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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 9

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I i - i... t J t . j TM AaNADUaN STAM5MAN, UOwx4mVIL=OT~O____ AEHN 'i i Ed Youngmnan's Column The StatesnWs Grass Boots Coluinnist Wben I was a boy; my tzack And a real nice guy. idol was a inewy Englishman* named Alf Shrubb, who could The day following Lorne *beat the pants off any distance Mains' visit, 1 was George runner of bis day, When I went James' guest at a Rotary Club to the pasture for the cows, ta luncheo-R, whene the guest a neighbour's, ta achoal, or ta speaker was Mr. Arthur Ridèý the village, I would imagine halgh, Q.C., Attorney Genenal Alfie was running alongaide, ai Hang Kong. lhavinag lard wark ta keep up As I ]istened ta the speak- Io me. er's clear diction, excellent àfAlthough I atten wizhed we choice ai words, and'!intelligent Y.Neould meet, Fate gave an cm- description ai life In Hong phatic "Soo". Through Editor Kong, besides his typically George Jkmes, we tînally met, British habit af understatlng and over a cup of cotiee, I was bhe magnitude ai the problema able, atter 50 years of waiting, handled by the Administration, 'ta ieast mry eyes an the bun- h. secmed ta lie the epitome ai dle af eriergy that, at anc turne, those Civil Servants, respected fcared rio man in the world at throughaut the world, as the distances up ta tifteen miles. verj corner stone af the British Dan't let the tact that Mr. Empire, and which there arc Shrubb la nearing 75 years o fnc finer-an educated Eng- age fool you; his. mind is More Il gentlemnan. alert, hi step mare sprin.? As long as men ai his calibre thnmy hait h is age. Here's dedîcate thein lives ta evc wihing him continued health in 'the Empire's outposts, aur and happiness. affairs arc in safe, capable * * hands. The very next evening, aiter Thern, the day following Ro- meeting Alfie Shrubb, two vs aylnhoIbrpdit itas ropedin RssCooper another distinguished gentle-1 and Lamne Mains, bath on staff man, in Bawmanville; Father of the Toronto Telegrain, who Malane, whom I had not met were scp)uting a proposed route since before he visitcd Italy. It for a Tely colour tour for Oc- was nice ta sec hlloinft tab aer te9bys and well after his long Jaunney, Doa av te oy abite ai and ta hear his views on the1 aupper, littie dreaming she was places and People he visitcd.t offering haspitality ta Lorne Wî ehmPde Mains, the great Canadian ten- WloehmPde nis ace, who this year, played0 in Davis Cup matches emblein- The next day, we wcre hon- atic of waýrld tennis supremacy. ored with a visit by a buslaad of Bowmanvjlle folks, out on a1 sight-seeing tour ai the Gan-1 araska Watershed, anranged by their fellaw tawnsman, Clare YOUR Gartan. The weather was ideal, CARS the autumn colours beautiful.e PARTNER On the saine trip, but in their i IN own vehicles, were the Billi Thiesburgers ai Tyrone, and the POWER Claude Kilmers ai Bowman-e ville. While in the Caronation M Clean them up al at onte timel Lonms af $50 ta $1000 made at Hausehald Finance on your proinise to repay. Simple requirements. One-day service. Up to 24 gnonths ta repay. Today ... keep your credit good, start fresti with an HFC oarn! Need money ? Bila to pay ? Call HFC toda y QHOUSEHOLID FINANCE 1 I& Simnca. St. South, second floor, phone RA 3-1139 OSHAWA, ONT. POftTMOPI BRANCHi 71 Wat.n St., 2nd floor, phone TU 3-3050 Items regularly seiling for as mucA as $4.25! Now buy two for the pice of { ~ 7 On... plus a penny. COMO inand get your Roxa l 0 Sale Haadbili today. Check items You want and order tde,» ow 110be picked op during Mhe Sale. STAR WEUKY - UtfMD MAGAZINE FAAULY HERAW P u*Pfli FM JURY &L@VELL PHONIE ]NU.