- -- - IIHURSDAY, OCT. 6th, 1955 THE CAKADIANSTATESMA1. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THEE What Would You Do If Your Home CAiught Fire What would you do - what Dan't jump or drap fram Would yaur iamily do if lire upper-story windows except as should strike within the next a last resort-wajt far the lire- :few seconds? How would yau men. save yourself from painful Don't ever go back into a burns and even death? burning building for any rea- It's worth your lufe ta know son-smoke and fire gases the rlght answers, says Bow- from even the smallest fire can manvllle's Fire Chief, Lucius ie deadly. Hooper, and hie passes along this Fire Prevention Week ad- Unless it's a small lire and vice on saving yourself iroin you're certain you can control _tre it with the right extinguisher, et out of the bouse the min- don't waste yaur time or your It o icvrafr rseîlue by trying ta iight a ire- e moe. coe lr r m get away from it and call. the Don't fling doors open if you fire departmenigt at c-te y,,think there's a fire-feel them knowayhow tadigto uet. f > first and if they're bat, get out Alysbredtauei- another way or block the doars ferent escape routes irom any with furniture or mattresses ta roam in your house-important keep out smoke and gases. ta remember, tao, wben enter- Remember, the air is usually ing any ather building. better near the iloor in a If yau're burned ok- exposed smoke-iilled building, ta flire and smoke, get medical Hold your breath and caver treatment at once . . .seemingly your face if you have ta make minar burns or smoke inhala- a dash tbrough smoke or lire. tion can have seriaus results. YELVERTONE. Wilson attended Markham YELVE TON air on Saturday. Those passessing TV sets were1 Visitors on Sunday at the Bert hasts as neighbours gathered ta Gibson domicile were Mr. Amas watch the World Series. On Rodd, Mrs. Margaret Rodd, Mr. Sunday the Jerry Bristow's were and Mrs. Frank Toben and fam- hasts ta the Ralph Malcolms and iy of Greenbank. theDav Wilsons t h Jc n Glen and Audrey were callers therm W ilsons t h a k a d i Mrs. Sam Stedmanai Whitby at the Larmer's at Devitt's. spent the weekend with daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hall eall- ter Mary at the Balfour Mo0res,1 ed on the G. E. Wilsons, Sunday. returriing home Sunday With Mr. Mrs. Hall was formerly Margaret and Mrs. Bill Jenkins. MeCamers, a former school Those attending the "Harvest teacher at Yelverton. Home" service on Sunday at St. MaryWs, bifford, were Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson Joyce Malcolm, Myra Page and on Friday evening at Garnet Marjorie Stinson, 'and Mr. and Wright's at Port Perry. M.rs. Howard Malcolm and Mrs. Harold Stinson spent the Terry.i week with ber daughter, Mrs. The Jack Wilsons and Mr. G. Walter Wright, Blackstock. ________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nes- bitts and Trevor, Mr. and Mrs. IIIGHLY STYLED Robert Wright of Janetville, MODEATEy PRCED last Sunday with the Geo. LOE ADES' WRIEAR Heaslips. LADIES WEAR Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson -La Vogue and family, Mrs. John Grandy and Douglas, alI of Brooklin, (f at the Art Rowans. tŽI Congratulations to Warden , accq ueline Allan and Mrs. Beer of eh any on the birth of a son. Cor. Athol Celina, Oshawa Judgif.g from reports of net weight of infant he was, if OBITUARY MRS. LESLIE TROMPSON1 Mrs. Leslie Thompson pass- ed away very -sudden1jy at ber 1home in Haydon on Sept. 25. 