TmIRDLyOCT. M.h,1950 Mhas been ini Indo-China fer a yeras a member of one af theWte Truce Teams, each composed ai mte M a i an Indian, a Pale and a Canad- (Continfued- from page on ian. .14e has many interestingz from the Counties' Boarc lexperiences ta relate cancern- Health. JI ing the clinate, lite of the nat- A request was received1 ives and conditions in Indo- Ralph S. Jones, acting for1 an MsChd-ina atmKoxhsrîi.. -.dhs ieadto-- 1111 £'s eignts 1state-s Ltb Mr.1 à ý ad wochildren at Oshawa, that the aId B Ms-.andMrs.Ed.Withes-id,,c Squair, Mr. and Mrs. Asthur I Camp Bonden for his leave, fol- farm on the east side of L visitcd theis- son Ed and fam- ilFound, Ronald and Stanley, M1. lowing which he bas been posted t tN which the firm j1 ily, Kingstona, last vcek. Cyril Rundle, Miss Greta Oke, 1ta bhis Regirnent, the Royal ta Sbdiid, Scout Mathers Auxiliary wilî Mr- and Mrs. H. W. Tink. Caa a egiment, at London, fifom a ligbt industrial zazi Ineet on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at Mrs. George Tbs-asher and Ont. a residential zone an the1 the Lions Centre at 2:30 her niece, Miss Lynda Milles-, planning by-law. This rec zPent the weekend with Linda Saturday. On as-ival they r e- , h . I ville Planning and Dvi and Bruce Colwell, Harsey S3t. gistered wîth the Colon Caval- I oJ '17 ./lJi M an 1 ment Board. Miss Mine1nalsc cade and on Sunday took thei~ A letter was alsa rcct S. S. ndilspnt Sagama cruise. ,Thyre. rmtePangadD -1iday altes-noon and evening 1 eyS'droIIhe lannngvnenD "ejh Mr. and Mns. Van Allen and port a vcs-y enjoyable trip andapmnt naraasWhg c .ylliqs St Mss Florence Mc- see- otbauiu. D Ita pass a sub-division cor Lean's, Newcastle.a Misses Mas-g Stacey a i yl govcrning pas-cels Mrs. C. A. Wight attended a Frances Rawe, farmcrly of lan smIîer bylaw-ýcr Bowmanvmalles- thanr 10-acre ýdisectors' meeting aI the Nus- CaBoganv ltale, n Oaw .residingr Explosion of a boiles- which this mattes- up with the t, ses-y Educational Association of laryip to a as, Ltot. lst ews edn i Ontario at St. Cathas-ines ps-e- n aLa eaLa Aei b a cdigi vel pit solicitos- and the Plani paring for the genes-al conven- es, San Francisco, Postland andi neas- Gsavenhurst nesultcd in or, n ylw i toSpokane. Whilc in Las An-' the dcath af John Stapely, 5. drawn up. Messr-s. Norman Scott, Jim geles they will spcnd s~everal qf Pontypoal last Saturday. To Study Drainage days with Marîce Gibbs fasrn- IMs-. Stapely, who was ern- Crambie and Bill Mutton attend- erly af Bowmanville. Ployed by the Law Construction The Planning Board ed the N.H.L. AlI-Star gaine in D' ompany, was faund wanldes-- Wsote that it saw na nea Detroit on Sunday. Refes-ce Bill Nosthumbes-land and Dur- igaon nadz ntewycuii hudnt Marnison neturned home with hama Counties may well boast îga-udi aei h h oni hudntg them. of beîng a healthy district. gravel pit at 6 -a.m. Saturd a J. J. Flett's sequest that Mn. and Ms-s. BetDdy That is if the wcekly Health by a fellow warkman. It is be-fotf the noad allawance Mr.andMrs Duley Unt rpot lst eekforco- lee e allowcd the water +0 the south end ai Orchas-dv Ms-. nd ss.L Philp have Ui ea- atwe o onlcc municable discases is a fais- in- get too low