-.5778 BOWMANVILLE *Cale, yarning with 31mmIi SimpiSn of CowuawMn, Joe Taylor sald "I(ow do1. Wo hadn't smen ber for Toç% se our tirst question-waa 'Ame you living in the saine heu»s? You jet, we have a sentmert. tali nteret lni the Taylor hom, because we sold it to thoai while it was standing on a fumr we had rsmtly purchaad. Joe ~ulled lb dowrn, brick by bride, adlred Fergmaà truck It be Eowmanville, wherq it was re. built into a nicer hevâe than in its original torm We wergq rocently pleased te welcorne bock ta the land of the Maple Leaf, Mr. and Mri. Art Kilpatrîck, who looked younger than, ever alter their extended trip to Blighty. AI- though born ini Engiand, they don't seem ta have any yen to stay there permanently. l've known Art sine we were bath nursemalds te 1,384 hanses, on a boat, bound fer England, li April, 193. If I had knbwn he was go1n~ ta London, 1 would have askeg him. ta tind out wliat eventual- ly happcned to aur aid g!rl tniends araund Picadilly Cireus, and Leicester Square. Altbough he mentioned the badly bomb- cd piers ai Baulogne, France, I noticed he neyer let on about the Rue de St. Pal while aur twa wlves were within earshot. Art tald me abaut an airman, during the second World War, noticing . a nudist calony near Beacon Hill. He decided ta fly lower ta have a look see, only ta discaver that he was flying over a large hag tarin, and the "nudists" were porkers, stret- ched out, snaozing in the Sun. Na ane has written a letter ta the Editor to cangratulate hirm on acqutning 4 pretty smnart columnist. I'm referring ta "If", wha writes the informative, sprightly calumn called "Prom Soup ta Nuts", Sa here's a bou- quet ta the Editar for printing it, and a whale lot bigger bau- Suet ta the ane who writes it. omneane asked if I wrate it. Oh came now, you all knaw l'm. fot that clever! ZION (Hope Township) .Mr. and Mn..- Hanry Travers Fenwick, spent last week at the home af their daughten, Mn. and Mn.. Chas. Raby. Mn. M. G. Welcb was calling on friendg of Roseberry Hil, and dropped xi fan a chat with Mn:. Menellley Wednesday ai- tennoan. Mn. Arthur and John Meneil- ley, Mn.. Audrey Tufford, at- tended Roseneath Fair last Sat- unday, alsa tbc Misses May and Jessie Hawthorn. Mrs. Larmne Dickinson, Osh- awa, spent Manday with Mn.. r W. J . MCUIlougl1. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mn.. Morley Hfarnes on the birth ai a daughter. Sympathy ai this comnmunity is extended ta the sorawing relatives af the late Mn. Robent Mchalm who p aas e d away *Sunday marnng, Oct. 2nd at Bawmanvllle Hospital. Recent guests ai Mrs. Raîpli v~Geraw were Mrs. Livingstan, *~Toronto, and Norma Traccy, Pictan Wcather was perfect for wanld wide communion whîch was observed by the Welcome circuit, at Wesleyville church *last Sunday marning. Beautiful arrangements of colounful nu- itumn n lowens were placed i the' church for this service. Rcv. Harding gave a very un- pressive sermon and was assist-I cd by eiders tram the various' churches. *Thank fftering services will be hcld at Wesleyville Church Oct. 16 and at Zion church on Oct. 23rd. Renavation ai the chunch basement ha making rapid pro- g nous. Extra help was required Thursday aftcrnoon ta assist in pauring cancrete and if anyone thlnks there is- a shortage ai man power arond Zian, they wil cetainly bave ta guess again aiter Tbursday. Invitations ton this were is- eued by telephone. Response was terrifie. The arry was on the mave , wlth trucks wbeel- banrows, and shovels. 