TK ABDA TATISM«. ]BzowM&1V=Zu, ONTARIO ..<UWA,0R.It,15 S *tA*as. --R-M-- BIRTHS BESTEMAN -Mm. and Mrs. Arnold Bestoman are very happy ta announce the arrival of theim third son, -Douglas Arnold, on October lst, 1955, at the Belle- ville Genoral Hospital. 41-1 GILMER-Jirn mandDorothy Gil- mer (nee Brown) are happy ta announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Karen Marie, on Octobor 9th, 1955, at Port Hope Hospital. .[EWELL-Williarn and Dorothi (fiee Wright) are happy ta aan naunce the birth of a son or Octobot- 10, 1955, at Memoria 'Hospital, Bowmanville, a brothei for Boyd.41 MARLOW-ljmIýr and Mms. J. N Malow, Liveiy, Ont., announCE the arival of their daughter Sophia Jane, on October 3rd, 1955, at Sudbury General Hos- pital, a sister for Jobnny. 41-11 ENGAGEMENTS Iflbyou would like a pivate sbowing af aur extensive stock of diarnond engagement and Wedding rings Phono MA 3-5747. Hooper's Jewellery and Gift ihbp. 40-tf Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Spenicer oI Newcastle announce the en- gagernent oI their daughter, Patricia Aileen Schram, ta Don- ald Eaml Bernard, son aI Mm. anc Mms. D. M. Bernard, al af New- castle, Ont. The wedding tc take place in October, 1955. 41-11 Reverend and Mrs. Richard R. Nicholson of Bowrnville, Ont., wish ta annaunce the engage- ment of their daugbter, Alice Ranby, ta Mr. James Eiliott Campbell, son af Mm. and Mrs. James Campbell of Montreal. The marriage will take place on November tb, at 4 p.m. in Triri- ity United Cbumcb, Bowman- ville. 41-1* Cards of Thaniks Mrs. Thos. Norton af Locust HlilI wishes ta tbank ail the dear friends wbo emembered ber in their prayers and with gifts of - 1owers, cards, messages and goad wishes during ber stay in bas- pital. She deeply appeciated ah. 41-1 -.-Wo wish ta thank our many fi iciids and rieighboums-to-be of i -e Tyrone community for the iurprise party and presentation of tables and lamp. Your I hou ghtfulness is very much ap- lireciated. Wilrna and Rowland Coombes. 41-1* Matt and Dareen Srniley of Hamilton would lîke ta say tharik you"' ta hemý Tyrone ,fniends wbo donated towards ber lovely gifts, af a General Elec- trie mixer anid two hand-painted vases, whicb were presented ta tbem on Saturday ovening at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. 41-if T wish ta express my sincere thanks ta Dr. Rundle, nurses and staff aI Mernorial Hospital, Bow- manville, for came and kindness and also ta my fiends and DEATHS ADAMS, Wesley William-' ,denly at the residence cJ Ivan M. Cochrane, Cartm Township, on Thursday, Oc 6th, 1955, Wesley Wi Adams, in his 62nd year. ed at Northcutt & Smith Fu Home, 53 Division St.. Bow ville. Service was held an urday, October 8th at 1 p.m terment Hampton Cemeter -Sud- f Mr. wright )ctober illiarn Rest- aneral vrnan- n Sat- n. In-~ ýry. 41-1 rIN MEMORIAM iJACKMAN-In loving rnemomy 1 o a dear husband and father, 7Fredemick Raymond Jackman wha passed away October 8th, 1944. And while ho lies in poaceful sleep His mernory we shahl always keep. -Ever romembemed by bis wife and family. 41--1 COULTER-In loving rnemory af a dean hushand and bather, Manson, P. Coulter who passod away Octoher 18, 1954. Time speeds an, one year bas passed jSince death its gloom its shadows cast Within aur home where al seemed bright And taok bom us a sbining light. We miss that ligbt and ever will His vacant place there is none can fi. Down homo we mouma but not in vain For up in heaven wo wili meet again. -Evor rernerbered bv 'wifef Minnie and daughtors Mildred1 and Qzgraldine. 41-1 NOTICES NOTICE-I will flot be lt for debts contracted by my Verna Mae Gibbs. 1 Ronald Perey Gibbs, 4 We are now maiiufactui cernent blocks, bath interloci and standard, and wauld pleased ta serve you with a g product at a reasonable pr Tripp Construction. Phane 39: Part Perry. 