?N~7~DAY, OCT. lUUi, 158 .L .~L '..THE L'IJLIAN STALATES , B1WbL&NVILLEONTABIO PG EETE ..*a.a---- Cassified Ads- COMING EVENTS Reserve Ifovember 2nd-for hot turkey sIupVer at Courtice Unit- ed Churcz.,. 40.2 Reserve Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, friday, November 29, 30, Dec. 1, !, for the High Scbool Operetta. 39-10 Rememnbe the date - St. An- drew's Chumch Bazaar, Tburs- 'hday, November lth, 3 - 6.,After- noon tea served. 41-1 The Public Speaking Contest for Darlington Township will be held at Hampton on Friday, Oct. 28th at 8 p.m. 41-2* Weekly bingo, Thursday, Oct. 13, 8 p.m., at Union Hall, Bow- xnanville. Good prizes. Jack-pot. Admission 5oc. 41-1 Dance in Kendal Càmmnunity Hall, Friday night, Octaber 14. Round and Square. Doug Dasti's -Northern Rambiers. Admission SiOc. 41-1* Reserve Wednesday anti Thurs- day, December 7th anti 8th for the Bawmanvilîe Choral Sa- ciety's Winter Program in thel Town Hall. 41-1 Everyone weicome at Shiioh Church for a turkey supper on WedneMday, Oct. 19th at 6 p.m. until al., are serveti. Pictures will be shown. Admissions: $1.25, 75c anti 35c. 40-2* Rumnmage sale anti tea in St. John's Parish Hall, Friday, Oct. 14, 3 p.m. ta 9 p.m. Proceetis for Rev. Tom Dustan. Sponsor- ed by St. John's Evening Brunch. White elephant table also. 41-1 Open meeting (visitors wel- camne) Women's Canadian Club, Monday, Octaber 17, 3:30 p.m., in the Parish Hall. speaker, Mr. J. D. Parks, an Mental Health. Visitors, 50c. 41-1 * Thanksgiving ser vi c es at Bumketon Church, caming Sun- day, Oct. 16, ut 2:30 anti 7:30 p.m,, with Rev. C. Wesley Hut- ton, B.A., B.D., Biackstock, as visiting preacher. 41-1 Special Notice ta Bingo Fans- Next weekly bingo will be helti on Tuesday evening, 8 p.m., at the Union Hall, Bowmanvifle. Two jack-pots will 12e run. Came early. Admission 50c. 41-1 *Keep November l8th open for the annual Darlingtan Football League dance anti cup presenta- tion. Fumthem particulars ini subsequent issues ai the paper. '1ll The Orono Unitedi Chumch Woman's Association is having a tumkey supper at the church, ,iWednesday, November 9, cam- Xfencng at 5 p.m., until ail are erveti. 41-4 Remember the home bukin, aie anti apron sale ta be beld i.n the Hydro Shap, Fiday, Oct. *14 at 2 p.m., under the auspices of the Tartan Club. Procecds for Legion Pipe Bundi. 41-1 Remember, this ycur's Lions Community Auction Sale will be helti ut the Community Centre on Saturduy, October 29th. Watch for further tietuils me- garding pick-up of items for the auctian sale. 38-5 Euchre party spansored b12 *Curtwright Local af the Furmers' Union ta 12e helti in the Town- ship Hall, Blackstock, -Frîiay, October 14 at 8:30 p.m. Gooc prizes. Lunch anti door prize. 41-1 Sauina W. I. bazuar wiil be heiti in the Community Hall or Wednesduy, October l9th, at 2:30 p.m. The usual booths and aitemnoon tea. Everyonc wei- came. 40-2 The Golden Mile Vuricty Show presenteti once aguin by the Bowmanvillc Kinsmen Club on Friday anti Suturtiay, November, 4th anti 5th ut 8:30 p.m. ut the Town Hall. Tickets, 75c each. No reserveti seuls. 39-6 The Bowmanville Chamber ai Commerce annual Thunksgiving tumkey' dinner will be helti an Thumsduy, October 13th ut 6:30 p.m. in the Lions Communityl Centre. Ladies wehcorne. Special speaker anti entcrtainment. 40-2 The Annual Meeting ai the Bowmanville Boy Scouts Assoc- iation wiil be helti in the Com- munity Centre on Tuestiay, Oct. 18th ut 8 p.m. Parents ai Scouts anti Cubs are cordiuhly inviteti. Refresbments will 12e serveti. 41-1 Don't miss Eastern Star Bazuar li the Lions Centre, Oct. 28, aitemnoon anti evening. At- tractive booths. Special feature this year, display anti sale nf al kinds ai handicraits matie in this locality. Admission 50c, includes tea. Door prizes. 41-i Dance ta 1e heiti ut the. Bow- mnanvile. Legion Hall, Fritiay, Oct. 21. Modemn anti aid lime :music by the Nothern Rumblers of Oshawa. SponsorqJ by the Bowmanville Fife anti Drum Bandi. Admission 50c anti 75c. 41-2 Bowsnanville Nurses' Associa- lion wil holti a diance anti dard party at the Lions Community Centre on Friday, October l4th, 9 p.m. ta 1 a.m. Brysan Bown's Orchestra. Informai. Lunch serveti. Tickets available from any member oi Uic Association. 