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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 14

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s T t, ,AGE WOU EN TIM ..CANJA-IAN TATE5M. B OWMANVE, ONTARlIO - E&*. Social and Personal Mr. Henry Dickson, Toron- Peterborough were Saturday to, visited his brother-in-law, evening visitors with Mr. and Mr. Chris Law, for a few days. Mrs. Gordon Agnew. On Monday evening they were Mr. Walter Douglas and bis dinner guests of Mr. and Mýrs. sister, Mrs. Ragen, have closed 4esper Dean, Orono. their home bere for the winter Captain and Mrs. Joe Hockin months. and family of Camp Borden The Newcastle Sportsman's were Tbanksgiving visitors Club have placed their hand with Mr. and Mrs. Albert some Trophy in the Memorýiai Fearce and Mrs. H. R. Pearce Library. The trophy is for an-1 and witb Mrs. W. J. Hockin. nual competition for rifle Mrs. Stella Anderson, accon-1 marksmanship and was worî paidby Mrs. J. J. Foley_ of by Mr. E.J.* Belsey in 1955. =aornt, spent the weekend at Mr. *and Mrs. Dick Anderson ber home "Two Elms'". and Richard of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Wyn Collier of Mrs. Stella Anderson and Mrs. Oshawa, visbted with ber1 J. J. Foley of Toronto, were rnother, Mrs. George Gray and Thanksgivîng Day guests with family on Saturd4y. Dr. J. A. Butler and faniily. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Spencer Mr. Jack Wade is attending and RoIly, accompanîed by the annual Postmaster's Con-1 Miss Elsie Baskey of Port Hope vention in Niagara Falls this spent the holiday weekend vis- week. iting with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mrs. Talbot Alldread rctui'n- Harris in Sharbot Lake. ed home on Fridav from Mer- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Agne'w oriai Hospital, 'Bowmnanville, of Miiibrook. xisited with MVr. where she was confined for a and Mrs. Gordon Agnexv on few days following- a minor op- Friday. eration. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sutton of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Xile7- Coîbomne were weekend guests Chittv , Mr. and Mrs. Harold with Miss B. S. Mclntosh. Wotton, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Miss Boulden of Toronto. Wynn, Mrs. Erskine Duncani spent the holiday weekend and son, Mr. and Mrs. George with Mrs. P. F. LeGresley. Farncomb wvere al at their cnt- Mr. and Mrs. Philp Williams tages for the holiday weekenri. and Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kel- Mr. and Mrs. Sax-on Grahani sey were Sunday guests with spent Saturday visiting wth Mm. and Mrs. Archie Martin in friends in Port Hope. Isington on Sunday. Miss Olive Thorne who bas Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of been a patient in Memnorbal Married Couples Club 'Hears Story of Arctic From Cobourg Dentist The'guest speaker at the Oc- northland. He said that in cases tober meeting of the Merry where constant medical 'atten- Married Couples' Ciyb, in the tion was needed over a përiod IUnited Church Sunday School of time the patient is brought IHall on Wednesday evening out of the region and careci for last was Dr. R. S. Robertson, a until such time as he or she Cobourg dentist, who for the is able to return home. past five summers has been Gatnet Rickard expressed aboard the Canadian Govèrn- the thanks of the members to ment Steamship the "C. D. Dr. Robertson for his most in- Howe', on its expeditions into teresting and edtqcational ad- the Arctic. dress. Introduced by Donald Jose, During the refreshment per- Dr. Robertson gave a rnost in- iod which followed Dr. Robert- 1tercsting account of his experi- son's address, the President, ences in the Arctic beautifully Marlow Hancock conducted a illustrated with coloured slides. business session during whichl He explained that his job on the plans for a club sponsored these expeditions was to care turkey supper on October 2lst. for the dental needs of the were discussed at some length Eskimos, the