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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1955, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET .L~~1~THE C A AU N TATE5MN 30EW NNV LLF, ONTARIO T R DA lM 1h ta --" - Large Group. From Durham County Receive Citizenshîp Certificqtes The County Court room at Cobourg was crowded on fessionalWomen's Club. Those from Durham are shown tnAreekedBomnil;MsFerdndnahare-s) misra, owmznanie ediryrBville; s Mosîday, when 38 New Canadians recaîved thair citizen- héreè,onýe lady proudly displaying lier papers. They are:j mink, Orono; Gerrit Hartemink, Orono; Tjeer Cals emsLouzn rsril;Ms rej ysrBw ship certificates from Judge M. A. Miller. It was a most Dirk Brinkman,- Newcastle; Eliza Mostert, Newcastle; Strikwerda, Port Hope; Gerret WitvoeBwavle inil;Ms elj eHa eflBwavle Impressive ceremony with Judge Miller giving an excellent Symen Buma, Bowmanviîîe; Simon Biersteker, Newkcastle;f Andries Hienistra, Orono; Geert Bisschop, Burketoii; Miss Antje Bakker, Miss Tetje WVotMssHen Welcoming addrass to the New Canadians, followad by Mrs. Brygida Hazner, Port Hope; Jenis Celitans, Port Johannes Smidstra, Bowmanville; Mrs. Philip Groeneveld, Zekveld, Jan Malda,_PetlerBuma, 1yrnBm.alo an informal snack providad by Cobourg Business & Pro- Hope; Walter Piesma, Newcastle; Ernest Hadorn, Hamp- Philip, Paul and Albert Groeneveld Cîir-ice: Mr-- Dr __ Many Register for Classes ]KEDRON, Bob, Williams Gets 361 Arts and Crafts Display Presbytery W.A. Fail RallyInigtfrNwToh Arts and , Crafts Display~was announced for Wednesday,InFg tfrN wTo h lOctober 19, but Kedron ladies The Bowmenville Recreation '11 begnOt Il at 7.30 p.fll. fuai turkey dinner which had The major league bowlers him with a 115 score. Sid Ni- Department Fail and Winter':wn the eLonscCentre. been announced previously for are gradually getting into shape chois had low triple honors Programi was officîally openedj The Women's Health and that samne evening, October 19. and Bob- Williams came up 412, Bud Moses 439 adJc with théir Annual Arts and Beat lass will be starting Lde ftecmuiy wt h ihsnl cr fLne 4.adJc Crafts Display held at the Lions1 on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 7:30 Laiso-h omnt are wih hehghsig e or oa ndr44 Centre, last Tuesday and Wed- p.m. in theLosnr he invited to be dt the Church on the season, 361. Bill kewa nesday evenings. instructress will be Mrs L. Lu- Monday morning at 9 a.m. o nex,38 d"ls"Rni L HTE Ilhny esient tok he p- as October 17, ta prepare dressing 316, AI Osborne 306 and Dr. Ted Hoar took over first portunity to see the arts and Aduit Swining will begin and stuff the turkevs. -Rnl 0.Paei h vrgswt 3 crafts on display and to regis- next Thursday, Oct. 13 from, Highlight of the W.A. meet- Ai Osborne had the high tri- while Jack Gay, last week's ter for the various classes h 7pm o9pn.a h os ing was a talk by Miss Ella pie to date with scores of 287- leader dropped ta 237. t ýs t a 7 p.. a th Bo « st306-206 for 799. Ted Hoar 756, In the team standing Russ ar t e odutd yth e-Taiig coo oo ithBi Miller B.A., teacher at E.s Bill Oke 747, Dr. Rundie 740, Hallman's crew replaced Ted creation Departmcnt this fali Bagnel], as the instructor. York Collegiate, who spoke E ude75adBbWl anl' emo o ptwt and winter. If you are interested in anv enthusiastically on Dr. Billy d unlÏ5adBo Wi- age'stmonopptw h Due to the large registration of these classes and have not Grahamn and his current cam- liams 709. 12 points. in the smocking class,tw regis.terýed you may do Sa by paign in Toronto. As a member Dr. Rundle's teamn had high This year ail teams are try- classes will be held. One contacting the recreation office of the 1200 voice choir singin.