9She was 69 years of age. Mrs. Thompson, who was the for- mer Edith Eugene Henry, a daughter ai the late Mr. and Ms-s. Robert Henry, was the 5last surviving member ai ber family. She was born in Black- stock on Dec. 8, 1885. Mrs. Thampson was a mem- ber ai the staff Mf the Board ai Educatian, Toronto, for 32 years prior ta her mas-nage ta >Leslie Thompson In 1950. She was a graduate af the Toronto Conservatory ai Music and in ber early years taught music in Toronto for a number ai years. Later she was organist and chair leader ai Knox Pres- byterian Church at Lemberg, Sask., returning ta Toronto in 1915. She was a member of Parkdale Presbytes-ian Chus-ch, Toronto. The funeral service held at the Northcutt and Smith Fun- eral Home, Bowmanville, an Sept. 28, was conducted by Rev. Fred Jackson of Tys-ane. Friends and relatives attended fs-rn Tos-onto, Whitby, Oshawa, Broaklin, Tyrone, Nestleton and Blackstock. There were many lavely flowers, including tributes iram Stafý Members ai the Board ai Education, Toronto; Quarter Century Club, Board ai Educatian, Toronto; L.O.L. No. 764; L.O.B.A. No. 1244; R. B.P. No. 398, also fram Ennis- killen and Haydon neighbors and iriends. Palîbearers were: Messrs. J. Wilson, Tyrone, D. Thompson, Courtice; A. Thompson, H. Mo- ses, S. Hodgson and G. Graham, alI ai Bowmanville. Interment was in Bethesda Cemetery. you'll pardon the punnao haif- pint (of Beer). Public Meeting Nearly every hausehold in Yelverton was represented on Thursday evening at the public meeting held in Bethany ,re Hiighway 7A. It was a reflec- tion indeed bath af concern and interest, in the future oi "a ur" highway, held by the ci- vic minded citizens ai these precincts. Pull report of the meeting appears In another cal- umn. On September 30, 1930, Miss Mildred Delahay ai Pontypool, married Mr. Lance Plain ai Ty- rone. On October 1, 1955, about 85 friends and relatives gathered in the club house at Memorial Park, Bowmanville, ta congra- tulate the couple on their sil- ver anniversary, ta spend the evening with them, ta vish them continued health and bappiness, and present them with suitable gifts ta mark the pleasant occasion. It was also a chance for many ai the guests ta renew ac- quaintance with 'those wbom distance and circumstance had, tbrough the years, pas-ted. Besides several lively tables ai euchre, we enjayed a piano- farte sala by Miss Car-ol Mc- Roberts, and a couple af vocal numbers by the populas- Miss Caroline Jones. 1Howard McRoberts prepared and made a gond job ai read- ing the presentation adds-ess, ta which, bath Milds-ed and Lance ably s-eplied. Miss Lillian McRoberts, na- tive ai Tyrone,-who is associat- cd with Eastman Kodak, To- ,.rnrnon+ ~flonn,,.... e 054W. O .~... 4 ~5I~JAt.JC.S . - .. ~ v 4. z ranto, wvas spart enaugh ta lug a sixteen millimeter projectar along, and gave the aider folks a twinge ai nostalgia ýy s-un- ning off a couple af "sîlent" films, made in the days before taîkies became prevalent. The yaunger guests had a chance ta see the kind ai mavie fare dish- ed out to grandpaw and gran ý- maw when they were a-coup- ing, and when grandpaw was 1a regular village eut up, detei- mined an splurging a whale dollar iifteen in one evening: By gash! The lunch was ample, tasty, appreciated, and tapped off with a generous piece, ta each guest, ai the deliciaus wedding cake. Although the Saturday mid- night curfew prevented dani- ing, everyane had a goad time anyway. In 1954 there wes-e 335 motion pictures aif five minutes dus-ation or langer produced in Canada for television broadcasting; ai these films, 215 wes-e made b y private industry and 120 by gav-j eMarbies in stock. ember 2, 1939. the esteem and affection of ail The funeral was held frorn wha knew him. United Church, Pontypoal. Rev. Palibearers wiere six neph.. Love çonducted the final ser- ews:. Dan* Knapp, Bowman- vice from where he was taken vie; Murray and Cliffard to Pontypool cemetery for gis Kýnapp, Pontypool; Harold and last resting place. There were Gerald Strong, Oshawa; Henry many beautiful flowers ta show Wotten, Purple Hill. Caveer Men son Khaki 11 Bay of Quinte W. A.o Holds Fine Fou Rally Mrs. A. A. Crawle ai Osh- late. She also intraduced the awa, past president of the Bay speaker, Mrs. W. C. Sturtridge, of Quinte Woman's Association past president ai Dominion was the soloist at the aiternoon Council, wha