4 iable wife tring l king I ben )2W,L PUBLIC NOTICE plication bas been made for the re-zoning aI part af Lot 2, Block 12, at Northwesteriy angle aI Albert and Liberty Streets, Bow- manvilie, 125 foot on Albert Street by 150 foot on Liberty Street, and that these lands shalho re-zoned "Commercial" instead af "Residential" as at present.1 Al persans interested in op- Posirig or suppomting such ap- plication wilho heard at a meet- ing af this Board, Town Hall, Bowmanviile, October l8th, 1955, at 8 p.rn. J. ALBERT COLE, Seeetary-Treasurer. Bowrnanville Plarining Board. _____________ 40-2 Articles For eale Articles For 'SaleAuinSae SWEET eider and apples. MA BABY carniagedeluxe, GendrnST] 3-2927. W., T. Cox. 41-1* one play pen, both li Itelent em-nulcnimntse ditii SPAC heter Phoe M 3-condition. Lander, MA 3-45 of registered Hereford and SPAE eaer Pon M 13 41-1 Shothorn cattle at Cobourg HIC 3426 after five. 41-1$ 6 Sales Amena, Friday. evening, Oý SAVE on lumber, direct froni Oct. 2qst, at 7:30 p.rn. Cobourg tick THRESHED baled oat straw. mili to yau. Phillips Lumber Livestock Exchange. - Reg. John- met, Phone MA 3-2743. 41-1 Co., Kinxnount, Ont. Phone son, auctioiieer., A. H. Butters, - 17rl1. 13-tf proprietor. 41-2wa SINGLE hôrse rubber-timed wag-- ALI an. Phone MA 3-5439. 41-1 PICK youm own apples (Spys) HEREFORD SALE ed. at 50c a bushel (Saturdays only). Seventh Annual Sale of voui WATER-Hard or saft. Robt. C. W. Stewart, Kendal, ont. -TJ. R. Nokes & Son on quai H. Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf Orono 2 r 5. 40-2 ' Saturday, October 22 ar at their famm ma. USED General Electnic floor pcl- SMALL sized Elgin range, equip- One mile East of Manilla 7 r isher in good condition. Phane ped with ail bumners, white camprlslng 55 lots and 60 lxead - Oshawa HA 5-7183. 41-1* enamel front. Phone MA 3-5934. Write for catalogues LLOD ab crrag, iler41-1 Lunch available 40-2 white, good condition. Phone VENETIAN blinds-Newest col. The Durham Farmers Third MA 3-3806. 41-1* ours with plastic tapes. We annual Stocker Sale will bie held Em measure and instaîl. Morris Ca. on Thursday, Nov. 3rd, corn- iE JOHN Deere tractor, A.R., four Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf mrencîng at. 2 p.m., at the Dur- years aid. Phone Oshawa HA 5- ham County Sale Amena. 2-30 H 4000. 41-1 SAND, gravel and fill, close ta Durhamn, Angus and Hereford -Bowmanville (near highway). cattie, ranglng in wçight from OIL space heater, 52,000 B.'T.U., Phone Bowmanvile MA,3-2149. 500 ta 900 pounds. Fumtbem par- with pipes. Reasonable. Phone 41-1 ticulars, see buis. Terms, cash. _________________________Jack Reid, auctionieer. 41- MA 35445. 41-2 POTATOES - Corne and get PLU: MANS uxdosie 6, n x-them for $1.10. John Hooyer, Auction sale of farm stock and trou, MAN' tuedo siz 36 inex-R.R. 1, Nestletan. Phone Black- implernents, including 35 head Parti celient condition: will seil cheap. stock 31 r 13. 41-1 of registemed and grade Scotch Phone MA 3-5403. 36-tff - ONE Silent-Glow space heater, Shorthomn cattie, hay, grain, full PLC SMALL cedars for hedges, loc cheap; four ail drumns with con: lineo f rnachinery, Saturda3t, Oct. winl delivemed. Aile de Jager. Phone nections, cheap. Apply 134 West 15, at 12:30 p.rn. sharp, the pro- MA MvA 3-2017. 40.2* Bah. 41-1* perty of Ross Davidson, Lot 8, ~UATITY f ued arwaonK 13, Township of Manvers, K flooring. Phone MA 3-3311 be- NDLING wood, fonce rails, 1 mile East of Janetvilie. 'NO and ween 9 arn. and 5 p.m. 40-2 $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mount- reserve, giving up f farrning. joy, Burkoton. Phone Black- Terms cash. R. J. Payne, auc- SATI DRY apple tree wood, and a No. stock 87 r 4. 38-tf tioneer. 39-3 Dute, Itrailer with rack. Phone MA KEYS cut automatically, while The undemsigned auctioneer - -5496. 402* you wait, at Mason & Da le Hard- will seli by public auction a DEPI FOUR black and tan hounds, ware, 36 King St. E., Bawman- large quantity of antique fumn- part. aur manths old. Phone Clarke ville. 