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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 13

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I'XftTB8DY. Ocm. lmIssa95T~ ArfM lAR1U ~tAWe Public Schools Meet For Annual Field Day, - Ontario Takes Hon ors Ontario Street Sehool sconed sadn performance by Win the highest total ai points nning= r foa the six events fo the annuel Bawmanville Pub-I Intermediate Boys: lie Schools track meet hchd on Following are the results Wednesday afiernoon a! lest the vanlous events: weck. Ontario Street hed 8Ch -Senior' Girls points, Central School placed ,,,jecond with 80, and the pupils 75« yd. dash, 11.2 secs-Ani ffVincent Massey School scor- Leddy, Julia Allin, Cathy Eyre cbd 10. Softbahl Throw, 118 fi. 9 in Julia Allia o! Ontario Street -Rita Goulahi, Qlonie Bnown School was the Senior Girls son, Julia Allin. Hlgh Jump,3 Champion with six points and 9 in.-Monlca Schlingensiepen Gary Adamis o! Central Sehool Rita Goulahi, Eleine Bennett was Senior Boys Champion Rehay, Ontario St., 30.4 secs.- w-th aine. Canal Abbatt qf On- (Ana Leddy, Julia' Allia, Joar tario Street School took Inter- Onmiston, Monica Schlingensiec niediate Girls honora with 8 pen). Standing Broad Jump,( points and David O'Rourke, ft. 3 % in. - Gloria Brownson also of Ontario Street School Ann Leddy, Monica Schlingen. was Intermediate Boys Charf- ilepetn. Running Bnoad Jump pi3n, scoring 12 points. 12 fi 7 in.-Julia Allan, ElainE Although no records were Bennett, Cathy Eyre. broken, Gary Adamis tied the Senior Boys Senior Pale vauli record of 8 Standing Bnoad Jump, 7ft feet, four inches set in 1940 3 in. - Gordon Walkcr, Ted by Do ugl1a s Lemon. David Hailman, Bob Burgess. 75 yd O'Rourke turned in an out- 1 Dash, 10.1 sec.-Bob Burgess LONG Jus! Off Queen Elizbaeth Way and Highway 27 WEST 0F TrORONTO 1:15, P.M. Sep t. 28 -Oct. 21 Admission (inc. Tax) $1.15 No Children under 16 Ample Parking Space Firsi Class Resiaurani Full Course Meals from 75e NODERNIZE YOUR DATHROON and use our Easy Time PaymentM Plan You will be surprised how littie per week it costs you ta modernize your bathroom. Corne in and ,ee about it to-day! y Fixtures by Standard Dominion SALE PEICE AS ABOVEP $218-À (Installation extra) lin colour, add $35 - Many styles and cols THREE-PIECE BATHROOM (White), Complete with Fittings, r Installation Extra - $1,9. If you don't want the best, May we suggest a First Quallty Cheaper Uine MAKE A CHOICE OF MODERN DESIG to enjoy tomorrow and forever. sWB WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU Jack Brough PLUMBING AND HEATING Division Street S. Phone MA 3-561 M urs 115 on i in. e- n Pl e Intermediate Boys t- HRh ump 4ft. 1 in.-David ýd ORoure, Gavin Procter Park- der, Brenton Hughes. 50 yc. '~Dash, 6.5 seconds - David -O'Rourke, Alan Cale, Gavin Proctor Parker. Standing Bnoad Jump, 6 ft. 41,2 in. - David O'Rounke, Don Bagneli, Philip Vowels. Running Broad Jump, 12 fi. 6 Y2 in.-David O'Rourke, Alan Cale, John Dykstra. Relay, Ontario Street, 29.9 in-Don- aid Bagnell, Alex Wiseman, David O'Rourke, Philip Vow- els. Softbali Throw, 155 ft.- John Stewart,. Hugh Smale, Paul Hancock. Pole Vauli, 5 ft. 6 in-Brenton Hughes, Leigh Somerscales, Alex Wiseman. Junior. Girl, 8 years, 50 yd. dash-Bonnie Mutton, Vincent Massey; Cathy Osborne, Cen- tral; Sheila Aluin, Central. Jun- ion Boys, 8 years-.