- triple 3513 with B)i Polley's ing hard to bie the first ta win be conducted at the Lions Cen- or by attending the first class at each service, Ella was well outfit capturing single game the John M. James trophy for tre on Tuesdays from 7:30 Io in which you are interested. qualified to speak oft this suh- honors 1256. the team championship. This 9:30 p.m. starting Oct. il, 4ni Coaches Wanted ject. Rer fine address was an Big Walt De Geer missed the traphy was donated ta the the second at the Memorial Hockey coaches and manag- inspiration, and we look for- deadwood for Iow single of 114 league by Mr. James, M.P. for Park clubhouse starting on ers are urgently required forward ta hearing her again, re, with Ted Miller trying to beat Durham Caunty and is replac- MonayOct 1th, a 711 p.: ýh mioéton onge hihler tour ýof the British Isies and ing the Carter Family trophy. The instructress will be Ms.L.s scheduled ta start Octobpr 1 te uropean counries Hospital and are recuperâting End of 2nd Week, Ist Schedule Highfield. làSth. nyone interested is asý- during this past sum-mer. Mrs. at home. The Aduit art class will com-edt contact the recreation of- : Govrexrssdth ppe Mence. its fourth year Of acti- fice. ciatiOn of ail present ta Miss Saturday wag- a perfect day Ta W L P Pis 'Vity under the direction of Ar- Coa ait Miller. for the many weddings sched-Hamn5i616 2 nold Hodgkins, on Oct. 7 at The Bowmanville Choral Sa- Hostesses, assisting Mrs Lee, uled. in atenanc attheH-s-Bane- 4 2 6509 10 7:30 p.m. in the Lions Centre. ciety have been invited osn were Mrs. W. Snowden andi kin-Mason wedding in Har- Rnl 491 Dresmkig lase wllstrt!atih Dntni Uitd hr Mrs. Lamne Tregunna. mony United Church and the Polley - - 3 3 6411 8 Oct. 12, in the Lions Centre at J in East York, Monday, Oc0 2 Miss Phyllis McCormack was guests at the reception follow- 0'ouke33809 , 8 p.m. Sewing machines arnd to aid in the raising of funds the hanoured bride-to-be of ing were Mr-. and Mrs. E. Love, Larmer 3 3 6372 6 other equipment are provided. for renovations ta the church. this week. Mrs. Levi Ellins was Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love, Oke 3 3 6230 6 Mrs. F. Dilling will instruct. The society's semi-annual con- hostess at a kitchen shower for Mrs. J. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor 2 4 6189 6 Leathercraft c]ass a .o nder cert xii] ha held in the town Phyllis, when neighbours and Hlarold Werry, Ron and Jean- McKnight 3 3 6179 6 the guidance of Mrs. F. Dillingi hall, December 7 and B. friands were auests. Mrs. Ted ina and their guests, Mr. and Bates -- - -- ---3 3 5645 6E McLaughlin and hem sister, Miss Mms. Lester 'Love, Esther and Lander - 2 4 6322 51 Margaret Ratcliffe arnanged a Dorothy of Joliet, Illinois. Hoar---- 1 5 6191 2 novel and enjoyable pnogram Mr and Mrs. M. Walter and Name Games Ave.c ithe fommi of a moclç' trous- Doroth were tea guests Of Ted Hoar------- 6 238E SEASON'S FIRST seau tea, with saveral guests Mr. an d. Mrs. ' Wm. Pierson, Jack Gay- 6 237 participating. After the colour-1 Oshawa, on Sunday eveniigg. Ai Osborne ---- 6 233 fuli gift parcels were opened, Robert Werry, London, spent Bill Oke *-- - 6 232 Ms. Ellins semved dainty re- the weekend at home and at- Reg Hearle 3 230 B I N G O0)On Shmentay evening, acoin- weddng and reception. May Ted B:gnell 6 228 munty ary ws hld t endd otheLesk-Mamls ore EdRndle _____6 2 29G in the Union Hall liher mother, Mrs. E. McCorm- friends ta Ewart and his bride. Art Spicer -- - 6 222 ack when neighbours gathered Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Tregunna, Morley Vanstone - 6 222 and presented a miscellaneous baby Peter and Clifford Tre- Dick Little ý--- 6 216 THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 61h shower. The gnoona-elect is gun were tea guests of the Bill Westlake 6 214 8pmRobert Flett w.Ys chairman for evening. Bob Williams 6 214 P..1the pnogram and addrassed the Mrs. Knowles, Dundas, spent Dick Patfield---- 6 2129 bride and groom prion ta the the weekend with her daugh- Dr. Keith Slamon -- 6 211 Under the auspices of St. Joseph's Church presentation of the gifts by tan, Mrs. H. Rose. Mi-. and iVrs. Dr. Howard Rundie - 6 2111 Grant Beath and, Billy Ellins. Rose wene Satunday evening Bill Hearle 6 