41-11 Odxawa anti District Cerebral Paloy Parents' Cauncd la hold- ing a bazaar li Simnca. Street Church, Oshawa,. October 28, ta raite funds for the children's centre. Any pomons wlshing ta donate any articles or home bak- irj inay contact Mr. Campbell, MA3-2907 or Mrs. Gray. 3556. Newcastle. 41-2 (g d 1. s 5 Wanted ]ELDEP.LY lady for a companlon. Cail at 41 Church St. or Phone MArket 3-5861. 40-20 RIDE ta Oshawa; hours 8 te 5, lives two miles east of Bowman- ville on No. 2 Highway. Phone MA 3-2112. 41-1* DEAD STOCK removed from your farm proniptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone colleet: Ce- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon Young Liniited. 50-tf Notice tb Credibors AND OTRS NOTICE is hereby given pur- suant to the Trustee Act that ail persons having dlaims against the estate af WILLIAM HARRY MUSSELMAN (commaniy known as William H. Mussel- man) late of R.R. 3, Pontypool, in the County af Durham, Re- tired Farmer, Deceased, wha died on or about the 4th day af September, 1952, are requested to send particulars of their dlaim ta the undersigned Ad- ministrator on or before the 3Oth day af November, 1955, after which date the Administratoi- will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only ta the dlaims of which they shall then have notice, and will flot be responsible ta any athers. DATED at Barrie, Ontario, this llth day of October A.D. 1955. Sterling Trusts Corporation, 1 Dunlop Street East, Barrie, Ontario, Administrator with Wiil Annexeti. 41-31I . .Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up anti delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal maker, af reirig- erators, domestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Higgon Eiectric Limîted, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING at M ARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE 1-tf TAYLOR Repair Shop RADIATORS anti HEATERS REPAIRED anti CLEANED RECORING General Solderlng Repairs Queen St. WV. Bowmanville ]Phone MA 3-3459 32dtf PETS FOR SALE TWO Caie pups, femaies, seven weeks aid. M. Van Dyk, New- REGISTERED Scotch Coilie puppies, tweive weeks aid. Ideal pets for chiltimen. Caîl Orono 12010. 41-3 Tenders WanteÎd SEALED TENDERS atidressec ýta the untiersigneti anti endorsed "«TENDER FOR FEDERAL PUB- LIC _BUILDING, BOWMAN- *VILLE, ONTARIO," wiil be re- ceiveti in the office ai the Secre- ntary, until 3:00 p.m. (E.S.T.), ItWednestiay, October 26, 1955. d Plans and specification car *be seen anti forms af tender ob. taineti at the offices ai the Chiel 2 Architect, Department ai Publie Works, Ottawa, Ontario, the y District Architect, 36 Adelaide eStreet East, Toronto 1, Ont.; the nPost Office at Oshawa, Ont.; the IPost Office at Peterborough, eOnt., anti the Post Office ai Bow- 1.manville, Ont. 6 To be considereti each tender must be accompanieti by a secur- ity in the form ai a certifieti 9cheque or bonds as specifieti in the forms ai tender anti matie on or according ta these farms anti in accordance with the con- Jditions set forth therein. The Department, through the Chief Architect's Office, or through the untiemsigned, or through the office ai the District Architect, 36 Adelaide Street East, Toronto 1, Ont., wili sup- puy blue-prints anti specification ai the work on deposit ai a sum ofa $125.00 in the form ai a cheque or maney-arder payable ta the arder ai the Minister ai Publie Works. The deposit wili be releaseti an meturn ai the blue-prints anti specification in gooti condition within a month from the date ai reception ai tenders. If nat retumned within that perioti the deposit will be farfeiteti. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepteti. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief ai Administrative Services, anti Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 20. 1955. 41-1 Wcmted To Rent BUNGALOW in Bowmanville or Oshawa. Phone MA 3-2403. 40-2* FURNISHED room with partial or withaut boardi for several mohiths if suitable. Write Box 424, c/a Canadian Statesman. 