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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 10

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- r W g Y- ÎSTTIMEIA2vLOTm Bethany Baby Wears 55-Year-Old, Christ ening 'Gown Little Dwight Henry Hollingsworth Gre'en, son of1 by several babies of the Green connection. In the photo Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green, Bethany, wore a 55-year-old Baby Green is held by Rey. T. S. Gault and is the centre christening gown for his baptismal on Oct. 2 in St. PauI's of attention for his godparents, from left, Mrs. Gordon Anglican Church. The gown originally came fromn Stinson, Lotus; Mrs. Henry Rusk, Port Hope, and Mr. England, has been to India and back to Canada, and worn Gordon Stinson. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Newlyweds Surprised .With Welcoming Party A family party was held at) chairman for this part of the the home of Mr. John Payne of evening and after a few re- Pontpo on Monday evening 1 marks called on Mrs. Cecil Fer- toawlcoe hirn and his bride guson to read an address ta the on their return from a honey- bride and groom. This address, mnoon in the United States. ,vritten in poetry was humor- They wvere surpriseci on their ous; at times full of sage ad- arrivai ta find al bis famniiy vice, xery sincere in its wel- waiting for them. Amid consid- corne to the bride, and then a erable appiause fromn everyone, few other things his sister had Mr. Payne attempted the n in store for Jack. cient ritual of carrying bis They were then presented bride over the threshold. The with an attractive hostess sentiment was there but the act chair, a hassock and a smoker. mnight have met with more Mr. Payne made a very fine tuccess some years ago. thank you speech. Il was sa After greetings were ex- good one almost feit he had changed, Mr. and Mrs. Payne been rehearsmng it for years. were asked ta take their places The homestead where he had in the living-room of their been born, and his father be- home. This room had been at- fore him, would remain open as tractiveiy decorated befitting always to the family. His hap- this long awaited occasion,.fpiness was very evident as he Mr. Norman Eddy acted__as: expressed his appreciation ta -- his attendants, MVr. and Mrs. Ï4Mel Alorrison, for their kind- »~ness in helping a bachelor through the ail important event N EW of getting married. MTs. Payne E w e" then confirmed her husband's remarks and added ber own D A D~ D S~~sincere wish that ail present I LIXS Z, i wouid visit themn in their home. 4ýMr.MEdd cailed on Ms orrison, secretly hoping The Pre-Pasted Papers eo that on e of tbemn might make a Sfew re ealing statements about are now in stock how a bachelor, of many years' eý standing, can he led tb the They are Pasted, altar. Mrs. Morrison, a very Precision Trimmed , close friend of the bride, did say how happy she was for the and çwiII stand couple. Her confidence in their repeated waphing 1 future -%as obvious from the f"vay in which she spoke. The 4family Iben individuallyex Be sure to see themn and f pressed their good wishes tas 'fthe bride and groom. A buffetc get fuller particulars. luch ,,a then served, the ta- o blhe Iooking very attractive, a ~centreci by the bride's cake, t hi r candios anid flowers. ABERN ETHY S4 jTl'le remainder of the even- i Paintn&gNallpaerent in dancing, thev Phone MA 3-5431 /ngt 85 King St. W.. Bo,%vanvil e H ln S a ej For Clean "Work-Free WARMTH McCLARY Oil Fired Automatic Heating «Jdeans the Air Humidifies Sto 50% Greater Heat Producing Capacity FuIIy Autoniatic Quiet .lor Free Estimate Phone Wb*A* k(ilpatrickc 1.UMNG and HEATINO *Phone ?WA 3-3613 '.uveni jiiwers By Her Friends Miss Helen Jean Slacey wbose mnarriage ta Mn. Russel James Wbhite took place in St. Andrews United Cburch, Osh- aýv a, on Saturday, Octaber 1,1 was hionored at severai pre- fluntial events. Mýrs. Albert 13radford enter taincd act a trousseau tea farî 'er ca i, on Sept. 24 at ber 1 home u,, Lauder Road. To ne- ceive ber guests Mrs. Bradford %v- ore g-reen shot silk. She was assi§ted by the bnîdegroom'sj mnother, :'vrs. Norrîs White, ,,wenring hvacinth crepe and thec biie-to-be in periwinkle blue! 1 .aille. Mis Byron Edmondson kept file door and the guest book. Mrs. A. Everett Finney, Barbara Eicock presided aven the trousseau and gift rooms. Pouring tea in the aflennoon YOUR EYES and ~, Vision Re-written previaus - copyrights Optometrist Disney Bjdg, ope. P.O. OSHIAWA Phone RA 5-6143 314. 