2ýen min- utes after the cail went out the follawlng volunteens had ]ined Up for duty: E. Rutbven, S. Jones, H nderson, K. Cas- well, G. Hamnest, F. Raby, D. K. and D. Whitney, Z. Lesnick, A. Austin. Othens may have came later li the day but it was wondertul ca-operation and needjess ta say the faonr was completed and everyone home by tea time. W. A. meeting Zian W. A. met Sept. 29 at the home ai Nrs. Arthur Walk- er, Port Hope. There were 13 membens anid't'wo visitons pneu- cnt. President Mrs. Menielley led in prayer. Minutes were read by Mns. Gerow. Secnetary treasure' repart given by Mn.. Del. Whitney. Date fan aur ba- zaar was set for Nov. 25. Lunch and pI'ogi'ank cammittees were selected, and othen business in connectian wlth the bazaar at- tended ta. A bee will lic heid Thursday, Octoben 2th at the cburch ta prepare fan Anniver- sany services Oct. 23rd. The travelling basket which was started an its way last January ha. about completed its course. Rail cail was generously ne- sponded ta, many pnctty aprans, Pillow slips and em- bnoadery Were handed in. Octa- ber rail call ha a git for the wisbing weli, ench member ta *rap anid prie. their pareel, (price range being 25e ta 50c). October meeting wiil be held at Mns. Ruthven's if the blan- kets are bene ton distribution, atherwise Mr.. George Elliott's invitation wiU lie aceepted, date ta lie set later. This was follow- cd by a lovely devotiosial pro- grain by Mrs. Del Whitniey. F'or the prograin Mrs. Walker, Miss Launa Hamiilton and Ms.. E Ruthven made fine contribu.- tions. Meeting closed with Miz- pah Benediction. A very dainty lunch pnavided by the hosteas and Mrs. Ruthver bxought toaa close a Pleasmnt atterngon. _ M rzc wiers were: maney -Jimmy Brown; nccklace set- Elva Beckett; bread box-Mrs. Rickaby; stockings-Ethel By- amn; money-Mrs. Dumas; py- rex dishes-Mrs J Harrison. Blue towels-lÜrs: Joan Mun- day; sweater set-Mrs. H. Kil- patrick; tray-Mrs. Bessie Den- sem, card table-Mns. Wallis; canister set-Betty Flett; baby sweaten-Linda Colwell; child's dress-Mrs. Bert Stapleton; areen vase-Mrs. Martyn. . tackings-Gneta 1-unt;, Pil- low cases-Mr. W. Mark; chair set-Pattersan;; cup and sau- cer-Mrs. Yaurth; qult-Inez Gordon; luncheon set - Mrs. Rogers; Teapt-Mrs. Bell; Cas- serole and Basket- Claimed; Serving Oven-Alice MacEli- ray; Teapt-Mrs. Jamiesan; Teapt-Mrs. McGomiery; chair -Mrs. Alex Mairs; Towels - Mrs. R. Wright. Pillow cases-Mrs. Murdoch, Vase-Mrs. Brough;- Doilies- Mrs. Clapp; Towels-Mrs. B. Vanstone; Lamp-Mrs. Vander Walker; Wrtlng paper and money-Gwen Murdoch; Bien- kets-Doris Brooks; Purse - Mrs. Nora Allin; Pillow cases -Evelyn Carden; Tablecloth- W. Paden; Vase-Hilda Sim- nich; Kenwood blanket-Mrs. Stan Preston; T.V. Set-Mn.. Chas. Mutton. Mon'.s scks - Mrs. Piper; Silver spaon-D. Young; Sand- wich 1-plate - Sharon Leach; (Intended tar last week) Miss Irene 'Emerson spent the weekend in Toranto, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Emer- son have maved ta their new home in Toronto. -A number aifpeple atteid-1 ed the colicert and dance in the j C.O.F. Hall on Frlday- night. The Community Club realized a splendid surn for thein efforts ta help pay for the space heat- er. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolmn attended Bobcaygeon Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Gloria and Janice, attended Mankhamn Fair on Saturday and came home withi sevenal prizes an their horses. Sympathy is extended ta Mns. Kenneth Samells in the passing of hen aunt, Mrs. Jas. I Moore, Lindsay, who was bur- led an Frlday in Rivenside Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola, Port Perry, spent an svening with Mr. and rsL.Jablin. Mns. Errol Fallis, Lindoay, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pallis. Mn. Fallis' sister, Mrs. 1Cm-1 cade, Bethany, also visitcd t i i I * The Durham County Convention of the Ontario Farmers' Union to be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, BLACKSTOCK ai 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY.. OCTOBER l9th Ail members are urged to attend for the election of county officers forth coming year The average manthly biU for electricity for haone use varies f ram $3.92 1 ln Ottawa tb $20.97 in The Pas, Manitoba. Rebekahs Penny Sale' Provides Mcany Prizes Beehive Rebekah Ladge Pen- Cup and Saucer.