41-1 Skies Clear in Time For Cartwright Faiirý Outstanding -&k'cess -Imperial 011 photo. Six wveekly newspapers were amang a sciection of Canadian1 publi- cations placed in the corncrstone of Imperial Oil's new 19-storey office building in Toronto. Here G. L. Stewart (left), chairman of Imperiat's board of directors, and J. R. White, cnmpany president, examine one of the weeklies before placing thcma in the copper box which was hermetically sealed and depositcd in a special cavity in the three-ton cornerstone. NIr. Stewart laid, the stone September 8, the 75th anniversary of the company's formation. The newspapers were part of a collection of Canadiana intended ta inform some future generatian about Canadian living habits in 1955. Another item was a "microfilm scrapbook" of some 150 clippings from variaus Canadian newspapers. Weekly newspapers chosen ta be preserved in the cornerstone wcre the 1954 winners of Canadian Weekly Newspapçr Association awards as best jS ecklies in their divisions. 'ff/te -Ifop Sze,1/ (By Benjamin Beveridge) Curiaus tourists who happenl- Life" had new meaning, as I cd ta be in the district were viewed the sea creatures, rest- disappointed when they look- ing in their natural form, an ed in on the international zuna shredded ice. Son-e of the aid fishing tournament at 'Wedge- fishermen were themselves part, N.S., this year. Froin awed at the strange specimens those speciai waters Mrs. Anie 1an display and drew some rela- Crowninshjeiti of Fiorida had tinnship betweeii these and the caught an 882-pound tuna, the fact that they couldn't get a iargçst for a woman anywhere gooti mess of mackerel any in the world. It was there also more. that Ernest Hemmingway andi There was a sait water stur- Zane Grey had in otiher years enrclngonaiebnk landed many giants ai the deep (geon, reiningona ice ban. But this year onîy two smalido t wodepul what the ca tish were weighet in. do w.)it wdeep freeze asthe In spite of this, though, Soi- 2days.) It was nthas i sash tiier's Rip anti ather favorite catchpbunders mthe kussansa angling spots along the saut1- c a cut it.wa more h anda west S.eatian coast were teem hfman couldhef t. Haif fisfa-d ing with tuna. Commercial bah eat, theoostungenpis.a fishermen had no trouble catch-voeasafndirayplc. ing themi with net anti har- Its roe is the source oi caviar, paon. But sportsmen who were aidte inin fisbadri competing for the Sharp trn- mdeita isinglass. phy couin't cope with the While aid saits sat knýtting, sharks. These viciaus pirates nets and whittling iaearby, hung arounti the angiers' boats, dreaming pehaps nf the days of waiting for a strike; and when sals, before the trawlers came, a hooketi tuna was accupieti when the coves were populat- with the fisherman the sharks ed by. smugglers and rum-run- would strip the flesh tram its ners-as well as schaoners-we bones. This disqualitied the viewed many wonders af the contestant, because a mule ni sea. There were cat fish anti the sport is that the tuna must dag tish, tlying tish, sword be brought ta gafi unscatheti. tish, rudder fish, rat tails, Anyane who had read Hem- mnonk fish, squiti, spider crab, mingway's "The Oid Man anti star tish, anti laughing Jacks, the Sea" can understand what ahl with literai names. a challenge this can be. For one whose early fishing * * * i-ý w-r This is ail very interestiný because it tioesn't seem ta ME that the sea aounti the Mari- times was so attractive ta deni- zens tram warmer waterz quarter-century ago. I remeni. ber that the colti starage plant an the Pacific ut Prince Rupert usedti takeep. a irigiti shark furounti as an otitity; but the cNorth Atlantic is more akin te 2creatures that do flot mmnda tew icebergs in their bath This summer, for instance, twc giant tropical turtles-weighing 600 pountis - were caught in »Halifax hurbaur, anti aiong the coat t>sere huti neyer beer >such a collection ai flying fish anti queer laoking tbings braught up in nets familiar anly ta bake anticati anti er- ring. The aceanagraphers have vaiaus interpretations oi this fmigratory trendi, but they al agrcc that the north Atlantic is much wummer than it used ta be. Up ta the time ai this writ- ing Nova Scotia bat i msseti the tali hurricanes. Lobster