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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 11

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YHURSDAY. OCr. ilth. 15 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVE Whejou se tlqg. S USÉD CARS and TRUCKS WHAT j àmiN IVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE A-i SIGN MAS SEIN: *Rec.ndMel.ed liv expert servkemeu for appommice mW perfinnance. a lnsp.odd Wchecked fer sel sy. e Priked fer etstmding vole is Truthfully end ccrately oadvetisedl. *Wrrant.d liv yeur Ford-Monorch Dealer cadtimced by lis repuoofe. Presbyte ianday afternoon, Oct5. A i~H PrsyeinTevepresident, Mge Orde.: Toombs, was in the chain u e O d C hurch V.M .S. ented b te ereriepres.. en who registred., 1-or C nv A. uumnAnnouncement was made!onv y rsiy cancerning the canference ta be i1JL qa The Autumn Raily of the Pe-; held in St. Paul's Church, Pe- IyV I ILIIIew terborough Presbyterial Wom-, terborough on the afternoon ensg Mssionary Society of the1 and evening of Tuesday, Nov.I n ftelretodr Presbyterian Church in Cana-1 1, sponsored by the Wamens On oftelrs rds d a ediSt nrwsMinr ever placed in Canada for con- ya wa edi t nrw~îsoa Society af the eigeup ntwsa rd Church. Narwood, on Wednes- church. This canference bas as e yg euipmnt a awaovrd- its theme, "The Mission of the medtby the anadin veyr- Church". Its purpose is ta bring mn a MtesCneo togthe asman adltsof heCampa ny of Port Hope recent- togthe asman adltsof he v. The amaunt af the order church as possible, that they wa i.3,17 I nldssp may receive information andcomp1,36,10e t mil hdig inspiration as they came to a plynent for t ahenw po clearer realizatian ai the one-,eup ntfrhe ew os ness of the mission afi the office under construction at church overseas, af the mis- Vancouver. church.orcopetoni Osh awa sion fields iniCandaand 1 ofIdfr1CIIPe1n Nemorial Service Th gctspaeM.T, Hope immediately. Accordin aturl atne m nns trdcd by Mrs. C. E. Meikle- quite possible that the Gaod- markers and corner atones ohn, brought ta her listeners year Tire & Rubber Co. plant No. 2 HIGHWAY E. OF much food for thought in her here xill also be invoived ini CITY LIMITS Thanksgiving message with the order as a large quantity of Diai OSHAWA RA 5-61 I suggestion and explapiation of rubber belting will be requir- an, time and reverse chargesé what should be invoived in, ed. - ____Th an kful Christian Living. 0 f interest locally is the iact that Ward Hofiman, ane af the ,n , executives af the kahw opn h a twa. Peterboro Music Festival Dates Set for May il - 19 Entries Close March 31 Sinc the Durham Countyi May il ta 19. It was felt that MusiceeFestival was discontinu-I music classes would fi a ful ed during the Second Wosld week and that speech classesý Wair localimusic teachers and would necessariiy be beard oni ther pupis, thsoughout Dur-' May il and 12. ham County, bave switched It was annaunced that Rab- their allegiance ta the Peter- ert Christie ai Toronto and bosroughwKiwanis Music Festi- Stratiord Shakespearean fest'- val at wbich they have been val wauld adjudicate speech very successiul. That being the and drama classes. case many ai aur readers will Rules bave been cbanged in be interested in the following order ta allow entry o! proies- I article which appeared in The sional musicians; piano cancer- Peterborough Examiner: ta classes, argan classes and At a meeting ai the Kiwanis iamiiy classes ta be included. Music Festival Association the Competitors this year wil iollowing officers were con- gain fromn the success af the firmed: Genesal chaisman, W. 1955 Festival in that entry fees M. Gemmeli; vice-chairman, R. have been modified. C. Bastable: treasurer, J. Can- A record number of entries den; secretary, Mrs. A. D. Vai- for the tenth annual music fes- sey; awards chairman. R. C. tival competitions can be cx- Bastable; tropby chairman, J. pected as the committee take Davern; rules cammittee chair- heart from the added interest man, G. Cheatle; and syllabus and financial returns oi 1955.1, advertising chairman. M. GaI- One ai the lady arganizations umbia. of St. Andrew's church bas Aubrey Bland, David How- agreed te cater for interestcd at and Mrs. Tbursa Williamsan campetitors in their church bal rcpresenting the Ontario Regis- and notice ta thîs effect will ap- tered Music