in the boiler, cau' Blvd. be convcrted back bevisiting Mn. and Ms-s. Billy dication af conditions. Only 8 ing it ta explode. him. Howcves-, it recommen, Cautu and Ms-s. Dudley's moth;- cases as-e repos-ted. But maybc Suffcning fsrn sbakadta eoesch ovy es- Mss. hosne at Saut Se.sonne doctors ase stili away bifns causd by ot wates- and is made the drainage psobl Marie. enjoying their summier vaca- stcam fs-arn the shattes-ed boil- in this locality should be Her many fricnds will be tion. es-, Ms-. Stapcly was rushed by vestigat ed. Since this ps-obl a m b ul 1 a n c e ta Bracebridge affects the Roads and StrE sans-y ta hear that Ms-s. Fred Ms-. Don Venton, District Sales IVemorial Hospital whe-e lhe Depastment, a motion by Cc Calmes-, Wellington St., who has Manages- for Nordic Tr-uck and died three bous-s lates-. Dave Higgon was passed t been-in iii healtb for the past Equipment Ltd. Weston, reps-e- The balles- had been tcsted this committee attend the n rnanth is naw a patient in Osha- sented bis fisi'and Sicard Inc., awe a-irb nuac x etn iteBadt wa G nesal H spial.M onts-al, their parent com pany, p rs w o h d c stfe h t i cuss this,' and other, pertin, The regular meeting af the at the annual convention af the was in goohd cndtion. ha i matters. Guide and Bs-awnie Mothers' Canadian Institute on Sewag Mas-.inapey d cniin Pn Notification was recel Auxilias-y will be held Wcdncs- Mand Sanitation last wenk in dayioct. 12 at 8 p.m. in thel Schumacber, Ont. ý. He als ol for seves-al years but Bsomr ta the ton a Mnci LosCents-e. AIl Guide and1 attended the meeting ai the City bad bought a trailer after tak-Borthtbeow pan Bs-awnic ohr wloe Engineers' Association. t ing the construction job and bylaw,, No. 1587 il now in mr.GothrsW elome.a n Ms .Drny 6 aeS. was living in it in Gs-avenhus-st fect. M s-s G e . W J a e s w s i M s s. . D s-n e , 5 4 J n e t., a t th e tim e o f th e a c c id e n t , H e London oves- the wcekend at- Tas-on ta, in renewing hes- sub-1 was a bachelos- and bad no s-e- tefiding the wcdding ai ber scription ta The Statesman latives at Pontypool,' but is sur- Mnee argaret Ann Wood, ta writes: I do like ta keep in1 vived by oesse i acu H on rR s Ms-.Roes-t Neil Hessel, which tauch with wbat i dojng in ver., n îtri acu took place in Calvary United jBawmanvîîîe during the win- Tefnsa wsbl us (Cantinued from Pg n Chuch Ites-. 1 have made many good day aites-noon fs-arn the F. F. 401 a few weeks aga and be f Ms-s. M. Cowan, Ms-. and fricnds in your town during the Mosris Funes-al Chapel t Pa o the nar a lovern et sh Ms-s. Lyle Cowan, Saskatoon, summes- manths which we bave typoool Unitcd Chus-ch for ses--pyfrtecî.Tel Sask., wcs-e in tawn on Satus-- spent at West Beach for a num- vices at 2.30 p.m. canducted by that thfie twnbiI he in s-je day and attended the wedding ber of ycas-s. We sus-e cnjay Rev. Bonsteel of Bethany. In-in thte tw ins lanlo the ru- a of ber niece, Miss Clara Mas-- Ed. Yaungman's column. tes-ment was in Pantypool'Cer n the i -c n h tu low, ta Ms-. Vwart Leask in Miss Janice Baker of George- etery. h ad ]Blackstock.1 town, daugbter af Ms-. and Ms-s. 1 Mayas- Nelson Osboine point, GussMaur-ice Baker, fosrncrîy ai aut that