-Mrs. Morliey ny alewasheid ini the Lions (>e; Wite bag-Mms Martyxi; COInsmlunllty uCentre o Ia a n M: ih-M~ lp;PneG Se t. 23, w ith sains 87, b aý- r . C a p u g - G o tulprizes offed. The sale Richard.; Cup and Saucer, was oficlally opened by Mn.. Q. Richardis; Brad box-Mm. Fiorence Moo~ Past D.P., Gord3on Xichtards; Canioler set with Mr. ablBagne» acting -Mîý, Smilth. Pin-up Lamp - as hosteau. Mm. Alberta Denuem; Towel Door prix.: given eveny lhoun set-Mis. L. Taylpr. wers won by Mns. Hanson, Cup and Saucer - Mns. M. Mnu. Jamieson, Mrs. Stevens, Wiseman; M4at-Mni. j. Gra- Mrs. Samroscaies, Mrs. Dexi- bai; Cup and Saucer-Marlon sem. Pouring tea in the atter- Pase; Pot Moider Set-Mn.. noan were Mns. L. Nchalls, C. Jones* Dreaden Quit-Mrs. Un. C. Curtis, Mn.. A. Wood, Eliitt; àilver Fork-Mrs. R. Mn:. B. Hackxiey, Ms.. B. Beck- Hall'- Cup and Saucer-Mn.. E. ett, Mn.. A. Wright, Mrs. H. Bediord; Teago-Hilda Hum- Humphrey and Mn.. S. Levett. phreys; Pot Hoider Set-Mn.. Despite tbe rainy wsathon, a S. Lancaster; Pyjamas-Mnfr. J. cnowd was en hand at 8 p.m. W,0111 h when Mn. Sidney Little, assis,- Unclaimed prises Nos. 462 ed by Mn:. J9. Goheen, N.G., and 1792 may be claimned at G. and Mn.. R. Hutcblrnon, V.G., Qoheen' satore, King St. E. New powur! New styli nglm New capacities! MORE POWER PER DOLLAR WITH NEW SHORT-STROKE Y-8 ENGINESI 148W HIOHER HORSEPOWERS I You get higber horsepower in eue, y engine in the groat new Ford Truck lino for '56 .. from 158-Hp. right ùp to a mnighty 200-Hp. for extra-heavy hauling! Ford's new supertor short-stroke power mneans less friction, lesa power waste, greater gas savings, much less wear on moving parts, much longer engine life. NEW HIOHER TORQUEl Because of new engineering improvements, Ford'. higher horsepowers are translated into more usable power at the clutch! New higher torque in ail Series-up ta' 316 f t.-lb.- means faster getaway, more agile per- tormance, more pouer per dollar. NEW HIOHER COMPRESSION RATIOS I Ford'a new record-high compression in all model ini the uine wrings extra power 7 NEW DEEP-ILOCK Y-8 MNGINES WITH UP TO 26%, MORE POWERI A&N NOUNOU,, NRW 4-BARREL CARBURETION I Now, new 4-barrel carburetors on "Specisi" Y-8'. boost power output when it's needed . .. pay off in faster acceleration, extra pull for hila and bard going. Second 2 bârreLs corne into action only when extra power is reqwired! NEW LONGER-LASTINO VALVES I New sodium-cooled exhaust valves in Heavy- Duty Y-8 engines run up- to 22593 cooler than solid-stem valves and last fer longer. Tungsten-cobat valve facing and solid tungsten-cobait aljoy seat inserte defy wear. NUW 12-VOLT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMI Standard in ail '56 modeka, new 12-volt electnical systein gives more positive, mors efficient combustion t higher engine speed, qucker cold-weather starting, greater reserve capacity ta à UtifOImm Ul a ItaVY.5@T OMIS SRi AM.WV.DMySam à iuse FeiWARD Mo i SANIMM AKLi aiMa NEW LEADERSHIP STYLING MAKES THE '56 FORD TRUCK-A STANDOUT NE1W FULL.WRAP WINDSI4IELD 1 Ford Trucks for '56 feature neyq wrap-aroun4j wind. ahields with almoot 1000 sq. in. of viaibilityl New " buit-on " exterior vison makes driving aster and mnore pleasant. Standard rear window le mare than 4 test widsl NE1W LIFPQUARD DÉSION I New deep'eentre steering whsel la designed ta absorb impact; in the event of an acoident, it cushions the driver, protocts him froni contact with the steing post. New satety-hold door locks have special rotor covers that prevent doans tram upriaging open on impact. NEW ALL-TIME-HIGH CAPACITIÈS- CARRY MORE PAYLOAD PER TRIP I I <Coesain UZt utsi ed or muea e fw. standerd" M mne m iuiO&U. fout W 6a 4 Ires m «s eth ) SE YOUR FORD - MONARCH DEALER MOTORS rmanviIIe and District NEW 0.V.W. RATINOSI New G.V.W.'s, for &Ul ionis from F-250 up, boost pay- Joad capacities to, an aIl-time high! New G.C.W.'