-Henry Kay, Central; Irwin Colwell, Vincent Massey; Ronald Richards, Cen- tral. Junior Girls, 9 years-Ca- roi Vance, Central; Jean Cole, Vincent Massey; Lana Marri- son, Central. Junior Boys, 9 years-David Kerr, Central; John Kiipatrick, Central; Ricky Watson, Centra]. Junior and Primary events were held at each school on Tuesday a1ternoon, The results are as follows:- Central Sehool 50 yard Dash, 9 yean aid girls- Canal Vance, Jeannette Marsden, Lana Marrison. 50 Yard Dash. 9- yean aid Boys - David Kerr, Ricky Watson, John Kilpatnick. Bali, Throwing Relay, 9 year old girs-Sharon McMurter and Canal Vance. Jane Lander and Judy.-Brough, Pat Austen and Jeannette Marsden. Bah T -rowing Relay, 9 year aid boys- David Kerr and John' Kilpatrick, Philip Bragg and Antan Trej bal, Fred Witvaet and Tony Wilkins. Running Race, 8 yean oid girls Sheila Allun, Cathie Osborne, Suzanne Faulkner; 8 yean bold boys-Henry Kooy, Ronald ,Richards, Stephen Jeffcry. Hop- ping Race, 8 year old girls - Sheila Allin and Barbara Lee, Cathy Osborne and Cynthia Hacking,, Shirley Patfield and Marlene Mchianald. Happing Race 8 year aid boys-Michael Leddy and Henry Kooy, John Hughes and Ronald Richards, Michael Shane and Christopher Quinion. Central Sehool, Primary Kangaroo Race, 5 yean aid girls - Janice Moses, Marie Quinton, Edith Bentley. 5 yean aid boys-Timmry Brooks, Kim Spencer, Sandy Garvack. 6 year old girs-Cheryl Gili, Susan Vetzel, Reta Vande Meent. 7 year aid girls - Gail Kilpatrick, Betty Welsh, Jenni- fer Purdy. Puppy Race, 6 year aid boys - Bnian Joncs, Len- nard Tomlinson, Jamie Dunn. 7 year aid boys-Allan Winton, Dennis McDonald, Peter Buck- ler. Central School; Primany Runninq ]ýace, 5 year aid iboys-Elgie Lawson, Billy Mon- nisan, Douglas Abcrnethy; .5 year aid girls - Janice Moses, Manie Quinion, Janice Lyle. 6 y ear -old boys-Donald Yourth, Ricky Dol an, Stephen Wright. 6 year aid gins-Cheryl Gi, Virginia Slemon, Nancy Wil- liamis. 7 year old boys-Terry Nichols, Peter Buckler, Dennis McDonald. 7 year aid girls- Gail Kiipatrick, Ann Laihan- gue, Betty Weish. Ontario Street Sehool 50 yard Dash, 8 yean aid boys -Geraid Harness, Wayne Fagg, Bobby Fernlund; 8 year aid girs-Paisy Carter, Canoiyn Meadows, Daisy Reader; 9 year aId boys-Patrick Vinish, Dani- ny Joncs, Raiph Cale; 9 year aId -girls-Margaret JPickard,! Patsy Thampsan, Linda Huber. Navelty Race 1 Leep Frog, 8 year aid boys- Gerald Harness and Bruce- Therteil, Glenn Luxton and Larry Lunneman, David Bridges and Wayne Fogg. Shoe Race, 8 year aid girls-Sharon Smith and Penny Major, Pati- cia Richards and Irene Knapp, Elizabeth Pickand and Jennifer Brown. Wheelbarrow Race, 9 year aid hoys-Ralph' Cale and John Lyhe, Taullie Thampsan I and Bobby Fernlund , Clyde hMutton and Gary Griffin. Shoe Race, 9 year aid, girs-Patsy Thompsan and Sharon Berger,i Caralyn Piper and Linda Cor,î son, Bannie Taylor and Liada; Huber. Boys' Race, 7 year aId -Clarence Asseistine, Lanry Luxton. Donald McMurter. Girls' Race, 7 yean old-Patsy> Dcboo, Commie Elioti, Gienna Park. Noveliy Race, boys - Donald McMurten, Nelson Fow" ler, Tenry Davitt. Novchiy Race, gîirs-Maryhee Hawes, Pamela. Bruce, Susan Etcher. Girls' 6 year oId Dash-JoAnne Wood- ward, Linda Morris, Donna Cale. Boys' 6 year aid Dash'-i Douglas Harncss, Paul Kelly, Ricky Bate. Girls' Novelty Râce -Sharon DI)dson, Dianne. Pi- per, Linda Therteil. Boys' No- velty Race-Robby Large. Wayne Barrett, Randy Beau- prie. Boys' Race, 5 year aid - David Edmonson, Mark Mit- chell, Tommy Wilson. GiriW- - -- -. . - * ~ '.JVY MAIM LLE V qAPM tUJPA81!R High Single and Triple - Honors Won by B. Hecarle Race, 5 ycar old--Susan Elliait, *Mary Oke, Gail Masters. 