturday, October 8 The last big Fair bel ore the Royal PARADE AT 1 P.M. BE SURE AIND COME 'I 1 '-31FrontrSt. vs.vsForesters 13Cutce vs. Millers 19-Courtice vs. Foresters 20-Foresters vs. Miliers 19-Front St. vs. Miliers 20-Front St. vs. Courtice 26-Millers vs. Courtice 27-Courtice vs. Foresters 2-oetr s rn t 27-Front St. vs. Miiers ~ -oetr s rn t November - February- 3-Millers vs. Courtice 2-Courtice vs. Front St. 3-Foresters vs. Front St. 2-Miliers vs. Foresters lO-Courtice vs. Front St. 9-Front St. vs. Miliers 10-Miliers vs. Foresters 9-Courtice vs. Foresters 17-Front St. vs. Millers 16--Foresters vs. Front St. l7-Courtice vs. Foresters 16-Miliers vs. Courtice 24-Foresters vs. Front St. 23-Millers vs. Foresters 24-Miliers vs. Courtice 23-Courtice vs. Front St. and wvall mirror £rom their Green, niece of Mr. Harold friends in the Fleetwood, Beth- Green, nephew fo Mrý Harold. any and Franklin vicinity. Miss Green. Then, as Harold and! James Green are twins, At wasý Elsie Bail read thLt address of i sent out to have the first Green' congratulations and good wishesl sonss baptized and remained here! and extended a welcomne from frSXo the seven children. It the community to Mrs. Craw- has been shown to several dress-: ford,elho before her marriage mnakers and they believe there' was Miss Netta Fraser, Oshawa. is a good two yards of materja] Gordon Stapies and Gordon Fin- in it and rnaybe mor e, without ney presented the gifts. Both the lace, and the goods is very; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford made strong for its age. suitable replies of thanks. The Baby Green received some evening was pleasantiy spent in lovely gifts from his friends for' 1playing Progressive euchre and this occasion. 1lèere was a Bible' luc1 a evd on the way from.his aunt Bettyl Lovely Baptismal in Sussex, England, for him, but: On Sunday,,October 2nd, about it was delaved sor*ehow. 16 friendsdand relatives gathered. Somne of those, who attended' at Mr, and Mrs. Harold Green's, the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs.; for a iovely picnic and to see Henry Rusk, Mr. and Mrs.; Dwight Henr.v - Hollingworth Charlie Marshall, Port Hope; Mr.! Green christencd by Rev. Gault and Mrs. Gordon Stinson and' Of St. Paul's Anglican Church. grand-daughter. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson, Lotus, and Mrs.- Henry Rusk, Port Hope. DeadStc eo d Dwight woite a baptismal gown Sok!eoe which is a lovelY masterpiece of Jfighest Prices Pald fine goods and lace. It has 24-Hour Service traveiled as much as the babv's TELEPHONE COLLECT father. It is 55 vears old, %vas COBOURG 1787 j hought in England by Harold. NICK PECONI, It raeledto India. then back PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 &0 Englad ta baptaze Theodore- IThe Town Hockey League gets under way tonight (Thurs- day) with the-same four tearns which have made up the loop during the past two vearsL Milier's Taxi, Front Street, SCourtice and the Canadian Or- Sder o! Foresters. S Last year's champions, Cour- Itice, start off in defence o! rtheir titie by playing the For- esters in the second game. In the first game Miller's Taxi wiii clash with Front Street. Foiiowing is the remainder of the schedule: October - December 1-Millers vs. Foresters 1-Courtice vs. Front St. 8-Foresters ' vs. Courtice 8-Millers vs. Front St. 15-Courtice vs. Millers 15-Front St. vs. Foresters 22-Front St. vs. Courtice 22-Foresters vs. Millers 29-Miliers vs. Front St. 29-Foresters vs. Courtice January - 5-Front St. vs. Foresters 5-Courtice vs. Mîllers il i Are you sure you're getting the automatic heating you want, and the model Lest suited Io YOUR home? Almost every home hpating problem is different. It is very important to choose a firmn with a wide range of equipment adaptable to every need. Lennox can f il! your requirements for an oul or gas humner; furnace, or complete system - with or without air conditioning. As the world's largest manufacturer of warm air heating equipment, Lennox makes over 100 different models. The unit for your home can be selected to precisely fit your needs and suit your purse. No other company cWh match your requirements so accurately. Is the equipment of your choice the mosi modern you can buy, and will il mean the utmost in comiort for your family? ,The sensational Lennox Perima-flo method of heat distribution assures maximum efficiency, yet actually costs less than ordinary, old-type systems. Comfort, the modern Lennox way, is more than warmth. Lennox assures you the greatest enjoyment of ail 6 indoor comfort factors: -1, air at the right temperature; 2, air in continuous, gentia. motion; 3, air with controlled humidity; 4, air that is filtered clean; 5, air that is free of staleness; 6, whisper-quiet operation of the heating system. Will the equipment Le backed hy. the makers with a guarantee of Iong-term satisfaction? Lennox guarantees its equipment foir 5 years. Themotors, oil pump, transformer, controls, heat exchanger and oi uruer are guaranteed for a period of five years from the date of shîpment, against defects in material and workmanship and defective parts will be replaced free of charge. Will you Le g'êItinY- althW outstanding features o construction you might have had front any other company? Lennox has developed the Createst number of exclusive engineering features in the industry to ensure your complete comfort, with quiet operation and economy. Here are a few. The exclusive "Hammock" Air Filter has twice the air cleaning capacity of an ordinary filter. The exclusive "Sulky" Blower creates whisper-quiet circulation, Exclusive construction that eliminates creaking and ticking because of expanding metal; sound-deadening cabinets; silent controls, ail add Up to the most quiet equipment on the markpt. How experienced and reputable is the dealer front whom you're considering Luying?. Lennox dealers are the best qualified heating specialists in your community. Besides expert training and close' Lennox supervision, they have had top experience in practically every home heating problem and thousands of Lennox guaranteeçi installations. They are not only able to do a better installation job but give competent service - an important consideration in contînuous comfort. Let your Lennox Dealer Solve your heating problem Why not contact your nearest Lennox dealer for a free check of your home? You'll get prompt courteous servioe, and the most qualified advice possible in the field of hieating engineering. Every detail of your heating problem will be considered. Every factor contributing to your ]ong-term heating satisfaction wiIl be analyzed and evaluated before a final recommiendation. Remember, the finest indoor comfort can cost you less than ordinary heating. TARE UP TO 156 WEEKS TO PAT with the convenient, Lçnnox low-cost time-pay plan! Ail Lennox heating units are inspected by Lennox heating engineers after installation to ensure maximum heating efficiency. You can rely on the wor[d's largest manufacturer of warm air heating LENNOX flennox, indoor comfort experts sincè' 1895, are manufacturing iii Canada to serve Canadians with the world's finest heating. See us about converting your present coal furnace to a Five-year Guaranteed Lennox OÙ Burner See Your Authorized Lenuox Dealer in Dowmanville A £COZL' PLUMBING and HEATING 26 Ontarjo St. N. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3473 r.MMM I ____________ -4 I ~* You Buy Any Type of Heatirng Check These Facts!, iýý m m b?' ta *9 i j 'I 711 TM CANAT)IAN AlrAMP-QUAV #%wmànvà% 1

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