R.C.M.P. person- and finaliy approved by thei nel and any other persons re- members. Tickets were given siding in the Arctic region. Ho to each member to seli for this explained the "C D. Ho\we" occasion. Following the discus- carnies medical and dental per- sion, the meeting was brought sonnel and supplies to care for to a conclusion with prayer by the needs of the people in the the Rev. M. C. Fisher. Prominent Educa for Addresses Lions Club~ Adopi 'Talent Scheme Gordon Àgnew, Edilor, Phone 3621] Phone MA 3-3303 q1fEducation was the subject of r at the age of sixteen, when Turansky is secretarv. a most interesting and inform- 1 students wishing to continue inI sirglveQddessgien ,,G.L. 1that line of endeavour should cator, who for 20 years was in the tiade, desired. The speak- Principal of Port Hope High er stressed the need for de- ~ L..~..nIjw.School, at the regular meeting velopment of the moral side jt . te of the Newcastle Lions Club of education, stating that suc- sheld in the dining roomn of the cess in, later years should not -J e f Qnaueen's Hotel on Thursday be measured bythaouto * &/!!1 Qgrtheur douI7(Mof j>even]ng. rnoney a man has, but rather 0 7 Introduced by Lion Roy For- by his ability to further the in- rester, Mr. Brackenbury said terests of the commursity in Ina jol ALLA CE Education is an, atternpt on whch he lies. temc e to rîg îi he omn~1ge~----bated subject of homework, TmN A-à ROTOR t I - h -ri«gr-- tion intellectually.- and moral- the speaker said homework is ly" He said Ediucatioli as w, most important because it is ALLANE lm heaneno vgh a ~ know it today, for ail children, the only opportunity a student ALLINCE Almtheonfena igh etthe regard1ess of station in life, is has to study where he or she TA-54 ffion from handsome coftroi only about 150 years old. The is entirely on his own. cule ini your livin room. Brings' inost important education, ac- Th e appreciation of the AIL-BANG li AIL t«tions,. 9Be sure te use cording to the speaker, j, J,_- members to Mr. Brackenbury ILE"Genuine Tennu-Rotor CobieI formai education which starts was expressed by Lion Frank in the home. Plickard and the speaker was, I r.BrcknurNsid h the recipient of a bushel of Mr 'Brakenury sai heMaclntosh Red apples grown doubted xhether the new form in Newcstle. of teaching by reading and ung ca sotbsiespa printing xiii ho as effective as d conducted by Lion Presi-e the old system of teaching by de nt RodCrvt, ieuer illustration. He stated onl!y perfect attendance pins were --- about 60 per cent of studeit presented to Lions Chas. Megit fr entering High Schools today and John Rickard 'and six are fitted for academic educa- niembers were appointed to tion and, though he praised attend the Zone meeting being shop work, home economîics, held in Port Perry on October etc., he believes it shouid end 17th.__________________________ Reporting on the Teen Townî MOI -i optaBwanilsufr rgnzton bigspnoei UTH X M)ing from an injured knee, re- by the Club, Lion Murray Pat- Libby s in Toniato Saice %vtit' Porî: 1il-O? tti - jpeciaj turned to her home on Tues- terson said the Minstrel Showv 4 rday. plans had been dropped for the ' o<1 Hoidyviior wt M.~rdpresent but, the group would î Mrs. Gordon Agnew were Mr.! etec ensa vnn and Mrs. Arthur Wolfe and from 8 10 10. He said one of the DELICIOLS IFRUIT -Serveo xTe e Crv'aniî fam-ihr of Kitchener and Mvr., money making projects under A3 Imer - Choic' - Iî î Special and M1ýrs. C. J. Agnew and fam- consideration' was the sale ofamO '..Tow ne T V A ntenna iy of Port Colborne.Chita trees by members of FR UIJT CL'il ? IEl2 -~ HON MA3-919FORFAT SRVIE ormlev, spent the Thanksgi- Direct ors, a talent scheme for REAL VALUTE! ing weekdi hGr has s r sng funds was adoptd.Aylmer - Unzriled r 5 Vs - . -oz. ttii - "ca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M r s. L d i a G r a h a m . _ _ _ _ _ _ h a n d e v e r y m e m b e r o f th e C ~ 5 ________________________________________________________________________ club wilI be given five talents ($5.00) to put to work. Noa bury. Wïth each to see how many times he can double his ADDS ZEST TO ANY T-!