46-tf iture for Jim Williamns. Sale at Satu] 6 r 33.4- 143 Queen St., Bowmanville, on 4-3 DO yaur own floors-rent a Satumday, October 22, 1:30 p.m. ;ODvariety of apples for sale sander or a floor palisher from List of articles in next week's Ma( bytebushel, delivered. W. Lander Hardware, 7 King St. . ae.Tebidn hr hs i ýraig. Phone MA 3-236,5. 41-1 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. papter ha eeidng were this .CI :)NTARIO patatoes, 75 lb. bags, '3-tf Positiveiy no eserve. Terms elvered in Bowrnanville. Phone WHY suffer the agany af rheu- cash. Clifford Petbick, auction- .A 3-2473. 31-tf matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, eer. 41-1 à when Rumacaps will help you to l 'INDLAV' Oval coal. and waod welcorne relief. Ask yaur dmug- I have been favoumed with in- tove, gaod condition. Phone gist. 41-1 ýtructions from Mr. Albert Bow- VA 3-5898. 41-1* ins, Lot 17, Con. 3, Manvers, 2½/2 INSULATION, blowing method, miles East of Pontypool, 1/ý mile Coli >RY pine lumber, araund 7000' wîth rock wool. Workmanship noth af Carscadden Sehool, ta nostiy 2". G. Kayacs, Tyrone. guaranteed. Free estimates. seil by public auction an Satur- CON( 'hone Orano 12 r 10. 41-1* Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke day, Oct. 22, 1955, at 12:30 sharp, ,ARGE size Quaker space beat- 2420. 39-tf 35 head of cattle, bogs, poultry, r an fa, 3aildrus. hon HEAINGaidserice tetin implemients, feed, bousehold Etn ýr ad fn, 3oildrum. PoneHEARNG id srvie, tstig 1furniture, etc. Terms , cash. No si [A 3-3757. 41-1* service and complote stock Of reserve. R. J. Payne, auctioneer. IRL'S 3-piece blue velvet coat batrisan1adsa1Hgo t, size 4. Phone MA 3-3925. Electric Limnted, 38 King St. E., 41-1 41-1 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. Mr. C. H. Berry, Lot 34, Con. TL 20-tf 7, Clarke Township, ane conces- ýARNYAD manue, wei rot-sion south and ½!ý mile west of S ARNYE.A. Manuehell, at. PRI NTS of photos of public Leskard wiil scîl by public auc- 41- * events appearing in this paper tion on Saturday, Oct. 22, al bis -taken by Carson Studio may be farm stock, implements, baled B ýALES of hay and stmaw. H. abtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch hay, straw, grain and fumniture. 'hristl, Oshawa. Phono HA 5- 91gOSSY pnints. Carson Studio, Please note fumnitume sale ta bc RA 3- 55., 41.1 * Part o1pe. 48-iffbeld first cammencing at 12:30 - - - sharp. Sale af stock and impie- 5 LAYING Leghorn pullets- TYPEWRITERS, addrng ma- monts at 3 p.rn.Tens cash. )a and waod kitchen range: chines, new and used, for sale N hone Orono 33 - 17. 41-1* or rent; also Cale steel filing N reserve. J. Reid, auctioneer. -cabinets, office fumniture, cashi 41-2 PLUý L.EAN swarnp muck, suitable registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 1 have received instructions Mon-, ýr tobacco greenhouses, or ideal 2403. 37-tf from the executor af the estate ýr top dressing, at Pontypool.aIteatHebrW.JGud2CO im Manetta, Pontypool. 359* TRADE-IN - Kitchen tables, oftahe l byHpubicati J an atisCPOn chairs, and buffet, chesterfield t elb ulcacina i hn sutsprings and radios. N ew late residence, Lots Il and 12, inger Se igCnre fumnitume at lowest prices, es Concession 3, Damlington Town- - terms, bank interest, no fnneship, fimst farm West of Salem For Used or New cornpany. Murphy Co., King W., Chumch, an Thursday, Oct. 20. Sewiag Machines Bowmanville. 41-1 cornrencing at 2 p.m., al bis RentaIs or RepairON Fodtctr ihbav farm rnachinemy including a H -, ONE ~~~~Ford trco ihhayFr- Ferguson tractor. ForSH1 Phone OSHAW A 5-5443' duty loader and bucket, also one furtber particulars, see bills. for Prompt Service Ford tractor, will be offered for Terms, cash; na reserve.41. Fasi, 44-tf sale at Community Sale, Orano, Reid, auctioneer.411P - Oct. 17. Terms may bo arrang- The nesge .acine 35 TEb D ECORATING ed with reasonable down pay-wile ndrgndacoee For the Latest Papers- Pethick's Auction Shed, En- j For the FjnetPaints YOUJNG TRKE Y the hiishold e ffects of fthe. lfc. v b d 1l E 1 3- fc G I sti b t c fi s I - neighbors for cards and lowers received duning My bas- CORPORATION 0F THE - ,Ptai. