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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 4

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- -w - rz~ffi~ 7~~- TECA14ADIAN STATESMM. B OIV&MVI.LE.ONTAIMO PAEEa TmmSDMAT, OCT. @th, lm6 THE SLAZONED WOODS Each year the glolous colars oi the Autumn trees crowningc the his and carpetlng the val- leys, came as a shock ta aur eyes and spirit. The colors are so vlvid, the beauty sa lncred- ible and spread with sucb a lavish band, that we ask our- selives, is It passible? Sa much beauty, there for ail ta see and cherisb *ho are blessed wîtb Sa mucb beauty ta store up ia tbe mind's eye and record on color film for the nigbts wben the wet wind blows or the snaw swirls in a world bare oi leaves and life and color until anather Spring, another Au- tumn. Witb the perfecting oi colon film, more and more people ae taking clor pictures, and Fal ofiers>the ,most spectacular OP- portunities ta colar enthusiasîs. All alang the roed tbrough the Maliburton lake district lpst Sunday, people were stopped. getting shots ai a color bacýk- drap behind the Octaber blue ai the water. Wiben winter winds howl and the woods stand stark and bare, these lucky people will be nelliving that perfect Autumn Sunday with the pictures so carefully taken. Everywhere aiong the way too, fromn the time we st'arted out in the morning until aur return in late afternoon, picnic hampers were out on roadside tables and hungry families were enjoying good food in the clear, crisp air, warmed by a welcome sun. We had ours by Maple Lake, near St. Peter's Anglican Church, the lovely stone church we have told you about before, which somehow seems so un- expected in that sparsely set- tled country. Prose is of little use in this magîc season of the year, phrases from the poets are s0 much more satisfying. Such lines from Biiss Carman's "In- dian Summer" as "Here in the slow a ut um nai afternoon, Drenched in the balm that sweetens the blue grape And keeps the cricket chirping in the grass. ." Or from "The Ma- gic Maker"-'The spiendar of the biazoned woods ail stili, The pattern of the everlasting hours. . -. As od!r rememrbrance af the day, we gathered some bitter- VOTE UNDER LUQUOR LICENSE ACT, Town of Bowman viii e NOTICE 0F REVISION OF VOTERS' - ISTS e PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 4, of the Voters' Lists Act, 1951, of the revision of he Voters' Liats for the Town of Bowmanville. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held by the Revising Officer at the times and Splace set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualified ta vote at the pending vote underthe Liquor License Act ta be held on the I6th Day of October, in the Town of Bowmanville, and .whose name has been omitted from, or incarrectly entered in, the enumerators' list of voters, is calied upon to attend at the times and place hereunder mentioned for the purpase of having his name enrolled upon the Y<\dters' List *ta be used at the said vote. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongfully entered upan the enumeratars' lists will be heard at these sittings. Voters' Lists for the Town of Iýowmanville have Sbeen posted at various places within the said town and will also be open for public inspection at the office of the Town Clerk at Bowmanville during office houirs from this date until the l3th day of October, 1955. SCHEDULE. Sittings will be held for ail Polling Sub-divisions Sin the Town of Bownianville between the hours of 11i a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on SATURDAY, THE 8th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1955, and between the hours of Il a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on THURSDAY, THE l3th DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1955, in the Council Chamber Sin the Town Hall in the Town of Bowmanville. Registration and Revising Off icer, Clerk to Revising Officer, - A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk's Office, Bowinanville. Current and Con fiential 13y Elsie Carruthers Lunney DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA. OGIr, p..ds Service IureaialJu 409 Huron Street, Toronto Orono School Trustees to Buy Room of New Desks sweet. Its flaming berres will last the winter tbrough, a mem- enta ai October beauty. * 0 0 WHO SAM WATER - HGHWAY While an aur holidays, we toak a few drives out fromn Stratiard and Kitchener.' The dey we went ta Elmira, we wenk on up ta Arthur, Mount Forest, Durham and across ta Kincardine. It was wonderful ta see that great expanse of blue water aiter travelling in dry, lnland country. With 'a real sense of expcc tation we started south'to God- erich along the famed 1Blue Water Highway". We kept loaklng for the waters af La k e Huron ta came