traps were intact, anti the people along the ocky shores ai Ches- ter, Tancook, Hubbarti anti Ma- hone Bay were haping they- would escape this year. Il was a wonderful summer. The sea was even warmn enaugh ta swim in, anti aid saîts. wba an- chored their sailing ships in these minels in the tiays befare the trawlers camn'e, were prone ta blume the warmcr waters on sun spots anti atamnic bombs. Nova Scotia's south shore ha a strong pull on the imag- inations anti sentiments ai its visitars. Populuteti twa centur- ies ugo by German anti Dutch immigrants, the shore counties have etaineti their peerless haspitaiity anti their inviting cuisine aisauner kraut anti pick- led fish, ai scrumptious escai- iops anti chowders. But even more fascinating is the degre ta which these people, mostly fisher folk, have retaincti their idiams ai speech, a diaiect cf their awn, thaugb theme bas been no appreciabie *influx ai outside immigrants since the original settlement. I was in Lunenburg for the f isheries exhibition, anti a charming swan sang it was ta an clegunt summer spent among thase uniorgettable peo- ple. Capt. Angus Walters, for- mer skipper ai the Bluenose, toak time eut from bis dairy work la watch the dory races in the harbour, anti for me the "'Nulural History ai Marine exponswereernIIed CUw'Âîu 9 pin lines anti minnows, it was ae entrancing ta be close enaugh -ta a shark ta tweak its snout, 1- or ta pake a tipger into the a spangy back ni a porpoise. The -ugliest ai ahi these fish is 'the t scuhpin, a scalehess type quite 't cammn-as ughy things aiten k are-in the North Atlantic. Its e face remintiet me a bit ai Dor- 0ian Gray, the Oscar 'Wfldie a character, ynu will remember, 1whose face reflecteti Gray's 0terrible sins. ,The gourmet - anti my ex- perience with B. C. salmon anti Winnipeg gnhd-eye bas matie me ane-was ahso pheased that Lunenburg sboweti oysters, sscallops, lobsters, clams anti quabaugs ta best ativantage. There was snme dulse on show as well, anti ai course the dam- manphace bake, soles, flountiersi anti haddock. A strange anti interiguing thing, the sea. Motion Picture "John Wesley" At Tri nîty The new motion picture "John Wesley" is caming ta Trinity Uniteti Cburcb in Baw-1 mnanville, on Wetinestiay, Oct. l9th, ut 8:15 p.m. The feature-hength film is in the new Eastman colour anti was praduceti by the Radio anti Film Commission oi The Methotiist Church (U.S.A.), in co-aperation with J. Arthur Rank. It brings ta the screen for the first time the tiynamic anti colorful l8th century evangel- ist anti educatar. John Wesley's miraculaus escue from a burning bouse at the age ni five, at the begin- nung nf the film, forecasts the tiramatic anti eventiul lufe which unioltis in this stary ai a mai aislight stature but of impelling influence upon bis cantempararies anti upan bist- amy. Tickets for this outstantiingc film may be obtaineti from the members ai Trinity Y.P.U. and also at the door an Wetinesday evening. It is estimateti that immigra- tion ta Canada in 1955 will total about 130,000, a decline ai 64,000 from the post-wur peak year ai 1951. Î Br D0413 m*iIow The luck Cf thi Iiish dame through for Cartwright on Sat. urday lant, the occasion of the 9th anniversary ef the loas FalFair. The rain we have been looking for arrived A abundaxice FrIday, but by Sat. umday faon the skies cleared anti .everything came off as scheduleti. The openlng parade at 1 p,m. headeti by the Lindisay Girls' Pipe Bandi farmeti at th e High Scool anti proceedeti through the villagç to the fair grountir. Followlng the bandi weri five four-horse-teams owned b~y VInce Baker W.G. Shea, Russ Cochrane, heg ïMcColi andc Leonard Stevenson. Then camne the decorated bicycles, the winnersi bejng Sylvia Lawrence, Marjorie Ste- wart, Làrry Ashton andi Brian Staniland; then the clowns Who turneti aut ta be Lintia Venning, Ardls McArthur anti Maurice Redmonti. There were three fine iarm fioats, the entry o! the Black- stock Women's Institute plac- ing fîrst, Alian Bailey's entry second anti the Farmers' Union entry thîrd. Mr. Frank Haskin tirave a business float anti IRonald Hoskin had a decorateti car. The parade was greatly