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE .Mrs. irene Van Dam, NOTICE OF BY-LAW J3urketon. Take notice that the Municipal 41-1 Council will corisider passing a* a i Ms anePl BY-Law ta close that- part - f and Ms. Lnce l,,Colemari Street ]ying easterlv For the Best Workmanship Duke :-twish ta sinceregy fom the easterly limait of Chapel thank &Il who helped ta arrangeStee in the Town of Bowman- G.Peio 1 he complete surprise party onj ville at any ti me after the 28thS.G rs n & son lheir 25th wedding anniversari;., day of October, 1955. Poe also to ail who atiended and to! A. J. LYLE. M PhoneMs 3-70 irvited gucsts unable ta be pres-! Oct. 3rd, 1955. Town Clerk. A4-512MA3-70 ent and the most lovely giftsuof I_______ 40-4 _ 44-tf_____ a Lazy-Boy chair and silver. also 1956 PHILIPS 21 inch television the plf ts t hcy- received at home THE CHANGE 0F NAME ACT, consalette model with record wa satiih rank' lvyo. 4î aain* 1950 player, onl.y $310: Philips 21 inch V"-_ay ______Li 4-1 TAKE NOTICE that the ap- table model $275; Motorola 21 The amil ofthe ate rs.plication of Harry Litavchik, inch television $199, Internation- The amiy 0 th lae Ms.IR.R. No. 3, Bawmanville, On_ ai 8.2 cu. ft. refrigerator, regular Ci arlotte Stephens. Hampton.! taria, ta change his name to $339 for $229; International 9.6 ....;J;Ù to express their sincere Harry Locke, and that of bis wife ceu. ft. refrigerator, regular $369 tî-aiits ta friends, relatives ad Elizabeth Emma Litovchik and for $274, Thor washer with pump nicighbors who were so kind in'their daughter, Kathy Elizabeth $129; Clare Jewel deluxe range iheir hôur of bereavernt by: Litovchik ta Elizabeth Emma $229 at Farm Equipment and tnii acts of kin'dness, cards anda Locke and Kathy Elizabeth AutomTotive, 134 King St. E., floral tributes. A special thanks iLocke respectively, wi]1 be heard Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689, û e.1.J. Reed, Mrs. Verai by His Honour Judge Moore 41-1 JtcvcI),i, rz. VraA dams, Mrs. 1 Armý:trong Miller of the Count VUilbuir and MrF. ,Je]onsCuto teUie Counties Of MALL CHAIN SAWS fl, 1eir kindiness tu u erNrhmeln and Durham, niotîher. 41-11 in Chambers at the Court House 18" blades Thefamlv t te lte ins. Cobourg, Ontario, o Monday, for $ 196.00 ThE, amU, f te ateMr.;the 7th day of November, at B~ ennett wish ta sincerely 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon. T he quantity 1s'limited thank their relatives, friendsý DATED at Bowmianville, th]s at this price a-id neighbours. Brown's Home 1 6th day of October, A.D., 1955. a-.,d School Clié, for their floral: STRIKE & STRIKE, .S oro o riueand mIessages of sym-J 40 King Street West..~ oro o pathy in recent bereavement and Bawmanvilîe, Ontario. FARM MACHINERY j oss of a loving mrther. Sptcial Salicitors for the Applicarit Maple Grove Bowmanvllle gratitude ta Mîss Flossie Graha i 034- for lier loving carc ai-d kindness 4- 4- to our mothci.1 Help Wanted D TYUSL Mrs. Florence Frcrch. Mrs.Y UR EL Rea ivns M. ndMrs. GIRL for general housework TILE Wiufred Bennett. 41-1' young children, s'à day week TJ ~':n a<~ ert Wcry ishta8 ta 5. Phone Newcastle 3326. IceahndU -Aiknd and evtertasî cr tank an 41 icehan p-Akid g c.-jive ther sncer thnks nd 1-1 Expert instructions supplied e apureciation toalal those who RELIABLE persan for general hieîpcd in any way ta make their hausewark in modern country CUSTOM FLOORS LAID Slver Wedding Anniversarv home, Navember. Pleasant sur- such a happy and mernarable4 roundings, good position for con- . " occasion and for the many beaut- genial wamnan. Write Box 425, H. G. HEAL C itul gifts and cards received. c/o Canadian Statesman. 