in vlew again- but we looked in vain. We saw Lake Huron again at Gaderlch. We felt flot only let dawn, but pasitively gypped, na other Word wlll do. That highway is flot nearly as much oaiaa"blue water hlghway"ý as 401 beside Lake Ontario. Ini fact the for- mer is simply net a water high- way at ail. It is an out end out misnomer, and we would like ta ask the Minister ai Travel and Publicity for Ontario why it is flot only sanctioned, but widely advertised as such, lur- ing helpless motorlsta from the U.S. and Canada ta travel a lakeshore route which daesn't exisi? We think it is very un- fair, and very poor "public re- lations", much as we hate that phrase. Our own Highway 401 is a beautiful road, thraugh beauti- fui and typical Ontaria caun- try-side, with frequent views ai the shore llne and wide wa- ters ai Lake Ontaria. With a goad amount ai truth, one cau]d caîl it a "Blue Water Highway". The best and truest example ai a water highway is Na. 33, es- ecially framn Adolphustawn ta Kingston. The waters ai the Bay ai Quinte and Lake On- taria lap the shore only a iew yards away irom the road ai- mast every mile ai the way. And we understand from thase who have travelled on down No. 2 along the St. Lawrenceý from Kingston thraugh it Quebec, that the river isie quently in view. Sa haw about it? We won- dered as we turned off at Gad- erich ta corne acrass ta Strat- fard, just haw many thausands ai motarists eech year have feit as bewildered and annay- ed as we did. We have plenty ai beauty spots and attractions in Ontario far travellers from without and within. It seems ta us faolish and unfair teala- law such misrepresentations as naming a highway a "Blue Wa- ter Highway" because it runs parallel ta Lake Huron-yet out ai sight oai t. NOT ONLY THIS BUT EVERY DAY We have every reason ta be thankful, most ai us, as we ap- proach the day Wvhich this rich country ai ours bas set aside for thankful observance. Wei have food, and peace, and beau- ty. Our hearts shouid be full, nat just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day. Especlally should those af us wbo are well] be fervently thankful for the gift oi health, and aur prayers be with thase wha are without this priceless gift. 7H! EMAIN TIING I04 IMANKFuL FOR. 'MIS 'TNANKS61ING DAY 19 14Y jAMILY'5 HEALTH1 AND TkILFINE NEi£CRIPTION SERVICE AT S j u MY S. LOVELLS liAS A LmT TO DO WîITHIT Pire departmenits from North- umnberland and Durham coun- ties took part in a lire figkhting dispiay at Cobourg on Satur- day, Sept. 24, under Fire Chief îKen Baird ai Cobourg, ca-ar-i dinator ai mutual aid for these two counties. Participating were fire brigades from Ca- bourg, Port Hope, Bawman- ville, Brightoth, Caîbarne, Pire Marshal's Dept., Bewdley, New- castle, Baltimore and Hastings. The ordnance depat did nat have a pumper in the dispiay but thé firemen from the de- pot were there as observers. It was an interesting demon- stration ai how lire depart- ments can co-operate in' an emergency. The Cobourg pum- per toak water irom the bar- bour and by 500 foot line con- veyed it ta a large starage tank made ai waad and tarpaulines in the tourist camp, holding-j about 1,000 gallons. Three fire pumpers drew from this tank and pumped the water across ta three pumpers at the east ai Victoria Park, where tbe water was supplied ta nine lines of hase. Prom 100 pounds pressure at the harbour, the distance anly reduced it ta 65 pounds pressure at the nozzles et the far end ai the park. OBITUARY1v HARRY EDWARD SMITHf Aiter a lengtby illness, Har- ry Edward Smith passed away at bis residence, 49 Queen St., Bowmanville, on Sept. 19. He was 67 years ai age. Mr. Smitb was bora ia Dan- ken, England, the son oi John and Harriett Smith. The de- ceased had lived in Bowman- ville for many years and was employed with the Bowman- ville Foundry for 35 years. Mr. Smith was a member ai St. John's Anglican Church and ai Florence Nightingale Ladge, I.O.O.F. In bis leisure hours, Mr. Smith enjayed warking in his garden and especially loved fiowers. Rev. A. C. Herbert conducted the funerel service which was held et the Morris Funeral Cha- pel an Thursday, Sept 22. Among the many lovely floral tributes were thase ai the Bowmanville Foundry, Beehive Rebekah Ladge, Florence Nightingale Ladge. C.O.F., Bowmanville Fire Brigade, Drive-In Theatre ai Oshawa. Mrs. Albert Cale presided at the argan for the service. Palîbearers were: Messrs. Walter Heckney, Sid Little, Milton Elliott, William Yeo, Gea. Forsey and Garnet Go- heen. Interment was in Baw- manville Cemetery. Left ta mourn his loss are bis wife, Rhoda Alberta Stuc- key; sons Bill and Frank, Bow- manville, Herb ai Oshawa, and 14 grandchildç~en. Also three brothers, James, 'Farmingtan, Mich.; Jack, Oshawa; Joe, Mill- iard, Mich.; and twa sisters, May (Mrs. Chas. Symons) Es- sex, Ont., and Lydia (Mrs. Gea. Cooper) Porquis Junction. Amaag the out - ai - tawn iriends and relatives wbo at- tended thé funeral were: Mrs. Jessie Kentner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred *uckey and family, Mrs. rHartley Cale, Mrs. Kenneth Marchment, Acton; Mr. Chris Hales, Mr. and Mrs. Danks anid family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence iKentner, Mrs. Walter Massey, Mrs. Wally Frost, Mr. Bill Stuc- keY, all ai Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuckey, Bramp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stuc- key, Damascus; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Symons, Essex; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Symons, Mrs. Harry Donner, , Mrs. Ralph Brison, Leamington; Mr. and Mrs. Er- nie Smith, Detroit; Mrs. C. Gratton, St. Catharines; Mrs. Gea. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Faullan, Mrs. Herb Hut-* ton, Caurtice; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Prnwn. Wbitbv. Mayor Jack Burnet welcom- ed thé vîsiting firemnen and paid tribute ta the local i ire department and the fire bri- gade at 26 Central Ordnance Depat. George Alexander ai the fire mnarsbal's dept. complimen- ted the firemen after the dem- onstratian an the puccess of. their efforts. Pire Ch ief Ken Baird pointed aut that-diStance was not the anly objective in such a test bu~t also the efficien- cy with which it couid be car- rled out. He expressed himself as satisfied with the result of the afternoon's demonstration. An interested spectatar et the3 demnstatin was Ray Hobbs, p OBITUARY MRS. W. A. VAN CAMP September meeting af School the order with the SchooaiSupply Trustees of Orono School was1 Businesaf C. B. Tyrreil. held récently.Amoinwspse br Accounts ordered paid were Amoonwspsdtobr $1,940 for the septic system, row $3,500 from the Canadian $1,200 for re-decorating portions Bank-af Commerce, Orano. Sec- of the school arnd $776 for pantic retary was also given autharlty hardware which had been in. ta contact J. Mlddleton to bave stalled on doors at thie achool. new eavestraughings and con- The Secretary wa*- instructed ductor pipes placed on the to contact the Provincial Fire school, aleo to have the eaves Marshal's Office to have an in- and portions ci the roof repair- spectar inspect the new lire ed. escapes and also lire equîpment Miss K. Foster requested the laced in the school recently. book for film shawings in al This inspection ià ta be held be- thrge rooms of the school and in fore the Board appraves pay- this matter J. Walker of the Dur- ment af $3,300 ta the Faley ham Film Council was ta be Foundry and Machine Ca. Ltd., cantacted. In order that films who installed the new fire be shawn in ail raoms the Trus- escapes. Particular note is ta be tees orderçd blinds ta be placed made by the inspectar oai the on twa rôoms. In connection foundations aif the escapes. with a radio-phonograph for the It was decided ta purchase 40 schaol the principal is ta obtain new school desks for Mrs. Carie- prices and submit these at the ton's roam. The Board placed next Board meetin. Cit izens Complain About Present Medicall Services The Board ai Directars af the California, was deposited in the Memnorial Hospital, Bowmnan- general account. vile, isuâsd evealcom- On motion af Joe O'Neill, vill, dicu~sd seeral seconded by Jack Lander, the plaints by local citizens that they Board went on record aoflnot be- had been unable ta locate doctars îng in favor af a service station on, Sundays, Wednesdays and being erected across the street holidays, when It met et the has- from the hospital. Chairrnan pital on September 20. Harry Cryderman was given *Secretary Ray DiIling was in- authorlty ta take steps ta oppase structed to write the medical the mave. ýtaff ai the hospital and sea if it Superintendent Miss Irene rwould be possible ta have twa Shaw, Reg. N., reported 1,008 doctors on caîl on these days. patient-days in August and 18 Receîpt ai twa generous dona- lndigent-days. tions was acknowledged. The, Present at the meeting were: first was a cheque for $1,000 Chairman Harry« Cryderman, irom the William Frederick Directors Joe O'Neill, Ivan Hanèock Estate which was qe- Hobbs, Sidney Little and Jack pasited in the building accautit Lander, Miss Shaw, and Mrs. The second, a cheque for $l0100Bruce Mutton ai the Women's from W.M. Dustan, Fresno, Hospital Auxiliary. United1 Counties Firemen Demonstrate in Cobourg sale too-every bond is registered. Theyreno good for popering walis the new fire chie! ai Oshawa. Addressing a meeting later in the fire hall at Cobourg, he de- clared that tests such as the one just conciuded gave fine- men an opportunlty ta learn something new and ta take back knowledge ta the Indivi- duel f ire departments at home. He seid he had vislted the fire department that morning at 26 COD and was quit. impressed with ItL thon a million Canada Savings Bond investors have that comfortable lOth er 4b 4by interest m MM m 0 1~ou /? .