PAQ, E!GHTEZN ~ TH~ CA!~ADIAN ~TATIIMMA*Y ~OWMANV~L~ flNTAMfl --=-, ~~?* Z ion Juniors Powerful- Soccer 'Champions Among tbrce championship teams invited by Mr. row: Ted Schneider, Frank Sobil, Larry Sobil, Alvin: and IMrs. Rov.ý Nichois to the turkey etinner and dance at Fisher, Bobby Nemisz, Allan Glaspeli, Lorne D ay; b a c1 Solina Community Hall Friday was the husky Zion Junior row, Del. Killen, manager; Jerry Hasiuk, Dave Estabrooks team who didn't ]ose one crame ail season in their advance Forbes Fisher, Russell Hall, Keith Fice, Bob H-alida--' to the championship. They are, from lef t to right, front Eddy Thompson, Roland Bail and Mike Neminz, coach. Courtice Wins Darlington Football- Championship The prized championship of Darlington's Senior munity Hall. The team is from lef t ta right, fr-ont row: Football League once more came back ta Courtice thýis Wilfred Brown, Treas.; Bob Muir,' Linton Heron, Don'Muir, year. On Friday nîght, they reoeived their first officiai Lamne Penfound, Couch Courtice, Coach; back row, Lamne recognition when they were guests at a party sponsored Crago, Bob Johnson, Allen Thompson, Archie Courtice, by Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Nichais and heid at t he Commun- John Venning, Bruce Down and Ron Osborne. Absent, ity Hall in Sauina. Later, they wiil be presented wýith Barry Johnsoni, Bill Gearing, Grant Heron, George Reyn- their trophy during a football dance in Newcastle Com-, olds, Manager. Girls Softball Champions From Courtice Cou rtice had a powerful, hard hitting girls' softbaii MacGregor, Lois Antil, irenle Kehoe, Dorotb 'v Barber, team this \'ear whîchl won the titie for their league. Thev Beveriv Burgess, Carol Courtice; baek ro\v, Gloria Philiips, also were gucsts of 11r. and Mrs. Roy Nichois at Soiina Myrna'Peterson, Virgie Brown, Marion Muir, Jessie Heen- CommunitY Hall,. Friday night. From lef t to right,' front an, Dorothy Castie, and Coach Jim Çastle, row; Earl Truil, business manager; Alice Taylor. Bettv The Oldest and Youngest One of the mTost interested spectatoî-s at football games this season and for many previaus years was Mr. Robert ScoaU, 90 years old, of Sauina, who attended the Nichols banquet, Friday, as a guest and is shown here with the youngest bail player plesent, Miss Virgie Brown of the Zion mrls' bal team. il, iA. ¶WIJrt~ieû 41%2 I G. HARVEY AGNEW, m.D. PRESIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION In Canada today there is ai[ paid plan of ho.spital came trade organization or associa-1 (Blue Cross). This is quitc ct.i tion for most businesses of any 1raneaus, for 'Ife Ontario Hosui- ý size or consequence. lai Association w-sfaunii'dd Or hospital system, having nearly twenti- years hefore grown and developed ta itsI this prepaîd plan of hospital! present stature and importance came was conceived. Ia aur way of life, is no excep- la the initiai tiages th'eruŽ tion, were anis' 39 menilbc' hospitai.i Set up ta belp bospitals op- la the OHA. and at the Asýo- erate more efficiently and more ciation5s first convecntion only, economically, the Ontario Hos- 106 delegates registered. pital Association was founded But that earl 'v gmoîîp Iwere in 1924, same 31 years aga. not ta be daunted. Gadualk, The Association, la its pres- year affer year, the Association ent form, actually came inta bas grawn and expanded. No\w being in December, 1923, at a it boasts a mcmhership of 17'2 meeting held ia the old Toron- hospitals plus 23 Red Cross ta Acadcmy of Medicine. How- autposts. Actuallv cv public ever, the first general meeting i general hospital' in th'e Prov- wvas flot held until the fallow- ince is a niembet'. ing February. AIts annual convention, wvhic'n This organization was found- will be held this ' epr la Toron- cd primarily ta enable the bas- ta for three days commencing pitls of Ontario ta work toge-1 October 24, vill agair be anc ther la pravince-wide ca-oper- 1o! Canada's most impressiveý atian la solving the many hoýs-j hospital canfercaces and ,vîll pital problems which were mul- robablv attract wcil over 2,- tiplyîng as medical knowledge 500 delegates. grew and hospitals took o To meet the educational in- more responsibilities. tcrests and needs of its ma-ix,>- Odd]y enough, same people delegates. the Association now ,in the province think that aur canvenes ini seven dîfferent haspitals faunded the Ontario sections, with progî-ams beaim- Hospital Association simply ta ed for trustees. nurse admi: - inaugurate its weU-known pre- tratars and ïuperv1sors, hospi-J An Expression of Appreciation Alice Taylor is shown presenting a beautiful boujuet ta M\,rs. Roy W. Nichols in appreciation of the sumptuous banquet and enjoyable dance held Friday ta honor two Courtice championship teams and one from Zion. fl accounitants. dietitians, me- S LN dicai record librarians, wamn- S L en's hospital auxiliaries and hospital pharmacists. 