41-1 k'Iione MA 3-2902 Bowmanville Special mention ta, those who 8t helped in making the dainty re- MARRIED man for dairy farm E8t ,freshments. including the three- separate modern bungalow orý SHOES-The fallawing brand- Î tier wedding cake, also ta mem- paved highway with school buses naine shoes are naw in stock- bers of ber W.A. group who so past doar. Good wages, liberal1 children's Savage shoes, Brouw- d ably supervised in the kitchen. timfe off, Workmen's Compensa- er Research shoes, Sisman work ai 41-1 tion carried. W. G. Bowles, boots, Sisman Scampers. Scott- à Nestleton. Phone Blackstock1 McHale shoes, Dack shoes, F Reetin15 - il. 411. Grebb arch support work boots, t. WATE: elabe anasdel-Foam Tread slippers, ladies'v WANED:Relabl man a del-Gracia shoes, Logrolérs, Dr. - Mr. and Mrs. George W. er in Bowmanville. Experience Schall's foot remedies and shae T Graham will be at home ta their not necessary. A fine opportun- supports, plus many other Uines; Il relatives and friends., at the, itY ta step inta old profitable Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- nc Mernorial Park Club House, business where Rawleigh Pro- wood Sani-white and Praperts ci Liberty Street South, Saturday, I4ucts have been sold for years. shoe polishes. modern shoe1 re- to o>~cber l.5th. 1955, from 2 ta JBig profits. Products furnished pair service in the rear of store. to 4 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m., on the on credit. Write Rawleigh's Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 St. ar ocession of their Golden Wed- Dept. J-140-163. Mantreal, P.Q. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3- B %ing An.niversary. 40-211d.4- 91 6t AhU Weights Dressed and Delivered Special Price for Weddings and Suppens P MH1L FIN N E Y MA 3-2.309 41-4 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custoin made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complote range of samples and suggestions without obliga - tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King et-~ W. Phono MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf A L UM 1NU M Windows and Dgowr ýrs. "HudsonI "taown. JIThe 1ii includes Norge oil stove and ail bamrel, smail cook stove, 3-piece chesterbield, 3 bed mattresses,I dresser, 3 tables, 2 end tables,f china cabinet and writing desk, small writing desk, washing ma- chine, loor covering, two new chrome chairs, chest af drkawers, kitchen cabinet, 10 chairs, rock- ing chair, drap-beal table, tv4o- bumner rangette, chest, trunk, twa tub stands, wheelbarraw With steel box, t'ope and block, gardon tools, 1947 GM ¾/-ton truck, dishes, pots and pans; mariy other articles. No reserve. Sale at 1:30. Clifford Pethicit, Livestock For Sale- . 1 ]ý r R aS nb ~ OE Ofr a. Gro V-omaatetwt ah CL A RK Martin, Newcastle. 41-1 APply 91 King St. W . 41-11'HI STOW REALTflP -Bowimanvjlle HOLSTEIN heifer due in Octob- PRTET-o rn.1hn PHONE MA 3-3801 4 t er. Phone MA 3-2470. 41-1* MA 3-3573. 41-1 6ro,2soe nu rc -100 PLYMOUTH Rock pullets, 70 ACRES of good farmn land in house, cement foundation, four USED tractors-Fordson Major 5/2 months, starting ta lay. Tele- Newcastle, Phone HA 5-7227. dlown and twa up. Attached 34plough tractar, McCommick W- phone Blackstock 66 - 13. 41 -1 41-1 garage, kitchen cupboards, heavy 4. Mcarmick 0H-6 Or crd rd- 0 LEGHTORN pullets, five APPROXIMATF.LY 600' floor wiring. Lot size 66 x 169, five e47. Faomaîl "H" witoh rcufler 200 - in t ly.Tee-minutes walk ta school. Priced $47; ohnDere2-poughtra: onhs ld sartngtaîay Tl. space, suitàble for storage. Tele- 1ta sella 630 tor,. International 15-30. Make phone Blackstock 76 r 3. 41-14, phone MA 3-2487. 41 - 1* la 63 us an offer at Fammn Equipment 35 WHITE Sussex over f ive THREE rooras in Tyronealowno oh- com and-Automotive, 134 King St. E.5 room bungalow. partially Bowmanvîlle. Phone MA 3-5689. months ald. Phone Mre -jcint w small children peecmntbok un 41 1 9 8.4 - 1 ' po s ss on a o c . h ne M ace, heav y w irng, 3 acres of 41-1s 99r.Sle1SEVENspessiseven wokseo.dPh3-206.A41 and,,small quantity of fruit SEVE pis, evenwees od. 3230. 