'~ 'I ! T R S D A Y O C T . O t h r 1 5 5T U E . i j j jAD L N T A r E M A 2 , O W M A V = L , O N T A M O A (ouple Wed in Ebenezer Church -40 m Skaîflowers formed the pckground in St. John's An- glican Church, Blackstock, fbr a pretty wedding, when Jos. ephine Anna, daughter of Mr. ;,and Mrs. Henry Biomme of To. ronto, became the bride of Har- o>ld Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, Blackstock. Rev. George Nicholson offi- ciated. Ruby Ramsay Rouse of Toronto, presjded at the con- Éole of the organ. Mr, P'red Fuller of Detroit, an uncle of the bride, sang 'Il Walk Be-ý aide You" and "The Lord's Prayer". Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of White nylon net over ivory taffeta with a lace bodice and a short lace baiera jacket, with long sleeves corn- I.g ta points aver her hands. ler fingertip veil was held by a Pmail pearl tiara. She carried a cascade of red and white roses.,1 Mrs. James Walker, Lindsay, luatron of honor, wore white effibossed organza aver mauve taffeta with a mauve feather ca.The bridesmaids, Miss Marie Blomme, sister of! he bride( and Miss Shirley Ham- ilton, sister of the groom. were similarly attired in gowns of green irradescent taffeta. Their smali caps were of matching t'affeta. The brides attendants ail carried cascades af rases and chrysanthemums which blended with their costumes.. Brian Ha milton attended his brother as best man, and the itshers were Harry Blomme, brother of the bride and Roy Graham of Blackstock. At the reception held in the~ Parish hall, the bride's mother rcceived wearing a dress of navy crepe, !eaturing lace in- serts panels in the skirt. Mer costume was completed with pink accessories and a dainty corsage o! pink rases. The grooms mother assisted in the receiving line, wearing a dress of irradescent taffeta in a dus- ty rose shade. She wore avo- cado green accessories and a pretty corsage o! small pilik roses. The happy couple left, amid the good wishes o! ail, far a motar trip through Northern Ontario. On their return they wilI reside in Biackstock. DUNBAR - FERGUSON In an evening ceremany at Donlands United Church. 'T'o- rnrto, on Sept. 19, Mona Aileen Ferguson, daughter of Mn. Al- bert Roy Fergusan and the late Mrs, Ferguson o! R. R. 2, Nes- tleton. was united ina marniage with Mn. George Goldie Dun- bar, son o! Mr. andi Mrs. CharnÊs Dunbar o! Toronto. The ceremony was performeti by Rev. George R. Perkins against a background o! pink and white gladioli. Mr. Wesley Wildman playati the wedding music and Miss Anne Devitt sang "The Lords Prayen" and "Biess This House'.' The bride was given in mar- niage by her father, and ware a floor length gawn o! white moire taffeta on princess lines and ending in a siight train. The fitteti bodice was fashion- ed with a wide V neckline and short sleeves, andi a deep aver- skirt o! taffeta feul in folds to ) Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland Ambrase who xvere married in Ebenezer United Church recently, are pictured as the bride cuts her wedding cake at the recep.tion wvhich followed. The bride is the former Vivian Larraine Snider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider of Courtice, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ambrose, North Oshawa. The newlywed couple will make their home in Zion, Wed in September Bridai and the ushers were Mr. M tin Lebrun and Mr. Jack Gil of Tyrone. Mr. Reginald Wrig of! Crayford, Kent, Englar was guest -soloist, and the ic gan music was.played.by N~ John Meredith. A reception following t] ceremony was held at the Mi IWestgate Restaurant, whe the bride'9a mother and fatJh received with the newlywed Later, the happy couple le by plane for Cleveland, t] bridestaeliitn a tinacie bridesutaelihg ting to pe sories and wearing an orcih corsage. Followng_ their hoj eymoon. they will resid e Cincinnati, Ohio. Among the ôo.ut -O!