à mean more profitable tractor- traier haulingl Lean, rugged chsais desiga reduces ton-mile haulhng costal NE5W 8-PT. EXPRESS I The Fard P-100 Serim for '56 features a brand-new 8-f t. ]Express. This low-oest hauler in ideal for light-bulky loada. Withehelbas o f 1184Ms, Joad capiacity is 65.4 cm ft. NE5W TANDEM SEMlEZ 1 New T-750 ooser for '66 rounds outt he tamou Fard Tandem "xe lins! Ili$s ix-eheel giant takea 10- ta 19-ft. bodies, bas Joad m CAR VETH- ..Ford Dealer For Bow Showroom and Parts Depot at NE1W POWER OPTIONS 1 Automatic trans. Mission is now available on all light-duty modela, inclusling F-350 with duals and P-500 Parcel Delivery. Power Steering ia now standard on many modela and available on aU "~Big Jobs". NEW LONGER-LASTING BRAIgESI Ne thicker brake linimgs an may modela extend service lite up to 33%, reduce maintenance Cos" AU Ford Truck rear brako. have self-energizing action to build high brakIng pressure at he h.Sho NE1W TUBELESS TIRES I New blgher- oepacity tubelesé tires, standard on at '56 modela, rua cooler, give oeo ma.- Newcasîle Phone Newcastle 3251 - IIPkIAY, OCT. 130h.. leu 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a - 1 them the tirst of the week. manvile, and John Rosi, Esq., Mr. 'and Mn. Norman Mal- Montreal. colin returned trom bheir trip - Ex-CQdets tram al over the to Albet and Saskatchewan. wonîd attended the ne-union. Mn. - and Mra. germoan Wilson Th clasa of 1925 had t4ie honor who went wlth'themn have gpof~ having the memben who on to the coast and Wl» euj travelled farthest ta be present, home later. Lieut-Colonel Hugli Collinson GMn. an]di%..Ralph SadQer, tlew. tram Rumnuruti,'Kenya, lora nt Jane, vlsltd Mr. via England ta Canada :nd Mn.. George Atkinuon, Col. Collinson has been visit- Bloomfiel1d, on Sunday. Ing Mr. and Mrs. Glenholme Mr. and Mrn. Ted Pallia and Hughes in Bowm'anvllle this- femily, Toronto, vislted Mr. week. Then he wlll stay wlth and Mns. Chas. Fallas before relatives ini Hamnilton before ,they leave for their new home leavir.g for Kenya October 16. xi 'acouven. Col." Collinson has a cabtie ranch "Olnxysar," af 30,000 acres wibh more than 3,000 head af cattie near Rumuruti, R. M .C Grads' Kenya. Lite in Kenya during the Mdau-Mau emergency, whlch j stili exists, ha: been ildwt Hear~ imo ds in the capital city, Nainoki, al nceolsssprcarrtion.Even A t Re union ' guard. Te ifernc moedp conditions here struck Col Coll- The annual re-union of Ex- inson as he remarksd local Cadets was held at the Royal children gaing out by thein- Military College, Kingston, last sglves ta school and play. weelcend. Speakers at the class of 1925 dinner on Priday even- The graduated incarne tax was ing wene Lieut-General Guy introduced in Canada during Sininds CB CB, DO, ap-World Wan I and collection of Simnda CE CB, DO; ap-the incarne tax at source was rx Ile aamit ogoui n. proume, "M more4 sloop sloidsa dtrain on boy and b*u maet physiçal itnasa macer t. lee-harduir jeoregai. Today'a tomesBinig, lowor.d rosastuc, evorvesi, o ny et lhoue May ui0«t normal kidneY action. Whon kidnoy, gt sAuo e rder. excosa acide and waü«a romannthe o um Th"onbaciaclu disuredret, zt"tlrod.ut" houy Ioaded feeling eflon folow. %ht,, Ii tibmete ak DodaKidney Pilla. Dedàla Itirnu1l théti. idneya te normal ardeu. Thon Yu bol bsttor-sIllop botter-wok botter. Ask for Dodds Kidney Fous at iiiy drui counter. ,nie c r 4 tcotooL bus suis$ 2 pAtCUL pawny $agi"

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