4-1*trees, near school. Priced ta selI Cars F r Scae Apply Stanley Millson. Enniskil- FOUR-room apartment in ail- at $5,000, $2,000 clown. len. Phone MA 3-2263. 41-1'* heated home, no abjection ta one 4 room bungalow with alI 1950 STUDEBAKER sedan, in conveniences, newy ]Saete good condition, radio, heater, TWO goad grade Hoîsteins , cild ailaly 7 ue Sti4mmediatceely nstalîd etc. Terms. Phone MA 3-5529. reflew this rnonth. G. Kayacs, Aplo7 ueS. 4-1 il fumnace, 3-piece bath, heavy 41-1 Tyrone. Phone Orono 12 r 10.! HOUSE, 1 year oId, 4 rooms and wiring, newly decorated. Priced .950PONIAC wo-oorheaer,4111 bath, ail heat, possin Nov, ta seIl at $5,200, with terms. rkdio, windshield washers, in ex- 15 WHITE Leghorn pullets, 1.. rieBx48c/ CanadianI 6 roomn older type frame cellent condition. Cash or trade. shaver strain, five rnanths old,i Statesman. 41-1! house, with one acre of land in Ternis. See Ted Hoar, c/a Rob- stamted ta lay, $2.50 each. Gar-1 THREE-mooin and bath apart- the Town of Bowrnanville. Two son Motars, 166 King St. E., 1 don Metcalf. Phone Blackstack1 ment separate entrance, heated, building lots could be sold off Bowmanville. MA 3-5585. 11 19 r 11. 41-1* hot wýater, immediate possession. frontage. Reduced ta seIl at 955 VIECUR sprtscoue, or aleer ent Write Box 427, c/o Canadian $4,500. lemonstrator, $650 off list; 1953 Saemn a~avle 1 We also have farms, service Chevrolet two-doom with radio FOUR-roomed cottage located APARTMENT,. four raoms andj stations, businesses, also building and heater, low mileage, small at East Beach, Bowmanville. bath, heated, private entrance1 lots on Scugag, Liberty and Iown payment, easy terms, tAalbeNv lt pl ae Farn Eqipmet ad A nt Aailble ov.lst Appy RgerSuitable for couple witb smaÏil Brown Streets. arme 134uipn t. a.dAoutomo- Bird, 1445 Kingston Rd., Apt. 1 uaby or tbree adults. Available! iv,13 ig t EBwman- 303, Tto. -2 Nov. st. Write Box 421, c/o! PHONE ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 41-1 ooo Canadian Statesman. 40-2* RUCKS - 1955 International Persont.d CAESAREA-For rent with op- M 3-5 s-ton, $650 Off Iist; 1951 Chev- tion tor- buy, aIl ycar round 3- rlet 1½-ton, stake bodY; 1949 11YGIENIO supplies - <rubber bedmoorn bungalow; pamtly furn- After Houri Chevrolet %-ton, 1949 Dodge 2- goods) niailed postpaid in plain îshed, furnace, pressure system, OWEN NICHOLAS - NIA 3-3982 =, stake body, 1949 G.M.C. 5- sealed envelope with price list. inside conveniences, 30'x46', va- - n durnp, at Farm Equipment Six samples 25c, 24 samples cant Nov. lst. Reasonable rent OrINIE GIR ORONO 1191 ind Automotive, 134 King St. E., $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, ta praven reliable parît'. Write 3owmanville. Phone MA 3-568ï9.1 Nav.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamn- Box 426 C/o Canadian States- 37 King >_. sIV. Dwmanville S1-52l p ~41-3 4- TREý IDRAGI Tri G I Tri- PORT. RED m; north c MA 3-5 aReal Estate for Sale J. VAN NEST A Real Esiate flroker-' HOUgM, businesses and farrnis ta offem. Listings wanted Give us'a caîl and talk it over l18 King St. E. Bowmnanvllle Wanted To Buy Real Estate For Sale .EAMER trunk in good con- THIRTY acres good land. Phone Jon. Phone MA 3-2894. 41-1* MA 3-2668. 39-34 HEEST prices paid for live THREE cottages, East Beach ultry, goose feathers, feather Bowmanville, must selI. Wili s, srap iron, rags and sel cheap. APply A. G. Wil. tais. Phono RA 3-2043 Osha- liams, 143 Queen St., or Phone collet. . 26-tf MA 3-5439. 41-1 ,L kindIs of live paultry want- REAL EST'ATE FOR SALE Top Toronto prices paid at Properties Sold, Rented, .r door fom large or small, Managed and Appraised intities. We have aur own L. M. A LLIS oN rket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. Real Estate Broker Telephone -collect ta Bethany 'POe26 ecslOt 1 3 . 