held a very in- session ai the recent Fail Rally teresting "Leadership Wark- ai that Graup ai United Church shop". women. She sang "Beside Still Mrs. Claude Ives of Baw- Waters" by Hamblyn, accom- manville, presented a short panied by Mrs. A. N. Pyear ai skit cantaining information re- Frankiord, Ontario. The selec- garding the literature avail- tian was well chosen as the able. Mrs. Ives was assisted in 190 women were assembled at the Literature Skit by Mrs. camp Quin-Mo-Lac on the Crawford, Mrs. W. Weather- south shore ai beautiful Lake head, Miss Bennett, Mrs. B. Moira near Madoc. Welsh and Mrs. H. E. Grose. Of those present, 49 were Those who arrived for the there from the Oshawa Presby- aternoon session missed hear- tery W o man's Association ing the report ai the Cleveland whose president is Mrs. M. J. Conference given by Mrs. W. Tamblyn ai Orono.. Weatherhead. Mr. Fr an k Ms-s. W. T. Elliott, Stirling, Whiteley ai Picton conducted president ai the Bay ai Quinte the morning devotions. At the W.A., spoke a few words af close ai the day 1Vrs. Kingerley welcome ta those who, by rea- ai West Meath, pronounced the son ai distance, had arrived Benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain Celebrate 25 Years Wed NEW SPECIAL VALUES -ON SALE NOW- iJust 2 More Dauys of Bug Sav.ngs -Scale Ends Samt. Oct »"Texmade" Ibex Quality Flonne[ette \BLANKETS Large Six., 70 x 90 - Ail Firsts Save on every pair of this well-known quality flonielette Blonket during this great sale. Full big size, 70 x 90, of worm thickly napped flannelette... borders of Pink or Blue. lfarget Sale Price PAIR 5.75 Double Red, 7V' x 90", size '-Beautiful downy soft ocetate and nylon blend blankets ta complemnent your room decoration and give added warmth when yau wont it in t4h months cheod. Wide 5" Satin binding in colors ta match Blonkets. Choose fromn Gypsy Red, GoId, Green, Blue, Pink. Terget Sole Price ..................... 5.49 EACH LOW PRICED 5m75 5PAIR Goodyear ""Airfoam" PILLOWS 10 Allergy free 10 Keep their shape " Won't sag or lump " Zip-off caver for easy woshing 0- At a new low price Target Sale Price.. 4 EACH .4 4, 'Economy Priced . . . New Stripes Siue 20 x 4 Am outstondrng buyl 7hese fuil-size Bath Towels ore regular f irst quality lm fast color candy stripes cn white grounds. Bocked with close water-hungry oops 9 7 for quick drying. Regular Bath Siz., 20 x 40. Color combinations ore Flomningo, Blue, Sec Green, Sun Go. Torget Sae .Puice....................... PAIR 9 ,Quantities of these items are limited, so plan to corne in early when the selection is bes...Seoealso many new and unadvertis.d velues on disploy. Save! First Quaity! NYLONS Target Sole *79 pr Pull Fashiened . . . Affernoon %ashe.f. 51-ouge, 15-denier. Outtondin goye- ingu haret Fine Nylon Hosiery . . . full fashioned for a smooth sieek fit... finished with siender bock seamn . . . neat ponel heel . ., . in new Foll tones: Glow end Beige. Sizes 8Y/2 ta il., Tuai&Sale Priçe 9 Children's "B977 COATS Speelolly Purchaied WarMI Proctical! An oli-purpose Coat for Boys or Girls thot affords worm protection from winter's cold and snow . . . Red Kosho lined ...Storm Cuffs . . . Zippered hood and underfly front. Brass buckle front closing. Novy or Block . . . Sizes 4 ta 7. Targqt Sol. Price.............ACH 8.44 1.2.9 Pair Famous "Boulevard" Print, 36" Wide A New Shipiient ... Much BoIow Umuol Price . .. First Quality W. picked this selected group of new patterns of better quality prints, especialry for rheir suitability to Foll1H orne Sewing . . . group includes flowered effects .. . small patterns . . . big -patterns . . . conservative designs for .colorful dresses, Womnen's, Girls' and Children's Blouses, Aprons and a host of items. 