4oys' Novelty Race, 5 yean aid-Ai- lan Foran, Timmy Wilson, John Taylor. Girls' Novelty Race, 5 *year oid-Susan Elliati, Joanne Piper, Gail Masters. Vincent Massey Sehool Three Legged Races, Girls, 8 years-Marilyn Stapleton and Carole Begley, Lorraine Hodg- son and Betsy Phillips, Sharon Cully and Heather Mitchell. Three Legged Races, Boys, 8 years-Bill Crombie and Blake McAthur, Bob James and Ste- yen Burns, Larry Pernis and Randy Cole. Three Legged Ra- ces. Girls, 9 years-Jean Cale and Bannie Mutton, Canal Smith and Dianne Taylor, Ca- rai Tnîmble and Betty Darcli. Three Lcgged Races, Boys, 9 years-Brian Hancock and Geo. Moore, David McFceters and Graydan Coiville, Dan Hughes and Jim Hendry. Leap frog, 8 ycar aid boys-Morris Haney- man and Jim Diiiing, Wayne Harrison and Bnian Forsey. Bill Crombie and Blake McAr- thur. Running Broad, 'Girls, 9 ycar aid-Jean Cale (9 fi. 10 in.), Bannie Mutton, Betty Darch. Running Broad, Boys, 9 year aid-Gary Crombie (9 fit. 9 in.), Graydon Colville, Jim Hendry. 50 yard Dash, 8 yean aid Girls-Bannie Muttan, Sha- ran Cully, Betsy Phiiiips. 50 yard Dash, 8 year aid Boys- Bill Crombie, Bnian Fonsey, Ir- win Colwcll. 50 yard Dash, 9 year aid Girls-Jean Cale, Pat- ty Aider, Dianne Taylor. 50 yard Dash, 9 ycar aid Boys - Gary Crombie, David McFee- ters, Jim Hendry. Running race, 5 and 6 yean aid girls- Janice Black, Warna Watts, Jili Ames. Running race, 5 and 6 year aid boys-Douglas McFee- ters, Shayne Armstrong, Ian McQuarnie. Running race, 7 yean aid girls-Helen Buma, Mantia Fagan, Lynda Pears. Running race, 7 yean aid boys -Charles Evans, Dennis Mc- Feeters. Bean-bag Throw, 5 fnd 6 year gins-Janice Black, Irene Sweete, Connie Bradley,!j HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR Cor. Athol é,Celina, Oshawa Gardon Walker, Gary Adams. Soi tball Throw, 218 ft.-Curtis Vanstone, Mervin BIig1rt, (Ted Hallxnan, Joe Kennett). High Juxnp, 4 ft. & in.-Ted «Hqlman, Gary Adamts,. Don Millson. Running Broad Jump, 14 ILt 11 V2 in. - Gary Adams, -Bob Burgess, Ted Hallman. Relay, Central Sehool, 25.4 secs. - (Gordon. Walker, Garyr Adams, .!oe Kennett, Ted Halman). Pole Vault, 8 t. 4. in (Tled with D. Lernon, 1940)-Gary Adams, Ted Hailman, Theighn Bromeil. lIntermediate Girls 50 yd. Dash, 7.1 sec.-Conn-e Niddery, Lynda Rackham, Di- anne Fenguson. Running Broad Jump Il ft. 4% flL-Dianne Ferguson, Lynda Rackham, Margaret Corden. Relay, On- tario Street, - (31.8)-(Lynda Rackham, Dianne Ferguson, Marie Trimble, Carole Abbot.) Standing Broad Jump, 6 t.' 1/2 in.-Dianne Fergusôn, Ca- n oie Abbott, Jano Trejbal. High Jump, 3 ft. 9 in.-Carole Ab- bott, Donna Bragg, Jaro Tre- jbal. Softball Throw, 111 ft.- Carole Abbott, Joan Wilkins, Marie Trimble. BillHearle started off on the right foot when he bowled 344 te win high single score and then added 296 and 169 for a 809 triple high for the season. Two other 300 scores were ne- corded. Glen Lant2en 311 and Ron Maynard 309. Nine bowl'. ers wene aven 700. Bert Engley 786, George Elliott 777, Sid Ni- chois 719, Ron Maynand 715, Ted Hoar 714, Nornr O'Rourke 711, Kani Bickeil 710. Bill Mut- ton 703 and Bob Stocker 701. Jack Lander's team had high single game 1234, as well as high triple 3492. Ted Bagnell's team won low scores with 872 