~eU/ go/70W C0/12c/0 Ving9e DO/?dC /20W throuigh -olt - t 7jjket L tO o o" Cornp ctîi - -- -- -- - - -- ----S-455- ri oi h M V h ri b n Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, ane ai Cartwright Tawnshlp's most beloved residents, passed away at ber home on Sept. 17. Ia failing heaith for several years, she celebrated ber 85th birth- day lest May. The deceased wag Sarah Margaret Swain, a daughten o! the late Anne Jane and William Swain, and was bora ln Cart- wright Township. She went as a bride ia Januery, 1891, ta the farm whlch bed been la her busband's family for three generations. There ber femily ai eleven cbildren were bora and reised, It was ln this bouse that ber husband, William Ar- thur Van Camp, died in Pebru- ary, 1941, and whiere she resid- ed until ber deaWh. Mrs. Van Camp was a won- derful bousewife and mother. Even with ber large famly she iaund time ta serve in ber community as an active work- er in the W.A. and other or- ganizations ai Blackstock Un- ited Cburch, and in tbe Wam- en's Institute, ai whicb she was president for several years. Mer aoss will be keenly feit by a great many in addition ta ber family circle. The funeral, held atte Nortbcutt and Smith Puneral Home, Bawmanville, on Mon-, day, Sept. 19, was largely at- tended. The service was con-1 ducted by Rev. C. W. Mutton of Blackstack United Church. A great many loveiy flawersaet- tested ta the lave aud affection feit for Mrs. Van Camp by all who knew ber. Six grandsans were the pall- bearers: Merrill,. R i c h a r d Keith, Glen and Swain Van Camp, end Ted Werry. Inter- ment was in Union Cemetery, Ced mus. Survîving are nine cbildren: Marry, Percy, Staniard, Jack, Jessie (Mrs. A. L. Bailey), Blackstock; Norton, Listowel; Annie (Mrs. P. W. Werry) En- niskillen, Susan (Mrs., S. G. Saywell) Oshawa; Olive (Mrs. W. P. Riding) Union City.1 Penn. Two sons predeceased; their mother, William, and Ralph, the latterlost in combat in the R.C.A.P., Wonld War IL. There are 21 grandchildren and six great- gnandcbildren. Canada, tbe second largest' country in the warld, bas less' than one per cent ai the wonld's population. Always affix adequate post- age. When in doubt, check at your Post Office. roC/le M11 --- --- -- - ---- -- - ---- - Ir Whaw ô e doé wth ornqt - ih lag - -'ç it - ----- - £pecular, but matceQ&teai Q do a betterjob I4ide it i the coofriejr- 1roo Nicy, Junior aIwayg id& thejarI i~ck it under the±ia âw- 1o» rlrmpg For com{ôrtabre &[eepmqg! Vpo~td iL a nad fat- It Won'Lbe thé'e when you reâly îhed iti PONTYPOOLMaster. To the bore& A gaod crawd were It was with a great deal of et the Farmers' Union regret that local citizens heard at Carscaddens School. of the deeth ai Albert MeMa- Week-end brought ti hon ai Bowmianvlle. Deceased af the sudden deatho wate a former reuident ai tbis Stapley. Me had beene ill.age wbere for several years ed by the Law Consl rie aperated a generai store. He Ca., and was kiiled byi was loved by ail and highly explosion. respected. Ris motta: "'Live end let live" stiil hengs ln the Several nepbewu and Orange Hall. He truiy lived up from Oshawa .visited M~ ta this motta. Whlle bere he Payne an Saturday organized the Plute Band teach- and pnesented hlm Lng indlvlduelly many o! the purse ai money. A gaoo boys. Me was also an honorary cal prograra was provid memben ai L.O.L. 82 and while sisting ai accordian, guit able was active in aur church. lin and record p layer Several members af L.O.L. 82 Lunch was served at n attended the funeral on Thurs- and expressions ai besi day wben Orange services were (and sympathy) were e conducted by R. J. Payne, by ail present ta the gr County Master assisted by iel- be. bert Bawins, District M aster Sàorry na news next and Offa Staples, Deputy Coun- "On my haneymoon". h kq-- nW When you write, b. sure you adclress the letter clearly, correctly and completely. Use the. initiais or 6irst nome ai the adclressee and include the name oF the province after the city. Where applicable, include zone numbers. Do not lorget ta put your return address in the top, loft hand corner. Rugcanda~avnq~Rodg Now there you. have sometking, house. And what a comfortable bel. wheth.r you pay ail cash or iii Ing to know you have tihe funds for intmni~ L rh%'ra (ranfmlrn.,a ..,I aaraev ., -- .P#snfvA&.A& m % e but con b. used to buy the whoie feeling. 1 aved w. îpathy. prent he Slows of John employ- structiant à boler ifrlends «r. Jack evanlagt wlth à Dd mnusi- ded con- itar, via- r music. ;tdnMht exten tIt roomn-. ;week-

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