~ talents. The members will have DE I D Euntil the first of the year to Aylmer - Tonmato - Il -oz. botie - pca H E E EL A L see how much they can, make. There were 30 members in C T U 9 Iattendance at the meeting and the foilowing four visitors. Mr- TREMENDOUS VALUE Brackenbury and Lion Norm Cu rn .Sd pra Strong of Port Hope; Lion Cu rn .Sdo i pra AJ& VL,~~~L UJ'J ~Duncan Grant of Bancroft and HLE ECE e Mr. Jim Barnes of Newcastle. " S H C ES2 -33c u~ t Prices You've W aliteàd for IJtloe nr-ty AYE Ce27csl Planned by W.A. FANCY CORN. 2 rTi Evening Branch AYLMER - Choice - 15oz. tin -~ f t.Gerg EenîguLla meeting of the P E A S and C A RBRBO0 S 19e ~r~ See OurI Woman's Auxiliary was held i 1 the Parish Hall on Wednesday AYLIMER - Choice - 20-oz. titi 'A M ARCONI 'j TuFieiySndmemrne.s in attendance. Il TO M A T OES 2 o 33C *bl 1eo-beSft ls Following the opening pray- wihers, a business period was con- SERVES 4 IN A JIFFY 71-oz. pkg. ReoabeSthy ls ducted by the president wheii '~ 1 Tbesplans were discussed for a Ha]- A7T SModern Stylint lwere appointed to carry S Ire through this project. The STUART HOUS *.0 Power Transformer new otfs for e e ombes Anmor emberfs afor deideomkesM I BGA DT J IR 1PN 27c ~~ And More! 0f the church choir.M A C 5 5 A1 Rockstedy ictresAn interesting and informat DOG FOOD - 15-oz. tin * Roe-steay Picurestive report of the recent Dean-H ery meeting heid in St. John's I1 ITT f Church in Bowmanville, was lA II d 3 rr29c given hy Mrs. D. R. Dewdney.____________________- Following the meeting, the members sewed articles for thé ÇUARANTEED ONE FULL YEAR baby*s outfits for the sale,'- a'- DARE CHOCOLATE 1 ilb. BF XVFR- ter whicl-i deliciaus refresh, mittee in charge. Jers y M lli. s 39c PEi\NL SALES -SERVICE__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ A mI1rhIkAfSAlefod Wx Paper - lOO-ft. rl IH EL /~INI~iNINIA,~Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mill- p eo rno e M ,ij ~soJn e rs. nEllaa T al TERMSrARecNtion. ofTorotor. rtrnamilson .1.,3 K ng S. W Ph ne M 3-883Milison, RPehgy and Janed #ÎÈ ard ~Mrls, be Milnd ae B ake Sale Helps Raise Funds For Rink 1k011cal Atlllî'Ie CIlubdeciderd last spring thaf, tlîey, should have an outdoor skating rink for the voung fry of the community. This 'summer they ho-Id barn dances to raise funds'toward the necessarv equipment for ice-rnaking and to build dressimg rooms. A sale of delicious baked goods made by the worncn of Kendal com- mnunit,; aid 'Ieid in Bowmanville Hvclro Shop last Fridav and Saturday helped the cause alon.g. Threc of the ladies are shown bore, from f. Mrs. W. H. Foster, Mrs. M. Mndea ad ?trs.N. enndy. r. ancor ii-,f fiu i ecii, ni iia -Photo b, Carson Studio, Port Hope PRE-DRESSED- 2 to 3 lbs, C HICKENS d9 BY THIE PIECE BOLOe'GNA " c CRYVAC PACKED CORN BEEF lb. 79c ONTARIO CABBAGES 2for 25C MceINTOSH 6-q t. APPLES Baket4 ,c ONTARIO Bse POTATOES 5g 8 9C «CELLO TOMA TOES 19C Regular or Chuhhy ~ KLENEX 2 for 3 9C nShell lIS lb. 3 7c j eýa1LWfK$I00 O - 8 Interleaved - 112-Ib. LACE CHERMIES always 011 displaN. - il - 1 il5 c Lions Sponsor Teén Towners Wed-nesdays With -October upon us once again with ts long evenbngs, the thoughts of teenagers are turning to indoor activities and with the aid and supervision of members of the NewcastLý Lions Club are forming a local Teen Town Group to -meet each Wednesday evening during the winter months fromn 8 ta 10 Pýrm. There were twenty teenagers at last Wednesday's meeting in the Lions Room of the com- munity hall when discussions led to the decision to have dancing for those w-ho can dance, or who wish to learn to dance and ping pong, basket- baIl, etc. for the others, provid- ing entertainiment for teenagers from 14 to 20 years of agc. Supervisors at the meeting last Wedncsday evening wel-e Mr. A. Randall and Lions Mur- ray Patterson and Harper Kel- sey. Slices 25C

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