1only repeat thai whcn yau, iany way. assist nature by w4earing the correction to proper- Iyý campensate for thc xmpfopcr tone af the muscles howcven temporarily Ibis mav be, you are ta mY mind, but doing what is being donc under similar cir- cumnstanccs for a spraincd ankie and wrist when you Rive il 1cmn- porarvy rest and treatment until it becones properly strengthen- ed to takr uP its work. (Ccipyrighted> - ______________________________________________ ~ -~4. *OI.fl~ ** were Mrs. Frank Black, Mrs. Mrs. Mountjoy gave ber report William Garnrer, Mrs. Fred fnom the picnics. Miss Louise Spry and Mrs. Elmer Crawford Goodman neported for the tnca- assisted by Miss Lydia Bales, surer. Ail were very satisfac- Miss Lois King, Miss Marilyn tory. Fiee, Miss Elleen Pascoe and Next meeting October 27 on Mrs. Ewart Nichai. Pouning ini account of going ta the con- the cvening wcne Mns. Bruce vention Nov. 3rd (our usual MacGregor and Mrs. Bent El- day). Bus will leave 8 o'clock. cock assisted by Mrs. Ernest Each passenger ta pay $1.40. Wilson and Miss Lydia Bales. Our bazaan Nov. 9 at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Keith Conneli, Miss Ly- Rail cali was. "Imitale a bar '? dia Bates and Mrs. Ray Lath- yard animal," whcn a few did angue, wcrc co-hostesses aI a the hoors. The motta: "Suc- miscellaneous showen at the cess is doing yaur best, ta the home of Mrs. W. H. Bates, Bow- best of youn abilily," was very manville. nicciy given by Mns. Theron Mns. William Gardner, Mrs. Mountjoy, in a poem. Byron Edmondson, Mrs. Ewart Mns. Horn presidéd for the Nichai, Mns. Frank Black and program and also read a short Mrs. Ronald Snowdcn werecoC- poem and aftenwards intnoduc- hostesses at a miscellaneous cd aur guesl speaker, Mns. Rev. shower at the home of Mrs. W. Jackson of Tyrone, who 'took M. Garnr, Mary Street. for ber subject "Art" and tld Miss Stacey's co-wonkcrs In us many inlencsting things the tabulating department of about ail painting and showed General Matons hcld a dinner sanie lovely samples o! ber party in ber honor aI the Cen- work, some in frames and some tral Hotel and presented ber on canvas. with a picture and a iamp. Curnent Events were given Miss Barbara Elcock was by Mrs. J. C. Macnab. Misses hostess aI a miscellancous JuliePanadLoieTrl shwra e eoad. derpiayed a piano duel, and cach Road.anc played a solo veny nicely. Miss Elinor Woods aise en- Mrs' Baison moved a vote of tertained a gnoup of the bride's thanks ta Mrs. Jackson and the girl- fricnds at ber home onfl tIle girls for their part in the Nonth Simcoe St. prognam. AIl pantook o! sand-1 The groom wha la employer! wiches, tarts and lea unden the( with the Houdaille - Hershey canvenersbip o! Mrs. G. Arm-( Ca. of Cari. Ltd, was prcsented aur and Mrs. Robt. McCul- wilh a sum of money by the lough.à supervision foreman thene. Any one wishing ta go ta3 the lLunkey dînner put on for Instilute members, please pay HAMPTON Mns. M. Mountjoy by Oct. 12. e Supper will be $1.25. E Women's Institute Miss Vinginia (Ginger) Bal-É Women's Institute was held son won the lucky dail the ser- 1 in S. S. rooni with opening vice club sold tickets on and Yde, Lord's Prayer and Coilct, ber graridmother, Mrs. B. Pin- i M~rs. Chant, the president, pre- gle, dressed the. daîl for thç n siding. Two beautiful bouquets service club. They reaiized of marigalds and gladiolus wene around $40.00. on the table. Minutes read and Mn. and Mrs. David Hall 1 approved. Cornespondence and held a family gel-logether for a thank you cards wcre rcad. Sunday nigbt supper, il beînge Two parcels, anc of sewÏng ber father's birlhday. Mr. Hall riatenial and anc blanket, bhe and family live at Brobkiin. . value a! $10 sent ta C.A.R.E. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson v Mirs. Kersey gave a goad ne- spent a couple of days in Bow- S port from the park commission, manville with their daughter, VU The Bowmanvillle Citzes'Committee a5 An Organizafion of Bowman ville Citizens whose views permif them fo engagie in: 1. A program of aid to alcoholics and their families. 2. A program of education amnong ail age groupa in the community, * the problems connected with the Droduction. sale. and consumption of alcoholic beveragqs. 3. A program of research into the. problei connected with the produc- tion, sale, and conauniption of alcoholic beverages. 