enjayed by bath spectatars and participants. The Faim Boardi is very grate- fui ta the lady exhibitors who Ibraved the main ta bring their tancy work anti cooking. There were also large exhibits ai flawers, fruit and vegetables.' The Publie Schoals anti High School exhibits were also very fine. Mr. Frèti Trewin, President, welcometi the people anti aiter a few well chasen remnarlis turneti praceedings aver ta the one anti aniy Ted Spencely. As master of ceremanies he diti a ,,sp1entiid job ai starting the races anti kept the activities moving briskiy. Mr. James Winterbottam aif Woadville won the T. Eaton Traphy for Best Herti ai Beef Cattle. The Simpson Trophy. for most points in Domestic Science was won by Mrs. Reg Boundy, Part Perry. The Saywell Speclbl for the most points in plants and flowers was won by Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley. Cartwright Farmers' Union tionateti an 'attendance prize which was won by Mr. Mike Silk, Toronto. t Entries ini the Sheep anti Swine classes were very heavy. The Turl4ey Supper in the Unitedi Church basement was ( 7 Ofc( welatroni ed anti gr.atly n he *vening at the Re- creatianal Centre the Little Britain Variety Show was wel receiveti anti brougbt the day ' activities ta a very successful entiing. Complet. prize list will ap- pear next week. Baptists Open Radio Serles Over CKLB Thanksgiving Suntiay mark- eti the commencement ai a series known as "Friendship Corner." Pastor Hais. ai the local B4ptist Church 1.3 in charge anti brings a, heart-ta- heart talk ta bis listeners. Mr. Don Myers slngs several gospel messages accompanieti by Mrs. Myers. .The radio broaticat is car- rieti on CKLB, Oshawa at 6:15 each Sunday, just aiter news anti sports. The theme ai the pmogram is baseti on the idea ai a friendly visit, with a devo-t tionai tone anti a gospel appli- cation. Bowmanvilie Buptist church f olk are on the move, appar- ently. Their building on Nelson St. was painteti recently by the members ai the congregation andt the interior is being ena- vateti. NE WTON VILLE Holiday visitors: Mmi. anti Mrs. Edgar Whittacem, Hamilton, with Mm. anti Mm,. A. Redknap. Miss Dorathy Stapleton, Kings- ton, with hem parents, Mm. anti Mrs. Gea. Stapleton. Mm. anti Mrs. Raymond Shaw anti family ai Balton with hem mother, Mrs. R. S. Johnston. Mms. Margaret 'Day, Toronto, with Mm. anti Mr. Cinton Brown. Mrs. John Turner, Orono, with hem sister, Mms. Fred Nesbitt. Mm. Buti Jones, Montreal, anti Miss Shirley Jeffs, Napainee, with his parents, Mr. and Mmm. Willis Jones.,. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Tomanto, wîth hem sister, Miss Annie Nes- bitt.J Mm. anti Mrs. Jas. Adams anti Mm. anti Mms. George Geoffroy anti infant, Toronto, with Mm. anti Mrs. Antirew Reîchmuth. Miss Drury, Tarante, with hem Flight Cadet Heber McLean, looking very smart in his uni- form, was home from'Centralia for the weekend. Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Lewis, Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Lewis anti iamiiy, Stoufivihie, were Sunday guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Orr Venning. Mrs. William Van Camp spent the holiday In Ottawa wlth Mm. anti Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater anti Charles. Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, k was also there. Mrs. Allan Moore, Shirley,-I %nti Mr. Dougal McDaugal,'Ta- M'nta, weme guests ai Mrs. Eti- ward Darcy. Mm. andi Mrs. Wallace Mar-v low leit Sunday marning ta visit Dr. Jack Mariow, Mrs. Mamlow, Johnnie anti the new gmand-tiaughter at Lively. Mm. -anti Mmm. W. A. DawsonI andi Santira, Windsor, with Mrs. Fred Builey, Mm. anti Mmm. Bert Smith, Toronto, wlth Mr. anti Mms. W. Archer. Mrs. Mark Weidon, Uxbrldge, with Miss Eva Parr. Mr. anti Mmm. George Ruther-, !ctil anti Ahlan, Oshawa, with 4Mrs. George Fowler on Sun- day. Mm. andi Mrs. Harold Hamil- Lost or Stolen Black, White andi Tan Anyone knowing the where- abouts of this hound please notify SONNY LITTLE, PHONE Oshawa RA 5-5379 REWARD #,allmM I le *I In the sanse way that STETPING on ilver' < signi s a standard of known value, 80 18 tis A.B.C. emblemn a synibol of FACTS about the circulations