the town bas no oblig Gut e sngt heFa r esB -w anvle ..tion ta send its trucks on su, weding athSt.Ferres UnRtdl winning a $400 Atkinson Foun-lN a nag er cals, othes- than a moral oblig Che din Osa wtae he ' U ie dation Scolasship, also the Ac- tion. It is difficuit ta collct Chu-ch Ohaw, cccntly, in- ton Higb School Scholas-shp ai such cases, he said. Cauncil] cludcd Ms-. and Ms-s. R. K. $100 as the autstanding pupil aiaf 1or Brough was authos-izcd by t] _________________ er bigh school. Janicé is tak- H r t o k1cauncil ta write the Departme ing an Arts cous-se at Tos-onto ofE . iHigbways ta sec if it wou Univer-sity. She is a grand- In New O ffi."ce1 pay for this fis-c caîl. daughtes ai Ms-. and Ms-s. John Repairs Being Made Baker ai Sauina and Ms-. Athur For the fis-st time in its many1 Coun. Dave Higgon, Chais-mE a JOHNS Milison, Enniskillcn. y aiO existence te WB ofa the Public Ps-opesty Comm: CHURC Eightecn members ai Bow-, manville Chamber af Coin-1 tee, repas-ted that the tsimc CIIR H jmanville Rotas-y Club and their mes-cc now bas a Secs-tas-y- the Town Hall has been pit (Anglican) night in connection with the public can go ta make enquis-- that wos-k Would start immec Disrit otay onentonhed les and obtain information. iately o the cerent steps ta th at the Royal Yor-k, Oct. 2 - 4.1I Secretary - Manages- Kcnncth PlieDpstetan h o- y Those attending plenas-y sessions1 N. "Ken" Mas-ris began iiis entrance., and also an the fii 181h Alter Trifluîy hroughout were Mr. and Mrs. duties ini the Chambes- offices .c h soutb aide. Rex altrsMr.and rs.Keih i theTow Hal o Monay un ohnRegan se i j JacksonMs. and Ms-s. James and is als-eady bard at wos-K any consides-ation had beci I8.00 arn.- IStutt* r. nd Mrs. Walter- De- on the varius Carber pro- 'v ta igen-proofing th, ItGerà,iýller eGerneceivcd jccts.Th offices have be aergp.Cu.Petnr HOLY oMmuN() he fl nomination as Dis- painted an attractive shade of plied that there was nothinj j HOY CMMUION trict Gaves-nos- Nmince. green, the floas- bas been sand- mucb that could be donc abou 1A very lovely famiîy pas-ty cd and polisbed and office kecping pigeons away fs-arn th4 1:00 .m.- as-s-rangcd by Miss Donna fus-niture bas been installed.i building, but that the caves, 1100a..-Forder an Sunday aites-noon in One ai the two roams (fos-s-ýer- troughs should be cîeaned ou MORNING PRAYER 1hanos- ai her matber's bîstbda.y. ly occupied by the Ontario periodically. Ms-.C.Frder eceved a Provincial Police) as been Chairman Tom Rehdes- ai thE bouquet oai'mums and many made into a board roam with Police Comnmittec repas-ted thal *7:00 V.m.- beautiful and useful gîîts tra a long table at which the Exe -1 no fusther camplaints bad becs ber family and fsiends. Gucats cutiv e af the Cbam ber holds receivcd about the noise ai milk EVENING PRAYE w es-e Ms-. and Ms-s. Howar-d its meetings. The othes- is an cans being ts-ansies-red an tr-ucks R Frder, Brenda, Bsian and Bsad- office with two dsks, a filing in the yard at Robson Motors -Iley, Blackstock; Ms-. and Ms-s. cabihet, and a display stand Ltd. since the police investigat. Re.WatrDyer, 'Har-old R. Farder, Gale, Anna cantaining Chambes- of Cons- ced the complaint lodged ut lasI