single and 2925 triple. Bob Kent was the number one boy for low single with 99, big Blaine Eiliott had an even 100, Gond Sellers 101 and Bill Bates 115. Captain Murray Lar- mer won iaw triple 413, Ray Brock 447 and Blaine Ellit 449. Alley Chatter Bob Kent had a 289 score for bis best effort since jaining the league. The bowiers are out ta get George Eliiott's bonus money this yean and they showed they wene flot fooling en Wednesday night and came up with a per- Ted Hoar 9 Bill Heanle------ Bill Oke --- -----9 Bill Mutton ---- 9 Jack Gay 9 Russ Halîman - 9 Elton Brock------------ 9 Ai Osborne ----- -- - 9 Norm O'Raurke 9 Art Spicer 9 George Elliott 9 Bert Engley - ---------- 9 Ed Rundie ---- ------9 Ron Maynard ----- ---- 9 Ted Bagnell ---- 9 Morley Vanstone ---- 9 Dick Little ---- -- --9 Jack Brough ---- ----9 Bob Williams-----9 Bill Polley -----. ------ 9 Bill Steven 9 Russ Oke -- - - ---- - --- 9 Dr. Keith Siemon-....9 Si Trewin --------------9 Doug Taylor ------- 9 Kani Biekeli - ---- 9 George Piper - ----- 9 Bill Westlake ---- 9 Bill Shotter --- ------- 9 Hon Richards ----9 Bill Begley --------- 9 Bob Stocker------------ 6 Dr. Howard Rundie -- 9 Reg Heanie ------------- 9 Frank Williams--- 9 Bruce Milne ------ 9 Pins 9342 9603 9635 - 9434 9593 9587 9311 9814 9336 9585 8931 '9254 Games Ave.1 fect attendance record. Tfei Hoar is stili leading in the aerages with 238 and Bill Hearle bas taken aven secondi spot with 231. Dutch Hailman's team now bas a 4 p oint spnead aven nun- nen up Bill PoRley. Mer's Major League 3rd Week lot Schedule - Ph.ilips' Team Moves To Top Bowling Spot TImere 'were shouts and yeil and the air was blue As some' sconed ane stnike an some scored two Some scorcd spares and sont scored blows What the autcome wili b nohady knows. Another bowling night wit. ail the aillys just a jumpinI There were same good "2à0 games as foliaws: Dot Brooks 240-20à; Don: Joli 232-218; Hilda Brock 232 Benniece Budai 222, Ada Rici' ards 221; Helen Piper 220; Nor ma Gay 219-223; Anita Nidk erson 219-214; Edna Kerr 211 Lola Wriýht 211; Betty West laka 210j.--Helen- Dunn 210O,-Mar: Harrison, 208; Alyce Hadgsoi 207; Marie Yeo 207; Moliy Bad~ ger 206; Ena Etchen 206; V Coole 205; Fac -Reynolds 205 Alberta Kelly 204; Lii Cannai 293; Wilma ,Bates 202; Eleanoi Larmer 202; Edith Manlôwc 201. Just a hop, skip and junI came aIl the littie lemons, wh tricd sa bard ini every way they cauid brag ta fniends anc say "no lemon league for me today". But iittle did we knov the sad news and hene we are ta sing the blues-Aima Pen- feci 98; Pauline Elliott 96; Vi O'Rourke 95; Beverley Diley 92; Marion Knox 91, Dot Vin- tue 86; Greta Luxton 83; Mar- lene Falls 75; Lii Cannons 74; Ana White 74. - - -~ -~z~ -' =~r-m- - Is th 'is 2; Team Standing Name Pair Lii Phillips .....15 Ev Sweetmnan - 14 Lydia Bates---- --- 14 Eleanor Lannien - 12 Berniece Budai --12 Onie' Etchen 12 Hilda Brock 12 Joyce Major 9 Anita Nickerson -- 9 Ena Etcher 7 DoriÉ Joli 6 Vi Coole 4 mts Pins 7908 7630 7459 7967 7792 7433 7477 7553 7221 7327 7486 r- IaeAve. K-1 Doris Joli 209 1; Helen Piper - - 198 t- Ev Sweetman 191 ,y Oie -Etcher 191, n Anita Niekenson 191 1- Berniece Budai ______189 A Norma Gay 187. 5; Olive Patfield ______ 1 s Hilda Bnock -____183 )r Vi Coale .. ____182 ,e Lydia Bates - 185 ,p Lil Hooper- 181 o Norma Hooper 181 , Marie Yco 178 ýd Elcanor Larmen ____ 1771 ýe Kay Hendry 175I mr Dot Crombie ____114 e Donc Mutton ~172 .