~t ov guests were Mrs. T. H. Gi b of Tyrone, grandmnother of tV bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Jat Gibbs, also of Tyrone. J WDfPENNY -CLRK Reverend Father Paul Dwyt celebrated the nuptial mass ci Aug. 20 which united in th holy sacrament o! matrimony Maria Anne Clarke, fourt] daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Wil liamn A. Clarke o! Oshawa ti Mn. John' Henry Wimpenny son of Mrs. Edward Wimpennl and the late Mr. Edward Win penny o! Toronto. Gent3 Clarke, brother o! the bride andi Gregory Fehrenback actec as aitar boys, while eight of St Gregory's Separate Schot choir boys led by Brother Da. main, andi accompanied by Mn, Brain at the organ, sang dur- ing the ceremony. The aitan o! St. Gregory the IGrecat Cathaiic Church. o! Osh- awa, was beautifully deconated with 'tail standards and large baskets o! white galdioli. White gladioli, secureti by celeste blue tulle 'bows manked the guest pews and carrieti eut the col- aur theme ai an ail white wed- ding with celeste blue accents. Choosing an original gown af white capri shantung, fashion- ed an Empire lines with a fine- ly tucked bodice, accenteti witl seed pearîs reaching ta a high unadonned neckline, the radi- ant bride was given in mar- niage by her father. The very full pincess-line skirt fashion- cd over a haop,, extendeti into a wide circulan train. An aver-the- face veil o! foltis o fimported French tulle illusion. was held by a halo wreath o! real ste- phanotis. She carried an open white prayer book covened with white carnations, adonn- cd with silk streamers of ste- phanotis butis. Mer maid o! honour, Miss Ethel Bergin o!f çlgan, Ont., chose a white wàýitz length gown in the same rhtaterial as the bride's, fashioncd with .ai tucked scoop neckline accenteti with seed pearîs. A wide sash o! celeste blue, panael flair, ex- tending ta the front af the tucked hemline o! the full crin- oline skirt, accented the smal higli waist. White-gloved hand In hand were the two petite twa yean ald nieces o! ;he bride, Mar- garet Mary Flintoif and Win- :ar- ana Ellen La Prairie. These flowers were a nosegay of wearing a dresof gre &ané >bs flower girls wore very, short, white and yellow 'mums. Mirs. white bengaline cord with reÈ ght full, tucked erinaline-skirted R. Massey, aiso a sister a! the d, frocks, adorned by tiny Peter bride, and Miss Hannah Abin, accessories. Assisting her wal Or- Pan collar, short puf! sleeves sister -of the groom, wereth rosmte w oe Wr. and wide blue sashes. Al three bridesmaids gowned respective. a dress of blue crepe and lace attendants wore hala wreaths 1S_ in rose and mauve taffeta with gry accessories. Both te o! real blue cornflowers and with matching headdresses and w~ore corsages of red cerama ss carried nosegays f white baby gloves. They carried nosegays tions.. re 'munis encircled by blue corn- of pink and white, and wnite The bride and groom travel. ir flowers. and yelow 'mums. led ta Ottawa and points ast P rai ie, n e p h w o T h lit ie lo w r gi l, iss o n th e ir h o n e y m o o n , th e b rid e ls. C arl L a P r i i . n p e of T e l t l l w r g l, M s w earing a grey gabardine su t eft théc bride, dressed in a white Cheryl Forsey, wore lime green with'ny cesrsada ýh tuxedo suit, carried on a white, taffeta with tiers o! nylon ru!- c nravy o acc roes.rey wand ce lace-edged cushion, the twO fies. She ware matching head- crsae o e d r9OlgiSt..ey wiin e. , g o l d b a n d s f o r t h e vr d n r s n m t e s a d c r i d i l l e . T h e g r o o m s e p o e aid groom, a nosegay af pink and white as a lmnm slemployand )n- Mr. Clifford La Prairie was 'munis. Master Brian Farsey, the biei ihLodEl in roomsman and Messrs. W-1- wearing a grey suit, carried brhoe iswt ly l liam Clarke, brother o! te the wedding rings on a white ShosBwmanvile. rn bride, Leo McGuigan and Don- satin cushion. Out-of-town guests attended ebs ald McKeown were ushers. Mr. Charles Albin, brother