2 8 -tf h o e 5 6 N e c t e, nt -Two blocks north f traffic Hardwood Logs signal, Newcastle 3241 and Timiber LEASK REAL ESTATE iBeech, Hard and Soft Maple 96 acre daimy farm in a rich Basswood and Ash famming area, near a scbool and churcb, large dairy barn with M. Kyte, Blackstock watem bowls, tie up 26 head af c0ws, pig pen, hen house, 1 ½- 3-0 storey bouse, 8 rooms, heavy wiring, attacbed garage. Full VVork vvanted price $2 1,00o witb terms. - ~We have bouses, bung .alows, UMBING, beating, eaves- lots, businesses and farms. iging, free estimates. Hamvey Consult us befome buying. tner, Tymone. 38-tf M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bawrnanville UGH your garden before Phone MA 3-5919 ter. Caîl Aile dc Jager, 3-2017. 40-2i:41-1 ý,TS sarpne. Se Jm- NIXON REAL ESTATE TE s apnd. eea- 100 acres, 45 miles east of VsTire Sbop, corner King Toronto, 2 barns, need nepair- Silver Streets. 36-tf ing; stable, water bowls, impie- URDAYS only, 17-year.oid ment shed, 15 acres archard eh girl. Phone MA 3-2794. with appios, peams, Plurns, cher- 41-1* ries and othor small fruit; med- ium loam, 75 acres tillable; 5 IENDABLE m a n desiros roams, 11½ -storey fancy brick -time work, aftem scbool and with sunporch, modemn 3-pieco irdays. Phone MA 3-5253. q bath, ail fumnace, spring with 40-2* pressure systomi in house and barn, clothes claset, full base- ment, modern kitchen, hoavy isonry Construion îulwiming, insulatod, bamdwaod CK- BLOCH - CONCRETE floors, $12,000 down. Terms. Froe Estimates New 4-maom bungalow, attach- ed garage, picture windows, A NGER HuOS. modemn kitchon, 3-piece bath, ail A 3-273 r MA3' ~ heating, landscaped; $9,000. 1A 3.123 orM 2-tf New 4-room frame on bigh- 1- way, boavy wiing, 3-piece bath, I fumnaco', venotian blinds, electric icref e anad Masonry fixtumes, sorne bloor caveming, Al types of .storms and screens, $1,500 down. rCRETE - BRICK - BLOCH Possession arranged. WORK 7-room bouse in village, IVORK bydro, barri, imploment shed, L. TURNER garage, bard and soft water, on nates Free P.O. Box 177 onie acre with ail kinds af small BOWMANVILLE± fruit. $7,000. Temms. . Passes- 35-tf sion arranged. BEDS - TENCIING Souvenir novelty and snack BED - RECIINGbar witb living quarters, boti D9TC TA Knd coid watem, two yoar lease, sock at invoice price; owner CONCRETE WORK bas other interest, must be soid.i mîced ta sell. Immediate pas-i A .RY & LEE Psession. Small down payrent. .36' M 3-828 Farms and dwellings. 34-tf James Nixon, Broker E. 160 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville L E. COLE iMA 3-5682 TBING Ar- EATING41-1* AuthorizedPe el RelE ae -Sun and Lemnox Dealer ew lRalEft ntari St. owman i 10 room cerent block hause,s tara t. owanvll I3-piece bath, buiît-in cupboamds,v eNight or Day MA 3-3473 oak floors, ail in gaod condition;c 16-tf large lot with double garage,r cbicken bouse, vemy central, ina SAVE MONEY AT Newcastle. Pice $9,000. Terrns. D AV 5New 5-raom claphoard bouse, a DAVE"3 bedrooms, alurnum win,dows, 9 0E R PA R good well, large lot on Mill St.C Prompt Service 5 room, new bungalowInBw manville, ranch style, 3 bed- MIPEJXANCE ST. (ln rear) mooms, oak and tile bloors, bath- 23-tf room, bot anid cold water, bull G basement, ail furriace, kitehen B ULLDOZING cupboards and many extras, ~ $9,000. Reasonable terms. & 5roomed bouse, 2 bedroams, Dj EXCA ATIN wib 2 extra lots, on No. 2 High- 'NCHING - LGADING xay in'Newtonvile; bathmoom, 'LINE - CLAM %'VORK kitchen cupboards, pressure sys- rucks and Loader for tem, auminum windows and I ravel and FuI Jobs door. $4,500 witb $1,000 cash. - FREEESTIATES8 room brick bouse on main 'REEESTIATES street of Newcastle, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, $10,000. Terms ta - ippJ Countuctionlsuit. PERRY 392W New 5-room bungalow, 1 acre s 32tf of lanid, $4,500 with $1.000 cash. mý j50 acres good