- Sadie Bucknell 172 li Mary Harrison 172 y' Molly Badger 168 -Kay Beaupnie 168 -Alyce Hodgson 166 Mary Wilcox _____166 Fac Reynolds 165 Helen Dun -~ 163 Ada Richards ___1641 Wifma Bates 1641j Edna DeGeen 164 Edith Marlowe 162 Dot Vintue 1621 Joan Engley16 Mcl McNulty 162 Lorraine Martyn 161 Ena Etcher -______161 Helen Vivien ______161 Igh Single - Dot Brooks 240. High Tripe - Doris Joli 621. HihAerage - Doris Joli 201 1t Bow. Foundry Leads Durham Bowling Leaguel Foundry- - 12597 26 Cleaners- --- 12068 23 MeNulty's - 11879 19 Palffier's- 12159 17 L.O.L, No. 1-- 11714 15 C. O. F.I --11688 13 Dominion Stores - 10864 9 A. & P.------ 11450 7 L.O.L. No. 2 --923f 0 200 Averages Frank Lewins 224 Bihl Polle'y -- - - 218 George Eliat- --214 Ed Leslie. 211 Jim Levitt * -209 Bud Henamng .___207 George Siepheas 203 CollisWoolnen ___-___202 Nonm Cowhe 202 High triple- Bud Henniag' 780. High Single- Jack McNul- ty 324. The United Church of Canada bas given $2,500 ta heip ciothe school chîldren in a relief camp near South Jardan in Jerusaheni. In 1954 there were 3,641,065 matan vehiches llcensed in Canada, an increase of 210,000 from the previobs ycan. Montreal handles more ship- ping business than any North Ameican port excepting New York. There is no man, na woman, so small but that they cannot meke their ife great by hlgh endeavour. - Thomas Carlyle. *ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mr8. E. Carlson and family, Toronito; MX,. anid Mrs. C. English, and Boy, Bowrnan- ville, at Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton's. Me. and Mns. A. Leadbeaten, Sr., Mrx. and Mrs. Lloyd Lead- beater, Murray and pale, Mn. and Mrs. D. Oster, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings, and familY, Mn. Jlrn Gibson, Acton; ýMr. and Mrs. Gardon Shunk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Penry; Misses Barbara and Joyce Mils, Masters Ivan and Bill IMiils, Maple Grave; Mn. Ken Kelly, Bowmanville, were Thanksgîving visitons of Mrs. ni Mills and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith McGilI Bawmanville, with Mr. an1 Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mns. . W. Werry were Sunday tea guests ai Me. and Mrs. S.-E. Werry, Solina. Miss Shirley Milîs, nurse-im- training, Peterborough, spent the weekende with hen mother, Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mns. A. Werry and Sandra, were Sundey dinner guests af Mr. an. d Mn. 3, A. Werry. Mrs. R. Thwaites, and Mar- !vin, -Mr. Gardon Fleet, Toron- osent the weekend wlth M. john~ Fleet and Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Fockler and family, Toronto, with Me. and Mrs. H. Grubb. Mn. and Mns. R. J. Weaning and Rickey, Thornhifl, spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mns. W. H. Moore. Visitars wit)i Mn. and Mns. Albert Oke, were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Grand Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and girls, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Camenon Oke, Oshawa. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Frank Doriand, Mn. a:nd Mrs. Walter Oke, were callers at Mr. and Mns. Albert Oke's. Mrs. Glaçlys Hems, Miss Ru- by Virtue, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Earl Masters, Gail and Darlrme, Bowmanvllle- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGlil, Joe and Garth, Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Mrs. R. Virtue. My-~ Verna Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, 1Toronto, were with Mr. and "Mrs. S. R. Pethiçk and Miss "Nancy Wood. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry. Oshawa ; ;r. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Grand Valley; Mr. and Mr&. Alymer Hunter, Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson and David Bowmanville, were vIsitors of -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hub- Sbard, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Randy and Sherry, Oshawa, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Sympathy is extended to re- latives af the late Wesley Adams who passed away very suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Dore-en and Donald, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe's, Yelverton.1 Watch Coming Events for the Circuit Parsonage Board Con-j cert on Nov. 4th. Mrs. T. M. Siemon received I Rumack, Seigel & CompanyI 147 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ontario RESIDENT PARTNERS: 3. Rumack, C.A. W. L. Selgel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. A. Mandel, C.A. Chartered Accountants EMpire 6-4643-4 Llcensed Trustee in Bankruptcy J. Rumack BgU LOVA 3-way Portable Radio MARR'S iewellery CASEéuRn.&WAs forA10 Aehier CaSh ln on Mhot eM stove'or Other hooting *qupme. . wvh*th*r il works Or MOUi We'II poy you W.II fo TRADE LARLYI Doq't woit; offer good now and for rliited lime. oni>'. . st m 01duuO FlurFuc TSCOCA ad SUAUANTE OUISELI e TAKEs No Ai iCtri-iiluathg'Csuifurt eHOATS 4 TO 5 IE R*OM Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 FALL'S SMARTEST suit US 'BLACK FORE'ST"!el "Black Forest" is the newest of the new ideas i colours for Fail. Actually, it's a family of attractive deep-toned patterns in rich grays, blues, browns and greens spiced with bright overtones. Expertly tailored by Warren K. Cook-makers of Canada's finest clothes-these new deep shades present a dressy appearance that speaks quietly of your good taste and good judgmnent. lgitaR BRUCE MINNS? Men's and Boys' Wear 29 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5423 J6& - 1 Team w L Hailmani 7 Polley ..~ -5 4 ]Rundie -- 5 4 Bagnel - 5 4 Taylor 4 - 5 Oke-.-- --- 5 4 McKnight . 5 4 ý,ande -- 45 O'Raurke ...~ 45 Lanamer - 4 5 Bates -- - 4 5 Hoar 2 7 Avenages word frorn Winnipeg at weele af the sudden passing af ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Sanders. Sympathy la extend- ed ta Mrs. Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parr aýd family, Enfield, were recqit cailers at Mr. And Mrs, WalltZ-e Griffins. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. "ktnd«'- son, -Murray and Ray, colwo- bus, Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Huais. ville, were visitons of Mn. anld Mrs. Edgar Wright's. Hunters are in full swing for wild ducks, but no report af rnany birds in the bags. . Mn. and Mrs. John -E. Grtk- fin and famhily, were Sundly visitors of Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone.1e Mn. and Mns. K. Sumerfo~l Mrs. J. Laird, Mr. and Mrs.. Beech, Janîce and Bannie, M.2 A. Beech, Mrs. E. C. Ashti Maple Grave. at Mn. and ",P. O. C. Ashton's.1 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family were Manday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. A. ElUh, 1 - TE£ CJAMADUN qTATZRMAM imw"Amm»,rýv. OWfflàmvm y ' Name si

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