the- wedding rom Witby, To- he At the bride's parents' home. of Xhe groom, was best man, rontoll, Maion, PDetop nw ck 60 Aima Street, Oshawa, the and ushers were Mr. Albert AI- tniiOoo otHp n bride's mother, in the samne ce- bin, also a brother of the Orillia. leste blue of the bridai atten- groom, and Mr. Reg. Willatts, dant's sashes, chose a fashion- brother a! the bride. For sure no minutes bring us able street length dress with A receptian followed in the more content, Than those in er scooped neckline and full gored Legion Hall where the bride's pleasing, useful studies spent. Dnskirt. er side-swept brimmeti mother received the guests -John Pomfret. hehat and shoes matched her tedress, accented by white elbow -th &thgloves and a corsage nf il whie carnations. Mrs. Wm- PLANT A-HEDGE"-"ORED *NWI to penny assisted the bride's NO " mother in a teal blue two-piece!~ CHINESE ELM RD*u~ ýy ilk shantung costume UBIC ;7 ItCRGT.V, IIRED .RBEi alm-ym n- soft pink hat, and accessories 9 -Ineb sime, 00oo fer Amurense" ys- -amI . _»»10 ou and a corsage o ! pink rses. . 89;0S 12.1eh lige. 10 ty. m ediu:m t 1- e. 2 * l j For their wedding trip ta 00 for $5.50; le-lue là : ord7ki 3122.00 ¶ . eINorthern Ontario, the bride «* 100fer 56.95; 2-i, ime 10i.. l2te r 1p0. donned a blue cashmere-biend -k Per 10; 3-*t -Is.00 SJ'ferAENYROT ol u t r coat w ith ining and f s ,~ 5 05 r 0 0 t o. per o100 e,,or it a- sh eath dress of w h ite an d bN u - S IR A SH$ 1.O9AR ? R m. 'S sprayed linen. A match-ing 'ha 1 $ F EE ALSO CANAD'S FINES COLO«ED GADEN G,* bod shoes, bagan corsage, BROOK DALE-KINGSWAY ofwhite carnations completedi NUSEIE le the costume. j 1OWr4A;VLILL(PhoeDi, or Ngh, .k,3-45 ONAI Guests from British ou : ýd bia, Windsor, Toronto, Ottawa, ,et Lindsay and Bowmanvile at- ýe tendeti the wedding.I ;t ALBIN - WLLATZS ~~U lL A 1- Standards of mauve and Y U R U 'DDAW g.white gladioli decorateti the FI )f Salvation Army Citadel, Bow - i- manvilie, on Saturday after- -noan, Sept. 17, for the mar- RM NE h daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Ed-' -ward Wilatts, Bowmanville,' ta Mr. Cecil Llewelyn Albin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Aibin, o s o k u - R. R. 1, Newtonville. The doua- a ble-ring ceremony was per-i -formed by Lieut. John Ham of 1 Orillia, formerly of Bowman-' n 0 1 ville, and Lieut. W. Brown. - Mrs. A. Cale played the wed- iding music and accmpanied 1the soloist. Miss Heather Webb. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore, a floor length gown of iv ryl lace and tulle illusion venr white satin. A lace jacket won n iover the bodice featured long siceves which came ta a point1 E E A E broidened with sequins and iRA E pears helti her fingef-tip veil.i She carried a white Bible, th e G GILEE gift of the groom. which was RA G crested with red roses and ste- phanotis. Mrs. G. Forsey was matron oaf! CRE O A honor for hier sister, wearing a itPE I flor length g awn of royal blut 19- chiffon velvet wth matchiný gloves and pleated coronet. Hr . Md as re ce !1- je lt id s3 n t. "Oh! I'm glcrd you called - 1Itwas worried."' The telephone rings and everything's, 0K Sa niany cf the cails you make every day say "Don't worry"! Wben someone bas ta work late, or can't keep a date, or has ta cancel an appointment, the telephone lets other people know. At times lice this - whether you are making the "WAT o& V'.'m:%... j Cutting the cake at the reception which followed their marniage in the Salvation Army Citadel on Saturday afternoon, September 17, are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Aibin. The bride is the former Muriel Irene Willatts, yaungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willatts, Bowmanville, and the groom is the yaungest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.j Aibin, R. R. 1, Newtonville. caul or receiving it - the ready reassurance provided -Photo by Rebtier by