211 GOOD PRIZES Miss Heather Webb sang twO guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bill Mutton 6 211 solos, accampanied at the Pi- Metcalfe, Unionville. Farewell Blackburn- 6 210) ADMISSION - - - - - - - 50C lana by Mrs. R. Ratcliffe. Mrs. Mn.. and Mrs. W. L. Mount- Ron Richards -_------ 6 209 onyBScottngv a fine". ai' joy visited their daughter, Mrs. Ernie Perfect - 3 209 on"Bilin Hme. nEverson Norton, Brougham, on Bruce Milne 6 208 _______houn of visiting avec the coi- Monday. Friends here of Mrs. George Piper 6 207 fee and refmeshments was an- Thomas Norton are somry ta Bill Steven 6 207 joyed as a conclusion ta a hean of hier illness in Women's Norm O'Rourke 6 207, pleasant evening. College Hospital, Toronta, and Matt Harrison 6 206, Y.P.U. met in Columbus axtend kindest wishes. Murray Larmeit 6 205 ChuchonTuesday evening Mr n r.Hre Cross- Si Trewin --------- 6. 205 wither P Jbonad o as n r adMs.Harvey Bill Begley 6 205 Uery in charge af the meet- 1 acoe enjoyed Nature's au- Bill Shotter- --- 6 204! i_ jJJjjj ing. It was decicded ta hold a tumn colours on a moton trip ta Ron Maynard-_.----- -- 6 920" 1papen d"iva for additional Y.P.1 Parry. Sound and Huntsville Russ Oke----------------- 6 2U01 W jfunds on Tuesday evening, Oc- a vethe weakend. tober 11. Aften the meeting, Kadron congregation joined1 a $ 10the young people were joinadi in.tha observance of the warld- F Qur f Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love morning with Rev. R. H. Rick-rm s and these newlyweds ware ard conducting the service, as-.T eP l w n oughly. hatl n hr Ross Lee, Everett Mountaoy RUBBERIZED The Maxwells Community and Clarence Werry. r.M th Tte WAII. SATIN1 was well attended on Saturday Lorne Tregunna was received TeDra n otub WALLSATI andfinncialy qitesuccss- ntomembership o 'Kedron TeDra n otub Frwlsfui. United Church. Banns of mar- erland Plowing Match held at an ciinsMrs. J. Gloven, Mrs. H. niage were published for Grant the farm of Percy Goodting, and celingsPascoe, Mrs. H. Crassman and Pascoe and Sylvia McInroy of near Woolen had the largast en- *Kedmon relatives of Miss Shir- Oshawa. try in racant years with 28 ley Hokn were guasts at the In the Sunday School hour a contestants. The Esso Cham- SATIN IMPERycp trousseau tea given for han by spacial Tempprance talk was pion Horse plowman, Bill AI- her mothar, Mrs. Howard given by Mrs. E. Mountjoy. lin of Newcastle, had keen com- ENAMIL Hackin, on Wednesday. Ln Many visitors from. fair and petition from Bill Hooton o! fortrm Midnspent the weekend Lot near united with regular niem- Ida and Stan Smith of Ennis- fortchmindn pn heweeda bers in worship at bath ser- mare. mnany mthigcolor oewthhrPretM.vices. Esso Champion Tractai- man '0 and Mrs. W. L. Mountjay. Missi The Woman's Association was Stanley Allin of Orono and urtBeatrice Mountjoy, Oshawa, 1heId theregular meeting on had keen competitian from the, Low usm 285 Raiue.â.. joined them for Sunday tea. Friday, guests of Mrs. Ross Lee. winner o! the Ladies Class, Ha- Quart À&Our hearty congratulations Prasident Mrs. H. Rose opened zel White, Brighton and How- .L I~ L I.ta or eih ous, te o the meeting with a eading. ard Quantrili of Elizabethville.1 - ~Frasers on the arrivai of their Wanship with a Thanksgiving Howard Allan, Newcastle, tokl COMsu08 about y son on Tuesday, Sept. 27, and theme xvas lad by Mrs. H. Farn-' top honors in the Class à sin- pan-n a very warm welcome ta the dale. Scniptume eading by Mrs. gle plow event. The Eaton Tro- POflr.gqusiosnew baby. B* Starc was foliowed by pray- phy for best work under 211 Mrs. J. Campbell is conval- ar by Mrs. E. Mountjoy. A was won by Bob Tinney of Ca- ascing at time o! writing in reading, -The Farmer's Thanks- bourg Na. 6. A feature of the Oshawa General Hospital, fol- giving" was given by Mrs. day was 15 boy-beginners in H RD V REa speedy and complete recov- Many of the ladies enjayed and Jim Runciman o! Wark- HA D A Eenv. seeing Baby Sandra Werry for worth, at the top. MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E. Misses Anna and Donna the first time-presant with her Judge Winfred Timbars ex- Glo-er had theïr tonsile ne- m.othar, Mrs. Allan Werry o!f prassed much satisfaction with moved un .Friday ini Oshawa Enniskilleu. 