Inembet a Crernre, j Iand Rbonda, Part Pers-y; Ms-. mes-ce literature and tourist cauncil meeting. Incnibnt f Ceemr - and Ms-s. Gos-don Sturs-ock, Shar- promotion folders. A phane Town Cles-k Alick Lyle repos- will preach at both services on and Donald, Ms-. and Mss, as been installed' with the cd be bad nat had any wos-c Gary Hancock, Bowmanville. Ms-. numbes- MA 3-5031, and Ms-. fsrn the Attor-ney General's De- an d Ms-s. Wallace Hèlmes, John, Marris is anxious for the people patrnent on whethes- nearby CHURCH SCHOOL Van and Bannie, Oshawa. A ai Bawmanvîlle ta use it to municipalities cauld be charged dainty lunch was ses-ved. give bim thein suggestions and for using Bowmanville's court- 10 a.m.-Seniors1 Captain J. E. Knox, son ai Ms-. ideas. raarn for baving theis- cases ila..Juisand Ms-s. W. J. Knox, c ivd Ms-. Mosris, wbo secently s-e- heard. He was instructed by, Il .m-Juios hom fom.Ina-hin te asîvdtis-ed fs-arnthe position af Sales Mayas- Osbor-ne ta write the De- home s-ar n n Q biahas Promotion Supervisas- for the pastment again. I *e band se t e wekend Ammunition Division of Can- odSela etn ------ ithhis arets.Captain Knox ain Industries Limited, iis Mya-old Se ta edtia anxious ta s-cnew,'acquaintances by-law ps-aviding for the munici- in Bawmanville and make as pal election in December would *.. h o, jany new fis-nds as pssible, bave to be Passed in Octobes- a'sratu,1'ia,,Heq was bas-n and attended pub- and it was decided ta bold a Trini,,>y U n ied I5MIrI licandbigh school here and is special council meeting on Mon- alredy nownby any Ow-dayOctber24 at 8:30 p.m. ta Minister- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A.mnvleesdt.Hes glad deal with this and other mattens. ta be back in his native town Deputy-Reeve Wilfs-id Car- t r c and looking fos-ward ta bis rutbes-s repos-ted on tbe appeali *wos-k ai pramoting its prosper- by seves-al municipalities in the1 ity and expansion. United Counties against the use t,). ai o their new equalized assess- S erv e ments for counties taxation pux-1 syiv ng i es oses in 1956. An account ai Blackstock the decision seacbed ut this heur- 1 1106 A.M. - gwc ws edbora Tinity Unite Chus-ch, Rev. T. A. Morgan, mînistes-. Caming fsrn aut-af-town points wcs-e: Mr-. and Ms-s. FAST RELIEF FOR *TIRED FAESAN BOÂU.L~>W MANVILLE, O~NTARIOPAEEI * IJames Joynt, 42 Simpson Ave., 1 and family on a trip ta Embro attended the 25th wcdding an- Thaugh Canada is ane af the lin from Grace Church, Napance; on Sunday and visîted Mn. andiniversary party af Mr. and Mns. world's leadinýg trading nationt, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lamanit,lMrs. C. Heal. Lance Plain, Bawmanville, Sat- )ne) 14 Concession St., fram Yarker,l r.MrevKlet urday evening. Canadians themselves constame rd of Ont.; Dr. and Mrs. Allan G.; and family, J"~etville, were! Mr, and Mrs. Dick Evers, more than 80 per cent of what Sylvester, 156 Church St., froin Sunday visitas o f Mr-. and Mrs.i Toronto, visited Mr. Robt. Sim they produce. fmar St. George's United Chusch. C. Penwarden. land Mr. and Mss. P. Vaneyk Hl-Toronto. Others received were!Vaeyl o ven, the weekend. Be noble minded; ur own ý. o), Mr. Floyd W. McMullen, 9 Con- hsssè hl i aet r Ba te e si n St; M r. a d M s a k . i s ie r il i s a rntS. A reh a t e e ' ~at1e cesio .