of newspapers and' periodicala. It is the emnblem of rnembership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations* and !s assurance to adv'ertisers thAtt the circulations of mernber publications are 'measur.d, audited and aportýd ln aScodanoe with the iIgid standards tbat hmv been mutu- ally approved and adopted by ~~ advertisers and publishes. *The Audit bureau cf Cicu-' * ~ -lotion$, of which Miln.wspop.r ls a member, is, a cooperative noePmofit association cf 3,5t'5 adyortisers, edvertiting agencies and publishers. Or- ganizid in 1914, A.S.C. brought eider out of adm.fising chaos by -ettablislilns: A de- "iiton fer poid eircuIationi rules end standards fer auditioq aund reportIng 1hel $iro§.u cf na"ewpes md poriodIeaI. in the A.B.C. 's iimportant te our ativertisers and ourselves: At regular interyals one of the Bureau's large staff cf experienced circula- tion auditors niakes a thorough inspection and audit cf our circulation records. The results of this exacting audit show: how much circulation we have; where it goes; ?iow il was obtained; and many other FACTS that advertisers need as a sound basis for their advertising investrnents. This audited information is published by the Bureau in easy-to-read A.B.C. reports which are avait. Qbko our advertimes on request. r- Canaatian cStatesman With an estitmatecà 12,000o weekly readers A CPO Sj40 Y A jOF F C - ,IDI CA D AB- EF R *G Dead Stock Removed Jllghest Prices Paiti 24-Hoar Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 sister, Mrs. Ernest Eléy. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNichel, with her parents, Mr. anti Mmm. Wm. Stapietan. Miii Bertha Thompaon slent etbe holiday with mrièntis in Toronto. Mins Joyce Kirkpatrick, aur prliry teacher, wsth hem par- ents at Batersea. Mr. anti Mrs. Raymond Bruce wlth friend, at Ottawg. Misa Inez Gordon anti hem mother, Mmm. Gordon, ICential, with friends at Buffalo. Mr. and Mis. George Staple- ton anti family and -Mrs. George Smith, Newcastle, wlth Mm. anti Mr&. Bert Caldwell, Toronto. Mr. and Mrn. Howard Orm- laton attendedtheUi Watson - Smith wedding at Bobcaygeon on Satumtiay. SCongratiations 10. Mr. anti Mns. Jame0 Gilmer on the blmth of a daughter at Port Hope Hos- pital on Sunday, Oct. 9th. 1 Mm. anti Mrs. Clelanti Lane are attendlng a Post Office conven- tion belng helti at Niagara Falls this week. # Congratulations ta Mrs. Wm. Whittakem who will be 89 an Frliay, October 14. Mms. Whit- taker is at present with hem daughtem, Mrs. Peter Bradliey, Bowmanviile.. h There will be service iin th Unitedi Church on Sunday, Oct. 16th at 10 a.m. Mr. Wm. E. Ovens who passeti away &t his home at Toronta an Thursday, Oct. 6th at the age nf 87, was a former Newtanville boy. The funerai service was heiti at the George Funeral Cha- pel, Part Hope, Satumtiay. In- terment was at Lakeview Ceme- tery, Newtonvile. ton have inoveti into an* apart. ment In the Marty4 Block. We weicome Mrs. Hamd"to tcaur community. They, were 'char- varied on _Saturday nlght Mr. Royal Whltfield, who has a,job lit St. Catharines, had an atletion salé on Monday. We are sorey *te 198e Mt. and Mrs. Whltfielà and Evely1h from the comnmunity but' wish them every success ini their new homne. Ail the young 'people attend- ing univeraities were home for the holiday. Mr. anti Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, spent the holiaay weekend with Mr. and I rs. Clarence -Marlow. Miss Gertrude Henry, Tor- onto, with Mrs. James Henry. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, with Mr. anti Mrs. C. Wright. Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Cordiftgley and two chiltiren, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain., The Rev. C. W. Hutton fam- !v ,nday at Kemptville aiâ Mr. William Taylor, Victoria, B.C., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Nelson Marlow. Goodness andi benevolence neyer tire. They maintain themselves anti others and ne- ver stop from exhaustion.- Mary Baker Eddy. T 1 C, K E T 8 TO EVERYWIIERE Air, Rail or Steamship 15i~Consuit JRY & LOVELL 3owmanville 1-n St. W. MA 3-577 lie]@ OWATAITAIKT emAMRMOILWA,&,p 1WUMAT, OM. leik, le" 1 jý*t E &Î 46