4. A prograni of action in respect to the probleen of control wherever such a prograni seems wise. We would welcome your membership, financial aid, or both. The Citirens' Comnittee will conitinue to operate whatever the outcome of the plebiscite, October 26th. Enquniie welcomed. .A.H. STRIKE, Chairmnan. MRS. M. E. LEASK, Treasurer. Canadians2nd and 4th World PlQughing Match At- Stockholm, Sweden o e mmg~ Keith Bifleit, Mr. Blemb and family.* . Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ba]aon, Richmond Hill, visited their parents, and aUl went ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspeil, Taunton.r Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truil were guests ai the Mason - Hoskin wedding at Harmony United thurcli on Oct. 1. The C.G.I.T. girls were eni- tértained tes supper at Mns. A. L.,. Blanchard's cottage at Wil- iams' Point on Friday even- 'ini 'Sept. 30, when an enjoy- ale lime was spent. Mrs. Maria Cole has return- e)d ta Toronto after spending a- few weeks with Mrs. E. H. Cole. Miss Gladys Chapman, of ]Burk's Falls, spent a week at hcijne before going te Cochae Ont.. where she will nowtk up duties in the hospital. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey has' re- turned after spending three weeks with hex' son, Wallace and Mrs. Jeffrey, in Toronto. *Miss Florenpe Werry bas re- turned from. à pleasant trip ta Saskatchewan wbere she vîsit- ed ber niece at Balcarres and other relatives at Finnie. She also enjoyed a trip ta Van- -couver where s he visited friends. We welcome ber back after an absence cf nearly four months. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, were Tbanksgiving weekend guests of-Miss L. Rey- nolds. Mrs. G. Oliver, Bright, Ont,. was a recent 'visiter with her sister, Mrs. James Smales, Sr. jDr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin and famuly, Richmond Hill, Mr. Malcolm Reed, Toronto, were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. Reed. Miss Bertha Armnour, Reg. N., Brantford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Armour. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Osh- awa, with ber sister, Mrs. Joe Chapinan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields, West Hill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harland TrùiI. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petit and Sharon, Long Branch, and Miss Cecile Petit, Toronto, at W. Chapman's. Mr. and Mrs. Diddle, Burk'si Falls, werc also recent visitors at their home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez and daughter, Toronto, with Mrs. S.- G. Niddery and Mary for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horni accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cav- enly to Port Hope on Sunday wherc they- called on Mrs. Cathanine Jacob who is ill. Recent callerd at A. W. Pres- cott's were Mrs. Fred Griffin and boys, Union; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCullough, Columbus; Miss Ida McCuliough, Toronto; Mr. Mervyn Prescott, Burke- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Rahm, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smitb, Osbawa; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver'Hubbard, Osh- awa; Mr. and'Mrs. C. Pansons, Bowxnanville. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston on the guif of a son at Memorial Hos- pitl, Bowmanville, on Friday, Oct. 7th, a brother for Sandra, Carol and Sharon.,1 A number from here have attended the Billy Graham meetings in Toronto. 'Mr. and Mns. Sam Dewell1 attended the Honeywefl. Spie- er wcdding at Deer Park Unit- ed Church, Toronto, on Satur- day, and reception at Casa Lama. Mrs. W. White is a patient in Mçmorial Hospital, Bow- nanvilie, while under obser- vation, Mn. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Mrn. and Mrs. Glen Smitb, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Tay'lor, Bowmanvilie, were guests aI the Watson - Smith wedding at Bobcaygeon 'nited Church last Saturday. the more I have ai 11.-Stephea from civic and goverfiment o!- ficials, numerous press confer. ences, etc. I was pleased to note your approval of the, cairn ceremony-to rIne il wag most impressive. Tell Ed Youngman I have flot forgotten him and wil look forward ta teiling bath of yaia ail about il on my returri. My appreciation and kind re- gards ta John-Remember me ta Mrs; James and Bill. Sincerely, J. D. Thomas Editor's Note-A despatch ini Monday*s Globe and Mail an- nounced that an Irishman won the Esso Golden Plough, cm- blemnatie of the World's Cham- pion Ploughmnan at the Stock- holm Competition lasi wçek.u Two Canadians were rican the I top, Ivan McLaughlin, Stouff- ville, took second place and Joe Tran, Claremont, teammate of McLaughlin, tbah fourtb place. More than a dozen nations sent teams ta the match. 