~, and Mr. J ck i n igi a U S A Absence af occupation ls not! opinion of us formns aur true Liber- Goheen, Liberty St.* S.; Master IMrsitnd r.Fe ate etWlimCopr oor-rer cilr plans Phillip M. Vowles, 58 Duke St. M- adMs rdPrns et-îla opr aor-sidihShle...... ;sfied me ta town LONG SAULT iman- Ms-. and Mrs. AllynBaead A Brilliant New Con cepth na-family, Cookstown, spent the nvied weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G.4~* )evel- Baker.In T l v s o )ucl M.adMrs. Johnson Kidd, I a Iç v 3 /f )nrlM. and Ms. Ted Kidd and Rod- , sof ey, Goadwood; Ms-. and Ms-s. J.à lots. C. Cook were Sunday guests of .4 kiug Mr. and Mrs. . G. Smith and el owîi Grace, Mrs. Smith etuning .4C HN IC ininci home with her brother and fam-, bin' ily for a visit.I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sim, Osha- wa, spent Friday with M-. Robt. *ee alo Mr. Stanley Fletches, Toron-!Ins eevr otrdbncin Iao o wih bis parents over the $ ,rant weekend. one Mrs. Edith Murphy attended $H LP ,A M R L a d M T R L view cePHI LIPSADMIRALMan MOTOROLA ta L nce lain hel Bow an-the ultimate in perfect picture and sound ded ville Satus-day night. ance Mr. Robert Sirn attended the The unique Philips Channelock Feature lemn birthday dinner held Sunday at . i n- the home of Ms-. and Mrs. E. F. e assures perfect pictures autoniatically emn Alexander, Bowmanville, in hon- - 7eets or of thei» mothes's (Ms-s Mary. oun. i')8t birthday. Cngrat- j,~ $ 4 0 next Mr. and Mss. John Mitchell i7 1 L Y V 4 a dis- and gsand-daughtes- Judy White,,,~ nent Tosonto, spent a few days with - hes- sisters, Mrs. L. Hayes, Bow- 21 a t $249.00 27" at $599.00 ived manville and Ms-s. Fred Pas-tner. 1 X al M - . V v a i c , P r e syn g sp e n t S atu sd ay w ith h e r p are n s , ef- Ms-. and Ms-s. John Johnston. i Pieture Tube Guaranteed for Two Years Mr. and Mrs. Albert- Murphy! O A and Gars-y, 'Bowmanville, and Mrs. R. Pithie, Scotland, were -u n Sunday visitors at the Murphy >11I i~ home. Mrs. Pithie is leaving for -r- ar i -/C~ e) day, having spent the summer T ED A I PHONE ORONO 1661 felt with ber daughter, M ss. A. P L I L \ o B W M NV LL M A-3 8 uld Murphy. :cal Mrs. Fred Partner accom- ~ ~ ~. :dpanied Mr. and Ms-s. ick ,I DRfUG STORES.------------ ftt SPÉCIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ID A. Brand Now! Your choice 11(av.y duty 12-inch 100' ral For in box with metal a smooth cutting edge cl ean shave 2½,-oz. tube 4 9c' Check Cold Miserles Fast! Take Oromo-Quinine Reg. 29e 49c - 79c 25c c) Z LLU One ha@ exactly the right e< angle, edge exposure and weight te match your face for superh saa, Clean, comfcrtable, long-lasting shaves -are guaranteed. -4r, d - - - 9 bPor men uos Dink 16oz Know Your Pharmacisi Beller In almost every community throughout aur land thr is at least one man known to most of us as "e * crne drggit".It is not by accident that he has F oO GvereslCif been typified as a pleasant, scholarly man, respected ond beard, I throughout the community or again as acerfl 1~ friendly n1fn who continually gges out sof hs way ta ~ help others. .. The very nature of his professional training. and the Icode by whjch he lives and Works, casts him intoFome h one of these familiar moulds. As pharmacists, we in I.D.A., over 490 members of like the feel ofa jeu the IndepeÉndent Druggists' Alliance, are proud of the i heaoiieîrazo, 311011 TISUES tradition of service which has been the history of our profession. 