0f course Sunday Sehool next Sundq., there are general sessions, toa, will be st 10:45 o'clock. There btwhen the sectianal graups will. be na church service a- ai-e meeting simu1taneousi. ing ta special ser-vice at Zian. there laams Up the perennial Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker werc' decision as to what to attend guests at the Honeywell-SpicLr and what must bc missed. wedding in Deer Park Unitcd At these meetings we sec the Church, Toronto, on Satuî-day. same people ex-ery year-i'ram Mm. and Mrs. Tam Baker the Lakchead, Windsor, the Ct-i werc guests at the Watson - tawa Valley, many of them busy Smith wedding at Babcaygean. business men, toa., Why are Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman they sa faithful in attendancic? attended the church service ot The answer is simple. This Harmony an Sunday ma-ning meeting bas become a 'must' when their grandsan, Wayne with tbem. One reason is ab- Leger, was christencd, and viaus: they get enaugh ne were dinner guests at Mr. J. ideas ta keep themn going unîil Leger's. the next meeting. And flot only Mrs. Florence Pearce and nexv ideas, Of which there arc' Marilyn, Lansing, Mrs. Gardon plenty, but the consolation, andi Leask and Eunice visited at' it is a supparting one, too, of Mr. a aces finding out that other people .RyPsas are facing similar prablerns VisitoIrs: and often evalving the same Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, solutions. Oftcn the high spot Haydani, at Mr. Lloyd Broame 's. is a baîf-hour tete-a -tete with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cruick- one s opposite number ni an-, çhanks, Mrs.ý Ida Wilcox, Peter- ather haspital. borough; Mr. and Mrs. Harry And people who are interest-i Knox and Dean at Mr. Bruce ed in hospitals arc nice peopfl-2 Tink's. ta know. Trustees and warkersj Mr. Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, in womenýs auxiliaries are gen- with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. uinely interested in others lcss C. Pascoe. fortunate than themselves. Pea- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and pIe who make bospital work a ebildren with Mrs. W. A. Crin-1 carcer do not do so hecause af iston at Broaklo. the income alone; they, are in- 1\11r. and Mrs. R. Miles, tcresied in the suffcring, or in Glenida Lynn and Charlene, avncing sciontifir knowledge. Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Don In te hospital and mr'dical Gerow and sons, Scugog Is- fields there are no clasely land, at Mr. C. Hamer's. guarded trade secrets ta bc put Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bradburn. ta commercial advantage. If a Joan and Ralph, Mr. Nom-ai procedure or an idea provos 1?vl/arshall, Janetville, Mr. andc successful it is made available1 Mis. R. Miles and ch1Ild r en. ta al]. It is the breath oaf ]if' Maple Grove, Mr. and Airs. C to hospital people ta have 1-lamer and family at Mr. 1M. somýKthing ta share with oth-ers.1 Bird's. Hospitals are not and cannut j Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales Jr. remrain static. Medical sciente and David, Hampton; Mizs is constantly making new d,, Lynn Bradlcy, Zian; Miss Irenec mands on hospital facili ls. im - Br*1a -g, Toronto, at Mr. J. Ba- proving this technique, strc.îmi-I kersr. lining ihat. dcsigning ncwv n,- Mm and Mrs. Victor Wilson. chines, outmoding athcî-s. dis- Peterborough, at Mm. Isaac covering newv drugs, utilizing Hardy's. existing facilities ýta a gi'eat'Žr 1\Ir. and Mis. Francis Werry, extent , . . and forever on, ail Ennis killen; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ~for the bonefit of patients. WeLirry, Dr'. George Werrv and Meetings and conventions. Donald, Mr. and Mrs.Nol ta the welfare and progress of calfe, Oshawa, at Messrs. S. E. our hospitals. This Association and Wcs Werry's. bas set up regional counicils ail Mrs. Florence Prarce and axer the Province and these Marilyn. Lansing; Mrs. 'W. Ma- permit much interchange of theson, Val d'Or, Queber, Mr. ideas on a more local basis. and Mrs. Douglas McLauLill.i Then, too, at the annual meet- Mrs. Lamne Goodman, Wax ne ing there is the large displav and Babby, Oshawa, at mr. of hospital equipment whicli Harold Pascoe's. brings ta the attention af thc' Mm. and Mrs. Allan MeKen- delegates the very latest devc'l- zie, Kay and Gayle, Columbus; apirots for- the' impro uent. Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto, simplification, and economn*v o f at Mr. Ralph Davis'. hospital operatian. This part oif Mm. L. Rasevear, Tyrone, ait the convention neyer fails ta Mr. Wes His'. prove ils -warth and alone Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston, nakes lhe tr'ip rewaî'ding. Gary and Bobhy, Mr. L. Squair, Sa this Octohci', w-hen repre- Bowmanville, at Mm. Roy Lang,- senlatives of \-aur local hospi- Mads tai convene in Toronto, it is rs. W. Ashton,, Lois and for a goadco.. This year, i Ken o, Bradlev's; Mm. Douîg ini the past, the 0.H.A.'s annual F]ett, Murray and Marie, at Mi'. convention .villi bnp ta mainl- Chas. Langmaid's. î tain and improve tho( high Mm. and Mrs. Wrightson standard of entep which the tbas- Wi.ght., Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- pilais are privileged ta render inanville; Mm. Glenn Larmer, ta the people of Ontaria. 'Blackstack; Miss Lillian Hoar. _________________ Toronto; Miss Joyce Aberne- thy, Peterborough, at Mr. E. R. Nd amount af abilitv is af the TayJar's. slightest avail -wiihout honour. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cisen -Andrewý Carnegie. and Alan, Flesherton, at Mr'. Apart fram the' St. La\xxrence; Murray Vice's. the longest river iin Eastern! Mm. and Mms.. Rov Huniter, Canada is the Ottawa, 696 milesi Grand Valley; 11r. and Mrs. in length. Elmer Hunter and Marilyn .Mt. Forest, at Mr. Bruce Montgom- Mr. and¶ Mrs. George Knox and daughters; Eldon and Rus- sell Slaan, at Mr. Keith Rowe's, Bowmianville, and Mr. G. Ham- lin's. Mr. Helmer Freitag and Miss Elmna Cryderrnaf, Oshawa, at Mr. E. C ryderman's. Mr. and 1\'rs. Allan Balson, and farnily, Kingston; Mr. and ivrs. Harold Balson and fa-- ily, Hampton, at Mr. A. J. Bai- son's. Mr. E. Spires with bis moth- ci-, Mrs. W. J. Spires at Mili- Mr. and- Mrs. E. Larmer, 1 . Min Ottawa was selected as the site of Canada's federal capital by Queen Victoria in 1857. We Are Pleased to ,Z(nnounce that we have been appoinlted exclusive agents for WATCH 1[~~ -~ tongines, the World's Mo-st Honored Watch. Or in the. medium-pric. range, the. Wittnauer, distinguished con-' panion te tthe world.honored Longines. Longines-Wittnauer watches are designed with in- dividuality, handsome in op- pearance.. made witii the skill of long years of exporT. ence. Corne in and lot us help you chooscl AI wiTTNAUER. Alertly styled and ultra-thin. Hand-Iapped, Custom-made 10K gold-flled case.$S B) WITTNAUER. Smart and hanidsome. Custom-made 10K gold-filled case. Finiely styled dial. Matching expansion band. $69.30 Cl LONGINES. One of the world's finest watches. Handsome design. Rggnd 14K gold case. Genuine alligator strap. M 50 D) LONGINES. Exquisite grace, a meticulous piece of jewelry. Ovai-shaped case in 14K gold, set with four fine diamonds. $les s Hoopers Jewe Ilery & Gift Shop THE 0ORIGINýAL O 1 :i OCTOBER JURY 19 and m-lu M-21 m-22 LOVELL Umar TRIYPMAT. OM. lt& Wou T= CANADIAN STATESMA*. IBOWMANVnZýM ONTAMO I14r. and Mrs. Ralph, Larmner, Sharon, John and Dayid, Black- stock, Rev. and Mrs. ]P. J. Reed and daughter, RichiYofd Hill; Miss Beatrice McLear, Mr. and IMrs. McLean of LocÂt Hill, at Mr. Harvey Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Frapk Moore* IBowmariville; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake ard familY, Millbrook; Mrs. Nelson Fice a nd children. Zion, at Mr. Frank Westlake's,,Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frink Cook and children, Bowmarville, at Mr. Frank Westlake'a; Jr. Mrs. S. Rundie. Miss Jean I'Rundle. Mrs. Edth Sanderson, Bowmanville, M~r. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Miss Marion Wright, Mr. ind Mrs. Wm Jewell and Boyd, Tyrone, I and Mrs. E. J. Wray and daug2 ters, Oshawa, at Mr. R. CrYý Iderman's. Pylsai4d Joan Westlake at1 M. Frartk Cook's, Bowman-,-, The C.G.I.T. and Explorers will meet on Saturday after- noon, October là at 2 o'clock.- Mr. anid Mrs. J. Large, Rob- bie and Janet, Bowmanviiie, at Mr. Walter Parrinder's. Members of Baker's and Bradley's Communty' Clubs wiii be guests of Sauina Home and School Club at their meet- ing on Friday evening, Octa- ber 21 at 8.15 o'clock, whcn the guest speaker will be Mrs. Watson of Toronto, secretary of the Trustees and Ratepayers' Association. Miss Marie Oldham of Brooklin, was a weekend guest af Nancy Bird. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werrv, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry, at-« tended the stiver wcedding an- niversary celebration honorîng Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry at their home at Enniskillen Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mirs. Wes Yellow- lees, Harold and Murray, were Thanksgiving Day visitors at Mr. Charles Allin's, Bowman- ville. October 19 is the date for the W. 1. bazaar in the Community i / PAQX =RT=N -