1 arn a great believen In luck, and I find the harder I work Leacock. An Open Letter The Voters of the Town of'Bowmanville Dear Fellow Voters: Do some people ever get hot on the subject ot this vote! We've run into a f ew this week. Any mention of control is an insuit, a criticism, the f irst step toward prohibition# Corne fellows, we've no intention of insulting you, or criticizing your drinking habits, and. as for prohibition, weve seen no sign of it in town even with. out those three néw outIets. We know there are violent opinions being expressed on both sides. Surely you're not going ta let them influence your vote. Let's keep on the track in regard to the coming plebiscite, October 26th. A "'NO" vote to more outiets is not a criticism of those who drink. Many drinkers believe in control. A*NO"" vote to more outets is not an attempt to prohibit anything but an attempt ta control the consumptian of alcoholic beverages in this area and keep it within reasonable limits. A "NO" vote to more outets isn't a matter of curtaiing any- ones rights or privileges but a matter of protecting them. Excess is the only thing that will threaten the drinkers' rights. Let's keep consumption under contrai. More utets mean greater consumption. How do we know that? We have Ontario's record published last week, but, more important than that, we have the resuits of surveys canducted by Dr. E. M. Jellinek of the Yale Schoal of Alcohol Studies. This school, like the Ontario Government's Aicohalismn Research Faundation, has no axe ta grind. Dr. Jellinek is an international authority on his subject. Dr. elinek has found that the consumption of aicohoiic beverages in an' area increases in ratio to the number of outiets e~tab1ished in that area. greater consumption. Greater consumption means increased demand. Increased demand means more outiets. More outets mean - but by now you get the point. There are iose who 'say the answer is ta eliminate al contrais.. They claim contrais create thirst. Thase countries wha have tried this approach have'ca higher rate of alcohalism than Canada, by f ar. Once again aur statement is based oni facts campiled by the Yale School. Alcoholic beverages have neyer needed any help ta create their own demand. There are those who believe in control but think there is no need ta cail a hait ta the process of outlets - cansumptian - demand - outiets, until the thrée additional outlets have been established in town. Others f eel only one, or, two> of the three praposed out. lets should be permitted. The Bwmnanvilie Citizens' Cornmittee says NOW is the time to stop thercu-es,Wfore increased demand makes it even more difficuit. Vote"NO"_ ta ail three outets, and you vote for contrais that haveý worked, and are no more f-a hrdshiîp-on th ctizens of Bowmanviiie than on hudredbÇothers i-n th-is- area. Yours for a happy community, The Bowmanville Citizens' League. n.-,.." I -1 -. -Ty The following air mail letter was received last weck by the edilor from J. D. Thomas, To- ronto, President of the WVorld Ploughing Organization, wbo is attending the annual piougbing matches being held in Sweden: Hotel Gillet, Uppasala, Swcden, Octoben 3, 195,5. My Dear George, Thene was so mucb 1 was go- ing' ta do once 1 got aboard ship*but neyer will I promise niy s e f such extravagance again..The "Empress of Scot- land" roiled iand tossed froni the lime we left Liverpool. I had a very nice time in Eng- land however, and vîsited Ox- ford, the site o! tbe 1956 mat- ches. The British are cxpend- ing great effort on the event and I anticipate il will make history. We flew from London1 ta Stockholm on a cbarîered plane and il was a very -,eas- ant trip.1 Sweden bas experienced the driest summèr in 200 years andi the site of the match bas been, under water spraying for ther past six weeks. They put out about 500 gailoiçs a minute. Fourîcen People bave flown in from tbe U.S.-newspaper men, radio, TV coverage peo- pie, etc. Observers are bore from Egypt, East Germany and Russia in addition ta many ,Other parts. Our Canadian team is in good fettle but will bave stong competition. A Cairni af Peace bas been built here and wili be dedicat- d this week. We have receiv- ed a wndýerfui reception he47e m INM r> I t ) ~ m the number of outlets established in that area. Let's look at that fact. More outlets mean'

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