2 for 45c Bath as pharmacists and as merchants we are aware of ou r twofold responsibilities - ta work hand in hand With Blue Blade d4é. ________________________your physician ta alleviate sickness and suffer- 1 penser and travel rase. S1 ing, and also ta serve you, aur customers, sincerely Your choice and honestly. A I A f And so we say "Get ta know your pharmacîst better'. Featured on Gillette's World ei safe, logical and dependable 'place ta buy drugs, PEROXIDE medicines and other needs for health and beauty care. - ___ TOOTH PASTE IDA rnVITAMINS SPECIALSI.D.A. Brand FI S OHSEA Coeoanut Oit SHAMPOO Halibut Li'ver Oit Capas, j 8oz., reg. 49e 39e 100,s 25Cs502s U.. Ui V U5 mI. W. hd n. ..C O L D C R E A M 1.15 2.29 4.29 lb.K BD<BRAT Evelyn Howard) Geritol Tablets 1l.jar, reg. 89c ----- 69e 40's 3.29 80's 5.49 FOR EPSOM SALT, 16 ounce. Llquid - 4 oz 1.35, 12 oz. 3.29 MAE ET HTR ireg25ec --for----- 19e 24 oz., 5.49 cQ contiptio Frosst Neo-Chemical Food ;)1V ' 7 16 oz., reg. 79c ----- --- 59c Liquud - 1.55, 3.35, 5.90! .'B @ 40 oz., reg. 1.59 - - 1.19 Capsules - 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 ~ 0SIT PENETRATING LINIMENT geott,,q Emulsion 1.00. 2.00 4 oz., reg. 75é ----. -. 59e Squibb 10-D Cod Liver SEIDLITZ POWDERS Oi ------ 1.00, 2.25 Box of seven individually W1ru ysC o p u d1 5 paper - wrapped sparkling aebr9Copud15' * antacid laxative., Acts twa wavs, relieves headaches -gkadCl often caused by intestinal Cog congestion Reg. 29e 23ec Remedies GEl FAS? RELIEF w MANUFACTIURERS' .D.A. Idaphedrin Nasal fai SPECIALS Spray, plastic squleeze m ýBuy a 75e Lustre Creme bottie, 20 ce. ___ 95e . dlfon Lotion Shanipoo bottie and Y.D.A. Brand Cold G I PUL 0. 0 rom Pai get a 45e size FREE. Tablets, 25's .. 50" FOR THE from cids FREE - 75e 4 oz. Etc Creme I.D.A. Friar's Balaam, that Jwst (se Shampoo with the purchase 1 oz., 2 oz. 25c, 45c' K IDN EY S of Qulck Home Permanent. I.D.A. Idaloids, over P Sf An Bth o r1.75 100 pellets ..~ 25e Re. si». 590 Pt it @UcIi- Vicks Throat Lozenges 49e IDA. Spirits of Camphor; New Vicks Cough Syrup 59e 1 oz., 2 oz. -_- 25e, 40,ecooy9 box o 12 0c Vcks Cougb Drops __ 15e I.D.A. Syrup of White Pine' Vicks Inhaler ------ 43e & Tar, 4 oz., 8 z., 40 , 75e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY I.D.A. Brand "ForBaby's Com fort" j Shaving j BABY POWDER \~~ 5 mI Il of Age Ca. es Alex. We Deliver Your Local LD.A. Drua Sforn &A Jr, -- -- - - -..-. - a ii~.iui~ ivir~ ~1%JI 7L MeGoregor, Drugs iKl County 'Convention of the. Onftario Farmers' Union to lm heul inthe TOWNSHIP HALL, BLACKSTOCK ai 8:30 p.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER l9th -Ail members are urged to attend for the election of county officers for the coming year COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE THE C"Ar)TAM qrA"-Quau làoiimrA mey w v ffl W SUPER-SPEED [We Deliver