1th match and C.J.B.Q. record-. ed plowing highlights. The Ia- dining-roomn were Mrs. John cal committea composed - o! Moffatt and Mrs. V. Milo'Mm ril.H sia Wesley Down, Jack Dorland Orono; Mrs. G. Houlden, Osha-M moii~n sia and Alfred Gooding are coin- wa, and Mrs., Horace Best, p r plimanted for a very good farm Orono. They were assisted by Weekly Rep r day and a successfui plowing Mrs. Leon Moore and Mrs. match. The International Match Alfred Milîson, Tyrone, and Mrs. For the week of Sept. 25 tc o Octobar llth to l4th. is in Edward Milîson, Orono. Serv- Oct. 2: SEssex County this yeam which ing were Mrs. Ray Fry, Mrs. Admissions _______32 cmakes an interesting trip for Ernest Hansen, Mrs. Mariey Brh,2miifml those able ta visit that area. In Oke and Mrs. Harold Allen. Brh,2ml,1fml 1956 it will be back near us in Showing the gifts were Mms. Dischamges - --40 Ontaria County. Jack Bishop, Mrs. William Ellis, Major opemations à Mrs. Keith Connell and Misses Minor operations 13 Carole Oke, Uelma Taylor and Emargency tmeatments 13 Friend Honor Joan Tennant. Pr These i facts are published Fre d o o Guests were peetfo otwel na effort ta acquaint Hope, Oshawa, Toronto, Bow- this community with thc., ser- Shirley /\offatt manville, Tyrone and Orono. vices of ur optl With Showers Prior ta ber mamniage MS. I O in . Lionel Tennant (nea Shireyo m n Moffatt) was the guest of hon- aur at miscellaneous showens at the home of Mrs. Ken Nicholls, Second St., and at the home of Mrs. Fred Wood, Queen St., wheme Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. R XALL 1 A E WilaraElls ad SALEac Bishop Jr. wene co-hostesses. The brida-to-be recaived many beautiful and useful gifts. O On September 12th the girls c o e 19 2 - - 2 of the Goodyear Office presentedto e19 1 -- 1 the bride-to-be with a sani-boy and crystal. A On September 16, Ms. Allen - A Moffatt, Prospect St., entertain- d at a trousseau tea in honor of han daughtan Shirley. Oehundred and rity guests JURY and LOVELL evaning. Pouring tea ini h hm Bowman ville High1 School Nigh t Night Classes wiil be offered in the foliowing subjects, Provided the registration is sufficient: Typewriling, Sienography and Book-keeping for beginners Woodworking and Netalworking Home Economics Ini Home Economics there wiIi be 3 courses, each of 6 weeks' duration FIRST-A six weeks' business girls' course will be given in menu planning, food preparatioxh and food service. Registration for this will be Oct. il and the course will begin as soon as the Home Economics rooms are completed. The usual registration fee plus $2 to help defray the cost of materials used will be collected. SECOND-A six weeks' course for young mothers will be givén, taking in prenatal care, planning and buying for the new baby, nutrition and health. THIRD-The third course would be a hostess course for anyone interested in food preparation and nutrition. Ail Middle and Upper School subjects In ail courses there is a registration fee of $5.00, to he paid the first night of the course. $3.00 is returned to those who attend 80 per cent of tdie classes Students will be responsible for cost of materiais Accommodation in ail classes is limited. Registration will be accepted in the ordeY~ received. Night Classes are open to ail in the High School Area flot attending day schoois. With the exception of Homie Economjcs, there wiIl be two courses Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 pi. Regisler ai Ihe High School - 7:30 p.m. fo 9:30 p.m.J Tuesday, Oclober Il and Thursday, Octbher 13 ;'f ilJ 'lm omm- MASPA1%va» 1 rynuje 1 J:Jowmanville, and Mike Klowanitz', P'ort Hope. PAGE XIGET 'Cla'sses .Oclober 18 Io December 15 . January 10 Io March J5

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