Teachers' Associa- pear In the syllabus. tion sat with the Festival com- The syllabus is in the cour-e mittee. of completion and will be Due ta the drama festival availabie in goad time. taking place in March, 1956, the Entry closing date bas been music festival will flot be until set at next Mareh 31. Infectious Diseases is Home and School To pic By Dr. A. B. Sylvester Dr. Allan B. Sylvester, Bow- nianviile's newest and yaung- est doctor, gave parents at- tcnding the Home and Schooi Association meeting in Ontario Street Scbool on Wednesday cvening, Oct. 5, a direct and helpful talk on the infectious diseases of cbildhood. Dr. Sylvester was introduced ta the large attendance by Mrs. C. Burdett, canvenor o! 'the evening's program, which bad "Health" as its theme. Dr. Syl- vester narsawed thia down ta the discussion ai infectious di- seases, as possibly bcing o! in- terest ta, the largest number present. Care Imgartant The speaker "outlined the symptoms, case and treatment ai such cammon childhoad di- seases as scarlet fever, measies, chicken pax, whooping caugh and mumps. He also dscusse d polio, meningitis and diph- theria, and the present feeling regarding the removal ai ton- BRINO US YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS If you need cash to pay medical or dental bis ... to consolidate your debts . . . ta buy an auto- mobile .. or for any other worthwhile purpose, we have the loan ta meet your needs. a e 0 A low-rost loan is the sensible way ta salve your financial probleins. Tailor-made ta fit -' your budget, it pravides the cash when you need it, with a min- ium of red tape . . . allows plenty of time for payment. FINANCE G. H. WILSON, Manager DIAL RA 5-1121 OSHAWA sils and adenolds. In ail child- hood diseases, the care given by mothers, and their under- 1standing of the disease, is most important, he said. In this coninection Dr. Syl- 1vester stressed ane particular point, that so often mothers tend to keep a child with a 1lever toc, hot by wrapping hini in toc) many clothes and keep- ing the room too warm. This is a popular miscanceptionF- 'ver, unless the child conplains of feeling chilly, should beý treated in just the opposite Way. In order to brlng down the high temperature, the skin Of the Patient must be exposed to the air sa that the body can lose its heat., Sponging is also of great assistance and can re- duce fever by several degrees. This point is of particular importance, Dr. Sylvester told bis listeners, as extremeiy high fever may lead t'O convulsions. Polio Problem New On the subject of poliomyeli- tis, Dr. Sylvester said that it is caused by a virus, but it is flot established yet how the vi- rug is spread. It is thought that fies are carriers and that the virus probably enters the bodyý through something we eat. In- terestingly enough, polio as a problem did flot exist untîl the 2Oth c'entury. This is thouglit to bc because in earlier centur- ies conditions were so unsani- tary that most people probab-, ]y contractecl a mild, nonpara- tic type which tey threwoff, and thus became immune. With the improvement of sanitation, People did nat corne in con-' tact with it Mo frequently andi thus did flot build up an irn-1 munity. Dr. Sylvester said that iti was toa early yet to say what role the Salk vaccine will have; in preventing this dîsease, but reports thus far are encourag- ing. An interesting point brought out by the speaker ini connection with diphtheria.1 which has ail but disappeared because of the use of toxoid. .vas that the toxoid was dis- covered by a French scientist almoat by chance. through the1 addition of formaldehyde as a~ preservative ta toicin which, le was using for a different ptlr-! pose. Dipbtheria was lirst des- cribed by Hippocrates, the '-fa- ý bher of medicinell who livedt in i he third century before Christ. HlstorY ef Dlscases Such sidelights an the bis-! tory af various diseases, along with practical advice and in- formation on recognition and care af the diseases, made Dr. Sylvester's address a mont irý- teresting one for parents. Aý uestion period followed. Mrs. B. Milne tbanked Dr. Sylvester! )n behaîf o! the Association. Miss Heather Webb sang two nioyable solos, and Lycett I ntertained at the piano with mvo of his own composition in ie field of jazz, Dixieland and1 modern. These were interest- ngiy developed and executed. ' President Mrs. D. Park 'vas ncharge of the business niee- ng when interesting reports ()f he Regional Conference held J at Whitby were given by Mrs.: A. Coverlv and Mrs. H. Hughes.1 Mrs. R. Hutchinson. a torr president, presenied Mrs. M.