your telephone can be precicus beyond words. adeep point in the back. A a headdress o! white leather This is just one of countîcas examples of bow yor hinestone andi peari embroid- and carried pink Briarclif! eloereti cap held hec !ingertip roses. telephone pays its way, as it makes life happier, asier, v inyl on net. She carnieti a Mr. Frank Parker was best more secure, bouquet of Better Times roses, man. and ushers were Mr. The bride's sister, Miss San- Clarke Pickett anti Mn. Bill tira Fergusgrn, was her only at- egsn tendnt, earig iridesent A reception followed nt the 4 THE BELL TRLEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA tuqos taffeta in strapless home o! the grooms parents, tyl wih mtchng ackt. he147 Doniantis Ave., when Mns. _________________________________________________ skirt w'as smoothlv flaeti with Lloyd Wight, sister of the a deep centre pleat. She ware b ride received, weaning a two Piece dress o! irnitiescent blue peau de soie with navy acces- sanies. The groom's mothen ae a dove grey silk suit with £ anvy accessanies and corsage' of Sethe new w ra ass For their honeymoan trip tai Quebec province, the bride aonneti a iight blue woollen boucle knitted suit with black Q U A K ER oevetMr. antilckacesr ross. r.and Mrs. Dunbar willresdeat 532 Kingston Rd., 1 BURNER - MORTLOCK SPACE HEATER 21 St. Matthias Anglican Church, now on display nday, September 24th, o! a vetiding of interest te Bow- manvilie. when Miss Joan, Alice Mantlock, eider daughtcr i You wiIl be realIy am'azed at these new of r. nd r.B , otok fomryof Bawnanviile, was. Quaker Oil-burning Space Heaterup 'teii maiae it Mn r. Jam Burner, son o! Dr. andl You will be proud to hav e one of nhse Ms. J. O. Burnen o! Stillwater, pu t1sOklahoma. heate in ynur home. . The Church was decorateti eari~~ with white chrysanthernum. anti the cenemony wvas canduet- Seti by Rev. Canon C. H. Roach, M. A. The bride, who is a native In addition you wil l e pleased at thec Iow price and the real economy they 1o! Bowýýmanville, was given ina S'manniage hy hen father. She' mean te you in heating your home- Corne ini and sec theni to-day. 1 xvare a. ballet lcngth gown of! white pique net, aven a bodice of silk lace, trimmeti with seed ~pearîs. She wore a caronet of pique lace, anti carnieti a bau- quet of white chrysanthemume an d pink rosebutis. She was W. H., BROWN atne . e itrMs CA SE DEA LER in princess style, with a match- igfeatheneti hat, and carrying a buqetof bronze anti white Kig St. W. M A 3-5497 \sateu Mr. Thomas Mortlock. bro'h- - -------- ------ -- -------aCr of Uae , I Can you picture what life ini your town w-Ould be Uike without a weekly newspaper?... You'd have nothing to keep you up ^t date cii happenings right ini your own neighbourhood. If you had something to seli, you'd have to go out and look for a buyer. If you needed to buy ,something, you'd have to look ail over town for it. Your neighbours could marry, have children, or even die, without you hearing about it until much later. Council could pass a by-Iaw affecting you and you might neyer hear of it. Plans for worthwhile community projects might neyer get started for Iack of news and support. And how would you keep up with the fortunes of the hockey team or the basebail club? lortunately, your town has a weekly newspaper, a source of local information thai no other kind of publication can replace. Over the years, Canadian weekly editors have lent their support unstintingly to many a good commiunity cause. This year, for the first timne, they are celebrating National Weekly Newspaper Wcek, and Imperial Oil is glad ta participate in paying tribute ta your weekly newspaper. NATONALW!NY NE&PAPE %WM - Oc1~Br tsvo. TO g¶fl. IMPEPIM i. fLLM «I worader wvhat's happened -ta Nancy .. . F77-ý ý 7 ' ý w q,ý:r 71- - -, - ', -, ý 77- MI, -Tr- l'v- mR-«7; - -Mrl raux Fi vu - 1 LTRLMMAIF, OCT. Cth, 1053 X 4et. qwW PfAVAVtA,»