36" wide. Torget Sole Price.............................................. YARD Baby Chenille-type Bed Spreads Vau In full sizes . . . so that you are assured of ample overhang on single or double beds . .. fine baby chenille with heavy aver pattern tufting an one piece sheet- ing in solid colorings, each 6.99. DOUBLE BED - ln White and Colors: Flamingo, Goid, Pink, Forest Green, Bine, Turquoise, Helio, Peacock, Green, Dusty Rose, Grey, Chinese Red. SINGLE BED-in white and Coiors: Fiamingo., Goid, Green, Blue, Tur- 6 .9 quoise, Grey, Dusty Rose Famous 'Texmade' *SHE ET S Stowy White - Homestcad Quality Plain Hem Two Big Sizes Sheets and Sheets af this well known brand af snow white smooth Cotton Sheets are waiting for ybur selection at this money-saving price. Check your supply now for Faîl and Winter... you'll want enough for every bed with spares. The quality is assured when it is "Texmade" and the saving is yours during this great Target Sale. Cello- phane packaged, pair 5.49. 72 x 100" 81 x 100" One Low Price ,5.49 PAIR Matching "Texmade" PILLOW CASES af the same fine quality snow white cotton as the sheets. Size 42"x36". '3 ~.wfw~ P Newest of Famous "Esmond" Lin. Beaconsfield Blankets BATH TOWELS OBITUÀRY DAVD GEORGE STRONG After a lengtby illness David George Strang passed ta rest in Memorjal Hospital, Baw- manville, on September 12, 1955. Deceased was born in Man- vers Township, on February 26, 1886, the son of the late Wil- liam and Mary Jane Strong. On January 16, 1915 he mar- ried Effie Vera Adams af New Park. They lived at Enfield untill 1921. He moved west of Ennis- killen where he threshed around Tyrone for a number af years. In 1931 he moved ta Cartwright Township where he farmed. He 'Was highly esteemed among his relatives and many friends for his kindness and un- failing optimism under all ch'- cumstances. He was also high- ly respected among the general public for bis generosity and willingness to help in any wor- thy cause. He leaves ta mnourn their loss four sons and three daughters and 18 grand-children. (Mary) Mrs. Howard Brown, Ponty- pool; (Vera) Mrs. Howard Me- Kay, Lindsay. (Jean) Mrs. Al- bert Knapp, Orono, William David and Roy, Pontypool; James, Orono.j His wife predeceased June 13, 1952. Also one sister, Mrs. John Wotten and three broth- ers, Ed and H-arvey, Bowman- ville; H{enry, Oshawa, one bro- ther John predeceased an Nov- Siafford Bros. IMonumental Works Phone %Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY SIONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise wvorkmanship and ,careful attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection ai imported and domnestie Granites and "Get it there firsi; but first, get it right.f Signais - nerve system of the Canadian Armny - a high-speed, accurate combination of radio networks, telephone and teletype systems and motorcycle despatch riders. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, with other corps, offers hundreds of good-paying, life- time careers. The opportunities for advancement, special training and travel are many. A visit ta your Anny Recruiting Station will soon show, without obligation, how you can fit in. Remember, in the Army you team up with mon and leaders you can rely on - right down the lino. TO b. eligible you must b. 77 to 40 yeors of age, skilied tradesmnb ta 45. When applying brin g birth certificat, or other proof of cg@. Apply rlghtf away. Write, 'phone or visit the Army Recruiting Station nearest your home. Ne. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis Houte. Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. - Telephone 9-4307 .rny Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kinigston, Ont. - Talephon. 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. -. Teelphone EM. 6-8341 - Local 276 No. 7 Personnel -epot, Wolseley Barracks. Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. - Teleplione 4-1601 - Local 133 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Boy, Ont. - Telephone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. - Telephone 2.8708 1 3 . - - - - - ..ft EACH The Signalman