ýr Wiseman, immodiate past prp- sident with the custamary past president's pin. It was an- nounced that Mrs. Margaret Perris was a nexv executive member, replacing Msrs. J. Cul- ly wha was unable ta carry on.. tary Mss. I. Munday and Treas- The president also announced' urer's report g iven by Mrs. R.1 resumptian oi thc Chiidsen*s Richards, the latter sho-wing a Story Hour at the Public Lib-, bank balance of S80.94 and cash rary, Oct. 15 and echd Satur- af$665. At the first meeting in day morning faUlowing., for' September. 64 miembers joined, chiidsen £rom five ta eight and an additional 39 paid the years. -- 35c fee on WVednesday night, ,--Membershlp 1111h making a mernbership te datei Minutes were read by Secre- ai 103, which is larger than ir Received 1 j last year. Arrangements were mnade for catering ta the Lions Club dinnes on oct. 1. Count of teachera having the.- iargest number of parents oe sent resulted as foliows: Cen.ý %rai - Misa Agnes Carruthers;- Ontario St. - Misa E. Powell,,,' morning dlass; Vincent Maa.ey- - Mrs. M. Syrnona. LIBBY'S FANCY SAUERKRAUT 2tin 2 for 35 C FANCY TOMATO JUICE tinoz. 1lc MONARCHe CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 1-o.31C 'M77 77 CROWN BRAV. 2-b.13h. - CXIýI-EINZ - Cream of - lO-or. STOMATO SOUP 2 for 25c FREE TEA TOWEL - Giant Pkg. - Save loc LIBBY'S Choice- 20-oz. DezDÎreî7 Sliced Pineapple 3 4c ROYAL PALM - 1-lb. Cello LBYS- 20-oz. PITTED AZ21 D eep Brown Beans 2 for 41 c JOHNSON'S - 1/3 Extra 1/3 Ib. LIBBY'S - 15-oz.1 PASTt AX59 Fancy Green Peas 2 for 3 3c WINDEX SPRAY 15C LIBBY'S - Fancy - 48-oz. IHANSENS - Puddi - 10-o&, Pineapple Juice *3 3c CAIKE MI 2.5c LIBBY'S - il-oz. bottIe LIPTON'S - 'Chicken Noodie Tomato Calchup 2.3c SOUP MIX 2 for 235c LIBBY'S - 20-oz. LINDY LOU Cooked Spaghetti 2 for 3 5 c DISH CLOTHS 2 for 25c SURF DETERGENT. Large 3 RINSO SOAP pkg. 6.5 c Larkge 33 C McLAREN'S - 6-oz. à Entry ____ ___- - -1 Ake 0 0 a L I a9CourRED& WHTE tor GIf4DA $399.95 Consol 21" Mtui Il >TELEVISION SET I.£A~ %Wil a$49.95 Hi-Fi Une Controi I W"~ UlowIaTABLE RADIO a 300 à i s Win a pair of 300 pairs $1.50_ 5s-PhmNLON BLACK DIAMOND - Old Coloured - Wedges f GOOD LUCK FAMOUS CHEESE 8-oz. 37c MA R GA R I N E Lb.35c BEEIF SALE Round, Steak or Roaist IL BONELESS Sirln,* T. Bone f or Wing Steak 69 c M WIFT'S BROOKFIELD- Skinless Lunch Box Sp;ecial - SWIFT'S PREMIUM Head Cheese lb. 39c WIFT'S PREMIUM MockÇChicken Loaf lb. 45 c r.MII ( I -IERE'S p e , s F s A Real Treat with Steak and Onions No. 1 Mushrooms 1b. 49c Tomatoes .NEW BRUNSWICK No. 1 White PNEW oe ARVL-HtHue-Lbrge89i lO-b. b1g 16 Cucumbers A Real Treat for the Kids! FROZEN FOODS 21 b. 2.5c Birdseye Green or Wax Beans.. 10 cia. 214- A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO - Cornisl- Marketeria rietVer5 fmeçjt lis h.- Our experienced adv'isors will consider yaur problems in confidence . à help y-ou work out the loan plan best suited ta your particular needs. Stop in and talk it over with us today. IBELL VUE CORPORATION LTD. 2943 SIMCOE ST. S. BUYS 16. 19C 45c ea6 Sc - Yeo's Marketeria 'or System fs Company been working on this order, is a son-in-law af Editor Geo. W. James. He and another engin- eer, Warren Raynor, plan tn leave this week for a tour aif inspection ai the latest type ai sorting equipment used in Eng- land and on the continent. Preàident and Managlng Di- rector af the company, L. T.' Sylvester, stated how pleased: the management was that Ma-1 thewa bad been selected ta take' case aiý this special assignmcnt. They bave instailed mail sort- ing e quipment in post offices from Halifax ta Calgary with their biggest job until this ane being the Postal Station A in Toronto. The large order aise tics in with Matbews' plans for plant expansion in Part Hope wbiclî sbould sec a new, enlarged plant in aperation just east oi Part Hope within a year or leeRED & WHITE Food Stores îll PRIZE CONTEsir FEA TURE , - - ... - ý ý a 'w a lwl 1 ý - . - --- --- .. -- - -.. &Ut - i RE HT ;i si a m a 1 IMM V. ORONO - Cornish Marketeria RED GAS &ENU BUTEHITE. -

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