land adjoining Wi Lost 401 Higbway, $4,000, with $1 ,000 O1 ae fox ound, two miles Nine acres with srallbouse,h of Bowmanville. Phone 1$3,000, $500 down. 5 4. Bow m anv ie. M oney ta boan , rie ___ _____H. C. Pedwell, Broker a Salesmen: Donald Mountjay, Bownmanville MA 3-3950 Paul Diamond, Port Penry Phone 246 R 41-1 Tenders Wanted Tender bar the purchase of ans andard coach, 1955 and/or 1956 nodel car in the low price field 'fill hé received until 12:00 nmon, )ctaber l9th, 1955. Tender ta over license, air conditioned ïater and directional signals. Lowest or any tender not icessarily accepted. AIl 'tenders ta ho so marked id addressed: To - Secretary-Treasurer, Northumberland-Durhamn Health Unit, 41-1 The Janadiau Statesniau CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR lBERT -.IELP WANME CARS FOR SALE LOST -FOUND . ETC. Cash Bute 3- c Par Word wjth a iimum cf soc Must bo paid by dat.ecfiinsertion il chazged. on additional 25c will ho added. A Charge af 25e wlill b.marie lm ail replies directed ta thie office. 14OTICES .COMINO EVENTS AND CAÏDS 0F THANKS 3c a Word with a minimum oi $1.00 for 33 Word* or lots. UIRTHS - ENGAGEbRNTE MARRIAdES ..DEATMS $1.00 pet insertion IN M40ORIAMS 31.00 Plus ioc a lino foi telle COMIERCIAL CLASSIFIEDI .includes ail arivertising toi portons oz firma selilnq sgervices ideas ci goodu of any description -3c par Word; minimum charge Sce cash wjth arder. Ta requla3 adverimrs payable montbly Dis lay Classifîed as 31.>0Qe ln. !wth a minimum of Z4@ UcI. Additional inteftiom ci tbe saineraftes Ail Classified Adi must be in this Office not laier than 12 a«cIocg noon, Wednesda. Send cash. stamp.s ozr mney arder and gave money. Clip ibis out for handy. referenae 1 41-1 De Wiih Real Esiate 95 acre barm on No. 2 High. way, 6 miles frorn Newcastle, with 60 acres workahle, sandy loamn land, 10 acres goad woad, frernainder pastume, creek, U- shaped bank barn, implement shed, silo; 10 raomred stone hause witb beavy wiming and running water. Price arrariged. 100 acre farm, Cavan Town- ship, 45 acres warkahie, 50 acres good wood, gravel pit, creek, 50'x30' hank barn, garage, bmen bouse; 9 roorned brame bouse with bull basemont, hardwood floars. Close ta sehool, village, etc. Pnice $6.500. Terrns. 50 acre Iarrn, Darlington Township, 35 acres workable light clay-loam witb pond, 58'x 30' bank barn, implement shed, garage; 7 roarned frame bouse, heavy duty wired. Runnirig water in bouse and barni. Pnice $7,000. Terms. 100 acre barm, Clarke, 75 acres workable, 25 acres valuable wood, stream, 100'x32' bank barri, implement, shed, hon bouse, garage; Il roorned brame bouse, beavy wired. Price $12,500. Terms. 162 acre barm, Clarke Town- ship, with 120 acres workable, almost levol laiid; 20 acres wood, cmeek, bank barri with water bowls, drive-in shed, 2 pig pens; 10-moomed brame bouse with ahl City canveniences, bardwood flaors, etc. Asking price $17.000. Terrns. 30 acres land between Oshawa and Bawmanviile, close ta 401 Highway, ideal for market gard- ening. Price $8,000. Terms. 5 roamed insul 'brick bouse ini Bowmanville, with 3-piece bath, runnirg hot and cold water, bult-in cupboards, garage, gaod size lot. Price 14,511), Terms. 7 roomed brame bouýse in New~ tonville, with beavy duty Ir ing, cistemrn pump in kitchen' newly roofed, garage, etc. Price $5,000. Terms. 6 noomed unfinished ranch style bungalow in Bowmanville with 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath-% roarn, utiiity room, heavy dut,,,/ wired, bot and cold running ivater. Price $5,500. Terms arranged. 5 roamed (3 bedrooms) ranch style bungalow at Maple Grave .vith batbroom, running bot and .old water, 60'x25' lot, paved -oad, close ta school. Prie arranged. Besides above mentianed we are able ta show approximately 95 more farms and bornes in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg and Trenton district, Contact: Johnhon F.3e41i prim- Mmam- ...- Newcastle